#theres 8 options u can get in total and i think its not too terrible
hollowshinji · 2 years
i made a bleach quiz teehee
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transhoverfish · 4 years
I was wondering
Does Danby now feel bad that he 'faked' his degree in medicine? Like, he must feel really bad for lying to everyone or not being able to help someone properly because he just doesn't know how
I imagine that later in the story he breaks down and confesses, thinking that everyone's gonna hate him. Poor Danby, it must a lot for him since he also has to carry the Jeffrey thing with him
ok off topic first response but did tumblr increase the amount of characters u can have in an ask?? this is the longest one ive seen before :o
and 2nd idk if anyone cares for spoilers regarding my fanfic but like. HERES UR WARNING! spoilers for the latest chapter (8)! im sure nobody cares but better safe than sorry u know!!
AND TO UR QUESTION... i think it didn't bother danby on the aurora or before bc like, in his pda he doesn't seem to be THAT guilty. like he seems to feel bad, but he doesnt really sound like he thinks its a huge problem. because robots and stuff u know?
buuuut after the crash and everything, the group looks to danby! they trust him! and theres no more robots, the pdas all got corrupted, danby has NOTHING on pda. none of them have anything they used to! so if something Happens™, then everyone expects danby to help! this is where danby gets all "oh shit what have i done"
such as the whole Avery Has Been Attacked By Reapers situation! like, the man is straight up dying, avery is totally gonna die if danby screws this up, and i think thats where it reallyyy starts to get to him. bc now danby has to do what he can, make everything else up with their limited supplies, and hope nobody questions him too much on what hes doing or WHY he's doing it. bc if NONE of them know what theyre doing, and they find out that danby has pretty much been idk, breaking the law and potentially putting lives at risk for?? years?? hey maybe that's a Bad Thing. and in danby's eyes at least, a terrible horrible no good secret that no body can EVER find out (except for roman, bc he's ALSO been breaking the law for a while and they can bond over this)
then like. hypothermia. ryley kinda gets that! and THAT is also VERY VERY DANGEROUS, and thankfully the vesper survivors did their research on dealing with cold, bc theyre like the it reason ryley didnt die. and if anyone had asked DANBY how to deal with that, then like... danby barely knows anything of use when it comes to medical help. poor boy would have no idea what do. i mean, you can assume SOME things about hypothermia i guess, just get the person warm, but still. danby also totally fractured his own ribs, which causes Worry amongst the group, and danby DEFINTIELY doesnt know how to properly heal bones, so hes also makin that up as he goes. which freaks him out!! he doesnt want anyone to die!! but what if someone ELSE was hurt!! they could die if danby doesnt figure it out fast enough!!!! bad bad things that terrify my boy!!!
and the whole jeff thing is making everything Worst because danby already feels like he's a bad person for the fake degree, but now like, hes witnessed a full on Murder and hes being blackmailed into keeping that a secret! fucked up! and like, what if jeff attacks one of the others!! what if someone else dies and danby could have prevented it!!! im putting my poor through so much stress :( bc like, obviously telling them about jeff is the Better Option, but hes also terrified of jeff Telling Them and then having everyone hate him!! he doesnt want to lose his new family! but what if he does by telling them!! what if they think hes lying!! what if they believe jeff over him!! theres so many Bad Things that danby thinks can and will happen, so whats he even supposed to DO in a situation like this ya know?? i don't want to get too spoiled but like,,,,this is def not the last time the whole fake degree thing is gonna be a plot element. its gonna be pretty important going forward.....and perhaps someone else finds out 👀👀👀👀
andddd OH MY GOD I WROTE SO MUCH. THE NAME DANBY ACTIVATED A SLEEPER AGENT I GOT SO INTO THIS. but hopefully u like this small Danby tangent i got into...gave him some Author Off-Page Development.....im like the erin hunters rn.....ksbfksbdksbkfbsjf ANYWAYS IM GONNA SHUT UP NOW MY THUMBS HURT FROM TYPING
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