#there will be no joe alwyn slander not on my watch
pardonmydelays · 7 months
if you log out of this hellsite i do not blame you bc it does suck here but i will very much miss your presence 😢♥️
omg thank you so much! 🥺
yes, it really sucks to be here right now... i literally had to unfollow 100+ swifties to clear my dash cause i was sick of seeing people who are defending all her actions & shitting on joe alwyn for no reason. still, i don't even have the energy to scroll tumblr so all i do is check my messages from time to time. i definitely need a break, but seeing things like that in my inbox makes me want to think it through once again. ❤️
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
Honestly I’m glad I stumbled upon your blog, because while I’ll admit I like some of the songs Taylor puts out I don’t like her as a person. And watching the VMA’s tonight reminded me of that because of the constant conversation I hear about other artist/ people who don’t worship the ground Taylor Swift walks on.
For example, Taylor Swift was seen dancing and singing along to both Olivia Rodrigo and Demi Lovato even though her stans have been openly hateful towards both singers and Swift has said or done nothing about how her fandom speaks about other people they think have wronged her even though she claims she’s a feminist. (Rodrigo more than Lovato it seems)
Hell, Swifties were having discussions earlier this week putting down Olivia Rodrigo any chance they got before the release of her album Guts and “making jokes” about how she constantly “takes inspiration and parts from other artist songs” and makes them her own and hopes that she gets sued for them. And I won’t forget how they want a 33 year old woman to have beef with a 20 year old girl, I’m honestly rooting for Rodrigo to surpass Swift’s career because she didn’t deserve to have 50 percent of her profits taken away because of Swift and Swift seeming happy to dance and listen to performance after doing that seems Sleezy to me.
Not to mention I’m still not over how she collaborated and is now getting closer to Ice Spice despite dating the racist rat (Healy) that said derogatory things about her. It’s giving “I don’t want to face my actions so I’m going to use this woman as a shield to escape taking responsibility and accountability for my actions”
And lastly it doesn’t pertain to the VMA’s but I’m tired of the shade her stans and herself throw at Joe Alwyn too as if he didn’t basically help her when she was at her lowest when everyone was slandering her name, dare her for six years, and saw her more as just this celebrity everyone else sees her as , but the way she’s acting towards him makes me realize that if you’re that comfortable with letting your fans and stans trash the man you were supposedly in love with for 6 years then perhaps you never truly loved him at all.
Anyway I’m sorry for the long post. Tonight really reminded me of a lot of things that bother me about Taylor Swift (and that’s only the tip of the iceburg) thanks for your blog, I appreciate that not everyone likes Taylor Swift and can hold her accountable. And I’m glad I found your account,
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