#these are a few of my favourite things about feedism :)
likebreadandwine · 1 year
What’s your favorite aspect of feedism? If you don’t mind…
there is nothing more primal or carnal to me than appetite.
appetite is desire. it is need and want, powerful craving. eating is sensual; it is rooted in the body; it is a sensory feast.
what greater expression of care is there than to provide something that is both essential and a source of pleasure? to be a provider of abundance, to indulge the appetite, to say, "you can have whatever you want, as much as you want. I will give it to you."
it is the wanting that I love. wanting beyond the limits. you're full, and you still want more? it hurts and you still want more? (bonus: you know that I want you to have more and you're willing to do that for me?) and you trust me enough to be vulnerable and admit that, when the world so often tells us to be ashamed of wanting, especially when it comes to food?
we gather over meals because we understand, intuitively, that to break bread with someone is to form a connection and share intimacy. that intimacy is exponentially greater when feeding someone.
maybe this all seems overly philosophical or spiritual, but...it is that for me. I mean, I definitely have a belly kink, and I get very flustered when people eat till it hurts, but all this also plays right into my personal philosophies about care and a kind of non-sexual sensuality that my ace brain is completely infatuated with.
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butchbear-in-progress · 4 months
I'm probably not the right person to do it since my disability is relatively minor, I have no platform and I don't talk like i have a degree, but I think we need to talk about the positive effects of feedism on our perceptions of physical disability because its really something special that needs to be nurtured
So many feedists being neutral/accepting or positive about mobility issues extend that far past the fantasy of kink and into their fat liberation and general lives. I don't see nonfeedists in those spaces talking about disability as anything but unfortunate reality, even if they're disability activists too. No one but a feedist has seen a good side.
Feedist disability positivity has encouraged me to actually use my crutches, bath boards, and alter my activity levels without feeling guilty. Feedists are genuinely the only people I know that accept "I can't physically manage that today" as a non negotiable answer regardless of whether they percieve my disability as being my fault or not (I was in an accident but people make up their own story since ive gained 100+lbs since then: either way I shouldnt have to specify how i acquired it!). They dont make me feel like shit when I admit I haven't been out or exercised in a few days even if I don't go into detail about why, largely because they don't associate it 100% with negative experiences by default. It can be a good time, a fun thing, hot even*
And to be clear, I don't just mean this is a cute way. There are good and bad sides to fetishising disability aids but seeing having to use a bath board to wash as something sexy makes me not hate myself for needing it. It's not for everyone but I am not everyone
*@fernisfat once said something in a photo caption about spending the evening at home getting fatter and I've been thinking it to myself even since. I'm not wasting time, I'm spending it on one of my favourite hobbies actually.
Ps. I know plenty of feedists are ableists and not like this but I don't want to talk or think about them right now thanks
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spikebhm · 4 years
❌ ✔️ 💗 💞 🌓 🧸 🏃‍♀️ 🦸 ↩️
So I asked a few...
👀 Yes. Yes you did. That’s quite the assignment! Are you per chance a teacher that likes to torture kids with loads of homework before the weekend? LOL Ok, let’s get those joints loose, nice cup of lemon tea and here. we. go! ❌ = What feedist related kinks do you not enjoy? A disclaimer: Even though I don’t like a kink doesn’t mean I disagree with you and your feelings towards a certain topic. Everyone is free to do what they want and express themselves but please approach everyone with the same respect as I would do. Thank you. ♥ I tend to dislike most of the ones that have something in common with lack of hygiene, inflation type stuff (atlhough I bloat often times when I overeat on pastries and then chug down a soda), unnatural type of weight gain like through padding (even if it is convincing!) or digestive sounds. A belly gurgling or someone swallowing heavily is one thing (and I do like it) but burps and farting aren’t sexy at all to me! Also health-play is something that makes me scuttle away under a cupboard because I am a bit of a fainter lol. D: Like not being able to see my own blood. My brain is weird. (I know that seeing blood is not part of the thing but anything about body disfunctionality is just kinda eeeeeh to me!) ✔️ = What feedist related kinks (force feeding, vore, inflation, etc) do you enjoy? Ooooh, that is a looong, looong list. Over the years of lurking and exposure, I refined my taste to “almost anything that surrounds feedism.” I love force feeding, belly rubs, STRETCHMARKS, rapid wg, immobility (love me a blob on occasion 😩), being uncomfortably full, public stuffing and teasing, approval and praise, FUNNEL FEEDING ... Fat shaming and exercise + ex-athlete, denial of weight gain, TIGHT CLOTHES, mutual and contrast are both super endearing to me, squashing ... Oh and BELLY BUTTONS. Especially the squished ones. And deep ones. Oh lord, the deep ones! 🥵 💗  = Do you prefer a slender or larger feeder/partner? No preference! Slim, Fit, Average, Chubby, Fat, Obese - All good in my book! 💞  = Do you prefer soft belly worship or rough belly play? I would say I’m 70% on the soft belly worship but if the chemistry is right, the consent is there with lots of trust, I can have my belly played rough with ♥ 🌓  = Do you prefer to be a submissive feedee or a dominant feedee? I prefer to be the submissive type for sure. Although I can be bratty and of course use my body to get what I want, I almost always prefer to be the submissive feedee as I tend to blush quickly, turning myself into a flustered mess of a bear lol. 🧸  = What's your favorite way to soothe a stuffed tummy? Aaah, I developed a lot of techniques over the years to get my tummy soothed and found some helpful things to help the process. Whenever I’m too full to move, I give it my best shot to stand up. Whenver I sit down, my stomach is bunched up and by standing up I feel a lot of relief. I also like to take a shower after a stuffing - the feeling of water on my skin takes my mind away.  If I have an upset stomach, I will take a tea spoon of iberoghast. It helps with digestion and immediately soothes my tummy aches. Also, belly rubs and playing with my hair is a good method I found out to help me a lot. Also makes me more hungry too - truly a vicious cycle from which I know no escape from! 🏃‍♀️ = Is there anything you used to do that is harder now that you've gained weight? Oh wow, yeah. I don’t have a drivers license and whenever I need to do groceries, I have to go out and go to the market by walking. Now that in itself is no problem, I like physical activities. But the problem is, if you are as fat as me, going up a hill to get to the super market is so incredibly ardeous. I feel like carrying bags of groceries up the hill to the market and back lol. So yeah, that became difficult. Also I get out of breath easily now when I do laundry as I live in the topmost part of a very old building and my washing machine and dryer are all the way down in the basement and there is no elevator. 🦸 = Who's your favorite superhero? Why? Oh snap! What a cool question to ask. I will divide the question into two parts, one will be a more western look and the other part will be a more eastern look at a super hero! So, my favourite western hero is probably Captain America. I love to see a struggling hero from a different time, to fight for something that lost its meaning over the time he was frozen. I loved this characters depiction in all the Marvel Movies, Captain America: Winter Soldier is still my favourite superhero movie ever. Just a heads up: I’m a HUGE weeb. Like, incredibly so. I don’t watch that much anime and manga as I did before but my heart is still with all these great animations and amazingly fun stories and characters. My favourite eastern hero is probably a tie between Kouta Kazuraba aka Kamen Rider Gaim and Shinnosuke Tomari aka Kamen Rider Drive. Both of them had some very satisfying arcs in both of their stories in which they played their parts. Kouta had to realize that becoming an adult meant more then taking responsibility for your owns actions. The way he progressed in the story to understand his role in the greater scheme of things was very inspirational. On the other hand, Tomari faced a traumatizing event and had a hard time to find “a drive” to move on with his life. It was interesting to see a superhero with a depression and how he handles his daily “up’s” and “down’s”. ↩️ = If you could have one "do-over" in life, what would it be? I think I would make my parents listen to me what I have to say. Yeah. That would’ve been helpful with a lot of things! Thank you SO so much for the questions! I think I deserve a nice snack break. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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despair-tummy · 5 years
How about a Chihiro stuffing Celeste and playing with her fat belly, butt and boobs?
Here you go
Chihiro sighed, his eyes sore and aching from staring at the computer screen before him. It wasn’t that he disliked computers, in fact, it was quite the opposite. He was the ultimate programmer, he loved computers and he especially loved designing code and experimenting with technology. But helping a company take care of a complicated computer virus wasn’t his idea of a fun time, in fact, as of late his idea of a fun time was starting to branch out.
A small buzzing sensation from his cellphone signalled that he had gotten a text message. He glanced behind him, not wanting to be caught from his recent employer and get in trouble for being on his phone during work hours. But he couldn’t help himself, he needed to look at something else for a change. Maybe it was Mondo asking if he wanted to grab dinner with him and Kiyotaka, or Makoto inviting him out for a coffee?
But instead of any of the normal text messages from his friends and colleagues, he was greeted with an image. The photo didn’t include a face, but it didn’t matter. As soon as he saw her milky white skin and the abundance of pillowy cleavage, that was more than enough to give Chihiro an idea of who sent it. His face turned red and he immediately stuffed his cellphone back into his pant pocket, silently praying that no one saw the text message for the brief second he looked. 
Well, at least it gave him something to look forward too when he left to go home. Chihiro took a deep breath to try to still his racing heart before he returned to typing away, making a mental note to make a few stops along the way home.
He finished dealing with the virus and wasted no time rushing out of the building and to his car. Normally he would have stayed and say goodbye to everyone, but his girlfriend wasn’t very patient. Odd, wasn’t it? Someone as meek as him with a girlfriend who sends him racy pictures while he was at work, Chihiro was surprised by the revelation himself, but he certainly wasn’t going to complain or question it. Especially with what Celestia brought out in him, she brought out a side to him Chihiro never knew he had. And that was going to come out yet again as soon as he got home, but first, he had to prepare.
He made four stops along the way, the first one was to a high-end bakery for a slice of chocolate and hazelnut cake, a slice of strawberry cheesecake, two croissants (one almond and one chocolate) and a chocolate dipped cream puff. Then it was to a candy shop run by the best chocolatiers for a bag of those chocolate truffles Celestia loved so much, although Chihiro’s wallet would beg to differ. A quick stop at a nearby florist for a dozen red roses, then finally a trip to the grocery store for a quart of heavy cream. 
 With everything he needed for tonight, he drove back home in record time and proceeded to carry his load inside. Easier said than done since although he intended to work out to build some muscle, he never got around to it. It wasn’t like he was putting it off, it was just Celestia kept him very busy when he wasn’t working. She had high standards, but Chihiro could handle it, he liked spoiling her. Chihiro huffed as he made his way inside, carefully setting his bags of goodies down on the counter, but still holding the bright red roses.
“Celeste, I’m home!” he called, unable to keep himself from smiling as he awaited her presence.
Sure enough her thundering footsteps could be heard. At first Chihiro didn’t know what to make of the world of feedism and Celestia’s desire to become be his feedee and him her feeder, but each clip he watched of women and men gorging themselves with fattening food and guzzling down weight gain shakes with funnels and rubber tubes, he realized he definitely wanted to become a part of this taboo little fetish community. And he was enjoying every bit of it.
Celestia smiled as she strode into the room, clad in just a black lace bra and matching undergarments, complete with a pair of black stockings.This attire on,y brought more attention to just how long they have been practicing feedism. Every part of his girlfriend’s body was had gained a good amount of soft flesh. To her once slim and dainty legs that thicken to the point where they rubbed together constantly, her paunchy gut grew and sagged, covering the front of her panties completely. Her once flat chest has graciously ballooned out into pillow like masses, while her face, although not quite reaching a second chin yet, definitely gains some additional softness, especially in the cheeks. 
“My, is that all for me?” she smiled brightly, taking in the sight of all the goodies. Her scarlet eyes shifted from the treats to him. “You spoil me.”
Chihiro smiled and handed his lover the bouquet of roses. “I don’t hear you complaining.”
“Of course not, that’s the appeal of this fetish.” Celestia happily hummed and took the roses, giving them a sniff. “These are beautiful, go fill a vase of water for them while I get everything together.” she said, handing back the roses as she went to gather up the goodies.
He was well aware Celestia was only offering to do that just so she could get her greedy hands on the treats, but Chihiro wasn’t going to call her out. Her greedy approach to eating was charming, especially in the world of this kink. While Celestia took the goodies to the living room, Chihiro opened the cupboard under the sink, pulling out a glass vase. He then filled it with water before removing the roses from their plastic wrapper then plopping them in. 
Chihiro set the roses on the windowsill before going to the living room. There the buffet of luxurious treats were all laid out on the coffee table… well almost all of them. Celestia was already nearly done the chocolate croissant, flakey crumbs and a smear of milk chocolate coated the corners of her thin and lightly glossed lips.
“You started without me?” Chihiro frowned sadly.
“Forgive me, but you know I adore my carbs.” his girlfriend apologized before popping the last bit in her mouth. “And you know I can’t resist chocolate, it is my weakness.” she licked her lips clean. “But with that out of the way, let’s begin.” 
Celestia sat crossed legged on the couch, her gut resting peacefully on her lap. Her face beamed with an inviting look as she waited to be fed. Chihiro smiled and made his way over and sat next to his feedee. 
“What shall we start with?” 
“Surprise me, dear.”
Chihiro looked at the spread and decided on starting out with the slice of chocolate cake. He unwrapped the black plastic fork that came along with it, and with the slice of cake in one hand, and the fork on the other, he speared a piece and brought it to Celestia’s mouth. The gothic gambler let out a satisfied hum as she chewed the combination of chocolate ganache and chopped hazelnuts.
“Delicious,” she commented once she swallowed.
“You know, when you first introduced me to this community,” he began as he continued to feed her the cake that was rich with chocolate and bitter with hazelnuts. “I never understood why everyone used cake, it seemed so repetitive and boring at first… but the more I watched and the more cake I fed you, I finally understood why.” Chihiro brought another forkful to her lips.
“Do you now?” Celestia asked as she happily accepted the forkful.
“I mean look at it, so many flavours. Chocolate, vanilla, lemon, carrot, and even ice cream cake and cheesecake exist,” he explained. “It’s so indulgent, you can get it cheap or splurge on something more high quality. And you can get real messy with it, make a complete pig of yourself. It’s truly a fascinating food.” 
“Indeed, it’s one of my favourites.” Celestia licked some frosting off her lips. “But it appears we’re down a slice.” she giggled, gesturing to the now empty box that one housed the slice of cake.
Chihiro chuckled and set the box aside and went for a cream puff. He smiled and brought the chocolate dipped pastry to her mouth, Celestia immediately took an eager bite, causing white cream to ooze out of the goodie. 
“C-careful, the filling might end up on the floor,” he warned.
But he needn’t worry, Celestia was already on it and dragged her tongue across the desert, lapping up every bit of filling that came out.
“Chihiro, do you really think I would let a perfectly good cream puff go to waste?” she giggled before taking a second bite.
Chihiro felt his face flush red as he watched her. They did this plenty of times, but each and every time just made him blush so much, seeing her eat tons just did something to him that he couldn’t explain. But the one thing was for certain, he wanted to keep doing it. Once the cream puff was eaten and Celeste licked his fingers clean, he decided to give her the little thing of chocolates.
“I stopped by that chocolate place you loved so much.” he smiled and gave the bag a shake.
“Gimmie!” Celestia snatched up the bag out from his dainty hands. She used her teeth to rip into the bag and tipped the bag towards her mouth, causing an avalanche of chocolate truffles to fall into her mouth. 
Her cheeks puffed out from the sheer amount of chocolates, but she still managed to messily chew them. 
“I thought I was supposed to be the one feeding you?” Chihiro reminded. 
Celestia tried to talk, but it was completely incoherent from how full her mouth was. It was only when she swallowed she could talk clearly. “Thirsty, heavy cream, now,” she ordered, paying no mind to his call out.
“Greedy tonight, aren’t we?” he teased and unscrewed the cap to the quart of heavy cream. “Here you go.” he brought the quart to her mouth and tipped it, allowing the liquid to pass her lips.
She managed to guzzle down at least half the quart before pulling away and letting out a giant burp.
“My, excuse me.” Celestia smiled and wiped the heavy cream residue from her mouth with her arm. “Thank you, my love, I needed that.”
“A-Anything for you!” he loved it when she praised her.
Chihiro then selected the slice of strawberry cheesecake, taking a moment to admire the pretty shade of pink the cheesecake was. He got a piece on a fork and brought it to Celestia’s awaiting mouth. She quickly devoured said piece and it wasn’t long before Chihiro fed her a second forkful of the creamy cake.
“I’m surprised they still had that cheesecake in stock at this hour,” Celestia commented as she noisily chewed.
“Me too, I was planning to get a slice of red velvet, but when I saw the cheesecake I knew I had to get it.” 
“Next time get all three.”
“I-I don’t think my wallet would like that.”
“Budget around it.”
Easy for her to say, but for his girlfriend, he would be more than willing to try to accommodate her expensive tastes. With the cheesecake done, Chihiro reached for the last dessert item, the almond croissant. 
“Think you can finish this?” he asked.
“Of course I can.” Celestia grinned and stared at the croissant, her mouth watering just at the very sight of the flakey pastry. 
As soon as Chihiro brought the croissant within eating range, Celestia took a big and greedy bite, moaning in pleasure as the taste of sliced almonds, buttery pastry and almond filling danced on her taste buds, 
“Mmmmm.” Celestia moaned as she chewed. 
He smiled and brought the treat to her mouth again, which was met with another large and messy bite, crumbs and filling stuck to her mouth. Sure enough, once she swallowed that bite, she wasted no time shoving the last bit into her mouth. Soon after a heavy swallow Celestia used her tongue to lick away any remains on her thin lips. 
“That was delicious.” she mused in delight.
“You uh, aren’t done yet.” Chihiro reminded, picking up the quart of heavy cream and gave it a good shake to show it was half full.
“But of course, I could use a drink to wash it all down.” 
Chihiro brought the quart to Celestia’s lips and right away she drank deeply, managing to down the rest of the heavy cream in record time. She let out a second loud burp and wiped her mouth on her arm.
“Excuse me, thank you, that was all very delicious.” she smiled and lazily got into a lounging position, which only brought more attention to her midsection that was taut from the amount of food she had eaten. She glanced straight into the programmer’s eyes with a wicked grin. “What are you waiting for?” 
She didn’t need to tell him twice, Chihiro eagerly grabbed her midsection, although firm and bulging from all the food she ate, it still had that softness Chihiro adored. He gave it a firm shake, listening to all of the sweet feast inside of her gut slosh around, as well as watch her fat jiggle. 
“I-I think if we start paying more attention to your calories, then we could probably double your weight by the end of the year.” he stuttered, eyes locked on her flabby midsection. 
“I’ll leave all the calculating up to you,” Celestia spoke, he noticed a mischievous little glint in her eyes.
Before he could even get another word out or try to prepare himself for whatever she was going to do, Celestia leapt at him, pinning him down on the sofa. 
“Celes-“ he was cut off when Celestia plopped her mountainous soft breasts on his face.
“Go on, do what I love.” she urged with a giggle. “You know you want too.” 
At first glance you wouldn’t have pegged Chihiro as the kinky type, admittedly was still very meek and wouldn’t dare talk about anything sexual as casual as some people like Miu or Toko’s split personality, Genocider Syo, admittedly before coming across the world of feedism, Chihiro could be considered vanilla and sex and fetishes weren’t something that he typically had on his mind. But after being shown this fetish and practicing it with his girlfriend, they were definitely always lingering in his mind somewhere. Whether it was from sexual photos from Celestia or having two massive breasts resting on his face, it was always somewhere in his head. 
Knowing that the only way to regain his sight from the blockage of pillowy flesh in his view was to give her what she wanted, Chihiro shoved his head deeper in the depths of her cleavage and began to vigorously shake his head. Her breasts bounced and jiggled wildly with each movement of his head. He pondered why Celestia might like doing this so much. Maybe it was because when they first started dating she was on the flat side and couldn’t reap all the benefits of a fuller chest? It was tempting to ask her… he made a mental note to ask her something once he finally had regained his sight.
She giggled and finally freed him, looking at his sweaty face. “My, tired already?” Celestia teased, bringing a perfectly manicured red nail to stroke his smooth cheek.
“A… a little,” he confessed sheepishly.
 “Well, too bad,” Celestia smirked and took one of his hands, guiding them to her plump rear. “Because I intend to keep you very busy.”
Chihiro felt the blood rush to his face as well as to his groin as his fingers sunk into the fat of her round bottom. He had a sinking feeling he would have to call in sick for work tomorrow.
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