#there's. so much to unpack here. i'm sure i've placed my thoughts elsewhere on this blog but regardless
datastate · 1 year
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do you realize how seen i felt with this.
necessary reading before you act weird abt him in my inbox: 1, 2, 3
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Dangerous | Helmut Zemo
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AU! Race car driver Zemo 😎
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
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Part 4
Zemo stared at his phone which he had sat on his desk. His car has been fixed up and he was about to go test run it, but his mind wasn't focused on the car. All he could think about was you.
Sam pokes his head into the office.
"Ready for the test run?"
Zemo looks up, acting as if his mind hasn't been elsewhere, and nodded. He glances at his phone once more before leaving with Sam.
You hadn't contacted him and he was missing you. He had no idea it would be this bad. It had been a couple of days since you had left and he was wishing time had paused that day, anything to spend a few extra minutes with you.
He looks at his car. He needed to put his racing mind on. He grabs his helmet, and gears up. Once he's in the car, he is in racer mode.
When you stepped off the train, your friend was waiting eagerly. She squealed as she ran over to you and pulled you into a hug. You chuckled as she nearly caused you to fall over.
"I've missed you!"
"I was only gone a couple of days," you chuckle.
"I know, but still. Something super amazing has happened and I'm about to lose my mind!"
"What is it?"
You both begin to leave the station, you eager to hear what is so exciting.
"Remember Tony Stark?"
Of course you did. You had literally seen him that weekend, racing.
As you exit the station, you come to a stop. Right in front of you is a limousine. Sleek, black, and expensive looking.
You look at your friend in shock.
Tony Stark climbs out of the limo before she can. You stare in shock. What was he even doing here? Shouldn't he be off training for the next race? Why was he here?
Your friend skips over to him and he places an arm around her.
"What is happening?"
Your friend smiles away, leaning against the billionaire beside her. Maybe you were imagining this. Tony Stark could not be here.
"Y/N, this is my boyfriend."
You are so sure your brain malfunctioned right there. You drop your bag and try to figure if you actually heard that.
You friend laughs as she grabs your bag and puts it into the limo.
"For real?" You ask, looking at Stark.
"For real." He grins.
"Come on, we'll take you home," your friend urges you into the limo. You cannot believe this is happening.
Once you're all in, your friend gives the driver your address and you all set off. You can only stare as she practically drapes herself over his lap.
You feel so confused.
The car was filled only with silence for the reminder of the ride. It was awkward and suffocating, but there was nothing you could say.
When the limo stopped outside of your apartment, you climbed out. Your friend got out too. You pulled her off to the side.
"How? When? How long has this been a thing?" You ask, rapidly firing out your questions.
"He asked me out. That night a couple weeks ago. At the party. The one you didn't come to."
"And you're only mentioning this now?"
"He asked me to wait, so I did. Then a couple days ago, he called me and said he was ready for to tell people."
"A couple of days ago? Friday?"
You glance back at the car. Friday was race day. Was that a coincidence?
"I'm your friend, why didn't you tell me?"
"I promised I wouldn't until he said I could. I really like him Y/N."
"Do you? Are you in love with him because he's amazing and loves you? Or because he's your favourite pro racer and billionaire?" You narrow you gaze at her.
Her jaw is clenched, eyes hazy with tears.
"That's not fair."
"It's very fair. I don't think you've thought this through."
She let's her tears fall, drops your bag at your feet, pushes you back, and then climbs into the car. You watch the limo drive off before you pick up your bag and go inside your home.
Something didn't sit right with you.
You throw your bag on your bed, deciding to unpack later, and slump down on your sofa. Your mind flickered to Zemo.
You hadn't contacted him. You could have done so on the train. You grab your phone and send him a message.
You: Hey :) I hope I didn't keep you waiting.
You put the phone down and wait. He was probably busy, but you would wait. Closing your eyes, you could almost imagine being back in his car, speeding down the road like crazy. You missed that feeling.
Life was too slow now.
You yearned to be a part of Zemo's lifestyle. You wanted to be beside him, cheering his name, watching as he wins against Stark.
Speaking of, you would have to make arrangements. You needed to check your work schedule and make sure you had that weekend off.
You didn't want to miss a race.
You feel asleep with those thoughts. The wind in your hair, laughter filling the car, Zemo looking over at you with a smile. He was right there in your dreams.
Zemo had done several laps up and down the runway. He would take it down to the track tomorrow to test it out proper, but for now it was in great condition.
The moment he changed out of his gear, he went to collect his things from the office. Picking up his phone, his heart leaped with joy when he saw the text.
You: Hey :) I hope I didn't keep you waiting.
He smiled at his phone and immediately saved your number.
It felt right to put you in his phone like that. He mentally scolded himself for getting carried away, but he didn't change it. He left it like that and replied.
Zemo: You did, but I'll forgive you. You can make it up to me when I see you next.
He smiled as he tucked his phone away and prepared to head home. On the drive home, his mind turned to you again. There was a silly grin on his face. He would take this third race as a sign. If you showed up, he would take you for that drink, and maybe something would happen. He was not ready to let you go just yet.
A thought crossed his mind.
What if he visited you before the race? He would surely be able to get you to give up your address to him. You would with the drive up. Maybe next could take a peek into your life.
Would you like that?
Never before had he questioned himself so much. When it came to you, there was doubt in his mind. It's not as if you were his anyway. Friend? Yes, quite possibly. Nothing more.
Yet, he yearned for it.
Would you enter his world if invited you? Perhaps he would keep that question up his sleeve until the time seemed right.
It wasn't until he was at home that he got a reply. You must have been busy.
You: That's fair. Assuming I make it, of course.
He smiled at your response.
Zemo: I'll be disappointed if you don't come. I may need your luck again.
You: Yes, because that went so well last time.
Zemo: My losing was no your fault. I blame Stark.
There was several minutes of silence before your next response.
You: How is the car?
Zemo: In working order. I'm going to tinker with it some more. I won't stop until it's up to standard.
You: You must be very busy then.
Zemo: Not too busy that I can't talk to you.
It was so easy to be all bold when you were communicating by text.
You: Cute, but I'm not falling for that ;)
Two could play that game, it seemed.
Zemo: May I ask you something?
You: Of course
Zemo: Where do you work?
You: Why? I can tell you now, it's no where as cool as your job.
Zemo: I want to know more about you.
There was another pause before your response. This one was a little longer than other and Zemo wondered if he had crossed a line.
Then you replied.
You: At cafe, it's called The Redwing. Nice enough place, but not as exciting as your job.
The Redwing? He had heard that name before. Sam came to mind as he thought about it. Zemo smiled.
Zemo: Sounds interesting to me.
You: If you say so. No fast cars here though, just people wanting coffee.
Zemo: I want to hear more, but perhaps some other time. I should eat before I fall asleep on my couch. See you soon?
A couple minutes go by, and then:
You: Maybe ;)
He smiled a smug grin as he put his phone down. He would see you soon, you just didn't know how soon.
Seemed like Zemo had a call to make.
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