#these answers span across three separate chapters so heyooo
mithrilhearts · 6 months
For the wip asks: 🌀🌤️💧
Happy procrastinating, same here
Cilil!!! Thank you for joining me on this super productive (see: procrastinating) day!
Let's focus on one I haven't actually posted yet to ao3, which goes well with the first emoji!! Golden Hearts Bleed Faster! Which honestly...this fic is so much fun for me lol, and I can't wait to share it, so stay tuned...who knows what tomorrow will bring.
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
Bilbo Baggins, Prince of the Shire, has been left with a kingdom on his back and a ring in his hand after the unexpected death of his parents. Bodyguard Thorin Oakenshield has been brought in to see to the prince’s safety, and do a little investigating of his own on the matter in hopes of coming face to face with the one who turned his mountain, and his life, upside down a few years prior.
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
"What flavor do you prefer?" “Pardon?” “Flavor,” Bilbo drawled before pointing towards a list of various flavors that the park's cute little ice cream stand offered. “I'm a vanilla man, myself,” he started, flashing a glance to his armed shadow as a grin crawled across his lips and he promptly adjusted his glasses smartly by lens of one side, “but only when it comes to things like food, but you...you strike me as a vanilla man for everything.”
💧Share something romantic/hot from your WIP, or just something sweet if it's gen.
Bilbo’s feet moved against his will, backward he went, following Thorin’s physical order until his back hit the wall, hands pinned over his head, and piercing blue eyes staring him down. “Then it’s a good thing I’m not here to impress you,” Thorin growled low, adrenaline still pulsing through his veins, and agitation having caused him to move a little too close to make a point. The air felt thick, so much that you could choke on it if speaking too loudly, or too much.  “So, what are you here to do then, if not to impress me?” Bilbo challenged, completely enamored with the position he was in as his fingers wiggled, and Thorin’s palm tightened as he watched his bodyguard’s contemplation.
teasing wips/upcoming projects ask game!
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