#theres something here and olivia is playing it smart by not saying anything about it. respect in some way
thesugarhole · 1 year
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others have noticed this but saying "oh its only them facing the same way and the bandaid placement area and the song names are the same everything else is different so its probably not inspiration or a reference" is actually more frustrating than anything else. is it not enough to maybe not be a coincidence.
actually heres one more point of coincidence for you: both songs are mid at best <- person who is so, so tired of listening to vampire olivia on the radio and vampire deco online
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flickerofcalum · 6 years
once bitten, twice shy | part two
part 1 // shoot me a message if you wanna be added to a taglist!
The worst part of it all was, despite the changes, Luke could still see all the parts of Brinley that he’d fallen in love with. The parts of her he was still in love with, if he was being honest with himself. He was more fucked than he’d previously realized.
“It was the craziest thing, bro. One minute she was throwing a drink in my face and the next thing I know, she’s got her hand down my pants and her tongue down my throat. I mean, I’m not complaining, but it was confusing as hell.”
Luke rolled his eyes from where he sat on Michael’s couch, listening to him recount the previous evening’s events to Ashton and Calum, Michael hadn’t stopped talking about hooking up with Olivia since they stumbled into his parents’ home early that morning, but thankfully, he’d mostly been too distracted to really pay close attention to his friend anyway. He was unable to stop thinking about his run-in with Brinley the night before.
When he’d decided to come home for Christmas, he’d prepared himself for the worst. He’d known immediately that she wouldn’t want to seem him and honestly, he couldn’t blame her. The two of them had been together for such a long time, had their whole lives planned out with each other, and Luke had selfishly flipped the script on her at the very last minute. He hated himself for it every day.
And god, he had missed her the entire time he’d been gone, but it felt even worse now that he’d laid eyes on her. Brinley had changed so much in their time apart – she was even more gorgeous, which he really hadn’t ever thought would be possible. Though it may have been a little creepy, he’d spent half the night watching her from across the room. He couldn’t stop picturing her long legs in the red dress, the cute way her lips curved up into a smile whenever she’d teased Calum, the delicate blush on her pale cheeks whenever someone gave her a compliment.
The worst part of it all was, despite the changes, Luke could still see all the parts of Brinley that he’d fallen in love with. The parts of her he was still in love with, if he was being honest with himself. He was more fucked than he’d previously realized.
“Earth to Luke,” Ashton’s fingers snapped in front of his face, breaking him out of his thoughts. “Are you alive in there?”
Luke blinked a few times. “Sorry. I was just…thinking.”
“About Brinley?” Calum questioned bluntly, raising a dark eyebrow at him. Luke had never really been comfortable discussing Brinley with Calum, and since their break up, he’d tried to avoid the topic all together. While the dark-haired man was one of his best friends, he knew that Calum’s history with his ex went back further than Luke’s history with either of them.
Luke chewed on his bottom lip, scratching his fingers along his stubbled jaw nervously. “I just didn’t think that seeing her again was gonna be so hard, you know?” He sighed a bit. “And she wouldn’t even look at me.”
“Well, you did abandon her right before the two of you were supposed to go off to college together, mate. Can you really blame her?” Michael pointed out, barely looking up from his phone. Luke shot him a glare. He didn’t really need a reminder of what he’d done to Brinley. It was already on his mind more than he would ever admit out loud.
Ashton reached over to pinch Michael’s thigh, eliciting a shriek from red-haired boy. “Not helping, Mike.” He looked back at Luke, his eyes soft and pitying. “She probably just needs some time.”
Luke shrugged sadly. At the party, Brinley hadn’t been able to get away from him fast enough – the chances of her changing her mind about wanting to speak to him were probably slim. He wasn’t stupid enough to think that Brinley was still in love with him. Not only was she beautiful, but she also was incredibly smart, talented, funny, and had the kindest soul out of anyone Luke had ever met. If they hadn’t already, it was only a matter of time before someone else came into her life and swept her off her feet, treated her the way she deserved to be treated. Luke was afraid that he was too late.
“She looked good, though, right? Like…she looks like she’s happy,” Luke said finally. Even if she was never his again, that was all he wanted for her.
He watched as Calum shared a look with Ashton he couldn’t quite read before he reached over to pat Luke’s thigh. “Yeah, man. She’s happy.”
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The cold air stung his skin as he walked outside, causing him to curse under his breath. When he’d promised his mother he’d come home for the holidays, he’d forgotten how goddamn cold it got there. He didn’t have a lot of warm clothes since he lived in Los Angeles, so he wrapped himself up in one of Jack’s old winter coats. There was a gap between the sleeve and the gloves he was wearing, but it was better than nothing.
Normally, Luke avoided going outside at all costs in the winter, but after being locked up in his childhood bedroom for nearly a week, his mother forced him out of the house with a grocery list. Worst of all, he was without a car, so he had no choice but to make the small trek to the store on foot. It was only about a ten-minute walk, but the frigid weather made it feel like hours.
His cheeks and the tips of his ears were red by the time he arrived at the store. The heat was blasting, something he was grateful for when he walked inside. He grabbed a cart and furrowed his brows as he looked at his mother’s list. It occurred to him that he hadn’t been grocery shopping since he moved to Los Angeles. Most of the time, Ashton took care of that sort of thing or they ate take out. “Milk, egg whites, cereal…” he mumbled to himself underneath his breath as he wandered down the aisles, putting the items in the cart. He was pretty sure he had grabbed the wrong brand of cereal, but it was his mother’s own fault for sending him here.
He stood in front of the milk, thoughtfully looking between all the different types. His mother had been on a health kick lately, so would she want almond milk instead? Was he supposed to buy the store’s off brand version since it was cheaper? Luke had been standing there for far too long whenever he heard his name called out by a sweet little voice.
Brinley turned the corner, an exasperated look on her face as she tried to stop her little sister who was barreling towards Luke. He took in a sharp breath as he saw her. She was only in a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt, her hair thrown messily on top of her head, but she still looked as beautiful as ever to him. “Mallory, no running! You’re going to hurt yourself.”
The man grinned as he bent down to Mallory’s level, catching her when she launched herself into his arms. Luke had always had a soft spot for the younger girl, partly because she was the spitting image of her sister. He was a little amazed at how much she’d grown since he’d last seen her, a heavier weight against him than he was used to.
“There is no way you’re Mallory,” He said teasingly. “You are far too big to Mallory.”
Mallory rolled her eyes, propping a hand on her hip as she looked at him. “That’s ‘cause I grew up, dummy.”
“Mallory, be polite,” Brinley chastised. She locked eyes with Luke for a moment before she looked away with flushed cheeks.
Luke turned his attention back to the younger girl. “My apologies, Ms. All Grown Up. Who said you could grow up while I was gone, hm?”
His smile only grew as the little girl giggled, revealing her missing tooth. “I can’t help it!” She insisted, gripping Luke’s hand once he stood up.
Looking at Brinley again, he dared to speak. “It’s good to see you. It’s a shame we didn’t get to talk at the party.”
Brinley tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, looking up at him through her long eyelashes. “Oh, well… you know, Olivia kind of loses her mind when Michael’s around. I had to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid.”
“Right,” Luke said with a nod, looking back down as Mallory started tugging on his sleeve.
“Luke, Luke! I’m in a Christmas play at my school. I play an angel!” She said excitedly.
Luke grinned. “An angel, huh? How fitting,” he teased, smoothing down her hair.
Mallory rose up on her tiptoes to speak to him. “Will you come see it?”
Brinley coughed. “Mal, I’m sure Luke is really busy…”
Although he knew Brinley didn’t really want him around, he hated the idea of disappointing Mallory by saying no. “I’m actually really not that busy,” he blurted out, chewing on his lip again. “I’d love to come, Mallory. If it’s okay with your sister.”
He felt only slightly guilty as Mallory turned towards her older sister with big eyes, a small pout forming on her lips. “Can he come? Pleaseeee?”
The older girl let out a sigh, giving Luke an exasperated look. “I guess so. Can you let me talk to Luke alone for a second?”
Mallory’s smile was wide as she hugged Luke around his legs for a moment. “Bye Lukey!”
“Bye, petal,” Luke said fondly.
He bit his lip as Mallory ran back over to their nearby cart, pulling the doll she’d left inside out. He’d gotten enough lectures from Brinley to know when she was about to chastise him about something, so he prepared himself as he looked at her. “Brin, look…”
“Don’t call me that,” Brinley snapped, holding one finger up to cut his sentence off.  Her gaze felt like it was piercing right through him and he had never felt quite so vulnerable in his life. “I know we’re going to be seeing each other a lot over the next few weeks, but I want to make it clear that I’m not interested in reconciling with you. You can come to her play, and we can be civil when we’re with our friends, but I don’t want anything to do with you other than that?”
At her words, Luke felt his heart jump into his throat. While he didn’t necessarily expect her to jump back into his arms, he at least thought she’d be willing to talk things out. “Can’t you just give me a chance to explain?” He said, a bit more pleadingly than he would’ve liked. “There’s so many things I have to say to you if you’d just give me five minutes.”
Brinley let out a humorless laugh. “If you wanted to explain yourself that bad, you would’ve done it by now. You can’t just show up here after all of this time and expect me to just bend to your will and listen to you.” She insisted. “I just… I just want to forget everything that happened between us. I’m done, I’ve moved on. And I suggest you do the same.”
Luke gaped after her as she stalked back over to Mallory. He’d been on the receiving end Brinley’s anger before, but he had never experienced her being so outwardly harsh. He felt like there was a gaping hole in his chest as he watched her walk away.
As he finished up the rest of his shopping, he felt numb, like he was on autopilot. The wind blew the cold air harshly around him as he walked, but it barely affected him. He’d always known that he’d fucked things up with Brinley, but it was starting to hit him that things between them were messed up beyond repair. The girl he loved wanted nothing to do with him anymore, and it hurt.
So, when Luke got home, he quickly put away the groceries before retiring to his room to deal with his feelings the only way he knew how. He locked his door, grabbed a notebook, and started writing.
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ts-hvv4 · 4 years
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I'm jumping ship because Keegan voted for me TWICE!!! Bro I'm like Kelley Frickin Wentworth, I'm gonna underdog this game. Heck yeah I'm joining Andreas, Chris, and Dennis. 
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The word of the day is definitely Tinky Winky. It’s a Tinky Winky revolution and all because I couldn’t get the fucking epic rap battle line “we’re in the endgame now Tinky winky” unstuck from my brain
Literally all my best friends are on the other tribe UGHHHHHHHH Sharifa, Trent, Kurt, Lukas we will be together at some point 😞✊ And Jake tbh imma miss him I have ned, Keegan, and Malik Ned doesn’t like malik Keegan thinks I voted ned Malik would’ve been voted out if he didn’t have immunity Sitting in a burning room with a teaspoon of water but ILL GET THROUGH THIS I PROMISE
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I imagine Olivia, Trent, and Keegan as the episode 2 trio of Jamal, Jack, and Molly from Island of the Idols, specifically the line "we're really impressed with ourselves." They think they're playing some mastermind UTR game but in reality literally everyone knows their schemes.
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Sooooo I received a vote and it was likely from Kage so that’s annoying… BUT here are my thoughts on the swap

1) I think Lukas told Kage I was trying to get him out. The way Lukas talked to me about Emma and the way he talked to me about Kage were very standoff ish. He was clearly trying to get info and just say things that didn't give anything either way. It was a very different feel than what I got with anyone else. 2) I think there's a winners alliance between Jake, Sharifa, and Kurt. Jake told me he got along well with Sharifa and Kurt. So clearly he's hoping we target Trent. BUT Also Sharifa knew I was a winner when I talked to her and made a point to bring it up. Yet, when I asked if there were other winners she mentioned Kurt and not Jake. That doesn't make sense. She doesn't know me at all. Why would she have that info about me but not have that info about Jake? 3) I think I'm losing Lukas a bit. Before we swapped Dennis told me that Kage mentioned something about the idol no longer being where it was originally. He also mentioned that Kage told Lukas. Me and Lukas had been sharing idol information but Lukas hasn't been coming to tell me things and he DEFINITELY didn't tell me the Kage info. Now that I've said all that, I wanna debate whether or not to tell anyone about the 5 that was created on our old tribe. Dennis might not enjoy it cause it would throw him under the bus. But he's no longer on my tribe. I could use this opportunity to inch my way into the winner's alliance and surround myself with threats. Get Lukas closer to me and make him a bit more sus of Kage. AND get Matt closer to me as well. My relationship with Sarah is interesting and I think it'll stay that way. I think we've been getting along nicely but I don't think she's actively going out of her way to work with me cause she likes me. I think at best, she wants to just get info from meAGAIN, all this said, one of the BIGGEST things I've learned in the past is to trust my perception. In both real life games I've played, I had a gut feeling about all of the important things in the entire game. I knew when things were happening that were shady and was able to sus it out. BUT in both, I waited too long to act on it and tried to logic my way through issues rather than trust myself. So I genuinely think what I'm feeling about all these relationships makes a lot of sense and I'm trying to really figure out what I should do with the trust I've built. I gotta a lot of ground to make up cause of my vacation and I can feel my relationships slipping. Jake and I rn are really close. As outside friends, I trust him to work with me for a while. He’s giving me lots of info and even shared an idol clue with moi And honestly, the only person I would care to push to go home rn is Kage and even then I don't necessarily think it's smart to take him out yet 
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This was actually a good swap! Me, Andreas, and Dennis are in the minority, although I felt prepared that it would go this way! I talked to everyone and actually think all of them are cool BUT Matt claimed that Olivia told him Malik was the target on their tribe had he not gotten immunity and Sarah I believe said do not trust Olivia so I want to capitalize on that somehow! Also Malik and I know one another so that's cool! But we must downplay!
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Just survived the double tribal. It was way more stressful than it should have been, but thats just because of my paranoid self. I had a 1/6 chance of going home, but luckily i didn't receive any votes. There were two rouge votes on keegan who was in my alliance but jake admitted that he and ned were the votes because they both got scared they were the vote and wanted to protect themselves in case of an idol. I thought for a split second there was a much bigger alliance controlling the game and I just got played. But luckily that didn't happen. Now comes a much harder part of the game. We swapped into our original roles, classic Heroes vs Villains. This would be fun expect for the fact i'm now in a 5-4 minority.  I'm going to have to work extra hard to not get voted out, but if they choose me, theres not much i can do unless i find an idol. Lukas I sorta knew threw olivia and she was hoping all three of us could work together, so i'm hoping he can protect me a bit. NIcklas I played BB pokemon with. We were never on the same side in that game, but hopefully theres so some sort of connection there I can use. Sarah Lynn also played that but she was inactive and first boot and I dont think she remembered me. The other two i just met for the first time last night. It's going to be tough to survive, but hopefully we dont even have to go to tribal.
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To absolutely no ones surprise, we have swapped! But before I get into that, let me just unpack a little bit that happened at the last tribal because I am SHOOK. So the plan was for there to be a near unanimous vote for BIRCH. With Olivia throwing an extra vote on NED just in case BIRCH had an idol and was lying about who they were voting for. All is well and good. But then tribal happens and not only does NED get two votes but I get two votes. Record scratch. Hold up. What the absolute fuck? I genuinely though I was about to be blindsided and sent home pre-merge. So the end result was five votes for BIRCH, two for NED and two for me. In the brief chats I had before we actually swapped, as well as after with OLIVIA, MALIK and NED, it appears that it was KURT and JAKE who wrote my name down. Fair enough I guess, I hardly spoke with them at all this round. But it was still a shock. As far as I can tell, the McBITCHES all stuck together with the plan. SHARIFA, TRENT, MALIK and myself voted BIRCH with OLIVIA sticking with her NED vote. BIRCH definitely voted for NED and I’m pretty confident NED voted for BIRCH which definitely leaves KURT and JAKE as the two who voted for me. Which means they are close and working together. So that’s definitely something to keep in mind. In regards to the swap it is now a true Heroes vs Villains season and we swapped into those alignments. Which honestly I am okay with because I’ve got OLIVIA with me, who is probably my #1 ally at this point. I’ve also got MALIK who I trust a great deal. And NED, well NED I’m still working on gaining his full allegiance to me. ANDREAS, CHRIS and DENNIS are the other heroes from the original Molysmeno tribe. So far they’ve been nice and I’m bonding with CHRIS over horror movies so that’s been good. However, because of the late tribal we didn’t get a whole lot of time to talk last night. Moving forward, I’d like to win immunity challenges for sure. As much as I would hate to lose TRENT or SHARIFA on the other side, I don’t trust that OG AMMONIA will stick together if we end up at tribal. And who’s to say one of ANDREAS, CHRIS or DENNIS doesn’t have an idol and idols us out even if we do. I genuinely would like to stick with OG tribes for the time being though. As of this very moment, ANDREAS I think is who I would prefer to vote out right now. He seems to be the most difficult to actually talk with at the moment. But it’s still very early in the swap so we’ll see how things progress. 
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So I feel that everything is coming together. Andreas/Dennis have told Malik on the Olivia stuff and he was hurt but it is going to have him come to us. While they think Malik's going to be all for them, there is a good chance he and I can snipe! Meanwhile Malik and Ned have expressed a little concern about Olivia/Keegan. I think my ideal tribal scenarios are 5-2 or 3-2-2 so stay tuned on THAT 
Today I've spent lots of time thinking about my odds in the game while at work and tbh I feel like I can surprise a lot of these people. For me, a lot of them want to play under the radar or downplay themselves, but I feel like perhaps the fact I am so new I can legitimately do so without it not looking suspicious and unbelievable. Someone like Matt or Sarah or Dennis or Ned or whoever I feel will have a hard time with that- at least I hope they will. So yeah. Still, I enjoy so many of these people that I feel if I do lose, then I certainly won't be sad about it! Having that said, I'm here to win and plan on doing so!
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The swap happened as expected after Emma left. If Emma had stayed, this swap would've been a mess and a half, but she didn't and Kage (the rogue vote) prolly put himself really low into that swap. The swaptribe is amazing. Thanks to Matt's info, I was instantly able to form a really good relationship with malik, who didn't necessarily know he was on the outs, but is SO easy to talk to. He also seemed so so sad when I told him Matt's info, like literally heartbroken and I felt so so sorry for him :(. Ned also approached me about him being on the outs and even being close to Malik, so that is good... right?! Olivia and Keegan seem really nice, but we swapped into a Minority, so I will have to work every angle I can. There are a few concerns I have and those are mainly based on the fact, that things seem way way WAY too good and this just can't be?! I do feel like tho. My connections to Malik and Olivia would EVEN if they stick together mean, that I hopefully don't get targetted and that is actually my entire premerge strategy (or atleast until we make jury). Make connections and make people depend on you/like you enough that even if they betray you, it won't be you, who gets the boot. We just have to be careful, especially depending on what awaits us at Thera. The new Idolsystem is very very interesting to say atleast. It seems multi facetted and apparently Thera plays into it, so yeah
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Music. Video. Challenge. No. I hate it. However, I stupidly volunteered to edit the damn video and I'm literally wasting almost three whole days of my life editing It's Raining Men. But I'm putting a ton of effort in so even if we lose I think I might be doing enough to make people feel sorry for me and like they can't vote me out. But by golly if I ever have to do another music video in my life I am RIOTING.
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So for this challenge I’m really not feeling too hot about my tribes chances. It seems like not many people are excited about it, granted I did get a score of 8 on guess who. Hopefully we can pull it together.
Omg were back to original tribes..... it’s 7 heroes and it’s 4 original Armonia and 3 molysmeno. I’m with Dennis and Chris who were in the mystery inc alliance so I trust them. But then Malik is here who is someone I played a FB BB org with over a year ago and we went to f3 together and were extremely loyal. And then we have Ned who is one of my best friends from ORGs ever. Ned caught me up to date pretty quick about how he’s been targeted by Olivia and Trent. That’s dangerous for sure. He also said that there’s a Ned/Olivia/Keegan/Malik alliance that ‘plans’ on working together.... I have a plan to break that one up.
So I broke the news to Malik that Olivia led a campaign to target him and while he was really upset, he took the news well. Honestly, this has been the most gameplay I’ve done all season and it’s weird because I’m trying to be cool calm and collected. Also, Olivia and Keegan are so hard to chat with .... they just leave me on read so often, or will just react to my messages halfway during our chats and it’s just hard to chat with them. Neither of them want to talk game at all, and I’m thinking it’s cause they believe they’re going to be Armonia strong. Further to this, Dennis and Chris said the same thing is happening to them too. Malik approached me about a me, him, Ned, Dennis and Chris alliance. That works well for me honestly. I can get behind that quite frankly. As long as Ned and Malik can play both sides for at least this round, I won’t have much blood on my hands. My only fear is about idols or double votes or what not. If we split the votes and they have a double vote it could 3-3-2. That would cause a revote so all would be fine. But as long as they don’t sniff it out we should good. This is all dependant if we can win or not.
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Woo we won immunity!!!! 😄😄😄 i worked so hard and Keegan kicked ASSSSS (pun on my password lol) I’m terrified for my buddies sharifa, Trent, Kurt, and Jake because they’re outnumbered. I hope Lukas can flip or something
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Things got insane after the immunity, all of the other villains were messaging me except for Kage. Suddenly everyone wants to work with me...sounds fake but okay. Matt and Sarah were ALLLLLLLLL up in my dm's talking about how they weren't going to vote for me because of how hard I worked on the challenge. Do I believe them? No. We’re all villains, someone here literally voted out Isaac on his birthday LFKJASDKJFA. But I do think it’s smart for them to work with me, taking out the target on everyone's back eventually means yours is the only one people can shoot at. Yes I'm the biggest target, but that means I'm a shield for yalls bitch asses. I'm just never gonna fully trust Matt and Sarah, they think they have the game WRAPPED around their pretty little fingers, and their final 2 is BLATANT. Then Lukas messaged me saying the same thing, but it felt genuine from him. We ended up having a lovely chat and I trust that a lot more than anything Mattrah said to me. MATTRAH AKSDLFJALSDJ. I went from Trolivia to Mattrah I'm never escaping these duos GOD. Speaking of which, Matt revealed that Kage was bringing back everything Trent was saying to Mattrah. So I gave Trent the heads up and then proceeded to throw him under the bus to Matt. Initially the plan was to get the target on Trent and then use my idol on him...and I even said that to Trent. But there’s a whole day left to play tomorrow so I have ZERO idea what I’m doing as of now. It’s a huge risk not to play the idol on myself, and everyone could just be trying to make me feel safe...but a part of me thinks I might have an opportunity to get power. The most interesting convo I had was with Nicklas. I’ve just had a feeling about that one since the swap, and we had a really meaty game talk. Not even talking about the game but just strategy in general...that one is a smart fucking cookie, I like him. He reminds me of myself in a lot of ways, the more pragmatic side. I was open that I was really fucking with what he was saying, and he seemed to be vibing me. It just felt like a lot of effort for him to put in just to make me feel comfortable but YOU NEVER KNOW. Everyone, and I mean everyone said they wanted to talk about the vote tomorrow...I feel like everyone is trying to use me in their plots and schemes, but I’m the queen for a reason. I need to figure out how to not only survive, but put MYSELF in a better position by doing what I need to happen. I have to take paranoia out of it, I have to take my personal shit out of it, forget I'm one of the pieces and step back and look at the chessboard as a whole. Tomorrow is going to be a huge day, if I go home, I’m gonna leave SWWWWIIIINNNNGGGGGGIIIING!! YOU WANT TO TAKE ME OUT YOU BETTER EARN IT!!
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All that work was worth it! We won the immunity challenge! By a glorious 2 points! The only thing that worries me is whether SHARIFA and TRENT can survive this vote. KURT or JAKE can be voted out and I won’t feel any amount of sadness over it. I still feel like it’s early enough in the game that anything can happen so I’m really hoping the McBITCHES can stay whole until another swap/merge and we can reunite. I think for my own safety I’m going to try to propose an alliance of sorts with ANDREAS and maybe CHRIS, maybe bring in OLIVIA. I don’t think it would be the worst thing in the world to lose NED, but if we lose the next challenge I think it would be in our best interest to vote out DENNIS or CHRIS, depending on who OLIVIA and MALIK would rather see go.
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 This week was a bad week to go to NOLA. I can tell I'm not doing so hot with the people on my tribe. Not bad, but not good. Kage apologized for "not checking up on me" after tribal today. Days after I already told him I was feeling fine about it all and just wanted to let him know since other people checked on me. Lukas has been quieter with me. Sarah and I are still talking but it took a lot to get info out of her today. People are also talking about the game without me cause Kage told Sarah that Trent was trying to target her earlier this morning as an "easy vote". And only Sarah told me that but I doubt only Sarah and Kage know about it. So I’m aware of my spot here…
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Ok so update: We won the challenge by two points! The other tribe did great but we ended up getting the win! And based on what I know, Olivia was likely really trying to gun for me and said that to Matt because they were able to talk as Olivia confirmed it to me herself, and there’s no way Matt can randomly come up with that when he doesn’t even know me. So the second we lose if we do, Olivia is going home. She did great in the challenge, but if I know someone’s after me I never just let them stay in the game. I also got an alliance going with me, Ned, Chris, Andreas and Dennis! We(or I atleast) called it the teen titans and everyone went with it and we have roles. I’m cyborg, Andreas is Starfire, Chris is Raven, Dennis is Robin and Ned is Beast Boy. I love that group, they definitely made me feel at home on the new tribe!
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i can’t believe we lost this effing challenge. LITERALLY ROBBED. anyways, first lemme confess about my new tribe. of course the other tribe has majority. i’m with kurt and sharifa who are the ones i trust, trent is iffy especially since i lies about the keegan vote, but came forward after to try to put it behind us nicklas is here who i trust a lot but am trying to keep the connection low because tbh idek how far he would go for me, i’ll have to see what happens in the vote to determine that. sarah might have a grudge against me idk, matt can’t even be assed to talk to me, i know lukas a bit and me and kage are eh. sharifa is worried we won’t have majority but this queen tellls me she has the idol so we might have some luck nicklas told me he doesn’t trust kage so i’m gonna try to work that angle, i just need me and my girlies to SURVIVE.
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I'm so happy that we won! I get we have ideal targets but if I can go as many rounds as possible without seeing tribal, it'll increase my longevity in making the bonds I need to! Teen Titans was created (Dennis, Andreas, Ned, Malik, and myself) and I honestly love it! Between that and Mystery Inc and Andreas & The Chipmunks I feel good!
My gut has been telling me Kage is in trouble and so if he does get voted I'll feel horrible for not warning him that some people in MI think he had the idol. Hopefully he, Matt, and Sarah at least can pull through but I dunno, I have a bad feeling for one them going home
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Omgggg so I had a very cathartic and explosive meltdown last night. I think this is my first time I’ve ever let like... true emotions trickle into an org. But I don’t regret it and I think it was a valuable experience. In terms of the vote tonight, I have no idea. I want to vote with Matt and Sarah because I think they will be a good lotus of power to cling to for awhile. I want to keep Kurt and Nicklas close as well, but Nicklas is kinda elusive. I assume the vote will land on Kage or Trent, which are both completely fine options to me. Both are a little unpredictable but Trent is super nice so I would feel bad.
*later on*
I feel like I’m in an okay spot! I helped launch the Kage vote (which hopefully will work) but I don’t think anyone sees me as the mastermind. I’m getting super close with Kurt and Matt. Jake seems to not hate me. Trent is def weary of me, but I’m weary of him too, so I’m not offended. My plan as of now is to just play this middle zone as much as I can!
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I’m beginning to think that there’s nothing at all in the “idol system” and it’s all an elaborate ruse. Or I’m just that unlucky. I’ve also spent a bit of time on the blog typing random things into the URL in hopes of it revealing something useful but no luck with that yet either.
0 notes
Every you Every me (9/?)
Pairing : Tony!Father x Reader!Daughter x Steve x Avengers
Warnings: idk(? Summary: You are Tony’s daughter, everything was normal until you recall your past in your nightmares.
A/N : Steve’s point of view… okay I may not told this before… this story takes place in 2020 (well this chapter is now in July 2021) :v
Word Count: 3969
Chapter 1   Chapter 2.1  Chapter 2   Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5 Chapter 6   Chapter 7     Chapter 8  Chapter 10  Chapter 11 Chapter 12  Chapter 13  Chapter 14
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It's early morning, maybe 10 a.m. The soft wind enter through the kitchen accompanied by faint rays of sun that let the dust see as small glows. The music gives life to everything on the flat, soft jazz it's playing through speakers, still you can hear birds chirping outside, it's a normal morning for Christopher Pace or actually me, Steve Rogers.
I was writing on the notebook, blue ink and a lot of messy doodles everywhere, my hand moved from left to right leaving keywords or full sentences behind. The music in the warm flat made me relax a lot more, but there was something I was still craving. My hand leaved the pen while the other one grabbed the phone to call, seconds after I heard that familiar voice in the other side of the line.
"Pal, you can't call us every 10 minutes, you never know if the walls have ears" Bucky said with a chuckle.
"I know, I was just kind of wondering..." I said while my free hand scratch my beard.
"Steve... you know she hasn't wake up. I mean she made progress with moving some fingers but it's just that, don't worry she's gonna be okay" Bucky said with a calm voice.
"Just call me if something change, okay?" I said with a sad sigh.
I ended the call when Bucky said his goodbyes and then, at 10:15 a.m., there was a knock on the door, Alexander Günther it's here. I quickly go to the door, he was waiting and when the door opens, the man with blue eyes and almond hair is indeed behind the door, his posture only reflected how many control and power he still have and it made me feel a little uneasy, his wrinkles only let everyone know how many experience he have, but still there's something behind those blue eyes, his hiding something behind this posture. he just nod his head as a 'hello' and he makes his way inside the flat. I closed the door and then I turned around and he's looking at the notebook on the table.
"Schön, so you draw too, huh?" he said with a smirk when he saw the doodles (I think), the showed me that in fact he meant the doodles.
"Yes, kind of a hobby to kill some time" I tell him, I made my way to stop the music when I heard him again.
"Leave the music" Alexander said after he sits on the couch.
I don't say anything and go the sit in front of him. My eyes are watching and the old man, he maybe was in his mid 40 of maybe he was now 50, I don't know. Everytime I was with him million of questions came to my mind, did he hurt her?, did he remind her at least?. But I know there wasn't any kind of chance of me to make those questions.
"You know, this song brings back forgotten memories to me. I used to know a girl that really like that piece" Alexander said with a sad smile and I only return the gesture.
"So, Pace. Two months talking about the same topic and still not satisfied" Alexander said, his eyes still looking at the notebook.
"For sure it helps, but theres some things I haven't put in place" I tell him and all I want it's to take the notebook away from him when he took it again, this time with the pen.
"Like what exactly? I gave you plenty of information, so much that both of us can be dead in a blink of an eye if Hydra finds out" he said with a stern voice.
"I know, and I really appreciate it, but-" "But you want to know about the kids" he said when his hand stopped writing on the notebook.
I looked at him confused, and yes I wanted to know about the 'Lazarus' project,  he had told me in two months about the serum, how they created and that stuff, but he never talked about that, until now.
"Yes, I mean if you want to talk about it, I have tell you a million times about this kind of protection we can give you, but, really if you don't want to talk about, you know the children, then don't do it" I told him trying to act as if wasn't a really hard subjet, maybe that way he wouldn't notice that I really wanted him to spill everything about it.
"Children" he said with a chuckle when his eyes drifted again to the notebook, his hand started to move once again.
"They didn't call them that way, they saw them like trash" Alexander said, with a sigh he continued and my attention was at top, while I was recording everything with the phone.
"If Hydra it's good at something, it's at disappearing people, in those days they made a huge research about children, specially in the ones that no one would bat an eye for them, so... they brought hundreds under the age of 15, still just 24 made it alive after the serum." he said with a sad smile.
"At first I saw that project as something wonderful, we were bringing Hydra back to surface, but... I saw all this children dying in awful ways during the process of the serum, and it was then when I realized, it wasn't human. Hydra can make horrible things, but what those children endured... no one would like to take their place"
"Anyway. As I was high commander they gave everyone of us a child. Ana, Viktor, Markus, Ásgeir, Jason, Joshep, Karina, Veronica, Adam, Isaac, Agnes, Richard, David, Michael, Emma, Ari, Kalevi, Olivia, Amanda, Annika, Hans, Roy, Damian and Lilian" he said again with a sigh, my jaw clenched when I heard her 'name'.
"I remember they actual names-" he said with a sad chuckle "May some of them rest in peace" he said with a frown and I was confused by that.
"They were special in their own way, some of them were made for sports, other to arts and the others well, they already had the guts to kill someone without hesitation. Mine was Lilian, this pure little girl, she was pretty smart you know?, she could do anything in a blink of an eye, her gift, was a quick learning and she found the way to use that learning to create new things" he said after a long pause and his eyes looked at me, all I could imagine was to notice Tony’s genes in Y/N. 
"But of course you know that" he said and I felt weird, I have a lot of feelings right now and all I can look in his eyes was regret and hope.
"uh? what-excuse me?" I said really confused by the statement, I really have to still acting.
"Lilian Günther" He said with sadness in both, his face and voice. And there I saw, regret, fear, sadness. But why?
Why Alexander Günther was feeling this way about Y/N? and Why does he think I know about all of this?. In that moment for sure I was frozen, waiting for him to keep talking, while my facade was still and scientist willing to give him protection for this kind of information.
"Alexander. If I asked you about this it's because I didn't knew about the subjet" I state clearly, still, my heart was beating fast and I felt the sweat on my forehead.
"Or because you want to know about her" He said, the way he was talking was, so strange, like if he was his father, that was!, he was talking like Tony!, but why?.
"Alexander" I said with a sigh, and 'frustration' "I don't know any Lilian Günther, but for what you have already told me, she isn't your daughter, she was your trainee" I told him once more trying to turn the tables.
"I saw her that way, Steve" He said and I was totally shocked and this time I didn't know what to do.
"Just listen to me" he said when he saw my hands balled in fists, ready to attack, but by some reason i didn't and I relaxed my muscles, still I was alert.
"This, this is Y/N" he said as he gave me the notebook. He took his time to draw her, at least as the last time I thought he saw her, and God, yes it was her in a drawing. I only nodded with my head.
"Look. When Hydra gave her to me I tried to kept her safe, for sure, I had to teached her to fight and other things, but I never let them touched her, and still sometimes I wasn't with her and other Superiors tooked my job and made her do horrible things but when I was back I took care of her, because her mother asked me to."
"I tried so hard to keep her safe, I tried to make her strong enough for her to runaway I even gave her a fucking map with a shelter for her to arrived when she could finally escape" he said with sadness.
"But I never thought Hydra could kill her mother and after that, everything went downhill. Hydra made with her horrible things, she was under the charge of other superior and they made her kill the other ones with the help of Kalevi, they erased her memory over and over again, until she couldn't remember me, but one day she recalled me..." Alexander said and then he looked again a the notebook.  
Alexander POV 
2:50 a.m. and I was finally back from that shitty reunion on America. I was making my way in the facility when I heard screams and man shouting orders in german. I walked closer to the source of those noises and I couldn't believe my eyes. Yelchin was in the room used by the old Black Widows, the forgotten one, but that wasn't the wrong thing here. 
The wrong thing here was that Y/N was with him, and in front of her was Isaac, he was covered in blood and first I didn't understand but then I saw Yelchin screaming again at Y/N, she refused every his command. The poor little girl of seven years refused to kill and old mate, but Yelchin made her do it. I walked there trying to stop her but Yelchin blocked me, only by his look I knew what he was saying 'don't you dare'. It happened in seconds, Isaac was screaming and when I saw him, he was covered in daggers, then she screamed.
I pushed Yelchin away and I took Y/N in my arms, she hide her face on my chest as she cried in pain and horror.  I felt her little body shivering and I held her closer to me 
"She's not your daughter, Alexander! Stop trying to be his father" Yelchin said angry before he leaved the room, he didn't even bothered to take Isaac's body away.
���Schlaf nur selig und süß, schau im Traum's Paradies, schlaf nur selig und süß, schau im Traum's Paradies...” I sang the lullaby over and over again until I felt her muscles relax. 
When she calmed down I carried her in my arms and I took her to the infirmary to heal her wounds.I went to the kitchen and grabbed some food for her. In that time she didn't spoked any word, she felt better and then, when I was ready to leave her dull room I heard her said 'thank you' I turned around, she was smiling, and that broked my heart, this girl was living in hell, she killed her friend, she had wounds everywhere and she was smiling, innocent, small, but she was happy that I was with her, I nodded with my head and I leaved the room. 
And after that everything went even faster and Hell itself drag her down until no one practically knew her anymore, she barely spoke, her mind was in every Hydra order. It aches me every time to saw her killing someone of being reckless around the facility, training mostly all day and going into field missions from months. Someone could easily tell that she wanted to die, one way or another. Hydra made her a perfect assassin, or at least everyone thought so, because they erased her million of times.
Happens that Hydra lost control in the perfect soldiers, they were too dangerous even for HYDRA. So, they grabbed the strongest, Y/N and Kalevi. Magneto's and Phoenix's altered genes, to kill the other ones. Things were going as the plan, until Y/N refused to kill her friends, so Hydra didn't want to kill her, not at all she was powerful, but they didn't want her to think, so they tooked her away from me, they erased her again.
Once more she returned to kill, but one day made the difference, this simple day, when we were on a mission, someone shot her on the left leg and she remembered everything, her mother, her friends, for her luck I was with her, but we forgot the comm's, everyone was listening to her memories. I tried to calm her down, but she was panicked, she was crying, confused, frightened she didn't knew what to do, and as I was going to told her tu runaway, two agents from Hydra took her away violently, she screamed and I saw how the dragged her once again from the field, but this time something made my heart break. 
"Vater! Hilf mir!" she screamed all the way to the jet and her voice echoed in my brain. 
I tried to go after her, I tried to stop them, but other agents stopped me, I fought them to rescue her and then Yelchin came back. He had a damn smile on his face and he knelt to look at me. Blood boiled inside me as I listened to his words full of venom.
"Stop fighting for her, Günther, she's just an experiment," his damn proud tone of voice.
After the mission I arrived to the facility, looking for her, and I saw her, barely alive in a cage, like an animal. She was broken in all the meaning of the word and I knew she couldn't stay here anymore. I went to the main room and upload every single file from her, maybe Tony, will find her that way. It was a matter of weeks when the facility was on alert of incoming objects and Tony tooked her. And then, I escaped too. 
I looked at Alexander, he was so lost on his memories, and I realized he has tears on his eyes, trapped in there but then I knew, he saw her as his daughter.
"She's... She's in coma" I said and when the word left my mouth I felt akward and fearful, maybe that wasn't the thing he wanted to hear.
He looked at me, angry, confused?, and I explained again, this time he was a little angry for sure.
"But, she's making progress, she's fine" I said trying to chill again, the lest I wanted was an ex- Hydra assassin to kill me.
"She's in coma and you think she's fine?" He said with an angry frown.
I thought to myself to not talk about her anymore, at least her health, he was going to get angrier with every word about it.
"She's strong, that's for sure. Do yo, want...to see her?" I asked even more awkwardly, and I didn't knew if I was doing the right thing, but then, those words made him shift his eyes from anger to hope.
He nodded with his head and I grabbed my phone to show him some videos about her, and couldn't help it but smile at her and then I heard him sob. I turn my face to look at him, he was smiling, he couldn't believe his eyes. He looked at every video about her and he was crying of happiness, she really was his daughter, 14 years together, he saw her in the worst era and now, she was alive, in every sense of the word. When there was no other thing about her, he got up.
"You gotta leave, now" Alexander said with a serious voice. 
"What?-why?" I got up too, grabbing the notebook and the pen.
"Hydra. They are coming for you, they saw us in the bar, they'll arrive at 1:00 pm. leave now" He said as a command. 
"What about you?" I asked him, it could be the last time I saw him, so maybe I could do something for him.
"I'll escape again, don't worry about it. Remember, if Hydra it's good at something, it's at disappearing people, even themselves" he said with a sad smirk.
 I nodded with my head but before I went to grab my thing he held my bicep.
"Take care of her, Rogers" he said in a 'dad voice' like Tony's one, if it wasn't a serious time I would've for sure laugh, but I didn't. And then he leaved the flat and I hurried to grab my things. 
"What?, what do you mean you're coming back?!" I heard Bucky in the other side of the line, of course he was worried.
"Well things went a little unexpected, but I have all the information we need" I assured them.
"Steve" Bucky said in a warning voice.
"What? I mean, somehow they knew I was there, I got an anonym call, okay?" I said trying to make Bucky relax a bit.
"Hell. But, you're okay?" Bucky asked with a relief.
"Yeah, I mean I played a scientist, what could've possible went wrong?" I said with a chuckle.
"I'll not fight you right now about that, actually, I have to leave, things went pretty messy around here" Bucky said with another chuckle.
"Fine. See you at evening" I said with a smile and then Bucky said his goodbyes.
I was waiting inside the plane, by luck, I was the only one on the row, so it was more comfortable. I decided it will be better to relax myself a little so I took out the notebook, I was looking for a page in blank when I saw the sheet Alexander used. The way he remembered Y/N was marvelous, her eyes had that spark, her hair, after all this time he still thought about her, down the portrait was written something in german, I didn't bat an eye and I started drawing in other sheet.
8 hours later I found myself in the elevator of the Avengers facility, damn I was so tired, the plane wasn't the most comfortable to sleep and all I wanted was my bed, but then again, I have this urge to see her, so I pressed the button to her now 'bedroom', so of course, I skipped the main room, but I guessed that F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced my arriving anyway.
I grab my baggage and I walk to her room, I stop in the door, I didn't know what I wanted to see. I held a massive breath and I walk in. Of all the things in the world this is the most unexpected things, my eyes are looking at an empty bed, my heart is racing like a stallion, my breath is caught in my throat and for sure my eyes are going to explode.
WHERE IS SHE?!?!?!?!? is the only thought I have in mind. My bags fell to the floor as I ran to the elevator once again.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y.! Where's Tony?!" I asked frightened by the possibles answers.
When all of this happen? Where was she? Why isn't she on the bed? She didn't have any progress? what the fuck was happening?
"Mr. Stark it's waiting for you in the main room, Captain Rogers" The A.I said, and God I was even more confused.
Tony was going to give me the bad news? Why he was waiting for me?
The elevator stopped at the main room and I practically ran screaming for Tony, and then he was there, holding a Bourbon in one hand while the other was inside his pocket.
"What has gotten into you Rogers? you missed me that bad?" he said with his shitty playful smile, but WHY??? why he was acting that way, his daughter wasn't where she was supposed to be.
"Where's Y/N?!" I asked with my eyes wide open.
"Y/N..." Tony said while looking at the glass on his hand and he deny with his head.
"Tony" I warn him, I was trying to believe that this wasn't true, she wasn't dead.
"Y/N was actually making a great progress, you know a month ago..." he said with a sad smile.
"Tony" I warn him again, I was looking at every move he was making, and then I realised he only takes that Bourbon on that expensive glasses when he's really happy, so why he was using them?
"I guess, sometimes you find the answer when you turn around"  Tony said with a smirk before sipping from his glass.
I'm more confused now, but after hearing at Tony I turn around and-
"STEVE!" It's all I heard before I feel a body wrapped around my body, legs on my waist, arms around my neck, head on my chest... I only let someone do that and that someone is
"Oh my god, Y/N?" I say, I have to look down at her face and there she was smiling like a sunshine, alive, awake, cheerful, it was my Y/N.
"Yes you dork, I've missed you so much" she said, but still she doesn't unwrap herself from me. I don't mind at all, I love to feel her chest against mine, her hands tugging at the hair of my neck.
"But, what the-" the said after she noticed something weird about me, she unwrap herself this time and the face she made when she saw mine, was too hilarious to be true.
Her eyes are wide, her mouth it's open, she simply can't believe her eyes, shes scanning me, every inch of myself. I was trying so hard not to laugh, I had a lot of feelings inside me right now, I wanted to kiss her and never let her go, I wanted to cry for excitement, but I was mostly happy to have my Y/N back.
"Jesus mother of god, your hair, oh my god, your beard" she said, her had came to my face, she touched the things she said with tenderness, like I was going to break in any second.
"Your hair is darker, oh my Steve" she said, her eyes still scanning me, searching for other changes on me, her hand rested on my cheek and I lean in her touch, is soft, warm, just how I remembered.
"You don't like it?" I asked her, afraid that she might not like 'Christopher Pace'
"Steve my love, you can be bald and still I'll always love you, but this is too much. This is-" she said with soft in her eyes. "This is something I could totally don't fight to change" she said with a chuckle and it makes my heart go full speed.
"So you like it" I reaffirmed her statement and she answers with a 'I love it'.
"If you're going to act like crazy love birds, please just go away, I don't wanna see this" Tony said with a role of his eyes, and she didn't think twice when she grabbed my hand to go to our room.
In matter of seconds we arrive there, and it was simply to show her how much I missed her, hell of course we weren't going to leave that room in days.
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poke-reads · 7 years
A Smol Guzma! A fic series! (Part 3: You're experienced, HALP!)
“Oh…..God…..Plumes?” the clothes on the floor shifted, a few sounds came from the clothes accompanied with the rattle of his chains.
“What the…?” She leaned in closer, eyes widening at what popped out. Bacter and Axel looked at each other, Axel squeaked,
“OH MY FRICKIN’ TAPU BOSS YOU’RE…you’re….ADORABLE!” boy was he right!
A little toddler sat there, big gray eyes, cute salt and pepper hair, scruffy with a heavy chain around his neck.His orbs shined as he blinked with curiosity.
“Ah…ma?” he tilted his head, suddenly realizing the feeling of his mom not being here, his eyes teared up, looking at you,
“M-mama? MAMA!” he wailed, balling his fists as tears ran down his face. His shrieks pierced the atmosphere, you finally levelled down to him.
“Guzma?” you tried not to fangirl over his cutness as you blushed intensely. You wrapped him up in his shirt and jacket. Plumeria garhered his other garments and accessories, giving them to Baxter and Axel.
“There, uh there, your safe now~ don’t cry.”
Guzma cries lessened to whimpers as he looked at you. His face red and tear stained, he muttered,
“Naw da Mama!” now he knew. He was a smart kid.
“I wanna hold da boss! Please!? I wanna see the baby boss!” Axel squealed excitedly.
“Hold on guys, we gotta go back home first. Plumes? You ok?” Plumeria was silent but uttered a few words
“Lets go home.”
The ride back felt long, you pondered of what to do, why did he turn out this way? Did Tapu Lele do this and why? Plumeria looked out to the sea, her own head filled with concerns. Baxter lounged back staring at Axel with sleepy eyes. Axel was having a ball with Guzma, booping his nose and playing peek-a-boo to keep him entertained.
It was late at the shady house, as you all entered the mansion you saw Grunts sleeping all around Nanu who remained seated with a newspaper and a cup of coffee. He took a sip of coffee as he looked at Axel’s arms. He choked on his coffee coughing harshly.
“What the fu*cough, cough* is that *cough*”
Guzma pulled on Axel’s lips and hair, Axel no longer amused,
“Yo, he was cute but now im pissed. GET HIM OFF ME!”
Nanu cleared his throat as he approached Guzma. Without a word he walked out the house.
“My payment is lunch for a month. Paid by you all.”
The night felt like eternity for you. Guzma wouldn’t stop crying and the boys wouldn’t stop waking you up for tips
“Hey (y/n) what do we feed the boss?”
“Try warm moo moo milk with chamomile or honey.”
“Oh, hey (y/n) how do we get the boss to stop crying?”
“He seems old enough, check if he has to use the bathroom or if he feels bad. Lemme SLEEP.”
“Ok. (Y/n)-”
“Language bitch! We got a kid here!”
Pushing the door open, you walked over to Baxter and Axel, grumpy and fumed you took the crying Toddler out of their hands. You inspected Guzma. Poor thing was red and teary, still had no proper clothes on, and had a ring of…Tapu cocoa? On his lips.
“Guys! He’s too young for Tapu cocoa! If anything that won’t help him sleep!” you sighed, taking him to his room which you occupied for the time being.
He wailed once more, sounding more like a hissy fit. “What it is Guz? You hungry? Sleepy? You gotta go?” He was very upset, but you couldn’t tell why. You felt like a failure, doubt setting in your mind.
‘I have no patience or experience with kids, we didn’t even buy crud for him. Man, what do i do.’ tears overflowed from your eyes. You broke down holding him close, both of you crying away. Plumeria walked in, sighing at the display.
“(y/n), calm down. Its ok-”
“No! Its not Plumeria! He’s hurting and i dont know what to do! He-h-he needs something and i just…can’t understand him or his blabbering gibberish!” she walked towards you and hugged you gently, trying hard to console your worries. She kissed the top of Guzma’s head as an attempt to soothe him.
“I called Nanu and explained everything. He told me he’s coming to get you and G. Get your stuff. Don’t need the rest of the grunts waking up to his noise.” you sniffled and nodded to her directions.
Giving her the fussy toddler, you gathered you belongings and some pokemon in case of anything. A few moments later a few knocks were heard at the door. Swiftly, you exited the mansion while bumping into Nanu in the process. He groaned,
“Alright, lets go. The sooner the better, he’s already becoming a thorn in my side with that repetitive annoying cry.” a short walk to the station, and you were surprised to see the interior of the station. Not what you expected.
“Nanu, did y-”
“Yes. I prepare for things kid. You learn with age.” He pushed you inside. The meowths greeted their master then you and Guzma. Without a word, Nanu grabbed Guzma out of your hands.
“Relax, he’s not really your kid. Besides you need my help right?”
He removed the baggy clothes be was wrapped in, revealing a dirty child. He tried to seem friendly, his eyes grew soft for a moment,
“Someone needs a bath. Come on you little litten,” he grabbed the teary eyed kid and dragged him to the bathroom.
“Grab some clothes will ya? Theres some boxes from the store. Don’t start slacking off and prepare something for him. Fridge is over there.” He speech lessened as he walked further away.
You were surpised still with the interior of the place. It still looked the same, but there was an actual bed across from his futon. Beside the bed was a crib. He sure did prepare, aww he does care. There were boxes of food formula and medical supplies, basic clothing, and a few toys. Boy time flies when you are observing…
“I thought i told you to get him clothes, and make him something to eat. Do i gotta do everything? Im old (y/n).” Nanu returned with a calm Guzma in his hands. Still red but no longer crying.
“Sorry! On it! Wait i gotta know, is he a toddler or a baby? Never had siblings before…or kids.”
“Baby. He’s seemed to be a toddler but still a baby. Not trained, and still unclear speech. He gettin’ there though…also he has a bad fever.” he touched Guzma’s forehead, and held him close as he fussed up again.
“Oh, i see.” you gathered some clothes and some diaper necessities. While the grumpy Kahuna diapered up the toddler and dressed him as well, you made some warm moo moo milk with alittle honey.
The moon was out of sight as the morning made way. You gazed at Nanu as he fed the skull boss. Your gaze made him nervous, he whispered
“You have a way with kids. Teach me!”
“Shh, and sure. Im not gonna continue doing this, just for the time being until we find a way to get him back to normal. Now tell me what happened.”
After explaining to Nanu how Guzma got this way, he sighed obnoxiously.
“Man, Olivia needs to take better care of her island for that Tapu. Its famous for healing and hurting, but not age regression or progression.”
He looked down to little Guzma, who had just finished his bottle. As he removed the bottle from Guzma he started to fuss again from his fever. Picking up the toddler, he walked about the station, lightly patting his back and calming him down.
“Get me the medicine.” you obeyed. Watching him try to give the toddler medicine
“Its not too bad pal. You’ll feel better. Look at me.” he pretended to take some.
“Mmm, see? i feel better. Come On, open.” he pushed his lips open with the measuring cap, Guzma surprisingly complied.
“Ahh- yum, see? Good boy.” he scruffed his hair after wiping his face. Sleepily, little Guzma lied his head on Nanu’s shoulder yawning with a small coo.
You asked a question, “So…you had kids once?”
“Three. All grown up now, all somewhere out​ there. Their life, not mine.” he swayed a bit side to side lulling the child to sleep.
“Good boy, time to sleep. Get the crib ready.” As the crib was prepared, he placed the sleepy toddler inside.
“He’s been crying alot and he has a terrible fever. We gotta keep an eye on him. He not trained so we gotta change him, and he’s gonna be fussy. Don’t cry about it, im sure it was just a 'new parent meltdown.’ You got this.” he stretched with a back breaking crack as he waltzed to his futon. All the meowths crowded his feet and sides.
“You’re gonna help me, right Nanu?” he huffed with a sleepy expression
“How could i say no to that face…Ugh fine. Go to bed.”
You went to the bed he had prepped for you and sighed at the comfort of it. You smiled sweetly and remarked,
“Thanks. See you guys in the morning.”
More in the next part :3
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