#recalling how i said i doubt id ever get this far in this game
pristine-starlight · 2 years
Yesterday I was dicking around with the obelisks on the Cambion Drift at sib’s suggestion (very fun way to get some extra resources, i like it) and then they said something about how oh yeah i could go do an iso vault now sometime
And I’m still reeling from that
Like yeah okay i completely forgot those are A Thing for me now but like. so are eidolon hunts and sorties and liches, and i’m sure as hell not touching those anytime soon
But they said i could just?? go try my hand at an iso vault sometime?? for real???
It’s still wild to me that i’ve Gotten Somewhere in this game. That many, many things i’ve seen others do or just knew they were doing are now within my reach. Hell some of them are just Things I Do already
I have the major stuff unlocked by the War Within. If all goes right, I’m getting a Railjack next weekend. The only part of the regular starchart i haven’t touched yet is Eris, simply bc i haven’t been bothered to yet. When i’m in the mood to deal with a rescue mission again, I can easily clear my way to Hydron. I can go long in endless missions, just don’t often feel like it. I’m rank 28 in Nightwave and most likely hitting rank 30 this week. I do Sanctuary Onslaught for fun.
It’s wild
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needletail · 4 years
Nintendogs vs Nintendogs + Cats: a review and comparison.
There’s no doubt that most people want a new Nintendogs game for the Nintendo Switch. But when I see these posts, very few of them are referencing the 3ds variant of the game, but rather the original ds version that everyone continues to know and love.
The addition of cats is Nintendogs + Cats’ most notable feature. It was, while cute and fun for a short period of time, notably worse than its predecessor. But why is that? The formula stayed roughly the same, but the charm didn’t quite hit.
Before we dive into this: these are my opinions on the games, and personal comparisons. Every person experiences things differently, and will likely have different opinions.
We can start with breaking down the original Nintendogs. The graphics have not aged well, but the charm and entertainment factor have. While replaying, I found that the general ambience and the music used endeared me further to the game, and I wanted to play more. The half hour timer on going for walks was frustrating (as was the stamina system), but it otherwise engaged me more to figure out where I wanted to go. The map feels surprisingly big with so much to do, and the side-scrolling walk screen keeps the mystery alive in what you’ll encounter. The competitions were fun and the voice recognition system may have been even better than the 3ds incarnation. The only thing that really suffered were the graphics - but this game is 15 years old and this was advanced for its time, so we can let that slide. The dogs can be a little strange to look at at times, but they’re expressive and distinct, which is what matters in a pet simulator.
The information you can take in is optional, but an exciting part of the game for those who are interested. Your dog’s profile is detailed but easy to understand, going as far as to tell you what it ate last. There’s something so charming about it being displayed as if it were a document you had in front of you - it brings another element of immersion into this sim.
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[Image ID: a photograph of the informational sheet on Nintendogs. It includes the name, gender, breed, trainer, time together, coat, hunger, thirst, and things eaten. The trick list and contest results are also on this screen.] 
From cars passing by to horns in the distance and dog barks from somewhere vaguely nearby, the sound design of Nintendogs is audibly aged, but still strong. The few tracks spread in the game are iconic, and stay in my head a lot longer than I’d like to admit. 
The competitions are another huge highlight of the original nintendogs. The banter between the hosts, Ted and Archie, is something that continues to be remembered. Everyone’s seen the line “you make me feel like a man, Archie”, and the banter they keep up in each competition is less like a mindless tapping chore and just more entertainment. The settings are surprisingly realistic - less so on the obedience, but the ring set up for agility certainly is. The balance between realism and fun is another part of why Nintendogs appealed to all audiences. 
Agility is my personal favourite event, and the same goes for a lot of people I’ve met. There’s a level of interactivity here that isn’t met by the successor (something we’ll touch on later). Guiding your dog over hurdles and through tunnels, and later having to balance speed with accuracy - it’s an event that keeps you, the player, engaged. It becomes a sort of fine art once you hit the Championship level, as your dog, by that point, is likely going to be very fast and have a mind of its own, often trying to predict which obstacles it’s going to go through. 
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[Image ID: an angled photograph of the starter agility training course. The dog is laying on the green, and the hurdles and tunnels are in view.] 
Disc is in both versions, and is fun in its own way. I, personally, don’t tend to use the disc competition - in the original Nintendogs, the projectiles can be a little speedier than you intend them to be, and the dogs are a little too determined to hold onto their toys. But, with a well-trained dog, this event can be as fun as anything else. In the original, you didn’t have to contend with the other dogs - something that I’ve grown to appreciate over the years. But, like with the event that removed Agility, I’ll be looking at how the changes fared later. 
Obedience is held on a stage, and is a fun event for people who take the time to train their dogs. Your dog can typically learn three or four tricks a day (depending on the dog), and between the tricks listed in the Obedience Guide Book and the unlisted tricks that your dog can learn, you can usually blow the competition out of the park. It definitely requires the most time and effort out of all of the events, and it can be frustrating if your dog suddenly stops listening - but the rewards are surprisingly good. It’s always fun to have a well-trained Nintendog, if only because showing them off when I was a child was my favourite thing to do. 
Obviously, competitions are the main money-makers in these games. Tackle a solid few of them, and you’ll find yourself able to afford another dog or two. Though your room is limited to three dogs, there’s also a Hotel to keep some other dogs in. As time progresses and you gain more of a bond with your dog(s), you’ll unlock more breeds. 
Something that went over my head when I was a child was the method to unlock Jack Russells, specifically. You need to find an incredibly rare book - something which I don’t ever recall doing, and still haven’t. I found this information via the wikia, so I’m not too sure how accurate is, but it is an interesting breed to lock behind a time and patience-based method. 
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[Image ID: an angled image of a German Shepherd laying on its side. In the corner is an idea bubble.] 
Overall, Nintendogs is a solid and fun pet simulator, and it’s clear why so many people have such good memories. The dogs are filled with personality (even being expressive enough to show you when they’re angry vs happy), the competitions are engaging, and though the format will become stale after playing daily for a long time, it’s always a fun game to come back to after a period of time. 
Which is why it’s unsurprisingly that it gained a sequel.
I remember being ecstatic when Nintendogs + Cats was shown in advertisements on television. When I got the 3ds, I also got a copy of Nintendogs + Cats. The Golden Retriever version, specifically, but I do own all three. For some reason? As people got bored with it, they usually gifted me them. 
At first blush, it’s almost as charming as the original. The graphics style handles much better than the original, with slightly more realistic movements, and less cardboard-y models. I much prefer the Nintendogs + Cats models to the originals, for obvious reasons - though their movements can be a little repetitive and strange at times, and a lot less expressive than the originals. But that said, I much prefer the Kennel system of petting and exploring the dogs and their behaviours (limited as they are) before you adopt, and I enjoy sorting through colours or getting unique colours/patterns. The rare white variants used to be my obsession, as a child. 
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[Image ID: a german shepherd holding a present in Nintendogs + Cats. The model is significantly better than the original Nintendogs model.] 
Immediately, though, there’s a lot less ambience in Nintendogs + Cats. I play with my volume up all the way, and it’s typically just my dogs and cat making noises. I miss the cars going by and the general background noise that the game can provide. It feels just a little too silent, and the music tracks are repetitive and unmemorable for the most part. Obviously sound design don’t make or break the game, so I won’t harp on this point for too long. 
The gameplay is...fine? I’m not a fan of petting a shadow of my dog, but I understand they did that for 3D purposes (something which most people didn’t use, to the point that the 2DS was made. I play on a 2DS). The camera control is an incredibly nice feature to have, the showering minigame is a little more thorough. They didn’t really add anything to the care features, though. If anything, they took away a lot of experiences - reading the care books and instead guiding you through the tricks one by one instead of as you want, forcing you to learn a specific set of tricks before you can move on to the next ones. The game is far more hand-holdy, which can be frustrating at multiple points. But, hey. There’s cats! Let’s talk about the cats. 
What’s their purpose? Not much. Which is fine, although they take up a slot in your three-pet designation. As cute as the cats are, they definitely got done dirty. There’s three selections to choose from (Standard, Oriental, and Long-hair), with multiple colours, but not much depth beyond that. Obviously, the cats were just a cute addition - I do like having my little cat wandering around the house with my two dogs, and I know from past experiences that once you bond with the cat, it’ll go out and get presents for you if you leave your ds on. Gaining affection with the cats is very slow-going and if you’re someone who likes your pet simulations to be more interactive, it might be wiser to stick with the dogs. I’m not complaining against the addition of cats - it just could’ve been done much smoother, with better mechanics enabled. Be it adding some breeds and a proper grooming minigame to maintain them, or the ability to train them but have them be much harder than the dogs. There were many ways to put cats into the game, and I just don’t think they hit as intended. 
So, how did they do with the competitions? Well. 
The short answer: they’re pretty bland, and a downgrade from the original.  The long answer... 
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[Image ID: a white cocker spaniel chewing on a banana lure.] 
In the competitions, there’s no more Ted/Archie banter. It’s just Ted. Doing his thing. I honestly do not read the text for this game, and instead tap quickly to progress to the events. 
Replacing Agility comes Lure Coursing. I’m not sure about other countries, but that’s an incredibly niche section of dog sporting here, and it’s also notorious for being...very boring. And in the game, it lives up to that. Instead of guiding your dog through obstacles, you wind the cog of a lure and honk it to get the dog to follow it. Sometimes you honk it to get them over hurdles. I have to admit, I usually space out when I’m training my dogs with this - it’s an easy moneymaker once you’ve trained them up to Nintendogs Cup level, but it’s easily the most mind-numbing event. Anything would’ve been better. If they didn’t want to implement Agility, there are other dog sports that could’ve suited well; guiding your dog through the Flyball course and using its name to bring it back until it could do it on command (maybe even utilising a team of three, for reason as to why you can have up to three dogs), or sledding, using your dog to pull a lightweight sled (on wheels) through a course in a race against other dogs (or, again, even using your trio). There could have even been scenting sport in which you teach your dog how to scent and go off to find a mark, or herding. The point is: lure coursing is the most unengaging thing to put in a game. 
The Disc competition barely changes, so I won’t say much. I don’t particularly enjoy having the other dogs in the ring to compete with as it becomes all too easy for them to interfere heavily with your own dog, but I understand why it was implemented and know that a lot of people enjoy it. I prefer the throwing speed and the control you can have over the disc, and will admit that overall, the Disc competition is generally improved. 
But then you come to the Obedience Trial. AR Cards are mandatory. You don’t have a surface to put your AR Cards on, or lost them years ago? Then you can’t do it. I actually ordered AR Cards, having thrown out my old ones due to damages and general...lack of use. As of this post, I have been unable to play the Obedience Trial, so I can’t say much on whether the system has improved. I do know that AR Cards can work on a laptop screen or something similar, but the 3ds camera is pretty horrible and can glitch out, making it unreliable for screen-based AR cards. Unfortunately. 
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[Image ID: a white cocker spaniel standing on an AR Card.]
The walking system is fine. I love being able to go to different routes (as limited as they can be - but the original was no saint to repetitiveness once you knew the whole map), and I like having to go between grass patches, with a chance for a surprise present. I think the addition of the BARC stores are a cute touch, and the Miis walking their own dogs are cute, too. The interactions between your dog and theirs is based on your dog’s personality as well as theirs, which makes sense - but there’s basically three outcomes. More than the original, but meeting with other dogs tends to be to see if you can backtrack when you’re near the end of the walk by having them invite you to the cafe or park, or to get presents from Streetpass miis. I like the cone minigame to test your control over the dog and its leash, and as a rule, I just...like it. It’s relaxing. I don’t prefer it over the original, but I don’t prefer the original over it. They both have their benefits and downfalls. The biggest upside to + Cats’ system is that you can take your dog on as many walks as you want. 
Interactivity isn’t really a thing, with + Cats. Whereas in the original you could legitimately piss off your dog and it would bark and snarl at you for a while before you regained its trust, this game doesn’t punish you for much. I poked and prodded at my dog for a while, and it didn’t really do much for me. This is a game where you sort of just have cute looking models that hold up surprisingly well for their time, and that’s it. There’s not much game to the game, as it were - and that’s from a game where the gameplay was limited as it was. 
Adding multiple accessories to your pets is a very nice addition, albeit expected. Overall, though, the gameplay has been significantly dumbed down and while I understand that kids play it, my generation played Nintendogs as small children and we got by just fine. It’s a very intuitive game, and it’s almost insulting how little Nintendogs + Cats thinks of its audience. 
Another nice addition to Nintendogs + Cats, though, is body type for your pets. There’s a few that your pet can be: underfed, skinny, optimal, plump, and overfed. I usually have optimal dogs, but apparently plump and overfed dogs run slower and as such they do poorer in competitions, which is a pretty neat feature to have in-game. 
In the short of it, Nintendogs + Cats is fine, but Nintendogs (the original) is Good. I have a lot more nostalgia for Nintendogs which may cloud my opinion, but playing it in 2020 is still fun, and I’m especially happy to play the Agility competition.
For an interactive pet simulator with fun competitions and plenty to do, Nintendogs is the way to go.  For a pretty enough game with simplistic gameplay, Nintendogs + Cats is the way to go. 
Both games have their perks, but I certainly have a clear favourite. If a Switch edition of Nintendogs ever happened, I’d much prefer the original style with some of the quality of life changes made in the successor. In the end, it’s all up to what you’re looking for in a game - but as someone who’s looking for a fun time, I’m a sucker for the originals. 
(Note: I have not played the knock-off Nintendogs for Switch, and would appreciate input on if it’s worth buying or not. Reviews are poor at best, as far as I can tell, though.) 
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the-black-birb · 4 years
Rekindle [Futakuchi Kenji]
Pairing: Futakuchi Kenji x Reader
Summary: Futakuchi gets a phone call from an old triend and soon finds himself in over his head.
A/N: Had to write this bc @miyulovestowrite 's smau had me thinking ab the futacoochie 😔✌ I never intended this to be this long but it looks like it's gonna be multiple parts!!
I listend to Katelyn Lapid's "When Somebody Love Me" and Death Bed by Powfu when writing this so that's?? The inspo
[Part 1] / Part 2 / Part 3
Without a doubt, most people that met Futakuchi Kenji would agree he had an awful personality. Whether it was in conversation or on the court, he was particularly skilled at provoking people just enough that they couldn’t quite call him out on it, but they still left with a bad taste in their mouth. His actions were almost always for his own benefit, he was rather selfish, and there was positively sour. This was the general consensus of Futakuchi Kenji, and he worked everyday to live up to his reputation.
Among all the people he’d met, you were the exception.
Even when he was bitter and angry, your soft hands would cup his cheeks and tell him everything was alright. When he was fuming, you’d press yourself to his chest, all love and warmth, and relax into him. Your presence was a lullaby, calming him and helping him. No matter how little he deserved it, you’d stand by his side no matter what. When rumors and voice engulfed him, wondering why you’d ever choose him, you’d be cradling him in your and pressing soft kisses to his hair promising you were the only one for him.
Your unwavering confidence in him was one of the reasons he’d never deleted your number from his contacts after the two of you split ways. It wasn’t really a conscious decision he’d made, but since Futakuchi had never held any ill will to you it had never really occurred to him that it might be strange to keep an ex’s number saved.
His memories of you were almost exclusively positive. Even his low moments and your rough patches were illuminated by the comfort you’d always provided each other. He kept all his photos of you and on the occasion that he found them while browsing his camera roll, he’d always smile fondly (one time, his teammates had seen and thought he was possessed).
Despite the impact you’d left on him, Futakuchi hadn’t spoken to you since the two of you broke up. Although you’d initiated the conversation, the end was entirely mutual (or so he told himself). You were going to college far away and he wanted to keep playing volleyball as well as attending college and you were certain it simply wouldn’t work out. Although it stung a bit, Futakuchi couldn’t bring himself to harbor any anger towards you.
You’d always been like a guardian angel to him, looking out for him and yourself. He couldn’t get mad at you for simply wanting the best for yourself.
While his friends insinuated it was quite possibly the most mature Futakuchi had ever reacted to, well, anything, he’d been more focused on seeing the path forward. If you were going to move on with your life and make yourself better, he couldn’t disappoint you by wallowing over a relationship that was long gone.
And so, despite the immense impact you’d had on him, Futakuchi hadn’t thought about you in years. He’d decided to focus on the now, his volleyball team and his job, before he’d let his thoughts drift back to you.
But he’d never forget you. Every time he got irritated, he’d remember your touch, lingering on his shoulder. Every time he drank chamomile tea, he’d recall you treating him after every game. Each time his friends teased him on his bachelorhood, he’d think about your hand firmly in his. There were traces of you everywhere, even if he’d never admit it.
Yet he thought of all places, his mind would be clear of you in a volleyball stadium. Even when you wore his jersey and visited practices, volleyball was always his before it was yours together. When he continued to college, he was able to clear his mind of everything except the sport when he needed to. Even today, sitting next to his intimidating best friend and watching the old freak duo play each other, he hadn’t a worry in his mind except the outcome of the match.
Until his phone started ringing.
Even worse, it happened while that (“snotty-ass” as Futakuchi called him) setter was up to serve, just as the whole gymnasium quieted down. He was so concerned with the eyes drawn to him; he didn’t even take the time to look at the caller ID before he picked up. Instead, he muttered a quip “what?” to his mystery caller as he briskly left the stadium, finding someplace he could speak in quiet.
“Kenji?” the caller said.
His heart dropped.
“Is that you?” It was a female.
Even four years later, he’d recognize your voice easily. It was just as gentle as he remembered, if not for the specks of tension he could sense. You sounded scared.
Not really sure how to react to his ex, possibly the person he’d come closest to ever being in love with, called him after four years of radio silence he found himself breathing out a shallow “Yeah.” He swallowed his worries. “It’s me.”
Futakuchi was at a loss for words. Should he be excited? Concerned? Angry? No, never angry. He couldn’t be angry with you, no matter how much he tried. Instead, he was silent, waiting for you to speak.
“How’ve you been?” you ask and although your voice is light and you’re doing everything in your power to sound nonchalant, he can hear the nervousness in your voice. Whenever you were anxious, your voice would pitch up and your words would become so slightly forced. It was barely discernable from your normal cheering speaking voice, but he’d spent enough time listening you to know something was amiss.
“What’s wrong, [F/N]?” he only assumed you’d call him if you absolutely had to. You chuckled from the other side of the phone and he could picture your nervous smile, like the first you’d confessed to him (he thought you were joking, it took three more times for him to get the point and two times after that for him to finally ask you out). So clearly he could see the way your cheeks glowed, always giving away how you were feeling.
“Nothing’s wrong,” you assured him, betrayed by your tone. “I just wanted to check in. See how you’re doing.”
You grumbled at his stern tone. Of course, he saw through you, but what could you do about it? You at least wanted to attempt to be polite, but all sense of social norm was lost to Futakuchi. Concise and to the point, he hadn’t changed a bit.
“I need a favor,” you admitted. “I’m sorry I can’t ask anyone else I just-”
“I’ll do it.” Futakuchi was just as startled by his response as you were. He wasn’t sure what had taken over him, but in that moment, he was confident enough in his own stability to know whatever it was you needed, he could sacrifice some time for you.
You chuckled from the other side of the line and for a moment, Futakuchi pictured himself in his bedroom with you under him, his hands tickling at your sides as you laughed and protested. It sounded so familiar, yet so far away. “You don’t even know what I’m asking of you,” you reprimanded him.
“So tell me,” Futakuchi resolved, as if it was the easiest answer in the world. He heard your breath hitch before you spoke, nervousness clear. He’d do whatever he could to hear you relaxed and stress-free.
“My brother’s getting married,” you explained. Futakuchi remembered him; he was two years older than the both of you but far less intimidating than you. While he was an awfully sweet dude, Futakuchi had walked all over him in high school (because he let him!). “It’s a month from today and my mom’s pressuring me to bring a date. So, come with me?”
As much as he relished at the idea of seeing you dressed up and at his side, he knew there was more to this. “Why me?” he asked, voice uncharacteristically soft. It had been four years since you’d last spoken, yet you called him up on a Saturday noon for a date like nothing had changed between the two.
He heard you moving over the phone, likely shifting position to sit comfortably and think over your words. He gave you time to figure it out, because he always. Futakuchi’s subtle talent was his patience for those around him who were quieter, like you and Aone. He didn’t come off as someone with that sort of resilience but you knew otherwise.
Finally, you were ready to speak. “You’re the only one I can ask,” your voice choked up and suddenly Futakuchi felt bad for asking. “I just… there’s no one else that knows about my family.”
Suddenly, he was sitting in your bedroom, cradling you in his arms. It wasn’t often, but every few weeks when your mother was out of the house and your brother was away at college, you’d breakdown. But Futakuchi had always been there to catch you. Your parents had divorced long before he met you, but he witnessed the scars it left behind. He listened to you on countless sleepless nights, rambling about how it always felt like your fault. He’d even met your father, picking you up from his house one weekend when your mother had work.
Yes, he’d seen first hand the intricacies of your family. He knew what subjects were taboo and who he could joke around with. Most importantly, he’d seen you grow past what your family had taught you to become your own person. He was certain by now you’d have found someone else to share all of this with. After all, any guy or girl would be lucky to have you.
But it appeared you haven’t.
“I know it’s a month away,” your voice was strained. He prayed you weren’t crying, the thought of it making his chest tighten. “But I’m helping my brother prep and I don’t know how my friends would react and…”
“Calm down” Babe. The word was caught in his throat, almost thrown out instinctively. He imagined all he’d do to comfort you, gentle running his fingers through your hair and pressing kisses to the top of your head. How he wished he could hold you like that.
“I can go with you,” Futakuchi promised. “It’ll be okay.” He didn’t know if that was true, but he desperately hope it was.
“Thanks, Kenji,” you sighed out. Relief flooded Futakuchi’s chest as he realized you had finally released all your tension. Your voice was vulnerable, but finally truthful. “We should probably meet beforehand to get our stories straight. Are you free next Saturday?”
Futakuchi gulped hard, a million different emotions mixing in his chest. He wasn’t really sure how he was supposed to feel. It all felt far too casual for a rekindling with his old flame.
There was a part of him that felt like he’d always see you again. He didn’t know why, he simply knew it to be true. You were too important to him to be gone forever. But he’d always imagined it to be a shared glance across a coffee shop, or passing you in the grocery. He’d never in his wildest dreamed pictured you choosing to reach out to him. Yet here you were, fear lacing your voice right beside resolve.
“Saturday is good.” He didn’t know if it was but he was sure he could cancel plans. “Does two in the afternoon work for you?”
Your sigh of relief from the other side of the phone had him sighing alongside you. If you were in this together, it’d be okay.
“Two is perfect. I can text you my address?”
Futakuchi had no idea what he was getting himself into.
“Sure, I’ll pick up lunch on the way.”
But he knew you, and he wouldn’t let go of you a second time.
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enigma-im · 4 years
Free Bird
Rating: Mature Relationship: Aarakocra X Female!Human Warning: Vulgar, minor abuse, backhand a woman, fluff, confrontation, friendly banter, bird and human relationship, established relationship
Word count: 2889
Sometimes parents don’t like the person their child is dating. in this case it’s a little bit more than distaste
I try to snort back the blood dripping from my nose. It does nothing to help so Instead I wipe it away with my sleeve, no doubt leaving a gross trail on my face. I walk through the hallways, fist clenched, and shoulders tense. I try to make it to my room quickly without bumping into anyone. I know if anyone saw me like this it would get back to the prince. I didn’t want to explain to him how it happened, giving him ammo for any argument we have in the future.
I spot my door ahead and rush towards it. I grab the annoyingly bright handle and quickly get inside. I close the door behind myself and sigh. Now to go to the bathroom and get clean.
As I step further into the room I see my boyfriend sitting by the window at his desk. I freeze when I notice him. His back is to me so I assume I still have a chance to get into the bathroom unseen.
I don’t get what I want.
He glances over his shoulder at me before turning fully around. He looks me over then cocks a brow at my face.
"See a picture of me in the hall and got some adult thoughts," he smirks.
I glare at him as I walk towards the bathroom," No, I saw a picture of your cousin and figured I picked the wrong prince."
"Like Dearth could handle you," he scoffs," he can't stand the sight of blood anyway, faints like a child. Even does the hand to head and fall into someone's arms bit. Such a dramatic man." I smile to myself at his joke, imagining the dainty man falling into someone's waiting arms. I turn into the bathroom, still annoyed that he saw but appreciative that he made a joke against someone else for a change. I make it to the sink, turning it on and wetting a rag. As I wipe the blood from my face I see him enter the bathroom from my view in the mirror.
"What happened anyway, not every day I see you bleeding outside of bedroom stuff," he walks to the counter and rests his back to it. He watches as I scrub the smeared blood off my cheek and chin.
"I realized I chose to be with you and bashed my face into a wall to try to knock some sense into me," I tease.
"Hey, you had a choice. With sound mind and body if I recall. Though it wouldn’t hurt to get us a professional to look us both over. One of us is bound to be insane, my bets are on you," he pretends to ponder the thought. I bite my cheek to stop from laughing, not wanting to end the game yet.
I manage to get the blood off my face and switch to throw away papers to blow the rest out of my nose. He watches, crossing his arms as he regards me.
"Honestly, what happened," he asks. I finally turn and look at him. Seeing he is all serious.
"Honestly," I ask. He nods," before I do, you aren't allowed to tease me later for it. This will not be part of our game, understand?"
He chuckles before answering," Well now I'm very interested. Did you lose a fight with a door?"
I roll my eyes," Har-Har funny as always. No, I got into a disagreement with your father. You know how opinionated he is about me, about us."
"I'm aware," he answers tense. I ignore him, knowing to mention his dad is always a sore subject.
"Anyway, today got more heated and I underestimated the old fart. He backhanded me before I could react. I still got him in the leg, knocked him on his ass before he could spit out some insults. Still you would think those feathers of yours would be like being slapped by a pillow more than a bony hand," I glance over at Artimus, hoping he got a laugh out of that. He was anything but happy about the news.
"He hit you," he shouts as he steps away from the counter. He turns to me and crowds me against the sink.
"Yea, it's fine. Man hits like, well, how id imagine your cousin would hit," I try to joke. He still isn't having it. He grabs my chin and looks over my face. Looking for bruising or scratches I assume. I know I will have one over the bridge of my nose, where his knuckles popped me. Still, as I said, the man can't hit for shit.
"This is anything but fine, he should have never laid a hand on you," he growls. He snatches the rag from my hand and goes to cleaning my face. Scratching off dried blood near the corner of my nose, on my lip, near my ear. "He can hate you all he wants but this is too far," he says in the most serious tone I've ever heard from him. I stare up at his clenched jaw, noticing him grinding his beak. I've never seen him so angry.
Once he is satisfied with his care he throws the rag down into the sink. Then he turns and charges out the room. Confused, I rush after him. I just see him march out the bedroom door and into the hallway.
"Hey," I shout. I jog after him, catching up to his angry walk quickly. "Where are you going," I ask him as I try to grab his arm. He jerks himself out of my weak hold and continues forward.
"I'm going to talk to my father," he growls. His brow furrows more and a sneer poisons his face.
"What, why? Seriously, you don’t have to do this. I can fight my own battles," I step in front of him, pressing my hands to his chest. He grabs my hands and pushes them aside before walking past me. "Damn it Artimus," I snarl as I chase after him again.
He makes it to the main office before I can stop him. Without pausing he slams the double doors open. Marching into the room with clenched fists. I turn into the room just in time to see him grabbing his father by the feathers. He pins the man to the wall and seethes near his face.
"Don’t you ever fucking touch her again or so help me I will kill you," he screams at his father. The man holds his son's hands near his neck with a tight grip. He quickly rips Artimus' hands from his collar, pushing him away. He smooths his feathers and adjusts his clothes before glaring at his son.
"You do not talk to me that way young man. You may tolerate such disrespect from her but I will not allow it from you," His father growls out.
"You do not touch her, do you understand me? I don’t care what your feelings are for our relationship, you will show restraint," Artimus gets back into his father's face. I walk around the desk and stand a good distance away from the two.
"Excuse me for not enjoying the idea of my son sullying himself with a human. Sleeping with some degenerate as well as that, some peasant whose novelty will surely wear thin," his father spits out. I don’t take his words to heart, not really caring about the man's feelings for me.
I just barely react in time for when Artimus lunges at his father. I bolt over and step between the two. I press my hands to Artimus' chest, stopping his forward momentum. He tries to grab me and push me aside but I wrap my arms around his waist. He attempts to slide me around him but I stop at his side.
"You know nothing about us, do not pretend you do," Artimus shouts at his father.
"I understand you use her to get back at me. Flaunt this insufferable child around like a beacon for people to see my lack of control over you," his father snarls back. I hold tight when Arti tries to lunge again.
I understand his father's words, even recognize them as my own fears. I'm not exactly top tier picking for someone such as Artimus. I'm everything a royal shouldn’t be; loud, impolite, human, and vulgar. So trying to wrap my head around Arti being interested in me is boggling. Still, I enjoy his company despite our differences. I will take this time as short as it will be. I figure I'm not a lasting thing, I'm just a passing fetish. I'm fine with that. At least I think I am, it will still hurt when he tosses me aside for some royal to wed.
"Again, you understand nothing," Arti keeps trying to lunge. Trying to break from my hold.
"Then explain it to me. Why do you spend your time with this lesser when you can have anyone you want? Then to touch on your relationship, you two bicker worse than an unhappy married couple forced together by a diplomatic union. I can't imagine you are even happy with her," his father says. He pretty much lays it out, sure he is missing some stuff like our late nights. We are kind to each other, teasing the other in friendly banter. The sex is great, the aftercare is soothing. Still, we debate like crazy.
"She gives me something you others don’t, honesty. She is refreshing to this hosh posh lifestyle that I loathe. Then at night when we are alone is my favorite time. Holding her as we both go to sleep is calming. Talking to her beneath the sheets is like living in our own little world," Arti relaxes in my hold and looks down at me," She is my world because I love her. Our arguing is but conversations only we understand. Her vulgar personality is like looking at the world with new eyes. Her softness that rivals our own, her humanness is all the more appealing. I know others don’t see it but I know this diamond in the rough. The most beautiful gem." I don’t notice when I stop breathing. I don’t remember when he wrapped his arms around me. I can't recall much of anything besides his words. The thoughts running through my head pause, holding onto his rant with purpose.
"What," I find myself gasping like an idiot," you love me?"
"Of course, my precious spit-fire. How could I not," he tilts his head with a grin.
"I-I," I stutter, not used to this much feeling. "I thought I was going to be just a phase, a chapter in your life." he drops his smile and regards me concerned. He lifts his hand and cups my jaw.
"You could never be just a passing fad, I promised you I wouldn’t make you just another notch in my bedpost. Did you not believe me," he asks. I take a second to collect my thoughts, still really not believing him.
"Yes- no. I figured I'd just be a really big notch," I answer.
"Then why did you agree to be with me," he furrows his brow. He almost looks pained at my answer, it pulls at my heart.
"Not every day you can bag a prince," I try to joke. Stomping down the emotions rising to the surface. He doesn’t find it humorous, scolding me.
"Be honest," he chides.
I sigh," I wanted to take what I can get. If it is a couple months or weeks, I just wanted to be here."
"So you only want me because of my status," he drops his hand from my face. It feels like a stab in the chest, worse when I look at his betrayed face.
I quickly snatch his hand," No, never! I would never do you like that, I wanted to be with you. You know I don’t care about this lifestyle, I'd be content living in the middle of the woods. I've told you that was my plan before I met you. I never needed or wanted to be part of the higher class. I'm here because I want to be around you," he stares down at me, looking between both my eyes as he thinks. He drops the hard look with a sigh. Going back to cupping my face before resting his head against mine. I look up at him awaiting his next action or words. Sitting on the precipice of stress and panic. I watch as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
"Do you love me," he squeezes his eyes tighter. My brain doesn’t even let me think about it. I know all those shared nights after some rather feverous sex are treasured in my mind. Sometimes I stay up just to watch him, pecking him on the face before snuggling back in his arms. I know what I feel for him, clear as ever.
"Yes, I love you," I huff with a smile. Feeling my eye water as I finally say the words that sat buried in my heart for the longest time. He chokes on a laugh as he smiles. Opening his beautiful blue eyes to me.
"Then that’s all I need, never stop being yourself or loving me and we will be just fine," he nuzzles my cheek," Keep being the disgusting troll I know you can be."
I roll my eyes," And you keep being the pompous snob with more money than sense."
"With the undeserved large cock," he raises a brow. I hit his chest as he laughs.
"As long as you never disappoint," I lean down and bite his neck. Kissing it soon after.
"You know first hand I won't," he rubs his beak to my head. I pull him close and pepper his jaw and cheek with kisses. He chuckles as he pets down my back, reaching for my ass.
A throat clears making my eyes snap open.
"Please refrain from spreading your 'love' around my office," Artimus' father calls from behind me. I quickly let go of Arti and turn to face his father. Before I could step away he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to his chest. Resting his chin on my head.
"Do you understand now that my love will not be disrespected in this house," Arti growls at his father.
His father regards us both with a bored expression," I still do not approve of your relationship, it is a burning ship in the middle of the ocean. It cannot be saved and it's doomed to sink. Still, I will respect your choices and refrain from striking her as long as she agrees to stay in line with visitors. I can only tolerate so much," His father glares down at me. I sneer back at the crooked old man.
"Hit me again and I'll do more than have you on your ass. Expect an equal payment next time for the bruised nose," I snap.
"Again with that foul mouth, your mother should have beaten you harder," the trashy man growls.
"And yours should have loved you more, maybe you wouldn’t be such an insufferable tyrant," I shout back.
"Alright, we are getting off track. Father you ever even think about striking her again, I will have your head before any rebels can. She will agree to put on a kind face for visitors on the account that you two barely interact with each other, deal?" Arti cups his hand over my lips before I can snap up at him for putting words in my mouth. I lick at his hand but he just wipes the spit across my face before covering my mouth again. I wince at the saliva on my cheek and the feather stuck on my tongue.
His father watches us with a barely contained smirk," Deal. Now leave my office." The man turns away from us and walks over to his chair by the hearth.
Without a word Arti drags me out of the office and into the hallway. We stop a bit of way away where he pushes me against the wall.
"I don’t want you ever for a second doubting my words, do you understand," he rests his forearms on either side of my head. Our noses just barely touching as he stares down at me.
"No promises, you tend to say a lot of bullshit," I smirk up at him.
"Nothing I say regarding my feelings for you are bullshit, my love," he traces his beak over my nose," you stubborn dragon." I reach up and grab his collar, pulling the fabric in a tight grip.
"You are an ignorant twat who has my heart in his hands. You threatened your father for me, therefore, I demand you take me to our room and make rough nasty love to me," I kiss the corner of his mouth," I'll even let you be on top this time." He growls, his chest rumbling against my own.
"As you wish," he grins. I pull him down by the shirt and kiss him. He grabs my thighs and lifts me. I hug my legs to his sides as he whisks me off to our room.
Anyone notice the name of lover boy is the drummer from Lynyrd skynyrd? not the one who did free bird but we ignore that bit cause i will not name him something like ‘Gary’. i already have too many generic names for characters, like Ben or Daniel.
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Somebody to You
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Summary: Nothing like a roadtrip to a wedding to make Zyla feel extra sappy about her own husband.
A/N: Sort of in collab with @baldcalum​ @cxddlyash​ and @talkfastromance4​. Thanks for letting me pester you with questions/bounce ideas off of you!
Content: All the soft.
Word count: 3k
And away, and away we go!
“My mother warned me about stranger danger, but she never warned me about what to do when the man with the van is your husband,” I joked as I carefully hung up the garment bags in the empty back.
“You could’ve flown with them,” Ashton told me as he started to load up everything we needed. “I drew the short straw, not you.”
I leaned against the van, admiring how his muscles flexed with his movements. God, the fact that this man was my husband still totally blew my mind nearly a year after the fact. “You didn’t draw the short straw. You offered. And we’re a team now, in case you forgot.”
“How could I ever forget the best day of my life?”
I laughed. A sassy retort was on my lips but my phone rang cutting me off. “Hey, Kai,” I answered, barely needing to glance at the caller ID to know who it was.
“Have you talked with everyone about their flight?” her panicked voice asked.
“Yes,” I spoke into the phone. “Their flight leaves later. They’ll get there probably at the same time Ashton and I do.”
“And are you leaving soon?” Kai asked and I could hear the clicking of my friend’s heels as she paced back and forth.
“Yes,” I assured her. “And take a breath. Relax. We’ll probably beat the GPS. You know Ash drives like a madman.”
“I do not,” Ashton piped up at the same time Kai groaned, “If he gets you both killed on the drive out here, I will bring you back from the dead to kill you both myself!”
“So, I get to die twice for something I didn’t do? That hardly seems fair…”
“You married him!”
“Damn right I did,” I smirked before I used my free hand to smack at my husband’s ass as he loaded the last bit of our things into the van for the trip.
“Hey!” Ashton yelped in surprise before turning towards me, his hazel eyes dancing, a seductive smirk beginning to grace his lips, and his dimple making its debut. “I’m supposed to do that to you.”
I snapped my teeth playfully at the man. “Alright, we’re about to hit the road. I’ll keep you updated on where we are, okay?” I told Kai, doing what I could to calm her overworking mind. “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive?” I asked Ashton.
“No!” both him and Kai answered way too quickly.
“Cuss out a guy one time and they never let you live it down,” I muttered, shaking my head.
“Just hurry,” Kai whined. “But not fast. Just regular speed, ASHTON!”
“Yes, Mrs. Hood!” Ashton answered, cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify his voice so the woman on the other end of the phone could hear him.
“He’s lucky he’s married to my best friend otherwise I would have killed him already…”
“Yeah, yeah,” I said with an eye roll. How such a low-strung woman as myself was best friend’s with a high-strung type like Kai was beyond me sometimes. I supposed it really was about balance. “Just take a few deep breaths. Set that future husband of yours to good use. And I’ll be there before you know it.”
“And Britt and Holly!” Kai added with a sense of urgency.
“Shit, did I remind Mikey to confirm the rooms?” I wondered out loud with a playful tone.
I laughed, “Would you relax? I was teasing!” Then, I mouthed at Ashton in case I had actually forgotten for him to “Text Mikey about the rooms!”
“I hate you…”
“No you don’t,” I chirped.
“Kai, if you don’t let my wife off the phone, we’re going to be late!” Ashton said as he quickly typed on his phone.
“She can talk on the phone while you drive!”
“Not if you want us to live!”
I rolled my eyes more. “I’ll text you from the road. And you,” I said, turning my attention from my phone to Ashton. “Did you poop?”
“Did I po- Fuck. Be right back.”
“You seriously need to stop drinking an entire pot of coffee by yourself…”
“Well if someone drank it with me…”
“Just make less! It’s not that hard!”
“You leave me and my coffee addiction alone!”
“Go poop!”
“That’ll be five dollars,” the bartender told me.
“For a water?” I asked incredulously, pulling out my wallet anyway. “This is why I don’t go out…” I continued to grumble as I started to hand my card over. Whatever Kai had planned that required me to be in a dress and heels instead of on my couch in sweats and an oversized shirt had better be good. Where the hell was she anyway?
“Put it on my tab. I got it, sweetheart,” a deep and smooth voice from behind me said before a large hand was pulling mine away from paying.
“I can buy my own water, but thank you,” I answered, turning to eye the friendly stranger. And I immediately had to keep my jaw from dropping to the floor. His brown hair was perfectly slicked back except for this one stubborn piece that curled between a stunning set of honey gold eyes. A leather jacket hugged his strong shoulders and the buttons on his shirt were undone to a dangerously low level. I struggled to keep my eyes from traveling further down his body, turning my attention to the hand that was now extended to me in greeting. I shook it, noting the damage to his fingers. A drummer if I had to guess. Fuck. I loved drummers.
“Oh I’m not doubting that. But anyone who buys water at a club immediately has my respect. I’m Ashton by the way,” he was saying when I finally refocused.
“Zyla,” I introduced, giving him my award-winning smile.
“I believe this is yours, Zyla,” Ashton said, handing me the water bottle, and I had to hold back the school-girl like giggle bubbling up in my throat at the way my name sounded rolling off his lips and the way his fingers brushed against my hand.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Ashton’s voice asked, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Thinking about how we met actually,” I answered honestly, smiling softly at him.
“You looked hot that night,” Ashton recalled, taking one hand off the steering wheel to interlace his fingers with mine.
I laughed, my cheeks turning red. “I was not.”
Ashton scoffed as he raised his hand that was holding mine to brush his lips against my knuckles. “The hottest.”
“Hotter than our wedding day?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow at him.
I scoffed and swatted his chest. “Wrong answer, Ash.”
“You didn’t let me finish!” he giggled. “You were fucking stunning on our wedding day.”
“Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!”
“Any regrets?”
“With you? Never. You know why?” I asked.
“Why?” he asked.
“All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah is somebody to you!” I sang along with the music blasting lightly through the speakers.
“Everybody’s tryin’ to be a billionaire! But every time I look at you I just don’t care!” he joined in.
“Cause all I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah is somebody to you!”
“So what’s your connection to the music industry?” Ashton asked, his attention fully on me.
“Oh, I’m this one’s photographer,” I answered, wrapping my arm around Kai’s shoulders. This was their conversation. Their collaboration meeting. What the fuck was Kai thinking inviting me out? Something in the way Ashton kept trying to get me involved in the conversation made me think I had my answer.
“Oh, she’s fuckin’ fantastic. Top of her game,” Kai bragged, and I knew I had my answer.
“I’m alright,” I shrugged. “It’s just about passion.”
“Oh, modest are we? Mind if I look at your work sometime? See who’s assessment is more correct?” Ashton inquired.
“That sounds suspiciously like you’re asking me on a date, sir,” I told him, leaning forward across the table. If he was baiting, I was biting. I’d be a damn fool not to. And Kai knew it, the fucking sneak she was. I made a mental note to both thank and throttle her for this later.
“And if I was?” he asked, leaning forward himself so our faces were inches apart.
“Yes, they got on the flight.”
“And Ash has the instruments?”
“Yes, we have everything.”
“You remembered his suit and your dress? And your heels? I swear if you wear flats… or gods forbid… sne-snea- Ugh! I can’t even say the word!”
I rolled my eyes at her antics. Since when was comfort a crime? “Yes, Kai. I remembered it all. Relax.”
“Wait! How are you going to take the pictures if you’re in them?! You’ve always taken my pictures! Oh my, God!”
“You know I have a team, right? Like I run a business. I have employees.”
“But they’re not you!”
“I don’t hire amateurs, Kai. And you will get final say before anything goes to print. Now, breathe!” I left out the part that of course I had brought my own camera equipment for the spur of the moment inspiration, because she knew I never traveled without my gear.
“How far have you guys gotten?”
“Halfway give or take.”
“It’s a 6 hour drive, and you left at 8 this morning. It’s almost 1!”
“Well, we can’t just drive for 6 hours straight. We gotta stop for food and pee breaks.”
“You mean coffee and poop breaks?”
“Same thing,” I laughed as Ashton walked out of the gas station with two bottles of water and a huge bag of Cheez-Its. I let out an excited gasp as I reached for the bag. “Yes! I love you!” I cheered.
“I love you too. Now hurry up!”
“I wasn’t talking to you, Kai. But yes. We’ll be there soon. If someone can stop pooping every fifty miles.”
“I wouldn’t have to drink so much coffee if someone helped me drink it. Or offered to drive…” Ashton teased.
“You wouldn’t let me drive,” I reminded him, opening the bag and swallowing a handful of cheesy cracker goodness.
“That's because you get mad road rage, miss.”
“That’s ma’am to you, sir,” I laughed. “I’m a married woman.”
“Are you ever gonna get tired of saying that?” he asked, a goofy grin on his face.
“Fuck no!” I laughed more, reaching up on tiptoe to peck his lips with mine. “Husband, husband, husband.”
“Wife, wife, wife,” he replied, kissing me after each word.
“You ever think about getting married?” Ashton asked.
“Like in general? Or to you?” I asked, my senses perking into high alert mode.
I shrugged. “Little scary isn’t it? I mean, every relationship runs the risk of those involved waking up one day and suddenly this isn’t what they want anymore. So to divorce in the midst of heartbreak… well… I guess it would depend on how I felt the person asking me to decide if that was a risk I was willing to take.”
“And if I asked?”
“I’d say call Andy and Ryan to make sure there’s photos and video of me saying yes.”
“Really?” he asked, his voice full of amazement and hope.
“Of all the things I want to be in life, yours is easily at the top of that list.”
“Fuck, this view is gorgeous,” I marveled as we leaned against the van.
“Yeah it is,” he smiled, his eyes on me.
Heat rushed to my cheeks. “I meant this view,” I said, gesturing out the window to the winter wonderland spread out before us. Kai may be over the top, but the girl had mad style, no question about it.
“I know what you meant,” he told me, wrapping his arm around me and kissing the side of my head. “And out of all the views I’ve seen and will go on to see, none of them matter if you’re not in them.”
“So, what’s the big secret?” Kai asked, once I had gathered all my girlfriends together.
I answered by sticking out my left hand, letting them decipher the news for themselves.
“Ohmigod!” Britt and Holly screeched in excitement. Britt grabbed my hand to get a closer look while Holly jumped in circles starting rattling off wedding ideas.
I looked at Kai who stared back with a blank expression. “Well?” I prompted.
“I thought you hated the idea of marriage,” was the response, void of any real emotion except genuine confusion. Of all our differences, that had been our one similarity- besides a love of pretzels and an aversion to drinking. While we weren’t necessarily anti-romance, marriage just wasn’t something that had been on our radars. And now for me to be engaged before Britt or Holly, well, it was definitely a shock to the system. I still couldn’t quite believe it myself. The weight on my finger was both surreal and not the least bit heavy.
“I do! I did… I… I dunno.”
“Does he make you happy?”
“Do you make him happy?”
“I would hope so.”
“Does he love you?”
“Again, I certainly hope so.”
“Do you love him?”
“So fuckin much.”
“Am I maid of honor?”
“Congrats, Zy,” Kai smiled.
“Kai Theodora Zaher,” Calum spoke, pausing to clear away the thickness in his throat. “You were perfect from the first moment I met you. More than perfect. And while I would never ask you to change anything about you, one thing has always bothered me. Your last name not being mine. Thank you, not only for turning my world on its head, but allowing me to make you Kai Theodora Zaher Hood. I love you, wildflower.”
Kai’s hand gripped my fingers tightly as she held back the squeak and the rest of us choked down our tears. Funny how cynics usually had the softest hearts.
I looked over at Ashton who stood directly across from me besides Calum. If I was closer, the heels on my feet would bring me to the perfect height for me to tuck my head under his chin without me needing to strain up or him needing to slump down. He looked so good in his suit with his hair slicked back for the occasion. And I knew I looked like a bombshell in my own floor-length gown that hugged my small curves in the most perfect of ways. Kai had really outdone herself with this winter wonderland she had created. Every detail no matter how small was absolutely perfect. Ashton’s eyes met mine and his lips moved to mouth “I love you.”
“I love you too,” I mouthed back, before letting my mind take me back only earlier this year when it had been him and I in Calum and Kai’s places and them in ours.
“I promise to always buy you overpriced bottles of water.”
“I promise to chase the risk that is my life with you.”
“I promise to make that risk worth it.”
“I promise to always be your somebody.”
“This year has definitely been one for the books, hasn’t it, Kai? See, I dunno if you all know this, but it’s always been Kai and I. Kai and Zy. Zy and Kai. The opposites glued at the hips. Never one without the other,” I paused to squeeze my best friend’s shoulder before I went on with my speech. “All my years with her have been filled with their adventures. But this year? Well, this year started with a wedding. And it’s befitting it ends with one too. Because, you see, Kai and I, for getting married first,” I paused again to smirk over at Luke and Mike who squirmed in their seats under my gaze, “never really bought into the marriage idea. Romance, sure. But marriage was always too messy. And then! Oh, boy, and then these two came right out of left field and messed that right up.” I moved my hand that was squeezing Kai’s shoulder to rest on Calum’s. “Calum, my dear sweet friend, thank you for proving to my best friend what your best friend proved to me. Because while I may not believe in marriage, I believe in mine, and I believe in yours. Best years to you both. I love you.”
I kissed both of their cheeks before handing the microphone to Ashton as he held my chair out for me to take my seat. “Well,” Ashton spoke around the lump in his throat, taking a small moment to clear it. “You’d think that my days as a musician would have prepared me for the opening act completely outdoing the headliner…”
I stuck my tongue out at him and he grinned at me.
“If someone had asked me that the first wedding I give a best man speech at would be Calum’s, I probably would have laughed. That’s how wild this all is. Kai, thank you for flipping his world upside down. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him happier than when he’s with you. And we all know how much he loves his bass, so mad props to you, darling. Cal? Don’t fuck this up, mate.”
“Good morning, Mrs. Irwin!” Ashton said brightly, waking me up with the kisses he was covering my body with. “How do you feel, Mrs. Irwin?” he grinned when his lips found mine.
“Like I’m on top of the world,” I grinned back.
“Adjusting to that weight on your finger okay?”
“Feels surprisingly light. Like I always meant to wear it.”
“Mmm, that’s probably cuz you were.”
“You really think that? That I was always meant to be your wife?”
“I think you were always meant to be the greatest somebody to me. I just got lucky that somebody was my wife.”
“You’re such a sap,” I laughed, feeling myself tear up at his sentiment.
“Your sap.”
“My sap.”
“What is it about weddings that makes me want to get married?” Ashton asked as he twirled me in a circle before pulling me against his chest.
“We’re already married,” I pointed out.
“And I want to marry you every day for the rest of my life.”
“And I’ll marry you every time.”
Tag List
@goeatsomelife​ @flameraine​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @cxddlyash​ @1-irwin-94​ @baldcalum​ @sparkling-calm​ @tea4sykes​ @youngblood199456​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​ @gosh-im-short​ @aquarius-hood1996​ @talkfastromance4​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @philthepegacorn​ @kikixfandoms​
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luvknow · 6 years
press play | bang chan
genre: radio dj!chan x reader feat. minho | college au ; fluff ; humor ; light angst ; dialogue-heavy summary: bang chan, founder and one of the hosts of the campus’s most popular radio show, raises money for charity where students can purchase tickets to be put in a lottery. the winner gets to go on a one-on-one date with none other than CB97 himself, all expenses paid. when you hear chan say your name over the radio, you’re stuck wondering how your name even got there in the first place. wc: 7.1k (jsbdjsbd)
warning - mentions of drinking/college party
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“What’s up, friends!? You’re listening to 3RACHA Radio. It’s CB on the mic, with J.ONE and SPEARB right beside me and if you’re just tuning in, we just got off with caller number seven about his frequent unfortunate event with his roommate exiling him with the good ol’ ‘sock on the door handle’. We hope all goes well with you, number seven! And remember: don’t be a snitch and tattle on the RA.”
“Oh good, you’re listening.”
Without any warning or even a simple knock on your door, Minho walked into your apartment unsolicited and took a seat next to you at the kitchen table that doubled as another desk as you spread all of your study materials on top. Then, he had the audacity to go into your fridge and take a drink.
“Hello to you, too. Sure, you can have a drink! Just take whatever’s in the fridge,” you say sarcastically as an unbothered Minho chugs his drink of choice.
“’Sup. Anyways, you’re listening to 3RACHA, right?”
“Against my will, but yes. Why am I listening to it again?”
“I put in a shout out for you!”
“That’s it!?”
“What do you mean, ‘that’s it’!? Isn’t it so cool to hear your name over the radio and everyone knows that it’s you?”
“Our campus is huge, I doubt people will know it’s me.”
“Well, you’ll know it’s you, and that’s all that matters. You’re already listening anyways, so just wait for it.”
You rolled your eyes as Minho takes his seat next to you, though not before he grabs a snack to munch on while you both listen to the radio that played in the background. Somehow throughout most days of the week, Minho ended up at your place after class either hanging out or eating your food. He even slept on your couch on some days because he was too lazy to take walk for ten minutes. After eating all of your food and spending more time at your apartment than yourself, you really considered asking him to pay rent since he might as well be living there.
You yank the bag of chips away from the hungry boy. “Stop eating my food! You still owe me like, two more bags!”
He pouted cutely, knowing too well that it was your weakness. “But I’m hungry ~ Just add it to my tab!”
“You’re never going to pay me back,” you scoffed, reluctantly handing him back your chips.
“How big is my tab, anyways?”
“Three bags of potato chips now, two four-packs of ramen, at least a carton of eggs because of the ramen, a pint of ice cream and -” you paused to mentally calculate how many drinks he owed you. “Twelve cans of cola.”
“Yeah, yikes. Now pay me back.”
“Soon, soon ~”
“How can you even eat that much and still have a six pack?”
“It’s called going to the gym. Maybe use your free membership once in a while and you’ll have one, too,” he teased.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“The time has come, everyone! The moment we’ve all been waiting for,” you both heard J.ONE say on the radio.
“Oh, I think this is it!” Minho squealed, hitting your arm repeatedly. “Listen, listen!”
“That’s right, J.ONE. We’re about to find out the lucky sucker who gets to go on a date with our one and only hyung, CB97.”
“It’s unfortunate for them, really.”
“Hey! I’m right here!” CB whined.
“Ugh, a date with Chan? That poor soul...” you tisked.
Minho didn’t respond and just sipped his cola silently.
“We’ll now pull from the lottery, where all of your tickets are mixed up in this big jar. Then, we’ll call the number on the ticket and set up your date on-air, right now!” J.ONE cheered.
“Ah, why am I so nervous?” Chan said.
“It’s because we tried selling you to all these people in the lottery. But hey, we raised over $500 for school supplies for children!”
“That’s incredible. I can’t wait to meet one of you guys who contributed to this crazy amount. SPEARB, pick a name!”
You were only half paying attention to the show as you tried to finish your homework, thinking it wasn’t time for any shout outs to be said. The only time you ever listened to 3RACHA RADIO was with Minho and even then, you never really paid attention. It’s not that you weren’t a fan of the show - you thought their concept was super cool.
But the Djs? Well... 
“And the lucky winner is... _____!”
“What’s up?” you asked Minho, not looking up from your homework.
“You said my name?”
“That wasn’t me who said your name.”
“Who else would have said it -? Wait...”
As if on cue, your cellphone rang, with the caller ID coming from campus. At this point, Minho struggled to hold in his laugh when you looked at him with wide, terrified eyes.
“What did you do!?” you hissed.
“Just answer the phone!”
“Hello, _____ ~ Please pick up ~!” SPEARB sang.
Minho was unfazed when you shot him the iciest glare while you answered your phone. “H-Hello...?” you stuttered.
“Congratulations! You were picked from the lottery drawing and won an all-expenses paid date with our one and only CB97!”
You silently mouthed at least a dozen curse words at Minho, who could only decipher a total of four.
“Ah, wow, that’s crazy...! I can’t believe the chances that this really happened!” You really couldn’t believe it, especially since you never bought a ticket. “It’s like I won the real lottery!” you said in your fakest cheerful voice.
“That’s great to hear! CB, would you do the honors of arranging your date?”
“I would love to. So _____, what kind of food do you like to eat?”
“All kinds.”
“Did you want to do anything romantic? Like the movies, or the amusement park? Museum, maybe?”
“You know, all of that sounds so expensive. I don’t want to waste your time and go through all of that!” You were practically begging him not to make the date any longer than it should be. You don’t even think you could last through dinner with him.
“Nonsense! It’s never a waste of time if I’m spending it with listeners like you.”
You exaggerated the way you rolled your eyes and Minho chucked a pillow at you.
‘Be nice!’ he mouthed silently.
“Um, I’m ok with anything, really,” you told him.
“Ok, so I’ll just surprise you the night of! We’ll play the night by ear. Does this weekend at seven sound good with you?”
“Actually, that’s really bad timing, because -” Before you knew it, Minho took your phone and ran around your apartment before you could reject Chan’s suggestion. “Hey!”
“Yes, this weekend at seven is perfect!” he said in a shrill voice that impersonated you.
“Great! I can’t wait until then. I’ll see you soon.”
“Goodbye, Channie ~” Minho sang. He then quickly hung up your phone and ran away as far as possible from you before you could stab him with your pen.
“I’m going to kill you,” you threatened after shutting off the radio.
“Wait, don’t hurt me! I can explain!” He giggled before you tackled him on the couch.
“Why is my name in the lottery!? I never even bought a ticket from them!”
“‘You’ actually bought fifty of them.”
“You bought fifty tickets just so you could see me be miserable on a date with Bang Chan!? Must be nice to have that kind of money just lying around!”
“I didn’t want to put my name down and I thought it’d be funny to put yours down instead! I didn’t think they’d actual pick it, I’m sorry ~!!” he groaned under your weight. “Can you get off of me, please!? I have a weak back!”
Reluctantly, you did as he begged. Then you ran your hands through your hair, stressed from the events that happened in a mere three-minute call. You still couldn’t believe you were set to go on a date with Bang Chan.
“You’re the worst friend ever and I hate you,” you pouted.
“I don’t get it, why are you so upset? He’s a cool guy. Handsome, too. And funny. Why would anyone not want to go on a date with him?”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go on this date instead?”
“Yes, dumbass. I’m just confused - I’ve never met anyone who hated 3RACHA before.”
“Ok, I don’t hate 3RACHA. The show’s actually decently written and I don’t even know the other djs. It’s just Chan that rubs me the wrong way.”
“What happened?”
You sigh deeply, falling into your couch as you recalled events from your very first college party with Chan.
“So BamBam threw this party the night he moved into his apartment our first year of college, right? It was huge, like anyone who was anyone was there and it was a great time. I came with Seokmin, Minghao, and Mingyu and we were just hanging out waiting to play some game, and suddenly Chan stumbled in between us and spilled his drink all. over. me.”
“So he was drunk and spilled a little bit, that’s normal at parties!”
“Oh, but there’s more, my dear Minho,” you chimed. “He puked all over my shoes two seconds later.”
“Yeah, imagine that - covered in sticky jungle juice on the top half and Chan’s vomit on the bottom half. And the worst part about everything was that Chan never apologized! He just kept on walking!! Can you believe that?”
“I don’t know, that seems like some petty stuff to be angry over. Maybe he’ll redeem himself and apologize next week when you go on a date?”
“I doubt it. It was so long ago, I don’t even think he remembers it was me, let alone knows who I am.”
“Oh, trust me, he knows who you are.”
“How do you know?”
“Well, you and I are together pretty often, so the guys see me with you a lot. And they know I take you to the parties. They all pretty much know who you are by now.”
“C’mon, it’ll be fun! He’s not that rude when he’s sober, I promise,” Minho said as he nudged your side. It was weird for Minho to be pushing you to go on a date like this. It felt like he was hiding something. But he always teased you about not going on enough dates, so maybe that’s why.
“Even then, I’ve just heard so many things about him, you know?”
“What do you mean?”
The whole thing about Chan spilling the contents of his cup and his gut all over you was surprisingly not what you were worried about the most. What you were worried about was Chan’s overwhelming popularity, so to say. You’ve heard tons of rumors on what it was like to go on a date with him and most of them consisted of him gumming up the works so he could get what he wanted at the end of the night. Even if this date was fake and all for the purpose of fulfilling the lottery, who’s to say that he wouldn’t try something, anyways? All you knew was that you had to be extra careful around him.
“Isn’t Chan kind of like a playboy? He gets around all the time because of 3RACHA Radio. What if he tries something?”
“He’s wouldn’t do that to you. You’re not some person he wanted to hook up with at some sleazy party. You’re someone he wants to take out on a date.”
“Yeah, a forced date... But ok, I trust you,” you caved in. “If it starts to get really bad though, I’m gonna call you to get me out of there.”
“Fine. It’s the least I could do, I guess.”
“Literally the bare minimum.”
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“Hey, you look pretty good!”
Tonight was the big night that everyone was waiting for - your lottery date with Bang Chan. You had no idea where he was taking you, so you dressed as semi-casual as possible, hoping you’d fit whatever environment that was thrown at you. When you walked out of your room, Minho gave you his thumbs up of approval.
“Like you actually look put-together for once,” he teased.
“I’m still mad at you.”
“Oh, come on! I said I was sorry! And like you said, if it’s really that bad, you can call me and I’ll come pick you up asap.”
“What’s your excuse if he asks?”
“I don’t know, that your dog’s in the emergency room, or something.”
“I don’t have a dog...”
“Ok, but he doesn’t know that.”
A knock came at your door and now was not the best time to start getting nervous. What was there to be nervous about, anyways? You’ve been on plenty of dates before, and with boys you actually liked, so this should be a piece of cake, right?
“_____? It’s me, Chan.”
“Can you tell him I went to the emergency room instead?” you begged Minho.
“Shut up and just enjoy your free date with free food. But be home by midnight ~!”
With a huge sigh, you bucked up the courage to take the first steps in getting this date over with.
On the other side of your door stood a dashing and handsome Chan patiently waiting. He had his hands behind his back as if he was hiding something. You were so curious about what he was hiding that you failed to notice the slight drop in his jaw.
“Hey,” he breathed out. “You look great.”
“Not so bad yourself,” you admitted. “What are you hiding...?”
“Hm? Oh!” Chan hands you a bouquet of your favorite flowers wrapped neatly in brown paper - an arrangement that must not have been cheap. “I asked Minho what your favorite flower was so I could get them.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” you said, though you couldn’t help but admire the beautiful bouquet in your arms. A smile broke on your lips and Chan thinks to himself that he must be making the right moves so far. “I love them. Thank you.”
“Shall we?” Like a true gentleman, he extends an elbow for you to take and without hesitation, you accepted.
“Wow, I didn’t take you as the gentleman type.”
“Is it because I spilled my drink and threw up on you our first year?”
“Ah, so you do remember,” you scolded. “Good. I was afraid I had to remind you.”
“Of course I do! How could I not remember the most embarrassing night of my college life?”
“What even happened?”
“You really want to know what happened?” You nodded eagerly. A blushing Chan turned his head and avoided eye contact. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“To me? Why?”
“I thought you were really cute, so I drank a couple drinks to buck up the courage to talk to you and thought ‘hey, Chan, you’re definitely not sober right now, go talk to her’.”
“And so you spilled everything on me instead and walked away.”
“Yup, that’s exactly it,” with his free hand, he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, pink still evident on his cheeks. “I’m so sorry for that night. I’ve been too embarrassed to talk to you ever since. Do you forgive me?”
Chan’s flattery was on a whole other level than you had expected and now you weren’t sure what words were real and what words were just for show. He really just admitted that he thought you were cute five minutes into the date and you swore to yourself that you wouldn’t fall for anything like that. Yet here you were, taking in his every word, and so ready to forgive him just because he asked.
I mean, all he did was apologize for spilling on you... It’s not like he was trying anything yet, right? No harm done yet.
“All is forgiven, I guess,” you teasingly sighed. “Only if you tell me what’s planned for tonight.”
“Dinner and a movie. Does that deserve forgiveness now?”
“It does.”
“Thank god.”
Sitting down at a candlelit setting was quite awkward at first. You felt so adult - like you two were both real adults going on a real date together. But Chan made things much easier because he was an easy-going guy. He made it feel more like you two were just friends hanging out and pretending to be fancy and forgetting all about the other paying customers who gave you dirty looks whenever you burst out laughing.
Time never seemed to pass your mind the entire evening.
“Oh, shit,” Chan cursed. “We’re late for the movie.”
“Aren’t there previews?”
“Yeah, but we're really late for the movie - like we missed the entire thing.”
“Oh, yikes.”
“Yeah,” Chan chuckled. “Guess we were having too much fun.”
“That’s a shame... Wanna get dessert?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Ice cream always tasted better when it was free and after 10:00pm. It was a popular place to be, so a ton of sweet-deprived students always crowded the place at this time. When the both of you walked in, it felt like all eyes were on you.
Oh yeah, you almost forgot how well-known the founder and host of the campus’ most popular radio show was.
You knew Chan must have sensed your anxiousness by the way he grabbed your hand and guided you through the line. Even if this was one of his moves, how could you be mad at his sweet gesture? A gentle squeeze in return earned you a soft smile from him.
After lacing his fingers with yours, he helped you keep your attention on him and the ice cream only. You opted for your favorite flavor as you always did, but Chan went for a more adventurous one - one that was all black and looked like it could stain your clothes if he got too close.
“What is that?” you asked after exiting the shoppe.
“Black sesame. It’s actually very good! Wanna try some?”
As Chan tried to shove his cone in your direction, you let go of his hand and backed away immediately.
“Gross, no thank you.”
“C’mon, when would you ever try this again!?”
“Exactly. Just one lick!”
“No!” you giggled, trying to avoid the dangerously dark ice cream. “Hey, be careful throwing your ice cream around like that!”
“Why, are you afraid I might spill it on you - Oh, shit.”
What you feared most had really just happened - a single drop of melted black sesame ice cream landed on your really cute shirt and now you were mad. You were going to make Chan pay. This would be for all the clothing he’s ever ruined and for future ones to come.
“You know, Chan, I was having a really good time on our fake date until now,” you tisked, approaching him slowly with your ice cream locked and loaded on a spoon. The cautious boy backed away slowly. “But now it’s ruined.”
“W-Wait, I didn’t mean to!” he shrieked in between laughs. “I’m sorry!”
“Sorry’s not enough this time. This is one of my favorite shirts, and now I gotta avenge it.”
“Ok, but do you really have to -”
A deep sigh escaped his lips when he realized you were not going to back down from this. So reluctantly, he held his arms wide open to widen your target.
“Hit me with your best shot, _____ -” and before he could finish his sentence, you already aimed and catapulted right at his chest. “Jeez, at least let me finish!”
“We’re even now ~” you sang happily as you walked passed.
It was probably around midnight by the time you arrived home, but you still felt like the night was young and there was so much left for the two of you to do. But the rules of the lottery stated that Chan had to have you home by Midnight or else it violated the school’s rules and now you arrived at the front of your apartment feelings a bit unfulfilled.
“Something on your mind?” Chan asked.
“I don’t know. I kind of wanted the night to keep going,” you shrugged.
“Really?” he beamed cutely.
“Are you surprised?”
“I am. I thought you hated me.”
“I’m not going to lie, I kind of did. I actually really didn’t want to go until Minho stole my phone and said yes.”
“Why didn’t you want to go?”
“I-I don’t know...” you quickly became the shy one. How do you tell him that he has a reputation of being a playboy in a nice way? “I know this was fake and for the lottery and show and everything, but you’re so... experienced in all of this, aren’t you? I’ve never really been on a date before.”
“Ah, so that’s what scared you?” he chuckled. “I suppose I am experienced, as you said, but I wouldn’t pull any moves like that on you. I like you too much to be so boyish like that.”
“I like you, too - even after all of my clothes you’ve stained. And I’m glad Minho took my phone and told you yes to this date.”
“I’m glad he did, too.” Chan’s gentle smile really knew how to pull at your heart strings. “H-Hey, so I wanted to ask... would you like to maybe hang out some time? For real?”
Almost immediately, you said, “Yeah. I’d like that.”
And with a gentle kiss on the back of your hand, he bid you farewell.
“Good night, my love ~” he teased.
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After your lottery date, you and Chan stayed true to your word that you two would hang out some time and it happened a lot more often than you expected. Nearly every chance you two had some free time in between or after classes, your time would be split up between spending it with Minho or spending it with Chan.
“I can’t believe he’s replacing me,” Minho tisked. “After disliking him for so long, you go on one date and suddenly you’re head over heels for him.”
“Ok one, it was not a real date, and two, I’m not falling for him like that!”
“Either way, I made this happen, so you’re welcome.”
You also found yourself listening to the show every time they were on air, and every now and then, Chan would throw in a shout out or dedicate a song to you without explicitly saying it on the radio.
chan [9:43 PM]: hey, are you listening right now? i played this song for you ~
you [9:45 PM]: i practically have a playlist by now after all the songs you’ve played for me lol.
chan [9:45 PM]: i guess you do huh? do you like it so far?
you [9:46 PM]: i like it a lot! i’ve never had one before. have you made playlists for others before?
chan [9:47 PM]: nope. only for you.
you [9:49 PM]: wow, i feel special lol.
chan [9:49 PM]: you are to me.
Small gestures like that and other things like buying more of your favorite flowers, or treating you to late night ice cream, and especially daring to hold your hand when you two were together was making your situation way more difficult than you could ever imagine. He was so sweet and kind and unlike any boy you’ve ever met. You could understand why he was so experienced with dating because how could anyone resist him when he made you feel so special?
You suddenly felt small just thinking about all the rumors you’ve heard.
How could you have found yourself stuck in between so quickly? And what were you to do? Now you were confused and stuck wondering if Chan could ever share the same feelings because people who were just friends wouldn’t be like this with one another, right?
Another Friday night in was spent listening to 3RACHA Radio in your quiet apartment as you attempted to finish small assignments that were due on Monday, but you were so caught up in the show whenever Chan talked that you couldn’t even focus. So instead of bothering with them, you pushed them aside and put your whole attention to the radio.
God, you were whipped.
“Thank you, caller number eight, for that very, um, graphic story,” J.ONE cleared his throat. “And that’s our last caller for tonight, guys.”
“Jeez, already? These days, time seems to get shorter and shorter on the show,” Chan said. “Before we end the night, we’d like to give a happy birthday shout out to our very good friend, Hyunjin! Happy birthday, bro! Can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight at your party.”
Oh, you had no idea it was Hyunjin’s birthday today. Minho had failed to invite you to the party as he always had with the other guys’ birthdays.
After turning off the radio, you called Minho with a sour expression on your face.
“Yo,” he greeted.
“Are you mad at me or something? Or does Hyunjin hate me?”
“What? No, why?”
“Why didn’t you invite me to his party?”
“Oh, that... I didn’t think you wanted to go...?”
“Why would I not want to go out on a Friday night?”
“Ok, you’re more than welcome to come with me, it’s just... Don’t get mad, ok?”
“Spill, Minho!”
“I didn’t want to bring you because Chan said he was taking someone else.”
Oh... Well, did you feel like an idiot, or what?
“So he told you not to invite me?” you asked, voice just above a whisper.
“No, I was the one who didn’t invite you because I didn’t want you to see that.”
“Thanks for trying to protect me, but I think I can handle it,” you said sincerely. It was moments like these that you thanked Minho for being such a good friend. “Can you pick me up on your way there?”
“Yeah. I’ll be over in thirty minutes.”
Now you were angry. At Chan, at yourself, at this entire situation! How could you be foolish enough to fall for Chan’s gestures when he was probably doing the same thing to that other poor soul he was taking to the party?
Or maybe you were just reading too much into this...
Maybe Chan thought of you as just a friend - a friend he bought flowers for, a friend he held hands with, a friend he’d pepper kisses on the top of you head - you know, just friend things, right? He probably saw all of that just another form of platonic affection, and you were just stupid enough to think it meant something more.
Who knew who else he was playing this game with? Either way, maybe two could play at this game. You were going to have fun without him tonight.
When Minho walked in and saw what you were wearing, his eyes went wide and his cheeks tinted pink.
“Whoa, you look... u-uh, good,” he stuttered. “You trying to rile someone up tonight?”
“Maybe. Hey, can I ask you a favor tonight?”
“Sure. I kind of owe you one after not inviting you, anyways.”
“Can I use you to get back at him?”
“What!?” he shrieked. “You’re going to drag me into this!?”
“Please ~? I won’t do anything gross like kiss you or anything, just like, dance with you or stick by you most of the time.”
“... Fine, just... yeah, don’t kiss me. You can get really kissy when you drink.”
Minho could tell simply by the way you walked to the party that you were here to play a serious game. But all of your unwavering confidence flew out the door when you walked in. The place was packed like sardines with drunk friends and strangers who were either dancing, making out, or anything in between.
And even in such a crowded place like this, you immediately spotted Chan talking and smiling with some girl who was holding his hand.
Before you could feel any more miserable, Minho boyishly wrapped his arm around you and dragged you to the kitchen where all the alcohol was.
“I need a shot or four,” you told your best friend.
“Pace yourself tonight, ok? Knowing you, you’ll do something stupid if you don’t.”
It was bottoms up for the next several minutes for you, to which you definitely did not heed Minho’s advice. You can’t remember how many you’ve taken, but by the looks on your friend’s face, it can’t be a low number.
The alcohol helps you forget why you even wanted to go to Hyunjin’s birthday in the first place. You spend a good hour mingling with yours and Minho’s mutual friends and you were finally given the pleasure to meet all of the boys whom you’ve heard so much about.
“Oh, they’re all so handsome ~!” you gushed, cheeks glowing pinker by the minute.
“I like them. You should bring them around more often,” a flirty Jisung said as he side-hugged you.
“Alright alright, shoo!” Minho said, slapping his arms off of you. He pulled you in close to whisper in your ear. “Hey, he’s looking at you.”
You looked across the room to where Minho was gesturing at and had a hard time focusing on Chan’s shocked expression that soon melted into something you could have mistook for hurt. You were much too intoxicated to read into it nor did you care that he was completely ignoring the girl he came with just to look at you. Regardless, you didn’t like the attention you were feeding him, as he didn’t need it from you, anyways.
You needed to get out of there.
“Let’s dance,” you said, dragging Minho to the dance floor.
“Oh, good call.”
Dancing with Minho the way everyone else in the room was dancing was too raunchy for your immature souls, so you opted for a more innocent position. You had your hands wrapped around his neck and he rested his on your hips and enjoyed the music that deafened your ears.
“He followed us,” Minho yelled over the music. “He’s behind you. I guess this is a good sign?”
“Eh, who gives a fuck anymore,” you pouted sourly. “He can go take her home for all I care.”
“Don’t say that, I know you care.”
“Of course I do... But what can I do? He asked her to come tonight, not me. Besides, why does it matter when I have you, anyways ~”
“You’re gross, don’t say that, either!”
As you danced with Minho in the middle of the dance floor, you both were too drunk and too into each other to notice Chan’s piercing gaze. If you had danced on Minho just like every other person in this room was doing to their partner, maybe Chan wouldn’t have felt so... angry. But no, he saw you throwing your head back while laughing, playing with his hair, and hold him closely in a tight hug.
And for Chan, that was the worst part about seeing you with Minho - it was knowing that Minho was someone so special to you and you shared this intimate moment with him right in front of Chan who couldn’t even dream of being in Minho’s position.
But he couldn’t blame you. How could he when he brought the girl he was dancing with instead? He brought this upon himself, all because he feared that he was committing to you too quickly. But it’s not like you two were even official or exclusive or anything, right? So it’s not like he was wrong for bringing someone else...
But now seeing that Minho was the one who got to laugh with you and hold you close and not Chan, he couldn’t help but feel angry, as he saw the tables turn before him.
Towards the end of the night, neither you nor Minho were seen still at the party, and Chan can only assume from there where you two had gone off. Probably back to your place, since he’s heard so many stories of Minho practically living there, anyways...
But maybe you didn’t take him home, as your mutual friend came running up to Chan and his girl out of breath and a little frantic.
“Hey, have you seen _____?”
“No, why? Are they ok?” he asked, though wishing he didn’t sound like he cared so much.
“They wanted to get some fresh air a couple of minutes ago and now I can’t find them and they’re not answering their phone. They can get a little wander-y when they drinks, so they could have gone or ended up literally anywhere...”
“I’ll help you,” he said immediately. Chan left his date behind and now he was out the door running in all directions to look for you.
Thirty minutes were spent running around the neighborhood and campus calling your name while calling your phone. It was still ringing on Chan’s end, so you hadn’t turned it off or ran out of battery yet, but you still wouldn’t answer. After nearly an hour of searching, and almost giving up, Chan could hear the faint ring of your phone off in the distance.
“_____?” he called out, but no one answer.
As he ran towards the sound of your phone ringing, he could feel his nervousness rising just thinking about seeing you face-to-face again after tonight’s events. How was he supposed to face you? Would you even want to see him again after tonight?
On an empty sidewalk on one of the campus’s main streets, there you were walking back towards the party. You must have been so tired by the way you dragged your feet on the floor. For a minute, Chan just followed you and watched you, noticing just from your body language that you were upset and he wondered if it was all because of him.
Chan called your phone one more time. He watched you look at the caller idea, sigh deeply, and shove the phone back in your pocket.
“My love, please pick up your phone ~,” Chan said loud enough for you to hear.
Your feet froze to the concrete and you didn’t even bother turning around to look at him. Not when your face was all red and a bit puffy.
Before you could walk away again, Chan ran up in front of you.
“Hey,” he said softly. By the look he was giving you, you about thought how you must have looked so pathetic after crying. “What’s wrong...?”
“Nothing,” you replied curtly. “What are you doing here?”
“I was looking for you. Minho said you ran off, so I got worried and -”
“Well, I’m fine. You can go back now.” When you tried to walk around Chan, he grabbed your hand and pulled you back to him. “What?”
“Why are you running away from me? Is it because of that girl I brought?”
“I don’t care what you do or who you do on your free time. It’s none of my business.”
“_____, please, it’s not what you think.”
“I really liked you,” you admitted. God, how many drinks did you have for you to admit that so easily? You saw Chan’s face twist in surprise. “I didn’t want to because I knew something like this was going to happen. Why did you do all those things for me if you didn’t like me, too?”
“But I do. I like you so, so much.”
You searched for any sign of insincerity as he confessed to you, but you couldn’t find any, so what were you supposed to believe?
“Then who was she?” you asked, although you’re not sure if you want to hear the answer.
“She’s just someone I brought to the party.”
“Do you like her, too?”
“No, I don’t!”
“So all the touching and dancing with her meant nothing to you?”
“Yes, it meant nothing to me. What about you and Minho?” he accused.
“Whoa, Minho’s my best friend!”
“Best friends don’t look at each other like that.”
All of this arguing was just running in circles and if you weren’t the one blaming him for your hurt feelings, then he’d blame his own on you and Minho. It was going nowhere, and it was already 3:00am, so maybe you should save all this fighting for another time.
“Just leave me alone,” you muttered, walking away from Chan once more.
“_____, wait.”
But he didn’t chase after you. He was tired, too.
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“Good evening, friends,” Chan greeted in his mic. “It’s ya boy CB alone on the mic tonight as J.ONE and SPEARB have finals to study for. Tonight I will not be answering any phone calls as I am not so much in the mood to do so. I mean this in the nicest way possible. It’s not because of you guys, it’s never because of you guys, it’s just one of those days, you know?”
A couple of weeks after the party, you had successfully avoided Chan and his many phone calls. Every time, you were closer and closer to just caving in and picking up the phone, but you never did. Lately, the calls had lessened by the day, and you’d think the pain in your chest would subside with it, but it only strengthened and you didn’t know how much longer you could keep up the facade. You also thought a good way to cope with your feelings was to listen to Chan on the radio, but boy, were you completely wrong.
You felt like you could fall for him all over again.
“Today has been one of those days where there’s only one thing I could think about. Well, in my case, it was one person I could only think about...” Your heart leaped in your chest at his words. “You know those kinds of days, right? Where you think about them all day and you get really happy inside just thinking about their smile, or their laugh, or even remembering something as stupid as staining their shirt with black sesame ice cream one time?”
Was he describing your first date?
“Yeah, tonight is one of those nights. Actually, it’s been every night for me lately. That’s right, guys, your boy CB has been bit by some stupid love bug. And what sucks the most is that I miss them dearly...”
And you missed him dearly, too.
“I miss them so much that I made them a playlist. Throughout the past couple of months, I’ve played and dedicated one song every show to this person, and now I put them and some more songs all together into one stupid playlist, which I will play tonight. This is for you, _____. I hope you’re listening, and know that I miss you.”
You remembered every song except the last couple on the playlist before he even pressed play. You wrote each of them down every time he texted you that he dedicated it to you in hopes that one day you’d actually make the playlist for yourself, but now he did it for you and you couldn’t stop your heart from bursting.
“Ah, after I said I wouldn’t take any calls, you guys still light up the lines, huh? I’m in a good mood after my confession, so I guess I can answer one ~ Caller number nine, what’s up?”
“Oh, my God, this is so cute!” A voice gushed over the phone. “How is _____? Are you two a thing?”
Chan sighed deeply. “That’s a tough question to answer, my love. I’m not too sure how they’re doing. But I hope they’re doing better than I am.”
For the rest of the evening, you listened to Chan’s solo show that consisted of only your playlist songs and long talks to callers about relationship advice. He got so caught up with his callers and the show that it went on for an extra hour longer, though you wished it went on even longer. You could never get tired of hearing his voice.
“Alright guys, no more calls this time, I mean it. I can’t believe I extended a whole hour with you all. It felt like ten minutes! Thank you all for the kind words and I hope mine help you, too, even just a little. I have some matters to attend to tonight, so this is CB telling you all good night and to stay safe always. This is 3RACHA Radio, signing off.”
After turning off your radio, you contemplated and paced around your room with your phone on the table for almost an hour on whether you should call Chan or not. Well, to be honest, it was more like you had already decided you wanted to call him, but what would you say? You felt so stupid being so mad at him from the party when you didn’t even let him explain, and who knows if he’d even want to see you anymore -
A knock came at your door and interrupted your thoughts. It was probably Minho wanting to eat after studying.
But when you opened your door, you didn’t expect to see a bashful Chan hiding the same bouquet of flowers behind his back.
“Hey,” he greeted shyly.
“Hi,” you said back, unable to hide your growing smile. You couldn’t be more happy to see him. “Come in.”
It was an awkward couple of minutes because you two haven’t spoken or seen each other since that night. After handing you the flowers, Chan watched you eagerly put them in a vase with water and thought how you must have been happy to see him if you were smiling this much.
“Did you listen to the show tonight?” he asked.
“I did. You made me a playlist?”
“I finished your playlist,” he corrected. “Do you like it?”
“I love it. Can I have it?”
“Y-Yeah, here,” he handed you a usb drive and you immediately plugged it into your laptop and pressed play, wanting to listen to the whole thing all over again.
“_____, I really like you,” Chan said, not wasting any time. “I like you so much.”
Immediately, you replied, “I like you, too.”
“Really? Do you forgive me?”
“Of course I do, I just... I was scared, you know? How was I supposed to compete with someone like her? Or anyone else?”
“There’s no competition if you already won,” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. He planted a kiss on your forehead, a feeling that you’ve missed so dearly.
“Mm, I missed you.”
“I missed you more. Always more.”
“Are you staying?” you asked.
“If you’ll have me.”
“Of course I will. Let me make fun of you for the song choices.”
“Ok, but don’t get too mean, I’m sensitive.”
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edogawatranslations · 5 years
Danganronpa Kirigiri (3) - Chapter 3, Part 1
Table of Contents | Previous: Chapter 2, Part 4
Chapter 3 - The Palace of Twelve Locked Rooms
Dusk had already fallen by the time we made it back to my dorm around six in the evening.
While walking to my room, we passed by one of my hallmates. The sight of Kyoko sleeping on my back and the boy in the vest tagging along behind us caused her eyes to shoot wide open.
“Yui...” she said with a look of concern. “You’ve been hanging out with a strange crowd recently.”
“You saw nothing.”
After entering my room, I lay Kyoko down onto my bed and let her sleep. Those ghastly marks remained visible on her white neck, a painful reminder she had been moments removed from death. I felt sorry for her.
Lico took a curious glance around.
“Huh... I’ve never been in a girl’s dorm room before.”
“Don’t let your eyes wander.” I quickly kicked some clothes and underwear that had been scattered on the floor under my bed. “Take a seat.”
“Okay.” With a smile, Lico sat down on his knees.
“There are a bajillion things I wanna ask you once Kyoko wakes up... But I gotta know: are you really Rei Mikagami?”
“If by that, you’re asking if there are people in this world who refer to me by that name, then the answer is yes. I do not recall my actual name. I mentioned earlier that both of my parents died when I was young; my earliest memories were at an orphanage.”
“Then what about the Rei Mikagami registered with the Detective Library?”
“That would be me.”
“So you’re really a triple-zero class detective? That’s incredible, you know. Are you aware of that?”
“Of course. That’s why the whole world is hunting me down, after all.”
“How old are you?”
“Twelve, I think?”
“Huh? Something doesn’t add up... When did you first register with the Detective Library?”
“Probably when I was around seven or so. There was a case I couldn’t solve without a Detective Library ID card, so I registered.”
“A seven-year-old kid managed to rank up to a triple-zero class detective in the span of only five years?”
“Technically speaking, I reached that status when I was maybe around nine.”
Sitting before me was the quintessential genius. His skill was far beyond that of other detectives who might languish for three years before ranking up for the first time, not to mention those who perpetrated and solved their own crimes to rank up six times.
Since Rei Mikagami was promoted to triple-zero class in such a short period after registering with the Library, the Crime Victims’ Salvation Committee likely didn’t have enough time to determine his identity. It also didn’t hurt that he seemed to excel at laying low, thwarting the attempts of those who sought to track his movements.
“Every single one of the cases I’ve solved under the name Rei Mikagami has been archived into my file at the Library. I wonder, who has been watching me, and from where?”
“I bet Committee members keep a close eye on you at their watch parties.”
“The Committee has nothing to do with it.”
“Huh? But aren’t the Detective Library and the Committee secretly connected?”
“Nope. Not in the slightest.”
“No way, that can’t be true. No matter how you think about it...”
“The Detective Library has strictly adhered to its founding ideals—to serve as a database with no will of its own. By eschewing the influence of any and all organizations, it guarantees its status as a neutral institution for all registered detectives.”
“I’m saying, what if all of that is just lip service?”
“...I wonder.” Lico flashed a smile and tilted his head.
“Hmph. You don’t care one bit about this, do you? It’s written all over your face.”
“Heh. I’m sorry, but the Detective Library doesn’t interest me,” Lico said with a childish smile. “However, I can say with the utmost confidence that no reciprocal relationship exists between the Committee and the Library. If anything, the Committee has unilaterally been using the Library.”
“Consider this. If the same group controlled both the Committee and the Library, isn’t it odd that the file of their leader, Mikado Shinsen, was deleted from the archive? No other detective received the same treatment.”[3]
“Isn’t that because they don’t want his file to be available for everyone to access? If I were leading a criminal organization, I wouldn’t want my info out in the open; it’d be detrimental.”
“I think differently. If they could freely adjust their ranks and falsify their files however they desired, why would they intentionally draw attention to their leader by only deleting his file?”
“You have a point there...”
“The evidence suggests the Committee has no influence over detectives’ ranks or anything listed in individual files. In fact, I don’t think the Committee ever even considered trying to reign over the Library. Duel Noirs are considered fair gambles, so it is essential for the summoned detective to be ranked by a neutral organization. With that in mind, you could say that the activities of the Committee necessitate the complete neutrality of the Library. I doubt their audience would approve of match fixing.”
The audience for Duel Noirs likely took pleasure in witnessing real crimes unfold before their very eyes. Of course, however, some of the theatrics had to be prepared in advance.
“But, they specifically summoned me as the detective for the current challenge. How is that fair?”
“It’s not exactly unfair to designate a specific detective, as long as their rank is commensurate with the cost range.”
“I’m still not convinced; just look at these!”
I slapped the twelve challenge cards onto the floor.
“If Ryuuzouji is betting his retirement over this game, it’s a cheap price,” Lico commented. “His worth as a detective far outweighs being determined by these twelve scraps of paper.”
“...So you support him.”
“I hold him in high esteem.”
“Whose side are you on? The Committee’s? Or mine?”
“That sounds like something you’d ask a date,” Lico blushed, likely imagining being in a relationship. But I was fully aware of the deadly poison lurking beneath his smile. I was fearful of the fact that it was so easy to be entranced by his projected innocence.
“Well, I trust you’re not an enemy.”
“I’m glad to have your trust,” Lico replied with a genuine-looking smile.
Despite being a triple-zero class detective, he didn’t boast of his achievements, instead devoting his time to solving mysteries that interested him. But that begged the question: Why choose to work as an assistant to Ryuuzouji in the place most closely connected with the Committee? There was so much about him I found puzzling, and to get to the bottom of it, I thought of countless things I wanted to ask.
As I pondered where to begin my interrogation, Kyoko awoke with a groan and sat up in my bed. A painful-sounding cough followed.
“Kyoko, are you okay?” I asked. “Here, drink some water. Do you need to go to the hospital?”
“I’m fine... I’ll be okay,” Kyoko answered with a raspy voice, before chugging a bottle of water. It wasn’t just her throat; her entire body had taken a beating. Even so, she tried to pretend like nothing was wrong.
I worried that continuing to express my concern for her would hurt her pride, so I decided to move on with the conversation.
“You woke up at the right time; I’ve just started to question this kid,” I said, pointing at the boy sitting straight up on the floor. “You won’t believe it, but he’s Rei Mikagami.”
“Indeed,” Kyoko said nonchalantly, scratching her throat.
“What, you knew?”
“I had a sneaking suspicion. You only introduced me to him as a friend, but he somehow knew my name without it being mentioned.”
“I could have learned about you at Ryuuzouji’s place, you know?” Lico shot back with a smile.
“Then you should’ve been more surprised to see me. Ryuuzouji and the Committee have been trying their hardest to locate me, so my appearance at the station would've come as a shock. Regardless, any notion of you being a normal kid vanished after seeing how you handled those assassins.”
“With the way things were headed, I couldn’t keep things a secret. It may sound like an excuse, but I had every intention of revealing my identity to you after dealing with the assassins, I swear.”
“Uh huh.” I eyed Lico suspiciously. “Why are you even working at Ryuuzouji’s place?”
“Unless I constantly surround myself with the mysterious, I’ll shrivel up into ash and die,” Lico said with a soft smile.
But behind that smile, there was a certain earnestness that couldn’t be laughed off.
“That is why I decided to infiltrate Ryuuzouji’s castle, in pursuit of the world’s greatest mysteries. While I have solved many mysteries up until now, the quality of them has been suffocatingly low.”
“You sure have a taste for luxury.”
“I have come to realize that a lifestyle journeying around the world suits me better than one lingering in a fixed place. I’m certain that somewhere on this earth, the ‘something mysterious’ I’m seeking is awaiting me.”
Lico sounded like a boy with great aspirations for summer vacation.
He belonged to a different breed of detective, one made up of those who wholeheartedly devoted themselves to chasing after mysteries. Unlike detectives who served to protect something or save others, he was free to move and act without restraint.
“Does Ryuuzouji know you’re Rei Mikagami?”
“I don’t think he knew when he first hired me. He might have had faint suspicions about my identity up until yesterday, but following today’s events, I’m sure his beliefs have cemented into certainty.”
“Why? Was Ryuuzouji watching you from somewhere?”
“No. I suspect at least one of the assassins was hired by Ryuuzouji himself,” Lico said with a straight face.
“R-Really? Why would he do that?”
“To kill me—just kidding. More likely to confirm my identity as Rei Mikagami. Since all of the assassins survived, they will inevitably report back to Ryuuzouji.”
“Then Ryuuzouji must have been the one who leaked the information that Rei Mikagami was going to appear at Meyura Station,” Kyoko said, adjusting her posture on the edge of the bed.
“W-Wait a sec. What’s the big deal? Why would Ryuuzouji go to such lengths?”
Kyoko stared coldly at my frantic expression, before beginning to explain. “All of it was planned out from the very start. First, Ryuuzouji leaked false information to send his hired assassins to Meyura Station, keeping the truth hidden from them. At the same time, he challenged you to an unfair Duel Noir, engineering a situation where you would have no choice but to head to the station. In doing so, he gained a reason to send Lico—your assistant in the game—to the station as well. Naturally, Lico and the assassins would encounter each other there.”
“You lost me. So you’re saying these twelve challenges were designed as a trap to expose Rei Mikagami’s identity?”
With that understanding, the decision game Ryuuzouji forced me to play took on a new meaning. It was a test to confirm that I was someone who would never dirty my hands: someone who would stop Rei Mikagami from silencing the assassins when the time came.
“I realize why he kept me so close to him as a trusted assistant, despite only having worked for him for half a year. He wanted me by his side so he could uncover my identity,” Lico reasoned.
“Geez, we’ve all been played because of you. I can’t believe all of this was just a ploy to flush out Rei Mikagami. Well, at least I can rest easy knowing that these Duel Noir cards are all phonies,” I sighed in relief.
“On the contrary, the fact that they are not is evident of Ryuuzouji’s true, frightening nature,” Lico shrugged. “The cards aren’t phonies—they’re real. That’s one reason why Ryuuzouji is known as a genius of parallel thinking and multitasking; he can seamlessly weave multiple plans into one.”
“Wait, so the Duel Noir is actually going on right now?”
It was impossible to wrap my head around it all.
How many different plots did Ryuuzouji have planned out? He didn’t have to move an inch from his headquarters; the press of a button was enough to set everything into motion. This was how daunting it felt to be facing off against an armchair detective.
“The Duel Noir has only just begun. There’s plenty of time,” Lico said with a smile.
161 hours remained. That seemed like a lot, but it also felt severely lacking.
“On that note, are you aware of the contents of the Duel Noir this time?” Kyoko asked Lico with a piercing look.
Lico shook his head. “Normally, Ryuuzouji forbade me from entering his room. Hypothetically speaking, even if I did get the chance to watch him work, since he always multitasked on many different tasks at once, I wouldn’t be able to identify what, if anything, was related to a Duel Noir—”
“You would.”
“Someone like you is more than capable of identifying such a thing.”
“...You think so?” Lico tilted his head, playing dumb.
“Tell us the truth,” I pressed. “Whose side are you on?”
“I don’t know myself,” Lico shrugged, throwing his hands up.
“What don’t you know? Is there even anything in this world that you don’t know?”
“Left or right, A or B, friend or foe—I cannot understand why humans are always so obsessed with dichotomizing everything, nor why they seek to define themselves as being tied to one side or the other. Wouldn’t either side be fine? Think about how many conflicts throughout history could have been prevented if the issues hadn’t been framed as black and white...”
“Sorry to interrupt, but there’s no time for your philosophical ramblings. Lico, I need your help. You understand that much, don’t you?”
“You need me?”
“Yeah. Please, lend us your skills.”
“On one condition.”
“One condition...? Fine, what is it?”
“Kiss me.”
[3] (TN: At the end of Volume 1, Yui and Kyoko visit the Detective Library, where Yui tells Kyoko the rumors about there being a fourth triple-zero class detective whose file was erased. At the end of Volume 2, Yui and Kyoko receive a call from Kyoko’s grandfather, who reveals to them that Mikado Shinsen was a former triple-zero class detective. Lico confirms this information here.)
Next: Chapter 3, Part 2
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Fernando Torres should be remembered as a Liverpool legend – at Anfield he was Europe’s best
April 8, 2008. A ferocious Champions League quarter-final at Anfield between Liverpool and Arsenal was ebbing and flowing, as it reached the 69th minute.
This might have been the last eight of Europe's top competition but it was being played with no-holds barred intensity of a Premier League collision.
The score was poised at 1-1 (2-2 on aggregate) when a Peter Crouch flick-on arrived at the feet of Liverpool's number nine in the Kop End penalty area.
Fernando Torres seared into the hearts and minds of Liverpool fans with breathtaking goals
Torres scored a vital goal as Liverpool beat Arsenal in the 2008 Champions League quarters
A tletico Madrid – 111
Liverpool – 81
Chelsea – 45
AC Milan – 1
Spain – 60
Suddenly, it felt like time had stood still. Fernando Torres, a picture of calm in the mayhem, took one touch, then another and another.
Before everyone realized what was happening, he had rifled a right-footed drive into the roof of Manuel Almunia's net to spark a noise that made the stage shake.
The goal was easily recalled without the need to watch it on YouTube. The best of the best separate themselves by doing things on a football pitch that is sear into your memory and during a golden spell on Merseyside that is what Torres was: the best of the best.
It was a dream start for Torres, who scored a sublime goal on his Anfield debut vs Chelsea
He was the most feared central striker in Europe when he played for Liverpool. This observer has chosen that Arsenal goal as a personal favorite, but in truth, there were another 10 or 15 instances that could have been used as examples.
There was the debut strike at Anfield, for instance, when he wrapped Chelsea defender Tal Ben-Haim up in club before finishing like an assassin. The muggings of Nemanja Vidic at Old Trafford and Rio Ferdinand at Anfield; goals to settle Merseyside derbies, an astonishing strike against Blackburn.
Torres was the first signing that Liverpool made when you felt they were moving into a different level: here was a player everyone in Europe wanted but Rafa Benitez won the day, shattering the club record transfer fee, to sign him from Atletico Madrid for more than £ 20million.
His career, or course, was more than just those years at Anfield. He is loved unconditionally by Atletico supporters following his two spells there; he played for Chelsea and won a raft of honors, including the Champions League, but the fit was never the same. Blue was never his color.
Red, by contrast, suited him down to the ground. The first test for him – as it was for any new signing – came in training. Xabi Alonso, for example, endeared himself immediately to his team mates in 2004 with the way the first pass he swept away, clean and precise.
The Spaniard famously had many iconic duels with Nemanja Vidic and often came out on top
World Cup – 2010
European Championship – 2008, 2012
Champions League – 2011-12
Europa League – 2012-13, 2017-18
FA Cup – 2011-12
With Torres, a coming together with Jamie Carragher that set the benchmark. During a training game, the pair went up for a header. Torres thundered into Carragher and put the defender on the floor. Rather than picking Carragher up to assess the damage, Torres carried on. Carragher loved it.
"Here was a winner," Carragher remarked. 'Here was someone who wanted to go to war for us. I thought it was brilliant. "
That first year was incredible. He broke records, became an icon and finished the campaign by scoring the goal – a beautiful dinked finish – in Vienna that made Spain European Champions; six months later, he finished third in the Ballon d'Or voting. Lionel Messi was first. Cristiano Ronaldo was second. This was the company he was keeping.
Critics used to say he couldn't use his left foot but Torres didn't need to when his right-foot was so good. He was quick, he was slick and 'the lad from sunny Spain', as the Kop sang, would get the ball and score again and again. He looked like someone who was destined to rewrite record books.
The problem was, though, injuries slowed him down and the turbulence that erupted around Anfield as the disastrous Thomas Hicks and George Gillett reign disintegrated left him disenchanted.
Torres formed a telepathic and unstoppable partnership with Steven Gerrard on Merseyside
The two then became rivals as Torres broke the hearts of Liverpool fans and joined Chelsea
It was a travesty that Torres never won a medal at Anfield. It was something he was desperate to achieve.
"We were not far away from being champions of England and champions of Europe," Torres said in the book Ring of Fire. "But we needed to keep the team. Everything changed when the owners started talking about selling.
'The mindset of the club went in a different direction. Alonso was sold, Mascherano was sold, Benítez went too. Not all of the money went into new players. The club was saying "We still want to be the best and we want to win" but doing the opposite. "
Torres is a private individual and during the final chapter at Anfield, it became more and more withdrawn.
Fenway Sports Group took over elsewhere in time in October 2010 and three months later he was at Stamford Bridge, sold for £ 50million.
Torres left Liverpool just as Luis Suarez signed, meaning the two never got to play together
The 35 -year-old will probably go down in history as one of Atletico Madrid's greatest ever players
The animosity between Liverpool and Chelsea meant, in the eyes of many fans, he had performed some kind of betrayal and views of him were colored accordingly. He was mad every time he returned to Merseyside and it was all so very sad. Be in no doubt how much it hurt.
His career has come to an end and you wonder whether there will be a point in the future when Torres comes back to play for Liverpool's legends. He should do. Torres, at a peak that didn't last as long as it should have done, was one of the best The Kop had seen.
Like those picture book goals he could score, it should never be forgotten.
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misssophiachase · 7 years
Can I request KC + any cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie. Any of them.
Thank you!!! Awesomeprompt. For some reason it’s not so mini, so sorry for the delay. Okay, I’ll admit that I took some liberties, I mean there are way toomany to choose from so this is a different spin. I think I kind of morphed intoa Hallmark movie writer with all this cheese and fluff, hope you still like it!
Not Another Hallmark Movie
“I’ve worked with animalsthat are better behaved and trained than you, Mikaelson,” she hissed. 
“Only because they can’ttalk. If they could I’m sure they’d have some pretty choice things to sayabout such a Princess, Forbes,” he shot back. 
“You are such an…”
“Well, you’re no picnicyourself sweetheart.”
“I said Cut!” TheirDirector, Enzo St John, growled. “You don’t get creative license,children. This is a bloody Hallmark movie and you will do it as I say. So, justfor your information, the lines actually were, I love you Jacob. I think Ialways have but I’ve been hurt before and Christmas is such a difficult timefor me after losing my father.”
“And then Jacob says,”Bonnie Bennet, their long suffering producer, added through grittedteeth. “I would never hurt you Grace and if you let me in, let me love youthen I can prove that to you everyday of our lives.”
“I much prefer my line,”Klaus shrugged his shoulders, unmoved by their terse interruptions. 
“As I do mine,” Carolineagreed, arms crossed over her chest. Agreeing was something the two actorsnever did, just ask the rest of the cast and crew. They’d been bickering eversince their first day on set and things didn’t seem to beimproving.  
“How about we take abreak,” Enzo sighed. “We’ll pick up in twenty minutes and maybe you twocan learn your bloody lines.” The crew scurried away, no doubt to enjoy somedowntime from all the drama. 
Klaus made his way to hisdressing room, slamming the door shut in the process. Who was Enzo St John totell him what to do and how to do it? He remembered the second worse decisionhe’d ever made so clearly. If he could have blamed it on alcohol he would havebut this was all her doing.    
“Hallmark? Ah, no Lucien.”
“You didn’t even let mefinish…”
“Because you used the Hword,” he muttered. “I thought we spoke about having that networkexorcised from any future contracts.”
“You need this role Klaus,if anything just to get you back on your feet,” he pleaded. “The roleshave dried up since…”
“I don’t need you to tellme that,” he growled, finally stopping his pacing. “But there must besomething else, something on HBO? I saw they’d green lit a pilotabout the Clash.”
“The Joe Strummer role hasalready been cast.”
“Oh don’t tell me, it’sthat talentless idiot, Tyler Lockwood?”
“No, it’s…”
“Well, don’t keep mehanging, Lucien. You know, I’m a big boy, I can handle the truth.”
“Stefan Slavatore,” hemumbled, his brown eyes now firmly focused on the floor.  
“The brooding, James Deanwannabe? He’s not even English and is definitely more boy band than punk. Anddon’t even get me started on his obsession with his hair. Could that guy ownany more hair products?”
“That’s probably why hehas that lucrative endorsement deal with L’oreal.”
“I bet his mother is soproud,” he groaned. “Why do talentless and undeserving losers like thatget the good roles?”
“You’ve been out of thegame for a bit, people tend to move on after you pass on roles,” he offered,albeit weakly. “You experienced a monumental loss and it’s understandablethat you needed some time out but…”
“You’re even starting tosound like a bloody Hallmark movie now.”
“It’s your only chance totry to resurrect your career Klaus, trust me on this.” Klaus was silent,thinking about his options. 
Not that Klaus liked toadmit it readily but Lucien was right. But was his career more importantthan his pride? Klaus knew the answer and prepared his response carefully. Hallmarkand their latest Christmas cheese-fest could go fuck themselves. “The female part is being played by Caroline Forbes. She’s a verytalented and versatile actress. Actually grew up in the same town as you, Imean what a coincidence.”
That Klaus wasn’texpecting and he felt his chest constrict and an immediate craving to be closerto her again, if so just to try and make things right. “Fine, I’ll do it.”  
It seemed as if Klaus hadcome full circle his worst ever mistake crashing into his second worst. She was just as flawless as he remembered when they met for rehearsals amonth earlier. Even with that scowl plastered firmly on her face, Klaus didn’tthink he’d seen anyone so beautiful. Even her latest insults couldn’t deter hisadmiration. If Klaus could do things differently, he would have.
“Now, that would have tobe your best tantrum by far.”
“If I wanted an audience,little sister, I would have chosen one a lot less sarcastic and hostile.”
“You’re not going to findone, Klaus,” she insisted. “Especially if you keep acting out this way. Noone will ever hire you again.”
“Always the publicist,” hedrawled, rolling his eyes for extra effect. “Did you ever think that maybeI don’t care?”
“And what about Caroline?”His eyes flew to hers, Rebekah always had a tendency to push his buttons andtoday was no exception. Caroline had pursued a modelling career but hadrecently excelled in a few cameo roles. “This is her first leading movie role,do you want to ruin it with such childish behaviour?”
“I’m pretty sure Hallmarkwill do that all on its own,” he joked. “Look, I realise Caroline is oneof your clients but that doesn’t mean you can use our sibling status to guilttrip me into staying. I’m sure that they can recast me with some bland, kendoll type. Maybe the gods are smiling on us and Stefan Salvatore is actuallyfree?”
“No one has chemistry likeyou and Caroline, trust me we’ve all seen it.”
“That was a long timeago.”
“Really? Because from thatforeplay I just saw out there, your connection is stronger thanever.” 
Klaus knew it too, notthat he was willing to admit it aloud and to his sister and publicist of allpeople. He loved her, Klaus had never stopped. Suddenly he felt like he’dstepped into some weird, Hallmark vortex. 
“Yes, those insults werereally romantic.”
“I know you miss her, weall do” she implored, her hands finding his. Klaus knew they weren’t talkingabout Caroline anymore. “But that’s no reason to throw away your career orCaroline in the process.”
Klaus knew she was right, hedidn’t speak, just squeezed her hands affectionately before making his waytowards her dressing room purposefully.
“If you’re here for roundtwo, I’m not interested,” Caroline scoffed before he could get a word in. Shewas seated at her dressing table and regarding him suspiciously in thereflection of the mirror. 
“I don’t know,” he smiled,thinking just how much he’d missed their lively banter. “I thought we’dclocked up at least twenty rounds by now.” 
“And to be honest, I’mtired of it,” she sighed, closing those blue eyes momentarily. Klaus knewexactly what she was doing. 
After making love they’dlie naked together in the moonlit filled room, their limbs entwined and Klauswould recite all the reasons he loved her. Her creamy skin, her golden waves,her melodic laugh and ability to render him completely useless were frequentmentions but his favourite, he’d say, were her eyes. They were the windows toher soul, he’d say, and Klaus used to murmur that as long as she kept her eyesopen everything would be okay.
“Open your eyes, love,” hemurmured, making his way towards her dressing table and running a hand alongher cheek slowly. 
“You don’t deserve that,”she whispered, a single tear making its way down her cheek. “You don’tdeserve me.”
“I don’t,” heagreed. “I lost that right after…” Her eyes flew open as she pushed awayhis hand.
“After you walked out onme,” she sobbed, standing shakily and increasing the distance between them. Shewas wearing a thin dressing gown and Klaus could make out the lace accents ofher underwear and the way they strained against the swell of herbreast.  
“I didn’t want to hurtyou..”
“Yet you did exactly that!How long have we known each other Klaus? Twenty years now? We climbed treestogether when we were eight. You took me to my prom senior year and cheered meon at my college graduation. God, we dated for three years but even after wemoved our separate ways for career opportunities we were still close. You wouldcall me whenever Lord of the Rings was on TV because you knew I hated itand recited the dialogue verbatim, then you’d berate the latest tabloid storiesabout my love life because you were the only guy that was worthy of my timeapparently. I can recall so many conversations, so many life events with you presentand that was the thanks I got for being such a loyal friend?”
“I wasn’t in the righthead space that night Caroline, my mother had just died,” he explained. “Iwas spiralling out of control and had been drinking.”
“I wanted to be there foryou the night of her funeral, to support you in your time of need.”
“And I took advantage ofthat,” he murmured, remembering it like it was yesterday. 
He’d woken, unsure of hissurroundings at first but then he felt her against his chest. He would neverforget the rhythmic and even sound of her breathing or the fact the thesunlight spilling into the room was highlighting the golden flecks in her hair.She looked like an angel.
He left hurriedly,throwing on his clothes and racing from the hotel room. Klaus knew it wascowardly but having to face her and explain the previous night and hisscrambled emotions was too much after burying his mother yesterday. 
As the months passed,Klaus began to miss her name on his caller ID and almost hit the call button amillion times, if only just to hear the sound of her melodic laugh telling himhe was an idiot. But he never called and it was the biggest regret afterleaving her that morning without a goodbye. 
“I’d rather not revisitmemory lane,” she said, breaking Klaus from his dream-like trance. “But Iam curious, why are you doing this film? I mean you break out inhives when you even hear the word Hallmark.”
“It was all for you,love.”
“Oh, if that’s a line, I’mso not interested in hearing anything more Mikaelson…”
“It’s not,” he persisted,making his way towards her and placing his hands on her shoulders gently. 
Her blue eyes were widenow and Klaus could see that the anger and hostility he’d seen for weeks hadsince been replaced by curiosity and that raw vulnerability he loved so much.He knew there was a brief window, If only he could just explain himselfarticulately. Her vanilla scent was putting him off somewhat, so too her closeproximity. “I needed to be here, I needed to make things right after Iroyally stuffed them up.”
“That’s certainly anunderstatement,” she growled. 
“I was scared,” headmitted, fastening a lock of hair behind her ear. “When Esther passed away sosuddenly it knocked me around so much. She was the most important and biggestpresence in my life. That morning when I woke up and saw you lying next to me Iwas so frightened it hurt. The thought of ever losing you, like her, was toomuch to comprehend in my emotional state.” She was silent for a momentobviously processing what he was saying. 
“But you walked out onme.”
“I figured that if youweren’t in my life I couldn’t lose you. I know it’s not an excuse but you arethe only woman I’ve ever loved and even if you weren’t in my life I could stillwatch you from afar and it would be okay.”
“But yet you show up onthe set of a Hallmark movie.”
“Obviously that poorlythought rationale didn’t last too long. I was desperate, I wanted you backeven if it was a long shot.” She cocked her left eyebrow curiously, a slightsmile tugging at her lips. 
“Do I have this right? You signed up for a Hallmark movie for me?” 
“Desperate times and allthat,” he smirked. “Please tell me my efforts haven’t been completelywasted?”
“I’ll tell you what’s beencompletely wasted,” she said, her hands finding their way to his hips andpulling him closer. “Your talents.”
“Your talents are wastedin this kind of film and we both know it,” she mused. “So, what I want youto do is march out there and tell Enzo you’re quitting.” Obviously she didn’twant to see him again but Klaus couldn’t blame her. 
“Do you really hate me thatmuch?” 
“I don’t unfortunately,”she teased. “You need to snap out of this funk. Esther wouldn’t want this for you and we both know it. You need to get back tothe roles that made you who you are and you need to stop stalking me too.As much as I appreciate the explanation, you are sounding more like a Hallmarkmovie everyday and I can’t have that.”
“What roles? There are none.”
“I heard about the ClashHBO series, that would be a good start.”
“ApparentlyStefan Salvatore has already been cast,” he groaned, hating the fact he even had to say his name aloud. 
“I wouldn’t be so sure,Mikaelson,” she grinned knowingly. “You just need to have a little faithin yourself and your craft.”
“So, if I do all of that,do you think there’s any chance you might ever forgive me for being…”
“The biggest ass in theworld? I’ll think about it,” she smiled, placing a chaste kiss on his nose.Klaus melted into her embrace, not wanting to let go but also glad she’d heardhim out and was willing to consider a future, whatever that might be. 
“So, before I go and annoyEnzo, Rebekah and my manager I have one question myself.” She didn’t respondjust raised her eyebrows in preparation. “Why did you take this role? Imean it’s not really your thing either.”
“I already have amodelling career, acting is a hobby right now, but it doesn’t hurt that there’sat least a dozen scripts sitting there for my perusal.” 
Klaus looked over at the table,noticing the large volumes of paper for the first time. From this distance he could seethe title Oceans Eight on one of them. He wasn’t sureif it was related to the Soderbergh box office hits but if it was CarolineForbes was going to be a big star. 
“And I’ll be therewatching your career unfold from afar, love.” He was gone before she couldrespond. His spirits buoyed and his heart open for the first time in over a year, telling him they’d meet again some day.
So, their ending wasn’t aHallmark one, well not that day anyway. Fast forward two years and Klaus wasstarring in the latest Scorcese film, Caroline in Spielberg. 
“So, where can a girl geta drink around here?” He’d know that melodic voice anywhere, his crimson lips curving into a smile.
“I might be able to help you with that.” She sat at the neighbouring barstool her leg grazing his briefly and causing all the familiar feelings to resurface. He said he’d wait and Klaus was hoping she was finally collecting. 
“Which is exactly why I came to see you,” she smiled. “We have a lot to talk about, Mikaelson.”
Turns out they did. Exactly three months later the two childhood best friends were married and happened to live happily ever after, just like in fairytale or a really cheesy Hallmark movie.  
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eddiejpoplar · 7 years
Dakar Rally – The Ultimate Motorsport Experience With MINI
It’s December of 2017 and my email inbox just got hit with a one-of-a-kind invitation to a one-of-a-kind event.
“Dakar Rally with MINI? The trip will take place from January 3 to January 8 in Lima, Peru. Please note—it does involve one night of camping with the Dakar team in a tent,” noted the email from MINI Germany and MINI of North America.
Journalists often get spoiled with press trips in five-star hotels and with gourmet meals, so the idea of a few days in the desert and camping might not be appealing to everyone, unless, of course, you’re a huge Motorsport fan and are more interested in creating great content from arguably the most prestigious car event in the world than a few days of glamour.
Now keep in mind, this is early January when most of us are still in a vacation mode, or recovering from the usual New Years Eve hangovers or from overeating. But how can one refuse this Bucket List item…so the choice was obvious.
After a short, yet intense family debate, and promises that now will be tough to fulfill, I clicked the sign-up button knowing that this will be an experience of a lifetime. Shortly after I received my confirmation, I’ve begun my research on the latest Dakar developments and the preparation needed for a trip of this kind.
While Dakar is extremely popular in most parts of the world, the U.S. racing population is still far more invested in NASCAR and monster trucks than in the incredible drama, excitement and adrenaline of the Dakar rally. Yet for years, some of us that live in the States have been openly rooting for MINI Motorsport and their rally program.
MINI X-Raid Dakar Team
For 2018 Dakar and its 40th edition, MINI Motorsport and X-Raid Team introduced two different drive concepts, for the first time: all-wheel drive on the MINI John Cooper Works Rally and rear-wheel drive on the MINI John Cooper Works Buggy. In addition to the already race-proven all-wheel drive MINI John Cooper Works Rally, which, at its debut appearance, came in sixth overall at the 2017 Dakar Rally, the rear-wheel drive MINI John Cooper Works Buggy was joining the Dakar start line in the Peruvian capital of Lima.
The reason why a second vehicle concept was developed lies in the specifics of the Dakar Rally rules, which, in their current form, give two-wheel driven cars certain advantages. But more on this, further down.
Trip Preparation
Since this was my first Dakar and also my first trip down to Peru, I started to build a list of things I would need, from outdoor equipment to medicine and of course, electronics gear that will assist me in properly capturing the rally spirit. While the video and photo equipment list was a simple exercise, the clothing and shoes necessities to survive Dakar and its deserts was a little tougher to put together.
In my close circle of friends I’m certainly not known for my camping and hiking activities, therefore, I’m certainly lacking the proper things for those type of adventures. But since adventure is the name of the game this time around, I decided to simply wing it. What that means in my world is simply wearing clothes that I would wear casually every day, but with slight adjustments. One of those small additions was some proper hiking socks that will help keep the sand off my shoes while keeping my feet cool and dry at all times. A great suggestion by my friend Mike Juergens at Slashgear who provided some invaluable insight he’s acquired from other rally events, like Baja 1000.
Even though his list of suggestions was longer than my weekly grocery list, yet informative and valuable, I decided to just wing it. Here comes my fairly large suitcase, mostly filled with cameras and lenses, gimbals, GoPros and battery packs, and here and there a couple of sneaker pairs and some athleisure clothing. A fancy word these days made famous by companies like Under Armor.
Day 1 – Shakedown
By now my flights are all booked, emergency medicine packed and more excited than ever to leave my house for an automotive trip. After a non-eventful flight to Lima, the capital of Peru, I land late in the night and quickly head to the beautiful area of Miraflores.
The MINI welcome letter has me scheduled for an early breakfast followed by a trip to the shakedown area. An hour bus ride takes us through some deserted and abandoned areas, entirely remote where the X-Raid Team and MINI have setup camp. The testing camp was put together just a few days before the start of Dakar, featuring a few miles long track with a hard-packed rock-strewn terrain, surrounded by hilly and sandy landscapes, and some tough up and down sections.
This is where the seven MINIs will make their final adjustments before the start and the very same place where our exciting adventure begins. As with most car trips, an optional lap with a professional driver is offered and encouraged, an opportunity that I would never turn down considering the skills of those drivers and the capabilities of the cars which are pushed to extremes.
So after the mandatory racing suit and helmet fitting, I was paired with Bryce Menzies, the Las Vegas native who finished 8th on the 2017 Morocco Rally and 9th on the Silk Way where he managed to beat the Peugeot on one stage. This was Menzies’ first Dakar race and also his first experience in a race with the MINI Buggy, the real-wheel drive rally car developed specifically for this year’s championship.
Sebastian Mackensen, Head of MINI and Bryce Menzies
The Dakar is the hardest rally-raid in the world and when you hear that it makes you want to do it,” Menzies said.
“There will be difficult days, so you have to survive and continue to push.There is a little bit of everything: sand, high-speeds, rocks and gravel. We are going to see different types of terrain and we are used to these changes on races like the Baja 1000 and Vegas to Reno.”
After a quick meet and greet, I gloated to Menzies that I’m an experienced passenger and that he could do his best, or worst, depends how you look at it. Before the co-drive commenced, I had the chance to walk around the cars and observe the fine engineering and craft that goes into those cars, while filming others on their own laps. But nothing has really prepared me for what I consider, the co-drive of my life.
Unfortunately there were no GoPros mounts fixed in the car, and even if there were, the footage would have been likely useless, considering the type of drive. So I will have to rely on my words to properly illustrate the experience, and with the help of the drone footage seen below.
All I recall about the track lap was to hold my arms around my chest, head tightly against the headrest and watch the knees, considering I’m quite tall. The rally car is mostly made of carbon fiber and Kevlar, with a designed tubular steel frame providing maximum protection for driver and passenger in extreme situations.
Sebastian Mackensen, Head of MINI
Inside, it looks like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I can recognize the seat and steering wheel, the throttle pedal also and the two towering levers – gear lever and handbrake, and the center console from a regular MINI, but other than that, it’s all customized and rally-specific, with lots of wires and cables, and knobs.
The MINI John Cooper Works Buggy is powered by a 3.0 liter inline 6-cylinder diesel engine generating and output of 340 hp and a maximum torque of 800 Nm. The transmission and drivetrain as well as the engine’s turbocharging technology, which is based on the BMW TwinPower Turbo, have been completely newly conceived.
It also uses Brembo Disc Brakes and runs on BF Goodrich tires with air pressure adjustment on demand from within the cabin. The total weight without the driver is 1700 kgs.
MINI deemed the 2WD vehicle “the biggest project in the company’s history”, so obviously I was pumped up by now.
The Ride Of My Life
The track kicks off with right turn taken at high speeds before, literally jumping above a 30 degree angled hill, but instead of landing on soft land, as I expected, the Buggy bounces of the bare rocky section that came out of nowhere, at least for me. The next few seconds are filled with doubt and regrets, especially after seeing the right wheels nearly a steep cliff. The MINI Buggy feels jittery and uneven, yet sharp and extremely responsive on the uneven terrain.
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qiaobaifashion · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.qiaobaifashion.com/jewel-of-the-month-part-ii-abigails-engagement-ring/
Jewel of the Month, Part II: Abigail’s Engagement Ring
Every day, I get three or four emails in which someone claims to be a “big fan” of my blog and offers me $50 to publish a guest post (which often includes the dreaded “infographic”). Of course, anyone who truly is a big fan of this blog might have noticed that I haven’t had a sponsored post in my entire 10 years of blogging. But hope springs eternal, and spammers gotta spam in case I finally break down.
Now the writers of spammy emails are going to have new ammunition against me, because Part II of December 2017’s Jewel of the Month post has been guest-written by the recently engaged Abigail and I didn’t even ask her for the $50! Dang! This guest post came about because I like to interview my engagement-ring customers about everything from how they met, how they designed their rings, and how the proposal went. Then I write them up. Here are a few of the previous ones.
Olivia and John
Lori and Brian
Heather and Jeff
When I asked Abigail if she would answer a few questions about how she and fiancé Max wound up skipping down the path to marital bliss, she came back with an entire blog post COMPLETE WITH A MEME AND SCREENSHOTS that had me literally laughing out loud … and then ugly crying because I got so emotional. Without further ado, here’s Abigail and a story about a sapphire-halo engagement ring.
A post shared by Wendy Brandes Jewelry PR (@wendybrandesjewelry) on Nov 17, 2017 at 1:26pm PST
I’ll start out by saying my fiancé, Max, knew he wanted to marry me before I was sure what to think of him. And as awkward as that sounds now, it was actually potentially more embarrassing at the time — if, that is, Wendy hadn’t entered our lives.
My charming, optimistic guy decided just five short months into dating that I was the one for him, and he bought a diamond last January with his year-end bonus money. While we had talked about kids and marriage early on — because we met in our mid-30s and that’s what we both wanted — we hadn’t really planned that far ahead with each other. He wanted to surprise me, but he also wanted to make sure it was something I liked, so he recruited Wendy to help.
I really don’t know what he was thinking — though seeing how things worked out and how much we really love each other and fit together now, maybe he was ahead of the game — but at the time, I wasn’t picking up the signals. Instead, I started to fear the commitment of even moving in together. So when, after I got to know Wendy and her amazing husband over dinner early in the year, Wendy reached out and asked me to lunch, I never suspected she was a secret agent for my then-boyfriend trying to find out what type of engagement ring I wanted. [WENDY’S NOTE: I’m still convinced I asked Abigail to lunch just because I liked her and that the timing of the engagement-ring mission was a coincidence!]
I remember us having a great time talking, but when she casually dropped the question, “So come on, tell me, what type of ring are you looking for when you and Max get engaged,” I couldn’t even fathom an answer.
She unbeknownst to me reported this dilemma back to the now-starting-to-doubt, would-be groom. He dropped some hints later on, but I think the only thing I expressed to him over this time was that I really didn’t want someone to surprise me with a ring without consulting me (poor guy).
At this point, I was definitely giving him mixed signals. Sure, I was the one who had told him just two months into dating that we should move in together. It’s just that when he agreed in January (and secretly bought the diamond) … I became afraid. This meme pretty much described how I was feeling:
In May, the issue of moving in together came up again, and I postponed it a second time. Max reached his breaking point. Now it was his turn to take me to lunch. We had what I recall as our “are you in or out” conversation. He straight up told me he’d gotten the rock — but it was clear this wasn’t a proposal. This was him saying, “This is how serious I am about you and I don’t think you’re that serious about me.” I was overwhelmed! I had to think alone for a while. I then spoke with my friend Miriam, who was one of the first people to meet him and who knows me really well. She basically said, “What the hell are you waiting for!?”
That very weekend we found the apartment we’re now living in together. He put me in touch with Wendy shortly thereafter and told me that she had been holding this beautiful diamond all year. Haha! I had no clue! She was so crafty. Wendy and I soon starting working together to create my vision for the perfect engagement ring. I had fallen in love with the idea of an engagement ring with colored gems in a halo around the diamond. Once colored gems were on my mind, I thought of the gorgeous blue of the sapphire in Princess Kate’s ring.
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So that’s what we were shooting for, along with some elements of Wendy’s awesome style.
You know the wise words of George W. Bush, “Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again”? Apparently, for me, that’s not true because after we agreed on the ring design early in the fall, Wendy told me it wouldn’t be ready until December. Now, instead of dragging my feet, I wanted everything done yesterday, which enabled Wendy and Max to have some fun at my expense while they worked to get the ring finished for November. They emailed each other:
That same day, this is Max texting with me.
The second-to-last Thursday in November — shortly before we were about to go on a romantic trip to Paris — I came home after a rough day to the lights turned low, music playing, flowers out, and a bunch of pictures of us laid out on the counter. I didn’t get the hint again! I thought Max was just being nice. He took out a couple of champagne flutes from the cabinet and said I should grab some bubbly from the fridge — where lo and behold the most beautiful ring I ever could have imagined was waiting, tied around the champagne!! I turned around and he was on one knee! I was so surprised and overwhelmed with joy, I said “Yes!” and burst into tears.
She was still wearing her scrubs! Glad they matched the ring.
The ring … I can’t say how amazing it turned out. It’s just gorgeous craft and designed to perfection. I’m so happy and grateful to Wendy for her guidance with my wonderful, prescient, (and sneaky) man.
This sweet couple will have a whole blog post coming soon. We had the honor of creating a one-of-a-kind, custom ring that perfectly fit this bride’s style. When the blog post is live, you’ll also learn about our sneaky side-gig: helping to plan the proposal itself!⠀ 💘💘💘 #WendyBrandesWedding #beplatinum #oneofakind #engagementring ⠀ -⠀ -⠀ -⠀ #engaged #congrats #platinum #roundcut #diamond #diamonds #sapphire #artdeco #artdecojewelry #vintage #halo #shesaidyes #proposal #alternativeengagementrings #alternativebride #offbeatbride #sapphirering #showmeyourrings #customjewelry #customengagementring #hautejoaillierie #unboxing #bridal #bride #engagement
A post shared by Wendy Brandes Jewelry PR (@wendybrandesjewelry) on Nov 17, 2017 at 10:30am PST
This is Wendy again. Thanks to Abigail and Max choosing me to make this important piece of jewelry for them, for sharing their story with us all, and providing yet more proof that you can ask a woman to help design her own engagement ring and still surprise her with it! I’m also delighted that Abigail used Kermit to explain her sudden-onset fear of commitment, an issue that I danced around in the engagement-ring video I posted yesterday AND in my back-in-the-day conversation with poor Max. I was like, “Um, dude, she’s just very distracted by work right now”!
Another ring photo!
If you missed yesterday’s video about Abigail, Max, and engagement-ring design in general, check it out now. Any questions about a custom engagement ring of your own? Send ’em to me at info at wendybrandes dot com.
0 notes
inkwatch-blog · 8 years
The return of friend codes prove Nintendo hasn’t learned from the mistakes of the Wii U
March 2nd, 2017
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The first teaser for the Nintendo Switch, released back in October, is an example of marketing done right. The three minute and thirty-six second video tells you everything you need to know about Nintendo’s new console without using confusing gaming terminology. Just visuals and sound effects. It’s a home console. Gotta go somewhere? It’s a portable console too. Wanna play with some friends? Hand them one of your controllers. Wanna add more friends? Throw in an extra Switch.
If you compare it to the launch of the Wii U, where even journalists initially had a hard time figuring out if it was a new console or not, the Switch’s reveal was pretty close to perfect. It’s a really well made video, with a catchy song behind it and the now-infamously satisfying Switch-click. It fooled people into thinking Nintendo had learned from its mistakes.
Yes, I said it. Fooled.
Nintendo’s January conference was promising; it fell somewhere short of the hype that the initial reveal had, but they showed a lot of promising games (with the unfortunate reality that not many of them would be ready for launch), and laid out a lot of the details of what the Switch would be like when it launched in less than two months.
But there were a lot of unanswered questions, and as the Switch’s launch date of March 3rd, 2017 grew nearer, those questions rang louder. What was the paid online system going to look like? What did the eShop look like? Would it launch with the Virtual Console? Would you be able to transfer old purchases from the 3DS or Wii U? Would it support apps like Netflix?
Most of those questions have, in some way, been answered in the past week and a half. Setting aside the amount of time Nintendo took to address basic questions from the press about their new console, most of the news about the Switch has been largely negative. It wasn’t launching with the Virtual Console. It wouldn’t have apps like Netflix, or even a browser, rendering it unable to compete with the tablet market outside of gaming capabilities. There were major problems with the left JoyCon losing connection, a problem Nintendo hasn’t even admitted to yet. Even some launch titles came into question about whether they’d actually be ready at launch.
And today, the day-one patch was pushed to reviewers, and we learned that not only had Nintendo kept quiet about their online service, they’d outright lied.
In January, CNet published an interview with Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America’s President and notable meme. Here’s an excerpt:
Connecting with friends will be on a case-by-case basis, but Nintendo is hoping to create a standardized experience. "There are no friend codes within what we're doing," Fils-Aime said, referencing the company's past cumbersome system for adding contacts.
Today, news broke that, following Nintendo’s day-one patch that added online capabilities to the Switch, including the eShop and multiplayer options, that the way to add friends was not through their Nintendo Network ID system, but through friend codes.
The friend codes they’d done away with for the Wii U. The friend codes they said they weren’t using. They brought them back, without explanation.
If you don’t know what friend codes are, a quick explainer: friend codes were 12-digit codes introduced with the Wii that you needed in order to add someone to your friends list. They were used on the Wii, and again on the 3DS, before being dumped on the Wii U. No one ever liked friend codes, and as they aged, it became clear that Nintendo didn’t quite understand how online multiplayer worked.
Arguably, they still don’t. Today, Nintendo is competing against the robust online services offered by both Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo is going to start making users pay to play online in the fall, albeit for a cheaper price than either Sony or Microsoft.
And they’re still using friend codes. They also have a 300-friend cap, in comparison with the 2000 and 1000 person caps offered by Sony and Microsoft, respectively.
To me, an early Wii U owner, this spells disaster. To me, this says they haven’t learned from their many mistakes made by the previous console. It tells me they aren’t even competing in the console market. Gamers expect to be able to easily add their friends online. Why should someone play a hypothetical third-party online FPS on the Switch when it’s so easy to get online with friends on other consoles? If this year’s Call of Duty launches on the PS4, Xbox One, and Switch, tell me why anyone would want to play it online rather than on the other two consoles. Nintendo fans will be quick to point out that Nintendo hasn’t directly competed against the other console manufacturers since, arguably, the Gamecube. The Switch isn’t about power or online gaming, it’s about portability and the option to play at home or on the go. Sure, that’s an argument to be had, but it’s fundamentally flawed. Whether Nintendo wants to admit it or not, they’re in the gaming industry, and they have to convince gamers to buy their console over recently-released PS4 Pro and upcoming Project Scorpio. If online play on the Switch sucks, they could very well be in trouble.
Troublesome online play could create a chain of events all too familiar: if people don’t want to play Switch games online, developers and publishers aren’t going to bring games that focus on online multiplayer to the console. If developers and publishers start electing to only bring some of their games to the Switch, gamers are going to go to platforms that have the games they want. If the Switch doesn’t have the games they want, they’re going to go to the PS4, Xbox One, or PC. Finally, if gamers aren’t buying the Switch, developers are going to make even less games for the platform, until it loses the majority of third party support.
If this sounds familiar, it’s because it’s almost exactly what happened with the Wii U. In fairness, the Wii U wasn’t sunk by its online problems, it was sunk by how difficult it was to develop for and how poorly the average consumer understood what the damn thing even was. The Switch, by most accounts, is far easier to port to and develop with, and this is in Nintendo’s favor. But if something causes gamers to not show up, developers are going to pull out. They did it with the Wii U, and they did it pretty early. If the Switch starts to flounder, I doubt publishers will be afraid to abandon the console.
Now, I don’t think the complication of friend codes alone is actually enough to sink the Switch, but it’s one more note to add to a growing list of concerns. When will the virtual console launch? Will VC titles you bought on the Wii U or 3DS be transferable? What will the actual experience of playing online look like? Will you have to use your smartphone to communicate online? Are the problems with the left JoyCon firmware-based, or should we expect a recall? When will you add streaming apps like Netflix? Without streaming apps like Netflix, and basic apps like a browser, will this device be able to compete with tablets? If it isn’t competing with consoles, and it isn’t competing with tablets, what goddamn market is this thing even in?
Among many things, marketing sunk the Wii U, and Nintendo has absolutely course-corrected. Nintendo’s marketing team has been killing it with the Switch. Their first teaser was great. Their Super Bowl commercial - their first ever - was a good introduction to the console. And they have Zelda, which has been getting 9’s and 10’s almost universally.
But there’s enough we don’t know one day before launch to make most consumers hesitate to drop $300 for a new, unproven, unfinished platform. And that should be enough to make even a hardcore Nintendo fan nervous.
image credit: Forbes
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Max Verstappen, park the insults and show Lewis Hamilton some respect
Maybe Max Verstappen Now you know what greatness defines on a motorcycle race track. He arrived at speed in his rearview mirror at the Hungaroring, a second faster per circuit over the last 19 laps. It was on stage above him. It leads the championship again with an unstoppable margin.
In all likelihood, Verstappen will ever be where Lewis Hamilton is now, but for the moment a little respect is due. Certainly more respect than the young man showed in the run-up to Hamilton's last, remarkable Grand Prix victory.
& # 39; Lewis has won many championships, but that is not great, & # 39; said Verstappen. & # 39; He is undoubtedly one of the best, but to say the best of his generation – maybe it's Fernando Alonso? He could have won seven, eight world titles had been on the right team. & # 39; Well, he could certainly have won a few more.
Max Verstappen (left) must park the insults and Lewis Hamilton a show a little more respect
He could have won the drivers' championship in 2007 when he finished one point behind Kimi Raikkonen, level in second place with his McLaren teammate, a young man from Stevenage in his first F1 season. Alonso was so ready for that internal fight that he left the team, and Hamilton won the championship in a McLaren the following season. Verstappen made it sound like he was lucky.
So do it. If it's that easy, do it. Hamilton did that in 2008 because McLaren did not win the constructors' championship that year. It went to Ferrari, meaning it was the best driver, but not in the best car. That is a rare achievement. Michael Schumacher never did it, nor did Ayrton Senna.
Three drivers have achieved this in the past 33 seasons, and none this century. So if Verstappen implies that the Hamilton & # 39; s cars make him great, he should be reminded why he gets them.
One day Verstappen will be where Hamilton is now. He is a brilliant, exciting talent who will have a choice of teams. And this is because it has been worthy of prov. His performances for Red Bull have shown the great talent on the inside. If Hamilton was tired of the competition and retired, Mercedes would immediately focus on Verstappen as his replacement.
He has proven to be capable of inferior machines and that is how a driver ends up with a good one. What is strange is that this argument must even be strengthened. Verstappen's father, Jos, was an F1 driver. Max was the youngest in F1 history. He is steeped in sport. He knows how it works.
Hamilton hunted the Dutchman Verstappen to win the Hungarian Grand Prix of Sunday
Maybe this was just a bad timing. The world waits head-to-head for a Hamilton-Verstappen. That should only happen a few days after some rather outspoken remarks, and that Hamilton should triumph so dramatically would only increase the feeling of a given lesson.
Hamilton has the best car, yes. Which means he has to win. And the tactical decision of James Vowles, Mercedes' main strategist, was nothing short of brilliant. Hamilton left would not have replaced the tires in Hungary for the second time.
The pit stop left him 19 seconds behind on Verstappen with 20 laps to go. "I didn't think this was a genius, no," Hamilton said later.
But when Verstappen speaks greatness, this is important. Vowles could not have made that change with another driver and guaranteed that result. Few drivers throughout history.
The progress of Verstappen was initially blocked by slower cars, but once he was through that part of the field, Red Bull felt he had more than enough to get home.
Hamilton now has the best car, but he Not when he won the driver champions in 2008
That Hamilton pursued him second, second, round by lap, proves that greatness is not only bestowed by in sit a cockpit and sweep a switch.
It is courage, technical skill, the mind to execute strategy, all the attributes that distinguish Hamilton from the day he started the sport.
Verstappen too. Whether Hamilton was aware of the earlier comments, he was generous in the win. Asked to mark his season so far, he gave himself a high eight, and when Verstappen didn't play with the same question, he gave his rival to nine or high nine for his most recent races.
be fooled. He knows what is coming and who is coming for him. But for now, Hamilton is the biggest racing driver of this generation. Respect is due.
No doubt if Harry Maguire does not appear at £ 80 million defender in Manchester United The debt of Ed Woodward again.
But what should he do then? If United had paid a little less than the best money, had offered a cent below the best wage, Maguire would have gone to Manchester City.
So Woodward secured a player who, according to rights, should not have signed for Manchester United. Just like he did with Alexis Sanchez, Romelu Lukaku, Paul Pogba, Fred – all very expensive recruits who have not yet been ignored.
Woodward is said to be not good at his work. At the moment, he seems pretty successful with the only weapon he has. It is the players who are underperforming.
Ed Woodward will shoulder the blame if Harry Magurie is not a hit, but it will not be all his fault
Danny Drinking Water played not a minute at Chelsea under Maurizio Sarri. He could suffer the same fate this season, with Frank Lampard disconcerted. Drinking water (below) remained at home when Chelsea traveled to Germany this week – but again there is little interest in this window.
In the past, moving to an elite club had a safety net. The chance and the money were of course great attractions, but association with a Champions League club was considered sufficient to secure the next lucrative move, even if the first one failed.
Drinking water, however, seems bewildered. He does not play, so he cannot catch the eye, but his wages would repel any club outside the elite. Once excluded from the team, an elite club is increasingly becoming a dead end. Vincent Janssen, formerly from Tottenham, arrived in Mexico; Manchester City is struggling to give Eliakim Mangala away; and how long was Daniel Sturridge looking for a new direction in Liverpool?
It is more and more reason to look beyond the zeros before the jump is made.
Danny Drinking water appears to be stranded with Frank Lampard not under the impression and no clubs interested
In 2008, Liverpool Liverpool became the Liverpool European cultural city – & # 39; which was a surprise to the mayor of Florence & # 39 ;, as Jimmy Tarbuck had.
Similar thoughts could greet the revelation that the European City of Sport for 2019 is Coventry, where the football team is so well fed that they have started their League A program with a home game against Southend fully played elsewhere . Birmingham, that must be me.
It is assumed that cities apply for European recognition. How one of the managers of Coventry had the gall to write that letter is the real mystery.
There were 22 references used in Ligue 1 last in France season and the busiest pair, Antony Gautier and Benoit Bastien, each took 21 competitions in hands.
Another two played 40 games between them, a group of six took 19 games, another five 18, three referred to 17, and The 21st most recalled official game, Jeremy Stinat, took control of 12 teams
None of these officials will refer to the UEFA & # 39; s Super Cup next week. For that role, UEFA has chosen an official who played two games in Ligue 1 last season, and none before – but because Stephanie Frappart is a woman and a pioneer, this decision was made almost without comment. Just as it would be if UEFA gave the job to, for example, Premier League official Andy Madley – Robert's older brother – who also referred to two top flying competitions in 2018-19.
Let's clarify one thing immediately. Women can organize men's competitions. Many have and very successful. The presence of a female assistant referee at the Premier League match is no longer a problem. Nobody makes grim old jokes about not knowing the offside rule anymore – not even if the Cameroonian team clearly didn't know during the Women's World Cup this summer. The game has evolved. Experience at elite level? That is another matter.
Stephanie Frappart is a good referee, but she should not be in charge of the UEFA Super Cup
It is unusual to have a referee, male or female, with two games of elite men's football experience who is responsible for a European final. Frappart (below) is clearly an exceptional official because she has remained on the Ligue 1 list this season, the first woman to make that move.
She is also a very experienced referee in the women's game and recently took charge of the World Cup Final in Lyon. Yet this is a definitive prestige between Liverpool and Chelsea, which is handled by a referee whose experience with what is comparable to a comparable standard, certainly physically, amounts to two games.
. Given the difference in speed of the game and the players, the background of Frappart in women's football is comparable to that of Madley in competitions outside the Premier League. However, he would not be eligible for the UEFA Super Cup performance, regardless of how many championship matches he had collected.
An undisputed sports convention is that elite judges, referees or referrals must gain experience in elite competitions. When Madley took charge of Cardiff's match against Watford last December, Neil Warnock Andre Marriner held a well-off position as fourth official, leaving the match in the hands of a & # 39; trainee & # 39 ;. This week in Edgbaston, The wisdom of having the least experienced ICC referee, Joel Wilson, who mentions one of Cricket's greatest occasions, has been relentlessly exposed.
Andy Madley has similar top flight experience as Frappart, but he would & # 39 ; is considered
And UEFA seems to have attached importance to experience in the past. The Super Cup final of last season was settled by the Polish Szymon Marciniak whose c.v. including 23 Champions League matches, 18 Europa League matches, nine World Cup matches and seven European championship matches. He was the referee when Juventus Barcelona played in the quarterfinals of the Champions League 2017; he took the lead over Germany against Sweden at the World Cup in Russia.
He was not a rookie and under no additional pressure as an appointment in the left field.
Frappart & two matches in Ligue 1 last year, resulting in an average of 4.5 yellow cards per game, the highest total of an official in that season. Were her competitions particularly lawless? Did she not take nonsense or did she compensate too much? Her bosses must be happy because she is back, but also to get one of only three UEFA club finals this season is not a logical next step. Frappart was a good referee at the Women's World Cup and there is no reason to believe that she will not be back in Istanbul next week. Yet, as Madley was with Cardiff, she is new. And if Madley had received the call from UEFA, it would certainly not have succeeded without comment.
Some neutrals seem a bit despondent after seeing the Community Shield, thinking that the title race will be played again between Manchester City and Liverpool. Maybe so, but is that so bad?
These are two excellent teams that have even breathed life into what can be a dying season opener. And there is no guarantee that competition will not come from elsewhere.
Tottenham has improved and was already on the point of contention; maybe Manchester United also gets a song from their new acquisitions. Meanwhile, on Saturday, Celtic opened their campaign with a 7-0 win over St Johnstone, which ended comfortably at the mid-table last season. Now that is daunting.
ECB President Colin Graves and Chief Executive Tom Harrison are questioned by the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee on how they intend to build on the success of the Cricket World Cup. Expect the usual guff over free-to-air television from bandwagon jumpers such as President Damian Collins.
Undoubtedly, the committee will have a long list of clever ideas about how the ECB will compensate for the huge investment shortage if they are forced to reject Sky.
British parliamentarians are known for their sharp minds, that is why Brexit has such a breeze to solve. What is special is why someone is totally in favor of appearing before DCMS committees, given that Dominic Cummings (below) has said so well that during a referendum campaign they are full of fake news research, and now one of the most powerful is men in the country as prime minister's advisor.
Given that England has won the World Cup, it can certainly be said that Graves and Harrison have fulfilled their duties in recent years with considerably more success than the parliament.
Dominic Cummings instructed the DCMS committee to investigate false stories
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Can Mauricio Pochettino land a punch on Pep Guardiola?
It's kind of funny to note that when Pep Guardiola Friday started an ode to Mauricio Pochettino, the other man had just finished thinking they had a blow.
As is the way every now and then with Pochettino and his beautiful tangents, he had actually left in the opposite direction.
The point he had wanted to make was his irritation to the boss's cult and the traditional contraction of two large, brilliant operations in Tottenham and Manchester City in a collision of just two men.
Pep Guardiola (left) and Mauricio Pochettino will meet again on Saturday
& # 39; I hate it & he said. " When you play another team and it becomes a fight between one person and the other, while in competition it is the whole team. "
That evolved into the joke that Premier League managers were one-on-one one should play football, one for their matches, and over time that became a proposal for a ruck. & # 39; Like Anthony Joshua, & # 39; said Pochettino. "Let's make a ring and fight."
There was a sensitive point for the left turn, and yet this jumble of Pochettino and Guardiola as a part of the main event is fascinating as something else. The way they have reformed their clubs has made Saturday's engagement one of the nicest games on the calendar and has also given an absurd level of importance to a weekend in August.
That is unbelievable in the idea that the title could be decided so soon, but it is a reasonable reflection of the composition of City & # 39; s competitions and how far they can get before they meet another big dog. They follow Tottenham with Premier League matches against Bournemouth, Brighton, Norwich, Watford, Everton, Wolves, Crystal Palace, Aston Villa and Southampton. By the time they go to Liverpool on November 9, you could expect them to arrive in Anfield soon. Given that they have won each of their past 15 top flight competitions – their own record is set at 18, starting in 2017 – there is an element of calamity about how good the side of Guardiola has become compared to the competition beyond Liverpool and Tottenham.
Jose Mourinho broadcast that observation last week, along with the joke that only the reserves of Manchester City could be judged as a fourth title challenger. & # 39; I love Mou, & # 39; Pochettino said in reply, but it is no secret that Tottenham is one of the few parties among whom a glove can land on City.
He does not have the same City Manager as Jurgen Klopp – the Liverpool boss is the only regular opponent to have a winning record over Guardiola – but Pochettino does not know how to harm him.
There is no clear conclusion to be drawn from the symmetry of Pochettino both Guardiola & # 39; s first Premier League defeat in October 2016 and his last in every league in the Champions League in April.
However, where Spurs differs for most others except Liverpool, there is zero fear or reverence when confronted with City and Pochettino hinting at another front-foot assault at Etihad Stadium on Saturday.
& # 39; We have full respect for all teams, from Manchester City to the other 18 opponents, & # 39; he said. & # 39; But we have a way we like to play, sometimes you can lose, sometimes you can win. We are brave, we try to move forward, we always try to think about ourselves for the opponent. Maybe that's the key to beating a team like Manchester City. & # 39;
Some concern for Tottenham is that their performance in the 3-1 opening day victory over Aston Villa was reminiscent of some sketchy displays at the end of the 2018-19 campaign. Undoubtedly, they cannot afford another slow start on Saturday, suggesting a recall for Christian Eriksen, who played the game of Villa against Villa. Uncertainty about the future of the Dane remains the biggest thorn in Pochettino & # 39; s side and the Argentinian was more frank than ever to explain Friday how that unresolved issue, not to mention doubts about the future of Toby Alderweireld, Jan Vertonghen and Danny Rose, his work
& # 39; We will see what happens between now and September 2 & # 39 ;, he said. & # 39; As we can change our mind, a player can change his own. The team is not arranged as I expected. & # 39;
No matter how great those problems are for Spurs, Guardiola was exuberant in praising his opposite No. and said: & # 39; Stunning, extraordinary. Even if he doesn't believe me, he's a top, top, top, top manager. & # 39;
He rated Tottenham as the & # 39; second best in Europe & # 39; after their run to the Champions League final.
That would bring Spurs for City. This next meeting should show how true order stands without the need for a stake.
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