#there’s a blog on here using AI images downscaled trying to pass it off as their art…
8pxl · 5 months
if you've got the time and energy, would you mind sharing your thoughts on programs that turn photographs into pixel art? thank you!
honestly people have been using methods to posterize images into pixel art for a while. it has been an issue in the pixel art community before genAI was even a thing. mostly ppl would downscale/posterize a photo to ‘delegitimize’ pixel art by showing how easy it is to ‘achieve’ lol.
but generally it’s easy to tell when an image has been made that way, mostly because of colors blurring way too much, turning into color mud with no contrast and nothing being ‘readable’ (ie trees don’t look like trees just green blobs etc)
i personally do not have an issue with it if someone is doing it for personal usage or having fun. theres also no real program that CAN just turn a photograph into pixel art, generally they use a photoshop technique etc so at least they’re having some creative input? as long as their not using copyrighted photos etc
but the issue will always be disclosing it, if you’re trying to pass off downscaled photos/AI images as your own art that’s morally wrong and very disingenuous.
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