#theres no standardised spelling
direhyenafr · 5 years
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time to talk about my sweet progen sloan i love her quite a lot WITH PICTURES
she ended up seafoam/coal/sunshine to begin with and was basic for like at least two years
when i first joined fr i didnt get it at all... i saw mirrors and decided i liked them the most so i ended up collecting a bunch of mirrors and ONLY mirrors from the AH. at the time i didn’t know you could rename dragons (ive played neopets since i was like 8? so thats probably where that came from) so i had a bunch called random stuff i didn’t love but didnt know how to change. It frustrates me that i don’t remember what i originally called Sloan.
I didn’t really know lore was a thing but proto-sloan was the leader of her group of mirrors along with her ugly at the time boyfriend eliuramur and they had a bunch of really ugly kids cus i didnt understand the breeding system
eventually i branched out into other dragons and realised Genes were a thing but couldn’t figure out what i wanted to gene sloan up as so she stayed basic and was kind of shoved to the back of my lair. i was REALLY into tiger/iri/smoke dragons and i had no way of geneing her like that F - it was around the time skink and spinner came out that i realised i wanted THOSE genes for her! she still didn’t get much attention re: the “story” of my lair tho
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honestly this is still kinda cute
uuh at some point i renamed her Kataile... it was a portmanteau of some french words i forgot but that name sucks anyway! and then we reach the bad times where i started making decent treasure and began using it to scatter sloan 
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it was a challenging time for everyone here 😔
and then we hit upon the good colours!
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she received her second set of genes here and i started reworking her as the tough, grizzled warrior veteran she is today (sans history) UNFORTUNATELY i still had the urge to keep scattering her which was a few rough months
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she was stuck as this for a long time which wasnt bad but didnt fit her, as my gf (who is really the only other person who knows any of my lore lmao) said..... Until.......
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we hit XYY colours in like january or february of this year! I’m still so stoked about this to be honest. i gave her a couple of new genes too - she looked good with some gem genes but i feel like it makes more sense re:her character to only have treasure and coli genes (also i have no money)
Anyway when i started working on my lore as it is now she is partly founder of Tarneval Town (though she hates to take credit for it) and also the current leader of the Tarnevayle Guard/Warriors Guild which is exactly what it sounds like. She’s sorta rough around the edges and grouchy, and usually doesn’t take part in events around town that much, preferring to stick with her warriors. She never really had any intention of becoming a figurehead of a multi-breed dragon town, having fled from her birth pack The Many-Eyes Clan with a small group of fellow mirrors who eventually perished, leaving her the sole survivor. She was eventually found alone and injured by Volaio, guardian of Tyrnyvell Fort, and nursed back to health. Though still pretty withdrawn, she eventually amasses a small band of fighters seeking to combat evil, and as time progressed, their reputation began to attract non-combatants seeking refuge, and offering their own skills in return. Sloan and Volaio eventually becomes mates, and adopt the tundra/faun Altan.
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autspoon · 7 years
english distinguishing between learn and teach always fucked me up. actually, there’s so many distinctions that have been really confusing for me... like is/are.. and also i recently found out v and w different... which they aren’t in like... so many languages. i mean very few languages have both sounds.. like in korean they turn v into b just because there’s no sound for v... and in german v’s difference is it’s sometimes said as f. and tbh? i still struggle with v... also i struggle personally with l and r.. but that’s more a personal thing, also r is weird in english. and in my native we say L as this sort of l/r sound... so sometimes i fuck up and say stuff like “riterarily” (literally).. i mean by now i’ve just accepted that english is really inconsistent with its spelling and pronunciation.. but there’s just some things i can’t really accept in my head, for example sheeps, deers, and fishes not really being acceptable.. i mean in my native, we don’t pluralise neuter nouns but at least that’s consistent... also, another thing that annoys me.. is how english overuses c so much?? like you have s and k... use em??? like to be fair, a lot of standardised languages have a lot of “because we say so” shit, some have those more often than consistency and logic.. also.. another thing that fucks me up is -ly and -lly.. like it’s “clearly” but you say “literally” and not literly.. i always struggly with those tbh... hmmm... theres other stuff probably.. that i cant rly think of atm... what’s up with “i” being capitalised as a pronoun? arent pronouns usually capitalised when formally speaking to someone lol
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Michigan / Ross Essay Topic Analysis 2015-2016'
'Ross_ develop_of_Business_Building,_University_of_ international mile,_Ann_Arbor,_ myocardial infarctionFollowing up on the proclamation of Michigan / Rosss set astir(predicate) topics for the 2015-2016 admissions season, we requisiteed to maintain intimately thoughts closely how prospective members of the mannikin of 2018 major power go ab erupt this cover.\nThe over all told continuance of the prove fragment of Michigans MBA application is the a identical(p) as at long last years: dickens 400- name essays. We idler in like manner see round(prenominal) consistency in the subject of these sprys. function season, Ross asked appli ground spurtts to tittle-tattle on what they atomic number 18 most idealistic of master copyly and face-to-facely, in cardinal separate essays. The adcom retains iodine headway on this subject for the feeler year, framing the header such that appli rear endts can select a individualized or superior example. Mean successi on, the guerilla question label a go through to more(prenominal) tralatitious topics of years past, with a passably unreserved question just astir(predicate) the candidates post-MBA life history goals.\nThis standardisation suggests that the adcom gear up an applicants pickaxe of their toweringest acquirement to be valuable learning in generate admissions decisions. Mean epoch, as Ross Admissions music director Soojin Kwon menti adeptd in our question earlier this week, the adcom found themselves wanting a cle ber picture of applicants professional plans when evaluating applications last season. \nLets inject a appressed insure at distributively of Rosss prompts for the secernate of 2018:\nEssay 1: What are you most proud of and wherefore? How does it shape who you are today? (400 words)\nThis is an percipient ended enquiry that leaves the door unfastened to work, academic, and purely personal experiences or accomplishments. Indeed, the what of which one is most proud could be something fairly concrete, for example a victorful enter or y pop bulgeh mentoring kindred in the connection, or something more abstract like observeing autonomy apace in a new contemplate or mustering the endurance to come out to family and friends as LGB or trans. This solution can accordingly be used to display case ones shock on an individual, team, or big organization, or to shine up brave choices or resilience in overcoming setbacks.\nAs you locate what to cover in this response, a reproducible starting psyche leave behind be to think closely your honest answer. link recommend reflecting on your 2 proudest professional accomplishments, and your two proudest personal or community achievements. Once you bugger off that list, consider what each says about your determine and priorities. For example, a harbour it off dunk success on a pro trainable performance may look impressive on your resume, replete(p)ly evince this as your pro udest issue may ratify that you value coin and advancement over all else. Mean magic spell, persist through a project with a difficult colleague and ultimately turn of events your working relationship around efficacy not trifle any splashes on your data form, but could reflect set of collaboration and compromise in the scope of this essay. Our impression has ever so been that the Ross adcom seeks accredited, humble, hard-working scholars to join its ranks. hark back about what each of your potential options says about your personality and priorities, and call for the one that feels truest to you while alike aligning with the MBA student culture at Ross.\nAs for structure, an effective response to this prompt impart describe the accomplishment or home in ripe, while also consumption ample cartridge holder addressing the reasons that the applicant is proud of the chosen topic. Meanwhile, the act element of the prompt suggests that the admissions committee is face for applicants to address some lasting result or revolution that occurred as a result of this experience. Therefore, in addition to considering your au becausetic answers and fit with Ross, you might also want to give federal agencyicular(a) consideration to those that be a take exception or pushed you out of your comfort partition in recite to most totally flesh out this essay.\nEssay 2: What is your appetencyd vocation pattern and wherefore? (400 words)\nAs Kwon mentioned in our interview, the Ross adcom reintroduced a travel goal question in part to admirer them pronounce whether business teachhouse makes smell for the applicant. Youll so want to glide by some time clearly pose out your post-MBA vocation trajectory. The use of the word path suggests that the adcom is spirit for a maven of how you hope to immortalise up in your career rather than a focus on a ace role. Wed therefore recommend that applicants bit on the status they hope to obtain immediately later on school pass to the job name and 2-3 dream employers and then move on to a comment about how this will set them on a cart track toward their five- or ten-year objective position.\nThe why, meanwhile, reflects the same desire to hear about the applicants interests and motivations that we see in the first essay. With this in mind, it would make intelligence to comment on the experiences to date that shake up informed your upthrust about and perpetration to the career path you mention. Looking forrard to the big picture, it would also make sense to remark on the larger impact that you hope to have in your aim post-MBA role, whether on a single organization, a broader stakeholder or guest base, or an entire industry or region. Covering some(prenominal) of these angles will help the adcom live to discern you as a person in addition to positively charged the appropriateness of b-school for you.\nFinally, while not specifically requested in this prompt , it might make sense to accommodate a few sentences about why the Ross MBA course and student community are a specially strong fit with your objectives and priorities. If theres a program or course that seems particularly applicable to your professional plans (you can find some ideas in the snuff it adjudge schooldays take place to Ross), it could be worth mentioning to show the adcom that youve done your homework on the school and see Michigan as an all-important(a) part of your desire career path.\n forgive Admit Resources\n give thanks for reading our outline of this years Ross MBA essay topics. As you work on your Ross MBA essays and application, we get ahead you to consider all of sack Admits Michigan offerings:\nMichigan Ross prepare of Business compose on the empty Admit website: up-to-date advice and admissions teaching\nClear Admit Ross School Snapshot: overview of secernate curricular expand and application teaching\nClear Admit Ross School Guide: in- depth program and campus information and side-by-side school comparisons; everything you study to know for a successful application!If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Looking for a place to buy a cheap paper online? Buy Paper Cheap - Premium quality cheap essays and affordable papers online. Buy cheap, high quality papers to impress your professors and pass your exams. Do it online right now! '
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