#theres deeper shit that needs to be done lol both on their individual ends and in their relationship/communication btween the two of em
cutemeat · 2 years
s16 we should get a macden sex scene where we get that sort of In-A-Box panning camera where we shift into a top down view of dens bed and it pans to den and he’s sweaty and his eyes are closed and he’s smiling and it keeps panning and we get to mac and he’s just like looking off to the side sort of giving like the Scratching My Head look because it was so ass. basically it was everything den has ever wanted but mac is so upset and scared because the pussy was trash and he doesn’t know if he can live with that in a relationship [it’s all in his head he was just so nervous he couldnt focus on the task that well and he’s self sabotaging almost. after they do it again he’s like wooooah.. woah] [this will not happen]
OHHH NO THAT'S SO GOOD I LOV THE WHOLE MAC SELF-SABOTAGING THING THAT'S LIKE... SO REAL??? 100% putting WAY too much pressure on himself (thnx to dennis tbh) meanwhile den is just like. content as could be, not a single goddamn complaint. tbh i think that's a lot more the core Macden dynamic... i like the running implication throughout the show that balance is restored to their relationship anytime they bang lolll (think s6/s15)
i rlly can see mac spending the whole time agonizing n weighing the Pros and the Cons n just catastrophizing to No End but then they bang a second-time n then shit's fine LOL very typical mac </3
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flockofdoves · 6 years
not to crazyblog but someone just asked on fb what the most wild beliefs one genuinely holds are and then i found a post i wrote ages ago on the subject and ended up elaborating a lot on it so Here It Is
copypasted from something i wrote months ago that isnt the clearest, if you're confused i can clarify my wording/elaborate
"in all of written history the method through which humans reproduce our means of subsistence is primary to how our societies function. even before humans all living things have effected nature through what they have done in order to survive. but maybe there is another level to this? before something can survive, it first must come into existence. life didn’t always exist as we know it today, before there could be cells there first needed to be all the components of them. survival may be the basis for the progress of living things, but perhaps this is only part of a larger structure of things coming into existence being the basis of all progress, even that of nonliving things. if this is the case then is it possible for certain things to reproduce their means of existence? what would that entail? maybe this would allow an explanation of much of spirituality, of things that cannot be explained by modern understandings of science, without resorting to immaterial means such as the existence of a power inherently above us all."
for more context i do witchcraft and shit and i understand critiques of it for being reactionary a lot of the time, but i also think that a lot of occult/spiritual/magical things do actually play a role in existence, i just consider the distinction between which is considered that versus science is that which we can prove with our current technology and understanding of the universe. so like, yeah because we don't know a lot of the details of how those types of things function, its a lot of doing w/e and hoping it sticks when it comes to things like witchcraft, but that doesnt mean theres no value to it, before modern science that was essentially how all people like medics and such operated, and we were eventually able to take some value out of that.
also like when people talk about how communism, while its the end of economic class, would not necessarily entail stagnation in the progress of history and power struggles but that we arent currently at a place where we can do anything but theorize as to how that would look like. i personally think that could entail us gaining a deeper understanding of things currently considered supernatural because of our lack of a need to focus as much any longer on issues of human survival.
i'm super interesting in things like astral travel and the idea of there being different planes of existence that can somewhat interact with our own. i have had partial out of body experiences before through meditation and heard voices that sounded unfamiliar to anything i'd heard before and i could see the room i was meditating in with the addition of figures in it even with my physical eyes closed (to clarify, i have never had issues with hallucination in my specific schizo spectrum disorder, schizotypal personality disorder) i think things like spirits/ghosts, so called "spirit guides", etc all are coexisting with us on separate planes but that these planes are fluid and we all are somewhat able to shift which plane we are on if we put in the effort. i dont think of my spirituality as inherently hierarchic, we all have different capabilities and knowledge from the planes we are used to, when people consult things like spirits for information, just like humans they can help or hinder and we both can benefit each other with our different skills and perspectives.
also recently i've been super interested in the concept of demons?? like i think from reading about how often they come up in so many individual experiences and across a wide variety of cultures, they likely exist in some capacity. but until recently i rejected their existence because the concept of anything being "inherently evil" doesnt mesh with my beliefs at all and disturbs me. but reading about how they are described in different cultures and media that arent so much like they are described in christianity has changed my interpretation of them. like some of interpretations of jinn in islam are interesting to me?? in that they have societies and live on this earth much like humans, but their composition and how they sustain themselves is different so they are not typically visible to humans. personally ive started to think that "demons" aren't inherently evil, but much like any living thing they need a method of sustenance from other living things, or alternatively maybe some don't even prey on humans, but because of their own societal pressures much like our own class society, some resort to or benefit from that within the context of how they currently sustain their existence.
this got long lol sorry i was just gonna copypaste the first part but i got excited!!
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