#theres ofc so SO much left to go but its still wild how much ive already made it to
pristine-starlight · 2 years
Yesterday I was dicking around with the obelisks on the Cambion Drift at sib’s suggestion (very fun way to get some extra resources, i like it) and then they said something about how oh yeah i could go do an iso vault now sometime
And I’m still reeling from that
Like yeah okay i completely forgot those are A Thing for me now but like. so are eidolon hunts and sorties and liches, and i’m sure as hell not touching those anytime soon
But they said i could just?? go try my hand at an iso vault sometime?? for real???
It’s still wild to me that i’ve Gotten Somewhere in this game. That many, many things i’ve seen others do or just knew they were doing are now within my reach. Hell some of them are just Things I Do already
I have the major stuff unlocked by the War Within. If all goes right, I’m getting a Railjack next weekend. The only part of the regular starchart i haven’t touched yet is Eris, simply bc i haven’t been bothered to yet. When i’m in the mood to deal with a rescue mission again, I can easily clear my way to Hydron. I can go long in endless missions, just don’t often feel like it. I’m rank 28 in Nightwave and most likely hitting rank 30 this week. I do Sanctuary Onslaught for fun.
It’s wild
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myrcenegirl · 3 years
i had the weirdest dreams last night
so in one i was at this rave alone in a super sketch area like somehow i was alone without a car and had to walk a little ways to the venue and there were just tons of people on the street and like people getting jumped like left and right lol but i get there and its a cool warehouse and large space but there arent a lot of people there and i was trying to find drugs and couldnt just like irl last weekend lol and im picking up bags off the ground and i saw some like lines out on a couch and was like ummm ill pass on the random white powder on the couch i guess and then i guess s3rl was the headliner so he starts playing and he plays on a stage outside the venue for some reason which thinking back this did actually happen irl too once lol and i missed almost his entire set.... anyways but theres problems with the sound so they just have him stop all together and have a local start playing so that he can maybe have a proper set once they fix the sound. then my friend and his bf come but his bf in my dream was his ex before his last ex and im like kinda confused but whatever about it but my friend was like completely totally not paying attention to me at all like i would be saying stuff to him and mid sentence he would just walk away to be with his bf and it was really upsetting me but thats funny because ive been thinking how i accidentally just ignored him this week when he text me so thats just weird and hypocritical then i guess in a separate dream i was at a “friend’s” house and this friend was trixie mattel lol and we’re like at a mansion in this neighborhood of mansions and ive been to this place in my dreams before like i guess whenever i think of mansions this is what i dream about but im there with some random people and we’re like having a birthday party or surprising someone or something idk but basically trixie just leaves and im alone with these people and of course they are people from my like elementary school lol why that happens always idk. but there was also a celebrity there whom i wont name lol... but we’re all just hanging out at this mansion its cool and all but i feel kind of alone because it seems like all these people are like current friends and i used to know them ofc but am basically a stranger and i didnt feel very included. also this celebrity is like idk how to explain it in my dream i know this is ___ celebrity but also his identity is someone from high school like in my head this person who i went to high school with had their appearance transform into this celebrity but also they were this celebrity lol makes zero sense. so anyways things start getting wild kinda like people are getting drunk now and running around and the party still hasnt started like its only a few people still but its still a long time before the rest of the people start arriving i guess so things are getting wild but im still alone like walking around just hanging out and i hear celebrity and two missing people like in a closet together and theyre laughing in there and eventually come out half wearing new clothes and like they fucked. and this is so funny lol but in my dream i was like feeling so left out which makes zero sense like why on earth would i be included in that scenario of a straight guy and two girls who im not close with but i was like wow everyone is having so much fun and obviously they dont care that im here and they dont think that im interested in them for some reason and im coming off as uninterested which makes sense in a way because irl i have been feeling like very rejected and ugly lately and yeah so i understand it all and then after i saw that more people for the party started coming and more people from high school lol and i was like trying to talk to people about the celebrity and it was really strange idk what was going on here but i kept trying to ask people about him and couldnt ever be alone with someone for a second to ask this then i think that dream ended. then i had a dream where i was with dakota fannings parents lol?? and we were like having lunch or something and dakota was there except as a child and idk wtf this was about but we were talking and i think about politics maybe and then dakota comes up and says some like really adult vulgar stuff and im like wtf you are a child what is happening but her parents dont mind and are like we let her express herself truly and dont limit what she says like real white people lol and then we go back to their place and its like literally imagine an area of land like disney land but just a dirt lot almost like something a small town could fit in. and i never make it to their house but im in this like developing dirt lot town thats meant for rich people and it was all like old west building style it was weird then i woke up
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isaacathom · 7 years
ooh, i made a slight change to what i guess is the ‘inciting incident’ for CCC
so, originally, i had it be that Nava was caught and strangled by one of the hunters, and thats what caused Shani to go Magic and kill the three hunters and spare the Survivor.
new plan. mostly influenced because im trying to explain where the magic came from, and ive decided that, if nothing else, Nava also has the ability to shoot hope lasers out of her hands. its possibly a regional thing. thats not important. (well it is but not relevant)
if she has that ability, i find it difficult to believe she’d be so passive as to just. let herself get strangled. that sounds bad, but i mean, youre being held down and the guy on top of you reaches for your throat, youve basically got a gun, you lift that sucker and pop a cap in him. thats what Nava does. after a moment ineffectual struggle, and with another hunter (the third one, as the second is currently holding Shani back) closing in to help hold her down, Nava shoots a hole through the first hunters chest and gets up off the ground.
Shani reacts poorly, because Shani is an altogether gentler soul than Nava is.the hunter holding Shani nearly loosens his grip. the Survivor loses his fucking mind and scrambles backwards, yelling incoherently. the third hunter, noticing that Nava is briefly distracted in examining the first hunters body, lunges forward and stabs her repeatedly with his hunting knife. THIS is what gets Shani. like she starts screaming louder (and its this scream that is first heard by the town, and used by the Survivor as evidence) as Nava stumbles forward and slumps. the third hunter keeps on ploughing through, though, because hes in an emotional state and this is revenge. because like, TECHNICALLY the first hunter isnt dead yet. yet. but there is a big fuck off hole in his torso so yea hes basically dead. and the third hunter is getting his revenge. and just. keeps going. while the Survivor screams in abject fear and the second hunter (holding shani) tightens his grip again.
and shani goes off. because like, now shes even more scared for her life. when she was being held, yea, she was spooked, but now seeing the reaction this man had, this series of events, and having the grip on her retightened (as it’d only been loosened in just bewildered fear), she has pretty good reason to believe that this third hunter, crazedly stabbing her friend to death, will come for her next. she was already going to die at these mens hands, but now its going to come faster and with more violence. also, lest we forget, her friend just killed a man and has just been killed herself. so, click, off she goes.
promptly hope lasers the guy holding her (i imagine by shooting him in the leg and then spinning around for the chest shot to end it), before long distance lasering the third hunter, flinging him off into a tree. rip. the Survivor just starts whimpering at this point.
at this point im not sure exactly what happens. cause the idea is that Shani flees the scene. and thats fair, i guess, but did she also check on Nava? i mean, Nava is totally dead, she was stabbed far too many times and far too noticeably to actually survive, like how the first hunter was Totally Dead even if he hadnt died yet, because there was no real way any of these 4 people were gonna actually make it out alive based on their injuries. but. did she still check? i mean, unlike Nava, who was fully conscious and aware of what she was doing at the time of lasering the guy, Shani isnt. shes not conscious of what shes doing beyond knowing WHY shes doing it - cause they just killed her friend. even IF she remembered the stuff leading up to her going super saiyan, she does not remember at all that actual experience of being in saiyan mode and killing two people in less than a minute.
but like. what is she doing. what does she do. where is she going??? was she trying to get to the village? that could work. not as an extension of any lack of direction (because, fun as that would be, itd get quickly tiring in the actual story i think), but as an extent of getting turned around and being in a new place. live in a desert city your whole life, now youre in a forest and your best friend just got murdered, directions are hard. easily explain it as, since the hunters had led them off the path theyd been taking, that shani has No Idea where she is and gets lost. she doesnt get lost for long, admittedly, as she arrives in the village like, the next morning (early enough that not many people are awake, but late enough that people are already aware of her description and know who she is supposed to be). or something. ok that time thing is also something to discuss but ill get that later.
but still??? checking nava? did she check nava, realise she couldnt actually do anything, and then run for the village in an attempt to get the hunters in trouble? or tell the truth? it’d probably have worked if she hadnt gotten lost and promptly passed out once she arrived and forgotten the whole thing. but that COULD work. like. runs to Nava’s side after killing people. the survivor is off to the side trying to keep quiet in fear that Shani will kill him. finds nava like, totally gone, like, fuck me dude this whole murder business was positively brutal. backstabbed to high fuck and ten turned over for a frontal assault. destroyed. and shani just stands up and /runs/. at speed. away. adios, shani, you wild fuck.
after that shit is still the same. slightly more motivated (a dozen or more stab wounds are a little hard to pass off as an accident or even self defence to an /extent/), and it makes more sense later. tying into that, after all. cause when Mavris (im just gonna call the master Mavris at this point im really lazy) finds the body, he knows Nava was murdered immediately. he doesnt know the context, he doesnt know what happened, but he KNOWS she was murdered. whereas if she’d been, say, strangled, theres that extra confusion and you could easily make the mistake of thinking that she simply fell into the ditch and died. but stab wounds? dont get that many stab wounds from some sharp rocks in a ditch.
so the survivor just. does the same as he always did. shakingly picks up Nava and chucks her in the nearest ditch he can find, kicks some dirt in there too since i mean, she is wearing light colours, yea its stained blood red for the most part but to be safe, kick kick. click clatter crack. runs back to the village yelling for help, dragging the third hunter along in a desperate attempt to save at least one of them.
NOW. the thing i gotta work out. what time stuff happens
cause i think the less time between the deaths and shani’s arrival the BETTER, right, because its better pacing. so. the hunters encouner Nava and Shani during the day. morning or afternoon? morning, maybe, or early afternoon. there needs to be enough time for the bodies (of the hunters, not nava) to be recovered and returned to town and for news of the murder and the supposed Murderer. so that when shani appears everyone knows. her exhaustion also needs to be justified, beyond the obvious (in that shes been travelling for like a week or more across deserts and forest with minimal food and water, no worries)
so. lets say morning? and then have shani arrive at the village after dusk. means people are still awake (thus meaning she can be found and quickly brought indoors before too much hubbub, but also justifies how little people are around) and it means that the council can be quickly made aware of her arrival and begin searching through her stuff for evidence while waiting for her to wake up. the sooner they can investigate her, the sooner the trial can happen and the sooner shes made into a slave, which kickstarts the ressstt of the story. right. yea. that works.
this stuff works fine.
i was also thinking, for a later point, that someone else from shanis city finds themselves in the town. nava and shani weren’t the only people who decided the desert was better than the government or whatever the hells happening in that city, so a guy shows up from there. not with as impactful an entrance, ofc. though, how much /would/ that impact shani. i mean, the guy wouldnt know shes stigmatized (yknow, as a murderer), so it means she can just. talk. no worries. no pressure. she can just chat to this guy, learn about whats happened since shes left, confirm that yup, no fucking clue where Nava went, yada. she probably sees him off when he leaves to head west for the boats.
thats about all ive got. probably should rename mavris, though, lmaoooo
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