#there was this whole controversy where ppl took their very popular fics down bc ppl were binding it and selling it on etsy!?!?!?!?!?!?!
lolexjpg · 2 months
ALSO. didnt wanna go into a tangent in the ask but. i have mostly avoided antigirlfic sentiment by just curating my online space but i DID see this tiktok recently where it was like "i opened this fic that was like 100k and such a cool concept but one of the characters was made a girl!!?!??!?!!? and i was so disappointed why would they do that"
like a) how did u miss the m/f tag u can filter that shit. b) how can u feel so entitled to someone elses writing being exactly what you want? you dont have to fucking read it?? and then in the comments they were saying 'kinda homophobic honestly' and idk what fandom this was but what an INSANE conclusion to jump to there about a STRANGER.
and like i get when it comes to traditional writing its reasonable to make a stink abt lack of representation but on ao3? where m/m is the majority and the platform is infinite and people are writing for FREE youre gonna complain???? literally just read something else the author owes you NOTHING
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