#maybe i should call them out too 👁️👄👁️
8pxl · 5 months
if you've got the time and energy, would you mind sharing your thoughts on programs that turn photographs into pixel art? thank you!
honestly people have been using methods to posterize images into pixel art for a while. it has been an issue in the pixel art community before genAI was even a thing. mostly ppl would downscale/posterize a photo to ‘delegitimize’ pixel art by showing how easy it is to ‘achieve’ lol.
but generally it’s easy to tell when an image has been made that way, mostly because of colors blurring way too much, turning into color mud with no contrast and nothing being ‘readable’ (ie trees don’t look like trees just green blobs etc)
i personally do not have an issue with it if someone is doing it for personal usage or having fun. theres also no real program that CAN just turn a photograph into pixel art, generally they use a photoshop technique etc so at least they’re having some creative input? as long as their not using copyrighted photos etc
but the issue will always be disclosing it, if you’re trying to pass off downscaled photos/AI images as your own art that’s morally wrong and very disingenuous.
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Heeeeeeyyy. I don't know if your taking requests or not, so if not then just ignore this and I'm sorry. I recently got into your blog and I LOVE the way your write. I was wondering if you could 2003 Raph x mute reader who is the adopted niece of Mrs. Morrison (the blind woman Raph helps). Reader got in a car crash with some friends one night and her vocal cords got permanently damaged. Parents can't afford to house her due to medical bills and sent her to live with her aunt. Reader is really gentle and kind and just the picture of feminine grace and maturity. I imagine Raph would go visit Mrs. Morrison and she would want to introduce reader and reader and Raph would just look at eachother like 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️👁️👄👁️
Mrs. Morrison’s Niece (Angst/Fluff)
2003!Raphael x mute!reader
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A/N: Thank you so much! I'm so happy that you like my writing❤️💕 But now about this one; the only way I know of where a blind person and a mute person can communicate is using tactile sign language. I do not know tactile sign language myself, and therefore I hope the communication shown between Mrs. Morrison and the reader can be considered somewhat accurate, given the amount of knowledge I have. Hope you enjoy❤️🐢
Warnings: Mentioning of a car crash, mentioning of damage to vocal cord, mentioning of poverty, a non tactile sign language user describing tactile sign language.
Mrs. Morrison was a nice old lady, and though she could be a little naive at times, Raphael quite liked her. She was sweet, soft spoken, and cared about every creature she came across. Even Raphael. That still surprised him from time to time how nice she could be, but he appreciated it nonetheless.
It wasn’t uncommon for Raphael to come and visit Mrs. Morrison for tea or even dinner. White visiting, he would help her clean and get the house in order. A task that sadly had gotten harder for the poor old woman as she grew older, causing her to rely more and more on the kindness of people like Raphael. Her blindness didn’t help much, causing her to stay at home most of the time, only venturing out to get groceries.
One evening during dinner, Mrs. Morrison told him about her family. Her beloved dead husband, who’s picture she kept framed both in her living room and by her bedside, and her extended family that lived out of state. Raphael listened closely, while keeping close attention to Lucy, the white cat that had decided to sleep on his foot. Mrs. Morrison had a little sister she sadly didn’t get to see very often, given the geographical distance between them. This sister had a husband and daughter who she loved dearly. Other than her late husband, they were the closest family she had. And this broke Raphael’s heart. The thought of this poor old lady living alone with her cat. Everytime Raph thought about him, it made him sad. That was one of the many reasons why he had given her his number, so she could call whenever she needed someone to talk to. And call she did.
Mrs. Morrison never called too often, and when she did call, it was mainly to hear how Raphael was doing and if he was eating enough, or invite him over for yet another meal. Sometimes he could hear Lucy meow in the background, causing Raph to jokingly say that the friendly cat was missing him. Mrs. Morrison found that highly amusing.
One day Mrs. Morrison called Raphael and invited him over for dinner that evening, just like she normally would when she invited him over. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing that would let Raphael know that this day would be any different than the rest.
Just like Raphael always did, he knocked on Mrs. Morrison’s back alley door and patiently waited for her to open the door. She came to the door and opened it, letting Lucy make her way to Raphael, before rubbing her head against his ankle.
“Good evening, Mrs. Morrison”, Raphael said, smiling as he took Lucy up in his hands. He sometimes wondered if she could smell Klunk on him. Maybe he should bring him one day.
“Raphael!”, Mrs. Morrison smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I’m so glad you could come! Come in! Come in!”
“Of course, Mrs. Morrison”, Raphael smiled, following the old lady into her apartment, letting Lucy run into the living room before he turned to close the door.
“(Y/N)! Sweetheart! Please come and help me get Raphael seated”, Mrs. Morrison said, as she made her way through the living room.
Raph turned from the closed door, staring after Mrs. Morrison in fear. There was someone else in her house? Oh no, that sweet old lady. She had no idea about Raphael’s true nature, so why would she see anything wrong in having other people in the house. Crud! This was surely going to end badly for Raph.
But as you walked out of the kitchen with a small smile on your face, washcloth still in your hand, ready to greet the guest at the door, all of Raphael’s fears washed away. His shoulders slumped as he took in your face, feeling his guts doing funny jumps and his knees going slightly weak.
You however jumped at the sight of the mutant turtle standing at the door. Unsure of what to do, you started fidgeting with the washcloth in your hand.
“(Y/N)”, Mrs. Morrison said, her hand finding your shoulder. “This is Raphael I told you about. Raphael, this is my niece, (Y/N)”.
You did not say a word. All you did was stare at Raphael. Starting was nothing knew for the red clad turtle, yet there was something about your gaze that made Raphael feel things he had never felt before.
“Uhm… Nice to meet ya, (Y/N)”, he managed to get out, stretching out a hand for you to shake. A little unsure you took his hand, giving it a small shake. But still no words. That confused Raphael a bit, yet he kept his mouth shut. He knew better than to start asking people why they wouldn’t talk to him.
You, Raphael and Mrs. Morrison moved into the kitchen, where Raphael and Mrs. Morrison took a seat at the table, while you continued your cooking. Raph couldn’t help but cast glances in your direction as he listened to whatever Mrs. Morrison was telling him about. But the moment your eyes met, Raphael almost jumped out of his shell before quickly avoiding your eyes, his cheeks burning hot. You too turned away, your face pink in a slight blush.
At one point you left the kitchen to go get something in a room on the other side of the living room. He watched you leave, before jumping at the sound of Mrs. Morrison’s voice.
“She’s nice, don’t you think, Raphael?”, Mrs. Morrison said, smiling in his direction as if she knew he had been looking after you.
“Uhm… yeah, she is”, Raph said, fidgeting with his fingers under the table. “If ya don’t mind me asking, Mrs. Morrison, but… is she okay?”
Mrs. Morrison sighed, her shoulders fell as an expression of sadness washed over her face. “Poor (Y/N), God bless her soul. The sweet thing was so unlucky to end up in a car crash with some of her friends, where her vocal cord sadly got permanently damaged”.
“I’m… really sorry to hear that”, Raphael said, his gaze turning towards the living room. He could hear you move around in the room on the opposite side.
“She has not had it easy afterward”, Mrs. Morrison sighed once more. “My sister and her husband sadly aren’t doing too great on the finances. I don’t blame them. These are hard times. But that sadly has to cost my sweet niece. The medical bills have been too much for them, and her parents don’t have the money to house them all, especially not now. Therefore we decided it would be best if she came and lived with me”.
“It must really be heard for her”, Raph said, more to himself than the old lady sitting at the table.
“It is”, Mrs. Morrison sighed. “I may not be able to see it, but even I know she’s sad. Who wouldn’t be after something like that?” Mrs. Morrison paused for a moment. “That’s why I called you, Raphael. You were so nice to help me out when I needed help, so maybe you can help (Y/N) a little? I’m not asking you to do much more than keep her company. I think she could really use someone other than her old aunt around her”.
Raphael jumped in his seat when you returned to the kitchen. He watched as you lightly poked Mrs. Morrison’s shoulder to catch her attention. You held out our hands for her to feel, as you moved them in signs. Mrs. Morrison nodded with a smile.
“In the cupboard on the left, sweetheart”, Mrs. Morrison said, smiling as you clapped on the shoulder as a thank you. Raphael felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of your smile. He couldn’t deny how beautiful your smile was.
During the dinner the chatting was light. At least from Raphael’s side. He sat quietly and listened at Mrs. Morrison’s words, all while throwing glances your way. You were smiling and nodding at your aunt's words, tapping on the table to let her know that you did so.
Raphael couldn’t help but feel fascinated by you. Sure, he had seen pretty women around New York City, but none of them ever struck him the way you did. You seemed so sweet and soft, yet your eyes shone with a maturity rarely seen before. Maybe it was because of the things you had been through. It had hardened you and matured you, yet you still seemed so friendly. Maturity wasn’t the only thing shining in your eyes. A shimmer. A light of sorts. Something Raphael couldn’t quite place, yet it drew him in- oh crud, you were looking at him. You had seen him stare at you. Oh crud! Shell fucking shell!
But before Raphael could let panic take him, you gave him a little smile. A little calm friendly smile. For a moment it felt like time stilled as you smiled at him, your expression telling him more than words ever had.
After dinner, Raphael helped you clean off the table. You gave him an appreciative smile as he started cleaning the plates in the sink. He said no words, finding that the communication with your eyes was enough, and somehow also strangely comforting.
After the two of you had cleaned the kitchen, it was time for Raph to go home. You and your aunt followed him to the door, where he told Mrs. Morrison goodnight as he moved from the apartment and out in the alley.
“Say hey to your brothers from me”, she said, smiling big. “They sound like some nice young men!”
“I will be sure to do so, Mrs. Morrison”, Raphael said, before she turned and went back into her apartment, leaving you and Raph alone in the open door.
Under normal circumstances, Raphael would have found the silence awkward, wrecking his mind to find something to talk about. But with you and your friendly smile, Raph did not feel the need to talk, finding your smile comforting enough.
Lucy was the one to break the silence, meowing as she wrapped herself around Raph’s leg. That was when Raph saw your shoulders shake and a bright smile on your lips, eyes closed. You were giggling, finding the interaction between the mutant and the white cat entertaining. Raphael bent down to pick up Lucy, letting her meow in his arms as he scratched her behind the ear.
“Before I leave”, Raph finally said. “I will just like to say, that it was nice meeting ya, (Y/N), and if ya won’t mind, I’ll very much like to see ya again”.
You smiled at him once more, before reaching your arms out to take Lucy from his arms. Raphael watched your movements, wondering what your next would be. As Lucy cuddled up against you, your hand went into your pocket, fishing out a small piece of folded paper you then gave to him with a sweet smile. Raphael unfolded the paper, and was surprised to find your number written down, along with a “text me when you get the chance;) - (Y/N)”.
Raphael smiled from the paper to you. “I will be sure to do so”, he said, watching as your smile got wider. “I’ll see you around, (Y/N)”. Those were his last words before he turned, jumped onto the fire escape and started crawling, all while you stood smiling in the doorway.
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lovefrombegonia · 3 months
Just some rambling IWTV season 2 flashback to the dreadful ep of Lestat throwing Louis from the sky...
In the trial episode, when there was a flashback to what happened that night with Louis and Lestat...well...from what we know now, they beat each other. And when Louis just smashed Lestat's face on their coffin so hard, they fell to the opposite sides, I laughed so fucking hard. Like WTF 💀💀 I was actually reluctant to watching any flashback to that episode but I am glad that they didn't make it what I thought they did back then. Anyways, back at them vampire boyfriends having a meltdown while they give zero fucks about their terrified, traumatized daughter, I calmed down a bit,, it's getting serious...
Then Louis tried to get up, looked at Lestat's face, and started laughing while saying "look at your fucking face". Cut to Lestat's face--bruh I was laughing like a psychopath at the man's bloody face 😂😂 coz he did look fucking horrible like a bloody clown, mouth half open! Eyes all like this: 🩸👁️👄👁️🩸
This is extra weird to me when I think about how the same event but in season 1, from Claudia's POV was so fucking horrifying and triggering to me. I almost wanted to shut the show down. Oh lord, I feel like I just enjoy seeing Lestat get beat up sometimes. That's ok. He deserves some beating. Louis gotta put a leash on him with how fucking feral he gets.
One thing tho, this was also Louis's retellings, right? In season 1. So, why did he say the story in such a way that it looked like, Lestat was just beating the shit out of him. Louis wouldn't lie just to make Lestat look worse than he already is. I don't get it coz, regardless of whether Louis did beat Lestat back or not, what Lestat did after that, by dropping Louis from sky high...that reaction from Lestat was already horrible enough on its own. Nowhere near a proportional reaction to what Louis did or said to him. So, Louis just...wanted to keep Daniel in suspense or what LOL Or was that scene from s1 supposed to be from Claudia's diary POV? I don't remember now if it was flashback to Daniel reading the diary. And I don't wanna watch that episode again. Might be that it's simply the show keeping us on our toes. If so then idk what to feel about the show doing that. I also don't think Lestat's face looked as bloody in s1 during this happening. Probably a continuity error. Or...a memory manipulation by Armand? Louis didn't at all notice the different retellings of the same night tho, neither did Daniel. Or maybe Lestat did have a bloody face.
Introducing the memory manipulation and memory erasing power gives some new meanings to previous events. Definitely, makes things more interesting. I do hope the seasons ahead are just as good as season 2 was. Even new powers. Show us Magnus and Akasha too. Armand looked shooketh when Lestat almost whisper-said the name 👀
I know that Akasha has a movie called Queen of the Damned. She looks...majestic. The Lestat beside her tho, looks like budget Edward Cullen. The movie has low ratings too. Idk if I should watch it and potentially spoil the future seasons. Or just wait for the next season and then watch it. I have seen a little bit of this film tho, on television. She just sauntered down vaguely in a disco. Hard to forget her, in that sexy attire and just fucking amazing look over all. Hot af
I already know some minor spoilers about Lestat. Well, one spoiler. That Lestat had...Alabama mommy issues 😭😭 what is this wrong with this French dude. Louis and Claudia really got paired with the most unhinged vampire...
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Happy Wincest Wednesday, bestie!
What do you think would happen if Sam was pregnant during the rescue trip to apocalypse world 👀
Oh my god i have been stuck in mpreg feels lately and i've been stuck in Beat the Devil feels.
Ok so I'm thinking Sam's barely showing, maybe 6 months along and Dean is the only one who knows so far.
well the ones who aren't human know because they can sense it.
Dean is completely against Sam going with them at first but after reassuring him that he's more than capable of handling this.
he isn't too thrilled over his "and if we die together, we'll do that too."
plus after Cas's whole "I've been used by Lucifer too it was the worst possible violation." and "we've been avoiding him because we're afraid." Sam would honestly rather be by Dean's side than anywhere near Lucifer who would more than likely sense their child too.
side note i HATE how Cas says they let him out of the cage and he never stopped being their responsibility like bitch excuse me lolol i wanna kill him for Sam.
oh god now I'm thinking of "his bitch of a mother poisoned him against me" 👁️👄👁️Sam is Jacks parent/mom and now I'm thinking about how he calls Mary "Mother Mary" and brain worms are wiggling.
Dean constantly checks in on Sam, Sam is feeling good about it all, he's so positive and its a little too healthy for Dean but the baby is kicking and Sam's been fine on this trip so far and now the vampires are attacking some people and he isn't thrilled about Sam throwing himself in the mix to save these people when he should be worried about their baby.
He isn't thrilled about passing through the cave, but he knows they have to, he keeps Sam as close by as possible, it should have been somewhat easy, they had two angels with them, but there's vampires everywhere, Sam is gone.
Sam is yelling for him and he just watched his Sammy, his pregnant Sammy have his throat ripped out.
Sam dying protecting his stomach so they couldn't get to their unborn child.
Dean has lost two important people, he honestly couldn't care what happens to anyone else.
Had Sam not showed up at the camp, he would have gone back to die alongside with him.
but now Lucifer is here, Sam has a limp, and Lucifer is too damn smug for his liking while Sam looks so ashamed at being alive.
He doesn't ask, he doesn't bring it up, he just waits until their alone back home in the bunker, and let's Sam process this in his own way.
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einsatzzz · 2 months
♡ 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐒. ♡ Tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better
TAGGED BY @dreamieparadise (thank you! 💜)
TAGGING. @azaracyy @social-muffin @yenosiria @shiawase-rina (feel free to ignore if u don't want to do this hehe also my brain is not braining rn, 4 ppl is my max, whoever wanna do this can do so too!)
✧. ┊ 𝑵𝑨𝑴𝑬 : Ein! People I comm'd probably already saw my irl name but let's close our eyes 😆 Tho if we're friends, you can ask for my irl name. (lowkey I'm more used to being called Ein than my irl name)
✧. ┊ 𝑨𝑳𝑰𝑨𝑺 : Just Ein again lmaooo
✧. ┊ 𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑹 : I've been suspecting that I may highly likely be nonbinary but I'm too busy with my work and hobbies/personal projects to find out about it now.
✧. ┊ 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹 𝑺𝑰𝑮𝑵 : Aries!
✧. ┊ 𝑯𝑬𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 : 150cm - 152cm 🧍‍♀️ around two years ago, I went to my annual physical exam and got a height measurement of 152cm, which made me happy bc I've been 150cm since high school. But then this year, I got 150cm...so I...I shrunk...?👁️👄👁️ I will never let go of that 152cm.......I'm still 152cm in my heart...
✧. ┊ 𝑺𝑬𝑿𝑼𝑨𝑳𝑰𝑻𝒀 : Somewhere in the ace spectrum (maybe ace, maybe gray, idk bruh), but I'm too busy with work and hobbies/personal projects to find out what it is exactly.
✧. ┊ 𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑬 𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑳𝑬𝑬𝑷 : According to my smartwatch app, it's 5 hours 👍✨
✧. ┊ 𝑫𝑶𝑮 𝑶𝑹 𝑪𝑨𝑻 𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑺𝑶𝑵 : I love both! But I'll just say I'm a dog person because I have a pet dog lol
✧. ┊ 𝑩𝑳𝑨𝑵𝑲𝑬𝑻 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑺𝑳𝑬𝑬𝑷 ����𝑰𝑻𝑯 : I don't really pay attention to it that much, but I really like the soft & fluffy ones.
✧. ┊ 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴 𝑻𝑹𝑰𝑷 : Japan again!!! Going on a one week trip there improved my physical and mental health, fr fr, not kidding. Maybe I should just live there idk. Also wanna visit online friends' countries and meet with them! Most feasible rn are SEA countries hehe I'll save up for it and visit someday my SEA homies, you know who u are. Second most feasible is Europe, because I will highly likely apply for a Schengen visa sometime in the future but not so soon.
✧. ┊ 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑮 𝑩𝑰𝑹𝑻𝑯𝑫𝑨𝑻𝑬 : I just checked and my first post is around August 15, 2014. But it should be a few years older than that because I lurked A LOT in certain fandoms before my first post. Safest bet is probably around 2011, which is when I was obsessing over Ina11 and stalking ask accounts here.
✧. ┊ 𝑾𝑯𝒀 𝑰 𝑴𝑨𝑫𝑬 𝑨 𝑻𝑼𝑴𝑩𝑳𝑹 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑮 : I wanted a tumblr account to follow ask accounts of my favorite characters.
✧. ┊ 𝑼𝑹𝑳 𝑴𝑬𝑨𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 : It was from an Uta//Pri Drama CD called "Masquerade Mirage" and the character that my oshi (Ai) is playing as back then is named "Einsatz". I was very down bad for Ai back then, you don't understand. Anyway, the actual "Einsatz" username was already taken so I added a few z's at the end since I'm too lazy to think up a new one (idek that it's a german word). Mutuals/friends back then started to call me "Ein", I just rolled with it and now it's just stuck to me. I don't really wanna change it anymore, even if Uta//Pri isn't an active interest of mine now.
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Jack Harlow x Reader Instagram AU
*Read this fic first and this Instagram AU* & Part 2 of the fic here
Featuring @hoodharlow 🤭💞
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Liked by jackharlow, blancahood, yourbestiename, urbanwyatt, badbunnypr, and 7,688,467 others
yourusername Te deseó lo mejor porque gracias a ti soy la mejor versión de mi 💘
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blancahood 🔥 Nos vemos next month 😉
yourusername Tengo miedo alv
yourbestiename Omgg are you finally reuniting with he who should not be mentioned?
blancahood pendeja 🤦🏻‍♀️ way to make it obvious.
yourusername 😭😭😭😭
yourbestiename I didn’t know it was still a secret 🙄
jackharlow There she go 🌟 🫶🏻🥺
urbanwyatt ❤️‍🔥 🔥
• jackharlow added to their story
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Liked by urbanwyatt, cozane, nemoachida, 2forwoyne, and 8,578,524 others
jackharlow I know you hate the way we drifted
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user how do you know y/n?
user are we going to ignore the fact that he’s been under her recent posts and then the story he just posted?
urbanwyatt 🤭👀
claybornharlow please tell me this is about the one that got away!?
urbanwyatt 🤫
yourusername Who you talkin' to now? Are y'all 'bout to tie a knot? Hope not 😝😌
jackharlow 👁️👄👁️
yourusername Also, you’re fake because you can’t answer my dms but you’re under my post and posting me on your stories 🤨
jackharlow idk what to say
yourusername ????
yourusername Okaaay, I’ll leave you to it then, sorry I wasted your time.
urbanwyatt JACKMAN WTF
claybornharlow You know for being the older brother and being wiser, you’re really dumb right now.
jackharlow I’m not the one that left.
blancahood Y/N he’s a little slow but he’ll catch up eventually.
yourusername Está bien, I just wanted a fresh start and just to catch up.
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Liked by urbanwyatt, claybornharlow, yourbestiename, blancahood, and 5,678,356 others
yourusername Out here growing, learning and vibing. New music video next Friday 💚 📸 My wingman urbanwyatt
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urbanwyatt Aye ☝🏼 thanks for having us
claybornharlow I had fun 🤭
cozane 💚
blancahood Thank me for letting you losers join last minute
yourusername LMAAAO netaa, eres la mejor. Gracias por reunirme con ellos, aunque haiga faltado ya sabes quien.
blancahood Like I said, he’s doing broken boy bullshit right now. But he’ll get his shit together, hopefully it’s not too late.
yourbestiename Na if he wants to continue ignoring y/n, he can go fuck himself. Everything she did has an explanation, he would understand if he gave her the time of day.
yourusername Relax 🤐
jackharlow Wtf
jackharlow Since when do you hangout with my best friends and little brother
yourusername Since they actually replied to me and let me explain why I cut them off.
jackharlow Why are you acting hurt or catching an attitude? You left me remember.
yourusername I’m not doing this here, you either reply to my dm and we talk privately, or we don’t do anything.
jackharlow 🙄 You always have to make the decisions huh
blancahood TAKE IT PRIVATELY PLEASE. As your manager, do as I say.
jackharlow It is what it is. See you in Miami for the festival.
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Liked by urbanwyatt, nemoachida, 2forwoyne, champagnepapi, and 7,446,977 others
jackharlow Recent mood. It’s fuck everybody.
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urbanwyatt Ohhhh 🧐
blancahood Eres un tonto
jackharlow you just called me dumb. I know what that means, your girl would call me that sometimes
yourbestiename That’s because you are *sips on my tea* For someone who begged and begged, you’re acting a fool. Continue to drown in your misery
jackharlow Thanks 😊 I will
user I’m still wondering what happened between y/n and Jack
user SAAME. It’s obvious something did
jackharlow Maybe, maybe not.
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theflyingfeeling · 11 months
because I'm bored and due to the lack of content from the tour & on Aleksi's twitch (didn't he say he filmed material worth of at least 4 bonus videos? or does my memory fail me 🤔), I made a compilation / list of all the cute Olli/Allu moments from Aleksi's twitch streams, (because what else would I be doing with my time off 🤡) because I for one didn't expect the streams to be such a goldmine for Olli/Allu content right from the beginning 🤲 I mean, I knew they were special to each other, but to find out they're this special... 🥺💕
(and yeeeeesssss I knoooow we've been over all of these so many times already, but unfortunately I'm still thinking about these moments alright, so bear with me will you 😇 at least I'm putting it behind a read-more for y'all's scrolling pleasure, which I couldn't have done in @sparfloxacin's askbox where I originally wanted to dump all this 🤧)
already on the first stream we had Aleksi texting Olli about his bass tracks being played on the stream and Olli answering immediately (because of course he answers his bf immediately <3) and Olli telling Aleksi how good his stream looks (because of course he went to look at it immediately <3) and communicating with the stream / the viewers via Aleksi by asking if they wanted a bass tutorial (because of course he'd want to contribute to his bf's new hobby <3) and then later Aleksi making a duet with said tutorial (I'm still not over how cute that was 😭)
Aleksi for some reason answering a question about Olli's gag reflex?? of all the questions he could pick from the chat, this is the once he chooses to comment on?? 👁️👄👁️ (fair enough, he probably just saw Olli's name and started reading the comment before he could help it because Olliiiiiiii 🥰💕💞)
Aleksi revealing he had texted Olli about a cool shirt he had seen 🤲
Aleksi texting Olli about merch and looking sad bored when he didn't answer, but once he did, the biggest smile spread on Aleksi's face 🥹 (and then he immediately changed the subject because he probably realised he let his crush show a little too much 😭), and wasn't this the one where Olli gave him a call mid-stream? because I guess Olli didn't have anything better to do than discuss merch ideas with his bf and that's just what they do apparently, just spontanously call each other whenever aaaaaaaa boyfrieeeeeeeendssss 💞💖💕💗
Aleksi talking about Olli's socks that "somehow" ended up in his suitcase? uh-huh yeah sure, how to say I'm fucking my bandmate without saying I'm fucking my bandmate 😌
then there was the spooky stream which I'm also still not over, tragically 😩 I'm just so weak about the fact Olli was Aleksi's first option to ask about ghost stories for his stream in the dead of night, and that Olli really had nothing else to do but join in his bf's spooky shenaningans and putting actual effort in it too (in general I'm trying soooooo hard not to overthink the fact they both chose to be texting each other about silly stuff rather than, idk, sleeping next to their girlfriends or whatever, but I guess this is completely normal behaviour for them and should not be over-analyzed)
not to mention how happy Aleksi was about Olli replying to his texts in the middle of the night, just HOW in love could they be?!? 😭
the bonus video about the remix Aleksi made in which he used Olli's guitar loop and had also named the project file after Olli 💖 (he totally didn't listen to that guitar loop over and over again thinking about Olli and how much he loves him and maybe drinking some red wine and missing him a lot and perhaps even crying a little 😭)
the amount of Olli included in that mini vlog 🥰 because they just can't stay too apart from each other <3
just in general name-dropping Olli so so often 🥺💞
did I forget something crucial? 🤔 in any case, even without shippy glasses on I dare you to argue they aren't a little bit special to each other, because how many times had Aleksi mentioned / interacted with Olli on these streams in comparison to all his other bandmates, INCLUDING the ones that live in the same city as him and with whom he thus gets to spend time even off-tour / when they're not actively making music/recording? yeah, that's right 😌
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sapphicblight · 2 years
Idk if you have seen haunting of the hill house but I can't stop thinking of vegaspete in that universe. Like all of the cousins and brothers and like the conflict would be so delicious before finally arriving to love romantic or familial what have you. I just...there is really no horror au or spooky au when it comes to VP.
Like anything mike flanagan would suit them. I can literally see them playing out midnight mass. Vegas in the role of the priest bringing in a entity so that he may get the chance to live a life with Pete!
it’s a masterpiece. so much love was put into every single aspect of it, and it fucking SHOWS in the final product. i could write a novel length essay, but i won’t, because i’m trying to be normal about this. somehow. 
the possibilities for the theerapanyakuls’ various traumas manifesting as hauntings are endless and delicious, and imo could really work within canon as well. you mentioned midnight mass too for vegaspete and you’re definitely onto something there, because vegas has his weird religious culty vibe going on already with his naked firehazard mirror sessions. a lot of devil/demon metaphors have made the rounds for him (as well as a highly entertaining demon vegas au by @blackwatervial) and i’m a big sucker for anything that fits the ‘religious & horny’ aesthetic. 
i imagine vegas doing what his father demands him to do, and with each killing and round of torture and bad bdsm etiquette scene, his sins and inhumane acts begin to turn him into something inhuman. into a demon of his own making. it’s what he believes he was always meant to be, always was inside. a monster. maybe he also pushes himself to become like this to please his father. maybe his father is always calling him too soft, too human, so vegas strips away his humanity and flays his own soul into scraps to lay at his father’s feet — but it’s still not good enough. 
he starts getting delusions (or in his mind he finally sees the truth) about the reason for his failure being the main family, where korn is god and the guards are his angels keeping vegas from the glory he deserves because they’re punishing him for his sins. 
i’m remembering the bloodstain pattern on pete’s back during the coup, across his shoulderblades as if seeping from wounds left behind by angel wings having been ripped off. so yeah, maybe to vegas, pete is an angel, and in when he captures pete he strips him of his status, cuts into his halo, burns and then rips off his wings, and finally makes him join vegas in sin. he falls for pete, obviously, finds beauty in the extremely fucked up thing he’s remade pete into, worships pete in his own flawed way — and once he loves pete, the beautiful haze of it drops away. all that’s left is a man, broken beyond repair, all by vegas’ hands. angel or not, vegas destroyed the one good thing he had, the one thing that could have saved him. 
(on a non vegaspete sidenote, kim’s whole thing is protecting his family. the way kim’s fear could manifest, is that the moment he starts caring about someone, he can no longer see them as they are but rather as a brutally murdered version of themselves. it’s horrifying to look at, scares him to death, and it makes him push them away,even though the reason they look like this to him is because he loves and cares for them. he sees his brothers like that and one day he starts seeing chay like that too. maybe with chay the blood even drips down onto the floor, audible even when every other sound around them should be loud enough to drown it out. and it’s all part of his motivation to go to the extremes he does to both protect the people he loves and push them away; he’s terrified of them actually becoming the corpses he sees them as.)
🧍‍♂️ y’know how i said i wasn’t going to write an essay. i guess my final note is that the minor family compound was made for haunting, it’s practically asking for it, especially with its mazelike structure and all of vegas’ trauma weighing down the very air inside.
thank you so much anon for sending me this ask and making my brain go zoom, i had a lot of fun imagining vegas (and kim) getting haunted. 😊💖
(also, anyone who hasnt seen haunting of hill house go watch even if you don't like horror, trust me)
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Oop Carlos?
TK like "what is he doing 👁️👄👁️" xD
Ohhhh he's playing the VCR tapes :ooo
:'((( Carlos
Oh he's just laying it all out o.o
I mean they are almost married xd
Umm confidential??
Y'all o.o
Listen xd
He was murdered
Sooo liiike
Also I love that TK's in with this immediately and helping 😭 they're a team <3
AWWW Gabriel 😭😭
Poor Carlos :'((( his face 😭
Hmmm but "he's so young", and they're VCRs so it must be a while ago
And TK's 🥺🥺🥺
AWWW stopp they're so sweet 🥺
AWWWW stoppp the Australian accent xD :')
The last three episode happened so quickly xdd
Ohh nooo Robert DD: :o
I'm so sorry man :(((
Are you finally gonna tell your family then xd?
Only two years gosh :'((( that is moving quick
I mean I think they'd also want more time with you though?
Idk :(
It is his decision ultimately though
Although in some places it is illegal sooo xd
Fair Owen :'// but also it's not about you
Well you didn't say that
But yeah that makes sense :'((
I mean sir don't you wanna see more of children grow up 😭😭🥺
You can make this decision and say as soon as it happens
Gosh :(((
Sir that is a crime o.o
And also I thought it was be with you xd
I suppose it can be both
I see what he's seeing there though :((
I mean isn't it cruel to do it right after TK's wedding xD? At this point they didn't know what was gonna happen so it was still happening just fine and not sad lol
:((( poor guy
AWW that's so sweet of her 🥺🥺🥰 :')
Crazy confident in the house of a guy you just met for me but eh yk lol
Good for her xD
It's sweet that they have more family now :'))
Oh yeah imagine how wild it must be for them 😭😭
Your parents say you're going to your newly discovered cousin's wedding three states away, so you go and meet him and his fiance's family and they're all great, but then his fiance's father gets freaking MURDERED and the wedding gets called off last minute o.o like what the heck
I'd be so uncomfortable xd just feeling awkward and sad for them (and probably sad it wasn't going to happen, and for the guy even though I barely met him)
Just wild 😭
Anyhoo xD that day sounds fun :D
Awwww that's so sweet :'))
AWWWW oh gosh 😭😭😭😭💔🥺🥺
She's so sweet <33
Awww :')))
He has trouble swallowing it 😭🥺
AWWWW she's so earnest 😭😭😭🥺💔 poor girl
Thanks Owen <333 that's sweet
Gosh :'(
That's me trying to translate Spanish xD
Like that look lol
OOPE he's up late o.o
Sounding a little obsessive o.o
TK's sad little look :'((( GOSH that's good 😭😭💔
Ohh nice :O
Oop- AWWW Andrea's maiden name 🥺🥺🥺
Nice solve too Carlos dang o.o I know you're a detective (basically) but dang xD
He just says these things so casually 😭 like dramatically but just right there out there xdd
Carlossss honey
Was that a knock at the door- oh just music
Uhhh 😳
Sir but how long ago- oh gosh a week ago O.O
Yeah that does sound pretty convincing 😳😳😳
Ummm Carlos but you're looking a little insane-
Uh oh
C a r l o s
Yeah exactly Carlos :((
OOP fair point though o.o it's recent
Still though you're looking kinda crazy honey :'((
NOOO no going alone on things
YES TK good point 😭😭
Carlos :(
And YES exactly I was saying it earlier, TK's with you 😭😭
He wouldn't even say he was angry in 3x11 O.O
Okay I feel you Carlos I do but let's calm down a little bit o.o
I don't think you can trust yourself- LOL yep exactly TK 😭
I'm glad TK's being honest with him <33
Yeah exactly TK KNOWS man
Yeah her!
EXACTLYYY TK he's so right xdd half the time taking the words right out of my mouth
Awww honey :(((
You're concerning me o.o
Maybe you should <33
TK's so sweet :')
He's still paranoid though :( xd fair
Awww honeys <333
Idk if Carlos is actually gonna sleep :(((
Y'all why can't they just be happy 😭
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girltomboy · 11 months
Having a pretty sweet and relaxing time at my parents' house. Taking some time off to visit them was a good idea. Their new house looks and feels lovely, although the yard/fence/general exterior are not yet totally finished (obviously the interior was a priority so they can move in lol) which was a bit disappointing because I expected to spend a lot of time sitting outside in the sun 😭 but those are just my own selfish delusions, the weather is gloomy anyway so the best option is to sit inside and revel in the comfort and safety of the house. I thrifted a cute Sailor Moon hoodie (I've never watched Sailor Moon lmao) and a sweatshirt in the exact shade of blue I've been looking for. I also got a pretty & comfy wind jacket in a sky blue shade, a Minolta vintage film camera that only cost me 6 euros, and some modelling clay (been wanting to make a little hamster for my coworker 😁). I miss hanging out with my boyfriend for hours - lack of privacy is preventing me from doing that, but I'm having a nice time with my parents too.
I've been having these super weird dreams ever since I got here, literally every night. And not to sound weird, but hear me out: I think it's because of the mirror that's facing the bed in my parents' new extra bedroom. Like, I did read a lot about room arrangement and how the mirror placement will influence the mood of the room, but that didn't really apply to me much, because there was also a mirror hanging on the wall facing my bed in my childhood bedroom, AND one "behind" the bed, and that hasn't caused me any weird sleep experiences. Maybe the two mirrors facing each other and sandwiching the bed cancel out the bad feng shui? BUT I also have a mirror facing my bed at my apartment, and generally I'm fine, save for a few weird dreams every now and then. That's just me and my brain. But here my dreams have been wild and weird ever since I arrived lol. And a lot of them are related to the things I see and read during the day - unusual for me. Normally my dreams are super random.
Anyway, enough about sleep and dreams. Today in my waking hours I will be reading, maybe doodling a bit, rummaging through some boxes and bags for my old college stuff - books, notebooks, and other objects, and also going outside to chill. I realized I barely went outside ever since I got here (the absence of a fence will do that) and I briefly walked to the back of my parents' yard this morning while on a call with my bf, and it was pretty pleasant, especially thanks to the walnut tree that shed a lot of leaves and basically created this bed of leaves curtained by the bare branches hanging low. It was so cozy and fresh.
Btw my parents went to church and returned saying my aunt asked about me, so I told them she should come over (no one came to visit ever since they finished the house, which is bizarre; apparently my stepdad's brother and his wife - my aunt - were taken aback by how similar it looks to their own house, which is true to an extent, but it feels like such a petty reason to refuse a visit to your BROTHER'S NEW HOUSE, considering you are supposedly on good terms no beef? 💀) and my parents were like "No, you should come to church this afternoon". I reminded them that I don't have any "nice" (AKA acceptable by the church's unspoken & unwritten superficial standards 😛) clothes here, to which they (my mom) replied "then wear your jeans"??? Lmao I mean in any other context this would be reasonable, I've seen people come to church in casual clothing and it's a normal thing for someone who just wants to go to church, it should be common practice. But unfortunately the people in this church turn attendance into a fashion show & contest, gossip fuel, and ego stroking party. And I really don't want to gather like any attention whatsoever from anyone there tbh. And there's also this tiny detail called ummm I don't want to go 👁️👄👁️ so yeah terrible idea. I told them I don't feel comfortable with that suggestion, so they dropped it for now. So I'm just gonna go about my day.
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ashilrak · 3 years
19 for Percy/Frederick 👁️👄👁️
19. "I wanted to go down on your for so long."
So here's the thing, Annabeth's step brothers are terrible. Percy likes kids, loves them, but those two are chaotic enough a part of him wouldn't be surprised if they were Hermes'.
Which is why he's currently hiding in Dr. Chase's office while Annabeth is out with her stepmom. Dr. Chase had told him he was free to read any of the books, a useless offer, but Percy's sure he's allowed to be in here. Not that he cares, but he doesn't really want Annabeth's mortal parents hating him too,
Lost in his thought, Percy jumps when the door opens, hitting his head on the underside of the desk.
"Boys?" Dr. Chase calls out. "Are you in here?"
"No!" Percy says, getting out from under the desk and rubbing his head. "Just me. Sorry. They were running after me with the water guns and I don't want to know what kinda the mess the mist would make that look like."
"Oh." Dr. Chase blinks down at him. "Son of Poseidon. Water. That makes sense."
Dr. Chase seems lost in thought and walks around the office before sitting down in the chair behind the desk, settling his chin in his hand as he stares off. This would be fine, if Percy weren't between his legs.
"Uh, Dr. Chase..."
"Huh?" Dr. Chase looks down at him with a raised brow. "I thought I told you to call me Frederick."
And Percy's speechless. He should be getting up and apologizing. Maybe sitting in the corner and pretending to read one of Dr. Chase's books until Annabeth gets back. Instead, Percy licks his lips.
Because here's the thing: Annabeth's dad is hot. Not the kind of hot that has you stopping in your tracks; he has the Gods for that sort of inhuman, heart-stopping perfection. But Dr. Chase is hot in the way that Paul's hot. Which is weird to think about, but Percy was going through a sexuality crisis and you work with what you can.
And Annabeth's dad his hot and he's definitely thought about this before. And sometimes his brain-to-mouth filter just doesn't work. So instead of awkwardly moving away or doing something intelligent, Percy asks, "can I suck your dick?"
Dr. Chase does not yell at him or back away. Instead, he narrows his eyes and Percy's heart is beating so fast in his chest he feels like he's about to explode.
Without saying a word, slowly, Dr. Chase spreads his legs.
"Oh, thank fuck," Percy breaths, rushing forward. He rises up on his knees and brings his hands to Dr. Chase's thighs. "I've wanted to do this forever, fuck."
// Smut & Kink Prompts
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