#there’s also lowkey a lack of Hayami bc I’m not very confident with how to write her in group settings 😔
AssClass Christmas Fics: Part 2
Group 2 + Snowball Fight ☃️
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This is so long overdue... *sobs*
So my original plan was to do all 5 fics during Christmas...and that failed lmao. This will be the last one since I had already started it and might as well post. It’s way too late to finish three other Christmas fics now haha. Don’t worry, the other groups will get time to shine in other fics I’m already planning UwU
“Avengers, assemble!” Okajima shouted, before getting pelted in the mouth by a flimsy snowball. “Ow!”
“I already said, three times, that’s not our team name!” Nakamura yelled back, adjusting the baby blue beanie that sat atop her head. 
“Then what do you propose instead?” He challenged, wiping off the remaining bits of ice off his face. 
“I wanted to be the Heathers,” she replied coolly.
Okajima groaned. “No! That sounds lame!” 
“And you’re such a fake theater kid already,” Chiba chimed in with a snicker, easily dodging the snowball she tossed in his direction.
“Oh shut up, punk.” Nakamura stuck her tongue out at him, but her lips were curved up into an amused smirk.
“Can we just start already?” Sugaya sighed, stuffing his hands into his coat pockets. “My joints are starting to freeze, being out here.”
“Here” was referring to the empty park field that was a block away from Fuwa’s house. Of course, given that it was late December, the field was a wasteland of pure white. Snow rested heavily on the ground, reaching past their ankles as they tried to move around. The forest of barren trees that surrounded them carried the same pearly frost on their branches. 
The snow seemed to sparkle, just simply laying over the ground, or over the bare branches. A sheet of ice fully covered the pond that was across the long white field, closer to the playground. And the sky above them was an eerie yet dazzling shade of blue-ish gray.
Part of Sugaya wanted to grab his sketchbook and paints, and create a portrait of the natural beauty around him, ingrain it in both his mind and across his papers. But a larger part of him was freezing and tired and frankly not in the mood for a snowball fight at 8am. Why did he agree to this again? Whose idea even was this?!
“Aww, Sugaya is cold,” Nakamura mocked playfully. He fought against the urge to roll his eyes.
“Maybe you should’ve worn something other than just that thin jacket,” Hayami pointed out, rubbing her mitten-clad hands together. “No wonder you keep complaining like a little kid.”
“It’s for the aesthetic,” Sugaya mumbled, patting down the front of his jacket defensively. “Why is everyone attacking me?”
“Because you’re immature and unprepared?” Mimura offered with a smile, showing he wasn’t being serious. He laughed at the tired expression Sugaya offered. “Relax, we can get hot chocolate after this at my house.”
The artist relaxed a bit at that. “Sounds great,” he smiled. “Which of us geniuses came up with this, anyhow-?”
“Get into your teams now!” A loud voice entered the fray, and Sugaya glanced up only to smack himself in the forehead. Of course, it would be none other than Fuwa to instigate a war of some kind between her friends. A snow war, sure, but a war nonetheless. 
The violet-haired manga fanatic stood mighty, one foot propped up on a frost-covered large rock by the edge of the field. Her beloved sword was nowhere in sight, but no one would be surprised if she’d just hidden it for the time being.
The teams, chosen by Fuwa herself, were:
1. Nakamura, Okajima, and Fuwa
2. Chiba and Sugaya
3. Mimura and Hayami
She likely intended for there to be a balance, so a team could have one person with awful aim paired up with a Sniper. Or to have the team of 3, where they all had about average throwing skills. 
And then the snowball war was set to begin.
“This is gonna end badly,” Sugaya mumbled to himself five minutes later, as he crouched behind a makeshift snow fort that Chiba easily assembled.
“This is gonna be amazing,” Nakamura whispered in glee as she hid by a tree, a snowball already formed in her hands. 
And then it descended into chaos.
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Snowballs flew across the park as the assassins-in-training attacked one another, dashing across the field with howls of laughter. 
Already eight minutes in, they were all covered with broken pieces of snow that had collided with their jackets. 
“Surrender now!” Fuwa shouted, a grin on her face as she raised her snowball threateningly in the air. 
“Never!” Mimura screamed from his position on the freezing ground, completely at her mercy. “I am the Fae Lord! I will go down in honor!” 
“I gave you a warning, and you refused it. Tsk tsk.” Fuwa shook her head in mock disappointment, ready to pelt him with the snowball. All of a sudden, a flurry of snow collapsed against the side of her coat. 
“Huh?! Who hit me?!” She demanded, dropping her icy weapon in surprise. 
A head peeked out from behind the snow fort. “Mimura!” Hayami called, already gathering another lethal snowball. “Run!”
He obeyed and made a run for it, nearly slipping on the snowy ground, all while dodging a flurry of snow aimed at him. Wow, must be from our training, he thought with a smile.
“Aw shit!” Mimura glanced up at the sound of Okajima’s voice and nearly fell over at the sight of the pervert completely covered in a giant pile of snow, that fell from the tree above him. 
Okajima had an expression of resignation while his partner, Nakamura, looked like she was busting a lung from her laughter. 
“Don’t just laugh! Help me!” Okajima pleaded.
Nakamura wiped a tear from her eye, her body still shaking with laughter. “Sorry kid, but I have to go win this thing.” She straightened up and flashed him a wink. “I’ll win for you though!”
“Nakamura, wait-!” But she’d already dashed away, back into the field, cackling maniacally in anticipation of attacking her friends.
Another half hour of fighting and fun passed by. There wasn’t a clear winner in the end, and it ended in a tie between Fuwa and Nakamura. But needless to say, all of the enjoyed themselves immensely.
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“Ah, that was so much fun,” Nakamura sighed, gazing up at the wintery blue sky. 
All seven of them were laying on the snow-covered field besides each other, catching their breath and waiting for the adrenaline rush to wear off. 
“I’m glad we did this,” Hayami agreed quietly, smiling at her.
“See? I told you guys it’d be awesome,” Fuwa sighed, making a snow angel as she waved her arms and legs against the snow.
“Yeah, you were right.” Mimura laughed, copying her movements.
“Well, my ass is still freezing,” Sugaya chimed in, earning laughter from all of them. “But I will admit, I had fun.” He smiled.
Chiba smirked. “Oh, I especially enjoyed getting a free excuse to beat Okajima.”
“Oh, seconded.”
“It goes without saying.”
“We’re just kidding, you oaf,” Nakamura snickered, punching him lightly in the shoulder. “We actually kinda love you.”
“I mean, seeing that tree dump all of the snow onto you was the highlight of my year, but yeah,” Mimura added.
“You guys are the worst,” Okajima groaned. “I almost died!”
“You loveeeee us~!” They all teased him.
“Sure.” He rolled his eyes fondly. “But speaking of die, I think I will if we stay out here any longer. It’s so damn cold!” He shivered.
“Alright.” Mimura stood and stretched his arms out. “Time to get to my house for some hot chocolate and a Christmas movie. Which move do you guys want?”
“Home Alone!” Nakamura shouted.
“No, we’ve already watched that,” Chiba complained.
“Then...Home Alone 2!”
“No!” He yelled.
Fuwa chimed in. “I want to watch The Polar Express!”
“That one is boring.” Sugaya scrunched his nose. “How about Gremlins instead?”
“If I wanted to watch something about Gremlins, I’d just look at Kimura’s behavior for a whole day,” Hayami snarked.
Mimura chuckled and waved his arms. “Ok ok, guys calm down! These are all great suggestions, but let’s decide on one.”
“How?” Okajima questioned.
“Another snowball fight?” Fuwa suggested, a glint to her eyes as she grinned.
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