wxlfmoons · 4 years
She’s a kitsune. Sharing her body with another spirit that is mischievous, dangerous, and out of control.
She has powers that were barely even hinted at yet.
Her mother is 900 years old, with countless life lessons to teach, potentially dozens of old enemies or rivals or friends for Kira to meet and interact with, could have other kitsune children for Kira to meet and get to know.
She just found out in the past year that she’s as good as immortal and going to outlive everyone she loves and cares about.
She went to train with three nigh-all powerful and ancient spirits or guardians or whatever.
She was dating the most significant supernatural being in Beacon Hills and regarded as his equal, never his lesser.
She got her ability to heal when she got her first tail, through attaining wisdom and experience. She had at least eight more tails to go, each of which would coincide with learning another lesson or having another important experience and gaining her more power in the process.
She’s an expert swordswoman, instinctively. What else could she do, that she just didn’t even know to try yet?
She’s the first and only girl on the lacrosse team, the show’s favorite and go-to sport.
She was in a position to mentor new character Hayden on what its like to suddenly be a supernatural creature with a dangerous side you don’t know how to control.
She made a deal with three very old, very powerful beings to save her friends, a deal which could have serious consequences if broken, a deal that her friends would absolutely do everything in their power to break to save her.
Teen Wolf Writers and Producers: But nah, see, there really was nothing left to do with Kira’s character, we had to make room for more new characters with untapped potential and more to explore. We basically did all we could with Kira, it was time for her to go.
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wxlfmoons · 4 years
All You Could Want
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I couldn’t help but think of @alan713ch​ ‘s post here that I reblogged.  I have no doubt that it is utterly true, but I always think that these things can be better with a concrete example.  And there’s no better example than how the Teen Wolf fandom totally slept on the Scott and Kira romance.
Oh, yes, it had it’s adherents, but it was never passionately embraced by the fandom.  Scott and Kira, if you count them being together from their first date in Galvanize (3x15) were a couple for forty-two episodes, longer than any other relationship on the show.  And yet they have less stories on AO3 than the Canon relationship of Boyd and Erica, which lasted at the most like 8 episodes (and that’s stretching it) and ridiculously fewer stories than the big three white m/m relationships – Sterek, Steter, and Thiam. 
(And before anyone gets their undies in a bundle – I’m not excluding myself from this criticism.  I’m not pointing at any individual person and saying you should write Scott x Kira.  I’m talking about numbers.  I’m talking about trends.)
But if you look at it closely, the canon relationship touched on every single major romantic trope that populates fan fiction.  You can barely read a Sterek, Steter, or Thiam fiction that doesn’t incorporate one of these tropes.  Let’s look at the list:
Opposition from friends: “ Scott, no way. Until we figure out if she’s just another psychotic monster that’s going to start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction.”   
Opposition from family: “Foxes and wolves tend not to get along, not just in fables and stories.”
Inability to express their feelings:  “So if you die down here, are you going to regret not kissing your girlfriend?” 
Obstructive trauma from the past: “I guess it’s supposed to be part of her. But now it looks… Differently. Almost like it’s taking over. I don’t know. Something’s happening. And to be honest … I don’t know if I could trust her anymore.”
One lover forced to torture the other: “ Your hand goes here. So, let me explain what’s about to happen. This one, the fox, has an immunity to electricity. So she’s going to turn the dial on the Alpha.“
Mind-controlled lover trying to kill the other: “He’s been through quite a lot without ever having to kill. I think it’s time to change that.”
Fortifying belief:  “Me again. I have to leave. But I’m coming back to help. I promise. Because you’re right, Scott. If anyone’s going to save Mason, it’s you. It’s us.”
Unwilling separation:  “I made a deal with them. And I need to. It’s not for my parents. It’s not for you. It’s for me.”
It’s like the Greatest Hits of Romantic Plotlines.   And yet, something about this relationship didn’t spark the fandom’s imagination.   You see the relationship isn’t just seriously neglected, it’s disparaged.  The criticisms run like this:
Kira is a replacement for Allison, even though the dynamic wasn’t the same and her actions weren’t the same. 
Kira is a “placeholder for a certain type of villain.”  
Scott isn’t over Allison. (This is one of the favorite of the Sterek/Steter crew because they fixate on Scott’s supposed obsession with Allison because it’s how they attack Scott’s decisions in Season 1 and 2.   If Scott was able to move on from Allison while not forgetting about her, their claim that the only reason Scott didn’t bow to the Hales was his obsession with a hunter’s daughter gets undermined.  If they can’t blame it on Scott’s hormones or stupidity, they have to face the fact that the Hales were violent thugs, and Scott was right to tell them to get lost.)
Kira is boring, because dealing with the fact that she’ll outlive everyone she knows and can drain the electricity from an entire city doesn’t seem interesting.
Their relationship is saccharine.  (Note that when Liam breaks Theo’s nose three times, it’s passion, but when Kira throws Scott in The Maid of Gevaudan, it’s … missed.)
Scott spends too much time pursuing Kira and not enough time doing his job.  Which isn’t his job.  
They don’t have chemistry.   Yeah, sure.  
Kira doesn’t give Scott what he needs.  (I still don’t truly get this one, but I think it means that Kira was supportive of Scott when he needed it without sarcasm or helpful criticism of how he could be a better alpha, as every other person he loved constantly gave him.  The idea that someone could just have faith in Scott without questioning his competence just doesn’t fit – though blind faith in Derek’s leadership, Peter’s competence, or Theo’s inherent goodness is a major part of the big three romances.)
I’m citing this, not to tell people who to ship, but to support the argument that minority ships – especially where both participants are minorities – tend to be overlooked and neglected, most often for the two closest white people.  That behavior and tropes are recognized in ships in which both participants are white.  It’s simply another fandom thing.
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wxlfmoons · 4 years
i’m rewatching some scira scenes again and i’ve fallen back into this scira hole. i miss them so damn much 😭
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wxlfmoons · 4 years
Scott picked up an unconscious Kira and carried her out of the Eichen House, while she sent electric shocks from her body and he literally died more every second he held her but still did not let her go until he broke down when they were safe, this is what I call true love
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wxlfmoons · 4 years
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Scira + tv tropes
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wxlfmoons · 4 years
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hey i just met you, and this is crazy
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wxlfmoons · 4 years
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social media au: couple account edition
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wxlfmoons · 5 years
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scira moodboard: 3x13; anchors
and what do they call you? kira. she’s in our history class.
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wxlfmoons · 6 years
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3.19 | 4.02
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wxlfmoons · 7 years
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“I feel very strongly that I love you more than you imagine, more than I thought possible.”
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wxlfmoons · 7 years
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4.01 | 4.03
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wxlfmoons · 7 years
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Scott and Kira + their children 
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wxlfmoons · 7 years
in the hallway
pairing: isaac/kira brotp, slight scott/kira, mentions of isaac/allison rating: pg-13 words: ~1200 author’s notes: set post-illuminated. because when i found out that isaac likes comic books, i figured he would totally bond with kira over them (maybe stiles too) and i just want some yukilahey. plus i get to fangirl about comics through them, which is an added bonus.  read on: [ao3] [ff.net]
Keep reading
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wxlfmoons · 7 years
in the hallway
pairing: isaac/kira brotp, slight scott/kira, mentions of isaac/allison rating: pg-13 words: ~1200 author’s notes: set post-illuminated. because when i found out that isaac likes comic books, i figured he would totally bond with kira over them (maybe stiles too) and i just want some yukilahey. plus i get to fangirl about comics through them, which is an added bonus.  read on: [ao3] [ff.net]
It's probably the most cliche meeting ever but she is the clumsiest person ever, so all in all it makes some weird sense that as she walks out from her classroom, she knocks straight into what feels like a rock which has her almost falling backwards. But a firm hand on her shoulder steadies her and as she looks up to thank whoever it was, she can only raise an eyebrow in surprise.
It’s Isaac Lahey.
She has to crane her neck upward to properly look at him (he looks like a giant next to her), but she knows him, has seen him around before. He's in Scott's pack, was there when she made a complete fool of herself by practically admitting to eavesdropping on their conversation and actually barging into business that wasn't her own. She also thinks she saw him the other night at the rave with Allison, his face covered in glow in the dark paint.
"Uh, thanks," she finally mutters out, once she is able to steady herself.
He lets go, nodding a head in acceptance of her gratitude before he takes a good look at her, the recognition finally kicking in. "You're that girl Scott brought with him at the party, Kira right?"
She nods, surprised he remembered but also quite glad. There didn't seem to be enough people who remembered her name. "Yeah, and you're Isaac? I've seen you with Scott— not like you're with with him like in a romantic relationship, which if you are then that's totally okay with me — but I mean physically with him, like standing next to him when you're in the hallway," she begins to ramble, and she curses herself and her inability to keep her mouth shut and stop the words from flowing— why do they keep flowing?
She hopes she hasn't scared him off but he's looking at her in amusement more than possibly freaked out, so she takes it as a good sign. She really wants to make new friends around here, and if he was already Scott's friend then even better. "You talk a lot," he tells her but not unkindly, and she looks down in embarrassment.
"And yes, I am Scott's friend, but no, we're not together like that," he clears up, her cheeks only burning hotter.
"Uh yeah, sorry about that. I tend to ramble a lot."
He nods, still amused. "I've noticed."
She bites her lip when there's a momentary lapse of silence, taking a small peek up at him from beneath her hair. She really doesn’t know where to go from here; would this be a good time to leave and act like they’ve never met before or should she continue the conversation, considering her desperation to make new friends? Kira considers the latter, because why the hell not, and is ready to speak when Isaac beats her to it.
"You like comics right?"
It's completely unexpected and she takes a few seconds to recover from shock but she takes it in stride, happy to talk about something she is actually very enthusiastic about. "Actually I do. How'd you know?"
"Your tights at the rave. I assumed since you don't really see girls wear stuff like that. Branded shirts yeah, but not printed pants."
She nods in understanding. She has been called out on it one too many times back in New York. "Yeah, I bought them at Hot Topic. I have a DC one at home, but I prefer the Marvel one."
This captures his attention, the boy raising a brow in what she assumes to be curiosity. "You're a Marvel fan?"
"If I had to choose then yeah, definitely Marvel."
He nods, digesting the information curiously. "Who's your favorite?"
"I uh, have the biggest crush on Captain America."
He doesn't seem to look surprised, which confuses her because people usually assume she prefers Tony Stark. "That means you like Chris Evans then."
She nods before she realises it, “Yeah.” But when he shoots her a knowing look, it kind of looks condescending too, she backtracks. "I mean, he is pretty cool and he’s a good actor but I just like Steve Rogers in general."
"You think he's hot don't you?"
She frowns. She does think he’s hot, really hot, but she’s not going to admit that, especially to a guy she barely knows. “If that’s your line of logic, then going by it I'm pretty sure you're a Black Widow— no, Scarlett Johansson fan because she's hot."
He is slightly taken aback by her sudden snark, but welcomes it, putting up two hands in surrender. "You got me there." When she rolls her eyes, he continues, "But actually, I'm more of a Spiderman fan."
"Ah, Peter Parker," she muses and he frowns.
"Is there something wrong with Peter Parker?" He almost looks defensive and Kira realises that that may have come out sounding wrong.
"What? No, nothing's wrong with Peter. I just assumed you'd be like I don't know, a Wolverine or maybe even an Iron Man fan."
Isaac shrugs. "Wolverine's alright, but I'm not a fan of Stark."
"Oh? So that means, when Civil War comes out you'd be Team Cap?"
He shoots her a knowing look. "You just want more people on Team Cap."
She bites her lip, and he chuckles a little bit. "But yeah, maybe. I'd choose Cap over Stark any day."
"Why do you hate him so much?"
The sudden shout has them both turning at the same time, only to find Scott walking over to them from across the hall. He is ready to say something when he sees the boy, but when Scott sees her, for some reason he looks surprised.
"Kira? What are you doing here?"
She is a little hurt, because his tone sounds a little accusatory, but she knows he isn’t like that at all so she just shrugs a little shyly. She doesn’t notice Isaac eyeing the both of them curiously, and almost knowingly at their interaction. ”I bumped into Isaac on the way out and we just kinda got talking."
Scott looks over to Isaac for confirmation and he nods, the male looking oddly satisfied at his answer. "I see."
"So, what'd you need?"
Scott turns to him, finally remembering the reason he's there. "Right, Allison's looking for you."
Isaac raises a brow, Kira noticing how Scott already has his full attention at the mention of the girl. "Allison?"
He nods. "Yeah, something about looking over the bestiary and whatnot.”
She sort of knows what a bestiary is, has read about it before, but since she’s still new at all this supernatural stuff, figures it’s just better not to ask. She sees Isaac nod in understanding, almost as if looking over the bestiary meant something more than just ‘looking over the bestiary’, but again doesn’t say anything. It’s not her right to pry.
Just as he turns to leave, he meets her eye. "He's an asshole, even more so in the movies."
Scott looks confused but she understands, "He’s not a complete asshole. He makes his mistakes in Age of Ultron, but he's not all bad.”
He shrugs, before giving her a slight nod and jogs across the hall, out to where Allison was probably waiting. When he’s out of earshot, she notices Scott looking down at her confused and curious.
“What was that about?”
She only smiles up at him. “Just making a few friends.”
At this, Scott looks strangely pleased, beaming brightly down at her. “Then you should hang out with us more, become friends with Allison and Lydia, and not just Isaac.”
She smiles at him like he is the sun. “I’d like that.”
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wxlfmoons · 7 years
hi was Scott a freshman or a sophomore when he got bitten?
scott was a sophomore when he got bitten, because in seasons 3-4 he was a junior and i’m pretty sure the first two seasons happened in the same semester.
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wxlfmoons · 7 years
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defining the relationship
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wxlfmoons · 7 years
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Teen Wolf is about…love.
(from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veySGJUUoOA )
(credits to the owners)
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