#there's also pictures of him with tim curry too which are very sweet
old-man-hell · 11 months
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she understands.
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ofcloudsandstars · 5 years
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This week was a wild Samhaintide ride. I’ll post more about it in the read more
Here's yet another selection of stories from my witchy life I am ready to dump on you all so get ready lol:
Wednesday night was the party at the occult shop Treadwells where we met a new witch friend who joined us for the Samhain festivities. I have already made a post about it here but her name is Letitia and she is a beautiful sapphic Taurean witch who loves gardening and cooking (duh she's a Taurus) and all the goddesses she worships and bought an incredible pumpkin pie to the ritual.
So the day begun with me making candles for the ritual. I bought a skull candle, a candle the shape of a jackolantern and then I made several candles which were three mini pumpkins hollowed and filled with black wax that’s pumpkin and bourbon scented, then four tea light spell candles with black wax and four tea light spell candles with a special wax my sag witchy friend bought for me from Edinburgh from a witchy shop. The wax melt was made with herbs and was called 'thinning the veil'. I’ll elaborate later. I also had to walk to the post office to pick up the ouija board. I had a feeling I'd finally get my hands on it on Halloween. Its a very aesthetic round one and I was excited to use it.
We chose to gather in Queenswood in the north of London. It was already SUPER SPOOKY cause there was a murder nearby so all of the buses were being redirected lol. We gathered all in black with our witch hats and delved deep in the woods. It was so beautiful and the ground was completely coated in gold and red leaves so you couldn't even see the path. We found a clearing in the thick of the woods with an old tree that grew sideways so it made a semi circle. We made a HUGE circle that we drew in the earth with a dead stick and went over with dragonsblood incense and black salt.
We opened the space by lighting the pumpkin candles and begun with centering our energy. There were several parts to the ritual we planned, but first we begun with a 'putting it to rest' spell since autumn is the time to let things go and samhain is about death so it was like officially bringing things to an end. We wrote down what we wanted to end in our lives on a piece of paper (such as not seeing coworkers from a toxic job that someone was leaving or the retrograde made my friend run into her abusive father that she had binded from seeing her for YEARS so she wanted to put that situation to rest) and ignited it in my cauldron. When it burned down to ashes we chose a spot (under a goblin-like tree) outside of the circle to open the earth and bury it in. After we put it in it's grave we all said a few words of departure and said: rest in peace. lol.
In my case I wrote down names of these models that are obsessed with this Italian guy (who is the son of a huge fashion designer) who is in love with my sister. They are obsessed with him for his connections to the fashion world and that he is rich and are jealous of any 'hoes' he's currently into so they posted instagram stories on Halloween with them in witch hats taunting that they were going to curse him and all of his lovers or whatever in cutesy filters and my sister knows I practice witchcraft so she told me. So I binded and banished them and the next day they unfollowed her lol.
Anyway, afterwards we focused on what we should reflect on by pulling tarot cards for mercury retrograde in scorpio that was beginning on that day as it's going to be like two weeks of descending into our own underworlds. After we got a card we lit the black tealight candle as a road opening spell to manifest a helpful path with overcoming our retrograde's lessons.
Then I lit the skull candle and we had a moment to reflect on our ancestors and those that we loved that have been lost that year. We each shared stories then lit the white tea light candles with the wax that was for thinning the veil. When we lit it we thought about our loved ones or ancestors.
Finally we did a dance for thinning the veil. I had flying devil oil that was some fragrance oil I got from a hoodoo shop and we dressed ourselves with it and ran around the circle and chanted in the leaves. We then ate the pumpkin pie the lovely Taurean witch bought also some maple sugar fudge she bought (what a champ), and halloween candy. We used the Ouija board but it was really challenging. We thought maybe it was cause we needed to be less grounded so we put it away and cleaned up the ritual space and headed off.
The Taurean witch was going to head home to cook a feast, my French aries witch friend went to her friends she's staying at to have a party and my Sag witch friend went home to cook a dumb supper for her and her mom. I went back to my place to nap then get ready for the night. I met my Sag friend at a music venue to watch Honeyblood which is SUCH a witchy band. The performance really reminded me of some scooby doo hex girls shit. It was a lot of fun (until some grown ass men with no sense of self awareness took the mosh pit to mean something more of a Jailbreak riot and started throwing their whole 6ft man bodies everywhere despite not everyone being gladiator sized. It was really ridiculous but golden when Honeyblood sang "Glimmer" with lyrics like "she can put a hex on you" thats when this one guy in some sailor outfit shoved his body into us and we BOTH looked at him with such evil at the same time and he like.. stopped.. and like hastily moved to another part of the room..)  If you don't know Honeyblood you should listen to them, they are such a babe witch band.
We then went to a bar nearby to get flaming shots of absinthe as its a personal tradition (also a way to 'cross the veil') and someone took candids of us at the bar! (I added the picture above), for some reason we really caught the attention of everyone though we just were in witch hats like EVERYONE was like: OOO WITCHES and like we even had some lady take pictures of us at the bar? Like ok it was cute I guess. My friend was drunk then so every time someone was like: oo a Witch! She'd holler back YASS BITCH 365 24/7!!!! Like o' dear.
Final part to the night was the house party my Aries witch friend (she's the one who's apartment I almost burned down once when I was making spell candles). It was a place around the corner from mine with a host who was HIGH OFF HER FACE on drugs. There was the counter of alcohol that kept us going all night, we had a lot of mingling with everyone there then when it started to get a little less wild we claimed an empty bedroom and tried the ouija board again since we were definitely less grounded than in the forest. Unfortunately the results were still a bit weak but we got a little bit of consistency with movement. There was some guy there that seemed interested but as time went on it turned out he was more interested in me than the board. I am a touched starved human being and he was playing with my hair and I was drunk so I did not care then after we ended up kissing while my other witchy friends and some new comers were chatting about the dead. My Aries witch friend lives on the other side of the city so she asked if they could stay at mine and I was like yea plus it was like 4AM at this point and this guy was getting very handsy like I just wanted my hair to be played with so I was like ok nice meeting you I gotta go. And He was like oh no please come say one last goodbye. I was too drunk to realize that he was in the bathroom and he closed to door to make out with me and I was like this is nice you do have nice flowy long hair that covers your big shiny forehead that I am now noticing in this bright fluorescent lighting but I gotta go. And he's like: No I wanna take you home I wanted to the moment I saw you. And he WHIPS OUT HIS DICK AND SAYS: this is for you. I am DYING like honestly I found it hilarious, I was so drunk I like forgot that there were other people on the other side of the door so I barge out of the bathroom like: WE ARE GOING HOME and my witchy friends saw his dick and were howling with laughter and that 10 minute walk home they would NOT LET ME BE IN PEACE about it.
Samhain Day
Anyway my friends stay over and in the morning I make tea and a light breakfast since we are hung over and we watch The Worst Witch 1980s Halloween special where we fucking Howl at laughter at everything especially Tim Curry flying around in that Cape. The rest of the day is really quiet since most of it is me sleeping trying to recover from the day before.
At 4 PM I call my relatives to say I love them and stuff cause I felt like my closest relatives on the other side of the veil wanted that. I made a feast for myself which consisted of Mashed sweet potato, a salad of chopped royal gala apples, carrots and beetroots and duck sauteed in maple syrup and bourbon. It may sound sweet but the bourbon balanced it out and duck tastes a bit sweet so it blended well with the maple flavor. After I had sticky toffee pudding for dessert. I made a plate for my ancestors and then got ready for fireworks with my other witchy friend who is the sound healer at Alexandra Palace.
I nearly missed the MASSIVE fire effigy burning cause the commute there was a NIGHTMARE since everything was still being redirected. (Thanks mercury retrograde). The fireworks were incredible though. There were so many it was like being bombarded with fiery psychedelics. My friend still wanted to show off her sexy angel outfit for Halloween so I asked if she wanted to hang out with us tomorrow night to party.
Saturday Night
She came over like at 4 and we got ready. She looked a bit like the angel from the remake of Romeo and Juliette with Leonardo decaprio but in lingerie with a long white lace robe. I dressed as a poltergeist though I don't think it came off that way but I had a sheer black dress on with a skeleton body suit, a glow in the dark wig and pale tulle. I just wanted to be a spooky ghost. We had to sneak into a members club that I work at cause I am NOT allowed to be there and I was terrified of them finding out so it felt like Danger Partying. They had a day of the dead party so I blended in but I felt like some staff that recognized me were like staring at me all night. We still had fun and spoke about our Samhain experiences. My friend is also a medium so she gave me some ouija tips so hopefully that can help me in the future.
Sunday Morning
I went to a workshop in the food forest about fire starting!! It was beautiful and magical and the forest was in full autumn mode. I learned how to chop wood with different axes and carve wood and start fires with either two pieces of wood (which is extremely hard on your own like you better be in the dryest place possible and you better have a bow), and how to start fire with flint/magnesium which is 1000% easier would highly recommend. There's so much magic in nature and so much magic in those workshops. We learned which trees were best for firewood and which were toxic and how to use bark or forage for fire starter materials. I am getting more drawn to fire as an element to work with in magic so I loved learning the techniques and also that you can start fires with the back of a knife (the teacher had a specific wood carving knife that was thick) so its like if you get a specific Athame which is ruled by fire you could also use it to start fires too if you got a fire steel key. (It's a rod of magnesium and you'd strike it with the back of the knife hard and fast and sparks will shoot out like fireworks).
Anyway that was my week so far!! It was so much fun and adventurous I couldn't have asked for a better experience. I have today off so I had a moment to reflect and get myself together for work tomorrow but afterwork I am celebrating Bonfire night with my sag witch friend at Victoria park so I am excited to take part in that!
I hope you all had a great Samhain!
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Saturday at GalaxyCon Raleigh
I was too exhausted to post on Saturday, so I will try to recount everything now.
My cousin Alexis and I left out at a little after 7 am, making a few stops (atm, gas, Starbucks).  We took back roads instead of taking the interstate.  Still a roughly two hour drive, but it was scenic and low traffic.  We talked about favorite Tim Curry movies and horror movies (good vs. bad, remakes) and listened to some of her favorite podcasts during the long drive.  Parking wasn’t a problem and we ended up arriving like fifteen minutes before the doors were meant to open.  There was a huge line that we had to wait in because there were so many attending on Saturday and they weren’t opening doors for anyone unless you were con staff or a vendor.  The waiting in line wasn’t too bad; it was mostly the people with VIP or 4 Day badges who were whining that they couldn’t get in yet.  As our line got closer to the building, I spotted @boxofficequeen2416 and said hello.  Thankfully, it wasn’t too hard to find the pre-registration desk or a bathroom.
Our first stop was the Exhibition Room.  We decided to walk the outside first and work our way in before trying to find the celebrities and Tim Curry photo op line.  God, it was so fucking crowded and suffocating.  We saw how long Curry’s line was and decided to wait a few hours, checking out out other celebrities.
Our first stop was Chris Sarandon, as he was on the end and was a main draw for my cousin.  She had planned to do just an autograph, but decided to do the combo.  Alexis got her Jack Skellington Funko Pop figure signed.  When he asked her name,  Chris mentioned that he has a daughter named Alexis.  He also asked if he could put his arm around her in the table photo.
My first stop was Barry Bostwick, as he had hardly anyone in his line.  I did the autograph/table photo combo.  I brought something to be signed by him.  It was an oversized movie postcard that came with my Cult Films textbook from college.  Barry hadn’t seen anything like it and had to take a picture of it with his phone.  He signed it “Dammit Kristi, I llove you!”  He took two selfies with me.  He was super sweet.  He had asked me what I went to college for (Media Studies).  When I told him that I didn’t get a job in that field mostly because I didn’t know what I wanted to do, he was very kind and told me that it was okay and that I would find something that I was suited for.
My next stop was Daphne Zuniga.  Out of all the photos for her to sign, there was only one for Melrose Place.  Can you believe that?  One of the two roles she is most famous for and only one photo for it!  Naturally, I had to get that autographed.  I also told her that I was currently watching the show and had just watched an episode that morning.  She asked what season I was on.  I told her that it was the third season and I think it was maybe the nineteenth episode of the season.  Daphne couldn’t even remember what had happened in that season.  That struck me as a bit odd, since she was only in the first four seasons.  I told her that Jo was pregnant that season.
Next up was selfies with Kristy Swanson.  She was really sweet and patient while I tried to get my phone ready.  She took four pictures with me.  I told her that we shared the same name, but one letter different.
After the panel was over, I met boxofficequeen2416 again.  I really wanted to join her for the Anthony Michael Hall Q&A.  But I knew my cousin was waiting for me.  We were going to try and get into the Tim Curry line.  No go, the staffer said try again at 2:45.  So, I got in line to get an autograph from Jonathan Frakes.  It didn’t look so bad, compared to how it was earlier in the day.  OMG, I was in line for a fucking hour!  My cousin tried calling me three times and texted twice while I was in line and I was worried that con staff would freak out because I had a phone out.  It honestly wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t for VIPs and their “fast lane”.  Damn line jumpers, ugh.  But Frakes is such a sweetie who loves to talk to everyone getting an autograph and/or selfie.  Sadly, that also makes things take longer.  I got my DVD cover of Star Trek: First Contact signed by Frakes.  He starred in and directed that film.  He told me that it was is favorite movie.
I went over to Anthony Michael Hall’s booth, as there was hardly anyone there.  I had my DVD cover for The Breakfast Club signed.  He was really nice.  He shook my hand and thanked me for coming. When he was about to sign, he asked how I spell my name, as there are about twenty different ways.  I got compliments on my shirt, which I told him I wore just because I found out he was coming and that it has been my favorite movie for years.
We walked around a little more.  Alexis bought some things for herself and a Bucky print for a friend.  I found the Bard’s Tower booth and immediately spotted Timothy Zahn.  They did free signings!  I had Heir to the Empire signed by him.  I also had a promotional Decipher card depicting him as Talon Karrde, Michael A. Stackpole as Corran Horn, and Shannon McRandle as Mara Jade signed.  I received that card eight years ago at StellarCon 36 after I told Mike Stackpole that Tim Zahn was my favorite author.  Stackpole signed it and hand it to me, telling me to hold onto it until I had the chance to get Tim to sign it.  About 11:45 or so, we headed over to buy food.  I got a pepperoni pizza from Papa John’s.  She got some macaroni and pork, as well as a bottle of tea.  The food was so good, but she felt hers wasn’t worth the $14 she paid.
Nearly four o’clock, we decided we were exhausted and ready to start our two hour journey home.  There were several people that I missed out on seeing, but we had a great time.  I hope to be back next year.
Then we decided to take a break from the Exhibition Room.  I unfortunately missed out on Catherine Tate’s Q&A.  But I knew Jason David Frank’s would start soon.  Alexis went out to the video gaming section and watched a few games being played.  JDF was nearly twenty minutes late to his own panel.  When he finally showed up, he apologized.  That man looked damn good in a suit.  I wish I could have gotten a clearer picture of him.  He is such a nice, down-to-earth guy.  He even stated that it is perfectly okay for fans to try and take a picture of him, despite the con rules.  He told us how he got into acting, how he received his role on Power Rangers, his cameo in the 2017 movie, and showed us the trailer for The Legend of the White Dragon, a Power Rangers fan film that he and Johnny Yong Bosch are trying to film with other ranger actors for the fans.  OMG!  We need this so badly!  I’ve never donated money online or done anything with Kickstarter, but I am so tempted to do it for this.
After that, I think I went to see Christopher Daniel Barnes.  I was originally just going to get an autograph, but his handler talked me into the combo since his prices were so cheap ($40 for both).  Poor guy barely had anyone at his table, compared to his costar (Barnes voiced Prince Eric in The Little Mermaid and the mermaid herself Jodi Benson was always swarmed by fans).  Of the potential photos to be signed were mostly Prince Eric, at least four different 1994 Spider-Man: The Animated Series prints, one which I didn’t recognize but also had Robert Hays (which I have since learned is Starman), and only one Greg Brady from The Brady Bunch Movie/A Very Brady Sequel.  Naturally, I chose Greg Brady.  Barnes is definitely a nice guy.
I believe our final venture was the Tim Curry photo op.  The line was considerably shorter, thankfully.  I knew that Curry had a stroke a while back and was in a wheelchair.  But as soon as we went behind the curtain, I wanted to cry when I laid eyes on him.  I am aware that he is in his 70s, but it appears that his stroke has definitely taken a toll.  And the hours of exhausting photo ops probably hadn’t helped (he started at 11 am and was supposed to go until 5 pm).
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bjoyful · 7 years
Day 1 Pt III
A Great First Day
It was sweltering outside waiting for the Hertz guy to get our car. Fortunately Tim and I had both changed to Hawaii clothes (tank tops and board shorts of course). And there were palm trees swaying in the slight breeze to Instagram.
Blasting the relieving AC in our rental car, Tim drove us over to Ala Moana (which was 4 minutes away), and we navigated our way through the Friday afternoon masses to Curry House Coco Ichibanya. We did still want to save some of our appetites for Marukame Udon, that world-famous udon noodle house that we went to twice during our honeymoon, so we just ordered a medium-ish bowl of chicken curry to share. Then Tim realized they took cash only, and fumbled around in his wallet for the few dollars he had. He came up a dollar short. The young Asian cashier guy (his face looked a little like Bryant Trinh’s but more round) who was taking our order looked at us sympathetically before saying, “Here, I might have some change.” Then he pulled his own wallet out of his back pocket, took out a dollar, and added it to our payment! Both Tim and I were astonished with his generosity. It pretty much made our day.
We proceeded to devour the curry when it arrived. I don’t know if it was because I was famished, but that was probably some of the best rice + curry I’ve ever tasted.
Since Luke sold us his GoPro Hero 4, we’ve also been trying to find a case and accessories for it here so we can take it surfing and hiking and snorkeling and on other ventures with us. We weren’t really able to find anything nearby Curry House that had GoPro 4 stuff so we headed out. We’ll be back at Ala Moana later.
We checked into the AirBnB apartment that we’re staying in, and it’s pretty much like a nice 2-star hotel without the room service. It’s in a complex called Island Colony right around the corner from our favorite udon shop. They have a really nice pool area with a hot tub, but unfortunately the pool’s under construction. That’s okay, that’s what the beach is for. The view from our room is very building-saturated but you also get a little glimpse of the ocean and you can see the Ala Wai canal easily.
One issue to overcome was the parking situation. If we used the complex’s parking garage, we’d pay $30 a day. Neither Tim nor I was willing to pay that much, so we parked temporarily in a 2-hour parking spot close to the complex, chilled in the room for a couple hours to recuperate, and then headed back out to find a good spot.
According to our online research, if you were extremely lucky you would be able to nab a spot along Ala Wai canal, but the chances of that are pretty low, like getting a spot directly in front of Horton at Biola. We prayed anyway, of course. We then gave it a go and got stuck at the red light to get on Ala Wai Blvd while a line of cars drove by, looking at the long stretch of parallel-parked cars across from us with no open spaces. With low expectations, Tim turned left. Suddenly, right up ahead of us a car’s lights turned on and it pulled away! We had a spot! And an extremely rare, very close one, too.
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Praise the Lord. His providence is true to us on vacation and everywhere else. We look back at last year during our honeymoon when we needed dishwashing soap and were going to go buy some, went walking around Hilton Hawaiian Village and found a brand new mini dish soap bottle on the ground smack in front of us. Right after we parked, I took a picture to capture the moment of our amazing spot right by Ala Wai canal. Unfortunately there was a random sad woman also there, who was captured in the photo as well.
We weren’t really hungry for udon yet so we decided to walk around the area (which has a ton of shopping and touristy things and the beach) a bit. I can’t get over how warm it is here. It’s not muggy like SoCal, but still hot and even more humid. The sun shined bright we were walking, and reaffirmed my packing decision that the only long-sleeve that I even brought was my Pixar Piper shirt.
While crossing Kalakaua Ave, I saw two Honolulu Cookie Companys and 3 ABC Stores on the way. They’ve done a lot of new development here, including remodel International Marketplace which is a gorgeous new outdoor mall featuring towering banyan trees, natural-looking ponds and fountains, and flagstone walkways. I was extremely impressed. Tim said it used to look pretty tacky before.
I couldn’t help finding my way to the beach. When we got there, Tim scanned the amount of surfing people in the waves and exclaimed, “It’s a zoo out there!” Yes, Waikiki Beach surfing is way worse and way more crowded than San Onofre. We stood for several moments watching everyone clamor for a ride, and I daydreamed about how we’d be surfing out at Waianae in a few days and there’d probably be nobody else there but us.
We realized that the line was probably getting pretty long at Marukame, so we headed back, and we were right. The line was Disneyland status. I guess that’s the only thing I don’t really enjoy about being in Waikiki/Honolulu, Oahu is that it’s just as densely populated as any other tourist-frequented city.
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The wait for Marukame didn’t feel too unbearably long, though, and the food was well-worth it as always. You grab a tray, stand in line and order your noodles, Urban Plates style, then they give you your bowl of noodles and you take your noodles and tray and pick your sides then pay the cashier Fresh Choice style. I ordered cold udon with sweet beef and an egg, and Tim ordered cold udon with sauce, and we both shared some tempura. I was hungry again by the time we got our food and sat down, so everything tasted twice as good.
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Pleased with the eats, we headed back to the room, changed into swimsuits and hit up the hot tub and hung out for a bit there, quizzing each other on random geography questions. Tim asked me what the 7 continents were and I had to sit quietly for several minutes making sure my answers were right so that he didn’t make fun of me. When I asked him what the capital of Denmark was, he said, “Bismarck?”
On the way back up to our room from the hot tub, there was a friendly older Korean tourist couple in the elevator with us. They recognized Tim’s cupping marks on his back and chattered to each other about them, then pointed to his biceps muscle, very impressed, and motioned with their hands that they knew he was strong. I grinned to myself and Tim accepted their foreign compliments humbly.
To wind down for the evening, we streamed Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which was a very engaging, surprisingly disturbing film. I enjoyed it because it seemed carry the same relationship to the rest of the Harry Potter series as Rogue One did to Star Wars, even though the story was a bit more confusing.
Altogether an excellent first day on the island!
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cactuarkitty · 7 years
Random DA:O Thoughts - Pt 12.
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to Orzammar we go!
The shop keeper at Orzammar said his wares were guaranteed by his 24hr life time guarantee. LOL
Wow I’m shocked that the first scene I saw between the dwarves is of one being killed with an axe because he disagreed with him. Maybe I shouldn’t be shocked.
What is a nub?
Well a nub is a naked rat animal thing haha. Kinda cute. Collecting the nubs now.
The King has died. There are two dwarves, a noble and a prince who I are vying for the throne. You have to pick a side. I was sooo confused I really didn’t know who to choose. I ended up going with the Prince. We’ll see what happens haha.
I had to show two nobles some papers, proving that the other guy had promised them the same land for their vote. I’m pretty sure one of the nobles had Canderous’ voice from KotoR. :D
I had to travel into the deep roads to find one of the nobles. Found it kinda creepy. More of those baby raptors who squeak awww.
Every time I die and get swapped to Alistair or something, I have no idea what the hell I’m doing haha.
Oh yeah just searching the Dwarven palace and looting chests. Just another day as a grey warden. :P
Now I have to clear some gang out. That was fun! Quite cool how they have little secret quests. Like having to take the least expensive item from each chest to be able to access their stash. Also it made me laugh that the exit was out through a shopkeepers wall lol.
Dwarves carry lots of coin.
We’re off to find Branka. Her husband I guess joined our team. Yay I have the dwarf now!
I like how Oghren says sodding a lot. His beard and hair are so red :D
Ahaha he keeps making funny comments on Alistair’s and Norua’s relationship.
The deep roads quest is very long. Only thing that bothered me about it being so long is the fact I ran out of health potions and those roots to make them.
I found Huck. He is crazy, doesn’t want me to tell his Mum he’s still alive. So I won’t.
That whole bit with the dwarf lady saying some weird poem super freaked me out! :/ Creepy.
Eww what the fuck is this brood mother thing. Gross! So they’ve been feeding her heaps of dwarfs maybe.
Killed her. Focused on her with spells while the rest of the team fought her minions and tentacles.
I don’t really like Branka much.
The totem poll fight with the spirits was super hard! Probably didn’t help that I was low on health potions.
Oh so the other paragon guy is in a golem (I forgot his name). He wants me to destroy the anvil because to make the golems they had to take actual lifes. Wow so yeah I decided I’d destroy it and of course Branka wants to fight. -_-
Awww after I destroyed the anvil he committed suicide. I guess it wasn’t much of a life for him. He made a special crown for the next King.
As planned I chose Baleen and instantly regretted it! He ordered Harrowmont to be executed :O even after I said “I didn’t give you the throne so you could be a tyrant” he refused to change his mind. I’m actually finding him super annoying now. I actually had a memory of watching my ex play as a noble dwarf, and a picture in my head that someone had poisoned others. I think it was Baelen. I felt so bad I loaded and gave the crown to Harrowmont, who was like “I’m surprised.” cause I never tried to get their trust. Baelen attacked us lol. So now he is dead. Oh well.
I said to the new king I wanted my face on a giant rock ahaha
I think I only have a bunch of side quests before the lands meet stuff, so I’m kinda at that point where I dunno what to do. I don’t really want to go to the lands meet. Maybe I’ll buy some of the dlc to do in the mean time.
It’s weird but I wondering why I hadn’t gotten Leliana’s loyalty quest to do yet, since she is at full approval. Also when I talk to her there is no new convos. Someone said that she talks about your relationship with Alistair but it’s never came up. I found out that for some reason her approval being so high has locked out convos. I had to give her some rotten onions to get it down. Then she had more convo options. There was even a cutscene with her singing which I thought was beautiful. Kinda makes me wonder if I missed other convos cause I gave them too many gifts at once. Oh no I just did that with Oghren. Oops.
I think when I play again I’ll try to talk to them more often and space out the gifts a bit more. Like one gift per quest. This time I usually gave them about 5 gifts in a row lol. What if I missed out of Alistair convos by giving him too many gifts. I actually have about 4 gifts for him now which I useless since he has the gold heart now. Don’t really wanna mess with his meter.
Haha Oghren is drunk and he told me to sod off.
Did Oghren’s loyalty. Lmao of course it’s to help him hook up XD was very funny!
Now I’m doing Shale’s loyalty. It was a cool quest. So Shale used to be a female dwarf - interesting. I guess Shale is still a they/them since they have no gender, being a golem. Actually just now in a convo with Leliana, Shale said they weren’t a she… that they are a golem.
Don’t really have much else to do so I’m going to do the prep for the lands meet. I was relieved that it wasn’t yet the point of no return.
Ugh I hate Loghian so much! And that horrible Arl who he has under his thumb. He’s obviously a snake. Gonna enjoy killing them. No fucking way am I making Loghain a grey warden.
So a handmaiden elf needs us to rescue Queen Anoia. That bastard snake arl has her locked up. I knew he was creepy! I know he has Tim Curry’s voice and he’s good at playing creepy evil weirdos haha.
Haha we had to get dressed up as soldiers. I’d never seen Norua in armour before - she looks quite striking. Not as lovely as in her robes though. Of course I had her and Al kissing before they got into the castle.
AHAHAHA OMG! I intruded on a maid giving a guard a bj XD so funny! Now he is dead. I hope he enjoyed his last moments of pleasure.
I was so excited when I found all the treasure piles in the locked room :D
Whoa a guard just got strangled. Pretty graphic haha. Poor Norua took a step back all scared like towards Al. “Hold me Alistair!” “Come here, my love. Alistair has you.” Tee hee <3
Oh it was a grey warden who had been captured. Wow so King Cailan had asked about 200 grey wardens to come help. Damn that Loghain bastard! The grey warden seems cool. Alistair had met him previously at his joining. He just told us about a wardens stash… oooooh! Exciting!
Holy crap some of the fights are super hard! Had to load a couple of times.
Yay that Arl dickhead is dead! That was a hard fight too cause he had two mages helping him.
In the dungeon there was the real Arl. He seemed to be a bit of a dick but I let him out anyway. Zevran disapproved by 5 points. Also opened the door for a captured Templar. I feel so sorry for him :( he has lyrium withdrawal so isn’t right of mind. He was captured trying to bring Jowan back. God that Jowan all he does is cause trouble. I really dislike him. Anyway the Templar asked me to give his sister a message or a ring, I can’t remember.
Rescued the queen. Loghain’s second in command (can’t remember her name) stopped us when we tried to leave. I made the mistake of revealing the queen was with us. Then the queen said we tried to kidnap her :O Norua was NOT happy! Wasn’t until later she realised she wasn’t as subtle as she could have been. Oops!
Haha Norua and Al have been captured and are in the cell together half naked. Who’s great idea was that?!
I took Wynne and Leliana to rescue them. Hehe this mission was amusing! Some of the fights were quite hard. I summoned a spirit wolf with Leliana to help us. :)
Aww when we travelled back to the Estate, the spirit wolf died. Made me sad :( I thought it wasn’t an actual wolf. Maybe I can dismiss it while in combat. Kinda gross to have the wolf just drop dead then turn into a skeleton.
The warden gave me the location of the stash - woo!
He was SO happy!!!! He said he would cherish it forever. It was amazing! I’m so happy! Looks awesome with his Warden armour and Starfang sword too. :D 
Norua: “Who loves you, Al?” Alistair: “My sweet little rose petal.” <3
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ma-hao-huh · 5 years
last post ended with a bit of optimism and excitement, ready to experience Taipei’s night markets for the first time. well, that didn’t go according to plan, because me and the two guys I met all fell asleep at about 6pm. jet lag is real, and it’s a slow burning, creepy-crawly feeling that you don’t have any concept of until you just start sleeping 12-14 hours a day trying to catch up, even if you aren’t sure what you’re trying to catch up to. i do think I'm making progress though.
so that was two nights ago. yesterday was way more successful...me, TJ and Tim got some good Taiwanese breakfast (dumplings, egg scallion pancakes, etc) and checked out the museum of contemporary art (mainly just one exhibit about the interaction of sound with the environment....not unlike what I saw at the hirschorn in January). we found what was definitely the neighborhood noodle spot but it was 12:30 so the line was so, so long and the blazing heat decided for us that no noodles could be so good. at least, they did — I have the rest of the summer to sweat it out for the good stuff. we ended up eating at a curry place which I honestly thought was gross. it was shit brown, not much flavor... not like any curry I've had in the states, so it made me wonder if I've been having real Indian curry, and about the different types of curry there must be throughout SEA. definitely something to look into.
after that we were in desperate need of a cold treat and TJ had an ice cream recommendation that did NOT disappoint. the 3 flavors we chose were taro, plum, and passionfruit (my choice), and they were all excellent, passionfruit definitely being the winner. honestly, the best ice cream I've ever had in my life. if that’s what I eat all summer, American ice cream is just going to be disgusting when I come back. which will probably be a good thing. also, the lady running the store was so sharp as a tack, great English, so nice. she kind of gave me the feeling she would have something great to say if the humans of ny guy wanted to take her picture. ever thought what you would say?
we decided to go back to the hostel after, and then came the first truly sobering moment of the trip for me. Tim wanted to take a taxi, so it fell upon me to ride up front and tell the cabbie where we needed to go. I quickly learned my navigational Chinese is limited. I could tell him which way to turn, how many intersections to keep going straight, but, crucially, not the address we needed to get to. I was kind of getting it done with google map navigation, but I don’t think the poor guy trusted me enough and called someone up to get the address for him. once he knew, he was quite jovial, patted me on the shoulder, appreciating, I guess, my ability to say “turn left” and “yes” and “I don't know.” lol. I'm glad he was nice about it.
I feel like I'm only about halfway done writing which would make this post monstrously long. I'm torn between making these posts digestible or making them a full account of my days. I think in the beginning when everything is so new, i’lll want to know everything I did, so, screw it.
when we did make it back, everyone broke off for a bit. I read for a while, and when I got back to the room, one of the other guys staying there was seemingly coming back to life from a long night (he had shushed for talking at 9am that morning). I greeted him and we got to talking. he’s a character, for sure... I've never met anyone with such a measured way of speaking. if you’ve heard Obama deliver speeches, it’s sort of like that.... slow, deliberate, intentioned, stirring, smooth, powerful. I learned that he dropped out of college in Santa Clara to go to culinary school in Philly and then wound up at a Michelin star restaurant. he retained his privacy on what restaurant and why he isn’t there anymore...that’s his right though. he speaks Chinese and had planned (and packed) for a one-week trip to Taiwan, but now he thinks he’s gonna be here for a couple of months. he told us we were welcome to join him for drinks at a rooftop bar with a gaggle of Swedish girls he had met (through “his ways”) and then to get some BBQ and check out a techno club. if I had been alone, I would have definitely just gone for it. but Tim and TJ and I had planned to go to a night market, so I got Drew’s LINE and told him maybe we’d see him later.
friends told us the most popular night markets would be absolutely bonkers on a Friday night and to try out one of the smaller ones. our hostel is actually a 10 minute walk from one of them, so that worked out. I’m not sure what I expected from the market, but in my opinion it was a straight up country fair, Chinese style. there were little games for the kids to play, including catching your own little fish to take home!!! so cute, and then a straight half-mile of carts with every kind of meat treat roasting on a spit or under a blowtorch. between the three of us, here’s what we ate:
-beef cubes (I didn’t taste)
-seashell filled with caramelized scallop, crab and shrimp meat (this was the most sketchy thing I ate, and I think I felt a little rumble because of it, but nothing too bad. it was pretty good)
-roasted mushrooms (the spices were kind of weird and the texture was soooo rubbery)
-chicken cubes (so tender and delicious)
-sweet potato balls (unlike the insanely sweet and amazing shakori doughnuts, these actually tasted like they came from a sweet potato, but kind of bland)
-oyster pancakes. this was what the fuss was about, there was line of 20 people at all times. NOT worth the hype. I talked to drew about them today and he absolutely agreed, saying they're totally under salted). it’s like oyster meat, eggs, scallions all cooked up together. there wasn’t much flavor and I wasn’t exactly sure if I was supposed to be eating the whole thing or not because there were oyster parts in there that I did NOT like.
overall it was cool to see but all of our choices definitely didn’t knock it out of the park. I'm excited to go to the bigger ones, hopefully with better guidance, and see if I have more luck.
afterwards we grabbed some beers from this tiny little craft brew place with one tap and it was actually a delicious IPA that was half off your second pint. hell yes. there was a Sierra Nevada sticker on the wall too...I guess they’re global?
I wanted to find live music after, but TJ and Tim are lightweights. they were well and truly buzzed after a beer or two. that’s all good... after fading at 6pm the night before, we made it to 9pm that night and I didn’t mind heading to bed.
as far as today...I viewed the apartment I'm gonna be living in. it’s literally 30 seconds from one of the main mrt stations that two of the mrt lines go through. I thought I was gonna be vetted by the people who live there, but i learned today it’s more of a sign up and move in kind of thing. when I walked in, all the girls were looking very sad, about to take one of the people leaving to the airport, so it really couldn’t have been worse timing. I tried to say “hey everyone, I’m grant” and literally just got stares back. that was fun. I haven’t started filling out the final forms to move in because it made me unexcited about the prospect. but I know that it was just bad timing and it will be a lot better for me to live with people who are happy and excited to help me adjust, so I'll deal with it and fill them out tomorrow.
Drew and I made very tenuous plans to go out tonight, but it’s past 9 and he isn’t back from getting dinner a couple of hours ago. hmmm..... see if tonight’s the night for a night on the town....
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demitgibbs · 6 years
Q&A: An Intimate Evening with Deborah Cox
The South Florida community is invited to a sneak peek into the newest project starring Grammy Award-nominated and multi-platinum recording artist and actress Deborah Cox live at Seaspice, located on the banks of the Miami River. Acclaimed for her starring roles in the hit musicals The Bodyguard, Aida and Jekyll & Hyde, this concert will chart new territory and give you a behind-the-scenes look into Deborah’s latest collaboration. You’ll hear “hits” that you know, new songs that you’ll love and intimate stories from Deborah’s exciting career. Created with renowned Broadway talents Director Richard Jay-Alexander of Les Misérables, The Phantom of the Opera and Miss Saigon and Musical Director Joseph Joubert of Motown, The Color Purple and Billy Elliot, this special performance will showcase the sheer beauty and artistry of Deborah Cox like never before. Proceeds from “Arsht Live at Seaspice” support the Arsht Center’s numerous Arts Education initiatives that annually serve more than 55,000 Miami-Dade children and their families.
It was a pleasure to sit down with Deborah Cox and Richard Jay-Alexander (separately) for this Hotspots exclusive Interview:
When did performing become an interest of yours?
It started when I was 11 doing different talent shows and other things, and then I went to a performing arts high school.
What was your first professional gig?
It was my first commercial, and it was for Marvelous Muffins. I was paid $50.
When did you know singing/performing would be your career?
Probably when I was in high school. I was the one that was always tired in first period as I had a gig the night before. It was somewhere around 17.
You have collaborated with many artists. Do you have a favorite and why?
My favorite is the duet I did with Whitney Houston. The reason for that is I felt like everything came full circle for me as an artist. Growing up I looked up to and admired her so much!
You have received many awards for your efforts in the fight for human rights. What made you decide to use your fame for this cause and has this been rewarding for you?
It’s been really rewarding as it came out of purely organic situations. I had lost a few friends from AIDS, and I had other gay and lesbian friends who were shamed and kicked out of their family’s homes. This made me want to speak up on human rights issues, and I have never stopped!
Your Broadway debut was in Aida, how did this come about and tell us about the experience?
I was literally in between albums and had just given birth to my son. The producers were looking for a new AIDA and I just went for it, and got cast. It rekindled my love for musical theater which I had done prior to my albums.
You were recently in the Broadway Tour of the Bodyguard, which, I must say you were AMAZING in, can you tell me about that experience?
Thanks! It was a very liberating experience. It was the most challenging role to date because I knew what the expectations were and I had to deliver 13 Whitney Houston hits!! What I didn’t know was the discipline this role would require. That meant no wine, tons of water, no coffee and being at my very best vocally so I couldn’t afford to get sick. My only days off were the travel day to the next city. I also felt that it came full circle for me. I was able to pay tribute to a long-time mentor, label mate and friend.
Describe yourself in three words?
Focused, nurturing, and fearless.
What should the South Florida audiences expect from this sneak peek of your new show?
Well, this will be the first time working and creating anything like this with Richard. I decided to work with him because I’ve been a fan of his work with the legends. I was introduced to him through a mutual friend and we clicked. I think everything has to do with chemistry and being able to trust a director that will bring out the best in you. I’m a little anxious about the journey.
I am not sure what kind of show they will get because I don’t know what it is yet. I am so excited that the Adrienne Arsht Center and Seaspice are allowing me to test out this experiment right here at home. I wanted to be able to do a show that really reflected on my influences, my likes and I wanted to share more of my own personal stories. I felt like it was time to get off the dance floor for a moment and bring the audience into my living room!
Part of the proceeds from this concert will benefit the Arsht Center’s award winning arts education programs. As an artist, why do you believe arts education is important for our local youth and students?
It’s Huge to have support for our arts programs. Where would we be without the performing arts? I think our youth need an outlet to express themselves. I also feel that we have to nurture the talent and keep programs growing where they can do workshops and have the opportunity to learn from professionals. The summer programs are amazing. I also think that it’s encouraging for them to know that there are world class artists right here at home and to see themselves as a part of that picture.
What does the future hold for you?
More music, live performances and more activism. I think more now than ever we as artists need to use our platform to bring awareness to some of the things we are most passionate about.
Richard Jay-Alexander – Photo by Bruce Glikas
You started out as an actor and now you are a famous director, do you like one more than the other, and what are the differences, creatively?
I love directing, but I didn’t really see it coming in the early parts of my career. When you fall in love with theatre, all you see is the performances. You’re not aware of all of the other skills that go into the creation of the final product. Leadership is also part of directing and I guess when you add up all the years of being class president, producing carnivals for muscular dystrophy as a youth, and anything authoritative like that, it all seems to add up to this trajectory.
As an actor, you have worked with celebrities such as Bernadette Peters, Patti LuPone (those two alone make me want to die and go to heaven), Tim Curry, Ron Moody, and Sir Ian McKellen. What did you learn from working with such superstars?
Wow! What a question! I’ve been a professional in the business for 43 years now, and I’m STILL learning “lessons.” Just listening to you drop those names my mind gets flooded with so many things, but, trust me, I have learned from each and every one of the people I have worked with.
As a director, you have worked with even more celebrities. Do you learn more directing or acting, and why?
Why are you asking these difficult questions? It’s crazy and I feel totally blessed to have worked with as many people as I have. But, I’m also fortunate that I’ve worked with so many people that I have admired while growing up, myself. I’ve recently begun to be referred to as “The Diva Whisperer” and it makes me laugh, but I sort of like it, too. I was dubbed that in a meeting with a great dame named Lisa Sharkey, who is the Senior Vice President Director of Creative Development at HarperCollins. We were in a meeting talking about the possibility of a book deal. Having been an actor, a stage manager, a singer, a dancer, a production assistant, a script reader… ALL of those things come into play every single time I step into a rehearsal with a cast or a star. Being able to jump in and out of hoops, myself, helps take away some of the fear, and puts me on the same playing field as whomever I’m working with.
You have directed shows in some of the most famous Concert Halls in the world. Do you have a favorite, and why?
Okay you’re now “officially” the smartest interview I’ve ever had. You haven’t asked me one repeat question from all the years I’ve been doing interviews. Every single venue is awesome in and of itself, but I must say, Carnegie Hall and The Hollywood Bowl are two of my absolute favorites. Every time I return to either of those, I still get chills.
You are on the Executive Board of one of my favorite organizations: Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. When did you get on the Board, and tell our readers why?
Okay, you’re killing me, now! I’ve been on the board since near the very beginning and was there when Equity Fights AIDS and Broadway Cares came together as one. It was a simple decision, really. Our business was being obliterated by the loss of lives and talent. To this day, sitting on that board and being led by Tom Viola, our Executive Director, and a committee of leaders in the theater community is one of my proudest responsibilities.
You are also Camp Director for Kristin Chenoweth’s Broadway Bootcamp. What made you take this position and is Kristin as super sweet as I think she is?
Being the Camp Director for Kristin Chenoweth’s Broadway Bootcamp fell in my lap out of nowhere. When we were on Broadway doing “Kristin Chenoweth: My Love Letter to Broadway,” I was in her dressing room one night, and she was despondent over the direction her camp was going in. She had dreams and goals for it, and felt they might be off-track. This happens to many not-for-profits in their early years, and, at that point, I volunteered to step in and help her. It has been a joy, and is one of my favorite things I look forward to every year. The kids are high school age and theatre obsessed, so they’re basically ME, when I was that age. Kristin is a marvel and insanely talented. But she cares about proper education, the arts, and helping young people realize that training and having a career can be within your grasp… no matter where you live or come from. This is also why Deborah Cox and I are doing The Seaspice Event which supports The Adrienne Arsht Center’s Arts Education and Community Outreach Programs.
How did your new project with Deborah Cox come about, and what should our readers expect from this sneak peek of your new collaboration?
This is a very happy story. I went to see The Bodyguard on tour when it played The Arsht. I knew about Deborah Cox and her music, but I had never laid eyes on her, on a stage. Everyone knows this NOW, but, that night, I threw my shoe in the air more than a couple of times. I remember thinking to myself, “SURELY, she’s doing this for me. She can’t possibly do this eight times a week!” Just weeks later, I received an email from a leading producer in New York, named Nick Scandalios (who also sits on the BC/EFA board) telling me that Deborah wants to put together a new show, and expand her wings, musically, beyond her legendary dance & music career. We arranged a meeting… it was pretty magical… and, here we are! We’re in the middle of the process, and we’re exploring all kinds of music, and also her unique background and story. The people who attend the event at Seaspice are going to witness where we’re at mid-process, and how and why we’re trying to analyze and conquer the type of material we want to share with an audience. I don’t believe this is done at a regional level, or a local level, but at a world-class level, and what we arrive at, ultimately, should be able to grace any stage across the globe. Deborah is nervous because she feels people expect a certain something, and they will get that, but, I have assured her that they will join her for the rest of the ride, as we move forward. It’s always scary, whether it’s Barbra, Bette, Bernadette, etc. But, we do it together, and we also have the guidance of a brilliant musical director, who is a star in his own right, and his name is Joseph Joubert.
One of the most fascinating things about Deborah, was learning that she is Canadian. More on that as well as being a mom, a wife, an activist, a dance diva, a friend of Whitney Houston’s, a Broadway star, a Fashionista, etc. when we see you at Seaspice.
Arsht Live at Seaspice (422 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL) featuring Deborah Cox takes place on Thursday, January 31 at 7pm with tickets starting at $75.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/01/24/qa-an-intimate-evening-with-deborah-cox/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/182270897215
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hotspotsmagazine · 6 years
Q&A: An Intimate Evening with Deborah Cox
The South Florida community is invited to a sneak peek into the newest project starring Grammy Award-nominated and multi-platinum recording artist and actress Deborah Cox live at Seaspice, located on the banks of the Miami River. Acclaimed for her starring roles in the hit musicals The Bodyguard, Aida and Jekyll & Hyde, this concert will chart new territory and give you a behind-the-scenes look into Deborah’s latest collaboration. You’ll hear “hits” that you know, new songs that you’ll love and intimate stories from Deborah’s exciting career. Created with renowned Broadway talents Director Richard Jay-Alexander of Les Misérables, The Phantom of the Opera and Miss Saigon and Musical Director Joseph Joubert of Motown, The Color Purple and Billy Elliot, this special performance will showcase the sheer beauty and artistry of Deborah Cox like never before. Proceeds from “Arsht Live at Seaspice” support the Arsht Center’s numerous Arts Education initiatives that annually serve more than 55,000 Miami-Dade children and their families.
It was a pleasure to sit down with Deborah Cox and Richard Jay-Alexander (separately) for this Hotspots exclusive Interview:
When did performing become an interest of yours?
It started when I was 11 doing different talent shows and other things, and then I went to a performing arts high school.
What was your first professional gig?
It was my first commercial, and it was for Marvelous Muffins. I was paid $50.
When did you know singing/performing would be your career?
Probably when I was in high school. I was the one that was always tired in first period as I had a gig the night before. It was somewhere around 17.
You have collaborated with many artists. Do you have a favorite and why?
My favorite is the duet I did with Whitney Houston. The reason for that is I felt like everything came full circle for me as an artist. Growing up I looked up to and admired her so much!
You have received many awards for your efforts in the fight for human rights. What made you decide to use your fame for this cause and has this been rewarding for you?
It’s been really rewarding as it came out of purely organic situations. I had lost a few friends from AIDS, and I had other gay and lesbian friends who were shamed and kicked out of their family’s homes. This made me want to speak up on human rights issues, and I have never stopped!
Your Broadway debut was in Aida, how did this come about and tell us about the experience?
I was literally in between albums and had just given birth to my son. The producers were looking for a new AIDA and I just went for it, and got cast. It rekindled my love for musical theater which I had done prior to my albums.
You were recently in the Broadway Tour of the Bodyguard, which, I must say you were AMAZING in, can you tell me about that experience?
Thanks! It was a very liberating experience. It was the most challenging role to date because I knew what the expectations were and I had to deliver 13 Whitney Houston hits!! What I didn’t know was the discipline this role would require. That meant no wine, tons of water, no coffee and being at my very best vocally so I couldn’t afford to get sick. My only days off were the travel day to the next city. I also felt that it came full circle for me. I was able to pay tribute to a long-time mentor, label mate and friend.
Describe yourself in three words?
Focused, nurturing, and fearless.
What should the South Florida audiences expect from this sneak peek of your new show?
Well, this will be the first time working and creating anything like this with Richard. I decided to work with him because I’ve been a fan of his work with the legends. I was introduced to him through a mutual friend and we clicked. I think everything has to do with chemistry and being able to trust a director that will bring out the best in you. I’m a little anxious about the journey.
I am not sure what kind of show they will get because I don’t know what it is yet. I am so excited that the Adrienne Arsht Center and Seaspice are allowing me to test out this experiment right here at home. I wanted to be able to do a show that really reflected on my influences, my likes and I wanted to share more of my own personal stories. I felt like it was time to get off the dance floor for a moment and bring the audience into my living room!
Part of the proceeds from this concert will benefit the Arsht Center’s award winning arts education programs. As an artist, why do you believe arts education is important for our local youth and students?
It’s Huge to have support for our arts programs. Where would we be without the performing arts? I think our youth need an outlet to express themselves. I also feel that we have to nurture the talent and keep programs growing where they can do workshops and have the opportunity to learn from professionals. The summer programs are amazing. I also think that it’s encouraging for them to know that there are world class artists right here at home and to see themselves as a part of that picture.
What does the future hold for you?
More music, live performances and more activism. I think more now than ever we as artists need to use our platform to bring awareness to some of the things we are most passionate about.
Richard Jay-Alexander – Photo by Bruce Glikas
You started out as an actor and now you are a famous director, do you like one more than the other, and what are the differences, creatively?
I love directing, but I didn’t really see it coming in the early parts of my career. When you fall in love with theatre, all you see is the performances. You’re not aware of all of the other skills that go into the creation of the final product. Leadership is also part of directing and I guess when you add up all the years of being class president, producing carnivals for muscular dystrophy as a youth, and anything authoritative like that, it all seems to add up to this trajectory.
As an actor, you have worked with celebrities such as Bernadette Peters, Patti LuPone (those two alone make me want to die and go to heaven), Tim Curry, Ron Moody, and Sir Ian McKellen. What did you learn from working with such superstars?
Wow! What a question! I’ve been a professional in the business for 43 years now, and I’m STILL learning “lessons.” Just listening to you drop those names my mind gets flooded with so many things, but, trust me, I have learned from each and every one of the people I have worked with.
As a director, you have worked with even more celebrities. Do you learn more directing or acting, and why?
Why are you asking these difficult questions? It’s crazy and I feel totally blessed to have worked with as many people as I have. But, I’m also fortunate that I’ve worked with so many people that I have admired while growing up, myself. I’ve recently begun to be referred to as “The Diva Whisperer” and it makes me laugh, but I sort of like it, too. I was dubbed that in a meeting with a great dame named Lisa Sharkey, who is the Senior Vice President Director of Creative Development at HarperCollins. We were in a meeting talking about the possibility of a book deal. Having been an actor, a stage manager, a singer, a dancer, a production assistant, a script reader… ALL of those things come into play every single time I step into a rehearsal with a cast or a star. Being able to jump in and out of hoops, myself, helps take away some of the fear, and puts me on the same playing field as whomever I’m working with.
You have directed shows in some of the most famous Concert Halls in the world. Do you have a favorite, and why?
Okay you’re now “officially” the smartest interview I’ve ever had. You haven’t asked me one repeat question from all the years I’ve been doing interviews. Every single venue is awesome in and of itself, but I must say, Carnegie Hall and The Hollywood Bowl are two of my absolute favorites. Every time I return to either of those, I still get chills.
You are on the Executive Board of one of my favorite organizations: Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. When did you get on the Board, and tell our readers why?
Okay, you’re killing me, now! I’ve been on the board since near the very beginning and was there when Equity Fights AIDS and Broadway Cares came together as one. It was a simple decision, really. Our business was being obliterated by the loss of lives and talent. To this day, sitting on that board and being led by Tom Viola, our Executive Director, and a committee of leaders in the theater community is one of my proudest responsibilities.
You are also Camp Director for Kristin Chenoweth’s Broadway Bootcamp. What made you take this position and is Kristin as super sweet as I think she is?
Being the Camp Director for Kristin Chenoweth’s Broadway Bootcamp fell in my lap out of nowhere. When we were on Broadway doing “Kristin Chenoweth: My Love Letter to Broadway,” I was in her dressing room one night, and she was despondent over the direction her camp was going in. She had dreams and goals for it, and felt they might be off-track. This happens to many not-for-profits in their early years, and, at that point, I volunteered to step in and help her. It has been a joy, and is one of my favorite things I look forward to every year. The kids are high school age and theatre obsessed, so they’re basically ME, when I was that age. Kristin is a marvel and insanely talented. But she cares about proper education, the arts, and helping young people realize that training and having a career can be within your grasp… no matter where you live or come from. This is also why Deborah Cox and I are doing The Seaspice Event which supports The Adrienne Arsht Center’s Arts Education and Community Outreach Programs.
How did your new project with Deborah Cox come about, and what should our readers expect from this sneak peek of your new collaboration?
This is a very happy story. I went to see The Bodyguard on tour when it played The Arsht. I knew about Deborah Cox and her music, but I had never laid eyes on her, on a stage. Everyone knows this NOW, but, that night, I threw my shoe in the air more than a couple of times. I remember thinking to myself, “SURELY, she’s doing this for me. She can’t possibly do this eight times a week!” Just weeks later, I received an email from a leading producer in New York, named Nick Scandalios (who also sits on the BC/EFA board) telling me that Deborah wants to put together a new show, and expand her wings, musically, beyond her legendary dance & music career. We arranged a meeting… it was pretty magical… and, here we are! We’re in the middle of the process, and we’re exploring all kinds of music, and also her unique background and story. The people who attend the event at Seaspice are going to witness where we’re at mid-process, and how and why we’re trying to analyze and conquer the type of material we want to share with an audience. I don’t believe this is done at a regional level, or a local level, but at a world-class level, and what we arrive at, ultimately, should be able to grace any stage across the globe. Deborah is nervous because she feels people expect a certain something, and they will get that, but, I have assured her that they will join her for the rest of the ride, as we move forward. It’s always scary, whether it’s Barbra, Bette, Bernadette, etc. But, we do it together, and we also have the guidance of a brilliant musical director, who is a star in his own right, and his name is Joseph Joubert.
One of the most fascinating things about Deborah, was learning that she is Canadian. More on that as well as being a mom, a wife, an activist, a dance diva, a friend of Whitney Houston’s, a Broadway star, a Fashionista, etc. when we see you at Seaspice.
Arsht Live at Seaspice (422 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL) featuring Deborah Cox takes place on Thursday, January 31 at 7pm with tickets starting at $75.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/01/24/qa-an-intimate-evening-with-deborah-cox/
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sentrava · 6 years
What’s On in Copenhagen: May 2018
Rejoice! May has arrived in Copenhagen and we couldn’t be happier about it. May is typically when the weather really warms up and the sun comes out. But even on the dreary days, there’s so much to do in the city at this time of year.
Take a look at all the best events happening in Copenhagen during May:
Sunday 15th April – Sunday 6th May
Check out this ultra cool festival: 22 art shows in 22 days, where each one is mounted and then dismantled in 24 hours. All shows are held at LOKALE in Nørrebro, and both Danish as well as international artists will be represented.
    Tuesday 1st May
International Worker’s Day/May Day
The annual celebration of activism and solidarity with industrial workers everywhere. In Copenhagen, crowds of up to 50,000 commemorate the occasion in Østerbro’s Fælledparken with speeches and even an address from the Prime Minister. Pack some beer and make a day of it.
  Thursday 3rd – Wednesday 16th May
Copenhagen Architecture Festival
Back for its fifth year, the Copenhagen Architecture Festival is all about exploring how architecture is integrated into our daily life and shapes our world. The theme for this year is “home, housing, and belonging.” Check out our recommendations for the best tours, films and talks.
  Friday 4th May
Up Sessions on the Rooftop
Starting May 4th and running every Friday through August, enjoy some drinks and good conversation on the rooftop terrace of Hotel Danmark. This is the perfect way to unwind after the week and take in a glorious view of Copenhagen.
  Saturday 5th – Sunday 6th May
Grab a basket and fill it up with plants for this spring market in Østerbro! If your apartment needs a little green update for the new season, this is the place to do it. Even if you’re not planning to buy, there’s nothing better than a stroll around some lush greenery. Open both days from 10 am – 3 pm.
  Saturday 5th May
Spring Market on Elmegade
From 10 am – 5 pm, take a stroll around one of the cutest pockets of Nørrebro, right by Sankt Hans Torv. There will be stands selling clothes, accessories and other goods, as well as food and some activities. Such a nice way to spend a Saturday!
This day-long festival on Amager includes events for kids such as a magician, a flea market, live music, good food and more. If you’re in the neighborhood, stop by!
Sunday 6th May
Fashion Flea Market: Trendsales & Tradono
There are serious fashion finds to be had at this large indoor flea market. If you’ve been doing some spring cleaning for your wardrobe, you may have a few items you need to fill in. With designer names at very good price, this is the place to do it. The market runs from 10 am – 4 pm at Store Kannikestræde 19.
  Monday 7th May
Drop-in Jazz Dance Workshop
This workshop, taught by choreographer and dancer Matthew Bailey, focuses on core strengthening. It will work within the jazz framework and vocabulary. You don’t need to be an expert dancer; just have the desire to improve your skills!
  Thursday 10th May
Marie Key at Store Vega
Beloved Danish pop singer/songwriter Marie Key will be performing at Store Vega. Her breathy, sweet voice and clever pop songs make it easy to see why she’s become so popular in Denmark (she sings in Danish, by the way). Having seen her command the stage (Orange, no less!) at Roskilde Festival, we can confirm that she puts on a very good show.
Bad Movie Club: The Apple at Husets Biograf
For fans of “How Did This Get Made” and all others who love a good bad movie, The Bad Movie Club at Husets Biograf is a real treat. This installation is “The Apple,” a totally bonkers film shot in West Berlin and released in 1980. It’s about…a singer…in the dystopian future of 1994…and an evil record company called Boogalow…also, there’s a lot of Biblical references…yeah, we don’t really get it either. But it’s weird and fun.
  Friday 11th May
RAR Brewing at Himmeriget
Himmeriget welcomes Maryland, USA-based brewing company RAR to the bar for the night. Try an array of their beers on tap as well well as cans that have been flown in to ensure freshness. This is a fun chance to try something you can’t usually get in Copenhagen.
  Saturday 12th May
Jenny Wilson at Store Vega
Swedish pop-rock singer/songwriter Jenny Wilson is as fierce as they come, and her beats are too. We love her smart, fast-paced music and her message of fearlessness.
Live Screening of Eurovision Finals at Husets Biograf
Enjoy watching the Eurovision finals, which take place in Lisbon this year, with other fans. Entrance is free, but it fills up fast so we recommend that you reserve a spot! Take a listen to Denmark’s entry, “Higher Ground,” by Rasmussen.
  Friday 18th May – Sunday 20th May
Cabonara Festival
Finally! The festival we’ve all been waiting for. It’s time to celebrate carbonara, and we are so here for it. No details yet, so check their Facebook page for updates.
  Friday 18th May
OSHUN at Ideal Bar
Bringing hip hop, reggae, soul and pop into their excellent tracks, OSHUN comments on community, politics, and black women’s lives in the USA. If you haven’t already heard them, get on board.
  Saturday 19th – Sunday 20th May
FindersKeepers x Mad About Copenhagen Market
From 11 am – 5 pm on both days, check out this design and food market, hosted by FindersKeepers and Copenhagen foodies Mad About Copenhagen. Great design, fashion and art, plus the best food vendors in the city? That sounds like a great weekend.
  Click Festival
This is definitely not your average festival. Celebrating contemporary art, science and technology, CLICK has an incredibly diverse and in-depth program over its two days. There are concerts, talks, workshops, interactive installations, and much more. The theme this year is “Xeno,” an exploration of what is alien or other. CLICK is located in Helsingør, so just a 45 minute ride on the train from central Copenhagen; it is possible to camp at the site.
  Saturday 19th May
Movie Drink-Along: The Big Lebowski at Husets Biograf
What’s better than a sing-along? A drink-along, obviously. Have a few White Russias while shouting out lines like “This is not ‘Nam. This is Bowling. There are rules,” and “You’re out of your element, Donny!” and “This aggression will not stand!” Best night ever.
Tuesday 22nd May – Sunday 27th May
Art Week CPH
If you’re an art fan, this is your big week! There will be exhibitions, parties, debates, and more. Be sure to check their website for the program release and other updates.
  Tuesday 22nd May
Manu Crook$ at Ideal Bar
Is Manu Crook$ the first Australian rapper to make it on the international mainstream? Looks that way! See him at Ideal Bar, the perfect setting for a small but bouncing concert.
  Saturday 26th – Sunday 27th May
Bloom Festival
This festival celebrates nature over two days with talk by philosophers and scientists, music from classical composers, and time spent enjoying the beautiful surroundings of Søndermarken.
  Saturday 26th May
A full day of fun for the whole family! This festival goes from 10 am – midnight and includes a flea market, live music, activities for kids, and food and drink available to buy. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for sunshine!
  Balders Plads Flea Market
Peruse second hand clothes, accessories and home goods in this buzzy corner of Nørrebro. There are plenty of good cafes around, so enjoy a coffee or lunch and then have a day of low-key shopping between 10 am – 4 pm.
  Rocky Horror Picture Show at Husets Biograf
Dammit Janet! This beloved cult film is the one that you’ll be singing for the rest of your days. There’s nothing quite like seeing “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” on the big screen and feasting your eyes on Tim Curry in all his steamy, sexy glory. Go sing along as loud as you can.
  Sunday 27th May
Rita Ora at Store Vega
British pop star Rita Ora brings her powerful presence and voice to Store Vega, where it’s sure to be a party. Get tickets before they sell out!
  Wednesday 30 May – Sunday 3 June
Distortion Festival
It’s that time of year again! Distortion is here, and your nights are about to get a little weird. As usual, the concerts are divided into Distortion Ø, which takes place at Refshaleøen, Distortion Club all over the city, and the street parties, in their annual locations. Buy your armband now and get ready to dance!
→ On the Joy of Distortion
  Thursday 31 May – Saturday 2nd June
Heartland Festival
This isn’t in Copenhagen, but it’s too good for us not to tell you about it. Located on the island of Funen in the gorgeous Egeskov Castle, this festival combines music, art, literature and food for a totally unique weekend of beauty and learning. This year’s line up includes Patti Smith, Van Morrison, Lykke Li and Grizzly Bear. As if that weren’t enough, Tracy Emin, Kim Gordon and Salaman Rushdie will all be giving talks, and chef Christian Puglisi (among many other local favourites) has his hand in the food aspect of the event.
    Ongoing in May
  Picasso Ceramics Exhibit at Lousiana Museum of Modern Art
The first exhibition in their 60 year anniversary celebration, the Picasso Ceramics is truly something to experience. A look at a lesser-known medium of the legendary artist, the ceramics are as wonderful, joyful, and historically important collection that every art and design lover should see.
  High On Luxury: Lost Treasures of the Roman Empire Exhibit at Glyptoteket
Silver, gold, gems and luxury items created during the Roman Empire, celebrating artisan craftsmanship and decadence. If you’re in the mood to party, but in a super-cultured way, this is the exhibit for you.
  Jesper Christiansen “Touchstone” Exhibit at GL Strand
Danish painter Jesper Christiansen is renown for his literary paintings that create almost-theatrical scenes and staging. “Touchstone” combines text with paintings to showcase the relationship between the words and visuals. A really interesting and unique museum experience!
  Mathias Bengtsson “Organic Transformations” Exhibit at Designmuseum Danmark
This is a small exhibition in the hall between the lobby and the cafe of Designmuseum Danmark, but it’s really worth a visit. These incredible pieces are a blend of furniture and art; one-off pieces that utilise new technological advances to create awe-inspiring textures.
  If you’re a business or organisation that would like us to add your event to next month’s calendar, please contact us at hello [@] scandinaviastandard [dot] com. Thank you!
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  What’s On in Copenhagen: May 2018 published first on https://medium.com/@OCEANDREAMCHARTERS
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The worst phone call a sister could ever receive. April 13th. Day 5.
This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write. And it’s scary to post this online, to be this vulnerable. But I feel compelled to share my experience. I thought maybe it could 1) be therapeutic, and 2) help someone who is dealing with the same thing. Suicide is such a weird subject. People don’t know how to talk about it. But it needs to be talked about. I need to talk about this. Because the sad reality is my family won’t be the last people to deal with this.
Saturday was a day like any other, although it’s so funny to look back as it was the last normal day of my life. My husband Clay, and I went to Starbucks down the street so we could work on taxes, and I studied for my NASM. Afterwards, we ran to Whole Foods to grab some ingredients to make curry. I remember feeling frustrated because I couldn’t figure out a good recipe. The things that would irritate me seem so insignificant now. I wonder if I had known then what I know now, how my day would have been different. I wouldn’t have cared about fucking curry.
We came home that night and watched “Shameless.” My hubby started loving that show recently, and after a few episodes I finally warmed up. This is a ritual of ours, cuddling on our couch in our new living room in Denver with our puppies. Normal. Happy. In the middle of an episode, Clay took the dogs out to walk them, and I decided to head to bed. I was standing in the door of our bedroom when Clay walked back in, talking on the phone. I thought he was talking to his mom, then he said, “Yes, she’s right here.” He handed the phone to me, walked behind me and held me tight. I knew it was my mom calling, and I knew it was something bad. She wouldn’t have called Clay otherwise. She learned the hard way to make sure he was home when she delivered bad news about two years ago, when she called to tell me my beloved Uncle Tim had unexpectedly passed away. That day, Clay had recently left for a bachelor trip out of state, and I was all alone. So I knew something was wrong when she called him first. I took the phone, thinking something happened to one of our dogs. Then I thought maybe it was Dad. My mind was racing. “Mom? Is everything okay?” She was crying, and through her racking sobs she said, “No, Jenn. It’s not okay. Chris shot himself tonight.” My legs collapsed, and I started screaming. Looking back, I don’t know how our neighbors didn’t come pounding on our door. Unless someone you love has died, you can’t possibly imagine the gut-wrenching need to deny that what is being said to you is false. I kept screaming, “NO! NO! NO!” I refused to believe it. I handed the phone to Clay, brushed off my tears and kept saying he was fine. Chris was fine. My baby brother wouldn’t do anything like this. He loves me. He wouldn’t leave me like this. My buddy. My everything. It wasn’t fucking possible. But I knew it happened. It was our biggest fear.
I remember when my mom told me she was pregnant for a third time. It was 1991, and I was in the bath, I remember being super sad because I knew this meant she would have to leave. To put it lightly, I had major abandonment issues as a child (we ended up being adopted by my aunt and uncle-who my siblings and I all call “Mom” and “Dad” now, even though I still have contact with my real momma).  My real mom had been abused as a child, and even with one of the biggest hearts I’ve ever known, couldn’t raise us the way she wanted to.
I actually named Christopher. Mom asked me what his name should be, and I named him after a boy I had a crush on. Christopher James, after his father. CJ was born March 24th, 1992. I had a journal entry in my huge second-grade handwriting where I talked about the birth of my little brother. I wonder what happened to it. I can’t remember her pregnancy, but I do remember looking at CJ in his crib and realizing how much I loved him. He was so tiny, and all I wanted to do was hug, kiss and protect him. Whenever he would sleep in the rocker in the living room, I would put my finger under his nose to make sure he was breathing. I remember laying in bed at night listening to him cry, as my mom tried to soothe him, and being amazed how something so small could scream so loud. I’m not being biased when I say CJ was the world’s most adorable toddler. His son, Carter, looks identical. Chubby, rosy cheeks. One dimple. Big blue eyes. Long eyelashes. Blonde hair. A total cherub. I remember the first time he laughed-he had this blow up clown that was weighted at the bottom so when you punched it, it would pop back up. I was play-fighting it, and CJ just laughed and laughed. I felt like the world’s best big sister.
When I was 11, I moved in with my aunt Anika, uncle, Steve and cousin, Nikea (we now call them Mom, Dad and Sister). My brother and little sister, Bethany, would follow two years later. This was CJ’s cowboy phase. He loved all things cowboy, and had a fake gun he used to “draw” (one of my favorite pictures of him caught him doing this-I think this will be my next tattoo) and had some boots our mom bought him that he wore everywhere, along with his cowboy hat. He always had his Woody from “Toy Story” he carried around. He also had a tiny guitar he would strum out on our front porch, a blade of grass between his teeth, as his cowboy hat shaded his big blue eyes. I remember him crying at night from growing pains, and his little heart breaking when Mom had to shelve the boots since we believed they were causing his poor legs so much pain. He also ground his teeth at night. It was so loud I could hear it through the bedroom walls.
This was the time I was “sissy.” He called me his “sissy,” and I loved it so much. I knew it wouldn’t last forever, so I cherished it. This is also when he couldn’t pronounce “girl,” instead saying “gware.” And when my sister and I would get annoyed and tell him to shut up, he’d get SO mad and yell, “DON’T CALL ME SHUT UP!” I know these are all tiny weird details that most people who didn’t know him don’t care about, but these are the memories I cling to. My sweet, silly little brother.
As CJ got older, we saw more issues in his behavior. He was moody, and had a low frustration tolerance. He had such a huge heart, but like me suffered from depression. My parents always saw it, and did everything they could to help. Therapy. Medication. Letting him know how much they loved him. I had a conversation with him when he was in middle school, begging him to never hurt himself. He hadn’t ever mentioned self-harm, but this was around the time I had started cutting myself and didn’t want the same for my brother. I always had fears of him hurting himself. He cried during this talk, and promised he wouldn’t. But the reality was my brother suffered from what is called Reactive Attachment Disorder, due to our unstable childhood, or RAD. While I have side-stepped a lot of the issues that come along with such a diagnosis, I have always struggled with many of the same things as him. Fears of abandonment. Suicidal thoughts. Depression. Anxiety. I wanted to shelter my brother from all the issues I had. I didn’t want him to feel the way I did. One of life’s cruelest facts is that we can’t protect the ones we love. I tried. We all did. But I couldn’t protect my brother from himself, any more than he could protect me.
A few years back, CJ met a wonderful girl named Bailey who he ended up marrying. You could just see how much he loved her. They had Carter James. But this marriage wouldn’t last, and I think this, plus my brother’s depression and addiction, was too much. It wasn’t just one thing. It was so many things. My brother had hurt his entire life as a result of RAD. He had gotten addictive genes from both sides (his father was an alcoholic), and he tried so hard to stop drinking. We tried to get him to go to AA. When he was home over his birthday March 24th (I wasn’t able to come, which fucking breaks my heart), our grandpa came from Indiana to go to a meeting with him and share his own personal struggles with alcohol when he was a young man. We tried everything. I’ve read through my texts, gone over our conversations so many times, and I am so fucking grateful that I was there for him. I understood the darkness, having struggled with it, too. I told him continuously that I loved him, that we all loved him, that he was so strong, that he could get through this, that he had so much going on for him, that shitty times pass. His texts were so tortured, about how he hated himself, how he was tired of “EVERYTHING,” how he’d be better off dead. That one is the hardest to read. But I told him we needed him here with us, and nowhere else. I was so frustrated with him, that he couldn’t see how worthy of love he was. But I am so grateful I never let that frustration show. I’m so grateful. My one regret is not talking to him more. The last few months I was going through my own issues (financial and health crap), and withdrew from everyone. And I always had a fear he would break my heart. I was scared he would try to hurt himself, but thought a fear of death would keep him from trying anything permanent. I was more scared he would drink himself to liver failure, or run off and we wouldn’t know where he went. I should have told him every day how much I loved him, how much I needed him, that I was so grateful to have him as a little brother and that I cherished him more than anyone in the world. But I think he knew.
Anyone who has lost someone to suicide knows how you go over and over those final moments. It’s torture. But there are some things that have brought me, while I can’t say “relief,” something to hold on to. For one, he didn’t suffer. Two, I think he was so at peace when he ended his life. His text to my mom, sent shortly before, was very well thought out and coherent. My brother always said exactly what he was thinking. If he was feeling tortured it would have shown through that text. He was sober, clearheaded. He just told Mom what he planned to do, said to set up an education fund for Carter, and ended it with “I love you.” Mom said she would send me the text. I told her no. I can’t bear to read my brother’s final goodbye. I just can’t handle it. But I really believe he was feeling at peace because he knew it would be over soon. He would be in Heaven and his heart would cease to hurt. I also know he wasn’t alone for very long. He had texted a girl he was seeing (who I need to reach out to and thank for loving my brother), telling her his plans. She immediately called the cops and they headed over. So when my mom received her text from him and called the cops, they were already on their way. I’ve read horrible stories of loved ones laying alone for days on end. I’m so grateful my brother wasn’t alone for longer than a few minutes.
I believe in Heaven. I’ve had loved ones who have reached out in ways that are unmistakable, which I will talk about another time. And my brother is no different. I was in the kitchen the other day, and this warmth came over me. It’s so hard to describe, but I heard this, “Look after Mom.” It wasn’t an actual voice, but I know it was my brother. He was so protective of us, especially Mom. He wants me to make sure she’s okay. That’s Chris. Being the protector. Thinking about that moment makes me cry, but just because reminds me that he is still looking out for us.
I don’t know how to get through tonight. Or tomorrow. Or the next week. Or the next fucking sixty years. I head home Saturday (flights during the week were far too expensive), and although I’m so ready to be home I know it will make his loss all the more real. He won’t be there. I know I’ll be expecting to see his lanky frame walking in front of the windows as he approaches the front door. Dad is going to Minnesota to collect his things. He didn’t have much, which I’m grateful for. It’ll be hard enough to go through all his clothes. Mom said she can do it, but I need to help. I’m his big sister. And I’m absolutely dreading seeing his urn. They will ship it. It’s weird to think of my tall brother (he was 6 ft) in an urn. But I have to keep reminding myself that’s not him. Our bodies are not us. We are not our bodies, our emotions, our hurts, our brain chemistry. My brother’s soul is here with me now. THAT is him. But as I write this, I am trying to find out the name of the crematorium where he is so I can get some of his hair. And I’m so scared they will say it’s too late. Or that there was none left. I don’t know if I can handle that.
How do I go on? How do I keep breathing when the person I love the most is gone? In one text I found today, I promised him I would always love him and never abandon him. But he abandoned me. I’m not angry with him-I understand why he did it. And I rejoice knowing he no longer hurts and is happy and well taken care of. But he did leave me. His big sister. He didn’t even text me goodbye. I don’t know if that would have made it better or worse. Part of me hopes he wasn’t thinking of me while he sat on that couch. But I know he was.
Chris, I miss you. So much. I don’t know how to keep breathing. I know I have to, because I don’t have a choice. It’s not fair. Why do I have to keep living when you’re gone? I don’t know how to do this. I need you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
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