#theres 4 of the pink ones in various sizes
lonelysheepling · 2 years
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A Creature's Warning
Full Poem
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Image ID in alt and below the cut
[Image ID: Comic with 24 panels. 
Panel 1: black image with a painting of a distant, glowing light with minor spacial distortion under it, there is text under the image that reads “While I sit in a silent abyss, gazing upon a stolen light, I ponder the other” 
Panel 2: a drawing of a dark creature with pink eyes looking at its reflection is in the corner of the image, next to it is a looping complex pattern of carrying colors and designs, on the opposite corner there is another pattern, this one is more like swirls and circles. There is text on the image that reads “Dimensions separate from my own, occupied by gods and creatures of great splendor” 
Panel 3: An image separated into 3 panels, the first panel depicts a desert, the second a forest, and the third a big wave, the images towards the bottom have extreme color distortion. The text reads “Deserts that never darken, forests that never burn, and seas that never calm” 
Panel 4: A London neighborhood seen from a high up view, its black and white and looks painted. A woman with black, starry skin and bright neon pink hair looms above the buildings. The text reads “A colorful puppeteer playing with a greyscale town” 
Panel 5: A stylized painting of a woman depicted as a white silouette shaking hands with a human sized praying mantis. In the background there are humans and other mantises watching. Theres a stylized golden ring behind their handshake meant to portray a sense of divinity/prosperity. The text reads “A species that has accomplished all their goals yet never stops their journey” 
Panel 6: A stylized, monochromatic painting of two people, the woman is stabbing the man, both their eyes glow and bleed gold. There is a transparent white swirling pattern going from the woman’s eyes to the man’s. The text reads “One lone entity using her immortality to play every part” 
Panel 7: A heavily distorted image depicting a human-like creature with a crown, she has adoring fans in the background. Next to her is a silouette of an individual with a ghost like apparition circling them. Finally, next to him there is a complex pattern with saturated/contrasting colors. The whole image is a blend of white, neon magenta, purple, royal blue and black, the background is a dark purple. The text reads “ the royalty, the invisible, the indiscernible” 
Panel 8: Black background, on the bottom right there are a bunch of simplistic painted eyes with flowing lines looping around them and circles of various colors dotted in between the lines. The text reads “I watch them, their creation, their destruction, their glorious reign” 
Panel 9: A black background. There are 3 drawings of a woman with a head covering. They are simple white outlines lined up next to each other. The first woman on the far left is looking towards us like she’s just noticed us behind her. The second woman in the middle is only slightly glancing at us. The third woman on the right is turned away from us completely. The text reads “Only a few look back, some linger then turn away, and some choose not to look at all” 
Panel 10: Black background with white text that reads “But some reach out” 
Panel 11: Black background, a black hand is reaching down towards the text, it is only visible because of the swirling pattern on its skin which helps outline it. There is a glowing golden circle behind it which also helps illuminate it. The text its reaching towards reads “hands grasping upon shallow air, pleading for something to meet their palms and pull them from their reality” / 
Panel 12: A crude drawing looking down on someones jet black hands, there are thin white lines and stars on their skin. This drawing is on top of a dark grey background, there’s a black bar beneath the drawing with white text that reads “But my hands cannot aid, only destroy” 
Panel 13: An image with multiple images overlaid over one another, its a mess of various colors and barely discernible shapes. There is text over it that almost blends into it reading “Why do they reach out? Is their own reality too unbearable? Why do they seek refuge in my abyss?” 
Panel 14: Black background, with white text that starts with a pause then reads “Or do they wish to pull me in?” 
Panel 15: A vivid simplistic drawing of a jet black creature with white hair and pink eyes. The drawing has heavy image distortion around the edges. Behind it there’s a similarly distorted blend of colors and music notes with white text over it that reads “Sing out to me with songs of melancholy” 
Panel 16: A black background. Theres a speech bubble but the dialogue is just a light colored jumbled mess of swirling lines and circles. The patterns look like they’re bleeding out of the speech bubble. There is white text next to it that reads “Plead with words of desperation” 
Panel 17: Black background with white text that reads “To gain my favor? To win my trust?” 
Panel 18: Another simple drawing of a creature with white hair and pink eyes, but its skin blends into the background. There is minor color distortion around it. There is text embedded into its skull reading “Like parasites they burrow into my mind, and tempt my action” 
Panel 19: Black background with white text that reads “Did something break their reality or did they break their own” 
Panel 20: A giant mess of complex patterns, shapes, lines, and tiny details. The pattern is mirrored on each side of the image, overlaid on a black background. There is white text in the center of the image reading “Do they now seek to pull me in? To feast upon me? To extend their dying light? So desperate to feed that they risk desolation from my hands”
Panel 21: Black image 
Panel 22: Black image 
Panel 23: Black image with white text that reads “Their hands reach out and urge me to take them” 
Panel 24: Black image with white text that reads “I turn away” / End ID]
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six-of-ravens · 2 years
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Aren't they so friggin cute??!!
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prof-peach · 3 years
:0 I've never seen the other Pokemon on your team, what are they like?
My perma-team is a vulpix, Valka, a 20+ year old heavy hitter, despite her small stature. She was my very first pokemon, through gritted teeth we bonded, and now I fondly refer to her as my shadow. I go no where without her. She puts everyone who resides on the island in their place with unnerving strength. like literally any comic she's somewhere in the background, if not underfoot. Not hard to find more art of her, she is quite menacing.
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Then we have Booker, Teddiursa, silly old grumpy bear. He had a hard time with poachers when he was real young, and imprinted on me during my ranger days many years ago now. He doesn't want to evolve, wears an everstone bead on his tail. He's partially blind on one side but we hiked to a colony of Machop and trained with them in the mountains for months to help him regain balance and confidence! He seems grouchy but is actually sweet.
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Then we got Minerva, a shiny lopunny i nabbed at an airport when i was quite young, from a bad breeder. she was a scabby weedy flea infested runt when we first met, hardly the pink colour you'd usually expect from her type. She is fierce and fearless, will jump head first into anything with confidence and style. Loves to dress up, steals a lot of my nicer clothes. Will smash you into bits if you cross her, a total diva and i'd change nothing.
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you've no doubt recently noticed the posts about Boadicea, a CharizardXGarchomp hybrid who's the baby of the group. Needy, clingy, total idiot, lap pokemon despite her ridiculous size. Very fast mount for flying.
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For ground travel i use a dear Stantler called Donut, he's rather docile if you're not a problem to his "herd", with a neck so thick and strong you can hold onto his antlers and be lifted with ease. He's very chill.
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We got a delivery Noctowl whos been around the block with me a few times too, lil guys really friendly, no real name for him, we all just call him 'Fancy pants' or 'dude'. hes got fancy eyebrows.
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Of course not forgetting Quintin, a Scizor, my first egg hatch ever, been with me since i was a real youngster, a gentle soft sweet boy with a heart of gold, and collectively about 4 braincells. We all adore him.
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then theres the house pokemon, each of these has blurb in the blog somewhere, they're all rather naughty... except Bob and Rosco. They're a delight.
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uhhh lets see, this rat is always under my feet.
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And then theres the pokemon who are out and about. the team mates who do jobs around the island, usually maintaining the peace.
Theres also 3 Bronzong that hang about the island,
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Some notable partners from my various travels and adventures would iniclude
Dutch - Porygon-Z (helps around the lab, very loving, bit mad)
Typhlosion - Propane (odd markings, a spicy meatball)
Grimm - Steelix (real docile, very into scratches)
Riot - Lycanroc/midnight (Fiery, naughty, likes to thrash)
Suneater - Golisopod (shy, kind and very smart, loves to be alone)
Jewel - Ribombee (mean tempered! fussy)
Wotsit - Vikavolt (real clingy and super curious, to a fault)
Hemlock - Heracross - (a total babe, really protective and jolly)
Potato - -Bulbasaur (strict but fair, very old)
Murdoc - Crobat (timid in the light, proud of his speed)
Sugar - Tyranitar (Soft baby lady, total gentle giant)
Summer - Meganium (variant lady, gentle, calming aura, healer)
Tobi - Dreadnaw (rare water type for me, he's always sleeping)
Moss - Stonjourner (covered in moss, aptitude for grass attacks)
Zeplin - Aerodactyl (old battle maiden, now retired to the mountains)
Madam - Eldegoss - (will try to poison you, shiny, total nuisance)
I must admit, i often am one to release pokemon back to the wild, but the ones mentioned here are pokemon who have had the option to leave, and have chosen to stick around (apart from Madam who is a liability if left to go free), at least for now. We've been on many adventures together, and now work side by side managing the island. I have yet to draw them all but theres at least some visuals here for you. This also doesn't include pokemon who are residents at the lab and its facilities, who like our company but are not technically registered to myself or any of the staff. We breed all kinds of grass types, and they're all pretty friendly give or take, so if we have a certain job that needs more hands, we can call upon the residents who suit the work. Many of them have been through treatment or rehab with us, and we've built up a relationship with them, enough to work well together.
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bonus 2, post chapter 4
first - previous - next
[image  description: an sac webcomic page. 5 pages styled in a manner similar to a medical brochure titled “navigating your new abilities, what does this mean for me?”. the brochure is about superpowers, what the are, side effects and health risks, and job oppurtunities. the brochure has white and light blue for the main colours, with a dark purple accent. page 1: mostly showing a girl transforming, with the title listed above, with smaller text reading “created and supported by the paragon institute for superheroism.” the girl is a younger white woman who has a light purple colour scheme, long straight hair and bangs, a crop top, and elbow pads. shes shown from the waist up, half her body and an arm cut out of the photo. her transformation takes the form of dripping black-purple goop spreading, with a starry texture. a similar texture takes up the image background.
page 2: title: what are superpowers?. “Superpower is a term used for superpowered abilities that go beyond the natural abilities and conventional laws of reality. There are little limits to the potential types of abilities that a super powered person may possess.
It is currently unknown what causes superpowered abilities. Despite many theories, the only known way to guarantee superpowers is to inherit them from a parent.
London has the highest percentage of superpowered people in the entire world, in addition to having 42% of all supers in the united kingdom”
next to this text is a grinning woman in pink winking while posing with one hand on her hip, and the other in a fist held up. the woman has long wavy pale pink hair, light brown skin, many freckles, and hot pink eyes. her outfit is a pink dress and gloves, pale pink tattered cape, and a hot pink long sleeved undershirt.
“how do i use and control my abilities? Superpowered people will typically have an innate sense for how to transform and use their abilities,but like any skill it will take time and effort to fully control their abilities.
In some rare cases, a superpowered person may lack control over their powers to the extent where it can cause harm to those around them.
This is most common in those who have inherited their abilities. In these cases the P.I.S offers programs to assist these people in learning control with 24/7 care and supervision. If you or someone you know requires these programs, please call our number or otherwise contact us via our website.
Due to the range of superpowered abilities, there is no one-size-fits-all method of developing control, however, the P.I.S do offer training services, of which you can read more about atwww.pis.uk/pis-services/training
next to this is a teenage superhero, an androgynous boy with a grey colour scheme, smiling slightly, his arm turning into smoke. he has light grey hair and eyes, brown skin and a dark grey bodysuit. he has a grey poncho/cape conbo and gloves, both of which are lined with light grey fleece or fur. his outfit looks as if is was meant for cold weather.
page 3: what are some other symptoms of superpowered abilities? Superpowers are also accompanied by complete transformations, including bodily and outfit transformations. Body transformations will include a change of eye and hair colour, but can also include a wide variety of changes, commonly including changes to eyes, ears, and hands, animal-like features, changes in shape, colour, additional limbs and features, and more.
below that is 5 examples, inside circles with a white border: a close up of an eye, all blue including sclera, the pupil is pale and slit like a cat. next is a close up of a green haired braid. next if also from behind, a red haired person with red wings, the longest feathers of which are white. while the last three arent of any known character, the latter two are wraith, shown from behind, only showing hair and a cape, and part of an arm, and quartz, a close up of his elf-like ear.
Outfit transformations are even more varied in appearance, and will typically be in various shades of the persons 'main' colour. It is common for the outfit to contain additional accessories, tools, and weapons. Electronic devices created from these transformations do not need recharging and if using internet or data, will use the strongest available signal to do so. It is illegal to create, use, or otherwise have in the open, a weapon in public without a registered superhero licence.
The act of transformation will vary from person to person, but will usually involve a bright light, and is likely to reflect the user's powers of their effects. In the case of those inheriting their abilities, they will inherit body traits and transformations from any and all superpowered ancestors.
The effects of a transformation will likely change through a superpowered person's lifetime. A change will usually happen after a dramatic change in the person's personality, ideals, traumatic incident, or other life development, although a change is not guaranteed, and will rarely occur without these.
The first transformation will usually be the simplest aesthetically both in outfit and body, with simple details, but will usually get more complicated, and it's likely to gain more body transformations as more changes happen. A superpowered person may experience 1-2 changes every 10 years.
Objects and outfits created via transformation will dissipate upon detransformation, regardless of if it is removed from the person. The same goes for additional limbs and features that do not exist on the original body, although these injuries are permanent, unlike clothes and objects which will reform upon transformation.
page 4: other known possibilities of transformations:
- Partial changes to a transformation may occur in the event of permanent injury, such as gaining a prosthetic after losing a limb, but nothing else in the outfit changes.
-It is possible for a transformation's change to be affected by other superpowered persons. This is commonly shown by similarities in outfit transformations, as elements of the superpowered persons apperance change to resemble each other.
-Changes in colour are extremely rare and usually only occur in small aspects
other changes and risks: Some changes are permanent and may not disappear when a superpowered person detransforms.
-Reproductive changes: Any biological offspring will have the exact same powers as the parent. However, pregnancy will be risky, and have a high rate of failure, especially if the mother does not have any superpowered abilities.
-Dreams: While there is no known reason for this occurrence, supers will rarely be able to remember their dreams, except those with dream related abilities or legacy supers. However, despite this the people in question will usually be experiencing nightmares, and superpowered people are at high risk for night terrors and sleep terror disorder.
-A superpowered person's body will adapt to their powers and it is extremely unlikely for one to be harmed by their own power, but this may result in permanent changes that may cause inconvenience in daily life. If this is something you or a loved one experience, please inform your GP
-Overuse of powers: While powers appear to be adapted to not cause harm to the user, overuse of powers can result in a large amount of pain and possible long term damage
below that is an image of two people, on looking like a doctor, a pale man with dull brown hair and dull green eyes, dressed as a doctor and smiling with a clipboard, looking at a person shown from  behind, with long mint hair.
page 5: what does this mean for me?
Discovering and controlling your abilities is often the first step one may take inbecoming a superhero. Here at the P.I.S we offer many pathways to doing so,including all required training, courses, and experiences.
We also acknowledge that some super powered people do not seek to become asuperhero, but the P.I.S still has a place for them! We offer many career pathsand courses for almost any job and  our career advisors can match up the perfectpower-job combinations to give you a leg up if you are interested in using yourabilities in your career.  For more information, visit jobs.pis.uk
Use of powers in a job, or to otherwise earn money using superpowered abilities,without a license is a serious offence that can result in fines starting from £5000,and a potential ban from working in that field.
below is the superhero arrow, grinning at a woman in a plain looking suit. he has one hand on his hip and the other is shaking hands with the woman. the women has red hair and eyes, and pointy red nails.
Due to the nature of superpowered abilities, it is important to gettailored advice and support for affected individuals.For more information call us at our support helpline at 020 7946 0xxx. Both our lines are open from 8:30am-10pm mon-fri and 9:30am-9pm sat.You can also visit our website for more resources at pis.uk/resources. end id]
sorry for last weeks lack of update, irl stuff is happening too much and too fast
anyway heres something ive wanted to do for a while, a pamphlet thats kinda medical style? it seemed like it would be fun and i wanted an excuse to try something new and im always down to infodump (affectionate) about my ocs
however im half asleep, ive already delayed an update for a week, and im a little stressed so i didnt get a proper proofread so sorry if theres any typo or if i left a placeholder in ill get it later if i see any late
edit: did i really forget to fucking finish the fake phone number at the end? anyway sometimes fake phone numbers are reserved for tv and stuff if a phone number is needed, thats the one used for london fake numbers, i just forgot to finish it until i went back to write the id there
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Muscle Soreness - Use Muscle Soreness To Your Advantage
While i do very much respect the privacy of my clients and their desire educate out for the limelight, for some that I wouldn't willingly share various key aspects what makes pro athlete workouts far superior from the average guy is hammering away at with much less results. Yourrrre able to . lies with what they Don't do rather compared to what they Create.
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det-vackraste · 7 years
99 questions I stole somewhere so I could answer them
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? I enjoy having them neatly closed, but I always hang clothes and stuff over them, so they end up being open 2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? Sometimes. If they've felt nice when I've used them. 3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Tucked in. 4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No, but my dad stole one with a wild boar on it 5: Do you like to use post-it notes?<br> I do, never actually do it though.<br> 6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? Yeah.. 7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? Swarm of bees? 8: Do you have freckles? I do, but they're mostly visible after I've gotten some sun on my face. 9: Do you always smile for pictures? Very often, but I also do this very stupid thing where I sort of scrunch up my nose and mouth when people take my picture. Don't know why.. 10: What is your biggest pet peeve? Cliché, but chewing with an open mouth. 11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Not that I can think of, but I'm easily influenced, so I might start unwillingly now. Thanks. 12: Have you ever peed in the woods? Lol yeah 13: What about pooped in the woods? Lol yeah 14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? Yeah. 15: Do you chew your pens and pencils? No, but I bite my nails when I'm restless 16: How many people have you slept with this week? One 17: What size is your bed? Queen size (?), 160cm 18: What is your Song of the week? Only Angel, by Harry Styles 19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yes. YES. 20: Do you still watch cartoons? Don't really watch tv, so it doesn't happen that often, but when I do I enjoy it. 21: Whats your least favorite movie? I am legend. Fuck that movie. You all know what I mean. 22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Somewhere too obvious for people to bother looking there. 23: If you're a girl, bra size? If you're a guy, pants size? Oh, let's see if I can get this right in some sort of international size.. 34DD (75E in Swedish sizes) 24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in? I don't eat chicken nuggets, but I would dip them in ketchup. 25: What is your favorite food? Tacos. End of story. 26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Spirit, Hercules.. probably more. I'm very easily entertained by movies. 27: Last person you kissed/kissed you? My boyfriend. 28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout? Nope. 29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Don't like being public, so I wouldn't wanna be in a magazine. I could probably strip in a small club or at a party though. Wouldn't mind that too much. Could be fun. 30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? Wow... eeh.... like 7 years ago when I wrote a letter to future me. 31: Can you change the oil on a car? In theory yes. Never actually done it though. 32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Nein. I'm lame in traffic. 33: Ever ran out of gas? No, close though. 34: Favorite kind of sandwich? Tomato, Swedish präst cheese, some salt and pepper on a nice sourdough bread. 35: Best thing to eat for breakfast? I really enjoy oatmeal with fresh blueberries and raspberries, and some cinnamon. 36: What is your usual bedtime? Depends on if I have work the day after. If I do, I try to be asleep by like 11pm. If I don't, I usually go to sleep at like 1am or something like that. 37: Are you lazy? Yeah.. 38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? Didn't really dress up that much for halloween. Live in a tiny village, so there weren't really that many opportunities. 39: What is your Chinese astrological sign? Rat I think..? 40: Are you horny? Man, most of the time yeah. 41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions? No I don't, had one when I was like ten. 42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs? Legos of course. What even are Lincoln logs? 43: Are you stubborn? I can be... but like in a low-key way. 44: Who is better...Leno or Letterman? Those names don't ring a bell, really... so I don't know 45: Ever watch soap operas? Not my thing really. 46: Are you afraid of heights? If I'm standing on a high edge, I am, but not otherwise. 47: Do you sing in the car? Lol yeah... too much and too loud. I think people on the streets can hear me go. 48: Do you sing in the shower? No, for some reason I don't really do that? 49: Do you dance in the car? Yeah 50: Ever used a gun? I've used an air rifle, but that's about it. Doesn't really count maybe? 51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Uhhh...? Like... three and a half years ago for picture day? 52: Do you think musicals are cheesy? Yeah. They are. Love them though. 53: Is Christmas stressful? Can be. Especially when I've postponed Christmas gift shopping. 54: Ever eat a pierogi? Yeah man, made 'em myself many times. 55: Favorite type of fruit pie? Blueberry or rhubarb 56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Okey. So... I wanted to be a ballerina that danced around in a flower shop. No lie. 57: Do you believe in ghosts? Don't know if I believe in ghosts, per se, but I think it seems fishy that death is just nothing? You know? 58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Too many times, man. 59: Take a vitamin daily? I try to take vitamin D sort of daily in the winter, to sort of compensate for the lack of sun we have here in the north during winter. 60: Wear slippers? When I'm somewhere sunny on vacation. 61: Wear a bath robe? When I borrow my boyfriend's to run to the bathroom at night. 62: What do you wear to bed? Nothing. Everyone should. 63: First concert? I think it was Amy Diamond, this really young, Swedish sweetheart that was popular like 12 years ago in Sweden. Saw her when I was like eight. Good one. Besides that, my first real concert was the ark I think.. Great Swedish band! 64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Don't have any of those in Sweden, and can't remember if I've been to any of them when I've travelled, so.... none? 65: Nike or Adidas? Nike? 66: Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos? Maybe? Never had 'em though. 67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? I like sunflower seeds, man. 68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? Nah. 69: Ever take dance lessons? Yeah I did. A took various kinds of dance classes for like six years. Classic ballet, street, jazz, musical.. really fun! 70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Oh wow... man I don't even know what I picture myself doing. As long as they're happy with what they're doing, I don't care all that much. 71: Can you curl your tongue? Yeaaa 72: Ever won a spelling bee? Never been in one 73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy? I cry quite easily, so yeah. 74: Own any record albums? I do, very many. Enjoy the feeling of actually having the album. 75: Own a record player? Not anymore :/ 76: Regularly burn incense? I used to, but then I got lazy. 77: Ever been in love? Am in love now. 78: Who would you like to see in concert? Would be cool to see Bastille or arctic monkeys, cause I haven't seen them. Other than that I've seen most of the ones I want to see live. 79: What was the last concert you saw? Uhh... I saw Hozier last February. But other than that the last concert I saw was probably with my friend's band, Royal Prospect. Check them out, they're great and also up and coming! 80: Hot tea or cold tea? Hot. But also cold. Both. 81: Tea or coffee? Tea. 82: Sugar or snickerdoodles? What in the hell is snickerdoodles? 83: Can you swim well? I can, yes. 84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes. Is that a thing? 85: Are you patient? I can be very patient, but also childishly impatient. 86: DJ or band, at a wedding? Band. Jazzy ish. 87: Ever won a contest? Won a quiz at school once. Won chocolate. Good one. 88: Ever have plastic surgery? Nope. 89: Which are better black or green olives? Black. 90: Can you knit or crochet? I actually knit half a beanie in school like five or six years ago, but I barely knew what I was doing then, and definitely don't now. 91: Best room for a fireplace? In the bedroom, by the bed. But not too close. Be safe, kids. 92: Do you want to get married? Yes, I'd like that. 93: If married, how long have you been married? Am not married. In a 3+ years relationship though. 94: Who was your HS crush? My current boyfriend. 95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? Not really.. 96: Do you have kids? Nope. 97: Do you want kids? Yes I do. 98: Whats your favorite color? Deep, Slytherin green, sunset ish orange, or any shade of grey. 99: Do you miss anyone right now? My friend, who's been backpacking for like four months now, and is home in June or July. Also my other friend, who lives in Scotland, but moves home soooooon. Also my boyfriend, whom I met two days ago. I'm lame.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Top 25 Best Space Saving Hangers
LifeKit Three S-Type Sturdy Anti-rust Metal Steel 5 Tier Pants Hangers Set Magic Closet Storage Space Saving Hangers for Jeans, Trousers, Scarves(Black 4 PCS)
LifeKit Three S-Type Sturdy Anti-rust Metal Steel 5 Tier Pants Hangers Set Magic Closet Storage Space Saving Hangers for Jeans, Trousers, Scarves(Black 4 PCS) -Meet your multiple needs with lifekit stainless steel hangers, they can be used among various products and on different occasions these hangers are perfect for coats, clothes, towels, scarves, trousers, slacks, pants, ties, shirts, blouses, sweat pants etc to organize your closet, luggage or everywhere that you want the unique free end design makes you pick your cloth easily and conveniently. Satisfaction guarantee with lifekit, youre taking no risk with your purchase we offer 100% no risk money-back guarantee if youre not thrilled with your purchase for any reason just tell us and we will do our best to give you the most satisfactory solution please check our lifekit storefront for more slipper styles and other deals that are waiting for you. One in hand, save 5 times space why this magic hanger could save 5 times space but any other times because the s-type and unique 5-tier design make one hanger equal 5 hangers the 5-in-1 hanger could keep your jeans, slacks, scarves, tieorganized and let your closet accommodate things as many as possible. High-quality & well-made these s-type hangers are made of high-quality and high-density stainless steel, which guarantee the hangers more sturdy and undertaking more cloth and your accessories coved by eco-friendly colorful electrodeposited coatings cover, the stainless steel could be greatly protected for long time use unlike the common and dull hangers, the colorful pants hangers also wish to add more fashion into your lives. Avalable size and color available in one size 138(w)142(h)04(d), available in your choice of black and white.
5Star Metal Cascading Space Saving Closet Hangers (10)
5Star Metal Cascading Space Saving Closet Hangers (10) -The hanger features 2 hooks that secure to any standard closet rod to keep your clothes evenly spaced to avoid wrinkles and to make selection much faster. Specially designed to hold up to 6 hangers, this holder allows you to suspend and remove hangers quickly and easily. Use both hooks to hang clothing horizontally or maximize closet space by removing either side and let the hanger hold up to 6 garments in the space of 1. Closet space is a valuable commodity in most households. Maximize this space with these cascading hangers. Great for purses and belts too.
Closet Complete Premium Heavyweight, Velvet Suit Hangers Ultra-Thin, Space Saving, No-Slip, Best For Dresses, Suits & Shirts GOLD HOOKS, Fuchsia, Set of 50
Closet Complete Premium Heavyweight, Velvet Suit Hangers Ultra-Thin, Space Saving, No-Slip, Best For Dresses, Suits & Shirts GOLD HOOKS, Fuchsia, Set of 50 -Space saving hangers these thin velvety hangers, with dimensions 179 wide by 96 height by 1/5 thin, are made to maximize the closet space, allowing you to keep you clothes neatly organized. Notice please be sure to purchase closet complete products directly from amazoncom, (ships and sold by amazon) otherwise you may be buying counterfeit, imitation, non warranty, non company backed product. Non-slip design the velvety anti-slip texture of these elegant hangers along with their notched shoulders ensure that your clothes will be kept in place without slipping or falling off. Take the best care of your clothes these ultra soft velvety hangers are the best way to keep your ironed clothes in perfect condition, free of wrinkles and tugs. Value pack of 50 suit hangers with this pack of 50 velvet hangers with chrome finish, you can replace all your regular hangers at once perfect for dresses, suits, shirts, skirts, trousers & more. Extra durable construction these pink hangers are made of the most durable materials and they are extra reinforced to hold up to 10 pounds, while the supreme quality velvet prevents shedding.
Scarf & Tie Hanger, Closet Organizer, the No Snags Best Space Saving Hanger for Scarves, Pashminas, Infinity Scarves & Accessories (1-Bright Blue)
Scarf & Tie Hanger, Closet Organizer, the No Snags Best Space Saving Hanger for Scarves, Pashminas, Infinity Scarves & Accessories (1-Bright Blue) -Instructions provided we give you simple instructions to show you how to take full advantage of our hanger, so you can organize all of your things in the most efficient way holds over two dozen of your scarves, ties and accessories 28 in tall, 15 in wide, its large, full-sized and sturdy 28 large rings (3in wide) hold all your fashion accessories, its also a great organizer for your leggings, camisoles, undergarments, you name it. Customer service is alive at marcus mayfield we offer complete satisfaction, nothing less we feel that you, our customers are the most important part of our business, and we back that up with our actions if for any reason you are not completely satisfied with any of our products, we will replace or refund your order, no questions asked contact us directly so we can help with whatever is needed. Relief what a relief to go from tangled and cluttered mess, to organized and efficient no more cluttered closets, shelves, drawers (or piles on the floor) we all need some relief, thats why its also a perfect gift for your friends & family and we know how important gifts are, so we go out of our way to make sure they arrive on time. No snagging the marcus mayfield scarf & tie hanger, has no sharp edges or metal joints to catch your things on when you pull them off and place them back super easy is what customers say, and saves so much space it tucks away nicely in your closet, or you can hang it on a wall or door items pull through easily & are easy to put back when youre done. Make your busy mornings less stressful by saving valuable time no more searching, or worse yet, losing track of your things our scarf & tie hanger is large enough to hold them all and now you can see everything at a glance (in one place), and easily pick the one you want to wear.
Clothes Hangers Non-Slip Hangers, HOUSE DAY 10 Pack Light Weight Clothes Hangers Ultra Thin Space Saving Hangers Dark Purple
Clothes Hangers Non-Slip Hangers, HOUSE DAY 10 Pack Light Weight Clothes Hangers Ultra Thin Space Saving Hangers Dark Purple -The opening in the top of the hanger is great design, especially for hanging narrow-necked pullover tops without having to stretch them or feed the hanger from underneath. The silicone/rubbery material on the shoulders and on the bar of the hanger is a great non-slip idea, keeping the clothes from falling off, and yet theres no fuzz come off and damage your clothes, like velvet hangers do. If you want to use clips on these slimline hangers to hang skirts, you could try our house day grey finger clips, which are are designed to clamp on regular plastic hangers. The clothes hangers are lightweight but not broken easily as other cheap made hangers also, you could hang wet clothing to dry on the hanger, no deformation with strong ability. They are ultra-slim (1625 x 895 x 023 inches) and can increase closet space by up to 80% deceptively robust, they can hold heavy-weight items up to 11lbs without breaking or warping.
Household Mall Pack of 10 Pcs 15 inch Black Magic Hangers Closet Space Saving Wardrobe Clothing Hanger Oragnizer
Household Mall Pack of 10 Pcs 15 inch Black Magic Hangers Closet Space Saving Wardrobe Clothing Hanger Oragnizer -One set can hold up to 50 garments,high quality and strong enough to hold 5 clothes at the same time. Can be hung vertically or horizontally to maximize space. Measures 15x3x08. Magic cascading hangers for space saving. Ideal for apartments, dorms, small houses.
5 in 1 Stainless Steel Pants Hanger, Closet Organizer Space Saving Hangers, Multiple Metal Joist Trousers Hangers
5 in 1 Stainless Steel Pants Hanger, Closet Organizer Space Saving Hangers, Multiple Metal Joist Trousers Hangers -retractable and rotating hanging rods very flexible operation when you hang up and take off clothes from the magic hanger the hanging rods can be pull out and push back, also can rotate by almost 360 degree it will protect the hanger not to be out of shape. Tidy and save space in your closet hanging up 2 hooks let the hanger to be horizontal, that make all pants, jeans, scarf, ties etc compact and organized dropping down 1 of the hook let the hanger to be vertical, that save space in your closet. Durable material made of stainless steel and abs material, never get rust and be out of shape. After-salesservice we will resend you a new one if the hanger was broken in 6 months,just send us a picture proof. Keep pants crease-free, make all pants compact & orderly and pick them with ease design with 5 retractable hanging rods, each rod for one piece pant.
Zober Premium Quality Space Saving Velvet Hangers Strong and Durable Hold Up To 10 Lbs 360 Degree Chrome Swivel Hook Ultra Thin Non Slip Suit Hangers, Black 50 pack
Zober Premium Quality Space Saving Velvet Hangers Strong and Durable Hold Up To 10 Lbs 360 Degree Chrome Swivel Hook Ultra Thin Non Slip Suit Hangers, Black 50 pack -50 attractive black velvet non slip hangers featuring 360 degree swivel, shiny, chrome hooks and notched shoulders that will make hanging clothes a simple pleasure. The soft texture of the velvet clothes hangers grips delicate items such as camisoles and tanks with ease, while its sturdy, yet lightweight construction can withstand a maximum weight of 10 pounds ideal for hanging heavy garments such as coats. The shoulder line on the black velvet hangers is contoured to help preserve clothes shape and features precisely-cut notches for keeping straps in place. Free up to 50 percent more space on a garment rack with the ultra thin profile of these space-saving slim velvet hangers. The pant hangers feature a horizontal bar that is covered in luxurious velvet that both grips and prevents creases.
Dual Hanger by Wonder Hanger Twin Pack, Cascading, Closet Space Saving Hanger
Dual Hanger by Wonder Hanger Twin Pack, Cascading, Closet Space Saving Hanger -No assembly required easy to install start using your space saving clothes hangers right away. Unique pull-down hook allows cascading hangers to free up valuable closet space, 360-degree swivel makes it easy to position where you need them. Reinforced plastic hangers can solidly hold up to 20 lbs each, making them great for heavy coats, purses and more. Closet hanger organizers include led lighting to make it easy to see in dimly lit areas (requires 2 aa batteries, not included). Each set of magical space saving hangers holds up to 10 garments per closet hanger.
Lucky Fitness 3pcs Magic Hangers Closet Hanger Multifunctional Metal Clothes Hanger for Space Saving and Storage
Lucky Fitness 3pcs Magic Hangers Closet Hanger Multifunctional Metal Clothes Hanger for Space Saving and Storage -Solid metal bar, movable hooks that are sturdy with a permanent connection. So easy to use just pop the hooks into the holes on the end of the hanger, and start hanging your clothes. Ncreases closet space by better ideal it. Space-saving hangers accommodate clothing both horizontally and vertically. Helps keep clothes clean and wrinkle-free.
HOUSE DAY Magic Hangers Closet Space Saving Wardrobe Clothing Hanger Oragnizer Heavy White Coating Hangers, Updated Hook Design (6)
HOUSE DAY Magic Hangers Closet Space Saving Wardrobe Clothing Hanger Oragnizer Heavy White Coating Hangers, Updated Hook Design (6) -Pack of 6, say goodbye to a cramped closet with these cascading hangers measuring 1025 inches in length, each closet organizer holds up to 6 garments and can handle a whopping 50kg. Made of sturdy and durable metal with reinforced hooks, the wonder hanger wont bend or break and can hold any type of garment on wire, plastic, or wooden hangers. Large hook opening, the enhanced design of our cascading hangers features a much larger hook opening (161 inches) which could fit a wider range of closet rod diameters. No sharp edges, white coating finish made our cascading hangers has smoothed edging for safety, different from other wonder hangers with rough edging that can cut your hands. Magic hanger, increase the amount of hanging space in your closet with our magic wonder hangers the ingenious design allows you to store multiple garments on a single magic hanger, keeping your closet neat and tidy and your garments wrinkle-free.
HOUSE DAY Magic Hangers 10.5 Inch Closet Space Saving Wardrobe Clothing Hanger Oragnizer Heavy Chrome Hangers, Updated Hook Design
HOUSE DAY Magic Hangers 10.5 Inch Closet Space Saving Wardrobe Clothing Hanger Oragnizer Heavy Chrome Hangers, Updated Hook Design -No sharp edges, our advanced version has smoothed metal edging for safety different from other metal cascading hangers which are uncomfortable to hold, with rough edging that can cut your hands. Magic hanger, increase the amount of hanging space in your closet with our wonder magic hangers the ingenious design allows you to store multiple garments on a single magic hanger, keeping your closet neat and tidy and your garments wrinkle-free. Made of sturdy and durable metal with reinforced hooks, the space saving hangers wont bend or break and can hold any type of garment on wire, plastic, or wooden hangers. Pack of 4, say goodbye to a cramped closet with these cascading hangers measuring 1025 inches in length, each closet organizer holds up to 6 garments and can handle a whopping 50kg. Large hook opening, the enhanced design of our cascading hangers features a much larger hook opening (161 inches) which could fit a wider range of closet rod diameters.
Set of 5 Cedar Space Saving Hangers White Each 10 L supports up to 10 lb
Set of 5 Cedar Space Saving Hangers White Each 10 L supports up to 10 lb -Set of 5 cedar wardrobe organizers with 5 vertical hooks each. Cedar hanger organizers sort off-season garments, safely repelling moths and mildew with the natural power of aromatic cedar. 10 l supports up to 10 lbs. Can be used as belts and purses storage. Wood insert made from genuine cedar.
Xaestival Space Saving Closet Hangers for Bedroom OrganizationCloset Space for Easy, Effortless, Comes Fully Assembled, Black
Xaestival Space Saving Closet Hangers for Bedroom OrganizationCloset Space for Easy, Effortless, Comes Fully Assembled, Black -Materialthe durable and sturdy cloth hangers are made of heavy duty plastic which is capable of holding up to 11lbs. 5-slot the cloth hanger comes in a set of 10, each hanger features 5 slots to accommodate up to 5 hangers they are ideal for hanging t-shirts, pants, and skirts, and keep them neat, organized and wrinkle-free. Space-saving the space-saving design allows the hangers to be hung vertically or horizontally to maximize the storage capacity of your closet. Notch design each slot features notch design to keep hangers securely in place and prevent them from slipping off. Convenience the cloth hanger is a ultimate space-saving organization tool to complement your dressing room, dorm room, and hotel room.
Evelots Swivel Non Slip Rubber Coated Metal Cascading Space Saving Hangers,3 Set
Evelots Swivel Non Slip Rubber Coated Metal Cascading Space Saving Hangers,3 Set -Prevents clothes from sliding off set of 3 hangers are made from durable, chrome-plated metal. Great for hanging suit, blouses, shirts, and etc can be used separately or together. Set comes with 3 hangers total and each hanger has a hook so you can cascade the hangers saving space. Non-slip rubber coating keeps clothing on hanger & off the floor measures approximately 165 in width and 889 in height and 25 in diameter hang up to 3 suits or blouses in the space of 1 and increase closet space. Evelots has more than 500 products to offer please dont forget to visit our amazon store.
Space Saving Hangers
Space Saving Hangers -This 35 pcs set slim profile saves more than half the closet space when compare to wood or plastic hangers,it plush velour coating is soft to the touch and creates and excellent grip for all garments,even delicate silkno more clothes on the closet floor,it has superior weight and thickness holds suits and outwear securely.
Close Rack Hooks For Hanging Clothes 1Pcs 3D Space Saving Hanger Magic Clothes Hanger With Hook Closet Organizer Home Tool Racks Gg Clothing Wall Rack
Close Rack Hooks For Hanging Clothes 1Pcs 3D Space Saving Hanger Magic Clothes Hanger With Hook Closet Organizer Home Tool Racks Gg Clothing Wall Rack -Close rack hooks for hanging clothes if your closet is too packed too full or too unorganized you can instantly triple your closet space without the cost of customized closets keeps clothes organized and wrinkle free. Close rack hooks for hanging clothes works with any type of hangers color whitepackage includes 1 x clothes hanger rack(no retail box packed safely in the bubble bag). Close rack hooks for hanging clothes ideal for apartments dorms and downsizing great for seasonal storage. Close rack hooks for hanging clothes product description 100% brand new and high quality. Close rack hooks for hanging clothes also perfect for purses and belts easy on and off open design each wonder hanger holds 5 coat hangers.
Teal Velvet Hangers with Accessory Bar Perfect for Shirts, Dresses, and Delicate Clothing Non-Slip Velvety Smooth Texture Slim Space Saving Design- 50 Pack Set with Pink Bonus Hanger!- 18 Inches
Teal Velvet Hangers with Accessory Bar Perfect for Shirts, Dresses, and Delicate Clothing Non-Slip Velvety Smooth Texture Slim Space Saving Design- 50 Pack Set with Pink Bonus Hanger!- 18 Inches -Great for sweaters, blouses, shirts, scarves, and so much more. Perfect gift for christmas, a birthday, holiday gift, or a simple just because gift. Extremely durable teal velvet hangers that are smooth and soft to the touch, featuring notched shoulders to prevent slipping. Ultra thin space saving design with accessory bar allows you to maximize your closet space.
8-Pack Clothing Hanger Organizer Closet Space Saver -IUNIQEE Effortless Wrinkle-free Clothes Plastic Magical Cascading Hangers 4x Space Saving Solution for Your Closet White
8-Pack Clothing Hanger Organizer Closet Space Saver -IUNIQEE Effortless Wrinkle-free Clothes Plastic Magical Cascading Hangers 4x Space Saving Solution for Your Closet White -With this closet hanger can make clothes neat, organized and wrinkle-free. Perfect for downsizing, dorms and apartments with limited space. Each magic hanger has 5 slots and holds up to 30 lbs, high quality and strong enough to hold 5 clothes at the same time. Can be hung vertically or horizontally for space saving, works like magic for more than just clothes hangers. Foldable, rotatable and durable hangers for shirts, pants, blouses, coats, purses and more.
4 Pcs Assorted Colors Magic Space Saving Multi Hanger 5 holes Garment Clothes Coat Hangers Wonder Closet Clothing Hanging Organizer
4 Pcs Assorted Colors Magic Space Saving Multi Hanger 5 holes Garment Clothes Coat Hangers Wonder Closet Clothing Hanging Organizer -You can classify your clothes by this hanger. Color will be sent at random. Materialplastic. Total lengthabout 235cm. It is a good choice to save space in your room.
6 Pack Pants Hangers DOIOWN S-Shape Stainless Steel Clothes Hangers Space Saving Hangers Closet Organizer for Pants Jeans Scarf(5 Layers,6Pcs)
6 Pack Pants Hangers DOIOWN S-Shape Stainless Steel Clothes Hangers Space Saving Hangers Closet Organizer for Pants Jeans Scarf(5 Layers,6Pcs) -Size 1417(l) 1496(h) 03(w) inch. Space saver hangers durable and rust resistance it can be used for a long time & sturdy construction and wont easy to be out of shape & save space and keep your wardrobe clean and tidy & smooth surface and scratch resistance protect your pants and clothes from scratching and creases. Stainless steel pants hangers doiown s-type made of stainless steel which is durable and wont get rust. Shop with confidence we offer a 30 days money back guarantee if you have any questions, please feel free to reach us out our customer service will be more than happy to assit you. Order now you will get 6pcs high quality doiown s-type stainless steel hangers & our friendly customer service.
Sumnacon Over The Door Hook 2 Pieces Stainless Steel Towel Door Hook Hagner, Removable Cubicle Coat Hook, Space Saving Hanger for Cloth Towel Bag Belt, Suit for Door within 43mm / 1.69 inch
Sumnacon Over The Door Hook 2 Pieces Stainless Steel Towel Door Hook Hagner, Removable Cubicle Coat Hook, Space Saving Hanger for Cloth Towel Bag Belt, Suit for Door within 43mm / 1.69 inch -No hardware necessary, easy for use and remove. Fits securely over standard interior doors within 43mm / 169. Space saving, it can be used to door, cupboard, cabinet and drawer ect. Stainless steel construction, ensuring quality and longevity. To be hung over the top edge of a door to utilize the door space.
Premium Velvet Hangers, Y&M 50 Pcs Velvet Flocked Non-Slip Hangers Thin Space Saving Hangers with Steel Swivel Hooks for Female Suit Garment Coat Dress Pants Skirt
Premium Velvet Hangers, Y&M 50 Pcs Velvet Flocked Non-Slip Hangers Thin Space Saving Hangers with Steel Swivel Hooks for Female Suit Garment Coat Dress Pants Skirt -Slip resistance velvet surface with notched shoulders design, the velvet material will creates a non-slip surface increase the friction between the hangers and clothes to prevent slipping. Product dimension 163 x 91 x 025inch / 414 x 231 x 06cm. Multi-application suitable size for female clothing and great for hanging shirts, dresses, or accessories notched shoulders are convenient for hanging underwear and straps. Space saving ultra thin design maximises closet spacethe thickness of the hangers is about 06 cm, which takes less space than other hangers. Perfect design using the design of human shoulder curvature, gentle curves keep the shape of clothing 360 degree rotation and sturdy metal hook make it easier to hang or take down the clothes.
Hangerworld Pack of 120 Black Plastic Space Saving Connector Hooks for Coat Hangers 2 (4.8cm)
Hangerworld Pack of 120 Black Plastic Space Saving Connector Hooks for Coat Hangers 2 (4.8cm) -Ingenious hanger hook connector allowing several garments to be hung in a daisy chain saving lots of clothes space. Length = 48cm (2) width = 2cm (). Use with any coat hanger brilliant where rail space is a problem. Pack of 120 black plastic space saving connector hooks for coat hangers. Simply place over any hanger hook and insert an additional hanger hook into the connector.
10pcs Home Stable Clothes Hanger Connector Cascading Clothes Rack Hook Chest Space-saving Attachment
10pcs Home Stable Clothes Hanger Connector Cascading Clothes Rack Hook Chest Space-saving Attachment -Organize your outfits from head to toe with these fabulous hooks. Stable and practical designed space saving clothes hangers for economically cascade hangers. Space-saving when using with hangers to hang more clothes. Wind slip, easy to use, not easy to make clothes deformation. Great for hanging shirts, blouses and etc, can be used separately or together. Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/top-25-best-space-saving-hangers
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unifycosmos · 6 years
Best Mediation Cushion in 2019 [Review of Zabuton or Zafu Pillows]
How do I know if I need a meditation cushion? And if so, what’s the best meditation cushion for me? Is there a cushion that can help me with my meditation posture, and if so, what is it?
I am going to try out 12 different cushions for my meditation practice and let you know which one works best for me. You might be able to determine which type of cushion you’ll need, too.
We all have different body types and need support in different areas, so while I might like one best, you might find another one that suits your personal needs better.
COMPARISON TABLE – Best Mediation Cushion in 2019
Searching for the Best Meditation Cushion in 2019
After tons of research (and a lot of sitting), I have narrowed my findings down to the top 12 best meditation cushions in 2019. I’ll answer all your questions along the way. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty.
1. Gaiam Zafu Cushion
What I love about the Gaiam Zafu Cushion is that it’s both organic and comfortable. Another great thing about it is I can adjust the cushion if I want it more or less firm, and it’s really easy to wash. I’ve had cushions that had no way of removing the cover, or it was very difficult to do so, and this one removes very easily.
The Zafu comes in black, purple, or teal, and the filling is organic buckwheat hull. It helps support your posture and relieves pressure on the knees, ankles, and back.
It has a handle, so it’s easy to carry
Easy to wash
Firmness is adjustable
Made of organic buckwheat
Relieves pressure on knees, ankles, and back
It’s a bit heavy, weighing about 5 ½ pounds
Comes in just 3 colors
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2. Waterglider International Zafu Yoga Cushion
The Watercolor International Zafu Cushion is great for sitting during lengthy meditations. It’s also made with the buckwheat hulls, which feels soft and similar to a bean bag. This particular cushion is sturdy and lasts a long time.
Ethically sourced from farmers in the USA
Great for soundwave therapy
Comfortable: firm enough to keep you off the ground, and soft enough to support your joints
Not machine washable
Some report seams coming apart with prolonged usage
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3. REEHUT Zafu Yoga Cushion
I really like this meditation cushion because it’s designed for all styles and meditation postures for yoga. I keep it in my “yoga corner,” where I can sit and listen to binaural beats. It really helps me reset myself and feel more refreshed during the day.
If you are flexible, you can order the smaller sizes at 4.5” height; if you need extra support, it’s best to go for the 6” height.
Cover is easy to remove and machine washable
Great for soundwave therapy and brainwave entertainment
Very comfortable
Variety of sizes available
Construction can be an issue with prolonged usage
Colors may vary slightly from the picture
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4. Peace Yoga Zafu Cushion
The Peace Yoga Zafu cushion is very beautifully designed, and has a phenomenal balance of pliability and firmness. As a bonus, this cushion can double as a yoga block, which makes it really helpful for stretching. That’s a really great way to save on yoga accessories.
Beautiful Designs
Dual purpose as a yoga block
Machine washable
The zipper can become an issue with prolonged usage
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5. Yoga Accessories Round Zafu Cushion for Meditation
If color is your thing, I’d go with the Yoga Accessories Round Zafu cushion. There are 18 different designs, all of which are very unique. It’s also listed at a lower price point, which can be helpful for many people.
Many varieties of colors and designs
Priced lower
Choice between silk or cotton for outer layer
Choice between round or crescent shape
Height can shrink over prolonged use
Is too firm for some
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6. Bean Products Zafu and Zabuton Meditation cushion Set
The Zafu and Zabuton meditation cushion set is just what you need to get into the ideal position for meditation. The combination of the small Zafu cushion and the larger Zabuton mat gives you all the space and support for maximum relaxation.
You can mix and match the Zafu and Zabuton meditation set however you like. There’s a broad range of colors to choose from, including black, white, navy, green, purple, burgundy, and many shades between.
The Zafu cushion comes in 14” and 18” sizes. Since the cushions are not sewn together, you can use either individually or as a set.
For an all-in-one solution, the Zafu and Zabuton Meditation cushion set is one of the best mediation cushion options around.
Two pieces for use separately or in conjunction
Wide range of colors
Comfortable bean filling that can be replaced when necessary
Great customization options
Difficult, if not impossible, to wash
Zabuton cushion can be firm, which may not suit some people
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7. Gaiam Meditation Cushion Zabuton
The Gaiam Zabuton meditation cushion is an affordable way to get started. Measuring 36”Lx24”Wx4” thick, it comes in three colors — black, purple, and teal.
This meditation cushion is light, comfortable, and properly aligned. It provides correct support for your knees, ankles and back, and can be combined with a Zafu cushion for maximum effect.
The body forming cotton baffing can be easily removed to wash the outer casing. Simply unzip, unpack, and throw the casing in the washing machine.
Comfortable body-forming cotton filling
Provides good support
Affordable entry-level Zabuton cushion
You might need to shell out extra for a Zafu cushion
Cotton filling can get lumpy and deflated after repeated use
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8. Zenjara Zafu Yoga Meditation Cushion
The Zenjara Zafu meditation cushion is an excellent option for those who don’t need a Zabuton — or who have one and want a Zafu for extra support.
Zenjara’s meditation cushion offering comes in three colors — blush pink, cloud grey, and sea green. It’s approximately 13” in diameter, with adjustable height.
The cushion contains an inner cushion stuffed with buckwheat. By removing filling from the inner cushion, you can adjust the height and firmness of the Zafu meditation cushion to suit your needs.
Unlike many meditation cushions, Zenjara has sewn an attractive, relaxing design into the cushion to add style to your meditation sessions.
Adjustable sizing to suit your needs
Textured cushion for style and comfort
Convenient carry handle
Emptying and refilling the inner bag can be messy
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9. Tibetan Singing Bowl Set with Meditation Cushion
Nothing quite sets the mood like a traditional Tibetan singing bowl. The soothing tones are perfect for cutting out distractions and focusing on finding your peace.
This set comes with the bowl, dual surface mallet, and silk resting cushion. You can choose between black, brown, white and bronze colors. Each colored bowl comes with a different style of cushion to match.
The included mallet allows for hard strikes or softer ringing. To make the bowl sing, simple rub the mallet around the outer lip of the bowl. Faster turns produce higher tones, while slower circles produce lower tones.
Sets the mood for relaxation and meditation
Makes a beautiful decorative piece when not in use
Four different designs
Some buyers have had issues getting their bowls to “sing”
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10. Zafuko Yoga, Meditation, Kundalini and Pilates Cushion
If round Zafu cushions aren’t your style, this Zafuko meditation cushion might be what you’re after. Swapping the usual cylindrical shape for a box rectangle, the Zafuko Zafu pillow is a versatile tool to have.
Measuring 14″ x 7″ x 5, the Zafuko is compact and weighs just 1.2 pounds. I found it to be just as useful as a cushion as it as a block, pillow, or even a bolster. While it didn’t provide any relief for knees, it was simple enough to choose a sitting position to work around it.
The Zafuko meditation cushion comes in a wide variety of colors and styles, such as black and red, cherry peach, deep blue sea, green and violet, and much more.
This cushion is very eco-friendly, filled with 100% Kapok. Kapok is also known as silk cotton or Java cotton — a hygienic, vegan, hypoallergenic material that provides maximum support and comfort.
Small and easy to carry
Comes in a wide range of attractive colors and styles
Filling can’t be removed for washing
May limit some available poses if used on its own with sore knees
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11. Leewadee Meditation Set: Zafu Cushion, Zabuton Mat
Leewadee’s meditation set is another 2-in-1 deal: both a Zafu cushion and Zabuton mat in one package, which can be used separately or together.
I found the double sets to be the best meditation cushion options for me, as it creates a harmonious esthetic for me to relax in. This set come in a variety of colors, such as orange, black, and blue. My personal choice was the Sky Blue.
This set does leave out some features you can find when buying items individually, though — like adjustable heights and firmness. Some may find the set a bit too firm for their backs for daily use.
Attractive, unified designs
Convenient all-in-one set
Provides great support
May be too firm for regular use for some people
Some smaller users may find the Zafu cushion too high
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12. DharmaObjects Traditional Tibetan Yoga Meditation Cushion
Rounding off the list is a traditional Tibetan meditation cushion from DharmaObjects. This Zabuton mat is an affordable, entry-level mat sure to provide much value.
My favorite thing about this mat is that it can fold in half to go from a Zabuton mat to a Zafu cushion depending on your needs. It provides all of the same versatile use of the Zafuko rectangular cushion above, but with the added use of a laid-out mat.
There are many colors and styles available, including black, blue, orange, yellow, purple, and various shades of each.
Versatile — great for meditation, yoga, or a support block
Lightweight and easy to carry
Attractive styles
Lacks the all-in-one convenience of sets
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Why do I need a meditation cushion?
A meditation cushion is paramount to spinal support. When we meditate, we often “go” to a different place, and we can lose focus on our posture. With the exception of a few types of meditation, zazen included, which train us to focus on the posture throughout the duration of the meditation, it’s really helpful to have some extra support.
If you’re practicing brain entrainment or listening to binaural beats, it’s especially helpful to use a cushion so that your focus is entirely on the meditation itself, and not on your back or knees.
The last thing you want while meditating is an ache that makes you interrupt your meditation, or worse, a numb foot that distracts you until it “comes back to life.”
How do I choose the best meditation cushion?
It’s always important to choose based on your body structure. Some cushions run a little larger or smaller, may have a different type of filling, or added structural differences to stand out from the crowd.
The best question you can ask yourself is how much support you think you’ll need. Some of us do great with a basic cushion with relatively little support, because they are able to sit straighter with just this quality.
Others need a cushion that’s almost in the shape of a chair in order to guarantee the best support. This can be a great option for those who they feel tired often, or for those who are new to meditating.
Check in with yourself and be honest – which shape suits you best?
Which Style Cushion is Best: Zabuton, Buckwheat Hulls, Kapok Fiber, or Zafu?
The Zafu cushions are great for holding postures, however if you need some extra cushion below the knees (or you have cold floors), you’ll want to add in a Zabuton cushion as well.
Zafu cushions aren’t for everyone. If you’ve never meditated using them before, you may find them small and uncomfortable. They aren’t meant as chairs; they’re meant to give extra joint and spinal support. So if you’re going for comfort, try adding on the Zabuton cushion.
Zabuton cushions are larger and square, and most people can sit comfortably on them. Zabuton cushions do not provide elevation like the Zafu cushions do.
Buckwheat hulled cushions are those that are filled with buckwheat. It’s an organic material that can give off a kind of “bean bag” feel, which helps relieve pressure on the joints and is more comfortable for some people. These are less firm than cotton filled cushions.
Kapok fiber is another filling for the Zafu cushions, which give off more of a soft and spongy feeling. It’s similar to cotton and can mold to your body. Some people don’t like the faint smell of the organic material.
Color Meanings
When looking for the best meditation cushion for you, you may want to look at colors. Whether you’re personally drawn to one color or another can say a lot about you.
For example, red can lift you up and generate energy, whereas orange can help bring on healing properties.
Black tends to draw the focus inwards, and violet give a feeling of calmness and balance. Green promotes a balanced feeling while slowing down the mind and breath.
There’s no wrong color to choose when it comes to your meditation cushion. Simply choose which one is best for you!
Frequently Asked Questions about Meditation Pillows
How can I clean my cushion?
While each cushion has different cleaning instructions, many of them have a removable cover.
If it does, you can unzip and remove the cover, turn inside out, and machine wash cold with the gentle cycle. Air dry to prevent shrinkage. As always, please read the cleaning instructions.
How can I remove the smell?
While it’s possible that your cushion will have a light odor, this will fade over time. If you have a cushion that has a washable cover, you can wash that out a few times to speed up the process.
It can also be helpful to air it out outside for a day or two if you’re really sensitive.
Can my kid use a meditation cushion?
Yes! Meditation cushions are great for all ages, and can benefit kids as well!
It helps them retain good posture while sitting, reducing the problems they may create for themselves if they aren’t using one.
Can a meditation cushion be used for other activities as well?
Sure! You can use your meditation when drawing, reading, knitting, watching movies, playing with pets or kids on the floor, or even when eating at a low table.
Is there a height and weight restriction?
While every cushion has a different weight limit, the weight limits are hard to reach.
What about mites or pest?
We carefully selected cushions that have a great reputation. 99.9% of the time, you won’t find any issues with pests or mites.
If they are found, please notify the manufacture and dispose of immediately. You’ll be issued a refund right away.
Can I use my meditation cushion with brain entrainment programs?
Absolutely! Brain entrainment programs are enhanced with cushions as they allow the body to deeply relax while staying in an aligned posture. This reduces aches and pains that generally come with sitting for long spurts of meditation.
Our honest opinion about a Meditation Cushion
When you’re meditating, using cushions is really great, whether you’re taking a yoga class, meditating at home, or even listening to binaural beats in your meditation corner. I use mine daily and I can’t recommend it highly enough.
I don’t have to focus on holding my posture a certain way, or making sure my feet, knees, and hips are in alignment because the cushion does it for me. I can focus only on the meditation without any distractions.
I definitely recommend having at least one cushion to meditate on.
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voymedia1 · 6 years
Facebook Ad Design
Have you been searching for the best Facebook ad designs to improve your ROI? Well, now you’ve found it.
Here you’ll find a variety of Facebook ad design hacks and pro tips to improve not only the quality of your Facebook ads but also the rate of conversion and CTRs.
Note: This article applies specifically to Facebook ads, read this if you’re searching for Instagram Ad ideas.
  The Secret to Effective Ad Design
Having managed a variety of Facebook Ad campaigns for clients, there’s a common trend they typically face: why aren’t my ads performing, what am I doing wrong?
Facebook advertising can be tough. And, with each passing update, it’s only going to get tougher.
If you’ve been struggling to develop a successful ad campaign, there’s two fundamental tricks that will help you succeed:
  1. Incredible Design.
Facebook is a busy platform. Not only are users engaging with friends, family and the pages they follow but they are also getting bombarded by advertisements coming in from all directions.
If you want to stand out and get your ads noticed on Facebook, it all starts with some incredible ad designs.
2. Targeting Your Audience.
It would be a complete waste of time and money if you created a Facebook Ad campaign without understanding your target audience.
With Facebook, you have control over quite a few advanced targeting features which allows you to hone in and laser target your ideal customer.
Ideally, you want to be displaying your ads specifically to active audiences that won’t just click on it but also sign up, subscribe, download, or buy your promotion.
  Design Tip #1: Measure & Test Multiple Designs
There’s never a “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to Facebook advertising. You may have hired an incredible designer or crafted something yourself, but you should always test various ad designs and targeting metrics to see which variations perform the best.
Whenever you start creating your ad campaigns, take some extra time to create 4 to 6 additional Facebook Ad designs (i.e. both the visual and written) and test each one. Consider creating pairs of images with varying copy, that would be 2 or 3 images combined with 2 or 3 sets of text.
The result? You’ll have 4 to 6 ad designs running which can be tested to see which combination leads to the best results.
Take a look at an example from us at Voy Media:
Create great ads and test each variation
In these Facebook ad examples, you can see we use the exact same copy while testing which different image designs to see which has higher performance and CTR.
Remember, test everything. You never know which creative idea is going to result in a winning advertisement.
  Design Tip #2: Create Colorful Ads
As people are browsing through their Facebook feeds, how can you grab their attention? Color.
Designing colorful ads that pop off the page is the first step toward improving your conversions.
Take a look at this Facebook ad design by moo.com:
Use fresh and exciting colors to capture their attention
Research from Emerald Insight analyzed the effectiveness of colors in marketing. They discovered two key things which you should incorporate into your Facebook ad campaigns:
People make up their minds within 90 seconds of their initial interactions with you or your products.
62‐90% decisions are assessed based on colors alone.
Depending on the type of color you use, you can also influence all kinds of reactions. For example, colors can increase or decrease appetite, enhance mood, calm down customers, and, reduce the perception of waiting time.
  Design Tip #3: Incorporate the Influence of Color
Color psychology is a real research subject which has had many marketers scrambling to include in their ad designs.
To give you a quick understanding of color and it’s influence online, here’s some of the associated effects colors can have:
Colors can be associated with mood:
Blue creates calm
Red inspires aggression
Yellow promotes happiness
Colors are associated with genders:
Boys wear blue
Girls wear pink
Colors are associated with different meanings:
Investors see green and think money
Farmers see green and think vegetables
Colors are associated with cultural influences:
Western cultures believe blue is a cool and calming color
Eastern cultures believe blue is a sinister and evil color
Color has an incredible impact on decisions making  –  (Image Source)
The main point is, when you are selecting colors for your Facebook ad designs, consider analyzing your target audience and deciding on which colors would be the most appealing. While trends and beliefs may be in constant change, some colors will always be connected to certain thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
You can find more comprehensive research on color psychology here.
  Design Tip #4: Create Contrasting Ads
You don’t always have to fill your ads with color and image. Instead, try to utilize the power of contrast with a white background.
This ad by Groupon is a great example of using a plain white background and a sharp green color to attract attention.
Ads like this one really stand out
Be creative with your ad designs by using a white background to add some contrast. Also, don’t forget to test the performance of these ads next to another add using full colors and images.
  Design Tip #5: Upload the Right Size
Don’t design an ad that gets cropped and destroyed when you upload it to Facebook. The standard size for Facebook ads is: 1200 x 628 pixels.
Also, try to use the highest quality images possible. If you’re uploading fuzzy images with a low-resolution, you probably won’t get the results you could have achieved with a high-resolution image.
If you’re struggling with keeping your ads consistent in quality, try using Canva to design fresh and exciting ads. You can set up a template that produces the perfect size each and everytime.
    Designing customer converting Facebook ads is going to be a journey of trial and error. If you want to include some effective ad ideas into your next campaign, check out these Facebook ad templates. 
The post Facebook Ad Design appeared first on Facebook Advertising Agency | Facebook Marketing Company.
from Facebook Advertising Agency | Facebook Marketing Company https://voymedia.com/facebook-ad-design/
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Ros Comes In 40s Now, So Get Ready To Black Out In Broad Daylight
If you thought that drinking 40s was left to your high school partying days (you know, before your metabolism went to shit), then think again because 40s of ros are now totally a thing, and just in time for summer. A new company called Forty Ounce Wines (very creative naming) has released a new 40s of ros that they claim are organically farmed, spectacular tasting, large format wines. They currently offer two types of wines, Muscadet (a French white) and ros, which is obvi the star of the show. Honestly this opens up so many possibilities for white girls everywhere. Like, is doing Edward 40 Hands going to come back into our lives like its 2005 again? Will you start seeing groups of white girls in Lululemon standing on street corners and pouring out a little bit of ros for the basic bitches weve lost? Only time will tell.
This is obviously going to become a staple of the summer. What better way to walk into a party and establish that you are the HBBIC (head basic bitch in charge) than to have one, dare I say, TWO pink 40s full of sweet pink alcohol? Anyone who sees that and questions your dedication to basic-ness is seriously disturbed. All youd have to then is start talking to anyone who will listen about how you ordered a big salad at Cheesecake Factory yesterday and find a way to casually display the little star tattoo on your foot and youll probably be appointed to the ICBAInternational Council On Basic Affairs.
Obviously, youre going to need time to adjust to this important wine development. How does this stack up in comparison to the 250k other ways you already know of to consume ros? Should you convert to ros 40s only, or should you attempt to maintain even some semblance of dignity in your life? Here are all the various ways one can consume ros, to ensure that you pick the best one for your personal, and very basic, lifestyle:
1. Buy It By The Bottle
So, this is a no brainer. If you want ros, you could always just buy a bottle of ros. Its a fairly simple concept. Of course, one bottle of ros does not traditionally go a long way. I mean, I think we all know that one person can consume a bottle of ros fairly easily over brunch (and go on to have a pretty fucked up Sunday afternoon) so remember that if youre planning to share your stash, more than one bottle will likely be necessary. You could also buy one of those giant bottles, but then youll need to make sure you have an SO or some sad-ass friendzoned guy friend around to carry it for you. What if you reach for your phone to answer an important text and drop it? Then theres no ros for anyone, and thats a goddamn tragedy.
2. Subscribe To A Ros Delivery Service
If you love ros and are the laziest person on the face of the Earth, you can have ros delivered directly to your door, and the best part is that the bottles are magnums meaning that they are equal to two normal size bottles of ros. Membership to The Summer Water Societ is a very bougie way of letting people know that you are devot to the church of ros, and must have access to it at all times. Also, each month they send you cool swag like Societ hats, water bottles, and beach towels so everybody knows where you stand when it comes to drinking pink wine.
3. Get Into Boxed Ros
Move the fuck over Franzia, because boxed ros is here and its actually like, kind of good. Two companies, Les Vignerons dEstzargues and VRAC will provide you with boxes of ros all the way from France for around $30. Thats basically spending $30 on four really good bottles of ros, despite the fact that they do come in a box and look like hobo wine you made under your bed. Buying this boxed ros is a great way to signal to your friend group that, when it comes to your most beloved wine variety, you are more about quality than appearing like you have any respect for yourself.
4. Casually Sip Ros From A Can
If youve ever wanted to spend an entire day low-key sipping on ros without having to carry a bottle (or a box) around with you, canned ros is the way to go. Uncorked offers a 4 pack of Seven Daughters ros for just $17.99, which is a steal when you realize that each can is equal to two glasses of ros. The cans are also very sleekn and kind of look like energy drinks, so you could totally sip them in public next to a police station and nobody would notice. Not that were saying you should do that, but also you should totally do that.
5. Be That Person With A 40 Ounce Wine
As we previously discussed, 40s of ros are now an option, and if you want to claim the 40 Ounce Ros Girl title for yourself, then by all means do so. Just be sure to figure out how youll eventually explain all the pics of you double fisting wine 40s to your children.
  40 Oz. to Freedom. @fortyouncewines #genius #sublime #yeswayros
A post shared by Yes Way Ros (@yeswayrose) on
Apr 5, 2017 at 12:05pm PDT
6. Make Your Own
If youre one of those DIY betches with the ability to actually complete a Pinterest project, a make your own ros kit may be right for you. The bag claims that the kit makes over 30 bottles of wine in just one hour, which is a fuckton of ros until you consider that only the most advanced DIY-er will probably walk away from this project with thirty drinkable bottles. For those of us who can barely follow microwave popcorn instructions, the make-your-own-ros kit will most likely result in a very questionable looking pink goo that will end up killing your friend Becca when she gets drunk enough on store bought ros to try it.
Read more: http://betches.co/2oVkIGf
from Ros Comes In 40s Now, So Get Ready To Black Out In Broad Daylight
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