#because he struggles to excuse how he currently is. he has always pushed himself and when his body breaks down like this from the misuse
datastate · 1 year
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do you realize how seen i felt with this.
necessary reading before you act weird abt him in my inbox: 1, 2, 3
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symptomsofdeceit · 4 months
What’s it like to make out with Nalis? Just imagine randomly during a chat at work the player is like “I want to make out with you, can I?” and is not joking, and if he agrees immediately starts kissing him. 😀
This isn’t explicit but it’s a bit suggestive so it’s under a cut to be safe! Also warning this is a very long answer 😅 it’s almost like 3 mini fanfics
It depends!
• If you have NOT gotten ending 3, so Nalis has never thought about kissing before:
When you first ask he’d agree, almost out of habit because he always likes trying new things with you. He wouldn’t have had time to genuinely think about it yet though. When you kiss him he’d blush a lot and make a pathetic uncharacteristic sound between a whine/moan/gasp. He would then suddenly excuse himself because he “forgot something he needs to do”.
He’d find somewhere private ASAP - still blushing and feeling very out of control of his emotions. If your kiss was more intimate / your body was pressed against him, he’d also be extremely hard and end up with a nose bleed (idc if it’s unrealistic, it’s fun and I’m cursing him with nose bleeds when aroused. I need to add that to his current kissing scene too).
You wouldn’t see him for the rest of the day, he’d text some excuse about work being busy. If you’re the type to overthink he’d also send a “btw thanks for always being a good friend!” message in an attempt to make sure you don’t think he’s mad at you 💀
• If you have gotten ending 3:
Nalis would start blushing when you ask this. Up until now you’ve only really seen him blush when he admits you’re a good friend/important to him, and that’s always felt very innocent and genuine. If you’re perceptive you might be able to tell that it feels a little different here.
Nalis would probably reply with something teasing like “Oh~? You want to kiss me? Have you… thought about kissing me before?” while trying to at least partially hide the excitement in his voice. He’d feel really conflicted between really wanting to kiss you again (especially now that you want to and know it’s him), but also feeling anxious because of how he can’t control these emotions.
If it’s too soon after ending 3, Nalis would probably end up pretending to get a work call and using an excuse to push this off until later. He’s just not sure about how to handle having feelings + desires that are above his control yet.
I’m including this as a fun little bonus:
• If, for some insane reason, after ending 3 you have another encounter with “Thaumo shapeshifted to look like Nalis” and asks to kiss him:
Nalis would start laughing in a pretty unhinged way. He’d sound like a weird mix between mocking and sweet and ask “Really, girlie/buddy? You want to kiss me again?” He’d quickly walk closer to you and pin you against the closest wall.
He’d be very insistent on asking why, trying to figure out if you want to kiss him because you think he’s Thaumo, or if it’s because he looks like Nalis.
Either way, after asking that he’d kiss you. It would be more possessive and aggressive while he’s struggling with all his emotions. He’d also break the kiss to ask if you wished he was “the real Nalis”. By the end of it he’d be very turned on and his nose would be bleeding, and he’d be feeling very unstable depending on your answers.
(Nalis is willing to do more when you think he’s Thaumo because then there’s no risk of you losing trust in Nalis)
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mychlapci · 10 months
Maggy anon
Magnus was relieved by the idea at first, but it's as he's locking himself in an empty room that he realises he forgot about one important thing. If only Predaking has the key, he can't open his panels himself. He gets so worked up by the time he finds his stud.
And Predaking usually always tends to Magnus' needs, but the Commander climbed on his lap and is currently humping his thigh.. that and the swollen belly, it's a sight he can't resist.
So he lets Magnus whine and beg and hump his thigh desperately, admiring him without doing anything more than knead at the large, leaking titties, after freeing them from the pumps. He praises Magnus too, tells him how gorgeous he is like this, how good of a breeder he is, accepting the panel locks to make sure only his stud can fuck him.
Eventually he takes pity on Magnus, unlocking his panels and letting him sink on his spike immediately. Praises him some more as the Commander desperately rides him, chasing the overload he needs so much. Predaking lets him have one, then he's taking control and fucking his pretty breeder properly.
The next day he decides to be nicer, pushing a vibrating toy inside Magnus' valve before locking his panels for the day - he keeps the remote, of course.
Being filled by the toy is slightly better than being empty, and Magnus expects to call Predaking to ask him to turn on the toy whenever he'll take a break during the day. Except that Predaking, of course, toys with the remote all day, going from off to the maximum setting, then almost nothing, then the max again.. Torturing his breeder all day.
mhmmmm it was yet again one of those ideas that seemed great in the moment, but when later in the day Magnus finds himself flinching in surprise, knees buckling as his system is assaulted with stimulation... he realizes he should stop making decisions when blissed out in bed... it never ends well. ⬇️
Maybe after a while he gets used to it, he knows the toy won't go off for long, just for a while, occasionally bringing him to overload but mostly just teasing, and he's so confident at catching the pattern, until... the toy turns on and doesn't turn off for hours. His valve keeps overloading over and over again, so sensitive by the end of the day that he barely manages to stumble back home... There he finds Predaking loafing about, half-asleep, the remote controller forgotten somewhere on the bedside table.
It's an entirely different kind of torture, Predaking is either completely aware of what he's doing, toying with him on purpose, or he genuinely thinks he's helping him, which Magnus doubts, they've been courting for a long while now and he doesn't know Predaking to be very cordial...
Sometimes the toy goes off while he's walking, he trips but he can't stop and clench his thighs like he would like to, he has to keep going, struggling to keep his legs from giving out... he feels so embarrassed when people start asking him if he's alright, of course they see the heavy belly and assume he might be overworked and tired, and all he can do is brush them off, unable to think of a reasonable excuse. Sometimes the toy goes off while he's sitting at his desk, and he shudders through an overload or two, unable to make a sound because there are people around him and he hopes they can't hear the lubricant dripping down the chair...
Magnus climbs in with him, grabbing the controller and frantically turning the toy off... he doesn't get to reprimand Predaking for this, speechless when Predaking wakes and wordlessly unlocks his panels, letting his swollen valve breathe. The toy is so wet it slips out when Magnus clenches, and Predaking gladly replaces it with his spike, waking the sensitive, numb inner nodes with a proper stretch...
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How would you like the idea of Ren steering away from RWBY and his own team and eventually joining the Ace Ops? The narrative would bash him so hard though because oUr hErOs aRe aLwAyS rIgHT
I think it would have been such an interesting plot to explore (pretending for two seconds the narrative would ever allow people yo have different opinions on things and not be demonized for it). I’ve always found it….odd that A. The show called RWBY has had the seemingly permanent addition of so many side characters and B. That said characters always seem to be on the same page or they’re bullied into submission to be back on the same page with the narrative acting as if that behavior is correct.
I think exploring a Ren whose main reason for becoming a huntsman was to protect people from the same fate as his home town did and him seeing the repeated failures of the hunter system and seeing what the military can do and seeing they seem to be more inclined to help people and not force them to pay obscene amounts of money for said aid and being drawn into that world because he wants to help people at the end of the day and more and more him thinking the military is the best way to do so.
This would not only serve to help diversify the cast and how their pasts affected them and allowed the show to explore a character deciding something different for themselves but it also would serve to help remove some of the character bloat that, unfortunately, makes the cast feel extremely cluttered and makes the narrative struggle to focus on the main title characters.
We could have explored Rens internal struggle with his growing change of heart, how he feels guilty for wanting to leave his team that has already been fractured by losing Pyrrha. How initially he tries to push down the desire and pretend he’s happy with his team and finding himself finding excuses more and more to do missions with the Ace Ops and the Ace Ops picking up on this and pushing him to really stop and think about what he wants in life and what would make him happy. The narrative already started playing a little bit with this with Ren following Ironwoods plans more willingly then everyone else.
All of this requires the narrative actually allowing actions and people to fall into a gray category unlike the current narrative that is insanely black and white.
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
10-1=9. I’ve been wanting to discuss age regression recently and just haven’t found a way to, so today we’re gonna talk about little!max :))
It’s not your secret to tell and so you never would, but you really wish that max would realise Pierre would never, ever judge him.
As it currently stands, max refuses to tell Pierre that he’s a little. You’re max’s caregiver, but you know that Pierre would make an amazing caregiver as well. And it would be so much easier if Pierre knew because then Pierre could help.
You’ve learnt how max behaves when he’s trying not to regress and you see him struggle around pierre so much, desperately trying to not slip around him.
Pierre loves max. He loves max so much. And you know he’d never judge max and always be willing to look after him as much as possible. Yet for some reason, max refuses. He’s convinced Pierre will leave the both of you if he knows, and that the relationship ending will be max’s fault.
So for the longest time, you had to try and juggle max regressing and keeping it a secret from Pierre. You would have to make excuses to Pierre about you and max both being busy so that you could look after max while he regresses, or have to cancel dates with Pierre because max couldn’t stop himself from regressing.
None of that would be a problem anymore if Pierre knew. But it does work for a while anyway.
Until one night where max regresses right before you were supposed to go for a date with Pierre. Pierre was going to come to Max’s apartment first and you’d both leave from there. You were already at Max’s apartment, but while you were getting ready, max sat down next to you to grab something on the dresser and accidentally knocked over your expensive perfume. The bottle broke and spilled all over the floor.
And max just…. Dropped. Instantly.
Max is a very sensitive little, and doing something that might upset you makes him regress almost instantly. There’s no chance of max returning to his adult headspace before pierre arrives, not when max is literally sobbing and begging you not to punish him.
You manage to calm max down enough to change him into his comfy clothes and get him his plushie. But he’s still so scared and sensitive, sniffing every few seconds as cuddles against you with his plushie between the two of you.
But you completely lose track of time and suddenly Pierre is knocking on the door. You panic and tell Pierre that max is sick, only that completely backfires because Pierre is now very concerned and pushes past you to go see max.
Pierre finds max in the bedroom, wearing pyjamas with little cars on them and cuddling his plushie. You expect max to panic when he sees Pierre, since he’s so set on Pierre not knowing.
But it turns out little!max does not share the same opinion on the matter that adult max does, because the moment he sees Pierre he squeals and makes grabby hands for him.
“Pierre!” Max shouts, “Pierre!! Come cuddle!!”
Pierre looks to you, very confused and you quietly ask him to just accept it and you’ll answer any questions he has later, you know that things would not end well if Pierre turns him down.
Luckily, Pierre quickly undresses and grabs a pair of sweats to put on and then joins max. Max quickly cuddles against Pierre, squishing his plushie between him and Pierre.
Pierre, bless him, pokes the plushie’s nose and ask what it’s name is.
They chat for a few minutes about the plushie, with max stuttering and slurring his words and you know for sure that Pierre must realise what’s happening by now. You’ve brought the subject of age regressors up with him before to see what his opinion is so you know he knows.
Then max seems to realise you aren’t in bed because he turns to look for you and then shouts, “Mommy! Mommy can we cuddle? Mommy look Pierre is here!!”
Pierre looks even more confused for a moment at max calling you mommy, but he doesn’t say anything and max doesn’t see Pierre’s expression.
In the end, Pierre doesn’t actually ask in questions? From the moment he realised max had regressed, he immediately understood what was happening, that max had kept this from him because he was scared. So pierre is determined to show max that he can be a very good caregiver and that he deserves Max’s trust.
And max just absolutely thrives now that there’s two of you to help him? He gets to get all the cuddles he could ever want and now he has two people to play cars with!! Pierre is significantly better at playing with max than you are, and he also gives the best cuddles.
Max is just so relieved that he doesn’t have to hide anymore.
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mushiewrites · 2 years
So I've been thinking about this for a bit but
C!Punz and c!foolish make a hot spring on the smp with magma block and water and theyrr trying to relax but Punz keeps giggling because the bubbles brushing against his skin at soft and tickly. Foolish can't figure out why Punz looks like he's strained and tries to help him relax, maybe with a shoulder rub or even moving closer makes Punz flustered because he doesn't want his aquatic friend to catch on. But of course Foolish does, and being a half shark demigod it's evilly easy to get a lee trapped in the water. They'd probably be in swimsuits which means plenty of exposed skin to tickle. But also the way skin is soft and sensitive after a warm bath would not help Punz at all.
Okay I’m gonna start this off by saying I absolutely suck because I don’t really know that much about lore ): that being said though, I know this isn’t canon so I’m gonna take this and run with it, and I’m sorry ahead of time if some of the shit I say is wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also got very carried away! I’m not sorry though bc I love it! (:
Okay weirdly enough I’ve always been interested in doing something involving warm water bc ??????? like you said it makes your skin so much more soft and sensitive when you’re in / just getting out of water anyways
I think a fun concept to think about in this situation is the fact that when you’re swimming and go over a magma cube, the bubbles are so powerful that they immediately pull you down to them???? So not only is Punz being annihilated with bubbles and has the impossible task of trying to quiet his giggles, but he also has to fight to not be pulled directly into the line of bubbles (which would make it ten times worse than it already is)
The struggling of Punz gripping the wall of the hot spring is what would catch Foolish’s attention, smiling and teasing and acting completely clueless even though he knows exactly what was going on. Punz would have this massive deep red blush on his cheeks, sputtering out excuses and trying to change the subject and eventually just telling Foolish to shut up all together
But Foolish is a demi God!!! You don’t tell a demi God to shut up. Foolish is a God of the ocean, so I hc that he can control water currents. He decides to use this to his advantage, making the water push at Punz from all possible directions so that he’s pressed up against the wall of the hot spring, directly over the steady rising bubbles and finally getting him to break out into high pitched laughter.
Punz would reach up his hand to try and block his face for multiple reasons - one being how embarrassing the situation was for the blonde and the second being how hard he was trying to slam a hand over his mouth to bite back the cackles. But Foolish is having absolutely NONE of this, and he moves his way over to Punz, slotting himself between the wall and the bare skin of the humans back in front of him. He feels Punz tense up as Foolish’s breath hits the back of his neck, and suddenly there’s light nibbles along the side of his neck, sending him into a frenzy of kicks and flailing arms and loud squeals and squeaks, unable to process how badly the teeth tk when he feels as though they should be hurting him.
Punz would be in hysterics at this point when he feels rough prods and pokes and squeezing up and down his ribs, down to the fleshy bit of his sides above his hips and stopping to do circles over his hipbones. Foolish would be giggling into Punz’s neck, teasing him about how he’s supposed to be some big strong tough guy yet he gets knocked down by something as ridiculous as a few tks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Fluff Masterlist
a simple equation with no complications (ao3) - cyberpunknct luke/ashton N/R, 12k
Summary: luke ends up tutoring the older boy that can't seem to concentrate for a decent amount of time, but he doesn't really mind it.
best mistake i've ever made (ao3) -Calumthoodshands (tndart) luke/calum T, 6k
Summary: Calum only agreed to the double date because Michael's his best friend. He didn't expect anything to come out of it - and he most definitely didn't expect Luke, a tall, blond guy who's as elegant on skates as Calum is trying to talk to him.
burnt eggs & broken promises (ao3) - kingscrossinseptember luke/ashton G, 4k
Summary: "...So after a month or two of getting hounded by people, I may or may not have invented a fictional boyfriend.”
Luke glanced up at Ashton with worried blue eyes, as if he was expecting to be berated for lying. Instead, Ashton shrugged. “I can see why.”
Ashton's always found his roommate, Luke, nothing but aggravating, but when they make a deal where Ashton has to pretend to be Luke's boyfriend for a night, his opinion starts to shift slightly...
can we close the space between us now? (ao3) - lifewasradical luke/calum T, 2k
Summary: “Whatcha doing on the floor?” Calum asks, taking a seat on the edge of the couch, closest to Luke’s face.
Luke’s eyes slip shut again, hiding the pale baby blue from the warm yellow light of their lamp. He looks calm, floating on the sea of their rug, waiting for a current to take him away. He shrugs, motion pushing his bleached curls away from their resting spot pillowed around his head.
“Just hanging out.”
cuddles are the best way to keep warm (ao3) - irwin_fairy ot4 G, 4k
Summary: Luke had a bit of a crush on all three of his band mates and when they offered him cuddles he'd never refuse.
Luke centric OT4, cuddles and fluff only!
I Feel Awful (ao3) - babybam luke/ashton
Summary: Ashton gets sick and Luke is there to take care of him. Ashton being stubborn he insists that he is fine to play their show the next day. But maybe he should've listened to his bandmates.
i think you're pretty (ao3) - dazedlight (opinionoutpost) luke/ashton G, 2k
Summary: Luke starts wearing makeup. Ashton notices.
(Or basically Ashton never stops talking about how pretty Luke is.)
Love At First Sight - @sup3rbloom​ (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/ashton, michael/calum G, 9k
Summary: A shared bruises soulmate au in which Michael and Calum are already soulmates and Ashton is still waiting for his soulmate, and he also happened to get stuck with an incredibly clumsy soulmate.
Lucky Charm (ao3) - jbhmalum michael/ashton E, 28k
Summary: during the european leg of the rowyso tour, michael is pining after ashton, and he finds himself on an interesting journey with luck
More Than This (ao3) - nationalnobody calum/ashton G, 1k
Summary: In which Calum is sick and puts up a front because he refuses to let anybody find out and Ashton is the only one who realises it.
seeing things in a different light (ao3) - kingscrossinseptember michael/calum T, 3k
Summary: Michael knew he shouldn’t have agreed to this. Canoeing, eating outside on the beach, and the pressure of seeing Calum’s favorite place all in one trip? It all sounded like his own personal hell. But Calum had looked so eager when he’d suggested the date that Michael didn’t have the heart to say no. Not that he’d ever say no to Calum, regardless of his expression.
Sick Day (ao3) - TylerM ot4 G, 4k
Summary: The one where Ashton gets sick on the WWA tour and tries to keep it from his band, and fails miserably.
A sad excuse for a tooth rotting fluffy one shot about how Ashton hates getting sick and his band mates worry too much. Including big brothers One Direction, just to add to the fluff. Because honestly why not?
the flatmate arrangement (ao3) - kaleidoscopeminds luke/calum T, 20k
Summary: Hi Calum/Poor Struggling Paralegal,
So I’ll be upfront with you. It’s a one-bed flat. I also live here. HOWEVER before you delete this and think I’m a freak, I work nights so I wouldn’t be here anytime you would be. You can have the flat exclusively from 6 pm to 8 am, Saturday night and all day Sunday. Understand this sounds like a bit of a crazy arrangement but I could do with the cash, let me know what you think?
Luke Hemmings (Poor Struggling Children’s Nurse)
A 'The Flatshare' AU
Touchy - @daydadahlias​​ (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) ot4 T, 7k
Summary: Ashton has eye surgery and the boys take care of him.
we could work it all out (tell me where it hurts most) (ao3) - jbhmalum ot4 T, 11k
Summary: “What’s wrong, are you okay? Should I come over?”
“No! I said don’t worry.”
“That’s not how that works!” Michael says a bit too loud. He reigns his voice back down with an apologetic look to the nearby tables. “Of course I’m worried, Luke. We’re all worried.”
3 times Michael takes care of his boyfriends when they need it and 1 time they take care of him.
with your love, nobody can drag me down (ao3) - prettyluke (parting_ways) luke/ashton G, 4k
Summary: Luke is sick and won't tell his boyfriend. Everyone is a big piece of shit.
you got me trippin', stumblin' (ao3) - prettyluke (parting_ways) luke/ashton, michael/calum G, 4k
Summary: Luke breaks his ankle and won't tell.
You Saved Me (ao3) - CliffordAffliction luke/ashton M, 5k
Summary: After a boy from school causes harm to Luke Ashton's protective instincts kick in and all he wants to do is make sure Luke feels safe and loved
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lightmylyla · 1 year
my wake up. part 4
Sam and I took a walk and a bus to the nearest hardware store, getting to know each other along the way.
Sam told me that he had 3 siblings, two of which were in the band and the other was a sister who had a different life path. We talked about the hardships of being the youngest child, and shared laughs about how similar our childhoods were. Considering we were the same age and I also had a brother.
Sam pushed the cart as I browsed the various paint samples on the cards, he seemed uninterested until I looked at him with despair. That's when his poker face dropped and he revealed his absolute passion for decorating, which I expected, he didn't seem like a white walled minimalist guy.
-You see here, these pinks are sexy as fuck... especially if you're gonna have plants in your room, but over here...- he walked backwards while gazing at the green section.
-You'll have the emerald palace that you— he cut himself off.
-What color do you actually want?- he questioned.
I looked at him and raised my eyebrows while thinking. My room consisted of a white metal double bed frame and a few white units for clothes. I had a white desk and a few paintings I'd hang on the wall. I don't know why he assumed this but he was right, my main decoration was plants.
-I have a lot of plants.- I said to him, and he scooted back up to the pink paints section.
I looked through all the different shades and settled on either a peachy pink shade or a baby pink shade. I shot a quizzical look at him and he tilted his head. Finally nodding and pointing at the peach pink.
-Orange undertones. Absolutely spectacular. Trust me.- he winked. I couldn't help but blush.
We ended up purchasing 3 pots of the paint and a various amount of paintbrushes. I also got a small bucket of white paint for my white furniture that had a few chips in it. Sam said that he had a trick for patchy paint work that he'd show me.
We called a cab back to the house, Sam insisted on paying for it, I let him. He was a future rockstar! He could spare a few change for a poor girl with London rent to pay.
We struggled to take everything up the stairs, Danny and Amelia weren't there so we just assumed they had gone to do something in London together as a family.
Sam helped me put a giant tarp down onto the hardwood floor, we taped it extra carefully to the floor and baseboard, so that we were sure not to get any paint on the ground. We put tape on the top of the white baseboard also, and over the plugs and light switches. Taking extra precautions.
Once everything was protected, Sam brought in all of the supplies and opened the first can of paint. We stared in awe at the beautiful orangey pink color. And I imagined how it would look on my currently white walls. I was filled with excitement, a massive smile crept on both of our faces.
-I'm too good.- Sam mumbled to himself, so I playfully hit him on the arm.
I lent Sam an oversized white T shirt that I didn't wear anymore. He didn't have any shirts to spare because he had packed only what he needed for the week in London. He kept his denim shorts on though, he said he had better pairs at home anyway.
He went into the bathroom to change, piss, and put his hair up. While he was gone I started to make small strokes of paint on the wall, just to check if I fully liked it.
Suddenly my phone started to ring, obviously it was Jean.
I was quick and blunt with the conversation, I didn't feel bad because I had the excuse that I was about to paint, I didn't tell him that I was painting with Sam though because it would just cause problems. Jean has always been jealous, so I knew that if I was talking to another guy while he was in an entirely different country, it wouldn't sit well with him.
After a quick 'I love you bye' I put the phone down and put it on to not disturb it. I didn't need any more distractions from him.
Sam came in about 3 minutes later. His hair was pulled into a tight messy bun, the shirt I lent him was oversized on him just as much as me, you could barely see the shorts. He noticed this and tucked one corner of the shirt into his shorts to make it look less large.
-let's get to work then, are you sure about this?- he asked and raised an eyebrow. Then he smiled suddenly as I nodded. He started on the wall with the window on it. Carefully dragging his paintbrush along the seam of the window, so that it didn't graze the windowsills and window frame. Watching him do it was mesmerizing, he was so precise with his hands.
I chose the wall which held my own door to the balcony, I did what Sam did and carefully made my way along the edge of the doorframe.
About five minutes of painting went on, and suddenly Sam stopped, looked at me and shook his head. Then he walked out of my room.
Then 2 minutes later he walked in with a Bluetooth speaker he must have brought with him.
-There's no way we can paint without music, Lyla.-
It tingled in my lips as he said my name.
I laughed and let him choose what to play, he didn't even ask for my opinion on what he should put on, he said he wanted to play something he knew I would like.
Joni Mitchell's Blue.
I loved that album, I pretended that I just liked it, he seemed like the 'I told you so' type so I didn't want him to get too cocky on his assumption.
The songs played and we sang along while we covered my walls in the peachy shade. The more the walls were covered the brighter and more me the room felt. Sam's wall was halfway done after the album finished, and mine was about a quarter.
As soon as it finished he went back over to his phone, and without 10 seconds to spare he hit play on Don McLean's American Pie, god Sam had taste.
Halfway through the first and iconic song on the album he stopped painting and started to sing and approach me. Then he took my hand in his and spun me around, we shitty danced for about a minute. Finally, I giggled and said;
-Come on, we have to finish painting! You have a show soon.-
He grunted and looked up at the ceiling.
-As soon as that show is over, I'm coming right back up here. We're finishing this tonight!-
I laughed and shot him a 'sure we will' look. Then he smirked and went back to painting his section of the wall.
About 2 hours had gone by, Sam's wall was completely finished and he had approached the wall next to it, the wall in which my bed would be against. My wall was just about finished too, so I moved onto the wall that housed my bedroom door.
After American Pie he chose the classic Hunky Dory by David Bowie. This one was one of my all time favorites. Especially when I had just got to France, I listened on repeat. I vocalized how much I loved this album, and he smiled so genuinely, then wiggled his eyebrows.
-You seem the type.- He said as he focused on his wall.
I smiled.
This time I initiated the dancing, and he didn't resist, he grabbed my hands immediately and spun us around, while we sang to the chorus of 'Oh! You pretty things.' And in a fit of laughter, I collapsed against the wall behind me, which was covered in wet paint.
-Oh shit!- I said, trying to get a good look at my back, Sam laughing next to me.
-It looks quite cool actually, I don't think you should keep wearing that though, you might spread that peachy infection around the house.- He laughed.
I groaned and looked through my suitcase that I had moved into the kitchen. I found a shirt that I had taken from Jean's closet and put it on, leaving the messed up shirt in a carrier bag next to my suitcase.
I walked back into my room to find Sam still painting, and I felt bad because he needed to be at the pub in half an hour.
-Hey Sam...- I leaned against the doorframe, he turned around quickly
-Didn't you say you needed to be at the pub by 4?-
Immediately he checked his watch and saw it was 3:31, then he began to frown. He took a step back and took in what we had done already, then he said
-I'll be back... tonight. Don't you dare go to sleep before I come back.-
I laughed and shook my head, then he grazed my arm lightly and looked at me to tell me he genuinely meant it. Then he trailed out of my room and I heard him go downstairs.
I decided to paint for about 20 minutes longer, but without Sam in the room with me it was just boring. There was only a quarter left to do. 2 walls were completed and the other two walls were halfway done. So I decided I'd do what Sam said and not paint anymore until he's back from his show.
I made sure the paint in the paint tray was used, and then I cleaned the paintbrushes and rollers in the bathtub with paint thinner, making sure that it didn't dry on the brushes and deem them unusable.
Sam left at 3:45, stressing he wouldn't get there in time. He had been gone for about an hour so I assumed everything was fine. I didn't get his number or anything so there wasn't a way for me to ask right now.
I decided to order myself some food, as a celebration for the day and for the work Sam and I had gotten done. I got him a carbonara but I didn't know if he'd want it, so I put it in the fridge for anyone to eat. Amelia didn't come back, so I assumed she went to watch her brother play.
I was hoping Sam would invite me to come and watch, but I think he was hoping I'd ask, so the subject just got dropped.
I spoke to Jean for a while and changed into some pajamas. I went down into the living room because my room smelled strongly of paint.
At around 10:30 I started getting tired, but Sam's words were circling in my mind. I watched a few movies I had loved since I was a teenager, the sofa was still in its bed form, so I decided to get cozy in there. Since Sam and Danny were gonna come home late and probably wouldn't want to have to set up the sofa bed.
It was funny, we only had one sofa bed but two sofas, so Amelia and I heard Danny and Sam arguing about who gets the bed and who gets the sofa. Eventually, Sam told me, they settled on taking turns, and it was Sam's turn for the bed tonight.
I felt myself drifting off but tried my best to stay awake so I could finish painting my room with him, but I just couldn't fight the sleep that was bubbling up inside. Eventually I gave in. Not realizing where I was falling asleep.
I woke up to the blinding sun. I was confused about where I was, all I could smell was the aroma of deodorant and paint, and I could feel a warmth against my back.
I sat up and looked down at a sleeping Sam next to me. Facing away from me, but he was taking up almost all of the bed. Paint was on his hands and arms, and a small bit on his face. He was completely out of it. The gig must have made him so tired. Danny wasn't there on the other sofa, the only people in the room were me and Sam.
Suddenly, the tiredness in my mind changed to everlasting guilt.
I reached to find my phone but it wasn't anywhere near me. I needed to see if Jean had texted me, and I needed to act normal. He doesn't know I just shared a bed with a man I met 2 nights ago.
I realized it was upstairs in my unfinished room still, so I gently crawled out of bed. I didn't need to be gentle though, Sam was so out of it.
I walked up the stairs and into my room. Which wasn't unfinished at all.
The tape was removed, the tarp was gone, and every wall was painted. It wasn't patchy or rushed, it was perfect, it looked like a second or possibly third coat had been applied to the walls as well. Sam wasn't lying when he said that it needed to be done tonight.
I snapped out of the trance that the walls had put me into, and grabbed my phone from the middle of the room. I quickly unlocked it and rang Jean straight away.
I made my way to the balcony, because my room still smells like paint, and the walls were still wet. It was 11 am though, so I wondered why the paint was so fresh smelling.
Jean and I spoke for a while about how we slept. It was Thursday, and Jean was coming on Saturday, so we planned what we were going to do when he got to London. After about 15 minutes we ran out of things to talk about, so I put the phone down and just appreciated the morning breeze.
About 5 minutes of staring into the sky, Amelia texted me
-Hey Lyla, I completely forgot to tell you, Danny and I are at our cousin's, we went there straight after the gig, we should be home by dinner time!-
That explains why the house was so empty.
I pondered for what felt like hours about sharing the bed with Sam. I knew I shouldn't be guilty because I didn't feel him getting in the bed with me, and I didn't intend for him to. But I realized it was kind of my fault for falling asleep in the place that I knew he would end up sleeping in. He literally told me it was his turn on the sofa bed that night.
I then wondered, why did he? He could have woken me up?
Then it hit me. He could have slept on the other sofa. He chose to get in that bed with me.
I put my hands over my face and then ran my fingers through my hair. Wondering why he would do this.
About 30 seconds after my realization that there was absolutely no reason for him to have gotten into bed with me willingly, my thoughts were interrupted by my stomach.
I walked into the kitchen and decided to make a full English fry up for me and Sam. Especially for Sam, to say thank you to him for finishing my room while I was sound asleep. In his bed.
I guess the smell woke him up. Because when I was just about to plate up the breakfasts, I saw him sheepishly walking up the stairs, rubbing his eyes and yawning, he went into the bathroom without acknowledging me, then came out 5 minutes later, face washed, hair up, but still in paint stained pajamas.
He came up behind me and looked at the breakfasts on the plate. Mouth wide open.
-Oh my god, what is this?- He was shocked, someone had never seen a fry up before.
-It's about the only thing I can cook.- I laughed -Here, the plates, we can eat it on the balcony it's warm out there.-
We both walked out to the balcony, Sam holding the plates and me holding two glasses of orange juice. Then Sam went back inside and came out with a chair from the kitchen.
We both sleepily ate our food in our pajamas. Sam kept closing his eyes and shaking his head to tell me it was good.
I decided not to bring up the bed thing. He was probably just tired and would rather have slept on a bed than on a couch, and he probably didn't even notice I was there. I was under the covers to the far left, and he was on the right.
We both finished at almost exactly the same time.
-Thank you by the way, I didn't expect you to finish my room without me there, it was shocking going up there this morning and seeing it so perfect.- I laughed and tilted my head to smile. Like I was posing for a photo.
Sam blushed slightly and shook his head. -It was nothing really... I wanted it to be finished for you for when your furniture comes.-
I nodded and put my legs up on the small table in front of me, Sam did the same, our feet were touching slightly.
-Do you wanna come to the pub we're playing at tonight?- Sam said after some moments. He looked at me nervously.
-Yes of course I would.- I said affirmatively, smirking at him.
We sat in a comfortable silence for 20 minutes after that. I was happy that he had invited me. I would never have invited myself.
Then he excused himself to go and get dressed.
Eventually he came back out onto the balcony wearing a thin white sweatshirt and a pair of black cotton shorts. And we started the day staring at the sky together
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Heeey! Can I request for the Father of Mine universe? Something along the lines of hickeys, maybe smeared lipstick all over their faces at an event, family dinner or something like that?
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“Just skip it and stay here with me,” Jason offered as he leaned against the bathroom frame, shirtless and with his arms crossed.
He had been watching Y/N get ready for at least 15 minutes.
She was currently putting on blood red lipstick that went perfectly with her black winged eyeliner.
Jason wasn’t a big lipstick guy – mostly because it prevented him from kissing his girlfriend the way he wanted to. But he couldn’t deny that it looked incredibly sexy.
“I can’t. I promised Bruce,” Y/N explained as she looked at him through the mirror.
“There will always be other charity events,” he answered with a roll of his eyes.
But he’d had enough of keeping his distance and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He started peppering kisses on her shoulders since her dress was leaving the skin completely exposed and he just couldn’t help himself.
“You know,” she began, “you could always come with me.”
Jason stopped his kissing.
“Guess that’s a no?” Y/N sighed with a shy grin.
But she didn’t really care.
Y/N understood that Jason hated these events. To be honest, she might hate them just as much. But Bruce kept asking her and she tried to go when she could. Sometimes she needed breaks and her father understood that.
Jason ignored her question and his hands started roaming heatedly across her body.
“Don’t even think about it,” Y/N warned, immediately pushing him away.
“What? I didn’t do anything,” Jason laughed innocently.
“Not yet,” she spun around and pointed at him. “But you were going to!”
“And is that so bad?” He asked with a crooked smirk.
“It is when I’m running late. And the reason I’m late is because you couldn’t keep your hands off of me an hour ago.”
Jason tilted his head and narrowed his eyes playfully. “I didn’t exactly hear any complaints…”
Y/N couldn’t stop herself from laughing and shook her head.
No, there had definitely been absolutely no complaints from her.
“I won’t be there long,” Y/N promised.
Then she brushed past him and walked into the giant walk-in closet.
Barely even glancing at all the shoes, she grabbed a pair that matched her dress.
“Can we order pizza or something when I get back? I’ll be starving.” Y/N asked mindlessly as she slipped the shoes on, using the wall to balance herself.
Jason didn’t even realize he was staring.
But how could he not?
The dress was simple. Just a little black dress. It was a charity event after all. But it fit Y/N like a glove, hugging her in all the right places.
Her heels were at least 4 inches, putting her eye level with Jason – if not a tiny bit taller. She would be above the majority of men at the event, except for probably a small handful.
“What?” Y/N asked self consciously. “Too tall?”
“No such fucking thing,” Jason quickly answered.
Y/N usually wasn’t self conscious about her height. She kind of had to get over that back in high school when she was taller than most of the boys in her grade.
But that didn’t mean she completely stopped having slip-ups. Slip-ups that involved questioning her heels or outfit.
Thankfully, Jason was quick to remedy such situations.
“You just look so beautiful,” Jason added as he stepped forward and grabbed her hips possessively.
Y/N kissed him. “Thank you.”
But she opened her mouth to give another warning.
“You’re gonna be late,” Jason spoke for her. “I know. I know.”
Y/N tried not to laugh at her boyfriends desperation as she grabbed her clutch.
“Remember: pizza!” Y/N called over her shoulder as she walked out the door.
Bruce and Damian were waiting for Y/N at the venue.
Dick and Tim skipped, going to these things less and less as they became fully grown men with lives of their own.
“Thank you for coming,” Bruce greeted as he kissed her on the cheek.
Y/N was about to turn her attention to Damian and give him a hug.
“What the hell is on your neck!?” The boy cried out before she could.
She blinked in surprise, completely unaware of what her half brother was talking about. Self-consciously, her hand went to the sides of her neck, not sure what she should be hiding.
“Can Todd not keep his hands to himself for 30 seconds?” Damian growled.
That’s when it clicked.
Y/N had a hickey on her neck.
“Damian, lower your voice,” Bruce warned his son.
Meanwhile, Y/N started feeling hot from embarrassment.
“Father, make him stop,” Damian whined.
To her surprise, Bruce cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Damian, Y/N is a grown woman in a relationship. She can do as she pleases.”
It was the right answer, but Y/N was still sweating from the embarrassment.
“If you’ll excuse me,” she quickly mumbled, before disappearing to the nearest bathroom.
But Y/N swore she heard Bruce continuing to scold Damian for his rudeness and for embarrassing her.
When she reached the bathroom, she lifted her head to see that she very much did have a hickey on her neck. It was perfectly hidden in the shadow of her jaw, which was why she hadn’t noticed it while getting ready. If she had, she would’ve put 5 layers of makeup on it to make sure her family didn’t notice.
Thankfully, she brought some cover up with her and quickly started going to work.
After 10 minutes, it was invisible and Y/N let out a sigh of relief.
She pulled out her cellphone, glaring at it as if were her boyfriend.
“You better start behaving. Damian and Bruce just found a hickey on my neck. I’m so fucking embarrassed,” Y/N texted to Jason.
“Who cares?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. Of course he’d answer with that.
“Call me old fashioned, but I’d prefer not remind my father and younger brother that I do in fact have a sex life.”
“A healthy, satisfied, and passionate sex life *,” Jason corrected.
Before she could respond, he texted again with, “Did you cover it up?”
“What a shame. Maybe it would’ve kept the spoiled rich boys away from you.”
“You’re on thin ice, Jason Todd.”
“Ooo. I love it when you use the full name. Gets me all hot and bothered.”
Y/N sighed and tossed her phone back into her clutch.
She’d given up on making Jason feel any bit of sympathy. That man would never feel guilty about showing the world how obsessed he was with her.
Jason was reading on the couch when Y/N returned home.
“Hey, beautiful,” he greeted before returning to reading his book.
“Ugh. I drank too much champagne. I have the worst headache.”
“I’ll order some pizza,” Jason offered and pulled out his phone.
Y/N sighed in relief when she took off her heels and then she collapsed on the couch, laying her head on Jason’s lap as he placed their order.
Without thinking, his free hand when to her head and started massaging it, hoping it would help with her migraine.
“Hmm,” she hummed with her eyes closed. “That feels better.”
“Order has been placed,” he confirmed.
“Thank you.”
“Arrives in 30 minutes.”
She didn’t say anything, knowing exactly where he was going with it.
“What could we possibly do with 30 minutes?” Jason teased as he inched closer to her face.
She opened her eyes and giggled up at him.
“Ya know, I heard that sex helps cure migraines…”
“Does not!” Y/N yelled out.
Before she could argue with him further, his lips shut her up real quick.
For as large as Jason was, he managed to maneuver his body very gracefully, until he was hovering above Y/N while she lay comfortably on the couch.
“You look beautiful with lipstick,” Jason said it as if it was law. “But I like it even more when I ruin it,” he added with an almost evil smirk.
It was hard for Y/N to have a clever quip when he said things like that to her.
“How about I mark you up even more?” He threatened.
“Jason…” she warned.
But they both knew Y/N was pretending to be annoyed by it – or against it. When in reality, she kind of loved how obsessed Jason was with the idea.
Just when Jason hiked Y/N's dress up and was tracing her legs, someone cleared their throat.
Jason squeezed his eyes shut in frustration and actually growled. Then he quickly lowered Y/N’s dress and tried to make her modest again.
Y/N covered her face and groaned. “Please, please, please tell me Bruce is not standing at the window right now.”
Jason smirked. “And Damian.”
Y/N pushed her boyfriend off of her and sat up to face them.
There stood Batman and Robin.
Tonight was just not her night.
“You have lipstick smeared all over you,” Damian pointed out to Jason smugly.
“I’d say one day you’d see the appeal, but I’m struggling to imagine anyone ever having that kind of interest in you,” Jason shot back.
“Jason!” Y/N scolded in a yell.
Then she quickly turned to Damian with a sympathetic look, “Dami, he didn’t mean that.”
“Yeah, I did,” Jason corrected. “What do you guys want?”
“Red Robin is missing,” Bruce stated darkly.
“So…go find him,” Jason replied.
“We need your help,” Bruce clarified.
Jason groaned and rubbed his face. “Fine. But we’re setting some fucking ground rules from now on. I’m sick of you guys invading our personal space. We have a door for a reason. Use it.”
Bruce just nodded.
Then he looked down at Damian and with a glare, got him to nod, too.
“I gotta change,” Jason told them, annoyance clear in his voice.
Y/N followed him into their bedroom, to give them a moment of privacy.
“You don’t have to be so rude,” Y/N sighed as she sat on the edge of their bed.
“They spent all night with you and now they have the balls to interrupt?” Jason shot back. “And I want my damn pizza.”
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at him. “I promise I’ll save you some.”
Jason was in his full gear now, Red Hood helmet tucked under his arm.
He took in a deep breath, tension easing off of him as he saw how cute she was looking up from the bed at him. Her lipstick was half off her lips, but she still looked beautiful.
“Promise you’ll be careful,” her tone was nothing but serious.
“Don’t worry about me,” Jason dismissed as he leaned down at kissed her.
"And be nice to Damian."
Jason went back to the living room where Bruce and Damian waited.
“You might want to rub some of that off,” Bruce mumbled as he turned and jumped on the window.
Jason glared at Batman’s back as he reluctantly rubbed Y/N’s lipstick off his mouth with his gloved hand.
Then he looked at Damian. “Say another word about it and I'll skin you alive.”
Damian gave him a dirty look, “I’m not scared of you.”
Let me know if you liked it!!!
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feriowind · 4 years
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i wrote up a whooole feral luffy AU bit on twitter last night so am posting it here too (slightly cleaned up) hahaha
Feral luffy AU where the basis is that Luffy is the one who, somehow, set sail the day the celestial dragons arrived and had his boat shot down. 
 He's considerably further out to sea when this happens, and when he falls into the water, he's swept away by a strange ocean current. He winds up on a deserted island surrounded by the same strange currents and it keeps him stranded. 
 Ace and Sabo are devastated by the loss of Luffy, as is Garp, Makino, Dadan and the bandits, and later on Dragon and Shanks when they find out, attempts are made to locate Luffy's body but they never find him, the assumption that he sank too far out into the ocean due to his devil fruit. Ace & Sabo grow up significantly less cheerful without Luffy's presence, but their bond to one another is as strong as ever.
 Sabo fakes his death after begging Garp for help, anything to throw off his family from ever finding him again. Garp agrees because his hatred of certain nobility has grown significantly after Luffy's "death", and he can't stand the thought of losing another grandson.
 Luffy meanwhile, adapts as best he can. Surviving in this new jungle is painful, but doable despite the constant near brushes with death. The true hardship is how lonely he is without his brothers. Luffy has always thrived in the company of others, and without any he struggles, but again, Luffy adapts. 
 He manages to befriend some of the animals in the jungle, and accidentally discovers conqueror's haki when he nearly loses his hat to a predator, his one link to something beyond this island.
 The animals can't replace his brothers, but they ward off the loneliness. Throughout this time, Luffy makes multiple attempts to sail off the island with handmade rafts. Craftsmanship has never been his strong suit however, so they crumble instantly in the harsh currents.
 Perhaps due to luck, the currents always wash him back ashore instead of allowing him to sink and drown. Luffy's speech also slowly degrades over time. As much as he loves talking to his animal friends, the inability to hear someone else speak causes his words to slur and distort
 Ace and Sabo still hold true to their promise to set sail at age 17, but decide that they want to sail together instead of separating. When they finally set sail, they decide to take their time getting to the Grandline, exploring more of the East Blue at a leisurely pace.
After roughly a week of sailing, they get caught in a freak storm and are swept away by a giant wave where they too end up caught in the same strange current that stole Luffy all those years ago. The two wind up unconscious on Luffy's island, where Luffy finds them on the beach.
Luffy doesn't recognize them however, only that wow! For the first time since he arrived, there are other humans on the island with him that are alive! It's an exciting occurrence, and Luffy drags their bodies to the jungle where the tide won't reach.
When poking and prodding don't wake the two, Luffy sets off to gather food for his guests. He still remembers how tired and hungry he was when he first washed ashore, and figures they'd feel the same. As Luffy comes back, Ace wakes up in a panic.
Luffy rushes Ace in excitement and babbles. It's nearly incomprehensible to Ace however, especially in his panicked just-woken hazy-brained state. All Ace wants is to know where Sabo is and where this place is, and pushes Luffy away.
That's when Ace notices Sabo is lying just a few feet away asleep. The tension leaves him immediately and he's able to actually pay attention to the stranger trying to talk to him. 
Luffy is young and shorter than what he would have been had he been able to grow up on Dawn Island. His hair is long, wild and tangled, and he's dressed in furs and leathers. As Ace is studying him, he asks if he's the one who saved him and Sabo. 
For a moment Luffy stares silent, mind untangling the words until they make sense, and then he nods exuberantly. He tries to explain that he found them unconscious on the beach along with their boat, but Ace can barely decipher Luffy's speech. It sounds like someone speaking with a heavy accent at lightning speed.
But it’s then Ace notices the faint scar under Luffy's eye, and the strawhat hanging off his back. That in combination with Luffy's excited movements and speech sets off confusing alarms in his head.
Luffy's dead, Ace knows this, but he forces this strange kid to calm down and asks for his name. Again it takes a moment for Luffy to understand, and he replies. There's that same strange lilt to his words, but it's clear. Monkey D. Luffy! and it's said with a wide, proud grin.
Ace's world tilts then. Luffy? MONKEY D. LUFFY? His brain feels like its shorting out, refusing to register this new bit of information. He thinks he chokes a reply of some kind, but his mind feels blank. Luffy only laughs, not noticing Ace's shock.
In broken speech he asks for Ace's name too, but Ace doesn't hear his question, can only stare at Luffy's face. It can't be Luffy, he thinks. Because if it is... IF IT IS... They're only roughly a week's sail from Dawn Island. Just 7 days.
Is this boy trying to tell Ace that Luffy, in these past 7 years, was only a 7 days boat ride away? And they simply didn't look hard enough? He was here all alone while Ace and Sabo moved on? Ace's heart feels like it's constricting as his vision tunnels in on Luffy.
Luffy's finally noticed that this stranger is looking pale and ill, and pats him in worry. Is he sick? Does he need food? Are you okay, he asks. Ace grabs Luffy's arm then and stares at him with a strange expression. Luffy, it's me, he says, voice shaking. Ace.
Luffy's brows furrow in confusion and he tilts his head. Ace repeats himself, voice growing stronger. I'm Ace! he exclaims, and waits (prays) to see the light of recognition in Luffy's eyes.
Luffy mouths Ace's words silently to himself with frown. Ace? ...ACE! Luffy suddenly leaps towards Ace, landing directly on his chest and crushing him against a tree. He's directly on him and he's got Ace's head clasped roughly between his hands as he stares at his face intently
Ace? Luffy asks out loud, and starts repeating it over and over as he studies Ace's face. Luffy's grip is stronger than expected but Ace manages to give a jerky nod. The piercing stare breaks and Luffy's eyes water. ACE! he cries out in joy and it's the only word he can say.
Luffy wildly paws at Ace's face, then shoulders and arms, as if trying to make sure he's really there, and he's laughing and crying all at once. He then suddenly turns to Sabo on the ground and starts patting his body. He looks up at Ace with a hopeful smile and asks, Sabo?
Ace chokes back a sob because oh. OH. It's really Luffy! He was here this whole time and they never knew! Why hadn't they just looked HARDER? Luffy meanwhile crows in joy and triumph that BOTH his brothers are here with him. 
Ace gets down next to Sabo and starts violently shaking him. Wake up WAKE UP, how can he be SLEEPING when the greatest thing they thought they had lost was BACK. Sabo groans awake and is greeted by the pained teary face of Ace and an equally teary, but grinning stranger
 the shock of the scene jolts Sabo upright and he asks what's wrong? What happened? Ace just points to the boy beside him. It's Luffy, he says through clenched teeth, as if he were trying his best to stave off a breakdown. Huh? Sabo replies, what about Luffy?
 it's LUFFY, Ace grits out again, and this time Luffy chimes in with a cheery, Sabo! and leans in close to his face. Sabo is still confused and Ace nearly snarls in frustration. Luffy's ALIVE, Ace growls, and Luffy laughs. Sabo stares at Luffy and understanding slowly dawns.
 Luffy? he asks in disbelief, and Luffy nods excitedly before crowding in Sabo's face even more. Sabo! Luffy says with a smile and starts repeating his name like he had done with Ace earlier. Sabo, Luffy's been here this whole time, Ace says in a pained whisper.
 This whole time? And the same realization that Ace had grows in Sabo. Luffy, you've been here, all alone...? And we were so close? Sabo's body moves and wraps Luffy's body in a bone crushing hug. Luffy, I- we didn't know! Sabo stammers but it sounds like a terrible excuse.
 Guilt is devouring both Ace and Sabo but Luffy is only smiling. He's overjoyed that his brothers are here, and with their help he can definitely get off this island now! Things do work out!
 We have to go back to Dawn Island, Sabo says suddenly. We need to take Luffy home and we- we gotta tell Gramps! And Dadan and Makino! Luffy's okay! He's okay! And it's like a dam breaks and Sabo is the first one to break down into a full-body sob.
 Luffy gives a cry of dismay and does his best to comfort Sabo. Ace gives in and wraps both Luffy and Sabo in a hug. Both older brothers are whispering apologies to Luffy responds with just wrapping his arms several times around them both in one of his infamous rubbery hugs.
 like luffy had tried to explain earlier, the brothers' ship is beached on the coast and, surprisingly, only suffering a few minor scuffs. their departure is fairly swift, only waiting for the ideal weather after gathering some supplies and luffy's scant belongings
 Perhaps one or two of Luffy's animal friends joins them, but regardless, with the help of a 3 man crew, a sturdy ship, and an actual navigator, Luffy finally escapes the island, and the 3 brothers head home.
 Now all Ace and Sabo have to worry about is helping Luffy readjust to human civilization........
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legendaryoikawa · 4 years
haikyuu boys in your typical romance cliche 
warnings: mention of alcohol and language
note: female reader insert
oikawa tooru — as the typical popular frat boy that you happen to stumble into because you were so damn wasted of alcohol or vodka. you happen to be invited in the biggest frat party ever and you didn’t know whether you should be thankful or ashamed that you gained freedom and liveliness for a short period of time or squashing your face on the chest of the gorgeous oikawa tooru? perhaps the latter. oikawa know you because you were one of those university girl that never gave a damn about him and in instant he grew fond and interested with you. he actually finds it cute to see you all puffy and red because of alcohol but other than that he isn’t gonna let you go this time, never, especially in this state of yours. he’s that typical cliche where he’ll pull your hair up while you throw out in the bathroom while caressing your back gently and wiping off your temples with his handkerchief. 
akaashi keiji — is the classmate that is really intimidating yet hot at the same time? you think you were quite lucky that you were assigned to seat beside him but the moment you gathered your things to move beside him, you can almost feel the weight of the piercing gaze of your classmates. anyways, you got assigned in a school project with him and he offers you his place since the school is bound to close at six and your place is not that appealing much either. so you both walked to his house and you can see the little things he does for you like pressing his body closer to your side when a creepy guy walks across or the ghost of his touch from your back when you both crossed the pedestrian or the way his hands slightly raises your bag cause he knows it’s heavy judging by your slouching. and when the young night passes away, he starts talking about his life and you too, until one moment he confesses that he really admires you, so much.
yamaguchi tadashi — you know yamaguchi and you’re good friends with him since you both live in the quiet neighborhood of sendai. you really love his freckles and usually compare them to constellations that makes him go flustered with his flyaway hair sticking up. he likes you but he’s just so meek and decides to never voice out his feelings. so yamaguchi is part of the photography club and is assigned to take a picture of a subject that is dear to them. and when he walked in the corridors all he could think off was just you. and so he did. you asked him while laughing, as to why he keeps on taking your pictures when you’re not a celebrity yourself, jokingly. but his answer left you off guard especially when he said, “my adviser told me to capture something so beautiful and i think it’s you.”
kageyama tobio  — he’s that boy that no matter how much he wanted to go home and rest, he’ll always wait for you patiently at your lockers despite you asking him to head first because you still have committee work after school. then one moment after the adviser has finished the meeting, you’re shocked to see him leaning against your locker while drinking in from his milk. the moonlight is already shining through the window panels; making his skin glimmer marvelously. you’ll just stare at him dubiously; not knowing what to say. and you feel yourself falling down crazily for him; heart’s erratic. because he waited for two hours at the lockers just to walk you home, even though you told him not to. and you know he’s impatient as fuck but there he is, waiting and snatching you bag away from you. he’ll give you a stare and flickers your forehead while saying, ‘idiot, you think I’ll let you walk home, alone?’ and you’ll just pull his blazer down to capture his lips and he’ll blush so hard lmaoo
kuroo tetsurou  — that transferee student everyone is talking about. with his dark hair, tall frame, and noted muscles— every girl is crazy about him. he is assigned to seat behind you; at the back by the window. and everything just spiralled down to complete euphoria, even you didn’t see it coming. he doesn’t talk much to your classmates. often dismissing a budding interaction from some girls. and it took you by surprise when he asked you for a pen because he left his pencil case in his friend (you heard him tell you his friend’s name, kenma it is?) and it just happen so quickly. everyday he’ll leave you sticky notes in your table with his messy handwriting saying how beautiful you are than the sun, or go out with me? with a little smile on the side. sometimes, you can feel him playing with your hair or reaching out to hold your hand underneath the table while the teacher is writing on the blackboard. 
hinata shoyo  — hinata will be that cliche where he will buy a cupcake because he could remember that it is one of your favorites. often running to your place because he missed the bus and will arrive at your place; his hair all messy and fluffy, panting, with his skin slightly flushed and glimmering with perspiration. or will let you cry on his shirt and won’t mind you soiling it despite the shirt being all new and crispy. he couldn’t bring himself to care to be honest, because his only concern is to make you feel better despite having his shirt all wrinkled and damp from your tears. 
bokuto kotaru  — is that typical boyfriend that would literally walk you down to your room despite his room being two buildings away from yours. he’s that dedicated. that every vacant period, he’ll fetch you off and lead you down to his department’s botanical garden. or will eat lunch with you in your room. or spending together in the library. he’s as fresh as lilies. young as the night. no matter how hard you cajole that you can walk yourself and he shouldn’t bother, he wouldn’t allow you. and will always carry your bag for you even though you can manage to carry it for yourself. he is also that kind of cliche where he’ll ask his professor is he needs something from your building and volunteers to get it for them just to visit you in you room. excusing you from your class and won’t say anything but just steal a peck from you a make a dash towards the faculty room with a proud smirk painting his face cause he rendered you speechless and flustered, again.
tsukishima kei  — is that typical cold guy in campus that everyone is lowkey scared of. you were asked by your biology teacher to borrow the books for the class’s current lesson from the library on the spot you took a beeline for the shelves as fast as you could. but for fuck’s sake all the books were placed at the topmost part of the science shelves. you stood there for a good minute while glaring at the books overhead. you know you were damned for good since there are no chairs nearby that are available and the librarian is nowhere to be seen. you stomped you feet in annoyance until you felt a looming presence behind you. a tall one. and the person smells of fresh vanillas as well. when you turned around, you saw tsukishima grabbing the books at ease and handing it to you and stalked away. you thanked him quietly but it was enough for kei to hear and he wasn’t wrong when he thinks you we’re cute while struggling to get those books on top of you. 
iwaizumi hajime  — that boy you hated to the core. you didn’t know why but he just goes right after your nerve. pressing of your buttons. iwaizumi is the bugbear of your life. yet for him, you’re the fucking cutest person he ever met in his life. and he doesn’t know why you’re so annoyed with his whole existence. but one time, he decided to play it off and decided to push your buttons more. there’s a debate in your class and he stood up to contradict your claims. and basically everyone could feel the sexual tension arising in the air, yet they didn’t utter a word. iwaizumi thinks you’re so hot when your mad and whenever you put an emphasis to him name. or the cliche where he yanked your arm when you’re about to leave the room just to playfully lean in your face, while whispering, ‘you’re so difficult, yet you’re making me want you more’ e2l, pls.
kozume kenma  — kenma is that typical boy that doesn’t allow people to play his console or his psp because it is something dear and precious to him. not even kuroo. no matter how his teammates beg to ask him for just one game, he’ll never allow except for you ;) to the point you don’t have to ask him, sometimes he’ll be the one to offer and let you play the recent game he just purchased lol
— part two will be posted soon! hope you guys like this,, i just started this yesterday with my love, @fratboyjae while we were casually throwing out cute blurbs to each other LOL HAHA. requests are currently open, send them in! love lots!
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Stray Kids Bang Chan x Idol!Reader Summary: You're known as the gym rat in your group, and quite frankly, you only have two moods: shredding or chilling. This was why when you're not asleep in between schedules, you're spotted with a male idol you happened to meet in the gym you were at that day. It's a known fact though, that you and Bang Chan are gym buddies and each other's spotter. Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Internet toxicity, sasaengs, vulgar language, sexism, misogyny, pining, fluff, mentions of Pentagon because why not <3, etc.
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A/N: Girl, i shouldn't do this but I did. It's so funny to me someone requested this cause I have recently become an exercise junkie lol. Also, if you can't tell, there is a pov shift after the cut so yeah. I also wanted to keep the reader gender neutral but I want to write about how psychotically different people treat male and female idols because that stuff aint it. It's most definitely not what anon was expecting me to write but I hope they enjoy it nonetheless.
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There's compilation in YT with growing parts centered around you flexing your physical fitness and prowess. It ranges from you affectionally touring your fans, which really meant the cameraman, through the gym, introducing your trainer, and doing your routine on camera, to your group (and others) both fawning and bragging about how strong and how hot you are.
CLIP #1: A scene from an interview of your group in Japan, struggling to talk about how you can do 40 straight push ups.
There was a male interviewer in a suit you could all faintly recognize was talking about your recent Instagram post of a gym mirror selfie.
One of your youngest members smirked and in broken Japanese, cutely said, "Wah, she does 100 push ups! Everyday, every night."
You snap your head to the maknae and raise your brows, "nani?" You begin to shake your hands in protest and begin to explain your truth, "absolutely not 100. Maybe around 40, but nooooo, not 100."
The interviewer and your group comically react in awe. The man in the suit urges, "can you show us?"
You give a face, "Excuse me, but I'm not getting paid to do that in this miniskirt."
Everyone, including the film crew, break into laughter.
CLIP #2: A scene from a variety show where you had to prove you were, in fact, yourself, by doing a shortened version of your exercise routine.
One of the hosts of the show asks, "Wait, do you honestly do all of this in your workout? Like you can do all of it?"
The list of your exercises were written on a colourful cardboard, held by the one who just spoke. It was a range of exercises in 10 sets, from jumping jacks to sit ups, to vague sounding exercises like crab pinches and robot arms.
You purse your lips at the last question asked of you, not really liking the tone in which it was asked. You answer quickly and nod proudly, "I actually do more, cause when I get in the zone and I'm already really sweaty, I feel like I should keep going until my whole body burns." You chuckle.
The older hosts, tilt their head and mutter lowly under their breath something along the lines of, "I'd rather die."
You finally do the routine, quickly, continuously, earning impressed reactions from everyone.
"That's hot," one of the hosts note.
"Ya, for some reason it looks easy to do."
The hosts begin to clamour at that statement, and force whoever said to do the exact thing you did. Clearly, they don't work out as much as you do and cannot even get halfway through it without stopping.
You break out into a breathless laugh in amusement of the comical attempt but then protest, explaining how bad it is to force yourself to do more than you can
CLIP #3: Pentagon, Hongseok especially, fawns over how fit you are
Trailing a conversation about how your group is close with Pentagon because your companies are situated closely to each other and you wind up eating together a lot, there is an anecdote about how there was a jar no one could open, no one but you, that is.
The interviewer asks no one in particular, "wah, none of you could open the jar? Really? Or did you all just pretend so she could open it?"
There is a chorus of answers concluding with, "no really, she was the only one that was able to open it."
The story is backed up by how the jar had a really small lid and some hands were too big. Then came an explanation how you were recently into the new rock climbing machine in your gym.
Hongseok speaks up, "I was invited to go to rock climbing in, like, an actual rock climbing place and I was honestly so surprised when she began to climb. She said she never actually tried rock climbing on a wall, but it seemed like she had been doing it for years."
Shinwon agrees, "Right, right. I was also really curious about what they did that day," he points to Hongseok, "that I joined them one time. I never felt so out of shape in my life. I just stayed back and filmed everything."
Pentagon laughs, and then agrees that you were exceptionally fast and just super fit in all honesty.
The interviewer catches Hongseok's expression then suddenly asks, "do you like a woman like that?"
"Yeah, I like my women strong."
Then came a lot of teasing remarks from Pentagon, and a plethora of complaints from delusional fans who did not want Hongseok to ever breathe in your direction again.
With all that's been said about that, in all the parts of this series floating around in the internet, one thing remained, there was a slightly larger population of impressed fans than the still large portion of antifans who wanted nothing to do with it and only came around to hate.
It's hard not to think about it, but even the slightest back handed compliment can sometimes linger in one's mind.
And right now, as much as I kept my mind on my counting as I finished my set high knees, I couldn't help but think of how much backlash I got from posting a post workout photo with my midriff exposed.
Apparently that was not only enough to merit hate for being both a whore and an attention whore, but people baselessly began to hate on my groupmates simply for being associated with me.
It's kind of sad really, how, say Wonho, can post a fairly exposed photo of himself and get so much praise for it, and yet I couldn't even do anything remotely close to that.
And I don't even mean to come at Wonho, we all know he's a beast at the gym and should be able to show as much of his hard work as he is comfortable in showing, but why can't I?
"Hey trooper. I thought you said you were only doing 80 counts?" a voice cracks me out of my train of thought.
I turn to whom spoke and chuckle at myself as I stop my leg raises, "ah yeah, I got lost in thought, and your really good song."
I pull on my earphones and give a lopside smile, "I love working out to God's Menu."
He gives a soft, "he he, thanks."
"No need for a thank you when I'm only giving my honest opinion, Chan."
"Yeah, well still, it makes my kokoro go doki-doki," he sniggers, crossing his arms and flashing a dimpled smile. I raise my upper lip and reel back, "EWWW!"
I playfully shove him. He acts hurt, "this is violence against children."
"Chan, you're literally older than me."
"That doesn't mean I'm not a child at heart."
"You mean, it doesn't mean you're not a drama queen."
"Hey, I have no interest in having a throne, my only interest is," he leans in and whispers, "you."
I feel my soul leave my body as he snorts to himself and runs away. I regurgitate in surprise, "YA!"
"You better do your next set properly," Chan says heading off to a cable row machine, "I'm always watching."
I try to ignore the blood rushing up your neck, "creep."
He shrugs, "rather that or have you get injured, sweet heart."
Yeah, Chan has saved me from a lot of injuries I could have had. It was a bad habit. It stemmed from the same thing that made me mess up my count a while ago, my overthinking.
Sometimes I thought of rather harmless things, but sometimes I began to fixate on the hate I received for simply being. I do a lot to get my mind to realize that they hated me simply because they could and because it was easy. Exercising helped tremendously, especially when I had someone fun to work out with, especially when I was with Chan. He just... made me feel safe, y'know.
But when the news of us being work out buddies surfaced, a lot of sasaengs came for me. Of course, a lot of Stays and my own fans were really kind about, speaking out that we were our own people and exercising together did not mean anything in particular really.
But some really went for it, and made it a hobby to comment on everything I was in that I was a slut for 'working out' with different men every day."
I let out a breath as I finish my routine. I catch my breath and go for a swig of my water. I take a moment then sit down by the mirror, which was near where Chan was currently working out.
"You're doing it again."
I turn from where I was blankly staring at turn to Chan who gave me a soft look, "you good?"
I release a sigh then purse my lips, "maybe."
He pouts, "what happened?"
I shrug and stand from where I sat, "you know, the usual."
Chan then comes up to me and takes my water bottle from me, "you know, no matter how much people say you don't need water to live, you can never change the fact that you are extremely dependent on water to live."
I look at him and half- heartedly point, "are you calling me thirsty?"
He begrudgingly groans and releases a chuckle. He calls my name out in a scolding tone. I feel myself relax, "I know what you're getting at Chan."
He nods, "good. I'll always be here to remind you of that."
I smile and feel an urge to hug him, "if you weren't so sweaty, I would totally hug you right now."
Chan then gives me a look then does not hesitate to crush me into his arms. I groan and whine in protest. He chuckles, "you literally just said you wanted a hug!"
Chan huffs and gives a wounded look, "hmp. You better spot me while I lift or else I'm unfriending you."
"Hmm... I think I'll be good without you as a friend."
I half expect Chan to whine about it, but he instead smirks, "ahhhh, you must want me to be your boyfriends so badly huh."
I- I mean...
CLIP #4: A crack edit of Chan when he gets asked about his gym relationship with me in Chan's Room.
He was looking through the questions and suddenly chuckles, his ears noticeably began to redden. Cue a zoom in of his face and his red ears. Cue a clip of Cardi B saying, "that's suspicious."
He says my name then continues, "am I close with her? Yeah. I would say I'm close with her-- and her whole group actually."
Captioned: Nice save, Chris.
"The kids and I are close with her group," he says, clearing his throat.
A clip of him clearing his throat is repeated about ten times.
Chan adjust the beanie he was wearing as he thinks of what he was going to say next, "we actually do work out together a lot because she's under a trainer that works with my trainer."
Captioned: Sure, Chan. That's the only reason, right?
Chan catches another question, "Is she a beast in the gym like Hongseok says?" He breaks into a laugh. He then rubs his cheek and grits his teeth.
A clip of someone saying, "Oh he's jealous," flashes on screen.
"Yeah," Chan finally says, "she's got a really high stamina."
Cue the clip, WHAT DID HE SAY?
Chan continues, "she can go between exercises without stopping. she doesn't even take that much time to catch her breath. In fact, she sings while exercising sometimes, which helps make her vocals stable."
Captioned: Queen Tingz.
The next thing that happens is Chan breaks into a laugh and begins to chuckle. He says, "Sorry I saw a funny comment."
Then came these comments:
They are dating period. prove me wrong. you cant
Chan literally blushes over anything, buT HE TURNED INTO A TOMATO WHEN HE TALKED ABOUT HER BYE
if you hate on your faves loving each other, you most definitely need Jesus (:
Yeah... it's not been confirmed to this day.
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engie-ivy · 3 years
Remus is the uptight, swotty Prefect who's always getting the popular and beloved troublemakers Black and Potter in detention. Remus doesn't care what people say of him, and he absolutely doesn't care about Black's blinding smile.
A Book By Its Cover
Remus pulls his jumper closer around himself against the draught in the large, empty halls. The corridor is dimly lit and he hears nothing but the sound of his own footsteps. Everything is quiet. Too quite.
A loud clang suddenly sounds from behind one of the tapestries. Remus almost smiles to himself. Bingo. In a swift motion, he pulls away the tapestry.
Startled, Black whirls around. He’s surrounded by what appear to be paint cans and rope. His shock only last a moment, though.
“Lupin!” He exclaims, a beaming smile appearing on his face. “What a pleasant surprise!”
Remus crosses his arms over his chest. He makes an effort to keep a firm expression on his face, to show he’s not affected by Black’s notorious, blinding smile, like everyone else is. “Only pleasant if you like detention. And as for a surprise, I am a Prefect. I am supposed to be here making my rounds. So what are you doing here?”
“Preparing a prank,” Black says simply.
Remus doesn’t know whether he should be insulted Black doesn’t seem to take his authority very seriously, or glad that he doesn’t insult his intelligence by coming up with an excuse.
“Right,” Remus says, before taking out his notebook and pen. “Out of bed after curfew and engaging in illegal activity,” he scribbles down. “And where’s Potter?”
“Aw, am I not enough for you, Lupin?” Black pouts.
“I figured you could use some company in detention,” Remus replies smoothly.
Black clicks his tongue. “So thoughtful.”
“If you’re here setting up some prank, then it’s a given Potter is setting up that prank somewhere else in the school as well. So, where is he?”
Black shakes his head. “For you’re own good, Lupin, you don’t wanna put James in detention right now. People won’t be too pleased with you if the school’s football star misses the upcoming match against Slytherin thanks to you.”
“So thoughtful,” Remus repeats Black’s words, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “But please, don’t concern yourself over me. I’ve never cared what others think of me, and I don’t plan on starting now. And you basically just admitted Potter is currently doing something that would warrant me giving him detention, so you might as well tell me where he is.”
Black sighs. “This is why people call you uptight.”
Remus’ expression hardens. “If people care so much, they should be mad at Potter for risking the football match in the first place by playing some stupid prank.”
Black gasps dramatically and clutches his chest. “Stupid? Our pranks are not stupid! They’re works of art! Jumping out of a cake on miss McGonagall’s birthday? Hilarious! Making a zip line to go from one floor to the other? Brilliant! Filling the gym with stray cats, many of whom were eventually adopted? Genius! People love our pranks. They make people laugh and bring some excitement in their lives. Much needed excitement, because let’s face it, school is boring. Sitting there, listening to old people tell you things you already know.”
“For you maybe,” Remus mutters.
Black scoffs. “Don’t pretend you’re not one of the smartest people in our class, Lupin.”
Remus just glares harder at Black, to show that no, he doesn’t care that Sirius Black, whom people are always falling over themselves for to get even a bit of his attention, has apparently noticed Remus’ academic achievements. No, he doesn’t care at all.
“Even the teachers love our pranks,” Black continues. “They put some life into this place!”
“We’ll see what miss McGonagall has to say about it when I report you tomorrow,” Remus says calmly. “I’ll go finish my rounds, and when I get back, you better have cleaned up this mess.”
As he turns around to leave, Black suddenly grabs his wrist. “Join us!”
“Wha...” Remus turns back, and his traitorous stomach flutters at how close Black is suddenly standing.
“Join us for one prank,” Black says.
Remus blinks at him. “Why in earth would I do that?”
“Because it’s fun! And honestly, Lupin, to me you always look like you can use a bit of fun.”
That catches Remus off guard. It’s true. Between struggling to get top marks, doing everything he can for extra credit, making sure he has a spotless record, excelling at his Prefect duties, and worrying about his sick mother, lately he often feels like just throwing his hands in the air and say ‘screw it all!’, and just do something crazy, something dumb or irresponsible. But he definitely never wanted for Black to notice that.
“Come on, Lupin,” Black says, as Remus stays silent. “Be part of the fun for once, instead of putting a damper on it.”
“Your childish pranks aren’t my idea of fun,” Remus bites back, feeling himself getting defensive.
Black just grins. “You won’t know that unless you join us for just one prank!”
“Why would you even want me to join you?” Many people would be lining up to be a part of one of Black and Potter’s infamous pranks. It’s beyond Remus why Black would ask that one stuffy guy who puts them in detention almost every week.
“Because I like you,” Black shrugs. “I like how hard you work for everything and how you don’t care what anyone thinks of you. And I think you secretly have a talent for it,” he adds with a wink, that absolutely does not make Remus’ knees go weak. “I bet you have a wicked side to you underneath all that swotty stuff.”
“But I’m a Prefect!” Remus argues. “I’m supposed to discipline rule-breakers, not break them myself!”
Black rolls his eyes. “You shouldn’t take that job so serious.”
This rubs Remus the wrong way. “Not everyone can afford to treat everything in life as a joke,” he says coolly.
Black folds his arms over his chest and stares. “A fancy title and a badge and suddenly you’re better than us?”
“It’s nothing like that!”
Black huffs. “Then why is that bogus job so important to you?”
“Because some of us can’t afford to have even one note on their record if they ever want to get anywhere in life!” Remus snaps. “Because some of us need perfect scores and every bit of extra credit they can get if they want universities not to immediately bin their applications! Because some of us don’t have a last name they can flaunt, a daddy who can make a phone call, a mommy who can throw some money around, and suddenly you’re top of the list! Because some of us can’t just look at their rich parents and rely on them to always give them everything they want!”
The change in Black is instant. He takes a step back, and instead of his usual easy smile and bright eyes sparkling with mischief, his face becomes an ice-cold mask. “Fuck you, Lupin,” he hisses. “You don’t know a thing about me.”
He pushes past Remus as he storms off, leaving him behind feeling very confused. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. Yes, the system is unfair and Black is privileged, but Remus supposes that isn’t really Black’s fault. He knows Black isn’t actually a bad person. His heart is in the right place, and he’s usually kind, only ever mean to people who, quite frankly, deserve it.
Remus just wishes Black would stop with those bloody pranks.
Remus just wishes Black would continue with those bloody pranks.
Or do anything really that makes him seem more like his old self. Remus never thought he’d miss that loud, barking laugh, that infuriating smirk, those lame puns so much.
Ever since everyone returned from Christmas break, Black has completely withdrawn. He hardly talks to anyone, he just sits silently, his eyes staring off in the distance and his expression blank. Potter is always by his side, softly talking to him or just throwing him worried glances.
Since then, it has been the talk of the school, and even in the papers and on the news: Sirius Black has been removed from his parents’ custody. It was a messy affair, the police has even been involved. Black’s father was arrested on grounds of child abuse. Apparently, Orion Black, the noble and well-respected patriarch of the prestigious Black family, has a habit of beating his son. It must’ve been going on for a while, but over the break it escalated. People just can’t get over how Sirius Black’s life wasn’t as perfect as it always seemed to be.
Remus feels bad for Black, and especially feels like an idiot, having said the things he said. He knows he owes Black an apology. It has been a couple of weeks since the break ended, and the apology is beginning to be long overdue. Though he also knows that Black has probably not been waiting for an apology from the uptight twat that always gets him detention.
Maybe it’s more to ease his own consciousness that he hesitantly approaches the table where Black is sitting. Potter glares at him the moment he sees him, and half gets out of his seat, probably to tell him to piss off, and rightfully so. However, after a quick glance at Black’s face, who’s looking up at Remus, he sits back down, as if he sees something on his friend’s face that makes him chance his mind.
“Bla- Sirius,” Remus says, realising a tad late that Sirius might nor want to be reminded of his family name right now. “I’m sorry,” he blurts out. “I said some shitty things to you, and I shouldn’t have. You were right, I didn’t know anything about you.”
“It’s okay,” Sirius says softly. “You had good reason to be angry, it’s a rather fucked up system. And you didn’t know. Didn’t know that I would’ve gladly given up all that privilege to just have parents who... who love me...”
Sirius’ voice falters and he trails off. Potter is staring at him wide-eyed, and also Remus is surprised. He knows Sirius hasn’t talked about it to anyone, and he feels almost guilty he’s saying it to him of all people. He’s also surprised at the overwhelming urge he has to pull Sirius into a hug, hold him and tell him they never deserved him anyway. He has to leave before he does anything stupid.
“I should go,” Remus says quickly. “If there’s ever anything I can do...”
As he turns around to leave, Black suddenly grabs his wrist. “Join us!”
Remus turns back to look at him.
“Join us for one prank.”
“Why would you want me to join you?” Remus asks, much like the first time.
“Because I like you,” Sirius replies, much like the first time, only where he had then sounded nonchalant and slightly amused, he now sounds pleading and vulnerable.
“Yeah,” Remus says hoarsely, because his Prefect duties suddenly don’t seem so important compared to helping Sirius come back to his old self. “Yeah, I’ll join you for one prank.”
And then the most amazing thing happens: for the first time in weeks, Sirius Black smiles. It’s only a small smile, but the room already seems a bit brighter. In a moment of vivid clarity, Remus knows that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to make that boy smile.
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sevendeadlymorons · 3 years
The brothers give Mc a blowjob?
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On it, you two ;)
Brothers + Simeon Give M!MC a Blowjob in Public
His pride is way too large to ever be able to do something so embarrassing in public but he couldn’t take his eyes off the way your dick protruded through your trousers
Pulls you in to an alley desperately, not caring who sees and gets down on his knees, completely at your mercy as your hands find his head and tug at his hair sharply
He starts to pull down your trousers, arousal pooling in his gut as he has to process exactly what he’s currently doing, his eyes looking at the erection inside your boxers as the tip drips with pre-cum already
He pulls down your boxers, watching it spring up as he plays with your tip immediately, flicking it with his tongue and pushing your hips into the wall behind you
Likes when you push his head onto your cock, making him take you whole as he whines for you, hearing your words of praise
He moans your name on your cock, going faster as he swirls his tongue around you, jerking you off with his hands whilst watching you carefully so he knows you’re thoroughly enjoying yourself
He allows you to cum in his mouth so your seed is dribbling down his chin and his cheeks are now flushed red in embarrassment
He’s not particularly afraid of making a scene and humiliating you in public, he loves seeing that dirty look on your face as you cling to him
He couldn’t stop staring at your hard erection in your boxers, even if you two were in the cinemas, you were at the back and he thought it was the perfect time to give you a little fun
Reaches over and palms your crotch, watching you stiffen up in surprise but relax into it soon after, unzipping your trousers so he could give you a proper handjob
He wraps his hand around your crotch and starts jerking you off, watching as you make lewd faces for him in public and try and conceal your moans
Starts to get slightly flustered at the fact he was actually pleasuring you in public but it doesn’t stop him as he sneakily leans down to run his tongue up your cock
You place your hand on his head and push him down, hearing him gag quietly and then come up to breathe, his hand straight away going back to your dick
You cum on his hand and he licks it off in front of you, offering his fingers to you as he places two inside your mouth, feeling your tongue lick him clean of your semen
Nothing could have prepared him for the day he jerks you off in a public changing room
It all happened so quick, one moment you were entering a cosplay convention, the next he was on his knees in a changing room, hands pressed to your crotch as he could feel the tip of your dick at the back of his throat
He moans for you and only you as your hands pull at his hair, tugging and pulling his face and cheeks so he’s taking you whole in his mouth
He looks up at you lustfully, his tongue licking you up and down so skilfully that it made you lean your head back against the wall and your legs feel weak
He kisses your tip, fondling with your balls so he can get all your praise, so desperate to hear you call him a good boy that he was willingly to cry out your name until everyone could hear
His cheeks were crimson red, his entire face burning up as you caress him gently, giving him the praise he so desired as he sped up to make you feel even better
You cum in his mouth, a startled gag coming from him as he feels all your load shoot down the back of his throat, swallowing all of it submissively and cleaning you up afterwards
It’s always been his dream to do something naughty in a library so he just couldn’t hold back when he saw the erect cock in your lap
He pulls you behind a book shelf, slamming you against it and getting down on his knees, kissing your boxers submissively as he looks up at you waiting for you to shove your cock deep into his throat
You quickly take out your dick, placing it on his lips teasingly as he laps at it desperately, loving the taste of your pre-cum; his hands running up and down your crotch and thighs
He runs his tongue all the way up your length, watching you squirm as he sucks on your head and grips your thighs
You pull his face onto your dick, impatient, and explore his mouth and cheeks as you thrust your cock in and out of his mouth, his eyes streaming with tears as he coughs on you, struggling to breathe
You eventually let go and allow him to go at his own pace, his hands rubbing you slowly as he sucks you off, his nose almost touching your stomach from how far you were inside his mouth
You end up finishing on his face, your sticky white load dribbling down his cheeks and chin until it drips onto the floor, Satan licking up the cum that was around his lips and swallowing right in front of you with a smirk
What’s better than blowing someone in an empty classroom? Well, not much, so when Asmo gets bored and sees you were particularly excited, he couldn’t stop himself
Pushes you into a desk, lifting you up and spreading your legs apart so he could get a proper view of your huge throbbing erection
Kisses up your thighs until his lips were placed directly on your dick, his fingers traveling under your trousers so he could pull them down and see just how horny you were
He traces a finger over your boxers, playing with the cum that seeped through the cloth and hearing you whine, his hands instinctively pulling them down and taking your cock in his mouth, looking up at you to see your lewd face
He flicks your tip with his tongue, teasing you whilst he messes with your testes and rubs his hand up and down your inner thighs
Your hands grab his head and push his head down, making his nose touch your crotch until he has to come up for air, a wide smirk on his lips as he starts to thrust his head up and down on your dick
You cum down his throat, watching him swallow all of it obediently as he presents you his sticky white tongue afterwards
He’s never had any thought of doing anything lewd in public, but you suggested it and who was he to say no to your face
Pulls you by the wrist into the back room of Hell’s Kitchen and pushes you into a wall, going down on his knees slowly with his cheeks bright red; looking at your erection that was twitching with anticipation through your clothes
He pulls out your cock, watching you as he takes you whole in his mouth, his eyes constantly asking if he’s doing a good job and begging for praise from you
He starts to get faster and greedier, licking you and sucking on your cock until his mouth makes a popping noise when he takes you out of his mouth, immediately going back to you and listening to your words of affirmation
He’s kind of nervous if someone walks in on you two, but he didn’t care because you tasted so good and he wanted so much more. He wanted to know how your semen tastes as he swallows all of it
He jerks you off more desperately, wanting to make you finish so he can clean you up and kiss you so you can taste your own cum
You finally cum in his mouth, choking slightly on the amount you shot down his throat and licking his lips clean of any excess, soon sticking his tongue down your throat so you could know how good you taste
Decided he wanted to humiliate you in public after your continuous teasing towards him throughout the day, so what better way than to do it than in the same room as his brothers
You were eating dinner at the table, Belphie at your side, when you felt his hand touch your thigh and slowly creep up to palm your crotch inconspicuously
You lean back slowly, his shoulder touching yours as his hand travels into your boxers, pulling out your cock and slowly jerking you off; causing you to have to bite your lip to restrain yourself
He goes faster, rubbing his thumb over your sticky tip and eating his food like nothing was happening, ignoring the weird looks his brothers were currently giving the two of you
He suddenly excuses himself, dragging you up with him by the hand and slamming you against the wall right by the door, going down on his knees and sucking you off, his eyes submissively and lust filled as he begs for you to touch him
You run your hands through his hair, tugging and pulling harshly as he goes faster, running his nails down your thighs and moaning silently on your cock whilst he listens to the chatter of his brothers in the next room
You cum on his face, drenching him with your semen as he pants tiredly and wipes his face clean, slipping his two sticky fingers into your mouth to clean him off
The angel would never even think about performing such lewd actions in public, but your erection was practically begging him to help you out right now
He sighs and pushes you behind a Bush on your way back to the dorms, trapping you underneath him with his hands as his eyes wander down to your crotch
You smirk and push his head down, watching his face turn dirty and his eyes lewd with ideas of how exactly he’ll make you feel good
He pulls down your trousers and whips out your cock, hesitating before taking your head in his mouth slowly, his tongue lapping and sucking at you with his cheeks flushed red; your head leaning back in pleasure, exposing your neck to him
He leans forward to kiss your neck passionately, jerking you off with his hand and rubbing his thumb over the tip, then going back down to more confidently take you all in his mouth, discovering your hands at the back of his neck encouraging him
He lets you pull at his hair whilst he bobs his head on your hard on, swirling his tongue around skilfully as he looks at you to make sure you’re still moaning his name and displaying that same lustful face for him
You cum down his throat taking him by surprise as he pulls you out of his mouth quickly, watching you shoot your seed all over your stomach, wiping you clean with his thumb
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emmanelson · 3 years
It Started Out With a Kiss
i’d say I’m sorry for this filth but who are we kidding? more trash under the cut including speechless ben, possessive paxton and some very steamy, very public smut. also found on ao3 here.
“I’m sure there’s a bed in the other room.”
Paxton’s allowed to be petty and a bit possessive as he latches onto his girlfriend’s waist and drags her behind the wall that separates them from the rest of the party and leads into the hallway. He catches Ben Gross’ eye over the duration of the evening one too many times now. The last fuck he gave flew out the window and now he dares the underclassman to pretend to stumble in their direction.
So when he hears Devi’s comment, in rather uneven breaths mind you, a laugh is bubbling against his throat. She would retract her statement the second he tells her they are at Trent’s house, and his friend probably masturbated in every single room of the house. It’s going to make his plan seem genius. His fingers skim the outline of her dress and he edges his tongue into her mouth, knowing exactly what buttons to press in order to get her in the mood. Which was more often than not because she thought about sex probably more than any girl he knew.
“No, I want you. Right here. Right now.” The firmness in his answer only weakens her resolve and soon heat is radiating off her body. Screw the party.
“Why here? We could just wait till we get back to your house?” His lips nibble on her ear and she’s struggling to find a reason to turn him down, his erection rubbing against her core.
“Guess you’re just that irresistible. It’s really your fault if you think about. If you didn’t show up looking so hot, I could concentrate on beer pong or whatever Trent and Marcus are currently trying to blow up in the backyard.”
It’s been months and she still can’t get used to the compliments coming from him. His breath is hot on her neck and just as his tongue brushes against her parted lips, she pulls back, gently lifting his head up to meet hers as she attempts to catch her breath.
“What brought this on?” She’s never seen Paxton this agitated by something, or someone before. Or this handsy.
At previous parties, he flirted sure, but in the past few gatherings they attended, they were practically attached at the hip. If Paxton didn’t have an arm slung over her shoulder or kept their fingers intertwined as Trent praised Eleanor’s latest performance, he was whispering in her ear or placing a hand on her hip. Even Zoe Maytag gave her props in the bathroom and admitted they only ever got to hand stuff and he wasn’t into PDA when he was ‘hanging out’ with her. Devi decided to save this information as future ammo if she needed it.
“I’m sorry but if I have to see Ben fucking Gross look at you with sad puppy dog eyes while blatantly ignoring his own girlfriend one more time, I might just snap. I might just fucking loose it and deck him.” The words are bitter, sharp coming off his tongue and it sends shivers down Devi’s spine. His gaze hardened, eyes getting darker, and her stomach flips, because for a moment he looks like he’s considering murder. And she would help him hide a body without hesitation. He drags his lips to bite down on her neck and she involuntarily throws her head back as her tries to suppress her moans.
“So what’s this going to prove?”
“Well what we obviously already know...That you can’t help jumping me even in public.” He chuckles into her hair as she rolls her eyes. And she thought she was competitive. Paxton and Ben took it to a whole other level. “But seriously, don’t tell me you didn’t notice the guy flaunting his relationship in front of you. It’s like he got some sick joy out of rubbing your nose in his happiness. This is a taste of his own medicine.”
“Who even says he’s going to notice or care?”
“I do. If he attempts to seek out where you went, which he obviously will, what he chooses to do after will either prove me right or you right. That he does care or doesn’t.”
Devi raised an eyebrow, throwing him an are-you-kidding-me glance before Paxton’s lips descended down on hers again. If he wasn’t kissing her lips, he was trailing his tongue down her neck, her shoulders, even her chest bone.
"Excuse me for caring. This whole longing, woe-is-me act was fine or whatever when you were both single. But he’s fucking with my girlfriend, my relationship and I’m not going to pretend to be okay with it.” Once again, his mouth was rough against her ear as leaned against her body and ground his hips against hers. While she wanted to be mad, she also found his protective nature incredibly hot and wasn’t about to say anything to end it anytime soon.
“He’s with Aneesa. I doubt he even thinks about me in that way anymore.” Devi’s voice attempts to reassure him as her fingers comb through his hair.
“I can’t say that I blame him.” His lips start trailing kisses from neck ear all the way to her cleavage, knuckles lightly kneading her breasts through the fabric of the dress. “I mean not only are you insanely hot but you’re also like the smartest person in the whole school. I just wish he wasn’t so obvious about it.”
“Is this you being jealous?” She has a smirk playing on her lips, eyes lit up in a teasing nature.
“I just never thought I’d see the day where Paxton Hall-Yoshida got jealous. You’re usually so calm and level-headed.” Her voice falters as he starts stroking her breast, the nipple hardening under his touch.
“What can I say? When I opened my mind to studying, I learned stuff inside and outside of the classroom. For starters, noticing things more often. Noticing Ben for one, the rude comments one minute and longing stares the next.”
“Can we stop talking about him now?” Paxton had dropped to his knees in record time, lifting up her dress and practically diving underneath it, his laugh vibrating against her core.
“You aren’t wearing any underwear.”
“It’s laundry day, didn’t I mention that earlier?”
“Must have slipped my mind. Remind me to thank your mom later.” His joke only registered for a minute before he was seeking out her clit, swirling his tongue around it, repeatedly pushing against her until her legs are convulsing and she’s coming undone around his lips.
Ben’s silhouette hovers, quietly staring at the scene before him in agape. He only sees Devi granted, but it’s not just seeing his ex at a party outside of school, it’s seeing her flat against the wall, eyes closed, shallow breaths becoming audible every few seconds and seeing the way her body physically shook from whatever Paxton was doing to her. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on. And Ben wanted to call out to them, sneer that this was a public place, someone’s house and if they couldn’t keep their genitals to themselves then they should just leave, but he was momentarily frozen.
Out of the corner of his eye he sees Devi’s body begin to come down from its high, Paxton rises and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. To Ben’s horror, it doesn’t end there.
Is she giggling? Paxton just shakes his head and captures his lips with hers again.
He turns his head and meets Ben’s eyes. Devi’s lips begin to attack his neck and he moans, all the while locked in a staring contest with the captain of who knows how many fucking clubs.
This time it’s Paxton wearing a rather smug smile, something that he’s seen on Ben one too many times in History class. Well, this was his History class. One area where he would always outsmart Ben and that in itself was enough to fill him with pride. Finally Devi detaches herself from her boyfriend and gently wipes her makeup remnants off his neck.
“I should probably go reapply my lipstick.” She’s still trying to steady her legs and with a wave of nausea coming over him, Ben is reminded of a conversation that took place months ago. ‘Well tomorrow I won’t be able to walk again because I’m about to go get railed.’ And that she did.
“You don’t have to you know. You look sexy like this.”
“You may think so, but my mom? Not so much Romeo.” Devi’s playfully shoving against his chest as she untangles herself from his arms, the fingers still interlocked until the distance makes it impossible and she’s heading further down the hall towards the bathroom.
“Dude are you just gonna stand there?” Paxton fixes Ben with a hard stare, equal parts creeped out and a little high off his assumption because his point was proven. It was a win-win situation. Satisfy his girlfriend and wipe the stupid smirk off Ben Gross’ face.
Finally Ben forces himself to look away and turns the corner in a hurry.
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starkjoy · 3 years
Let's talk Episode 5x02.
Buck and Eddie's heart-to-heart confirmed two of our suspicions: first, Ana caused his panic attacks, not the shooting.
Second, Eddie's definitely not in love with Ana.
On its own, that sounds innocent enough—they've dated for months, yes, but Eddie's suffered tremendously in love and life, so progressing slowly is understandable. That's enough to warrant a breakup itself, so why would the writers add fuel to the fire with panic attacks?
Mom, wife, or both, the mere mention of Ana becoming a permanent fixture in Eddie's family induces a life-threatening visceral response. This isn't just a case of incompatibility, or not being ready to move on. It's a physical, mental, and emotional crisis.
More analysis under the cut:
As many have speculated, there may be more to unpack beyond Eddie's excuse that he's "not ready" for a "ready-made family." So playing house with Ana causes him to panic, but co-parenting with Buck doesn't? Literally choosing Buck to be Christopher's legal guardian in the event of his own death didn't? Not even a little bit? The juxtaposition between Eddie's uncomfortable interactions with Ana and joy when seeing Buck with Chris or talking about Buck and Chris at the zoo makes us wonder: is Eddie not ready for a "ready-made family"...or has he already made one with someone else?
If he's aware of the latter, whether consciously or not, the implications of Buck being the person he wants in his life permanently is enough to warrant panic given Eddie's background.
In that same vein, the "stick with it" line felt particularly telling—I can't help but wonder if he stuck with Shannon, too. He was so young when they met, then their relationship became complicated so quickly...and ultimately cut too short. Perhaps he "stuck with" her despite the chaos because it was easier than confronting his own feelings or sexuality. As others have mentioned, "stick with it" implicitly evokes subtext around compulsory heterosexuality, being in the closet, repression, etc. Whether the writers intended for anything beyond Eddie's textual answer remains to be seen, however.
Now let's move on to Buck.
Maybe we can chalk this up to Oliver's acting choices, but Buck's frustrated—angry, even—emotional response to Eddie's admission surprised me. He's genuinely upset that Eddie would force feelings instead of breaking things off now, even directly comparing himself to Ana because he too has loved someone who didn't reciprocate his feelings (presumably he's referencing Abby, questionably Ali as well). The writers' choice in having Buck compare his own love struggles to Eddie's here naturally drums up questions about his current relationship.
I find it ...interesting that Taylor and Buck's one scene (so far) has already implied there's trouble in paradise. Yet again, Buck seems more invested in his relationship than his partner does. No shade to Taylor or those who ship her with Buck, but why would the writers want the pair's first scene post-canonization to be Taylor choosing work over Buck? Even in a lighthearted scene? If the writers' intent wasn't getting the audience to question whether Buck's latest romantic endeavor will work out, then I'm not sure what they were doing in that scene.
Now, let's remember how the show reintroduced Ana and Taylor as love interests last season. Ana was first, then Taylor after a time jump in the latter half of the season, during which Ana and Eddie were already seeing each other. I remember fans speculating that Buck dipped his feet back in the dating pool not only because he was healing but also because Eddie had made the first step toward moving on. However you want to interpret Buck's choices, shipper goggles on or off, by the end of last season both Eddie and Buck entered two separate, seemingly healthy relationships. Two happily ever afters, two happy families.
Four months later and the fairytale's already fallen apart.
Perhaps Buck's knee-jerk frustration not only stems from his past wounds with Abby, but also because he's sensing he's veering down a familiar path with Taylor. He's angry less so because Eddie said he'd "stick it out" with Ana, but more so because he's always the person people "stick it out" with. Shipper goggles on, maybe he's angry at himself for jumping into another relationship that isn't working when he only reentered the dating pool because of Eddie...whether that be out of jealousy, fear of being left behind, or repressing his confusing feelings.
Eddie's on a clear path to renewed singlehood, and Buck's storyline already leaves room for a similar journey. It's too early to tell, especially with how the writers have dealt with Buddie in the past, but if the show really wanted to quash the ship...why all of this? Will the beginnings of their respective relationships mirror their ends, with Eddie breaking up with Ana in the first half of the season, then Buck in the latter?
The question of the night remains: why break up the couples they just built and write off the characters they just reintroduced if they have no intention of pursuing Buddie romantically?
Maybe they'll push a platonic soulmate narrative where Buck and Eddie raise Chris together and are a family unit, but as bros—but that seems a bit ridiculous after knocking out both of their girlfriends, especially if they're trying to avoid claims of queerbaiting. You never know when there's a general audience to appease as well, though.
Based on what I've seen tonight, however, we may have a genuine chance. At least more of a chance then I thought last season.
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