#theres more too I just haven’t written it down yet. um. uh oh.
preggomancer · 1 month
well. I’ve already written a solid 15 paragraphs of lore for Mother and it took me until about paragraph 13 to remember that this is a kink thing. I tried to do worldbuilding to justify my kink but accidentally did kink to justify worldbuilding oopsies
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wanna1things · 7 years
Soulmate!Park Jihoon
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my laptop broke the first two times i tried to post this please appreciate
Genre;; fluff + uhh college!au,, fashion designer!au uh soulmate!au obviously
Warnings;; theres a bit of self-deprecation here and mentions of like low self esteem ??
Pairing;; Park Jihoon x reader
Soulmate AU Type;; when you and your soulmate touch, you both feel sparks until you get together lol its a v simple one this time
Summary;; You met Park Jihoon in the first year of college. Since then you’ve always felt a spark, but you haven’t yet felt the spark you really want...
Style;; bullet point
Word Count;; 1785
Also in this series;; Daniel | Woojin | Jinyoung | Minhyun
I’m posting this as a thank you for 100 followers (i think its 115 now??) and also because i am bored… i’ve had my ribena it’s time to WRITE also excuse me?? i love jihoons fashion sense. give me that boy in a beret any day i’ll take it. this was written when i was in a bit of a slump so if it’s bad i’m so sorry but ill do the requests ASSSSSSSSSSSSAP
your parents told you about the ‘sparks’ thing when you were really young
you used to dream that you’d meet a real life prince and touch his hand and then you’d feel the sparks and you really like romanticised that as a kid lol
all the way through your life your friends were finding their soulmates, some even in kindergarten lol
but you never seemed to have much luck and your mum always joked that you were still waiting for that prince to come along
you decided that really soulmates weren’t the most important thing in life and although it would be nice to meet yours;; you’d rather explore other passions
so you took up designing fashion
your school offered design and technology courses so you took a couple and realised it was something you really enjoyed
you were always the best at being able to make old clothes into something new fresh and wonderful
when you got accepted into the best fashion college in the country you almost had a heart attack
your mum read out your acceptance letter while you were on the toilet lmaooooo
but really you never really thought you had that much talent with designing
but your acceptance letter seemed to suggest that the college really liked your mood boards and your way of styling
on the first day of college you walked into the hall expecting it to be like;; a normal lecture hall
but everyone was already in groups around these mannequins
kill me now
you moved into the group you were told to go into and introduced yourself as brightly as you could
“hello! I’m y/n haha”
the others responded with their names and they shook your hand quickly
except for one kid who seemed to not be that;; interested in your presence
he mumbled a “park jihoon” and went back to working with the materials
you watched as he went to work cutting the fabrics and you tried to decide what you wanted to do with the old piece of clothing on the mannequin
the prompt on the whiteboard simply read ‘uplift me!’ so it was pretty vague;;
you suggested bright colours like yellows or pastels to be uplifting
the jihoon guy turned up his nose a bit at this
“no, y/n i think we should use sequins or metallics. they are more eye catching, which might be what they mean by uplifting”
the other group members were a bit like lmao what just happened
“did jihoon just talk to you?? he hasn’t spoken to any of us no matter what we say what’s your secret??”
honestly you thought he was angry and that’s why he spoke to you like that lol
but in jihoon’s head he was mentally kicking himself like this girl is the only one in the room whose fashion style is my taste;; and i make her hate me lmao gr8 job m8
but really he just appreciated that you put a viable idea forward and he wanted to have an,, intellectual conversation with you but he ended up scaring you off more than anything
you continue to work on the piece as a group and you settle on using gold because;; it’s kind of bright like what you want and it’s the metallic that jihoon wanted
when the professor comes around and looks at yours he immediately can tell you two did all the work and you two are like?? How did you know
and the professor is just like ya guys i looked at your mood boards. i know your styles
but he puts you and jihoon together as a pair so you can work together on future projects because your styles match super well and then ON GOES THE LECTURE
a few months into college you start doing placements in a shop where you design and put together outfits for the customers
you and jihoon are put against each other for like the first time and you each have to try and please as many customers as you can
the briefs they give are literally like;; two words usually “i want a skirt to match these shoes” or something
and you have to learn to infer their style from what they’re already wearing it’s v difficult;;
but you and jihoon manage to please the exact same number of clients… and you do each client you get pretty much perfectly
from that moment onwards you and jihoon are known as the fashion power couple, even though you aren’t actually a couple in fact you’ve never seen each other outside of class
that is until jihoon invites you to go to a coffee shop for lunch during the break between your classes and your placement
after yall get your food and your drinks you sit down in a booth and just sigh and relax a bit
jihoon says out of nowhere
“i’m sorry if i scared you at first i was just really surprised to find someone with the same style as me lol”
he’s blushing a lot and its?? really cute i mean you knew park jihoon was cute from the very first moment you saw him but the light blush across his cheeks makes him look 250% more adorable
“don’t worry i’m not even remotely scared of you! i’m really happy we are friends”
jihoon did not realise he was your friend oh my god this makes him happy he thought he was just an acquaintance
don’t tell anyone but he’s highkey been crushing on you since the first day you met and did that fancy ass styling
i mean you have a crush on him too but you two have literally… never hung out like… can’t act upon this
you are just enjoying your tea and your croissant when you notice jihoon has a paper cut on his hand
“hey jihoon i know how to cure paper cuts super quick all you have to do is-”
you lean over the table to grab his hand and demonstrate what to do when he flinches and snatches his hand away
I mean you’re a bit hurt but like… you just continue with what you were saying to not make it awkward
“ahh… um… my mum said you can put superglue on it to make it heal haha”
jihoon smiles back sheepishly and keeps drinking his drink
he’s mentally kicking himself that he pulled his hand away but
honestly he really likes you and he doesn’t want to face that you probably won’t be his soulmate so;; he did that
but when he sees the sad look on your face it’s like ah INSTANT REGRET
when you go back to classes the next day your professor reveals that your whole class is entering a worldwide fashion contest
all the top fashion colleges around the world enter their top classes
you and jihoon look at each other and you’re so ready to partner up and get that first place position
but your professor then reveals
that you enter alone and teams aren’t allowed
rip fashion power couple you are really up against each other now
honestly you really want to win this to prove yourself
you don’t feel like your style is as refined as like jihoon’s or some of your other classmates
and it makes you feel kinda;; down
but you feel like if you win this then you’ve proven to yourself that you do have a style and it is worth you being at that college
because sometimes you think that you might just be surviving because jihoon is helping you and working with you??
but anyway
your brief is similar to the original brief you had on the first day of college except this one you style using pre existing pieces and one piece you can make yourself
the exact brief is like;;
“something uplifting, can put a smile on someone’s face. classic, but fresh.”
you decide almost straight away to use jihoons idea of gold from the first day because it does work
it’s classic, it can put a smile on someone’s face and if it’s styled the right way it can be fresh and uplifting too
little do you know jihoon has a similar idea
you decide to thrift a second hand wedding ring and you add some gold details to it as your item because;; it’s subtle and more classic idk??
on the day of the competition you and jihoon are getting ready backstage because;; you’re your own model lol
you go on the catwalk consecutively because it goes in order of school
just before you step out to go on stage jihoon pats your back and whispers a ‘good luck’ in your ear
you swear to god that you just felt the sparks
you look up at jihoon but he doesn’t seem to react so you brush it off as just being nerves
but inside both you and jihoon are mentally screaming
like omg the person i’ve liked for like ages is my soulmate bYE
the catwalk for both you and jihoon goes really smoothly, both of you have chosen similar styles and both of you are using gold
as you’re waiting backstage for your results your professor approaches you and sighs
“i notice that jihoon’s style has influenced yours and that you’ve influenced jihoon’s style recently…”
honestly you look up at your professor like lmao whAT do you MEAN???
“my dear, it’s young love”
you can literally feel the heat burning up your cheeks as jihoon appears behind you and your professor
before you know it the results are being announced
the special mention prize goes to a girl from a Milan school of fashion which is like super surprising because they usually get first
as the host starts to announce the winner they get a message through their earpiece which makes them frown and the whole arena is just like ok whats going on
“i’m receiving word that two people have received the exact same scores from the judges and the audience which has… never been seen before. we have two winners.”
something inside your heart really hopes it is you and jihoon lol
“this year’s winners are y/n y/l/n and Park Jihoon!”
your heart was right
you immediately turn to jihoon and embrace him in the tightest hug ever
and he leans down to press his lips against yours
you can feel the sparks flying all over your body
but you really couldn’t care less you’re so happy
not only did you win
but you found your soulmate
you found your prince
and the fashion power couple is REAL
i;; i;;; need to sleep goodnigh t enj oy thank you for the love
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