#there were like 5 video examples I wanted to include but noooooo
semisentientseafood · 5 months
Something kinda small I really like about side order is the amount of scene-specific dialogue voice clips there is. This is absolutely corn plate level stuff but this is my tumblr so I’ll yap about tiny things like this as I please
In octo expansion, outside of a small handful of scenes, majority of the talking sounds are just the same as they are on the news, slightly changing with expression depending on what’s being said as they normally do. If you go and replay/rewatch parts of octo expansion Pearl and Marina’s dialogue gibberish won’t always sound the exact same in the same places as it’s just grabbing randomly from their voice strings with slight variation depending on expression.
There’s a bit more of these scene-specific voice clips in return of the mammalians, though similar to octo expansion they’re still pretty limited to one-time intro or ending type stuff such as Frye’s shouts when deep cut appears in early and late alterna. Side order however’s got a buuunch of these, still mainly in cutscenes but not as limited to just high-action parts of scenes. Majority of the cutscenes in side order will sound the same every time when it comes to the characters talking in them.
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(I would’ve put this scene in video here as an example but there’s another video below and tumblr doesn’t like more than one video on posts 💔)
I really like that they did this cause the characters’ voices sound a lot more appropriately expressive for the situations they’re in. Even though they’re saying “sbdbjwsnsbjd” you can still clearly pinpoint a tone of voice, and sometimes the clips will even kinda match with the cadence of the phrase being said/dialogue speed which I think is Pretty Neat
(There’s way more examples of this but again tumblr hates multiple videos)
Also double appreciation here shoutout to every Pearl drone animation ever but this is a post abt voice clips so I’ll relate these things to each other. The scene when Eight and Pearl first find Marina agitando I really like cause along with the scene-specific worried Pearl voice clips they do a great job conveying her distress in her animations even though she’s literally just a sphere with eyebrows and wings
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Anyways I don’t know why I wrote this long of a post on the expressiveness of “wsjdncgsgsh” talking sounds but nobody stopped me soooo enjoy the ramblings of someone who likes this game a normal amount
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