#there’s so many threads i haven’t answered in months 🧍‍♂️
percentstardust · 2 years
hey, hope you’re doing well. just wondering what your stance is on dropping threads? if it’s been 2-3 months with no response, is it alright to assume that you don’t want to write the thread anymore? hope you don’t mind me asking on anon i just didn’t want you to feel pressured to continue our thread.
if we’re mutuals, feel free to message me privately. i actually have threads saved in my drafts and your thread may be in there. i have things in there from months back. it’s just. i haven’t had the energy to move most of them to new posts. most of them have to be moved because of this text editor thing and it’s tiring but i plan on trying to catch up on my days off this week. if it’s not in my drafts, i could always go back and find it to see if i do have muse for it anymore.
if i know what thread ( or threads ) you’re talking about, i would be happy to answer this question. you’re not pressuring me or anything. just don’t be too pushy about it, okay? i was dealing with a pushy partner and had to block them recently. they were being really passive aggressive and i had to cut contact.
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