#theres another option but id have to be drunk and id only do it once
marquezian · 6 months
what's the full curated list
kDSJK god.. okay.. heres all motogp personalities i would actively go for at the bar AND ask out for further dates after. in no particular order
dani dovi santi hernandez frankie carchedi
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bizzaro-stormy-blog · 7 years
Like, Questions and Stuff?
eeeeeee i dont think ive ever been tagged in one of these so thanks @latenightgaymer you are the bees knees!!
Where do you currently live? 
portland oregon
Where would you prefer to live if given the option, and why?
oregon is my home, i used to have a dream of moving back to seattle and buying back the house my grandfather built but the city has changed and so have i.
 the weather is usually perfect here (we have had waaaaay too much sun lately) theres green literally everywhere and it feels alive. 
i have always thought about alaska for the same reasons + snow
Shoe size?
14 us its hard to find cheap and nice shoes in my size
Is there a movie/book/show/game you’re looking forward to? What about it has you most excited?
i really want to borrow the scarlet gospels from my friend i know its not a new book but i want to read it super bad, also comic books from another friend (too many to list honestly but Trees, Wytches and the wicked + the Divine are at the front) id also like to read a physical copy of kill six billion demons when i can afford it.
 im super excited for the second seasons of westworld, legion and american gods aswell as the next seasons of Killjoys, the magicians, archer, my hero acadamia, steven universe, shameless, van helsing, its always sunny, RPDR and like all of the netflix shows, im also looking forward to the rest of the seasons of the good place, the orville and the mick...i might watch too much tv. 
im super excited for the .hack gu remaster, the last of us 2, shadow of the colossus remaster, cyberpunk 2077 and bloodborne 2 as unlikely as it is (miyazaki grant us a sequel as you once did for vacuous darksouls)
Wine, or hard liquor?  What is one of your preferred drinks?
i dont drink, thats not to say i havent just that it took soo much for me to feel even a tiny bit light headed im pretty sure i cant get drunk and dont see the point. im a water man and on the occasions i have soda dr pepper and root beer are king, if not lemonade i guess
Physical touch, do you enjoy it?  What’s your favorite spot, what spot do you not want to be touched?
im a bit weird here, i tend to recoil and flinch if im touched (probably a result of growing up with an older brother who used his size to be physically controling and abusive aswell as various other people in my life who have treated me as a punching bag) especially around my chest i tend to curl up and get defensive (again probably the result of an older sister who thinks twisting my nipples so hard they bleed is an apropriate answer to a disagreement).
on the other hand i am very physically affectionate i love to hug people, touch people, hold people, bite people (not in the sexy nibble way so much as the "bro did you just fucking bite me?!" way) anything really if im around other physically affectionate people which is kinda rare as there are like 2 physically affectionate people in my life and i only see one on a regular basis
Go into your YouTube history and provide the link to the 7th video in the list.
though i had to open a video to get to my history so i guess its technically
What was the last song you listened to?
This Song By RAC ft Rostam
Do you have any thoughts on ‪Nick Jonas‬?
Water or silicone based?
well gee im a water based life form myself but id be interested in meeting a silicone based life form :p
The most illicit controlled substance you’ve partaken in?
does doctor prescribed Vicodin count?
If you could get your friends/family to watch one specific gay movie, which one would it be?
i would have to say closet monster though i think of that less as a specifically gay movie and more as a delve into the stress and pressure of someone transitioning into adulthood coming from a broken, dysfunctional and traumatic childhood, its honestly such a great movie.
 now a movie where the plot is specifically gay? the weekend, its simple sweet and is easily relatable for most people, honestly i love this movie because it doesn't over dramatize a relationship and makes the characters feel real,
orientation aside its just a good human story
Do you listen to podcasts?  If so do you listen to them while you’re doing something else?
not often its almost always a one off or the savagelovecast, i used to listen to professor blastoff regularly but stopped for some reason, usually im reading or writing and want something not as easy to zone out to as music and not as distracting as silence
What do you do on a Sunday?
not much save check for manga (i know im a neeerd) or webtoon updates which usually ends with me frustratedly remembering Tower Of God updates on Mondays
Birth sign and zodiac?  What do you like most about both, what do you like least.  If you could pick which would you prefer?
ok so in advanced astrology is not much more than a novelty for me and i generally believe signs and what not to hold no sway over real life, i do find it interesting how they can sometimes get portions of peoples personalities and lives right but i would rather attribute that to the trillions of factors that went into the conception and birth of a person before the position of far away stellar bodies (ie babies born 9 months after valentines day probably have romantic parents so they themselves are romantics? idk dude).
that said i am a Taurus and my zodiac sign is the dragon i love them and would never change them, while i dont believe they hold any greater meaning to me i do feel the bull and the dragon represent me more as symbols of myself, though strangely i cant seem to escape them (along with crows and bears...idk dude my conscious and unconscious worlds are strange).
In front of my salad?
Bitch if you would stop breaking into my house to eat your salads you wouldn't be seeing anything you dont want to.
Last book or comic you enjoyed?
uuh physical book? shiiiiit its been a minute but it was ether a david sedaris book or a reread of the water mirror series. 
comic books? old man logan was amazing and i always reread Dango Sunshine occasionally. 
if webcomics count then kill six billion demons, a better place, avas demon, paranatural, gunnerkrigg court, cassiopeia quinn, unsounded,  gloomverse, mokepon and i just reread both Vibe and JUNE (if you havent read any of these please check them out they are amazing)
A kink or fetish you have,  can you explain how it became one for you?
uhmmm i dont know dude im pretty vanilla i dont have allot (read any) experience so im pretty open to trying anything really, i dont know dude even if im outwardly an asshole sometimes when it comes down to it so long as you arent forcing yourself upon someone or something unable (unaware, underdeveloped or unable to fully understand what it means) to give consent im open to you and will atleast try to understand you and your kink and maybe participate with you if thats your goal....
....ok so i might have one fetish? tattoos are hot af that is all...
Supply the link to either an image or video you think will bring a chuckle to those following you.
imma just tag yous guys cause you are the collective best
@sbot12 @bonefireheart9 @that1cameraguy @incredible91 @dammitcat @mapcus
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sorreltail · 8 years
ill delete this soon
bad cop hogwarts au
points to cover: houses, prefect stuff, meetings, classes, Naughty Stuff, other cats, pets, life after hogwarts, quidditch >:((, HYDRATION, teachers, uhhhhh and anything else i can think of
HOUSES: rumples a gryffindor. the sorting hat took about three seconds. alonzos a hufflepuff even tho his family have always been ravenclaws and he desperately wanted to be a gryffindor, he cried after the sorting ceremony also: jenny is huffpuff head, skimble is p much hagrid, jelly is raven, gus is gryffdor and grizabella is slytherin,,, headmaster deuteronomy lmao
PREFECT STUFF: alonzos a prefect. Obviously, i mean come on. he takes it so seriously,,, hes already dating rumple when he becomes one and she delights in the fact that he can sometimes b persuaded to let her go with a warning bc yo thats what u get for fucking a prefect,,, once she wanted to get in ravenclaw tower and she didnt know the answer to the riddle so she was like "LONZYYY I HAVE A RIDDLE THAT I NEED TO FIND THE ANSWER TO FOR HOMEWORRKKKKK" and hes a library fiend so he spent like an hour looking it up and then he told her and she was like "ok thanks im going off 2 ravenclaw tower now" and he was so distraught he took ten points from hufflepuff for helping her. the other prefects Donut Understand their relationship ghdkhgd bc mungo and rumple r worse than fred and george but eventually it gets to the point where they catch her doin some rulebreaking and shes like... do u seriously feel like dealing with me so they just go get alonzo. she gets drunk on firewhisky one time and he takes her back up to gryffindor tower and spends ten minutes trying to get the fat lady to let her in but the fat lady is annoyed and refusing and it goes like "rumple tell her the password" "nooOooOoOooOo" "do you know the password" ">:3c" "rumple teLL HER THE PASSWORD" for another half hour and eventually gives up and decides to wait for the next gryffindors to come along and let her in but the next one to come along is mungo and then its twice as bad when alonzo becomes head boy (munk is the year above them) he cries, and rumple opens her letter like I GOT HEAD GIRL??!!!!????? and hes like. What. and shes like hehehehehe just kidding who the fuck do u think i am,, also. prefects bathroom. he ends up letting her find out the password and then shes constantly in there and then Somehow (i wonder how) mungo finds out and then they have to change it before the whole school knows,,, oh my god the other prefects tease him so much and at first hes like eh..heh...yeah but after a while hes like fuck off please, stop shittalking my girlfriend to me, and he gets a wee bit defensive about it so they give up especially in their final year when hes head boyyyy
QUIDDITCH: OKAY so alonzo wanted to play quidditch as a seeker bc ofc he did right?? i mean theres so many rules. such nice uniforms. but he never made the tryouts bc he wasnt willing to take the risks needed to get the golden thingy (also, vitiligo, hes got autoimmune shit and he has 2 b careful w his health),,, rumple however. rumples grown up loving the harpies and desperately wanting to be a beater. then she meets mungo and the two of them are fucking terrifying beaters, they are So Good, its honestly the only reason why gryffindor hasnt lost the house cup every fucking year, them helping win p much every game kind of balances out all the points they lose for being shits lmao,,, we had a thought that she gets hurt sometime in a game, and alonzo is. so terribly smothering he brings in all his books to study by her bed in the hospital wing and takes notes for her and is way too cautious after that and begs her to stop playing and she just. Looks at him. :| anyway she does eventually become quidditch captain nyehehe and so shes captain, hes head boy, they are a glorious power couple,,, the nerds love alonzo, the delinquents and sportheads love rumple, together they are So Respected,, it also means she gets actual access to the prefects bathroom which changes very little except for how sneaky she has to be to get in
MEETINGS: okay so in true hogwarts au fashion they first meet on the train as first years,,, rumple: hi can i sit here (she says as shes sat down) are u muggleborn im a halfblood alonzo: im from an old wzarding family my name is draco malfuck you rumple: wow u sound like an asshole. what house r u gonna be in. im gryffindor alonzo: me too rumple: u dont seem like one alonzo: you do :// rude fuck. this is my owl her name is aegolius im pretentious rumple: cool name. this is my cat her name is gwynog GO HARPIES alonzo: ive never had physical contact with a living thing in my life can i pet her rumple: sure alonzo: soft anyway after they get sorted they never talk again. End Of Au. jks but forreal they dont talk for years until they get their electives and theyre partnered in care of magical creatures and finally talk again and it goes like rumple: hey youre that kid who cried at the sorting ceremony alonzo: rumple: sup somehow the whole Falling In Love part is the one bit we havent really talked about but it happens and its cute
id also like to add that alonzos parents are an old italian wizarding family but they pride themselves on being chic, modern wizards who incorporate certain muggle things, mostly fashion, his mums a fashion designer, so all his clothes are beautiful and tailored and more Modern than most,, ANYWAY they also Want The Best for him and when he tells them who hes dating (A HALFBLOOD RAISED AMONG MUGGLES??? A GIRL BEATER???? LOOK AT HER SCHOOL RECORDS DARLING SHES A DELINQUENT!!!!!!) and they refuse to let him stay at her house or let her come over,,, until he writes home one day like. shes captain of the quidditch team what more do u want shes going to do it professionally) and theyre Sporty Folks who are So Fucking Into Quidditch and by this point theyve realised that she's not turning him into a Bad Kid so they finally accept her
CLASSES: ive forgotten like all of their classes kmn anyway alonzo wants to be an auror. thats all he wants. thats his ambition. so he studies his ass off from day one and gets perfect grades and is a model student. rumple is. perhaps not. just think fred and george thats her and mungo, shes a terror but somehow she still manages to pass everything through an annoying natural talent. alonzos kind of hellbent on making her get good grades and they spend much of their time in the library, hes in there Every Day, he pretty much has a reserved table, rumple sits around practicing jinxes on any unfortunate passerbys and trying to pester him and/or make him kiss her he loves presentations, hes so good at them, he prepares for weeks and then the entire time rumples in the back of class making Naughty Gestures. he chokes on his water when she does presentations theyre short but shes really charismatic so he just kind of sits there staring at her like an idiot because gosh she has a nice voice rumples a pro at brooms obviously, alonzos Hella Nervous on them, he has the best and safest model, she offers to give him private lessons but really its just an opportunity for dick jokes what can u do. he gets her a really good really SAFE and fast broom for christmas one year bc what else does a rich boy get his girlfriend who kicks ass at quidditch which brings me to
NAUGHTY STUFF: kittens look away! look for like. a full three months hes like Im Not Having Sex At School Its Against the rRULES!!!!!! and rumples like. well then we either abstain until we graduate or we can do it at your parents place and. No. The Horror. he changes his mind very quickly. they happen to stumble across the room of requirement a few times when.uh. the need is great. u know how it goes. im also gonna go out on a limb and admit that alonzo is rather fond of the Luxury Baths in the prefects bathroom and rumple is very good at catching him when hes in there and enchanting the door or some shit so nobody disturbs them :-)) this is from one of those hogwarts au headcanon posts but i love it, he gives a presentation on sex ed and shit (lets pretend hogwarts is better than it is) and rumple sits in the back asking the worst questions and inside he wants to scream u KNOW what that is we did it last nIGHT
other cats: yes ok here we go. in their year is misto, victoria, admetus, mungo, coricopat, tantomile and im sure im missing people here, year above them  is munk, tugger, deme, bomba, cassandra, macavity (???!!!???) and everyone else is younger by a year or two, also worth mentioning is etcetera being rumples younger sister and theyre adorable and lovely etcetera for president of the world munk and cass or deme are probably head boy and girl of their year,  cass is dating tantomile, bombas dating demeter, alonzo has the biggest crush on munk as well (optional polyamory for u fucks) (worth saying that the reason rumple went to sneak into ravenclaw tower was to see victoria btw),,, alonzo and victoria are head boy and girl of their year, and probably jemima andddddddd idk maybe g eorge fuck me man idk admetus is another prefect, so's tantomile tbh,,, id say victoria but she wants to focus on her studies
PETS: alonzo has this beautiful eagle owl, scariest of all owls, her name is aegoleius (pronounced ay-JEE-lee-us) it means bird of prey and he adores her. shes beautifully trained. rumple has a kitty that im personally in love with who is basically rumpleteazer as a cat lol shes a calico but her name is gwenog after the famous beater of the harpies <33333 eventually they'll get another cat thatll be a suspiciously familiar black and white patched triangle shorthair named Faolan (sorta like FWAY-larn) even tho it means little wolf because he thought it sounded cool and he read it in a book and thought it was pronouned faow-lahn, honestly they probably end up getting a whole ton of cats
LIFE AFTER HOGWARTS: WOO im excited for this bit. okay. so. alonzo wants to be an auror. hes spent his whole life training for this. he immediately applies after graduation and gets in and starts his rigorous three year training process. in the meantime rumples gone into professional quidditch, and shes really really good at it but shes like.... this isnt fun anymore. bc its not just a school game anymore, its a professional sport, and what do u mean u cant jinx the opponents!!!! so for a while she just helps him train "ok so if you walk like THIS and use this charm your footsteps will be totally silent blah blah boh my god i should be an auror" and hes like. You. want to be an auror. and shes like. Yup. and its a damn good thing he was so obsessive about her getting good marks bc her newts are good enough that she can apply. they do a criminal record check, but mind u that altho rumples done naughty stuff, shes never actually. Been Caught doing anything particularly bad. so her record is somehoW CLEAN and she gets in. its a miracle. "what did you do. who did you blackmail" "i sucked every single aurors dick lonzy" "HOW DID YOU GET IN" "EVERY! SINGLE! DICK!" but hes also really really prouD AND THAT MEANS THEY CAN HELP EACH OTHER TRAIN!!!!! cue training montage. rumple pulls a tonks and coasts thru a lot of it rlly easily and almost fails some but they both eventually graduate and become aurors and work together and she covers her trenchcoat in patches and he keeps asking if he has to wear his because sweet jesus it is ugly ITS BROWN, and at this point his parents r more than content with rumple lmao, anyway they live together in a lovely little house that is kept in perfect order, rumple enchants EVERYTHING to talk, its cute, fucking domestic shit yes please
HYDRATION LOL look this isnt even important but alonzo is so deeply into that health shit. he only eats dark chocolate, and most importantly he fucking loves spending time in the kitchen with jenny. she cooks, he makes custom face masks, and also infused water. so much infused water. he has different """recipes""" and he always has a bottle of lovely chilled water with fucking apple and ginger and lemongrass shit in it that he made the night before, and since rumple fucking hates drinking anything thats not tropical sunshine punch fruit juice he constantly is trying to figure out a recipe of infused water that she'll drink becUSE ITS NOT HEALTHY RUMPLE!!!!!!!! YOU NEED WATER, but she thinks its disgusting and eventually he gives up and carries a bottle of juice with him in case he sees her because its better than nothing,
yeah ok im,,,,, i assume there will be more to come but for now this is what u get
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jimdsmith34 · 7 years
6 Ways To Make Sure Your First Festival Is The Greatest Experience Of Your Life
Although Ive always been an avid concert-goer, last summer was my full-on, camping-for-five-days music festival experience.
It was incredible: non-stop good music, friendly vibes, camping and the summer sun.
Needless to say, Ive already bought tickets to another festival this summer, and I am anxiously counting down the days.
Like I said, Id been to many a concert before last year, but music festivals are a whole different creature.
Fortunately, I went with an experienced group of festival-goers who saved me from some rookie mistakes. But even so, I learned a few things the hard way.
For those of you attending your first festival this year, let me save you some of my mistakes, sunburns, blister and hangovers.
Here are the biggest lessons I learned last year on how to nail the festival experience:
1. Choose your clothing wisely.
Alexander Grabchilev
I cannot emphasize this point enough.
I beg you, put down your credit card and step away from the must-have festival gear section of whatever clothing company is currently spamming your inbox.
I get that everyone wants to look cute in all of their Instagram posts, Snapchats ad whatever, but consider what youll actually be doing.
You will be outside in the sun, jumping up and down, walking and standing for many hours.
Really, packing for a festival should resemble packing for a hiking trip more than a beach vacation: good shoes, comfortable clothing, hats and so on.
Accept that your hair and makeup, no matter how much effort you put into them, will look like a mess by the end of the day. (You magical creatures who have managed to subvert this, show me your ways.)
It may not sound sexy, but you will thank me for this advice on day two when you can still walk.
Dress for comfort and function.
Pro tips:
1. Wear good shoes.
Avoid those gladiator sandals. Whoever decided these were perfect shoes for the occasion is full of garbage.
You will be walking, standing and jumping around in a crowd for the majority of your day, and lets remember that festival grounds are dirt, grass and mud.
Youll definitely get blisters (and stupid tan lines), and your toes will be stomped to bits in the crowd.
Trust me, I wore sandals for approximately six hours my first day last year, and the combination of sweat, walking and mud gave me blisters that required me to wrap both feet in bandages to be able to walk the rest of the weekend.
I switched to athletic sneakers shortly after.
They looked ugly with my clothing (turns out bright blue Asics dont really go with much), but my feet felt MUCH better than they would have in other shoes, and my toes were mostly protected.
Your feet will hurt more after each day of this festival than they ever have in your entire life, so take care of them.
2. Avoid white clothing.
I left my campsite on day two wearing a cute crop top and high-waisted white shorts.
They lasted for ONE SET before turning brown from all the dust kicked up by the crowd.
I had to rush back and change before the next show, and the dirt never came out. After several washes, those shorts went in the trash.
Remember, you will be dirty and sweaty. Dress accordingly.
3. Your hair and makeup will be a mess by the end of the day.
Sweat plus sunscreen, plus dancing, plus humidity, plus desperately trying to cool off by getting wet makes this hard to avoid.
Embrace it.
4. Dress for comfort.
As Ive said, you will be dancing, running, standing and sweating a ton.
Whatever you put on your body, make sure it will still be comfortable once all of these forces are applied.
Chafing and blisters make your life harder for the rest of the weekend.
2. Stay (as) healthy (as possible).
I know, this can be a tough one.
Music festivals are a beautiful combination of things that are bad for your body: loud noises, extended sun exposure, heat, terrible (delicious) food, drinking (and possibly other substances) and no sleep.
By all means, do whatever will make your festival experience the best possible time.
However, if you can sneak in some healthy habits around the fun, your body will thank you, especially when its 5 pm on the fourth day and youre starting to wonder what possessed you to actually pay money to live outside and be tired for four days straight.
Pro tips:
1. Get as much sleep as humanly possible.
I know Im a cranky bitch when I havent slept enough, but I wanted to stay up as late as possible to experience all the fun.
My compromise with myself? I stayed at the shows until I was ready to pass out.
Then, I dragged myself back to my tent, drank some water, put in earplugs, slipped on a face mask and passed out.
The mask and earplugs (and probably exhaustion, but whatever) worked wonders. I actually slept like a baby and woke up feeling relatively refreshed.
Do whatever you need to do to get as much sleep as you can around your schedule of fun. This is clutch.
2. Hydrate.
This is super important.
Heat and sun plus dancing and alcohol is a recipe for dehydration, and you dont want to be that guy who faints in the middle of Blink-182s set because you didnt drink enough water.
Start hydrating before you leave home, and keep drinking water, Gatorade, Pedialyte or whatever does it for you when you have a nasty hangover.
I drank a Gatorade before I went to sleep every night, and my mornings were far less of a struggle as a result.
3. Wear sunscreen.
Not to sound like your mom, but your life will be much easier if you can avoid getting sunburned during your festival weekend.
Trust me, it doesnt get EASIER to spend your entire day out in the sun when youre already as red as a lobster.
4. Eat a vegetable.
It can be tempting to grab your 14th slice of pizza and call it dinner after a day of partying when you only have 10 minutes until your next show.
However, I promise you, your body will start to rebel before the festival ends if you only feed it Red Bull, vodka and Doritos.
Bring as much food as you can (this also saves money), and try to pack some moderately healthy things along with the junk food and cheeseburgers.
Granola bars, fruit and nuts make an easy breakfast or a quick mid-day snack that your body wont hate you for.
Some food vendors actually offer vegetables and healthier options for sale inside the festival grounds.
I know theres no way a salad beats a grilled cheese, but your body can only take so many meals that your 5-year-old self would have chosen before it feels like garbage, especially when you throw in the other stressors of sun and heat and alcohol and lack of sleep.
Eat, like, one apple and some carrots. Trust me on this.
3. Prepare for the elements.
This is another area where pack for camping is useful advice.
Remember youll basically be living outside for several days, and so you will be at the mercy of the weather.
Check the forecast before you pack, but be prepared for conditions that change quickly.
It will be hot, and you will be outside in the sun, so dress and act accordingly.
If youre camping, create some shade by putting up a canopy and hanging curtains or tapestries from the sides.
It might rain, so consider clothes and shoes that wont feel awful when wet, as well as a poncho.
Rain equals mud, so pack shoes that can hold up and wont get sucked into the ground like quicksand.
It cools off at night, so bring layers.
This one is a little weird, but prepare for dust! When the wind kicks up, it can create a small dust tornado on festival grounds, so be ready.
Have a bandanna you can cover your face with and sunglasses to protect your eyes, and wear clothes that wont be harmed by a little (or a lot) of dirt.
The point i, before you put something in your suitcase, ask yourself, Can this hold up in every weather condition?
If the answer is no, leave it home.
4. Have a plan for what you want to do, but be open to new experiences.
Festivals can be overwhelming.
Theres always something to do, like socializing in your campsite, playing pick-up volleyball, trying new foods, having drinks at a festival bar and seeing the nonstop music playing on multiple stages at all times.
Go in with some sort of plan, even if its very loose.
You and your group should choose the bands you dont want to miss.
Then, schedule your days accordingly, and figure out how to navigate any schedule conflicts.
Fill in the remaining time with other activities.
However, the fact that you have a plan doesnt mean that you shouldnt be open to spontaneity and new experiences!
Stop by a random stage and see a band youve never heard before. Ask your camping neighbors if they want to play flip cup or throw around a frisbee.
Go to the Silent Disco, even if you dont know exactly what that is. See what you want to see, but be open to new experiences, too.
You wont regret it.
As an aside, try not to get so drunk that you cant make it out of your campsite. You miss both plans and new experiences when you pass out before the first show starts.
5. Make friends (also, dont lose your friends).
The advice surrounding friends is two-fold.
First, be open to making new friends! The vibe at festivals is amazing.
Everyone is happy and excited to be there, and everyone wants to meet everyone else.
If youre camping, befriend your neighbors. Talk to people while you wait in line for beer.
High-five strangers. Bond over your mutual love for The 1975 with the others around you in the crowd.
The friendly vibes are one of the things that makes the festival experience so special, so take advantage.
Also important: When hanging out with friends, new or old, try not to lose them.
Cell service in campsites and festival grounds is garbage, and unless you come prepared with a charging solution, your phone will probably die at least once.
Anytime you split up from friends, have a designated meeting place and time where youll find each other. Even if youre just getting in different food lines, choose a place you will meet up when finished.
This sounds like a bit much, but I promise it will help you.
When you say, Meh, well just *find* each other after this bathroom break, and you emerge to a crowd of 800 people also waiting for bathrooms, trying to find friends or standing around, just finding each other becomes somewhat harder.
Be specific: I will meet you next to this garbage can after you get your pizza and I get my salad (because I read this article and am eating a vegetable).
6. Have fun.
Festivals are an amazing weekend of great music, friends, camping, new experiences and fun.
Think about what will make this weekend the most fun for you, and then do it.
Dont worry if your outfit is less Kylie at Coachella and more James Franco in 127 Hours. (You probably wont have enough service to post that Insta anyway.)
The point isnt to look pretty or to check certain boxes that you should be doing. These weekends are packed to the brim with fun experiences waiting to be had, and youre right there in the middle of it all.
Take advantage, take lots of pictures and have one of the most memorable weekends of your life.
source http://allofbeer.com/2017/09/05/6-ways-to-make-sure-your-first-festival-is-the-greatest-experience-of-your-life/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2017/09/6-ways-to-make-sure-your-first-festival.html
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samanthasroberts · 7 years
6 Ways To Make Sure Your First Festival Is The Greatest Experience Of Your Life
Although Ive always been an avid concert-goer, last summer was my full-on, camping-for-five-days music festival experience.
It was incredible: non-stop good music, friendly vibes, camping and the summer sun.
Needless to say, Ive already bought tickets to another festival this summer, and I am anxiously counting down the days.
Like I said, Id been to many a concert before last year, but music festivals are a whole different creature.
Fortunately, I went with an experienced group of festival-goers who saved me from some rookie mistakes. But even so, I learned a few things the hard way.
For those of you attending your first festival this year, let me save you some of my mistakes, sunburns, blister and hangovers.
Here are the biggest lessons I learned last year on how to nail the festival experience:
1. Choose your clothing wisely.
Alexander Grabchilev
I cannot emphasize this point enough.
I beg you, put down your credit card and step away from the must-have festival gear section of whatever clothing company is currently spamming your inbox.
I get that everyone wants to look cute in all of their Instagram posts, Snapchats ad whatever, but consider what youll actually be doing.
You will be outside in the sun, jumping up and down, walking and standing for many hours.
Really, packing for a festival should resemble packing for a hiking trip more than a beach vacation: good shoes, comfortable clothing, hats and so on.
Accept that your hair and makeup, no matter how much effort you put into them, will look like a mess by the end of the day. (You magical creatures who have managed to subvert this, show me your ways.)
It may not sound sexy, but you will thank me for this advice on day two when you can still walk.
Dress for comfort and function.
Pro tips:
1. Wear good shoes.
Avoid those gladiator sandals. Whoever decided these were perfect shoes for the occasion is full of garbage.
You will be walking, standing and jumping around in a crowd for the majority of your day, and lets remember that festival grounds are dirt, grass and mud.
Youll definitely get blisters (and stupid tan lines), and your toes will be stomped to bits in the crowd.
Trust me, I wore sandals for approximately six hours my first day last year, and the combination of sweat, walking and mud gave me blisters that required me to wrap both feet in bandages to be able to walk the rest of the weekend.
I switched to athletic sneakers shortly after.
They looked ugly with my clothing (turns out bright blue Asics dont really go with much), but my feet felt MUCH better than they would have in other shoes, and my toes were mostly protected.
Your feet will hurt more after each day of this festival than they ever have in your entire life, so take care of them.
2. Avoid white clothing.
I left my campsite on day two wearing a cute crop top and high-waisted white shorts.
They lasted for ONE SET before turning brown from all the dust kicked up by the crowd.
I had to rush back and change before the next show, and the dirt never came out. After several washes, those shorts went in the trash.
Remember, you will be dirty and sweaty. Dress accordingly.
3. Your hair and makeup will be a mess by the end of the day.
Sweat plus sunscreen, plus dancing, plus humidity, plus desperately trying to cool off by getting wet makes this hard to avoid.
Embrace it.
4. Dress for comfort.
As Ive said, you will be dancing, running, standing and sweating a ton.
Whatever you put on your body, make sure it will still be comfortable once all of these forces are applied.
Chafing and blisters make your life harder for the rest of the weekend.
2. Stay (as) healthy (as possible).
I know, this can be a tough one.
Music festivals are a beautiful combination of things that are bad for your body: loud noises, extended sun exposure, heat, terrible (delicious) food, drinking (and possibly other substances) and no sleep.
By all means, do whatever will make your festival experience the best possible time.
However, if you can sneak in some healthy habits around the fun, your body will thank you, especially when its 5 pm on the fourth day and youre starting to wonder what possessed you to actually pay money to live outside and be tired for four days straight.
Pro tips:
1. Get as much sleep as humanly possible.
I know Im a cranky bitch when I havent slept enough, but I wanted to stay up as late as possible to experience all the fun.
My compromise with myself? I stayed at the shows until I was ready to pass out.
Then, I dragged myself back to my tent, drank some water, put in earplugs, slipped on a face mask and passed out.
The mask and earplugs (and probably exhaustion, but whatever) worked wonders. I actually slept like a baby and woke up feeling relatively refreshed.
Do whatever you need to do to get as much sleep as you can around your schedule of fun. This is clutch.
2. Hydrate.
This is super important.
Heat and sun plus dancing and alcohol is a recipe for dehydration, and you dont want to be that guy who faints in the middle of Blink-182s set because you didnt drink enough water.
Start hydrating before you leave home, and keep drinking water, Gatorade, Pedialyte or whatever does it for you when you have a nasty hangover.
I drank a Gatorade before I went to sleep every night, and my mornings were far less of a struggle as a result.
3. Wear sunscreen.
Not to sound like your mom, but your life will be much easier if you can avoid getting sunburned during your festival weekend.
Trust me, it doesnt get EASIER to spend your entire day out in the sun when youre already as red as a lobster.
4. Eat a vegetable.
It can be tempting to grab your 14th slice of pizza and call it dinner after a day of partying when you only have 10 minutes until your next show.
However, I promise you, your body will start to rebel before the festival ends if you only feed it Red Bull, vodka and Doritos.
Bring as much food as you can (this also saves money), and try to pack some moderately healthy things along with the junk food and cheeseburgers.
Granola bars, fruit and nuts make an easy breakfast or a quick mid-day snack that your body wont hate you for.
Some food vendors actually offer vegetables and healthier options for sale inside the festival grounds.
I know theres no way a salad beats a grilled cheese, but your body can only take so many meals that your 5-year-old self would have chosen before it feels like garbage, especially when you throw in the other stressors of sun and heat and alcohol and lack of sleep.
Eat, like, one apple and some carrots. Trust me on this.
3. Prepare for the elements.
This is another area where pack for camping is useful advice.
Remember youll basically be living outside for several days, and so you will be at the mercy of the weather.
Check the forecast before you pack, but be prepared for conditions that change quickly.
It will be hot, and you will be outside in the sun, so dress and act accordingly.
If youre camping, create some shade by putting up a canopy and hanging curtains or tapestries from the sides.
It might rain, so consider clothes and shoes that wont feel awful when wet, as well as a poncho.
Rain equals mud, so pack shoes that can hold up and wont get sucked into the ground like quicksand.
It cools off at night, so bring layers.
This one is a little weird, but prepare for dust! When the wind kicks up, it can create a small dust tornado on festival grounds, so be ready.
Have a bandanna you can cover your face with and sunglasses to protect your eyes, and wear clothes that wont be harmed by a little (or a lot) of dirt.
The point i, before you put something in your suitcase, ask yourself, Can this hold up in every weather condition?
If the answer is no, leave it home.
4. Have a plan for what you want to do, but be open to new experiences.
Festivals can be overwhelming.
Theres always something to do, like socializing in your campsite, playing pick-up volleyball, trying new foods, having drinks at a festival bar and seeing the nonstop music playing on multiple stages at all times.
Go in with some sort of plan, even if its very loose.
You and your group should choose the bands you dont want to miss.
Then, schedule your days accordingly, and figure out how to navigate any schedule conflicts.
Fill in the remaining time with other activities.
However, the fact that you have a plan doesnt mean that you shouldnt be open to spontaneity and new experiences!
Stop by a random stage and see a band youve never heard before. Ask your camping neighbors if they want to play flip cup or throw around a frisbee.
Go to the Silent Disco, even if you dont know exactly what that is. See what you want to see, but be open to new experiences, too.
You wont regret it.
As an aside, try not to get so drunk that you cant make it out of your campsite. You miss both plans and new experiences when you pass out before the first show starts.
5. Make friends (also, dont lose your friends).
The advice surrounding friends is two-fold.
First, be open to making new friends! The vibe at festivals is amazing.
Everyone is happy and excited to be there, and everyone wants to meet everyone else.
If youre camping, befriend your neighbors. Talk to people while you wait in line for beer.
High-five strangers. Bond over your mutual love for The 1975 with the others around you in the crowd.
The friendly vibes are one of the things that makes the festival experience so special, so take advantage.
Also important: When hanging out with friends, new or old, try not to lose them.
Cell service in campsites and festival grounds is garbage, and unless you come prepared with a charging solution, your phone will probably die at least once.
Anytime you split up from friends, have a designated meeting place and time where youll find each other. Even if youre just getting in different food lines, choose a place you will meet up when finished.
This sounds like a bit much, but I promise it will help you.
When you say, Meh, well just *find* each other after this bathroom break, and you emerge to a crowd of 800 people also waiting for bathrooms, trying to find friends or standing around, just finding each other becomes somewhat harder.
Be specific: I will meet you next to this garbage can after you get your pizza and I get my salad (because I read this article and am eating a vegetable).
6. Have fun.
Festivals are an amazing weekend of great music, friends, camping, new experiences and fun.
Think about what will make this weekend the most fun for you, and then do it.
Dont worry if your outfit is less Kylie at Coachella and more James Franco in 127 Hours. (You probably wont have enough service to post that Insta anyway.)
The point isnt to look pretty or to check certain boxes that you should be doing. These weekends are packed to the brim with fun experiences waiting to be had, and youre right there in the middle of it all.
Take advantage, take lots of pictures and have one of the most memorable weekends of your life.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/09/05/6-ways-to-make-sure-your-first-festival-is-the-greatest-experience-of-your-life/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/09/05/6-ways-to-make-sure-your-first-festival-is-the-greatest-experience-of-your-life/
0 notes
adambstingus · 7 years
6 Ways To Make Sure Your First Festival Is The Greatest Experience Of Your Life
Although Ive always been an avid concert-goer, last summer was my full-on, camping-for-five-days music festival experience.
It was incredible: non-stop good music, friendly vibes, camping and the summer sun.
Needless to say, Ive already bought tickets to another festival this summer, and I am anxiously counting down the days.
Like I said, Id been to many a concert before last year, but music festivals are a whole different creature.
Fortunately, I went with an experienced group of festival-goers who saved me from some rookie mistakes. But even so, I learned a few things the hard way.
For those of you attending your first festival this year, let me save you some of my mistakes, sunburns, blister and hangovers.
Here are the biggest lessons I learned last year on how to nail the festival experience:
1. Choose your clothing wisely.
Alexander Grabchilev
I cannot emphasize this point enough.
I beg you, put down your credit card and step away from the must-have festival gear section of whatever clothing company is currently spamming your inbox.
I get that everyone wants to look cute in all of their Instagram posts, Snapchats ad whatever, but consider what youll actually be doing.
You will be outside in the sun, jumping up and down, walking and standing for many hours.
Really, packing for a festival should resemble packing for a hiking trip more than a beach vacation: good shoes, comfortable clothing, hats and so on.
Accept that your hair and makeup, no matter how much effort you put into them, will look like a mess by the end of the day. (You magical creatures who have managed to subvert this, show me your ways.)
It may not sound sexy, but you will thank me for this advice on day two when you can still walk.
Dress for comfort and function.
Pro tips:
1. Wear good shoes.
Avoid those gladiator sandals. Whoever decided these were perfect shoes for the occasion is full of garbage.
You will be walking, standing and jumping around in a crowd for the majority of your day, and lets remember that festival grounds are dirt, grass and mud.
Youll definitely get blisters (and stupid tan lines), and your toes will be stomped to bits in the crowd.
Trust me, I wore sandals for approximately six hours my first day last year, and the combination of sweat, walking and mud gave me blisters that required me to wrap both feet in bandages to be able to walk the rest of the weekend.
I switched to athletic sneakers shortly after.
They looked ugly with my clothing (turns out bright blue Asics dont really go with much), but my feet felt MUCH better than they would have in other shoes, and my toes were mostly protected.
Your feet will hurt more after each day of this festival than they ever have in your entire life, so take care of them.
2. Avoid white clothing.
I left my campsite on day two wearing a cute crop top and high-waisted white shorts.
They lasted for ONE SET before turning brown from all the dust kicked up by the crowd.
I had to rush back and change before the next show, and the dirt never came out. After several washes, those shorts went in the trash.
Remember, you will be dirty and sweaty. Dress accordingly.
3. Your hair and makeup will be a mess by the end of the day.
Sweat plus sunscreen, plus dancing, plus humidity, plus desperately trying to cool off by getting wet makes this hard to avoid.
Embrace it.
4. Dress for comfort.
As Ive said, you will be dancing, running, standing and sweating a ton.
Whatever you put on your body, make sure it will still be comfortable once all of these forces are applied.
Chafing and blisters make your life harder for the rest of the weekend.
2. Stay (as) healthy (as possible).
I know, this can be a tough one.
Music festivals are a beautiful combination of things that are bad for your body: loud noises, extended sun exposure, heat, terrible (delicious) food, drinking (and possibly other substances) and no sleep.
By all means, do whatever will make your festival experience the best possible time.
However, if you can sneak in some healthy habits around the fun, your body will thank you, especially when its 5 pm on the fourth day and youre starting to wonder what possessed you to actually pay money to live outside and be tired for four days straight.
Pro tips:
1. Get as much sleep as humanly possible.
I know Im a cranky bitch when I havent slept enough, but I wanted to stay up as late as possible to experience all the fun.
My compromise with myself? I stayed at the shows until I was ready to pass out.
Then, I dragged myself back to my tent, drank some water, put in earplugs, slipped on a face mask and passed out.
The mask and earplugs (and probably exhaustion, but whatever) worked wonders. I actually slept like a baby and woke up feeling relatively refreshed.
Do whatever you need to do to get as much sleep as you can around your schedule of fun. This is clutch.
2. Hydrate.
This is super important.
Heat and sun plus dancing and alcohol is a recipe for dehydration, and you dont want to be that guy who faints in the middle of Blink-182s set because you didnt drink enough water.
Start hydrating before you leave home, and keep drinking water, Gatorade, Pedialyte or whatever does it for you when you have a nasty hangover.
I drank a Gatorade before I went to sleep every night, and my mornings were far less of a struggle as a result.
3. Wear sunscreen.
Not to sound like your mom, but your life will be much easier if you can avoid getting sunburned during your festival weekend.
Trust me, it doesnt get EASIER to spend your entire day out in the sun when youre already as red as a lobster.
4. Eat a vegetable.
It can be tempting to grab your 14th slice of pizza and call it dinner after a day of partying when you only have 10 minutes until your next show.
However, I promise you, your body will start to rebel before the festival ends if you only feed it Red Bull, vodka and Doritos.
Bring as much food as you can (this also saves money), and try to pack some moderately healthy things along with the junk food and cheeseburgers.
Granola bars, fruit and nuts make an easy breakfast or a quick mid-day snack that your body wont hate you for.
Some food vendors actually offer vegetables and healthier options for sale inside the festival grounds.
I know theres no way a salad beats a grilled cheese, but your body can only take so many meals that your 5-year-old self would have chosen before it feels like garbage, especially when you throw in the other stressors of sun and heat and alcohol and lack of sleep.
Eat, like, one apple and some carrots. Trust me on this.
3. Prepare for the elements.
This is another area where pack for camping is useful advice.
Remember youll basically be living outside for several days, and so you will be at the mercy of the weather.
Check the forecast before you pack, but be prepared for conditions that change quickly.
It will be hot, and you will be outside in the sun, so dress and act accordingly.
If youre camping, create some shade by putting up a canopy and hanging curtains or tapestries from the sides.
It might rain, so consider clothes and shoes that wont feel awful when wet, as well as a poncho.
Rain equals mud, so pack shoes that can hold up and wont get sucked into the ground like quicksand.
It cools off at night, so bring layers.
This one is a little weird, but prepare for dust! When the wind kicks up, it can create a small dust tornado on festival grounds, so be ready.
Have a bandanna you can cover your face with and sunglasses to protect your eyes, and wear clothes that wont be harmed by a little (or a lot) of dirt.
The point i, before you put something in your suitcase, ask yourself, Can this hold up in every weather condition?
If the answer is no, leave it home.
4. Have a plan for what you want to do, but be open to new experiences.
Festivals can be overwhelming.
Theres always something to do, like socializing in your campsite, playing pick-up volleyball, trying new foods, having drinks at a festival bar and seeing the nonstop music playing on multiple stages at all times.
Go in with some sort of plan, even if its very loose.
You and your group should choose the bands you dont want to miss.
Then, schedule your days accordingly, and figure out how to navigate any schedule conflicts.
Fill in the remaining time with other activities.
However, the fact that you have a plan doesnt mean that you shouldnt be open to spontaneity and new experiences!
Stop by a random stage and see a band youve never heard before. Ask your camping neighbors if they want to play flip cup or throw around a frisbee.
Go to the Silent Disco, even if you dont know exactly what that is. See what you want to see, but be open to new experiences, too.
You wont regret it.
As an aside, try not to get so drunk that you cant make it out of your campsite. You miss both plans and new experiences when you pass out before the first show starts.
5. Make friends (also, dont lose your friends).
The advice surrounding friends is two-fold.
First, be open to making new friends! The vibe at festivals is amazing.
Everyone is happy and excited to be there, and everyone wants to meet everyone else.
If youre camping, befriend your neighbors. Talk to people while you wait in line for beer.
High-five strangers. Bond over your mutual love for The 1975 with the others around you in the crowd.
The friendly vibes are one of the things that makes the festival experience so special, so take advantage.
Also important: When hanging out with friends, new or old, try not to lose them.
Cell service in campsites and festival grounds is garbage, and unless you come prepared with a charging solution, your phone will probably die at least once.
Anytime you split up from friends, have a designated meeting place and time where youll find each other. Even if youre just getting in different food lines, choose a place you will meet up when finished.
This sounds like a bit much, but I promise it will help you.
When you say, Meh, well just *find* each other after this bathroom break, and you emerge to a crowd of 800 people also waiting for bathrooms, trying to find friends or standing around, just finding each other becomes somewhat harder.
Be specific: I will meet you next to this garbage can after you get your pizza and I get my salad (because I read this article and am eating a vegetable).
6. Have fun.
Festivals are an amazing weekend of great music, friends, camping, new experiences and fun.
Think about what will make this weekend the most fun for you, and then do it.
Dont worry if your outfit is less Kylie at Coachella and more James Franco in 127 Hours. (You probably wont have enough service to post that Insta anyway.)
The point isnt to look pretty or to check certain boxes that you should be doing. These weekends are packed to the brim with fun experiences waiting to be had, and youre right there in the middle of it all.
Take advantage, take lots of pictures and have one of the most memorable weekends of your life.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/09/05/6-ways-to-make-sure-your-first-festival-is-the-greatest-experience-of-your-life/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/164996257557
0 notes
allofbeercom · 7 years
6 Ways To Make Sure Your First Festival Is The Greatest Experience Of Your Life
Although Ive always been an avid concert-goer, last summer was my full-on, camping-for-five-days music festival experience.
It was incredible: non-stop good music, friendly vibes, camping and the summer sun.
Needless to say, Ive already bought tickets to another festival this summer, and I am anxiously counting down the days.
Like I said, Id been to many a concert before last year, but music festivals are a whole different creature.
Fortunately, I went with an experienced group of festival-goers who saved me from some rookie mistakes. But even so, I learned a few things the hard way.
For those of you attending your first festival this year, let me save you some of my mistakes, sunburns, blister and hangovers.
Here are the biggest lessons I learned last year on how to nail the festival experience:
1. Choose your clothing wisely.
Alexander Grabchilev
I cannot emphasize this point enough.
I beg you, put down your credit card and step away from the must-have festival gear section of whatever clothing company is currently spamming your inbox.
I get that everyone wants to look cute in all of their Instagram posts, Snapchats ad whatever, but consider what youll actually be doing.
You will be outside in the sun, jumping up and down, walking and standing for many hours.
Really, packing for a festival should resemble packing for a hiking trip more than a beach vacation: good shoes, comfortable clothing, hats and so on.
Accept that your hair and makeup, no matter how much effort you put into them, will look like a mess by the end of the day. (You magical creatures who have managed to subvert this, show me your ways.)
It may not sound sexy, but you will thank me for this advice on day two when you can still walk.
Dress for comfort and function.
Pro tips:
1. Wear good shoes.
Avoid those gladiator sandals. Whoever decided these were perfect shoes for the occasion is full of garbage.
You will be walking, standing and jumping around in a crowd for the majority of your day, and lets remember that festival grounds are dirt, grass and mud.
Youll definitely get blisters (and stupid tan lines), and your toes will be stomped to bits in the crowd.
Trust me, I wore sandals for approximately six hours my first day last year, and the combination of sweat, walking and mud gave me blisters that required me to wrap both feet in bandages to be able to walk the rest of the weekend.
I switched to athletic sneakers shortly after.
They looked ugly with my clothing (turns out bright blue Asics dont really go with much), but my feet felt MUCH better than they would have in other shoes, and my toes were mostly protected.
Your feet will hurt more after each day of this festival than they ever have in your entire life, so take care of them.
2. Avoid white clothing.
I left my campsite on day two wearing a cute crop top and high-waisted white shorts.
They lasted for ONE SET before turning brown from all the dust kicked up by the crowd.
I had to rush back and change before the next show, and the dirt never came out. After several washes, those shorts went in the trash.
Remember, you will be dirty and sweaty. Dress accordingly.
3. Your hair and makeup will be a mess by the end of the day.
Sweat plus sunscreen, plus dancing, plus humidity, plus desperately trying to cool off by getting wet makes this hard to avoid.
Embrace it.
4. Dress for comfort.
As Ive said, you will be dancing, running, standing and sweating a ton.
Whatever you put on your body, make sure it will still be comfortable once all of these forces are applied.
Chafing and blisters make your life harder for the rest of the weekend.
2. Stay (as) healthy (as possible).
I know, this can be a tough one.
Music festivals are a beautiful combination of things that are bad for your body: loud noises, extended sun exposure, heat, terrible (delicious) food, drinking (and possibly other substances) and no sleep.
By all means, do whatever will make your festival experience the best possible time.
However, if you can sneak in some healthy habits around the fun, your body will thank you, especially when its 5 pm on the fourth day and youre starting to wonder what possessed you to actually pay money to live outside and be tired for four days straight.
Pro tips:
1. Get as much sleep as humanly possible.
I know Im a cranky bitch when I havent slept enough, but I wanted to stay up as late as possible to experience all the fun.
My compromise with myself? I stayed at the shows until I was ready to pass out.
Then, I dragged myself back to my tent, drank some water, put in earplugs, slipped on a face mask and passed out.
The mask and earplugs (and probably exhaustion, but whatever) worked wonders. I actually slept like a baby and woke up feeling relatively refreshed.
Do whatever you need to do to get as much sleep as you can around your schedule of fun. This is clutch.
2. Hydrate.
This is super important.
Heat and sun plus dancing and alcohol is a recipe for dehydration, and you dont want to be that guy who faints in the middle of Blink-182s set because you didnt drink enough water.
Start hydrating before you leave home, and keep drinking water, Gatorade, Pedialyte or whatever does it for you when you have a nasty hangover.
I drank a Gatorade before I went to sleep every night, and my mornings were far less of a struggle as a result.
3. Wear sunscreen.
Not to sound like your mom, but your life will be much easier if you can avoid getting sunburned during your festival weekend.
Trust me, it doesnt get EASIER to spend your entire day out in the sun when youre already as red as a lobster.
4. Eat a vegetable.
It can be tempting to grab your 14th slice of pizza and call it dinner after a day of partying when you only have 10 minutes until your next show.
However, I promise you, your body will start to rebel before the festival ends if you only feed it Red Bull, vodka and Doritos.
Bring as much food as you can (this also saves money), and try to pack some moderately healthy things along with the junk food and cheeseburgers.
Granola bars, fruit and nuts make an easy breakfast or a quick mid-day snack that your body wont hate you for.
Some food vendors actually offer vegetables and healthier options for sale inside the festival grounds.
I know theres no way a salad beats a grilled cheese, but your body can only take so many meals that your 5-year-old self would have chosen before it feels like garbage, especially when you throw in the other stressors of sun and heat and alcohol and lack of sleep.
Eat, like, one apple and some carrots. Trust me on this.
3. Prepare for the elements.
This is another area where pack for camping is useful advice.
Remember youll basically be living outside for several days, and so you will be at the mercy of the weather.
Check the forecast before you pack, but be prepared for conditions that change quickly.
It will be hot, and you will be outside in the sun, so dress and act accordingly.
If youre camping, create some shade by putting up a canopy and hanging curtains or tapestries from the sides.
It might rain, so consider clothes and shoes that wont feel awful when wet, as well as a poncho.
Rain equals mud, so pack shoes that can hold up and wont get sucked into the ground like quicksand.
It cools off at night, so bring layers.
This one is a little weird, but prepare for dust! When the wind kicks up, it can create a small dust tornado on festival grounds, so be ready.
Have a bandanna you can cover your face with and sunglasses to protect your eyes, and wear clothes that wont be harmed by a little (or a lot) of dirt.
The point i, before you put something in your suitcase, ask yourself, Can this hold up in every weather condition?
If the answer is no, leave it home.
4. Have a plan for what you want to do, but be open to new experiences.
Festivals can be overwhelming.
Theres always something to do, like socializing in your campsite, playing pick-up volleyball, trying new foods, having drinks at a festival bar and seeing the nonstop music playing on multiple stages at all times.
Go in with some sort of plan, even if its very loose.
You and your group should choose the bands you dont want to miss.
Then, schedule your days accordingly, and figure out how to navigate any schedule conflicts.
Fill in the remaining time with other activities.
However, the fact that you have a plan doesnt mean that you shouldnt be open to spontaneity and new experiences!
Stop by a random stage and see a band youve never heard before. Ask your camping neighbors if they want to play flip cup or throw around a frisbee.
Go to the Silent Disco, even if you dont know exactly what that is. See what you want to see, but be open to new experiences, too.
You wont regret it.
As an aside, try not to get so drunk that you cant make it out of your campsite. You miss both plans and new experiences when you pass out before the first show starts.
5. Make friends (also, dont lose your friends).
The advice surrounding friends is two-fold.
First, be open to making new friends! The vibe at festivals is amazing.
Everyone is happy and excited to be there, and everyone wants to meet everyone else.
If youre camping, befriend your neighbors. Talk to people while you wait in line for beer.
High-five strangers. Bond over your mutual love for The 1975 with the others around you in the crowd.
The friendly vibes are one of the things that makes the festival experience so special, so take advantage.
Also important: When hanging out with friends, new or old, try not to lose them.
Cell service in campsites and festival grounds is garbage, and unless you come prepared with a charging solution, your phone will probably die at least once.
Anytime you split up from friends, have a designated meeting place and time where youll find each other. Even if youre just getting in different food lines, choose a place you will meet up when finished.
This sounds like a bit much, but I promise it will help you.
When you say, Meh, well just *find* each other after this bathroom break, and you emerge to a crowd of 800 people also waiting for bathrooms, trying to find friends or standing around, just finding each other becomes somewhat harder.
Be specific: I will meet you next to this garbage can after you get your pizza and I get my salad (because I read this article and am eating a vegetable).
6. Have fun.
Festivals are an amazing weekend of great music, friends, camping, new experiences and fun.
Think about what will make this weekend the most fun for you, and then do it.
Dont worry if your outfit is less Kylie at Coachella and more James Franco in 127 Hours. (You probably wont have enough service to post that Insta anyway.)
The point isnt to look pretty or to check certain boxes that you should be doing. These weekends are packed to the brim with fun experiences waiting to be had, and youre right there in the middle of it all.
Take advantage, take lots of pictures and have one of the most memorable weekends of your life.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/09/05/6-ways-to-make-sure-your-first-festival-is-the-greatest-experience-of-your-life/
0 notes