#theres issues that will never go away but like to act like the developers donr love this game as much as we do is......
narwhalandchill · 1 month
sometimes genshin will be doing its gacha thing and or some other general annoying non gacha cringe and it sucks and theres a snoozefest patch and writing that falls short of its full potential and shoddy QoL and an underutilized combat system and when its like that its easy to be all ha ha shit game fuck this company i dont owe em shit but then u sit on it a while calm down and eventually go back to like. the chasm nail and just. listen to that haunting fucking OST and remember how ur breath caught and heart skipped when u discovered it the first time with that same melody kicking in gear only to drill that sucker punch of a wonder in further so that ur stuck helplessly left staring at the scene in front of u for minutes and minutes just. lost in that ambience . And try to remember the last time a video game has so effortlessly managed to instill this completely indescribable feeling in you (on MULTIPLE occasions) and absorb you into this world crafted with so much love and careful attention radiating from its every pore and its like. yeah yeah i know i know . why ive stuck with it all this time . why im most likely not quitting until EoS
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