#there's additionally something to discuss in how al ot of these arguments
paragonrobits · 7 months
"EWWW why would you feel empathy or compassion for the alien bugs that look gross and don't look relatable at all when you can identify with the super-cool military humans"
have you not considered the possibility that feeling compassion for something that looks dramatically different from you, or not having a bias in favor of blatantly evil or fascistic humans just because they're human, is a good thing
or that maybe some people don't particularly want to side with humans just because you assume everyone would automatically side with humans because you think that's supposed to be the team you pick, regardless of what they're actually doing?
It doesn't matter if the bugs look like actual literal giant bugs; if they're objectively sapient and being attacked by humans who won't shut up about PURGE THE XENOS or whatever the hardcore Imperium of Man fanatics are screaming about, they shouldn't NEED to look like me to have my empathy.
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