thermokitchen · 1 year
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Pecan Pie - Monday Night Thermokitchen Cookalong! 😛 Every Monday we cooks recipe to inspire Thermomix owners to try something a little different. The recipes are suitable for all machines 🥰 On Monday we will be making Pecan Pie on the ThermoKitchen Page. The cookalong will be recorded and posted on the page and the group for those that can’t make that time.🥰 Some people cook with me on the night, others are inspired to make it through the week. 👩‍🍳👩‍🍳 Everyone is invited to post pictures of the creations on the Facebook group. So make sure you join the FB Thermokitchen Page and the FB Thermokitchen group. All of the recipes are made using Manual mode, so it’s a great opportunity to learn something new about your machine. If you want to learn how to convert your own recipes for the Thermomix these cookalongs are really useful 👩‍🍳 Some recipes I use are from my website www.thermo.kitchen and others are from my books. This recipe is from my cookbook “A Tex Mex Fiesta” but if you don’t have the book, don’t worry. Just come along for a bit of inspiration and fun👩‍🍳 How to Join the cookalong. 1. Join the ThermoKitchen Page 2. Find the Pecan Pie Cookalong Event. 3. Select “interested” or “going” 4. On Monday when you open FB at 6.00pm you should be notified that I’m live. Click and say Hi!!!👋 Here is the link although 🤦🏼‍♀️ it wont be a hyperlink🤦🏼‍♀️ so it might be easier to follow the instructions above🤦🏼‍♀️ https://fb.me/e/2lIirehU2?mibextid=RQdjqZ #pecanpie #thermomixpecanpie #thermomixcookalong ##thermomixcookalongs #thermokitchen #thermomixcooking #thermomixdesserts #tm6cooking #tm31 #tm31recipe #tm31cooking https://www.instagram.com/p/CqEac86Pltx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myhobbymyart · 4 years
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Meatballs con zuccini hecho en mi thermomix! #ketomeals #ketolifestyle #thermomix #thermokitchen #thermomix5 https://www.instagram.com/p/CAt0hERAKO3/?igshid=ncveq5f3l0h5
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Receta de Lentejas Thermomix
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A medida que el clima se enfría, siempre es reconfortante tener unas cuantas sopas saludables y sustanciosas en su repertorio. La preparación de la sopa en el Thermomix es especialmente fácil, ya que todo el proceso se completa en el recipiente. Las verduras son picadas, salteadas y cocidas lentamente en la Thermomix. Una vez cocida, es simplemente cuestión de mezclar la sopa hasta alcanzar el nivel deseado de consistencia gruesa o textura suave.
Lentejas Thermomix
Cada año añado unas cuantas recetas de sopa más a los archivos de recetas de ThermoKitchen. Usted puede decir cuando estoy encontrando el tiempo un poco fresco porque voy a compartir una nueva receta de sopa.  Aunque todos los miembros de la familia tienen una sopa favorita, me gusta mantener la variedad.  A Anais le encanta la sopa china de pollo dulce y maíz La favorita de Brett es mi sopa de jalapeño que está en mi libro de cocina mexicana y mi favorita es la sopa de lentejas thermomix. 
Dado que la sopa de lentejas es mi favorita, es un poco loco que no haya compartido la receta antes! Aunque, en mi defensa, rara vez hago la sopa de la misma manera dos veces. Así que ha sido un poco difícil ponerse en el papel.
Las cantidades pueden variar, pero la sustancia de la receta es siempre la misma.
Consejos para la sopa de lentejas Thermomix Utilice siempre lentejas secas, el tiempo de cocción de la sopa es importante para permitir que todos los sabores se unan. Si se utilizan lentejas enlatadas, la sopa se machaca y tiene menos sabor. Use especias frescas, las especias son sutiles pero muy importantes para la receta. Cuanto más tiempo se hayan abierto las especias secas, menos sabor tendrán en la sopa. Los sabores más delicados se añaden al final de la sopa. La crema de coco, el cilantro, el garam masala y las espinacas se añaden justo al final de la cocción para que la sopa tenga un acabado más fresco. Me encanta la calabaza en sopa de lentejas. La calabaza le da a la sopa un sabor más suave y dulce. Además la calabaza y las lentejas son una pareja hecha en el cielo!
La sopa de lentejas es un plato de invierno nutritivo y abundante lleno de verduras, lentejas ricas en nutrientes y un toque de especias. Un tazón de esta calurosa sopa te mantendrá cómodo en los días más fríos. Una deliciosa receta vegana de sopa de lentejas Thermomix.
Por supuesto: Plato principal Cocina: India Palabra clave: Dahl, Snacks saludables, Lentejas, Sopa de lentejas, Sopa de lentejas, Sopa Thermomix, Sopa Thermomix Porciones: 6 servicios Calorías: 318 kcal Autor: Julie Carlyle
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Ingredientes 120 g de cebolla morena cortada por la mitad 15 g de ajo 140 g de zanahoria pelada y cortada en trozos de 3 1 chile rojo largo 10 g de aceite 400 g de lata de tomate triturado 350 g de calabaza en cubos 900 g de agua caliente del grifo 250 g de lentejas verdes secas 1 cucharadita de comino molido 1 cucharadita de cilantro molido 1 cucharadita de pimentón ahumado 1 cucharadita de cúrcuma 1 1/2 cucharadita de sal 250 g de agua caliente del grifo 5 g de cilantro fresco 250 g de leche de coco 1 cucharadita de garam masala 40 g de espinacas tiernas Métrico - US Customary Instrucciones Coloque la cebolla, el ajo, la zanahoria, el chile y el aceite en un tazón TM. Cortar 5 seg/Velocidad 5.
Raspar el cuenco. Saltee 5min/Varoma/Velocidad 1.
Añadir el tomate, la calabaza, 900 g de agua, las lentejas, el comino, el cilantro, el pimentón, la cúrcuma y la sal. Cocine 35min/Varoma/Velocidad 1 (MC OUT) (hoja invertida). Utilice el cesto de vapor interno en la tapa para evitar salpicaduras.
Añadir 250 g de agua. Cocine 10min/Varoma/Velocidad 1 (MC OUT) (hoja invertida). Utilice el cesto de vapor interno en la tapa para evitar salpicaduras.
Agregue cilantro fresco, crema de coco y garam masala. Combinar 5seg/Velocidad 3.
Cocine 5min/Varoma/Velocidad 1 (MC OUT) (hoja invertida). Utilice el cesto de vapor interno en la tapa para evitar salpicaduras.
Coloque la espinaca bebé en ThermoServer.
Vierta la sopa de lentejas sobre las espinacas y revuelva a mano para combinar.
Sirva con pan fresco con mantequilla o una combinación de quinua y arroz.
Notas de la Receta Esta receta requiere lentejas verdes o marrones secas. El largo tiempo de cocción lo hace inadecuado para lentejas rojas o lentejas francesas negras.
Guarde las sobras en un recipiente sellado en la nevera durante 3-4 días.
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thickandtiredco · 5 years
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A handy guide for starting the Kombucha Brewing process in your own home. Check out this page for the easiest Kombucha Recipe Chart. #Kombucha #fermentation #probiotics #guthealth #KombuchaTea via @thermokitchen http://bit.ly/2RUkqyr #thickandtired
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jovialangeldefendor · 6 years
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Easy Homemade Kimchi My basic Kimchi recipe makes producing your own fermented foods simple. Kimchi is ideal for maintaining good gut bacteria diversity. Thermomix or knife method included. DELICIOUS & HEALTHY #fermented #Thermomix #Kimchi #probiotic #fermentation via ThermoKitchen
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energizingyourbody · 6 years
Super fast weeknight Meal - Creamy Pesto Chicken #Thermomix #chickendinner #pesto #keto #LCHF https://t.co/AE3Zch5hxw via @thermokitchen
— ThermoKitchen (@ThermoKitchen) April 8, 2018
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thermokitchen · 1 year
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Pecan Pie - Monday Night Thermokitchen Cookalong! 😛 Every Monday we cooks recipe to inspire Thermomix owners to try something a little different. The recipes are suitable for all machines 🥰 On Monday we will be making Pecan Pie on the ThermoKitchen Page. The cookalong will be recorded and posted on the page and the group for those that can’t make that time.🥰 Some people cook with me on the night, others are inspired to make it through the week. 👩‍🍳👩‍🍳 Everyone is invited to post pictures of the creations on the Facebook group. So make sure you join the FB Thermokitchen Page and the FB Thermokitchen group. All of the recipes are made using Manual mode, so it’s a great opportunity to learn something new about your machine. If you want to learn how to convert your own recipes for the Thermomix these cookalongs are really useful 👩‍🍳 Some recipes I use are from my website www.thermo.kitchen and others are from my books. This recipe is from my cookbook “A Tex Mex Fiesta” but if you don’t have the book, don’t worry. Just come along for a bit of inspiration and fun👩‍🍳 How to Join the cookalong. 1. Join the ThermoKitchen Page 2. Find the Pecan Pie Cookalong Event. 3. Select “interested” or “going” 4. On Monday when you open FB at 6.00pm you should be notified that I’m live. Click and say Hi!!!👋 Here is the link although 🤦🏼‍♀️ it wont be a hyperlink🤦🏼‍♀️ so it might be easier to follow the instructions above🤦🏼‍♀️ https://fb.me/e/2lIirehU2?mibextid=RQdjqZ #pecanpie #thermomixpecanpie #thermomixcookalong ##thermomixcookalongs #thermokitchen #thermomixcooking #thermomixdesserts #tm6cooking #tm31 #tm31recipe #tm31cooking https://www.instagram.com/p/CqEZ-YSvX0j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thermokitchen · 1 year
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Pecan Pie - Monday Night Thermokitchen Cookalong! 😛 Every Monday we cooks recipe to inspire Thermomix owners to try something a little different. The recipes are suitable for all machines 🥰 On Monday we will be making Pecan Pie on the ThermoKitchen Page. The cookalong will be recorded and posted on the page and the group for those that can’t make that time.🥰 Some people cook with me on the night, others are inspired to make it through the week. 👩‍🍳👩‍🍳 Everyone is invited to post pictures of the creations on the Facebook group. So make sure you join the FB Thermokitchen Page and the FB Thermokitchen group. All of the recipes are made using Manual mode, so it’s a great opportunity to learn something new about your machine. If you want to learn how to convert your own recipes for the Thermomix these cookalongs are really useful 👩‍🍳 Some recipes I use are from my website www.thermo.kitchen and others are from my books. This recipe is from my cookbook “A Tex Mex Fiesta” but if you don’t have the book, don’t worry. Just come along for a bit of inspiration and fun👩‍🍳 How to Join the cookalong. 1. Join the ThermoKitchen Page 2. Find the Pecan Pie Cookalong Event. 3. Select “interested” or “going” 4. On Monday when you open FB at 6.00pm you should be notified that I’m live. Click and say Hi!!!👋 Here is the link although 🤦🏼‍♀️ it wont be a hyperlink🤦🏼‍♀️ so it might be easier to follow the instructions above🤦🏼‍♀️ https://fb.me/e/2lIirehU2?mibextid=RQdjqZ #pecanpie #thermomixpecanpie #thermomixcookalong ##thermomixcookalongs #thermokitchen #thermomixcooking #thermomixdesserts #tm6cooking #tm31 #tm31recipe #tm31cooking https://www.instagram.com/p/CqEZbW8PdZw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thermokitchen · 1 year
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This is a big one! 25% Off Mixshop! What have you been wanting? Is it Bread making or sourdough making products? Kobold Vac products, something for the Ovana🍕 oven. Or the new Firra Bakeware range! Take a look and see if what you need is 25% off 🥰 Click here or link in bio https://bit.ly/3Rx8kGB #mixshop #mixshopsale #thermomixsale #sourdoughbaking #pizzamaking #thermokitchen https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0uFIOB-g3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thermokitchen · 1 year
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Easter Cooking & Tasting Workshop👩‍🍳👩‍🍳 Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre Sunday, 26th March 2023 2.00 - 4.00pm Tickets $20 Link https://bit.ly/3mzuGfD Or click the link in the bio We will be making delicious chocolate and Easter treats such as hot cross buns, and home made butter😛 Have you made these in your Thermomix? Join me as we embrace the season dedicated to CHOCOLATE and BREAD in the form of Hot Cross Buns & Nutella Star Bread!! The Thermomix makes Easter cooking easy! If you haven't quite mastered the art of making dough, or you just want some inspiration why not join me and add to your recipe repertoire? We will spend the afternoon cooking and sampling some delicious carb fueled Easter Favourites. The Thermomix does all the tedious work of kneading the dough, and stirring the jam which will give us more time to enjoy the tasting! Achieving more in the kitchen #with less effort! I will also have a selection of items from the MixShop. There will be an opportunity for volunteers to assist during the cooking workshop. ThermoKitchen Easter Workshop Menu * Hot Cross Buns * Homemade Spreadable Butter * Plum Jam * Nutella Star Bread Who would benefit from this class? 1. Anyone with a Thermomix that wants to get some Easter inspiration. 2. Those that would like to have afternoon tea with a friend for $20ea. 3. Chocolate & Bread Lovers! 4. Current Thermomix owners that want to try bread making. 5. Anyone that is interested in seeing the TM6. Make your taste buds happy! Discover how easy these recipes are to prepare in the Thermomix. #kincumberneighbourhoodcentre @kincumberneighbourhoodcentre #thermomixworkshop #thermomixworkshops #thermomixworkshop #eastercookingclasses #eastercooking #centralcoastnsw #centralcoastworkshops #centralcoastworkshop #centralcoastcooking #thermomixcentralcoast https://www.instagram.com/p/CqKCPzHv9wN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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