#there's also a universe where spider is pISSED when neteyam wakes up
Cute Noccoro tropes please?
Hi! I am not totally sure if you meant headcanons or tropes. If I answered this in a way you didn't mean, please let me know! I'm gonna answer with tropes I think work really well with nocorro though. So, let's get into it!
-Friends to lovers, this is just their lives. There is something so entirely wholesome about sweet children Neteyam and Spider just growing into each other despite all the adversity.
-Work adversaries, lol. This would have to be in that vague au where Spider was also an Olo'eyktan's son (I think we had Paz as the Olo'ekte for that) or one where Jake and Quaritch were business adversaries or something. Maybe Neytiri's family runs a non-profit that spends half their time protesting against whatever shady bullshit Quaritch's company is trying to achieve. The idea of Spider and Neteyam both being older children molded to be their father's replacements is so fun and juicy. Plot twist though, Neteyam is obsessed with living up to that image, and Spider wants to be as antithetical as possible. The drama comes from them both trying to figure out of they are using each other or not.
-Soul mates, I don't even have to expand on this one.
-Same with forbidden love/star crossed lovers.
-Second chance; okay picture this guys. Neteyam and Spider have always loved each other, and have always kept it to themselves. It isn't until Neteyam is dying, bleeding out on the rocks, that Neteyam tells Spider. He has nothing left to loose, he is dying. Tragic confession and then he passes out. He will be damned if he dies without them finally out loud acknowledging his feelings. Spider's crying and shaking him and saying he loves him back and he can't just say that and die! But, surprise surprise, he fucking lives. Now they have to awkwardly deal with the consequences???
Spider: obviously, I love you too, but why did you have to tell me in front of everyone??
Neteyam: Well, I didn't think I was going to have to lIVE WITH IT, now did I?
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