#i may consider staying here but i definitely need a couple more days
pardonmydelays · 7 months
if you log out of this hellsite i do not blame you bc it does suck here but i will very much miss your presence 😢♥️
omg thank you so much! 🥺
yes, it really sucks to be here right now... i literally had to unfollow 100+ swifties to clear my dash cause i was sick of seeing people who are defending all her actions & shitting on joe alwyn for no reason. still, i don't even have the energy to scroll tumblr so all i do is check my messages from time to time. i definitely need a break, but seeing things like that in my inbox makes me want to think it through once again. ❤️
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venjras · 1 month
not my usual cup of tea but here we are. sfw, mention of cheating,
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his gaze was always on you. whenever you were in the same room, even from opposite sides, his attentive eyes did not miss even the smallest of your movements.
funny considering the fact that he had a girlfriend. you had met him when they were already a couple, you had heard from megumi that they weren’t going to last long. opposite characters, in the worst possible combination ever, the only great thing was sex and as an answer that was already enough. probably the pressure from the parents had something to do with it too, hers was a powerful family that would benefit their business immensely. since one day it would become his.
anyway, now you were at the fushiguro house, you were there for a group assignment, the house was empty except for you and that raven head immersed in books. a small snort escaped your lips, continuing to write down the results of the research you two had taken the last two hours. you were sure that your head would end up exploding keeping up like this.
“toruuuuu, i don’t want to stay here. let’s go home, my parents are waiting us for dinner.” fuck, no. that high-pitched voice was capable of piercing your eardrums like nothing. a roll of eyes and the kitchen door swinging open revealing their figures behind it. gojo and his bimbo girlfriend who was clinging to his arm, almost as if she were an extension of him and depended on it to survive. now the idea of ​​going back to your house was even more inviting. he went to ruffle his younger cousin’s hair, who muttered something inaudible in response. “you’re such a nerd, at this rate you’ll become a book yourself.” he added with a laugh, then pointed his gaze at you from under the thick sunglasses he always wore. time to realize it and the girl was already pulling him by the arm, muttering as if she were a child extremely in need of attention.
breathe, breathe, breathe.
“do you still keep the chemistry book in your room? we might need it for a more in-depth study of the last part.” you don’t even bother waiting for an answer, leaving the room, which had become too narrow by now, and heading upstairs. running away was your only chance, otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten out alive. there was something that was digging under your skin every time you met them, you still had to figure out what, but when you thought you were getting the solution it was as if your mind refused to process it. now you were safe, in megumi’s room looking for a book that you remembered perfectly well that he had forgotten at school, the perfect excuse to waste more time looking for it.
“running away won’t get you anywhere, you know that right sweetheart?” the deep voice echoed in your ears, hitting straight to your head. straightening your back and continuing to search on the desk, moving various papers. “it will definitely take me away from the beautiful voice of your girlfriend who, in my personal opinion, isn’t particularly pleasant.” the answer was immediate, spontaneous, perhaps too much so. seeing out of the corner of your eyes that a sly smile was making its way onto his lips. “actually, if you allow me, I’d go down and save gumi before his eardrums shatter in a million pieces.”
you go to the door but his figure doesn’t move, taking up the entire frame and preventing you from passing. now you were face to face, the perfect moment to realize how he had abandoned his glasses and now his crystalline eyes were fixed on you only. bad, bad idea. you try to pass through the small gap on the right but he promptly covers it with his long torso, making your eyebrows gather. “may i?” you move closer but nothing, he doesn’t show any signs of moving back, on the contrary. he crosses his arms in front of his chest, looking at you amused. “and what if i don’t want to?” he tilted his head to the side, clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth. you could do nothing but sigh, placing a hand on his chest, trying to move him but instead feeling only the mass of muscles stiffen. marble, that's what it could be compared to. this must have been the result of who knows how much training.
hold your thoughts, hold your thoughts.
“i want a kiss.” he said it so calmly that you almost had a fit, you must have heard wrong and your expression clearly betrayed your confusion. you saw him lower himself to your height, remaining just a few centimeters from your face, you felt his breath on your cheek. “i want a really nice kiss and after that i’ll move." this time the words reached your ears clearly, there was no possible misunderstanding.
and everything happened too quickly to even realize. his breathing getting closer and closer, the bodies that seemed to attract each other like magnets, he finally detached from the doorframe and obviously you saw an opportunity and took it. you took advantage and moved him enough to have a space to pass, exiting the room and with your foot on the first step. “you can do much better than that, toru.” you said that name purposely with the cadence of his girlfriend, shooting him a wink and rejoining the two in the living room.
the cheating trope had never been your favorite anyway.
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maybe i’ll do a part two, i don’t know yet.
©️ venjras.
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akutasoda · 2 months
Hii can I request hcs with the demon bros with a teen mc who ended up being their kid? Like one day they had too much fun in the human realm and fast forward a few years later they find out the new exchange student is their kid
unknown family
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synopsis - when they found out the exchange student is their child they never knew about
includes - lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor
warnings - gn!teen!reader, maybe ooc, fluff, slight angst, wc - 1.7k
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lucifer ★↷
it had been a very long week for lucifer, paperwork upon paperwork piled high in his room and his brothers antics only ticked him off further. unfortunately, to add to the annoyances, diavolo had sprung a trip to the human world with him a couple days in advance - diavolo claimed it was to help him relax but it only stressed him out.
he hated knowing that his brothers were alone in the house of lamentation while he was up here in the human world, especially when he still had unfinished paperwork left organised in his room. but he hated the fact that he was so easily pushed by diavolo even more. he had been dragged out with diavolo late into the night and he had woken up even more disgruntled.
lucifer refused to speak of that night, he was embarrassed and nobody needed to know. he very happily could move on with his life and try to forget about evey dumb mistake he made.
↪he refused to believe it at first. if he even dared to admit it then he would have to admit those mistakes he made ages ago - he'd rather take them to his grave.
↪lucifer never said anything and he tried convincing himself that he could last the whole year without acknowledging your relation to him but something about diavolo's and barbato's smirks told him otherwise.
↪lucifer read your files over and over before he finally came to terms with the fact that you were his child, and now he felt conflicted. yes, you were related but would him being there now change anything?
↪he didn't exactly know how to even bring about talking to you, a small part of him wanted to become apart of your life but it'd been so long without him even knowing of your existence. so he was content to let you go about your life without him.. or he told himself.
mammon ★↷
initially, mammon had managed to get a trip up to the human worls for a fashion shoot to try and earn more money to pay off some debt he'd accumulated. unfortunately, he may or may not have gotten attracted to some nearby clubs close to where the studio was - mainly with the promises of gambling.
he intended to spend the night winning at the club and making more money but he only ended up waking up disgruntled with blurry memories. he couldn't even remember why he was at the club in the first place, he only knew that he needed to get backto the devildom before lucifer strung him from the ceiling.
↪oh how lucifer would kill him if he found it. frankly, mammon refused to believe it and he couldn't even remember when it would even be possible for him to have a kid - although considering you were already a teen, he could take a guess.
↪and to be honest, he was terrified. more terrified than if lucifer actually found out. he never could imagine himself being a father and now he found out he was and he wasn't even aware for your entire life! what would he do now?
↪would you forgive him? or do you simply hate him for never being around? mammon couldn't help but panic. he distanced himself for a while but eventually would feel more comfortable around you.
↪and he would finally be put at ease if you decided to stay, sure he'd still be nervous because he would have no clue how good of a father he could be but he'd try his hardest.
↪lucifer would eventually thank you because mammon definitely straightened up his act to try and be a good influence on you.
leviathan ★↷
levi hated going out, the human world was certainly way more out there than he would've liked but he couldn't exactly say no to lucifer. he hated it even more when asmo and mammon became so insistent on everyone going out for the night. as much as he tried to convince them to let him stay back, it didn't seem to be working.
he hated every single moment of it, asmo and mammon were trying way too harrd and wearing him down minute by minute. he'd just hoped they give up soon because they were slowly getting to him...
↪he practically shut down when he learnt that you were his child. there was absolutely no way he had one, let alone the new exchange student because of a mistake his brothers practically forced him into.
↪levi was absolutely terrified. he couldn't imagine you wanting a yucky otaku like him as a dad, especially when he didn't exactly know who you were until not too long ago.
↪it would take extremely long for levi to even be able to talk to you. he was way too embarrassed and he couldn't imagine you ever wanting to be associated with him and he was fine with that.
satan ★↷
what was meant to be a trip to the devildom turned into satan storming off and trying to find respite, to nobody's suprise. even up in the human world, his brothers could be absolutely insufferable and he needed time away before his wrath got the better of him again.
satan was surprised that his brothers had managed to annoy him this much - surely he should be used to them by now? so he wasn't exactly proud of what he did, nor did he want anyone finding out. satan would happily push it to the back of his mind and forget all about it and have nobody ask questions about anything.
↪ although it was certainly difficult to hide when you became the exchange student for the programme. at first, he had no clue - sure something about you was off but he just boiled it down to you being the exchange student.
↪but when he actually found out, he was intent on keeping it a secret. he was embarrassed, not about you per say, but about what had led to this very moment.
↪satan never exactly saw himself as the fatherly type but now he learnt he had a teen. and in honesty, he was too scared to get involved in your life now. you'd gone without him for so long and so you probably hate him right or don't even know who he is?
↪even if you stayed in the devildom, he'd be too cautious to get close to you. his brothers are probably more involved with you than he would be because he doesn't want to mess up.
asmodeus ★↷
asmo was well known for frequently nightclubs and bars, and that was no exception in the human world. sure he was more of a regular down in the devildom but sometimes when he had the chance, he enjoyed ehat the human world had to offer more. and so the avatar of lust engaged in the human world nightlife.
he never thought much of it afterwards either - he went about the rest of his human worls stay as usual. even when asmo went back to the devildom he never thought twice about that night nor any that followed. that was just how asmo went about his life.
↪he thought that there certainly was something familiar about you but he couldn't figure it out. and when he actually found out, he was left feeling rather conflicted.
↪at first he was scared. he'd never imagine himself having a child, let alone one that had practically grown up without him at all. he couldn't even imagine how to bring it up and what if you hated him?
↪but he eventually became rather excited. you were the exchange student and now he had one year to make it up for everything he missed - although that was practically impossible but he wanted to try.
↪and if you decided to stay down in the devildom with him, he'd be practically ecstatic! he couldn't wait to actually spend time with you properly and he would be sure to lay off a bit with his usual nightclubs.
beelzebub ★↷
a tripe to the human world wasn't exactly the best just after beel's team won a fangol tournament. sure it seemed like a reward of sorts but to beel it seemed like his brothers were more excited than he was. especially mammon and asmo, who specifically got everyone to go out for the night.
beel doesn't exactly remember much apart from asmo's and mammon's great insistence on everybody celebrating. he just hoped that nothing got out of hand.
↪beel was rather shocked to say the least. at first he couldn't reason when such a thing could've happened but it really did feel like the new exchange student was related to him. and he couldn't even find the words when he found out.
↪although, truth be told beel did want to be apart of your life now however. even if he hadn't been there at all, because he didn't know, he still wanted to be there from now on.
↪beel understood that you may or may not hate him, but he wanted to try his hardest.
belphegor ★↷
belphie just couldn't understand why his brothers wouldn't let him stay at the hotel and sleep. first, they drag him up to the human world and now they insist that they were all going out - albeit it was mainly mammon and asmo but still, he wished just to sleep until it was over.
if anything, his brother's were annoying him but he couldn't exactly escape because if he did, he was sure that mammon or asmo would drag him back. he just hope for it all to be over with and nothing to happen..
↪no. he refuses to believe it, there was absolutely zero way that he had a child - especially one that was the result of poor decisions ages ago. if anything he blamed his brothers.
↪he didn't exactly want people knowing but he knew that it was an impossible ask, so he was content just to let you go about your life without him still.
↪call it selfish, but he simply felt that he would mess up. you'd gotten by so far and he didn't exactly want to interfere with your life - only if you tried yourself, than he might become present in your life.
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blueskiestarot · 6 days
💜 Update 💜
Hi, friends. Sorry I haven't been very active on here the last few days. I know I have asks and messages to answer. I'll be getting to those shortly and I have a new PAC reading I'm going to be uploading soon. I also have a few paid orders left to complete. I'll get those sent out within the next couple of days. I just want to thank everyone for being so patient with me!
I just want to apologize ahead of time if I'm a bit slower with uploads or replies this week. I'm going to try to stay on track as much as possible but my energy is kind of all over the place right now. I've been on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster the last few days.
(You totally don't have to read this if you don't want to since it's just an update about what's going on in my personal life. I put it under a "read more" tab in case you want to skip. 💜)
I got some pretty bad news on Friday. I took my dog to the vet and found out that his heart is enlarged and is now failing him. Thankfully, the vet said it's in the early stages and he thinks it will respond well to treatment. So, he's on meds and he's already showing improvement. However, this diagnosis means that this is the last stage of his life. He's pretty much on doggy hospice now. So, the meds are just to manage his symptoms and keep him comfortable. Because of that, it's hard to know how long I have left with him. It could be 6 months or a few years. I'm hopeful just because of how well he's responding to his meds already but I'm still worried sick about him and the anticipatory grief freaking sucks. It's just been a lot to process. So, I do thank you all for being patient with me.
Please send us any love, prayers, or good vibes you can! We definitely need them! I appreciate you all so so much! Y'all may not know it but you are such a huge support system for me. Your messages make my day and I love interacting with you all. I truly do consider you my friends. So, please keep reaching out whether it's to suggest new PACs, ask for advice, or just to simply tell me about your day. I may not answer right away but I always love connecting with you all and I will answer as soon as I can! I hope everyone has a good rest of their week! 💛 Love, Tara
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canirove · 5 months
Friends, lovers… and an orange | Chapter 5
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"The internet is going nuts about you and that Nico."
"Yep" Jourdan laughed. "Right now it is team Mason vs. team Nico, and it is so funny. I don't know who has the craziest fans."
"As long as they leave me alone..." Adele sighed.
"Have you heard from any of them?"
"Nope. Mason seems to be still working in Italy, and Nico followed me on Instagram and that's all I know."
"Was he just a one night stand, then?"
"Yeah. He's cute and we had fun, but I don't think anything else could happen."
"Then team Mason wins!"
"I hate you, Jourdan" Adele said, rolling her eyes.
"Hate you too" she smiled. 
"And my mum is calling me, I guess it's time to leave."
"Oh, good luck! I can't wait to see those photos, they are gonna be amazing."
"I hope so."
"They will, you'll see. Good luck, Addie."
"Thank you. I'll need it" she replied before hanging up.
"Mum, move your right hand a bit. Yes, perfect" Adele said before snapping another photo. 
"She's a natural" she heard the other photographer say behind her.
"Both of them are" Maria Grazia added.
They had decided to stay and see her and her mum work together for the Dior campaign, which had made Adele feel even more nervous than she already was. This was her first professional photoshoot, and since being for one of the most iconic brands wasn't enough already, she had their creative director and a photographer who had been working for as long as she had been alive, keeping an eye on her. 
When she first picked up the camera, her hands were shaking so much that she thought she wouldn't be able to take a single photo. But as her mum started posing, she relaxed and everything flowed. 
"Ok, I think we are done" Adele said.
"Wait, no" her mum stopped her. "Let's take a couple more. Maybe standing?"
"Maria Grazia, what do you..."
"Yes, yes" she said, holding Adele from her shoulders and not allowing her to turn around.
"Ok…" Why were they all suddenly acting so weird?
"Now I do think we have them all" Elizabeth smiled after just a couple of shots. "Should we check them on the computer?"
"Sur... Mason?" Adele said when she was finally allowed to turn around. "What... How..."
"Hello, Addie. Elizabeth" he said with that smile of his that had broken so many hearts.
"What are you doing here?" Adele finally managed to say. "Weren't you in Italy?"
"I was, yes. But we wrapped up early, my mum told me that you were shooting your mum for Dior, and I said to myself, why don't I pay them a visit? I know this is huge and I wanted to be here for you. To support you."
"Thank you, Mase" she smiled, feeling her cheeks get warm.
"Mason, since we have you here, would you mind taking a photo of Adele and I together? You are the only one who manages to convince her to pose in front of a camera and I want to remember today."
"Of course. What do you say, Addie?"
"I'm not looking presentable, I..."
"Nonsense, you look beautiful. Give me that and join your mum" he said while taking the camera from her hands.
"C'mon, do as he says" Elizabeth insisted.
"Ok, fine" Adele replied, rolling her eyes and doing as she was being asked. Or ordered to. 
"I hate you so much."
"Why?" Mason laughed.
"The trap you and our mums set up?"
"Oh, that. We just wanted to surprise you on a big day."
"Yeah, sure" Adele snorted.
"Will a macaroon make you forgive me?" Mason pouted, offering her the little box. After the shoot was done, they had decided to go for a walk around the city to catch up and stop at their favourite bakery.
"It may help" she said. "So, how was Italy?"
"Definitely not as fun as Paris. Every time I saw you on Instagram I wished I was here with you. It looks like you've made some new friends."
"I've met so many people, Mase... So many" she chuckled. "But I don't consider them my friends, just acquaintances."
"Nico too?" Mason asked as he looked down, suddenly too interested on the floor.
"Nico too."
"You won't be seeing him again, then?"
"Good?" Adele chuckled.
"I mean, you've probably seen everything that is going on online. Team Mason vs. Team Nico and all that. You are struggling enough with everything going on with us, you don't need to add more to it."
"Yeah, you are right" she sighed. 
"Hey, what are you doing?"
"Eating another macaroon?"
"Haven't you had enough?" Mason laughed, hiding the box behind him.
"No, I have not. I barely ate today, I was too nervous."
"Then let's go find something else to eat. This is too much sugar."
"Oh, c'mon, Mase. Just another one" Adele pouted.
"Just one, please" she said, trying to take the box from his hands.
"I said no" Mason smirked, lifting it in the air so she wouldn't reach it.
"That won't stop me. I'm almost as tall as you are."
"Yeah... Perks of having a mum who is a supermodel and a dad who could have played basketball, right?"
"Exactly" she said, standing on her tiptoes and reaching the box.
"Addie, wait… Addie!" Mason said, the macaroons that were left on the box falling to the floor. "Now what?"
"Now I guess the pigeons will be having a feast, and you'll have to buy me lunch" she shrugged.
"Ok, come here you little rascal" he laughed, putting an arm around her shoulder and starting to walk. "What do you fancy?"
"Addie, I just came from Italy. Can't we have something else?"
"Ummm... No" she replied with her best smile.
"Ok, then. I can't say no to that face" he said before kissing her cheek, her skin tingling where his lips had been. It was something Adele had never felt before with any other guy, and definitely not with Mason. 
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alluringlight · 2 years
Gorou x (Gender Neutral) Reader [NSFW]
A/N: This is my first post! So formatting may or may not have fucked me over. This is also my first time writing x reader and smut so here's to hoping it's not half bad. Also no usage of Y/N or [Name], just 'you' and Gorou refers to you as 'puppy'.
Warnings: rut themes, marking/biting, knotting, slight degradation, praise, dom!Gorou, feral/rough sex, slight overstimulation. I believe that's it but lmk if you think anything else needs to be added.
Despite your boyfriend being a hybrid, he was always very gentle with you, holding your hand, ears softly flicking you, gently tugging on your shirt to pull you out of the way, the list goes on. His puppy-like personality meant he was very affectionate, and aimed to please - something that definitely extended to sex. Although he could be fast paced when he (or you) wanted, his favorite way to take you was with slow, deep thrusts, making sure your pleasure came before his - in all regards you’d considered him a soft dom, which is why the sight before you had caught you very off guard. 
You knew that it was spring. And you knew what that meant for him, and what was coming up soon. However, you’d never known many hybrids; especially not in this way, which is probably why his rut - and the feralness it brought had your head absolutely spinning. 
Gorou had said he’d been sick, which was why he’d neglected his duties that day in favor of locking himself in your shared quarters. You’d heard a couple of teasing remarks from the other soldiers - is it that time of year already - but you didn’t think his rut was due for another couple of weeks, plus the two of you hadn’t actually talked about whether or not you were spending it together, so you didn’t think he’d be in this position when you walked into the room to check how he was doing. 
You definitely weren’t expecting the sight before you - Gorou surrounded by your dirty laundry, humping his hardened cock into your pillow, all the while growling and panting around a pair of your soiled underwear he had shoved between his teeth. Your face grew red (and you felt a familiar tug in the pit of your stomach), as you quickly shut and locked the door. Gorou called out to you, “Sorry - I couldn’t -” He cut himself off before whining at you, and beckoning you over. You sat on the edge of the bed, brushing a hand over his sweaty, red face, and giving him a small smile, before he continued speaking. “I went into rut early, we hadn’t talked yet and I thought I’d be fine, but I can’t knot anything and it’s just getting worse and more frustrating as I continue. I - I need you.” He whined at you again, looking up at you with such a heated gaze your thighs clenched together automatically. 
Instead of answering him, you stood up, quickly shedding yourself of your clothing, before sitting back down. “You’ve got me. Use me in any way you need, love.” You could see the way Gorou’s pupils dilated as he took in your naked form. It only took a split second for him to pounce on you. 
“Gonna make you feel so good.” He mumbled, bringing himself down on the bed to prepare you. He lapped at your hole, grinding his own cock into the bedsheets below as he licked and sucked and scissored you open. It didn’t take long before his restraint snapped and he crawled back up towards you, pulling you into a searing kiss that was all tongue and teeth. “Get on your stomach, now.” He growled at you, panting as he shoved you down, pulling your hips so you were ass up before him. His cock pressed against your entrance as he leaned down to nip at your neck and shoulders. 
The pace was brutal, Gorou didn’t start off slow or soft, just immediately fucking you into the bed like there was no tomorrow. It was dizzying how rough he was with you, a complete 180 from how he’d been in previous intimate moments. “F-fuck.” You exclaimed, trying to pull yourself onto your elbows. Gorou, however, didn’t let you. 
He pushed your head back down into the bed, “Stay still, puppy.” A shiver ran up your spine at the nickname, but you still twitched and shuddered, causing Gorou to growl at you and lean forward again. “I said stay still.” He muttered, before clamping down on your shoulder. You yelped as his teeth dug into your flesh, rendering you incapable of moving as he fucked into you harder. His cock split you open, and his thrusts went even deeper as he shoved your hips further back. All you could do was take it as he shoved himself into you. His teeth finally let go of your shoulder, but you couldn’t even register the throbbing pain as blood ran down and stained the sheets, you were too lost in the pleasure already. 
You pushed your hips back into his, trying to chase the sensation of his cock fucking into you, causing him to let out a dark laugh that had you absolutely clenching around him, “What a pathetic little puppy. You like getting railed like a bitch in heat? Gonna let me knot you like a good bitch? That’s it, cum -” He whined out as you clenched around him, hitting your peak already from his rough thrusts. 
Despite you cumming, Gorou didn’t let up. His strokes turned desperate, and you could feel his knot starting to swell up, just barely catching your hole as he continued fucking into you. The overstimulation caused you to let out a whine of your own. Gorou leaned forward, lapping at the bite mark and nipping at your neck, “S’okay, you can take it, puppy. Be a good little bitch and let me knot you.” The combination of praise and degradation had you whining and clenching around him again. 
“D-don’t move.” Gorou stuttered out, his thrusts becoming sloppy and erratic, before he once again leaned forward and bit down on your shoulder, as he shoved his fat knot into your hole. He practically painted your insides white as he let out stream after stream of cum inside, his knot preventing any from escaping you, and his teeth on your scruff preventing you from moving. 
Gorou’s teeth let go of your shoulder as he flopped down onto the bed, effectively spooning you as he’d be stuck inside you until his knot softened. He tongued at the bite marks he left, only speaking after the two of you had been able to catch your breath for a few minutes. “S-sorry. I wasn’t expecting my rut to hit so soon, and, um, well I thought I could handle it myself.” He started, burying his face into your hair before he left soft kisses on your hairline. “Sorry for using you like this.” 
You gave a breathy chuckle, “Don’t apologize, I enjoyed it.” You could feel a smirk form on his face, as he pressed another kiss into your neck before he responded. 
“Good, cause if you don’t mind, my rut will take a few days to settle, and it’d be nice to spend it together.” 
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mychlapci · 6 months
TFA anon here again making a part 2 of the rutting Dinobots and Prowl lol.
While Swoop and Snarl are having their sloppy seconds with Prowl and double fucking his pussy, Grimlock decides to focus on his port (or just his asshole lol but I’ll call it a port). So when Prowl is overwhelmed and overstimulated from two fat spikes demolishing his valve, he gets an additional surprise from when Grimlock pushes the head of his spike into his port. Since it was very tight (and had a bit of prep since all Grimlock did was tongue fuck him a bit) Grimlock could only fit it like almost half way before he had to stop but that was fine because either way Grimlock was enjoying it. For Prowl, it hurt considering the little to no prep, but it worked in his favor since he loved pain when it came to sex.
So now three spikes were pounding into him. One in his port, and the other two in his valve. I like the idea of both Swoop’s and Snarl’s knots popping into his forge and stretching it far beyond what Prowl thought was possible, stretching it so wide Prowl thought his valve would be broken by the time they were done with him.
When all three were completely spent, they slipped out of his valve and began to lick the transfluid out of his widely gaping holes as Prowl came again around their tongues. He barely had any strength left to move. The Dinobots all take him to their nest so they could all curl up against each other and fall sleep. Prowl ends up staying the night there.
Prowl wakes up the next morning panicking because he was supposed to be back yesterday. He firmly tells the Dinobots not to tell anyone what happened yesterday and leaves.
Anyways, after Prowl gets back to the base that morning, everything goes surprisingly smoothly as somehow the other didn’t notice he was gone for such a long time and aside from some grilling on where he had been, they sort of let it slide (maybe they assumed he lost track ‘meditating’ and he will let them think that) and for the first couple of days everything is fine… (sort of. Prowl may or may not have grown an addiction to Dinobot spike)
Prowl tells nobody about his pregnancy and his trips to the Dinobot island remain secret. By this point the Dinobots have accepted Prowl as their mate and are now fiercely protective of him, especially since he is carrying their sparklings. Of course, Prowl cannot hide this secret forever, but for now, he enjoys taking spike after spike to fill his needy forge for his sparklings and the love showered all over him as his new lovers take care of him.
Eventually, his pregnant belly becomes noticeable (not like he could have hidden it from the start. He has a very lithe body after all) and is immediately grilled on who the sire is and how that even happened in the first place.
The whole conversation was awkward and embarrassing. Ratchet just looked so done with everything when Prowl was finished and Optimus looked horrified. Bumblebee calls him “Dino tamer” and Prowl sort of wants to drop dead whenever he calls him that. Bulkhead (surprisingly) just asks him what it was like and Prowl obliges and tells him in more detail than was needed.
When the sparklings are born, the Dinobots + Ratchet are helping him through it and by the end of it, he is cradling four dinobot sparklings in his arms.
(Should I make Bulkhead get fucked by them and they have a fivesome? No clue)
Holy shit dude they’re breaking his little holes. Prowl’s gonna be all Hole by the end of this. Three fat spikes is a lot. 
I love the thought that Prowl literally doesn’t tell anyone about his pregnancy and the only reason they even find out is because he starts growing his baby-bump. I mean, at what point does it stop being rude to ask him about it? There was definitely a period of time during which he was walking around with a very clear beginning of a baby-bump and no one said anything because it was too awkward. I mean, Bumblebee probably said something, but not about pregnancy. That would probably be weird. 
mhmmm Bulkhead showing interest in what it felt like to be the dinobots' mate, that's juicy. He keeps subtly asking about details, inquiring on how it felt, until Prowl finally agrees to take him to the island and show him… Three rutting, doting dinobots are very difficult to satisfy with one bot alone, after all <3
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ihavemanyhusbands · 2 years
Honey Bun (18+ Series)
(Aaron Hotchner x Stripper!Reader)
Part 1 // MINORS DNI
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This first part is dedicated to @ssahotstuff for inspiring me <3 and to @hausofwhores who I first talked to about my idea hehe <3 <3
WC: 2.1k Words
Song Inspo: Gold Satin Dreamer - Nicole Dollanganger
Series Warnings: Eventual smut, bit of an age gap (placing reader at around 25-26), cursing, alcohol consumption, formalized sex work (Stripper/Pole Dancer), occasional angst, drama, and that's all I can think of rn but lmk if I missed anything!
A/N: Short and sweet intro! Things are gonna get very uhhh interesting from here on out ;) Enjoy some flirty Hotch, let me know your thoughts on this first part! I'm super excited to be writing this!!!! :)
“Need a little sugar in your life, gentlemen? Well, get ready to make it rain on our sweetest girl, Honey Bun! Just remember, you may feast your eyes, but no touching!”
Thursdays weren’t always so busy. Sure, there were a couple of party animals who liked to start the weekend early, but rarely at such capacity. 
At least you were glad that Josephine was working with you that night. She made busy nights at the Duchess Tavern much more bearable. When you first started working there, she immediately took you under her wing, teaching you all the ropes. 
She had a certain matronly quality about her — probably attributed to the fact she was twenty years older than you — but she was a real tough cookie, too. On countless occasions, she’d helped you deal with rowdy customers and drunk assholes. She rarely ever needed help from the bouncers to break bar fights, she cursed like a sailor, and she also made the meanest Long Island Iced Tea you’d ever had. 
You were certain that if it weren’t for her, you wouldn’t have lasted a week being a bartender.
“You’re lucky you’re off on weekends,” Josephine said as she poured a row of shots for a group of college-aged girls. “This here is light work compared to a Saturday night.”
“Well, it’s not like I’ll be getting a lot of rest…” you countered. “Dealing with the same sort of customers, too.”
“I don’t know, maybe I’m just getting too old for this shit,” she sighed heavily.
“Oh please, pigs will fly before the day good ole Josie O’Donnell actually retires.”
She laughed heartily, smacking your arm in a playful way. You couldn’t help but admire how hardworking she was. She’d been at this business for years, and it was certainly no easy place to be. She inspired you to stay driven, even when you felt at your lowest. She was the only one in this place you trusted with the knowledge of your other job. Not everyone was so understanding, and plus, it wasn’t really their business anyways.
Working two jobs was in no way easy, but it was definitely necessary. Especially considering you liked living a certain way. You barely had any free time to hang out with friends outside of work, much less meet people and go on dates. Though it’s not like you didn’t get hit on, at both of your jobs, but you just weren’t interested in any of them.
Rarely could anyone keep up with your schedule, especially considering your line of work. It was unsurprising, but you weren’t really phased by it anymore.You didn’t give yourself the time to feel lonely, and you had enough interactions during the day to compensate. 
As the initial swell of patronage died down, you began wiping down the bar, absently humming to yourself. Def Leppard’s ‘Bringing on the Heartbreak’, one of your favorites, was playing on the speakers. 
An older looking gentleman slid onto a barstool then. You offered him a drink menu, but he waved it off and ordered a scotch, neat. He pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a long sigh, and his shoulders slumped as he crossed his arms over the bar top. 
“Long day?” You asked, pouring his drink. 
“You could say so,” he nodded wearily. “You know, I’ve always wondered, are bartenders required to ask that whenever they see a haggard-looking patron?”
You chuckled, sliding it towards him. “Only if we think we can help.”
A ghost of a smile was on his lips at that. You studied him more closely, trying to be subtle – He was strikingly handsome, with dark hair and thick dark eyebrows. He had a strong nose and a sharp, clean shaven jaw. His eyes were a piercing dark brown, and they drew your attention the most.
He took a sip of scotch, and there was something analytical in his gaze as he took you in, as well.
“Well, I guess you could say I’m a little bit of a workaholic,” he said.
You nodded in understanding. “A common affliction these days.”
“You, too?” He raised an eyebrow, and you shrugged as if to say what can you do?
“No offense, but I can’t imagine you love spending more time here than you need to.”
You raised both eyebrows at this, only half amused. He was wearing a nicely tailored suit, had an expensive watch on his wrist, and wasn’t ordering cheap drinks. The Duchess didn’t really seem like a place he’d hang out at, and yet…
“Hmm, well, I suppose the same could be said about you,” you countered, nonchalant.
“Touché,” he acquiesced with the smallest chuckle. “But I don’t know, maybe I should give it a chance. It’s…”
“Charming?” You offered.
“Yes, exactly.”
You excused yourself momentarily to attend to another customer. He looked around, but was clearly uninterested in talking to anyone else.
Josephine caught your eye and gave you an impressed look. She wagged her eyebrows suggestively and mouthed ‘get it’.
You rolled your eyes playfully, shaking your head a little. He was certainly very good looking, and flirting was pretty fun, but you weren’t sure if it should go any further than that.
When you returned, you refilled his glass, since he’d already polished off the first one.
“So, what’s your name?” You asked. “Or is it more fun to keep it anonymous?”
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
You thought about it for a moment, but then you relented, telling him your name.
“Some call me Honey, though,” you added.
He extended his hand out to you. “I’m Aaron Hotchner. It’s nice to meet you, Honey.”
You shook his hand, his long fingers basically engulfing yours. Something stirred low in your belly at this, your mind going straight to the gutter. As if he could tell, a smirk tugged at his lips.
“Boy, do I feel lucky to be the one getting your attention tonight,” he said.
“Why do you say that?” 
“Those guys over there have been ogling you for some time now. They’re almost panting and salivating like dogs.”
You glanced in the direction he gestured towards, momentarily meeting two hungry gazes. You shrugged it off, so used to that sort of lascivious attention that you didn’t notice it anymore.
“Well, you approached me the right way,” you said, busying yourself by wiping down some glasses. “Some think it’s flattering to be looked at like that, but it’s really not.”
“I’m sorry about that,” he sympathized. “I get what you mean.”
“Oh, it must be so hard being so attractive, hmm?” You teased jokingly.
“So you think I’m attractive?” 
You gave him a look that said are you serious?
“I mean, I don’t want to stroke your ego but… Yes, you really are.”
Aaron’s smirk only grew, perhaps feeling more bold now that he was on his second drink. 
“For the record, I think you are very beautiful, but I am a man who knows who to appreciate beauty without needing to take some of it for himself.”
You looked back up at him then, momentarily stunned. Then you chuckled in slight disbelief, but also totally enthralled. Just who was this man?
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d held a conversation — less so one so genuinely riveting — with a single patron for this long. At least at this job, and especially for free.
You were even beginning to consider giving him your number, should he ask for it. But that was yet to be seen.
“I’m serious,” he said.
“Oh, I believe you,” you smirked in return, not letting on if you meant it or not. 
The two of you held each other’s gazes for a charged moment, trying to get a better read of each other in the low light. You saw both mirth and earnestness in his eyes — but no trace of anything that should raise any flags — and you found yourself getting just a little more comfortable.
It was easy to talk to him, but he was still very much a stranger. You didn’t want to let yourself get too excited, but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t continue testing the waters. After all, he’d been pretty well behaved so far, and you always liked to reward good behavior.
Once more you had to pull yourself away to attend to someone, but at least the place was getting emptier as it got later. You could feel his gaze trailing you this time, and you glanced over your shoulder to send a wink his way.
“Psst,” Josephine hissed in your direction. “Why don’t you take fifteen? I’ve got things handled here.”
You hesitated. “Are you sure?” 
“Of course I’m sure,” she scoffed. “Go on now, have a little fun.”
You waved her off, but smiled appreciatively. On your way to the other side of the bar, you grabbed yourself a beer and then plopped down on the stool next to Aaron’s. He turned to face you, his knees barely grazing yours. The small contact was innocent enough, but you still felt the smallest tingle down your spine. You clinked your bottle against his glass in a little toast. 
“You were right, you know?” He said, looking at the side of your face as you drank. “You really are helping me feel better.”
“Aw shucks, that means I’m good at my job,” you said teasingly, which made him playfully roll his eyes. 
“Tell me more about you. Why is it that they call you Honey?” he asked.
“Aren’t I sweet?” You pouted, pretending to be hurt.
He chuckled. “I think you are. Is that the whole reason?”
You nodded, omitting the fact that it also happened to be your stage name – Honey Bun. Sticky sweet; All satin and glitter and softness. Of course, that wasn’t the same you that was sitting across from him now.
“I think you have a very pretty name, too,” he leaned against the bar, resting his temple on his fist. “Is it too forward of me to ask to call you by it? Unless you prefer…” 
You waved him off. “How can I decline when you ask so nicely?” 
The two of you lost track of time as you continued talking and joking and teasing each other. Laughter seemed to come so easily around him, and there were virtually no awkward pauses between the two of you. It was almost too good to be true.
You told Aaron about some of the wilder things you’d witnessed working at the Duchess, looping Josephine into the conversation at one point. You never even noticed she didn’t call you back from your break, too absorbed in letting loose for once. Even if it was only for a little while, and not entirely.
Much too soon, last call was announced, and you realized that it was nearly two AM. Most people had left, and someone was sweeping as the tables were being stacked.
“Oh, wow, closing time,” you remarked. “I guess time does fly when you’re having fun, huh?”
You got up from your seat to start helping out, giving him a small, almost sheepish grin. You’d had a really nice time, but he was still a customer and couldn’t stick around as you wrapped up for the night. You tried to think of the nicest way to kick him out… even if a teenie tiny part of you didn’t want him to leave.
Aaron looked around as if coming out of a daze. He glanced at his watch and stood, gathering his things. “So it seems.”
“The Duchess just has that effect on people. I should have warned you.”
“I have to say, I think this place is growing on me,” he admitted. “Would you mind if I visited more often?”
“It’s a free country, you can do whatever you want,”  you smiled, and in your smile there was an invitation— or perhaps a dare?
And in his, you could see that he was ready to take it.
Still, to your surprise and slight chagrin, he did not ask for your contact information. Perhaps it was his way of continuing to be respectful. Or maybe, this encounter had merely been a reprieve from the day to day for both of you. Nothing more.
For a moment, you wondered if things would have gone down differently had you met in the Crimson Lounge instead of the Duchess. The thought made a small thrill dance in your chest, but you tried not to chase it further. Of course things would have gone down differently. You probably wouldn’t have talked nearly as much.
So you took what you could get, blowing a flirty kiss in his direction as he departed. It was better not to get attached, anyway.
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theyaresogay · 10 months
wasn’t sure if i should fully trust that the fluff is here to stay, BUT YOU WERE SO NOT LYING, also i definitely believe you now when you said you prefer writing fluff. CUS THAT CHAPTER WAS THE CUTEST TEETH ROTTING FLUFF.
I still am loving all the tiny lil details you add that just contribute to how much they know eachother, Jade KNOWS her favourite food, also every thought she may have about it, and that she’ll be a lil late. Just gah the lil things made it so much better.
OH AND I SO CALLED IT THAT THE THREE FOR THREE GAME WOULD BE CUTE LATER.. also like so useful for closure, with Kit thinking sorsha made jade be her friend, so glad that was addressed.
i’m so certain i had a dumb smile at the what does love feel like “it feels like home”, nah cus you’ve built Kits character so well that her being vulnerable and talking about her feelings freely hits so much harder.
i could honeslty talk about this chapter forever, but i can’t just not talk about how considerate Jade is for taking things slow, i feel like that’s almost what makes them so perfect cus Kit is used to having all these walls up to protect herself but she doesn’t necessarily need them for Jade cus she just understands. idk but the way you write them is just so perfect imma have to say this fic is for sure my no.1 fav.
Anyways glad your concert went well, and THANKYOU.
I TOLD YOU! FLUFF IS FUN TO WRITE! (sure, sometimes angst is, but teeth rotting sugary stuff is the best)
The little tiny details! I mean, they're bound to know a whole lot of crap about each other considering that they've been best friends for a million years. I love adding tiny things like that though, it really does make it feel more real.
Anna and Kit made it up and have a!ways been cute together, and I thought, you know, who's the other really cute couple? Jade and Kit. So naturally, they get to be cute with it. :)
They both really need closure about Sorsha and she's gonna get an earful, don't worry.
SEE!!! I TOLD YOU! The angst sucks, but it's got a massive point. The main reason for it in this story is that Kit wouldn't believe a lot of the things Jade said if she hadn't been through it, wouldn't believe she deserves it. But now she does!!! I'm glad it hit hard, it was supposed to, so I'm glad I accomplished that.
I love all of the comments! Ranting about Willow is amazingly fun!
Jade is very aware if the fact that it's basically lesbian culture to move too fast, and Kit's been through too much shit for her to not make sure that she doesn't hurt her. She wants Kit a lot more than she thinks they're ready for, so she's trying to make sure that neither of them get overwhelmed because they both have a lot of trauma that has not been dealt with. All of the open honestly with Jade! Kit really does trust Jade with her life at this point, but who wouldn't?
OH MY GOSH NUMBER ONE FAVORITE?!?!?!?! DUDE, YOU ARE SO KIND!!!!! YOU'RE AMAZING, AND REALLY COOL, AND SUPER NICE, AND I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH!!!!! (ngl i'm kind of freaking out rn 😂. Imagine me dancing around my house with a really stupid goofy looking grin, and you'll get the picture)
Oh my gosh, thank YOU! You always give such kind words and it makes my day every time. Truly wouldn't be doing this without you reading. Super fucking happy you're enjoying this!
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digijade · 1 year
What's up, my fellow trans mascs
So, a couple of weeks ago I got top surgery finally, and I feel great. BUT, there are a few things that nobody warned me about, that I think others should know about who are considering getting top surgery as well.
Now, I know the experience is different for everyone, for example I have an inhumanly strong pain tolerance, so I for the most part wasn't in much pain at all.
ANYWAYS, here's a few things you should definitely be aware of before your transition
This post is not meant to deter people from getting top surgery, this is just so y'all can get a heads-up on some stuff that I was not made aware of before the procedure, that i personally would have liked to know about before. But despite everything, I can proudly say this was absolutely worth it and I am much happier in my body
If you're taking loestrin or any other type of birth control medication to stop your menstrual cycle, the doctors will tell you to stop taking it a month before surgery, and you won't be able to take it until after your surgery is over and you're able to get up and be active again, as there's a risk of getting blood clots in your legs. But yes, this means there's a high chance you're going to get your period during the recovery. So as soon as you're allowed to go back to doing normal activities, get up and be active, so you can safely go back to stopping your menstrual cycle
You are gonna be itchy. Very itchy. I'd say it's worse than the pain, but again I didn't feel any pain
If you're a side sleeper, the first week is gonna be hell, as you will have to sleep propped up, on your back
During the first week, you're probably gonna have a nearly insatiable appetite. This is because your body needs nutrients to use to heal up those incisions.
The drainage tubes. There's so much stuff about the drainage tubes, so here's an entire mini section about those (don't worry though, the tubes only stay in for about a week)
If you're squeamish, don't look at the tubes, as the blood and stuff sometimes starts to coagulate, and it looks pretty gross
The nurse told me to squeeze the tubes to try to push the liquids into the little bottle things attached to the tubes when emptying them. Be very careful when doing this, as this was one of the only times I felt pain during this process. If you don't do it right, sometimes the fluids will drain back into your chest and it HURTS. Sometimes you'll also feel a bit uncomfortable when you're squeezing the tubes to empty them, and the suction from this will pull more fluids out of your chest.
When they remove the tubes from your chest, it feels extremely weird and uncomfortable. No pain, but it's very common to feel extremely nauseated afterwards, so BE PREPARED. I was on the floor of the medical clinics bathroom for about ten minutes, feeling like I was going to throw up at any moment. Best thing to do once you feel like you can get up, is drink apple juice, as well as water. Trust me, it's great getting the tubes removed, but the nausea is REAL
I don't know how common this is, but I took off the bandaids over where the tubes were removed two days after they removed it, and on my left side where the tube was removed, there was a hole in my chest. If this happens, don't panic. Just cover it back up, and put vaseline on the gauze so when it closes up, the scab doesn't stick to the gauze. I made the mistake of not putting vaseline on it, and it got stuck. But the hole did end up closing up and healing after a few more days.
Once you're able to take off your compression vest for short amounts of time, you're going to notice a very pungent smell, like old cheese. Apparently, this is normal, and it's the smell of all the gunk and stuff. I don't know if this only happens if you choose to get nipple grafts, because for me I noticed the smell seemed to originate there. But yeah, it's apparently normal, and best way to deal with it is to wipe up any dead skin and whatever else is near the area daily to keep it from building up.
Nerve damage. I can't feel anything right below the incisions. It kind of feels like when the dentist gives you anesthesia for your mouth when getting a cavity filled. Except the numbness doesn't go away. I personally don't have a problem with this, as I think it's cool that I am permanently unable to feel anything right below my chest. But I still think it's a good thing to get a heads-up for
I know for some of y'all very masculine FTMs/FTNBs out there, y'all gonna want to flex in the mirror to admire yourself. At least I do. Be very careful, because you've still got large incisions healing on your chest. Flex at your own risk
Lastly, a very common side effect of top surgery is extreme euphoria, especially when you can take off the compression vest and admire your new masculine chest in the mirror. Congratulations, you made it. You went through all of this, and you feel unstoppable. You are strong, and brave. Now go show the world who you are, and don't let anyone tell you who you are or aren't supposed to be.
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feverinfeveroutfic · 8 months
”poison ivy”
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Eric always made the best tacos, especially on the days when I just wanted to get out of the house for a bit and yet I had very little money to spend so to speak. It may have seemed odd considering I had married and ascended into the realm of royalty, but that was my reality, though. I couldn’t find any spare change left behind after I had broken a dollar, and yet I needed to get out of that big house and head on over to Eric and Lou’s place, especially with it being Tuesday and everything. Those decadent homemade tacos the size of my fist so I could have more than three if I so wished. Four tacos and a slice of pie, and then maybe I could spend the night if they would allow it.
They weren’t really the party type but I knew that if I wanted to, I could have a little party with the two of them. The three of us with a couple of drinks and a couple of pairs of jewel-encrusted handcuffs, and we were going to have a little fun with each other for the whole duration of the night. I wasn’t planning on playing guitar with a drink in my hand but I did want a little blurring of the lines. 
I got there at about five-thirty right as the rain looked to be coming in for the evening. I was definitely going to have to stay the night as I never did like the idea of walking all the way back to the house in the thick of the rain. I reached their front step and knocked on the door three times.
No reply.
I rang the doorbell.
That time, I caught the sound of the door unlocking, and I was greeted by Eric in his black silk bathrobe lined with rich dark red at the lapels and the sleeves. His long jet-black hair was smooth and shiny, as if he had just brushed it, and his thick stubby body looked plusher than usual. His face lit up at the sight of me, and I partially expected him to have a smoking pipe in one hand.
“Hey! I’m glad you were able to show up,” he greeted me, and he let me in.
“I just needed to get out of the house for a little while,” I confessed to him as I took off my jacket and ran my fingers through my hair. “And Chuck’s having some people over, and tacos sound delicious, too. It was bound to happen, me coming over here.”
“Well, and you’re in luck, Alexander,” Eric told me as he brushed past me towards the kitchen. “It’s just gonna be you and me tonight. Lou’s out and about on some errands so we have the house all to ourselves.”
“Wonderful!” I flashed him a wink and followed him into the kitchen for those tacos fresh off the griddle, but I couldn’t smell anything in the kitchen as of yet. I posted up there at the bar with my arm rested on the counter’s edge, and I watched him wash off a lime as well as some fresh cilantro and an onion.
“It’ll be some time before they’re made, so you may as well chill out for a bit,” he told me.
“Nah, I wanna watch you,” I told him. “I don’t know the first thing about cooking, so I’m interested.”
He showed me a smile and then I watched him zest the lime and slice it into quarters. He rolled up the cilantro and chopped it with the same knife; I squinted my eyes when he sliced and diced the onion. He sliced it in half and then lay one on the flat side, and he kept one hand on top as he slid the blade through for rings first.
“How do you do it so well with such thick fingers?” I asked him.
“The same way you and I learned guitar with such thick fingers,” he replied as he turned to the stove with a big jug of vegetable oil in hand: I glanced down at my own hands, at my long and lanky fingers that seemed to creep and crawl like the legs of a spider. I craned my neck for a better look at what he was doing in preheating the pan. “Onions in first, then the ground beef.” He wagged his finger at me when he said that.
“I’ll remember that,” I vowed to him, and I wondered if I would ever find a chance to cook at some point in the future myself. Indeed, I caught him sort of gyrating in the hips when he stirred the diced onions in the pan with the wooden spoon, and he seemed a lot lighter on his feet when he moved about the kitchen, even if it was take salt and pepper out of the cupboard or to rinse off the knife blade. Light on his feet and he made it all come together, as if I watched a babbling brook right before me.
When he returned to the counter before me to fetch the ground beef, I had this odd flush in my face from watching him for as long as I did.
“Cooking is weirdly hot,” I blurted out.
“It really is,” he said with a straight face.
But I meant it, though. I drummed my fingers on the edge of the counter and let out a low whistle from the feeling. I needed to be away from there for a minute or two.
I peered over my shoulder and I wished Lou was there so I could have a little bit of release of sorts. But he wasn’t, and thus, I had to improvise. When Eric’s back was turned again, I ducked out of there and made my way to the bathroom. I shut the door and leaned against the panels with my hands down by my sides.
I closed my eyes and tried to think of something else instead. But I couldn’t. Not without doing something for myself first.
I unzipped and fondled myself with my left hand to change things up a bit. It was tricky given I had acquainted myself more with my right hand as well as my pillow but I relaxed and let my lips hang open from the feeling. I just let myself breathe as I used my index and middle fingers to tickle my head.
Like playing bass when I thought about it.
Nothing too fancy, but it was enough to bring me back down to earth again as I knew that those tacos weren’t too far out as far as I could tell.
I shook my hand about and examined the fingers. Maybe at some point I could get myself to come a little bit more should the feeling ever call for it again. I zipped up when the phone rang downstairs, and I hoped that Eric wasn’t letting those tacos burn when I washed my hands and bowed out of there to the hallway.
Not a sound emerged from downstairs, much to my surprise. Before then, he had put the meat into the pan with the onions, and that definitely made some noise. It certainly smelled of cooking beef and onions, however.
I turned my attention to the guest room, and I walked on in to find a pale ivory white telephone on the nightstand: when I came closer, I spotted some swirled dark green markings all over the top of the receiver. If nothing else, I could call Chuck and tell him where I had gone as I left the house without telling him where I was going beforehand. I picked up the receiver and held it before my ear when I caught the sound of Eric’s voice on the other end.
“So you’d do that?”
“Yeah, I would totally dip my dick in some sugar and let you lick it off for me,” a strange boy said to him in a husky tone of voice. I silently gasped at that, and I covered my mouth with my free hand. He was in the next room over and I hadn’t heard a thing from there, either.
That wasn’t Lou, and it sure as hell wasn’t Chuck, either. He had this almost nasally tone to his voice, and yet he was more than able to lower it down to a near whisper, the exact same way that I would whenever I wanted it with any one of them. Something about him kept me listening in on it, though, especially when he didn’t sound like anyone who I knew. Who was this mysterious boy and what did he want, and moreover, what did he want from Eric?
“If I kiss you, would you come down on me?” Eric asked him, and the way his voice sounded made me think of velvet.
“Oh, you know I would,” said the boy. “I would also let you come away with me in our getaway car.”
“‘Our’ getaway car?”
“Courtesy of Mike and Tré, baby. We’d get in and take a little trip over to Yosemite for a good time and a half.” He cleared his throat and made a sound that made me think of a tire losing air.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you this, too, Will,” Eric began again, “are the three of you at royalty status yet?”
“Not yet. We’re trying to sort things out with all of that, but hopefully, we can find a way to become princes adjacent to… this little dark prince here.”
“That’s prince o’ darkness to you,” Eric retorted. “Prince o’ darkness and the dragonlord ready to take you away and give the three of you a good time with some sugar and a baseball bat in the men’s room.”
I brought a hand to my mouth at the sound of that. I always knew there was something more to Eric, but nothing like this, though.
“Would, uh… your prince-to-be or those other princes join us in the fun?” Will sweetly asked him.
“Lou? I’d have to ask him first. As for Alex and Chuck, I think they’d be open to interpretation. Same with Joey.”
“So, we could have a little party in Yosemite. A little romp in the snow and the woods, if you will.”
I raised an eyebrow at that. Even though I was merely eavesdropping, I figured that it was a wild idea and a little something or other to change things up a bit.
“We could have a party, yeah,” Eric assured him, “and you and I could have some time to ourselves together up by Yosemite Falls. Things could get all wet n’ wild as it were. I reckon there’s a loophole in the whole royalty agreement, too—there’s loopholes all over the place, like we’re arranged into the marriages but nowhere does it say that we can’t have more than one person in the union.”
“So you guys all like to take advantage of that?” Will chuckled.
Eric never said anything, but I could sense it, though.
“You guys like to take advantage of these things?”
“Dragonlord knows all, baby boy,” Eric breathed into the phone. “Knows how to dig in and find the truth so you can have a little fun, too.”
“And would I bring the sugar with me to the veil beyond Yosemite Falls?”
“Nah, I see that melting before we hit the trail. Bring a pot of honey, instead. Some honey on your dick and I’ll lick it off for you.”
I closed my eyes as I pictured Eric doing that to me.
“Gimme some of that and I’ll pour some on you,” Will retorted.
“Ooh, now you’re asking for some trouble,” Eric teased him, once again in that husky tone of voice. I opened my mouth but no sound came out. I could feel my pants tightening at the sound of that. “We dance with the honey and then make out under the waterfall.”
“Make waterfalls happen as well,” Will sputtered.
“Some waterfalls on the back of my dragon lotion—”
I coughed right then, and I quickly hung up the phone. I panted from the feeling and I spread my legs apart so I wouldn’t have to take off my pants again.
I knew I was going to have to go back down there to the kitchen again for the tacos and to tell him where I had gone, but I didn’t feel like it at the moment. I reclined back on my hands with my legs still open wide.
Who was that boy, and was I going to meet him at some point when Lou’s back was turned. I looked on at the phone, at the poison ivy design on the back, and there was a part of me that wanted to eavesdrop some more on the two of them, even though it clearly was none of my business.
“Alex, dinner’s ready!” Eric’s voice floated up the stairs, and I let out a low whistle at the sound of that. I could stand up and walk, but it was a bit tricky, and more so when I went down the stairs. I ran my fingers through my hair again, and that time I could feel myself just beginning to ease up inside of my pants.
I took my seat at the counter again as he took the tacos out of the oven and placed them on the counter before me. I let out a whistle and rested my hands on the counter’s edge.
“You baked them a bit?” I asked him.
“Nah, it was to keep them warm,” he explained, and then he looked on at my face. “You okay? Your face is flushed.”
“I just… got a little warm is all,” was all I could say. It was the truth: I left the room because I got too warm, and my listening in on the phone call was only a small part of it. But there was no way I could pull into that, though.
At least not when it should actually happen.
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ghostiewriter · 2 years
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summary: They were just pretending, that's all they had to do. But why did his jealousy feel so real? Or, day sixteen of ghostie's spooktober spectacular.
read here on ao3.
It wasn’t real, he kept reminding himself. It wasn’t fucking real. 
And yet, Riven still wanted nothing more than to storm over to the other side of the Bastion and shove Sam Harvey a good couple of fucking feet back because he was too close, far too close to something that didn’t belong to him anymore. 
Not that Musa belonged to Riven or anybody really, but that was beyond the point. Or at least, he kept telling himself that it was more than that. 
The point was that Sam Harvey needed to learn that whatever history he and Musa had was precisely that—history. And if Riven had his way, it would firmly stay that way. 
It had been half way through a sparring match when Musa had thrown the idea at him, most definitely as a ploy to distract him but also a genuine offer too. It was a simple dynamic, it was something that would benefit them both and it helped a lot that Musa was one of the few people that didn’t make Riven feel like walking past the barriers and never turning back again. 
After the messy breakup with Beatrix and Dane, things had been…tense to say the least. Both were just as spiteful as they were petty and it seemed like Riven was the one facing the brunt and annoyance of it all. 
Musa, on the other hand, needed to get a past fling off her back. With Sam’s return, Riven doubted the earth fairy thought his distance would do more than just give him the time he needed to find himself again. It gave Musa time to consider what she really wanted as well, and that just no longer aligned with Sam and his future now. Though, he seemed to be having a hard time grasping that truth. 
In some weird twisted turn of events, going from having two very real and intense partners to having one fake girlfriend seemed like the solution to all of his problems. 
Musa was a good friend, nothing more and Riven actually did quite like the mind fairy as much as he may have teased her. It was a simple deal that she benefitted from equally as much. 
So then why the fuck did he feel like his teeth were going to crush under the pressure of how hard he was biting back a handful of colourful phrases when he saw the earth fairy approach Musa by the benches, standing far too close than should be allowed of by an ex. 
Riven barely had the chance to scoff as his head snapped around to glare at Sky, though the blond just looked thoroughly amused. 
“Piss off,” Riven deadpanned. 
“You’re lucky I’m feeling generous today and not swiping you on your ass whilst you ogle your girlfriend to officially end this match,” Sky said as he planted his sword into the ground, leaning against it with a grin. 
“I’m not ogling,” Riven waved off. 
“Yeah, no, you’re right. You’re staring. Like a creep,” Sky snorted. “She can handle herself, Riv.” 
“She’s not the one I’m worried about,” Riven murmured as his eyes narrowed slightly as Sam took another step closer to Musa. “Fuck this.” 
“Don’t do anything stupid!” Sky called out from behind him. 
“Fuck off!” 
“I can’t keep covering your ass to Silva!” 
“Work it out, Blondie!” 
With the runic limiters still firmly planted around her wrists, Musa didn’t feel Riven approaching until his arm was thrown over her shoulders and she was pulled into his side, his hand squeezing her shoulder as though to hold her that little bit tighter made the difference. 
“Musa. Stan.” 
“Sam,” the earth fairy corrected, failing to hide his confusion as his eyes darted between Riven and the way he had practically draped himself over Musa. 
“I didn’t ask,” Riven said with a grin, not missing the way Musa quickly covered her snort with a cough. “Fairy classes are inside the school, things haven’t changed that much since you left.” 
“I know,” Sam said with a bite of annoyance. “I was just talking to Musa.” 
“Well, you’ve spoken to her,” Riven said and waved him off. “Fly along now, specialist training is serious. We don’t need lingerers.” 
Sam narrowed his eyes before blurting out. “I’m sorry, is there something going on here?” he asked, a crease forming between his brows as he turned to Musa. “Really? Him? I barely even left—” 
“You were gone long enough for Musa to know what she wants,” Riven bit back and his hold on the fairy tucked under his arm tightened. “Accept it and move on, Simon.” 
“Sam,” he corrected once again, teeth gritted in frustration. “I just don’t understand—”
“You don’t have to,” Riven interrupted once again, green eyes now cold and disinterested. “Now piss off, she’s busy.” 
Knowing he wouldn’t be getting the answers he wanted today, Sam gave the couple one last look—not even hiding his judgement—before he walked off, shoulders tense and head down. 
“You’re kinda hot when you’re jealous.” 
His eyes snapped down to the mind fairy beside him, instinctively glancing down to look at the smile twisted on her lips. 
“I’m not jealous,” Riven scoffed. “He was bothering you. I was giving you an out before Silva caught you.” 
“You played it well,” Musa continued, ignoring whatever he had just said. “I mean, for a second I really believed you were jealous.”
Riven rolled his eyes. “C’mon, we have shit to do.” 
Before he had the chance to walk away, Musa quickly wrapped her hand around his arm before he could completely pull away from her, causing the boy to stop in his tracks and turn to her. 
“Thank you,” she said and when he frowned a little, she continued. “For Sam. He was…just thank you for saving me.” 
His lips twitched. “It’s what I tend to do a lot these days.” 
Musa snorted. “Way to ruin it.” 
Riven shrugged, careless and grinning. “You owe me big time, that’s all I’m saying.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” she waved him off, but deep down she knew she was grateful for his timing. The Bastion wasn’t exactly the place she wanted to be having that conversation with Sam and he wasn’t getting the chance. “I think you just want another excuse to make out.” 
Riven raised his brows. “Well—“ 
“Shut up!” 
He let out a soft groan as her elbow made contact with his stomach, but his smile didn’t drop. “Kidding, kidding. No need to bruise up your boyfriend.” 
“I’ll avoid the pretty face,” she assured him with a single nod. 
“How kind.” 
“Remember that the next time you almost pull me into a bush to make out.” 
Riven’s eyes twinkled at the memory, and something much stronger bloomed in his chest. “Noted.”
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loveyourlovelysoul · 11 months
so as I was mentioning in a previous post about staying in touch with other people, even those that may not be important... there's this "friend"/neighbor which I haven't been talking to for so long. I could say we lost each other slowly cause of life, and even if she moved back in my neighborhood not long ago, we didn't really got closer again. like, at all. I think we just grew apart, and that's okay: at first it hurt ofc but now I totally accept it.
let me explain.
as I started healing recently, I understood it wasn't just her not considering me that much, but also me having said lot of no's to her (more or less openly), for my own fears (parents' overreaction mostly: I wasn't that aware of this habit of mine back then, so I couldn't speak about it and so she didn't know -but probably got something anyway since she often said how tough to deal with they seemed to be). all this ofc made our bond to just become looser and looser as we moved to uni and she moved to other cities and countries, until it basically became inexistent.
despite having shared the same classes and/or school for most of our lives, we also had different backgrounds/upbringings, different friends (despite some common ones), different habits, different characters (she's always been way more extroverted than me while I used to shy away, even if I often followed her doing weird/funny stuff for others), different lives and goals, different personal problems too... even different views on things especially these days (again, it's fine! we met different people and had different experience since when we used to play and talk together as kids and teens, that too formed us into different human beings). I think we were just different and many times she had been pretending... but ofc, I have no objective proof about this: it could be just my (wounded ego) impression nowadays.
anyway. a couple of months ago she gave birth. ofc she didn't tell me (not even when she got married a couple of years ago to a guy I know as well). I found out by chance after our mothers met, despite having been talking a bit with her hubby in the previous months (he didn't tell me anything about the pregnancy as if it was top-secret). I could have decided this was the last time that she/they closed me off, and honestly at first I felt this way while I was saying "Idc, her/their decision". but talking with an external friend I realized: maybe I could just give her a present for her baby and not make all this and our past matter too much. just see how it goes. we're adults and neighbors now, and that's how I can look at us these days. we can turn the page.
so, even if I felt a bit uncomfortable and part of me didn't feel like (especially for the fact that I wanted to feel as our friendship was definitely closed, and I needed to close with the past abruptly), I texted her asking how she was doing and if she had 5 mins for me to go see her and bring her a little thing for her baby. she replied inviting me for a walk. we went out, both pretending everything was fine and nothing ever happened. we kinda had fun talking about the baby, his quirks, about a neighborhood's problem (as adults do) and remembering a few events of our childhood. I felt more grounded than I thought (despite I couldn't always recall all the words I wanted to say, but I haven't been speaking 1:1 irl for a real lot of time now, except for a few words here and there in specific contexts); she was kinda calm too but I think the pregnancy also made her. she has changed especially in her voice, and it felt weird to see her holding a baby and feeding him. she also asked me to help her with the baby carriage when she had to hold him which ofc I did. and then we went back home after an hour or so, I gave her the gift and we both told each other we could have met for a walk another day (I am kinda sure this won't happen -unless it will be me asking? Idk-, it's just one of those sentences you say out of courtesy, but it felt coherent with how that hour went) and that we'll keep in touch anyway about the neighborhood's problem (more likely?): at the end of the day, I asked about her but she didn't ask anything about me and my life/family anyway, not even when we ended up staying silent for a while (it wasn't uncomfortable for me btw, can't say for her).
once I arrived home I was literally freezing cause the sun was gone and it got pretty cold; I had the feeling she kinda wanted to suddenly run away at that time and find another place to go (maybe, Idk), but I was feeling good. I had a nice interaction, out of all the past context we had been through. it helped me start to get back "out there" again, in a kind of "known" environment (in the end, we still have known each other since ages), to be hugged and hug again (even if it wasn't too felt probably, but it works as practice too heh). and also it reminded me that not everyone has to stay in our life forever and we're not supposed to be in everyone's life forever; and that feelings and bonds can change and evolve in something different as well, if we let them too. they can turn calmer, less profound, and more patient and respectful of each one's new life and boundaries. ofc it's not for everyone, for every relationship: there has to be a *silent* agreement between the parts, at least. not saying I agree with why I wasn't told about the baby or other good news or why I wasn't asked about me out of courtesy even on these terms, but... it was her/their decision and I respect and accept it now. as I will respect their spaces and boundaries from now on without really caring. at all and for real, this time. I know where I stand (and where she stands for me), and that's okay: not because I submissively accept it as her/their decision, but because I understand and agree there's no other way.
this meeting really helped me to see things under a new perspective and actually gave closure, in a way, to my past hurt feelings. differently from how building a wall or cutting cords has ever. now I'll just let things be and really not care much, and treat each other politely as random acquaintances/neighbors. but I can say I really feel much more eager to meet new people, to get out there and test myself after all those years of isolation I put myself in while healing (which made me so rusty and didn't help much, even if I kept talking online at least and learning about boundaries here... but that's not the same). I know now I can bear with that stress, no matter how it'll turn out. I feel stronger and more in touch with myself than ever. it's true: what you make other's decisions and behaviours mean about yourself, only depends on you. I was probably *unconsciously* making it all mean that I was not good enough, not even as an acquaintance/neighbor. but even if it is so according to her/them, I decide to not make it mean anything about my present and actual worth: I have been working on myself so hard and so much that I'm far from being the *scared* girl I used to be in the past and they have no clue about it. and I don't need or want to show them anyway as there's no reason for it. I am closing with the past anyway, whether past people will acknowledge it and come with me in my future or not or in what measure/form they will/won't. it doesn't matter. it only matters what I do and think of my path until today. and what I will decide to do and think about it (and me) from today on.
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bapydemonprincess · 2 years
want to know your HC for how Grell and Rin got togther to have Zoe!
My brain might be a bit pudding-ish rn because I'm at work and running on fumes and also Hands Cold syndrome so it's hard to type, but let me see if I can write this out, as I HAVE discussed my general idea of how she was eventually conceived with @grelleswife, my partner in plotting crime. 💖
At that point of Grelle and Mey's relationship, they'd been together quite a while, and even though it was still canon times and Mey was still at the manor and Grelle still slipping away from her job to see the maid, they'd gotten pretty like reckless with their meet ups and couplings. No longer just meeting at night, but meeting during day times and sometimes while Mey WASN'T at the manor for fun outings. Much like the time grelleswife and I wrote their Valentine's Day Date! ❤️
And again, because Grelle realized that fact, she grew a bit careless in bothering to only come every once in a while, and to only kiss and cuddle so much with her darling maid.
She just couldn't resist wanting to faire l'amour to Mey Rin as much as she could!
And so... well.. even a bringer of death can create life, Grelle has discovered..
And on that note, I headcanon that would absolutely not be the first time such an oopsie has happened to Grelle Sutcliff. BUT, it definitely is rare, considering her male to female lovers ratio is typically more on having male lovers..
But that's another reason why it hasn't happened MUCH, because the lady death only finds a fellow sapphic once in a blue moon.. And well, her last lady before Mey had clearly been Angelina, and if you know her story, you know there was no possibilities there.. 💔
Back to our present loving ladies; I suspect like in many scenarios like this, they had no CLUE right after, and a day or two maybe went by...
Grelle may be a being that collects souls, but that doesn't mean she has some grand power to sense a new soul that has just been made!
So just like her Mey Mey, she was oblivious for a time of what they'd done in one of their best nights of passion, and perhaps, if not for another immortal being who CAN sense new souls, she would have remained oblivious up until the signs of a pregnancy in progress started to show up.
However Sebastian Michaelis, despite being a creature known for SIN and VICE, was quite displeased with this new development, under this very important roof and in this very important noble house.
He was in Mey Rin's bedroom as Grelle arrived in a typical fashion to see her love, and he informed her that they needed to talk right now.
And as he actually grabbed her wrist to drag her out in a particular direction, the reaper's mind went to an extreme direction with all this, and IMMEDIATELY attacked the butler, assuming he was holding back information on something that had happened to Mey Rin, perhaps such as their finagling had lead to her getting punished by this bastard and his bratty master!!
But the butler interrupted her shrieks of outrage, informing her he was taking her directly to Mey Rin, as they were BOTH in need of discussing something very important!
"Fine," the reaper huffed and pulled away from him where she'd pinned him down and shaken him, gripping his jacket violently, "then take me to her, tout de suite, demon!"
And rolling his eyes and getting up and brushing himself off, Sebastian continued.
Mey Rin was just in the kitchen. And just sitting in a chair, fiddling with her hands, also looking confused and uncertain of what was going on.
However seeing Sebastian return, but with her lover Grelle, Mey Rin practically flew out of that chair, knocking it to the floor, to jump into Grelle's relieved arms.
"Oh Grelle, oh I hope everythin' is okay!! I dunno why Mr. Sebastian was really persistent he was that I stay here an' wait fer 'im t'come back, an' an' he'd said he was gettin' YOU but I didn't know 'OW he was an' WHY an'--"
"Oh darling, hush now, I'm sure we'll sort this out, surely it's nothing too serious that genius ladies such as ourselves cannot work together to fix!"
A clearing of a throat.
"Ladies.. please sit so we can proceed.. and get right to the issue at hand."
Both ladies were semi hesitant to humor the butler, considering despite letting them be, he was quite miffed every night he had to endure overhearing them have their fun in the maid's quarters.
But Sebastian's extra serious expression could not be denied in this matter and they slowly parted and carefully sat, eyes darting from each other to him constantly and silently.
The butler actually took a breath, at first, before looking upon the ladies with something bordering mild concern.
"Beforehand I wish to say it is entirely up to you both how you'll handle this. You are both adults, and though this will be.. strange territory, especially to you Mey Rin," He looked upon her with an especially concerning look, "I will leave it entirely up to you on how to work this out."
"What the devil are you talking about, Bassy??" Grelle shrieked, letting annoyance cover up her fear of the unknown, "is this something to do with other reapers coming to muck about and try separating us?? Just describe what they look like and I'll take care of them myself!"
Sebastian raised a hand firmly.
"No, nothing of the sort. There is no outside parties trying to separate you, and this is an issue much more.. internal than that."
Grelle went quiet, and even more deadly serious herself, lips a thin line, her eyes shining behind her glasses.
"Then what could it possibly be?"
Sebastian closed his eyes almost solemn-like.
"I am a demon as you both know now," he started. (Side note: I of course headcanon by now that Mey Rin knows of this as she knows Grelle is a reaper)
"And one of the most obvious abilities of my kind is being able to sense souls. From the old and dying kind.. to the new and having just been created kind.."
He opened his eyes and looked from the reaper, slowly over to the maid.
"And so you see, on one particular night, about three days ago mind you, I sensed the.. creation of a new life."
He paused and let that statement linger, observing them, watching as both ladies' faces changed from confusion and fear and paranoia to... more confusion, more fear, but.. not exactly paranoia.
"L... like a... b... baby??" Mey Rin squeaked, barely choking out the last word.
Sebastian nodded once, and as he spoke again found his voice softer, gentler. Perhaps out of... sympathy for the young woman?? He wasn't sure himself..
"Exactly. A baby. A human infant had been.. conceived. Though I know some humans do not consider it much of a baby at that point, if at all. It depends on the human's--"
"WHERE??!!" Mey Rin suddenly shouted with excitement out of the blue, standing and smacking her hands down on the table, "WHO IS HAVIN' A BABY, MR. SEBASTIAN?! WE- WE AIN'T AROUND MANY FAMILY HOLMES OUT HERE, NO WE AIN'T-- M-MAYBE IT WAS ACTUALLY AN ANIMAL LIKE A COW OR-- OR--"
"N-No, Mey Rin, that's not--"
"Oh, p-poppet.." Grelle's much more emotional voice cracked out, interrupting Sebastian as he'd interrupted Mey Rin.
Sebastian's eyebrows flew up as he looked over at the reaper, and beheld a look he'd.. sworn he'd never seen on Grelle Sutcliff before.
Her gloved hands were over her mouth and nose firmly, in a familiar way to restrain sobs from coming forth.
Her phosphorescent eyes that were usually animated were practically drowning in held back tears.
These traits, combined with how she'd spoken, drove home that.. Grelle was not taking this situation the way Sebastian had assumed she would.. Considering..
In fact...
Grelle Sutcliff seemed rather...
"Wh-whot's wrong, luv??" the maid asked immediately, still not yet comprehending the full situation.
However instead of verbally answering Grelle was scooping up the other woman in seconds flat, holding her tightly, as her tears finally escaped her eyes and streamed down her rosy cheeks. She kissed the woman all over her confused little face and pet her hair and when she was finally FINALLY able to talk, she was lowering herself, on the floor, on one knee, looking up at Mey Rin.
"Mey Rin... FORGET what Sebastian said about it being up to BOTH of us-- It's your body. Not mine. Not his. Not ANYONE elses. Just..Just know.."
She had to take a breath.
"If you choose to keep this baby, I will stay right here beside you, for the entirety.. I will see this out, through thick and thin--"
"W.. wh.. what.." Mey was barely able to squeak out, but clearly now she'd understood the gravity of this ordeal, and it was clearly currently sinking in, as she stared down at Grelle before her, like one of those grand knights in fairy tales, swearing to protect and honor her princess paramour.
"You're pregnant Mey Mey!" Grelle told her, no accusation in sight. Simply getting to the point.
"I'm.. preg.. nant??" Mey blubbered out, eyes getting as watery now as Grelle's.
"With MY baby!! ...OUR baby!!!" Grelle continued, insisting with a hint of pride to her tone now, for she knew for certain there was no way it could be any other...
Considering she'd been the very one to deflower the sweet maid herself!
"I... I.... I'M SO..." Was all Mey could manage, before practically falling out of the chair she'd sat in this whole time, all because she wished to fall into Grelle's arms as she sobbed and sobbed.
Overall, just as written, both ladies took this news from the demon butler surprisingly well, and began at once to plot out how they would handle this.
Seeing as it was still an era of pregnancy being quite dangerous, especially if foisted upon a lady that was not married nor a noble of some sort, both maid and reaper had to keep mum outside the manor.
Of course this meant the others within the manor were brought in the know, but as mainly they were all on Mey Rin's side, even the Earl himself (though he might have.. threatened the reaper a bit after confronting her..), they all planned to help the ladies however they could with the process.
And speaking of marriage..
It was one f the first things on Grelle Sutcliff's mind after learning of the situation!
By Hell or high water, she was going to make this RIGHT, dammit. She was going to MARRY Mey Rin!
And proceeded to find the most gorgeous pink crystal heart engagement ring to present to Mey Rin, asking for her hand.
Which was of course accepted! 💖❤️
And again, all of this; the wedding and the pregnancy remained under wraps very tightly, under the secure watch of Phantomhive.
And after nine intense but seemingly swift dizzying months, on a foggy early English morning, after eight grueling hours of pain and tears and fear aplenty...
Mey Rin and Grelle Sutcliff got to meet their new daughter, a new life, that they had created together...
A Grim Reaper and human maid...
Zoe Sutcliff.
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nickgerlich · 20 days
Let's Get Sociable
I know. We’re barely past Labor Day. PSL’s have hardly begun their meteoric sales path. And it is still pretty warm. But it’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas, right?
Well, suffice it to say that I won’t be thinking about it until Thanksgiving, when we pull that old fake tree out of storage and festoon it with a wide variety of ornaments collected through the years. Not a moment before.
Marketers, though, are thinking about it, and have been for quite some time. Merchandise orders were placed months ago, especially for items sourced overseas. Retailers are busy getting rid of insect repellent, potting soil, garden hoses, and all the things you may very well still need for a couple of months, replacing it with holiday decorations. You know. Because they think that some people will actually buy that stuff long before they ever need it.
And analysts are also paying attention, but for different reasons. They are busy monitoring and surveying consumers’ shopping intentions, which includes how much, where, when, and how. And one of the key takeaways right now from this early vantage point is that GenZ shoppers are more likely to purchase their holiday gifts via social media.
Ponder this. Not in stores. Not just online. In social media apps.
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This points to the increasing use of mobile devices for shopping. Of course, it’s not like this started yesterday. Even I, an aging Boomer, have been doing it for quite a few years now. I have also shopped via social media, such as the Nordic Socks ad that enticed me a few years ago with their cozy wool footwear. But to do my holiday shopping there? Hmmm.
Instagram is the most likely site where shopping will occur, followed by Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. I do find the Facebook entry to be a bit curious, because GenZ is notorious for not using Facebook. I also suspect that a lot of GenZers secretly have a Facebook account, but only use it once in a while to stay in touch with older family members. Or maybe shop for them.
This shift in buyer behavior has huge implications. Whereas all other shopping, be it in-store or online, is rather purposive, with shoppers actively seeking products and information, social media shopping has a very different dynamic. There’s an almost random component, meaning you have to have seen an ad or Reel in the first place to know that you could shop there.
Savvy marketers, though, know they can roll the dice with much greater certainty these days with highly targeted ads, aimed squarely at users based on their established preferences, demographics, and prior online usage.
Bear in mind that what you see in your feed, whichever platform you use, is the result of complicated algorithms that track every aspect of your time within that app. Those algorithms also pull in other information stored in cookies and search engine histories. That information is also sold among companies. Unlike broadcast television, though, in which we would all see the same adverts during prime time programming or sports telecasts, each person’s feed is unique.
Long-term implications, if this trend were to continue for GenZers as they progress through adulthood, mean a steadily decreasing role for brick-and-mortar shops, especially during the holidays, and perhaps even the end of Black Friday shenanigans. Why venture out into all that traffic, crowds, and possibly cold weather when you can just snuggle up by the fire and shop on your phone?
It is interesting to consider the generational differences at play here. It is a drama unfolding based largely on technological skills and whether or not you are a digital native. It is GenZ that is, by its very definition, a cohort of truly digital natives, people whom have known no other way. Millennials were the big transition group, and since they were born between 1980 and 1996, there is variability. Those on the latter end are closer to behaving like their younger counterparts than the middle-aged folks who ushered in that generation.
And then there’s Gen X (1965-1979) and the Boomers (1946-1964). While most of us have made the transition to this digital life, there are still some who have resisted. It is hard to shake old ways of doing things, and if you still prefer to shop the stores and—gasp—use cash to pay for everything, that’s on you. You can still do what you like (Note: I am siding with GenZ on this one. I am not a fan of shopping.).
Also know, though, that ultimately resistance is futile. Try buying a concert ticket these days without having to download a QR or bar code to your phone instead of getting a paper ticket. Printed email tickets are also all but dead. Get with the program, or you are not getting in.
Meanwhile, it’s always fun to take advantage of my ring side seat to all this pageantry. It’s a very different place from when I first started teaching, and if anything, all that change keeps this job interesting. And for marketers, it just means they better be on their toes. Christmas is always on the horizon.
Dr “Happy Holidaze” Gerlich
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psychiatricwarfare · 1 month
hey! So like, i really like yall's blog and stuff, but the reason im messaging is cuz ur a system and like. i just discovered im a system in the last couple weeks. So I was wondering if you had any advice for someone figuring this out? cuz itz realll confusing
it definitely is super confusing!! systemhood experiences are something that varies from system to system but here's some that may hopefully help! feel free to ask any follow up questions and/or DM us directly if u like
so the very first thing we did once we started to come to terms with the fact that we are a system was try and get a feel for who was who and maybe get a base head count. for us, we are currently at 6 (as far as we are aware, however there's a lot of headspace that the 3 of us who run this blog cant access +therefore dont know much about).
the way we got our headcount was by asking questions constantly throughout the day, our favourite to ask is favourite colour but it can be anything! try to ask new questions alongside repeated ones to try and learn more about whoever is fronting in that moment
for example, say we ask ourself what our favourite colour is and it's green, that would mean that beatle is fronting bc that's their favourite colour, then they might think about what they look like or trying to think of things they like or dislike. sometimes it doesnt come right away, sometimes you just wont know things about yourself
~ for me (beatle), when i first split out of bug's subsystem into the main system i had no concept of myself. for a long time i just considered myself to be bug's scraps or the parts of bug that were undesirable due to the way i was formed. but the longer i was my own alter as part of the main system the more i discovered about myself just intuitively. i realised that i am definitely Not Human (altho humans are fascinating tbh), im a faun (aka a deer-girl-thing fae) who's deeply in love with the forest and dreams of being silly and having fun and enjoying life, playing with the other fae and the flora and the fauna and the fungi. it took me a long time (maybe about a year give or take) for my identity to really make itself clear to me.~
it's probably going to be a confusing process for a while, we're still not fully accustomed to being a functioning system & often have times where we aren't sure what's going on, things like co-con and co-fronting can add extra levels of confusion as well as splits, fusions, subsystems, disappearances & dissociation. you may not experience all of these things but they all could potentially happen
headspace is strange and difficult for us to navigate outside of our "gaming room" and bedrooms. not all systems have a headspace, some who do have extremely detailed ones, others (we) have very abstract ones. building bonds between headmates can sometimes help with navigating headspace & making it a more cohesive place
there also may be entire parts of your system that you are unaware of and they may be unaware of you! like we said, there are 6 of us in total (that we know of) but only 3 of us run this blog. the other 3 are are the littles and their caretaker. the three of us have never met the caretaker, although null can communicate with her using its tablet thing, she is fully aware of our presence but hers was unknown to us until we got a visit from our 2 littles after not seeing them for a long time. they were the ones who told us she existed and looked after them while the three of us maintain the body & navigate the outer world.
> honestly the hardest thing for me (bug) was learning to accept that im sharing this body with others and how to go about being a good host & not casting my headmates' wants/needs aside in favour of my own while also trying to navigate being not out as a system to the vast majority of people we know. the most difficult part, in my opinion, is attempting to stay true to yourself while also allowing your headmates to stay true to themselves without fear of others finding out somehow. truthfully, 99.99999% of people Will Not figure out someone's a system & will excuse any "odd" or "out of character" behaviour bc most people only think of systemhood as something that happens in movies, not a real thing that real people have. most people's brains will jump to "wow that person is so unpredictable sometimes" or "wow they really change depending on their mood" and not that there's secretly other people inside your head. <
thats all we can really think of for now but again, feel free to ask for more specific advice/experiences! our askbox/dms are always open :3
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