#therell be enough ppl to know who the real enemy is
7amaspayrollmanager · 4 months
The arab world's history of bloodshed against palestinians cannot be understated. In Lebanon u got literal segregation and apartheid laws leveled just to keep palestinians out of their face. At college I met a palestinian student who traveled from Lebanon and he said to this day he never goes into east beirut bc of the discrimination against palestinians. But I still die hard for the Lebanese and when the port explosion happened palestinians from the refugee camps (which take several Lebanese checkpoints to get into) were giving blood to the victims. And then few weeks later as you're hearing about food prices soaring u had Lebanese grumbling online about the "aid" palestinians get in comparison to them. And you think we are never getting out of this together lmao never getting the revolution
But i also think of that video of a child in Egypt telling a palestinian refugee that "all of this is yours. Don't say it's mine. It's yours." I think that political consciousness is rising and the children stand in solidarity and so if, God forbid, palestinians are pushed out into Egypt that the ppl will stand by them. That they don't fall for the conquer and divide trick when food prices rise and poverty rises. But knowing that syrian refugee camps are still facing arson attacks and how Sudani refugees r treated in Egypt it's hard to have hope but I still do
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