#there were only two people on cash and so obvi the line was long
swiftful-thinking13 · 2 years
when I tell you that the guests today were directly from the pits of hell I’m not even exaggerating…why was every person the absolute WORST
#usually there’s a nightmare guest every other shift#but today was EVERY single guest#i don’t even know where to begin#some dude describing his girlfriend’s body to me in the most unnecessarily grotesque and disrespectful manner#the lady who claimed that she had credit from a return on a RECEIPT…and that she *lost* her gift card#she stayed at our store for two hours.#or the lady explaining to me how I am technically not petite after I threw that word around to describe what length I like my leggings GDKDH#or the THREE guests who explained to me how ugly and atrocious our patterns are as if I came up with them😩😩l#or this person who tried to return $600 worth of stolen clothes and I had to grab my manager#oh and my personal favorite#there were only two people on cash and so obvi the line was long#and this bitch walks up to the counter and throws her jacket on the table and she’s VIBRATING with fury#about how she almost walked because of the line and she wouldn’t respond to anything I said lmaoo I even wished her a good day at the end#and she looked like she wanted to murder my ass#I was fr having a mini panic attack at the register#everyone needs to click their personal reset button bc what the fuck was that#you know I’m pissed when my retail voice drops 😵‍💫#I do not get paid enough for this shit#I was disassociating on my drive home hskdhdk#I honestly don’t think I’m ready for holiday season#on top of this our new assistant manager is a fucking useless incompetent CLOWN#but that’s a story for another time🫣
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hyyunjinn · 7 years
a locker flower a day because i like you | florist!hyunjin fic
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→ pairing: florist!hyunjin x reader (ft minho and the owner of the flower shop and bff!jisung ahahah)
→ pronouns: they/them
→ genre: f L U F F ♡♡♡ + high school au
→ format: bulletlist
→ words: 5.3k
→ a/n: IDK I JUST HAD THIS IDEA FROM READING THIS SANHA FLUFF and I wanted to write with flowers so uh yEAH. AND IT’S SO LONG LMAO I DIDN’T THINK IT’D END UP AS 5K WORDS I actually considered changing it to a florist!Jisung but then I was like “naAAhHHh I’ll be biased and write about Hyunjin” lkdsjfadshj I hope you guys enjoy this! it’s so cliche askldjfa
Hyunjin needed a job and didn’t want to work at a restaurant or something so when he was walking home from school one day, he saw a poster for a florist shop in need of employees and he was like “oh that’s cute” and just yoloed and decides to apply
easily got the job not because he was like the only applicant but because he walked in and the old lady running the store was like “oh! you look like a flower boy omg!”
and he just scrunches up his face and laughs and he pretty much landed the job
pushing open the creaky door to the low ceiling shop on his first day, the old lady was so excited he already loved the job
she taught him meanings of flowers, how to trim the stems and thorns, and how to arrange a bouquet
HYUNJIN GOT SO INVESTED IN THE MEANING OF FLOWERS--he bought his own copy and loves to sit by the sofa in front of the shop and read each flower
he brings it up to his friends sometimes too and they’re like “lksadjf lmao hyunjin who knew you would like these kind of things”
but the owner of the shop loves how excited hyunjin is about flowers and is always telling him some kind of stories about bouquets people have ordered and super cute stories about customers
she was such his hypeman the first time he arranged a bouquet lmao
plus imagine hyunjin in one of those dark green aprons with his white button up uniform sleeves rolled up halfway askldfjklsdjff b y e
and the fact that he’s towering over this sweet old lady B Y E
most of the time, he took care of the hanging garden inside the shop, watering the flower pots and if work was slow, would do his homework on the sofa
the shop is only open on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 10 to 6. Hyunjin usually has the shift from 3 to 6 while his only other coworker, Minho, switched off.
although Minho really likes working there too so he usually sticks around
Hyunjin loves it when customers come in. they’re more frequent than he thought and his smile is so bright the customer buys one extra flower because why not because he’s cute duh
his favorite is when he’s tending to the flowers and a customer walks in and he just gets to recommend flowers, occasionally calling to the old lady for help because he can’t recall what this certain flower means
but the customer doesn’t mind because he’s so into his work
you’re his classmate ohhoh
sits a seat diagonally in front of him and your friend, Jisung sits right behind you, next to him
he always thought you were cute—the way you laughed and playfully argued with Jisung
how he can always see your face clearly when you turn around to talk to Jisung
plus he can discreetly steal glances at you because your teacher is still in his line of sight so it looks like he’s paying attention to the lesson when he’s really studying the way your hair rustles when you move  
doesn’t usually talk to you—mostly only through Jisung because he doesn’t know how to start a conversation
that’s because you two sort of stopped talking to each other during the end of seventh grade up until sophomore year since no classes were shared
you two considered each other to be close but in reality, that’s because you two knew each other since grade one.
that’s why it’s a little awkward
yet last year when he finally had one class with you again
all his feelings hit 
and he actually held up a couple of conversations with you? however, something always interfered and the conversation was interrupted
it was a Friday afternoon and he just appeared to the main room of the shop, still tying his apron when the front door creaked in notice of a customer
“hi! welcome to—oh, hey”
he looked up to face your hesitant stance as you awkwardly walk into the shop
your heart rate shot up
“o-oh, hi Hyunjin. I didn’t know you work here”
you mentally facepalmed yourself for stuttering over your words
it’s not like you developed a crush on him or anything. he doesn’t even talk to you in class
he let out an awkward laugh, “yeah. I got the job recently”
Minho and the old lady walked in with the new deliveries of flowers and immediately registered the tension
and they grinned lmao
“hELLO!” the old lady chirped, dropping her box of flowers on the countertop and startling Hyunjin “what would you like to say today?”
she snapped you back to attention and Minho took the opportunity to whisper into Hyunjin’s ear:
“you like them don’t you?”
he snickered to himself as Hyunjin spluttered over his words
“you’re too easy to read kid”
as he went to organize the box of flowers in his arms, Hyunjin stayed at his position behind the cash register, tracing the worn out guide of flower bouquets and their prices
he can hear the old lady ask you why you wanted to buy flowers and his heart stuttered when you say:
“it’s for my dad~ his birthday is coming up and I wanted to say I love you and I’ll always be there to support you.”
Hyunjin smiled to himself as he continued tracing the guide and you bet Minho caught that smile ohohohoho 
“love and support? hmmm, I think this flower and this flower…”
the old lady finished picking out the flowers with the correct meaning and slammed her hand on the  counter dramatically
“hEy Hyunjin! can you arrange the flowers for me? Minho and I have to finish sorting the new flowers in the back”
she said that way too loud and Minho cheekily winked at Hyunjin before the both of them disappeared behind the door
you just stood there awkwardly with a bundle of flowers resting on your arms and flashed Hyunjin a confused smile
he smiled back and motioned for you to give him the flowers
“uhhh, so how’s this job?” you asked, trying to break the silence “i didn’t think you would work at a floral place.”
“I actually really like it here,” Hyunjin replied, still focused on arranging the flowers. “it’s really chill and I really like Nana and Minho.”
you watched, fascinated on how his hands gingerly picked up each flower and with a quick glimpse, decided where to place the stem into the vase
“okay that would be $27”
he finally looked up at you and you had to avoid his gaze
then your phone went off
“oh! sorry let me take this for a sec,” you excused yourself, exiting the building
“psst you should give her a dark pink rose”
Hyunjin jumped and Minho and the old lady laughed
“it means thank you,” the old lady added, pushing it into Hyunjin’s hand “you can make up the excuse it’s for all customers who buy bouquets here or something I don’t know”
Hyunjin just glared at them before the door signaled your incoming again, his hand dropping to his side to hide the rose while Minho and the old lady scurried off
“$27 right?” you clarified, giving him three $10 bills
singlehandedly, while still gripping the rose, Hyunjin gave your change and all and just as you took the vase--
“um, here! it means thank you for purchasing here!” he exclaimed
surprised, you gently took the rose from him and studied the perfect way the dark colored petals formed the flower and how pretty it was “oh, really? that’s cute, Thanks Hyunjin—see you”
he just watched until he couldn’t see you outside the glass door anymore and Minho and the old lady burst into the room, complaining how awkward and blunt he was about it
to say you were flustered was an understatement—you had to get out of there. when you looked up into his eyes when he gave you the flower, you swore you saw a sparkle and you had to blast
when you arrived home, you told your mom you got the bouquet but the first thing she saw was the solo rose in your hand.  
“what is that” and you heard the slight teasing in her voice
“oh this?” you looked at the rose and panic when hyunjin’s kind eyes flashed through your mind
“it’s a thing the shop does when customers purchase something! it means ‘thank you’”
she just looked at you suspiciously before gushing about the vase of flowers in your other hand
finally escaping her and filling one of the empty vases you had at home with water, you put the rose in it and carried it to your room
where you put it to the side of your desk
I know this is just a marketing strategy, but—
you shook your head and went to go distract yourself
but the distraction didn’t really help
the next day at school, you were just about to bring up dark pink roses when Hyunjin appeared into the classroom and you shut up
Jisung asked again but you waved him off with a “nevermind”
Hyunjin did catch “pink roses,” so after school at work, he was just tending the flowers when the dark pink roses caught his eyes
caught staring at the basket of roses, Nana went ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and sidled up to the zoned out boy
“soooooooooooooooo, you like them?”
hyunjin jumped, his hand whacking the flower basket and the roses spilled to the floor
Minho was just about to bid his goodbyes when he heard this—
“they mentioned about the rose to someone and you overheard huh?”
“w h a—”
“AWWW HYUNJINNIE YOU’RE SO CUTE! Nana will help you!”
“wait Nana no—”   
basically Nana and Minho created this elaborate plan to give you a flower each day with a cute note with its meaning and managed to convince Hyunjin to do so 
“isn’t it too obvi—”
Minho and Nana narrowed their eyes and looked at each other before
“eh whatever it’s cute you should do it Hyunjin”
it’s true Hyunjin could refuse, but he thought it was a pretty cute plan and he loved the way you studied flowers when you received them
so uh
the first day, he appeared into your graduating class’s hallway where everyone had their lockers there and prayed he was earlier than everyone else
more or less, there was like four kids in the hallway all focused on their phones as they waited for their friends to arrive
he tried to calmly walk towards your locker—it’s not like his hands were shaking as he hid the flower in his hoodie pocket and his heart threatening to leap out of his chest
quickly taping the flower and the pastel yellow envelope to the locker, he hurriedly shuffled to his locker just as his friend appeared into the hallway
you were a little later than usual, which meant your friends were already by the lockers
once they saw you just around the corner—
you squinted your eyes at them, too cold and tired to respond quickly
they all parted and
there was a yellow flower taped to your locker
all your friends grinned to themselves as you gently removed the tape and studied the flower
opening the note, it read:
hi! um, yes it’s one of these shy anonymous “i like you” ploys but let’s not wonder who I am—I wanted to give you this flower! It’s a prairie sunflower and sunflowers mean admiration! I really admire you and think you’re really cool and I hope this flower brightens up your day~
your heart swelled and skipped a beat and instinctively, you looked up from the note in the direction where Hyunjin usually stood with his friends
“hey hEy HEY what does the note say?”
he wasn’t looking in your direction and you immediately reprimanded yourself for even hoping it’d be him so you tore your gaze from across the hallway back to Jisung who’s grabbing at the note
you whacked him and he dramatically screamed
Hyunjin flushed hearing your shouts, but lucky for him, the cold air could be his excuse
for the next month, you would walk to your locker and see a flower taped on accompanied with a cute note in a cute, little, pastel yellow colored envelope about its meaning
and every. freaking. day.
your favorite flower was the white carnation because your mystery flower fairy (he was called that by the rest of the school) somehow knew there was a big English test you were freaking out about and explained how white carnations were historically good luck gifts. mystery flower fairy also decided to add cheesy stuff like how the flower also represents sweetness and loveliness, innocence and pure love—it doesn’t matter, you thought it was cute how they gave you a good luck gift  
back to Hyunjin—this boy was so giddy everyday and he always had his copy of the language of flowers book in his backpack, mulling over which flower you should receive the next day when he should be finishing homework
he’d hum around the shop with his nose buried in his book, trying to do his job but instead, he knocks over baskets of flowers
some regulars would whisper to Minho and Nana: “what’s up with him?”
“he’s doing that thing where he’s giving a flower to his crush each day, that little nerd.”
“it’s okay, I can’t fire him bc he’s still, sorta, doing his job… sorta”
even some regulars come just for updates on Hyunjin’s progress: what flower he’s giving his crush today, did he get caught yet, is he ever gonna confess?
it’s really cute though because sometimes he’d scream for Nana and is like “WHAT FLOWER SHOULD I GIVE THEM?????”
and Nana would pull out her ginormous book of flowers and they’ll browse for a cute flower
as Minho throws snarky comments and laughing as Hyunjin tosses him glares
Hyunjin gets really excited when new flowers are ordered though
these flowers are usually delivered around the time he reaches the shop for his shift and he’d excitedly bounce around Nana and Minho asking “what are these flowers? what do they mean? they’re really cute! do you think y/n would like them?”
one time, Hyunjin was nearly caught delivering the daily flower
you were just really early that day and cocking your head as you recognized Hyunjin’s body right where your locker is:
“um, Hyunjin? can I get to my locker?”
he probably jumped a foot high
“oh! sorry! I was just uh, looking at what flower your admirer gave you today, yeah! that’s what I was doing.”
internally his gears were turning and his ears heated up in embarrassment and his heart hammered so much he thought he could just faint
you smiled weakly, still embarrassed by the attention you received with your flower person
“yeah, a lot of people are really curious to be honest.”
Hyunjin sighed in relief that you believed him
there was this one time you got a gillyflower that meant “beauty and happiness” and there was a scribbled out portion of the card where your secret admirer probably rushed to write the note
what you deciphered was “these flowers are used in wedding bouquets to” where it was cut off and you blushed, a little flustered your admirer wrote that
jisung didn’t shut up about it for the whole day
this kid hella knows
and when Jisung missed you in the mornings because you were late to class—he’d always ask “what flower did you get today” and in the corner of his eye, he’d see Hyunjin perk up  
Jisung never vocally bothered Hyunjin about it but sometimes he’d smirk at Hyunjin and the other boy would pretend he doesn’t know anything
that’s why Jisung is so into this because he kn o w s you have some feelings for Hyunjin since like eighth grade. It’s not full blown but it’s hidden
he also knows you suspect that your admirer is Hyunjin because liek? not only whenever his name is brought up, you get all self-conscious as if you’re gonna say something that’s gonna tell the whole world you really like hyunjin
and the fact that the flowers started AFTER you visited the flower shop
Jisung was just like
“it has to be that nerd”
all his thoughts were confirmed when he caught Hyunjin delivering a flower AND SAVED HIM LMAO
Jisung snuck up behind the flower boy with a push and a “BOO” and Hyunjin knocked his head into the lockers
Jisung jokingly frowned but he was like “yeah yeah i knoW BUT THE REAL QUESTION IS—”
“Jisung NO”
“JISUNG YES. SO—” but he saw you rounding the corner with your eyes glued on your phone and
“oh sht they’re here uh HyUNJiN!” he hissed when Hyunjin fumbled and the card fluttered out of his hand
“here I got you bud—HEY Y/N! I NEED YOU TO VISIT ROOM 57 WITH ME!” and by the time you looked up, Jisung crashed into you, linked your arms together and tugged you with him
by that time, everyone in the hallway knew the locker flower fairy was Hyunjin adskjfhsdf
only you didn’t want to admit it because it was almost too good for it to be true that Hwang Hyunjin likes you
it’s just a coincidence he… works… at… a… floral… shop….
but honestly these flowers were so cute and you really wanted to meet them one day—no matter who it turns out to be—so you returned to the flower shop when winter break and finals were nearing
just wanting to escape from the cold, you rushed into the shop where Minho was trimming flowers for a bouquet at the front
you sighed softly as the shop blocked all the cold wind and waited for the door to close
“OH HI Y/N!”
your head shot up, surprised to see Nana yell your name
she just smiled at you and explained: “Hyunjin talks about you a lot!”
bashfully, you smiled at them before approaching the main counter
“what would you like to say today?”
studying as Minho trimmed the flowers, you searched to find the right words
“um, I was hoping for a flower that means ‘thank you’? like? “i admire you and thank you? I don’t know uhhhhhhh—”
“who is this for?” minho asked innocently
a flush spread across your cheeks and Nana and Minho immediately knew
“there’s uh, a person at school who gives me flowers each day with a cute note explaining the meaning behind it and? I want to tell them thank you? it’s really sweet? but the problem is, I don’t know who they are and—”
“OOH I got the perfect flower!” Nana exclaimed and she rushed to the back
“we just ordered these after a long time, lucky you y/n” Nana explained
coming back, there was an elegant stem of green, decorated with white orchids
“orchids have a variety of meanings, usually along the lines of admiration,” she said, beginning to wrap it up carefully
“this one, white orchids, mean innocence and I think this fits your situation?” she asked
you stared at the stem she’s carefully wrapping up
“y-yeah, I think so?”
when she tied it off with a translucent yellow ribbon, she handed it to you
“on the house”
you did a double take—“WAIT wHAT? aren’t orchids expensive?”
she smiled and shook her head “it’s okay! you’re a friend of Hyunjin’s right? we’ll give it to you for free”
“but I can’t—”
“just take it y/n,” minho persisted, only to add “we’ll remove $5 from Hyunjin’s pay”
he laughed when your jaw dropped, ready to protest
“I was kidding! it’s okay! just take it!”
you looked at the flowers in your hand and just
“really.” nana and minho said in unison
“thank you so much!” and as you neared the door
you totally didn’t want to bring your hopes up but you were certain your secret admirer is Hyunjin now
the next day, after receiving a cute yellow tulip wishing you to have a good day—you placed your white orchid inside your locker, only to go back to your locker after school and made sure the orchid would withstand the night taped outside your locker  
Hyunjin was shocked
he honestly nearly had a heart attack when he saw something taped outside your locker and rushed towards it, the only thing racing in his mind was someone else decided to give you flowers?
that was his thing!
except he saw Nana’s favorite yellow ribbon she uses for friendship bouquets and he paused
taking the flower off gently rather than his original intention of ripping it off, he saw the note and saw it addressed to “mystery flower person”
So uh, hi! I honestly can’t write pretty notes like how you do it and I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all the flowers you’ve given me? The ones that are still alive sit on my desk while the wilted ones are all pressed! I can’t believe you’d even spend even this much amount of time for me and to be honest, I’m lying when I say I’m not embarrassed. But they’re really sweet, don’t worry—so I wanted to return the favor! You probably already know what this flower means, but the white means innocence—my innocence of not knowing your identity—and orchids mean admiration and gratitude, and I want to thank you for all the cute flowers you’ve given me. I hope I get to know your identity soon!   
Hyunjin legit collapsed onto his knees in happiness and couldn’t contain the dumb grin from appearing on his face.
once he reached the flower shop for that day’s shift,
Nana poked her head from behind a shelf, “what nonsense are you talking abou—”
minho snickered and hyunjin was ready to fight the older boy
but? tomorrow was the last day before winter break and?
“i’m gonna do it”
“you’re gonna chicken out kid”
“minho! don’t tell him that—hyunjin you can do it”
honestly hyunjin was in a crisis for the rest of the day, not even focusing on his work as he flipped through pages and pages of the book to find the perfect flower
cue him slamming his head repeatedly on the book
the mom currently in the store raised her eyebrow at him and Minho had to grab him by the hand and drag him to the back of the store
“hey nana, do you think giving them a tulip would be nice?” he interrupted the old lady when she was in the middle of talking to a customer
“yo kid she’s helping someone—”
“hyung help meeee”
minho and hyunjin were trimming thorns on new roses when hyunjin was so deep in thought he poked himself and started bleeding
he also shot up and ran around the store only to forget what idea popped in his head and he just screamed
the regular was also a boy in love but his story was giving his boyfriend flowers up until he proposed to him and he’s like “not able to pick a flower again, hyunjin?”
“nana, do you think he’s gonna be okay?”
“he’s gonna be fine minho”
“hyunjin hurry up we’re gonna close soon”
he walked around the store like two hundred times until he had to ring up the last customer who decided to buy a bouquet of dark pink roses
“i can give them this”
“AW HOW CUTE!” minho yelled when he saw the younger boy hold the dark pink rose
“DON’T CHICKEN OUT!” minho encouraged, hip bumping into hyunjin that caused the latter boy to stumble and decided to fight back before nana tsked at them to stop
to say your heart dropped when you didn’t see a flower the next day was an understatement
you were sort of hoping mystery flower person would like the flower you gave back to them but—
even Jisung was surprised
“oh, no flower today?”
“yeah, I wonder why,” you said deflatedly as you twisted the familiar lock
the locker clicked open and out fluttered a yellow pastel envelope and jisung whooped
“nAH theY’re too smitten to stop askldfjasf” jisung teased and you narrowed your eyes at him
“YOu kNOW—”
“NO I DON’T! I’m saying,,, I’d do the same thing?”
you paused, your heart rate escalating but also dropping, wrongly interpreting what your best friend 
“... this was all you?”
“WAIT NO OH MY GOSH NO wait i didn’t mean it like that—i love you y/n—but askldfj what i meant was that—” he paused for a tense second, hopping on the balls of his feet before “jUST READ THE NOTE!” he blurted
hesitantly, you opened the envelope (and jisung stole a quick glance at hyunjin from across the hallway where said boy was glaring daggers at jisung) and pulled out the note
Hey Y/N, I was wondering if we could meet up here, at your locker, after school? You probably already know what I’ll say but I’ll meet you at 3:10? I need time to steel my nerves and then I’ll tell you? If you can’t make it, tape the note outside your locker saying you can’t. Thanks.
you couldn’t concentrate for the rest of the day oh boy
you were on the edge in every single class room and the minutes passed by so slowly you thought you were gonna die  
yet by the time the last bell rung, you couldn’t move as your anxiety increased
“y/n?? y/nnnnn?” jisung called, waving his hand in front of your eyes as the classroom quickly emptied while your supplies still sat on your desk
“what do i do?” you whispered “they’ve been so nice to me but what if i reject them or something?”
jisung smiled softly and squeezed your shoulders
“don’t worry, trust me,” he reassured
you turned to face him “you know who this person is don’t you”
he just 😬 and you shook your head
“it’s gonna be fineeeeee”
you sighed and packed up your things, bid your teacher bye and left the classroom,
where you slowly dragged your feet to where your locker is
“good luck bro” jisung said just as you reached the hallway
“tell me everything later!” he said and turned around to leave the school
taking a huge breath, you tried to steady your shaky nerves and walked into the hallway
there were a couple of your classmates left, all conversing with their friends and your nerves heightened when you didn’t see anyone at your locker
pulling out your phone, you saw that it was 3:08
here we go
reaching your locker, you slowly switched out the supplies and things you needed and whatnot
it was only 3:09 when you finished and it was treacherous
the closed locker door, the clicked lock, the double check pull on the lock and just as your hand released the lock
turning around, your eyes met a set of nervous brown ones that immediately flicked away when they met yours
it was hyunjin
the rose was hidden behind his back but hyunjin couldn’t keep his hands from shaking and he tried his best to calm down but the moment you turned around, all coherent thoughts flew out of his mind
“um, I—”
he gaped at you helplessly, but it’s not like you knew how to react either
he held out the flower with both hands and looked down at his shoes, too afraid to look at you; his face was completely red, his breathing shallow
you looked at the familiar dark pink rose and a nervous giggle escaped you
“thanks, hyunjin”
taking the rose from him finally prompted him to look at you in the eye and you smiled at him, not really knowing what to do next
“i,,,, uh,”
“okay for real though, did you really not know it was me?” hyunjin blurted, his shyness disappearing and his usual self peeking through the way he carries himself around you—the familiar “i think we’re friends so i’ll tease you but idk what happened so i’ll be a little awkward around you” him
“h E Y it was either i embarrass you or i embarrass myself and i’d rather not jump to conclusions and ask if you’re the flower fairy when there was a possibility you’re not” you animatedly explained, but hyunjin didn’t really listen
he was trying to process that he sort of failed his confession and before he knew what he was doing:
“i like you”
your heart stopped because even though you heard it when he was going through his rambling confession, you didn’t expect him to say it again and you heard it clearly this time
“look, I know we haven’t really talked since middle school so I don’t really expect anything, i just wanted you to know and I really loved seeing your reactions to getting the flowers”
you glared at him
“you didn’t even hear what i was gonna say kid,” you sassed.
“you hesitated”
“you’re point is?”
hyunjin sighed, adrenaline still rushing as he tried to think coherently and his mind raced in fear of what you’ll say next, but: “sorry, go on?”
you took a deep breath to steady your voice before “i think I like you too”
hyunjin took a moment to process your words before: “you think?”
“it’s just, like you said, we haven’t really talked since middle school and you changed a lot so—”
“would you like to meet up during break then?”
you looked up and he was looking straight into your eyes and he looked so sincere—
“y-yeah, yeah i’d like that”  
a huge grin spread across his features and, noticing a small yellow flower on a nearby bush, he plucked it and tucked it behind your ear
heat rushed up to cheeks as his fingers brushed your skin so you attempted to ruin the mood by saying “what’s up with you and flowers? you never struck me as the one to like flowers this much”
“that’s because i like you”
you two locked eyes and
you were laughing so hard, he felt the need to be defensive
“it’s okay, I’ll go and ask Nana and Minho instead~~~~”   
969 notes · View notes
8/3/18 viernes!!  (and last night)
i made it through my last class! wahoo! but first. last night ended up very fun. before we left, the power in the entire neighborhood went. there was a class happening in the studio as well. they ignored it. i waited in the dark. laura, nico and i took an uber to the place where fede played. it was an old market/bar/restaurant. it was cool and cold. per usual. fede was great, there were two older guys that read poetry from a book and then some cool electro duo.
laura’s besty who lives in barca is in town so she met up with her friend pablo. we then all went to el popu. i happened to know it was their two-year anniversary because charlie told me earlier in the day at nomade. we went. it was very fun. dancing and what not. people really don’t speak english here much, because why would they? but they do listen to our music. which makes me happy. charlie and my other friend, batchy (which i originally thought was batshit) were there. they were excited to see me, and me them. i also saw the people i’ve been seeing at el popu. my crew of people left early, but i was not tired (drank too much coffee earlier) and had vino left. i was talking with batchy, and he was telling the people we were talking with that i was popular here. which i was obvi amused by. he was like, how long did it take you to get to know everyone in montevideo? two weeks? i guess i am doing a good job. i made a new friend there, josephine and talked more with the people who work there. i also got more of the inside scoop on el popu. it’s a very cool place. not just a bar - it’s a community. i ended up staying till 5am. i wasn’t tired! 
ok. so. woke up this morning and had to get to class. told laura my plan was coffee, class, atm, buy an avocado, then home. she said something along the lines of, who knows what will happen between then and getting the avocado.went to nomade for coffee. saw charlie and he explained how someone broke into the coffee shop the night before, they broke the window. person only stole the cash register (the till), which luckily did not have much in inside. i also decided i would buy coffee from them for gifts because they roast it there, and they are my friends. then class. it was hard. but good. and done! 
then. last part in this long entry. i needed to take out money because the card machine at el popu wasn’t working last night so i owe money. again. the place i had been going to was closed so i ended up on a journey all over my area looking for an atm that i could use. was not easy. i did it. i kinda walked all over. FINALLY got the avocado (laura was right). and now i’m home! 
oh wait. one more thing. this evening laura will help me book buenos aires and i think i’ll go to popu to pay them back. maybe read a bit of game of thrones. THE END. OOF. 
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