#there's also a bunch of RaMona in disney movies but thats a different story
fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
Every version of 2012 RaMona in my AUs explained:
Turtles in The Roaring 20s - Raph is a famous jazz singer, Mona is a burlesque dancer from the lower class. Their love is forbidden but they are in a secret relationship.
Mission Failed - 10 or so years after the Turtles failed to save the Earth from the Triceratons, Raph now lives on Salamandria and is married to Mona Lisa. Mona constantly wants Raph to reconnect with his brothers who he hasn’t talked to since they failed their mission, but Raph refuses to listen.
Intergalactic Sisters - April is cockblocking Raph from making a move on her sister, Mona Lisa.
Mazes & Mutants - Raph and Mona Lisa are a barbarian warrior battle couple ready to ruin your day with their chaos. (that or Mona is a pirate instead of a barbarian)
Vampire AU - Raph is a vampire, Mona Lisa is a vampire hunter, hijinx issue.
Medieval AU - Raph is the Prince of the Hamato Kingdom, he falls in love with Mona Lisa, Princess of the Salamandrian Kingdom, but he is heartbroken to discover that she is engaged to his older brother, Prince Leonardo.
Princess Bride AU - Raph is Westly, Mona Lisa is Buttercup, you know the rest.
Human/High School AU - Raph is the trouble making bad boy jock and Mona is the overachieving student who is also captain of the basketball team. He's hopelessly in love with her, but Mona won't give him the time of day, but Raph likes a challenge.
Actor AU - Raph and Mona Lisa are actors for the TMNT show and they fall in love on set, being a couple in the show and in real life.
Greek Gods AU - Raph is Ares and Mona Lisa is Aphrodite (their tale and myth is slightly different from the actual one)
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