#theres a bit more i have( i dont really have huge backstories for any minor habiticians as of yettt sorry guysss) but ill share later
ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
Well it's clear I'm a LITTLE ( /j) biased to certain characters but I don't wanna leave everyone else out! So here's some Tiff stuff. We don't really have so much backstory for any of the Habiticians so I MADE Stuff UP. 🫢( surprised hand over mouth emote) GASPPPPPP
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[ ID: Ingame PNG sprite of Tiff Webber. She stands with her hands behind her back with a neutral face. End ID]
Hmm well OK I think she and I share a certain trait and that is absolutely LOVING Monsters!!! ALL kinds...the ones who are almost comprehensible, the piles of goop, the birdlike ones, the ones as old as the Sun, claws, scales, pulsating, thousand-eyed, hidden in broad daylight, cute ones, mimics..... SOOO MANY
She has something of an interest in coding as well, so she's made a like. You know those online games where you make a creature, grow it up, interact with other people's creatures and make friends and stuff. Yeah, she codes one of those..and keeps adding to it over time! It has so many features now. Kamal's followed it since his college days atleast as a stressbusting thing and I think he'd be pretty excited if he met her later at the Habitat and Knew ! If I remember right Tiffs a humble sort so maybe she kept herself anonymous.
And luckily, during her teen years or such she does meet someone who has an interest in "monsters" like she does. Meet...online. On a chatroom. However this stranger's goals are different(in a way that draws her in), instead of just a passing fancy, she believes in them with the same intensity as Tiff ..and she wants to go out there and find them. ( there's something about the family business being at stake ). Her conviction is ...shaky, and she's clearly going through a rough patch( in regards to obtaining basic necessities, even) but with time as their friendship blossoms, this stranger grows clearer and stronger and Tiff begins to feel more confident and happy, letting her wildly colorful, surreal imagination run free, sharing her ideas and input too to someone who actually listens. Soon, she is stranger no more. Mirphy Fotoparat, certainly not forgettable...
They end up becoming quite close later on. Enough to live together in a space cramped with memorabilia. Not married, just very close friends. They're both each other's space to wind down and relax-- Also Mirphy is always keeping life exciting with new endeavoring for Tiff, is patient enough to let her feel out her many hard-to-understand-even-for-her emotions-- and Tiff ensures that she doesn't get too in over her head doing all on her own sometimes, as responsible as Mirphy is herself.
And just for the funnies I like to think Tiff is like RIDICULOUSLY calm. UN- FAZED. ( Not always!) She will get miffed at the Mothman for trailing mud into their house. Yup, you thought she was the most relatively normal one in the Habitat but she's a weird girl too /hj
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kanohivolitakk · 2 years
I remember that long ago, I said that Karzahni is my least favorite character in the franchise doe to disliking how he was treated from 07 onwards. While I still ovetall dont like what was done to Karzahni, I feel that my feelings towards his character are more complicated than that, and I feel more mixed than anything else.
Firstly, I ADORE his backstory. Just, the whole thing with him being essentially made to be a fixer/healer, only for him to fail at his job and go mad from it. Karzahnis backstory is honestly rather tragic if you look deeper, and I honestly want to write some meta and/or fanfic regarding the guy, theres so many thoughts I have about him and want to share with the world.
I must also admit while the "ruler of hell" concept is a bit cheesy , it is executed pretty well. Karzahnis introduction in Dark Destiny is brilliant, and I love the way hes utilized there. Hes such well utilized villain, softspoken but absolutely cruel and does his purpose well.
As for rest of his appearences do I still dislike them? Yes, I do. At the same time I do wonder what else they couldve DONE to Karzahni. Bevause honestly, Greg kinda wrote himself to a corner with a character concept like Karzahni due to him being basically a ruler of a minor location and his characterization being very tied to that. As such, I cant really be too mad that Karzahni was treated the way he was. Because again, while it was underwhelming, it was easier to use him in tht way. I honestly feel this was probably a reason he was killed, as he didnt really have any purpose in the story anymore. So yeah, still dont like how hes treated, but I understand why.
Lastly...Karzahnis weird to me since, he's written in a way that makes him easily to read as not only very mentally ill, but also neurodivergent. And this makes me mixed since on one hand, this is a big reason why I'm interested in him and want to make more sympathetic portrayal of the character...but at the same time Karzahni falls to the whole "mentally ill character portrayed as an insane madman" trope, which can be a huge turnoff for people and even seen as hurtful if not outright ableistic. I DOUBT he was written to be purposefully hurtful towards mentally ill or neurodivergent people, and instead feel it was of an ignorant carelessness than malice. I also wouldn't call Greg ableist for writing Karzahni the way he did (I dont like calling out ppl of having hurtful view for just the fiction they wrote, and even if I did, I would use some of his comments regarding Tuyet, but even then I feel its more like not thinking that using the word "insane" to describe a tyrant could hit a sore spot for some people than Greg being purposefully ableist.) Again I will probably make a deeper post on this later, so wont go too in depth.
But yeah Karzahni is just so weird since, he just has a lot of aspects I like for a character, but he isnt utilized well in the story imho. Not to mention how I feel extremely mixed on him being a very clearly mentally ill character.
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