#& sunglasses emoji ( anon )
daydadahlias · 5 months
hey <3 how do you feel about manifesting ashton’s involvement in a 1970’s adjacent rock band with ur magnificent Honeysuckle 🎤
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it's all by design.
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
He winced. Fucking hell, no wonder Keeley hadn't given them the time of day. The small rearview mirror of the G-Wagon had hidden the scope of his overall mess. The small cut on his head did feel bigger than it looked, the mirror hadn't lied about that, but the edges warped jaggedly like they'd been cut by a dull blade. His ripped shirt had torn deeper than he'd realized, exposing him down to the chest in a way that explained why the grill-man at Hus's hadn't been able to look him in the eye. Sweat from the London air burnished the violence of his complexion, tinging his tired eyes with a menacing intensity. Fuck, he was tempted to throw himself out on the street too.
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acemotes · 8 months
Kitty Emojis 2
Requested by 💛💞 anon!!
Also one with whiskers because...why not XD
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Requests open!!
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berryunho · 11 months
Is the answer fantasy or is it just Hongjoong being crazy insane I feel like I asked this before but the latest chapter confused me
[insert shrug] its up to you baby!
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jenny-from-the-bau · 7 months
wait you worked at interlochen? whoa my ex went there for highschool and a bunch of my friends went during the summers for music/instrument camps. like I've not been on the campus but I've been there. I literally almost went for the camps but ended up working instead. wild. Also I love kiq and gnc jj so much!! also one of my cats just softly bit my hand then licked it twice. :sunglasses smile emoji:
Okay (1) Yeah! I worked there during the summer from 2014-2016 and had almost no contact with campers, so I will not know anyone unless they were one of the four "interns" in the theater paint shop in 2016
(2) I'm genuinely shocked at how many of you like kiq hahha do you get why I think it needs to be rewritten, though? Like am I crazy for think it's kinda ooc and cringe??
(3) GNC JJ my beloved!! Although, I think KIQ is probably more like butch nb JJ haha
(4) cats are so mercurial, but I love them so so much
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sparklywatercolors · 10 months
What's something you wish people knew about you?
I never wanted to hurt anyone.
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percentstardust · 2 years
no everyone must be reminded of its existence
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neversith · 1 year
Anakin, you can’t just award the rank of Jedi master to yourself. That isn’t how it works!
“No one else is around to stop me besides Obi Wan and Yoda. They would want this for me. Who is going to STOP ME?”
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Have you heard of emojis, Onyx Cream Cookie?
Emojis? No, I don't think so.
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thatlittledandere · 8 months
Oh Lord English is the big green guy, not doc scratch
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aetherdoesthings · 8 months
Hey hey! Me is back with another request (•̀ᴗ•́)و
This time I was wondering if you could please write about rejecting affection from luffy, sanji, nami, and robin (usual four) as like a joke but they don’t know.
If you want to you can replace sanji for zoro (since I notice you never really get to write for him).
Anyway tysm for taking my request and thank you if you write this 🫶🏾🫶🏾
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hey hey! welcome back (come up with a name or emoji you want me to call you) anon! glad to have you back :).
forethoughts: i wanted to write for zoro this time since you're right- i never get a chance to write for him, but i stuck with sanji instead because you'll see why.
notes: gn!reader
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“Y/N!” The energetic boy sprinted over to you, carrying a slab of meat. You took your eyes off of the neverending sea, smiling at your beloved. 
“Check it! Look at how huge this piece of meat is!” Luffy exclaimed, his mouth watering. “Take a bite! Trust me, it’s really good!”
You smiled at your captain. Luffy’s most valued item in the whole world was meat; he would never share it with anyone else and would do whatever it takes to secure a slab of meat for himself. For him to share his meat with someone else… That would be the biggest honor Luffy could bestow upon anyone, other than being part of his crew. 
With you as his girlfriend, he’d always share his food with you, letting you have one bite before devouring the whole thing. 
Which is why you turned him down.
“Oh, Luffy-kun, I couldn’t possibly take your food away from you. Eat it.” You spoke in a higher pitch, putting one a smile as you pushed the slab of meat closer to him.
“Okay!” Luffy shoved the entire slab of meat into his mouth, a huge smile on his face. It almost came out of his mouth as you slapped the back of his head, your eyebrows furrowed as you gritted your teeth.
“I wanted to eat the meat!” You scowled at him.
“You said you didn’t want to!” Luffy shot you a confused look.
“I was lying!”
“Well why did you say that?!” “I wanted to see if you would actually give me the meat when I said no!” “Oh. I can throw it up if you really-”
“My beloved, dear, magnificent Y/N-swan, would you like to try this new dish I made? It’s with all your favorite food, all in one dish in harmony with all the flavors!” Sanji skipped towards you, holding a white plate with a pile of food. You removed your sunglasses, staring at the blonde hair man, who was just perfectly blocking the sun from your face. 
“Oh, Sanji dear, you’re so sweet.” You cooed at him, putting on that smile that you knew made his legs wobbly and eyes turn into hearts. Sanji let out a high pitched squeak, spinning around before presenting the plate to you again.
“Would you like to try a bite, my beloved?” Sanji smiled, his lovestruck eyes staring into your mischievous ones.
You grinned, putting your sunglasses back on as you took a sip from the cocktail Sanji made for you. “I’m alright, Sanji-kun. Thank you.”
His eyes turned back into normal, his grin turning into a frown. “You don’t want to try my dish? But you always try my dish…”
“I’m feeling quite full. I already had your delicious and splendid lunch you made for me, dear.”
“You thought that was good?” A spark flickered in his eyes, the corner of his mouth moving upwards.
“Of course, you made it.” You smiled at him.
“But you don’t want to try my new dish…?” He frowned.
A pang of guilt entered your heart as you smiled warmly at the chef, placing your hands on his cheeks as you pulled him in for a kiss. “You idiot, I was joking. Of course I would love to try out your dish! I love everything you make!”
He freezed, processing the kiss in his head before looking at you with a confused look. “But you said you were full…”
“I’m never full for your food, dear.”
“Then why did you say you were full?”
“I was lying, dear.”
“Oh… Y/N… you scared me.”
“Awh, I’m sorry, Sanji, come on, let me try your dish. I’m hungry.”
Sanji smiled at you, handing you the dish as he stood there, eagerly watching you eat his food.
“Y/N! Do you want to go on a shopping spree with me later this afternoon?” Nami asked, knocking on your cabin door. You looked up from your pile of papers standing up to greet your girlfriend with a kiss.
Since Nami was the navigator, she was always busy and never had the time to hang out with you and have fun with you. It was rare for the two of you to have a portion of time to be with each other, having fun and shopping.
You smiled at her, a devious thought creeping into your mind.
“I’m sorry, love, I’m quite busy.” You began to walk away, taking a seat on your desk. “I don’t think I can go shopping with you today. Besides, I already have a bunch of clothes you bought for me last time-”
You let out a yelp as a sharp pain spread through your ear, your bottom lifted from the chair as Nami dragged you out of the room.
“Nope! I spent a week clearing out my schedule and yours so we can go spend some time together as a couple! There’s no way you still have work to do! We’re going shopping today, that’s final!” The navigator declared adamantly, dragging you through the hallways, ignoring your screams of protest to release you from her iron grip. 
“Nami!” You screamed. Maybe your idea of rejecting Nami’s affection was not one of your brightest after all. 
“How do you still have work to do?! All you do is document our journeys and log it down!”
“I was lying!” Nami released you from her grip, causing you to stumble, since your body was leaning against hers. 
“What did you just say?” You could feel Nami’s death glare burning into your skull. You stood up, looking away.
“Wanted to see how you would react if I said no… of course I want to go shopping with you! I love spending time with you, Nami!”
Nami’s frown turned into a sly grin, as she wrapped her hands around your neck, planting a small kiss on your nose. “Was my dear beloved trying to tease me by rejecting me?”
“Maybe…” You chuckled.
“Well, when I want something, I’ll get it. If I want to go shopping with you, even if you say no, we’re going shopping. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Y/N, darling, I found a book I think you’d enjoy. It’s a thriller, mystery. That is your favorite genre, is it not? Why don’t you give it a try, I think you’d like it.” You looked up from the book you were reading, as Robin entered the library, a book in her hand. You set down the book in your hands, putting it aside as you walked up to your girlfriend, planting a tiny kiss on her chin (you were already on your tippy toes trying to reach her). You took the book from her hands, looking at the front and back before smiling at her.
“Thanks, Robin, but I’m already reading another book. A romance, actually.” You smiled, going back to the couch as you picked up your book.
“You told me you like thriller, mystery books.” Robin remarked. “I went out to try and find a book you would like, since you don’t really read much. I’m surprised a romance novel caught your attention.”
You bit your lips. You loved a good mystery book, a complex murder mystery definitely got your attention. You wanted to read that book Robin chose for you so badly, but you wanted to see her reaction if you picked up a book yourself and started reading it casually. You didn’t even understand what was going on in the romance book. 
“It’s a very good book.” You finally stated. “But I don’t mind reading that mystery book either.”
“Alright then,” Robin set the book next to you, planting a soft kiss on your forehead as she went back to her desk. “You can read it later, then. I hope you enjoy your books, Y/N.”
You looked up from your book, watching Robin take a seat as she began her work again on poneglyphs. You were shocked at how unfazed Robin was, how calm she remained. You’d expect her to make a comment about how she spent an hour searching for a book just for you to pick up your reading habit. Yet she didn’t bat an eye at you reading a romance novel she knew you hated.
You set the romance book down, walking over to Robin as you tapped on her shoulder. She turned around, a smile on her face. “Do you need something, Y/N?”
“Why didn’t you say anything about me reading that romance book?” You frowned.
“Was I supposed to?”
“You knew I hated that book… and I turned down the book you spent hours looking for for me…”
“Oh, darling.” Robin cupped your face. “While it is true I spent a while searching for a book I thought you’d enjoy, I don’t mind if you choose to read another book. As long as you are reading something, I’m happy.” 
You smiled at her words, even though your plan of rejecting her affection had failed. “What if I’m reading smut?”
Robin let out a chuckle, patting your cheek. “We’ll talk when you do.”
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So, I lost an ask from an emoji anon I’ve had in my inbox forever, and I’m so distraught. The shirt and sweet of the ask was how Matt would be with a partner that is visually impaired but not blind—they can see colors and blobs of shapes, but still need a cane and wears sunglasses. What I wanted to post as a response was too long, so I wanted to put that in the response and then reblog with what I came up with. Clearly, the Tumblr gremlins didn’t want that happening, so I have to do this. 🦢anon, I adore you, and I’m so sorry
Fluffy and smutty headcanon | Matt Murdock x Visually!Impaired Reader
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Matt could hear the tap of your cane over the ruckus of Josie’s.
He knows he’s not the only blind person in New York, but aside from Stick and taking down Madame Gao’s drug ring, he hasn’t really met many others.
The way that you maneuvered the crowd was extremely impressive. The only other blind person that could navigate like that was, well, him.
“Murdock!” Foggy shouts, catching his attention.
“I’m gonna go get a drink,” Matt responds, putting down his barely-sipped beer.
He feels your head glance to the side as he approaches, and you move over at then bar to make some room for him.
“I’ll have whatever she’s having, Jose,” he says.
“You sure you can handle absinthe?” you ask. You can’t even pretend to be serious, immediately laughing as two glasses are slid to you and the handsome man at the bar. “I’m kidding. It’s just scotch.”
You can see enough shape from him to cheers your glass against his.
“What brings you here?” he asks.
“I could ask the same for you.”
“My friends and I are regulars here. I haven’t heard you here before.”
That catches you off guard. “Heard?”
“Yeah,” he says with a breathy little laugh. He’s nervous, maybe even a little confused. “I’m, uh, I’m blind.”
An awkward sputter of sound falls from your lips, never having encountered a situation like this before. “I just assumed . . . I can’t really see. I’m not blind—I see really fuzzy shapes that are blobs of color.”
You and Matt go through two scotches, talking about your visual impairments. Neither of you go into a terrible amount of detail about how your vision came to be as it is: Matt tells you about his accident, and you tell him how you got really sick as a baby and lost most of your sight as consequence.
You’re about to order another round when a blond with long hair joins Matt’s side at the bar to retrieve him to the pool table. 
Matt introduces you, and Foggy extends the invitation to you to join the group.
You are about to politely decline before you feel Matt’s hand gently rest on yours.
Before you know it, you’re being introduced to Karen, doing a guys vs. girls round of pool in which you crush the two men with Juris Doctors.
It’s safe to say that you’re in the fold from that night on.
You look forward to your lunches at the office with them and your visits to Josie’s.
Even though you can’t see their faces clearly, you love the sounds and feelings you associate with the colors you can make out of them—the brightness of Karen’s blonde hair lifting even the grimmest of moods, the warmth of Foggy’s humor matching his colorful shirts and ties, and the sturdiness of Matt’s posture and the ark colors of his suits, always remaining grounded to the moment and the people around him.
And they love everything about you and how see the world around you.
You can’t believe how easy you fall in with the trio, but you wouldn’t change it for the world.
And Matt.
Sweet, darling, Saint Matthew.
He always seems to know what you need, whether it’s a hug, a glass of water, or time to your self.
And you do the exact same for him, including the occasional fix of his hair and straightening of his tie, doing little things for him with your own visual impairment to ease any of his difficulties.
“You know, it’s funny to see a brown triangle sticking straight up on your head,” you chuckle as you smooth down a clump of Matt's hair. “I can only imagine how much funnier it is with the finer details.”
“You’re brutal.”
“You love it.”
You enjoy small moments that you share with Matt, taking strolls around the block or in the park, arm-in-arm, which prompted both Matt and Foggy making a blind leading the blind joke.
Neither of you mind it, though, and while you both haven’t admitted it, you would follow wherever the other led.
But one night, Matt notices you’re particularly reserved, not talking much.
When he asks you if you’re okay, you know there’s no point in trying to lie to him—he’s like a human lie detector.
“The people at the end of the bar,” you say, tilting your head down over your drink. “Just because I can’t clearly see them staring at me doesn’t mean that I’m not aware of their gazes.”
Matt can tell this too, but he can hear what they’re saying about you, your glasses, and cane—it makes his blood boil and his skin crawl.
You push your glasses up further on the bridge of your nose and tuck your cane into your side.
His hand slides into yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. "If you want to go, we can.”
You squeeze his hand back. Without another word, Matt gets up and maneuvers you two out of Josie’s and down the familiar streets to his apartment.
With the cold winter air having nipped at your exposed skin, Matt offers to put on a kettle for tea once jackets are off and you’re settled in, holding your hand as he sits next to you on his couch.
“It sounds silly to me, to miss something that I never really had. Well, have memory of having,” you tell him quietly. “I just . . . I wish I knew what things really looked like: their real shapes, all the little details. I want to know what a peony really looks like. I want to know what my handwriting looks like, what I look like.” You dip your head, feeling tears sting at your eyes as you avoid looking towards Matt. “I wish I knew what you looked like—every crease and crinkle in your skin, the exact shape of how you smile.”
“It’s not silly,” he says, his voice tender and velvety smooth, his hands never leaving yours. “You know, I’m supposed to say I don’t miss it—seeing things. That’s what they teach you in trauma recovery—define yourself by what you have, value your differences, make no apologies for what you lack. And it’s true for the most part. But it doesn’t change the fact that I’d give anything to see the sky one more time.” He rests his forehead on yours. “It’s not wrong for you to want something that you don’t have.”
Your noses brush against one another’s, and the proximity makes you hold your breath.
“Can I . . . Can I feel your face?” he asks, his voice barely about a whisper. “It’s-it’s how I can piece together what someone looks like. I want to know what you look like.”
Without another word, you take Matt’s hands and guide them up to your cheeks. Matt moves his fingers up higher, feeling the curve of your forehead, the slope of your nose, the softness of your cheeks. When his fingers reach your lips, they move back and forth along the plush skin.
Trailing his fingers down, they capture the front of your chin and guide you to his lips.
The way that he kisses you is unlike any kiss you’ve had before.
Each kiss is soft and excited, the soft puckering noises left by the embrace like music to your ears.
Matt rests one hand on the side of your neck while the other is situated on you waist, your hands resting flat on his chest as the kisses grow needier.
The leather of the sofa crinkles as you lean back, only to make a louder iteration of the noise when Matt takes you into his lap, one hand sliding to the back of your neck while the other is firm on your waist, desperate to keep you close and melt into you.
The ways that your hands roam along one another’s bodies is unlike any sensation either of you have experienced. Where both of you have sight impairments, you both understand just how important touch is and how even the most minute sounds and shifts can mean something. 
Matt knows for sure that there is a God by the way you embrace him, because you put him in heaven with the slightest of touches and the way he can feel your heart beat against him.
By the time you both make it into the bedroom, nothing but soft whimpers and moans fall from your lips, joining the sounds of your bodies moving with each other as the last of your clothing is shed to the floor. 
There is so much that each of you want to do, but the prominent thought you share is just feeling one another in the deepest way that you can—something you’ll find doesn’t change often as you engage in the activity time and time again—both that night and the rest of your relationship.
One night, after the two of you are an exhausted mess of twisted limbs and sweaty sheets, you reach up along Matt’s face.
“These,” you start, your fingers gently tracing the lines at the corners of his eyes. “I’ve noticed the shadows of them when we’re close. These are my favorite.”
“How so?” Matt asks with a soft smile as his fingers brush against your skin, his digits calloused from the different kinds of help he gives to those of his beloved city.
“They show that the perpetual brooder and worry wart has a soft side. That he can know happiness.”
And when he’s with you, he knows nothing but happiness.
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oscconfessions · 4 months
I wish anons could post images so every anon couple make like a little anonsona for themselves. Like the little anon guy with sunglasses but like changed to fit their emoji combo
That would be really cool 😋
if you say in the ask that you want it to be anon we'll post a screenshot or copy-paste of it without your username attached :3 -🫒
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hockeychatstea · 3 months
K, so some burning thoughts on Daniella & Vince
1. All their fights have to be about Instagram. The whole nuts emoji was done retroactivelyon a post that was posted WAY BEFORE they got together and stans started hate following her. Fight- you never comment on my posts. Proceeds to comment on a post before they got together that very few people who gossip about him ignoring her will go back to look at. Fight - you don’t post me. Posts video of her ambling down the beach like a drunk person wearing a hat and sunglasses. He seems to want to humiliate her.
2. She’s pitched him on being a social media manager — maybe even creating his personal TikTok. The fan insta account was definitely her. (Though, any thoughts about how some of the captions sounded like they were written by someone who spoke ESL — like calling her posts of events “registrations” and other weird wording?) The new Tumblr is her. She tags clothing brands in hers and he’s started doing it in reverse on old posts. Her content is boring af and she’s edited beyond recognition. (Literally don’t know how she hasn’t untagged herself on those hair salon pics. She’s very cute, but not this itty bitty nosed, high cheekbones gal on her insta.) She’s young, and Instagram creates dysmorphia, so I feel bad for her here. She’s not below him or any crap that tries to put her looks down. I am not bashing her actual looks. Fellow strong nose, baby faced woman myself. Just over the top editing. Anytime she posts, I think of that beyonce song “to the left, to the left”, like look at the camera and just be yourself! She has friends with decent followings, who do blogs, but she just has no self-identity and personality besides drinking, eating out, being a pro gf and taking photos for the gram. I also think she just doesn’t get why her followers don’t keep going up.
3. She doesn’t want to work, and never planned to. I don’t know if her mom did the same thing, and whether she worked before marrying rich and if this is just the family way, or what. She will keep trying to do some influencer/social media to pretend she has a “job”. Check out her old influencer profile trying to get brands to hire her taking about her skills in editing. lol.
4. The video from his interior designer says it all to me on how much he thinks of her. She mentions that he wants to entertain, have a game room, pretty much that’s it. The designer specially calls out that bathroom goes relatively untouched, no mention of closet overhauls. Two things any live-in girlfriend would definitely would have wanted to have done — room to get ready/a nice vanity and custom closets for girl stuff. The bathroom they showed was dark and would be awful to do makeup in. He updated his bachelor pad for single guy stuff. Period.
He also seems genuinely terrible, and I am not into him like when TikTok pretty much forced me to think he’s hot. But this is a train wreck and I just can’t look away for some reason. Vapid attracts vapid, so maybe they are perfect for one another.
I agree with you anon their relationship is just so fucking weird to me 💀
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shit-talk-turner · 4 months
And honestly, it's not about her posting about him. It's her way. Amanda made that post about Matt screaming: "my man, my man, my man" but like she posted a pic where they both look so happy and in love with each other...she always does...Louise just posts hints. Her wearing his clothes and sunglasses or this fucking emoji "💌". So for the anons that say we criticise her no matter what, well we don't. We'd like a normal couple pic of them (where they both look happy preferably). And I'm surprised u can't see this isn't a normal behaviour...it's literally what a groupie or a crazy fan would do...Kinda like "nothing official, it's a secret but.. 😏🤫". Idk these are the vibes that I get... And yet "no one wants to post or share cause a minority is bullying, harassing, talking about shit they don't know or aren't even concerned about". 😪
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acemotes · 8 months
Cool Guy Emojis
Requested by Anon ✨
Playing around with sunglasses is so fun?? So if anyone wants more versions, your wish is my command XD
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Requests open!!
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