#these are all out of chronological order hhh
merryfortune · 1 year
i wanna make a list of all my favourite buster memories but i keep crying
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cypress-is-cy · 1 year
Compilation of Horny Posts Sitting in My Drafts All From Last Night
(In chronological order)
Just wanna get fucked senseless... I've gone two seconds without attention and idk how to ask for it so now... I'm just a sad horny lil pup </3
How does one aSK FOR FUCK!!! How. How. I am just... A wiggly horny pup... And i dont have it in me to ask </3 like just leash me...
Hhh i just want her to fuck me... Just wanna suck her girlcock... Wanna be leashed and i wanna be pulled around..... Bark bark... Wanna be tied up for her...... Pretty please...
I just need to have the purity fucked out of me.... I fight with myself in my brain and i just need someone to turn it off.. Fuck me so good that i don't even care if i sound like a whore, because right now I'm your whore.
By the end of the night i did come to the thought of getting filled up and bitten by a pretty girl while being called a good boy :3
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trilobi-te · 11 months
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Cider and a theremin! I headcanon that he's able to play it because he just seems like that type of person.. he has those vibes......
Plus some extra doodles
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Chip/Theremin rambling and doodle transcriptions below the cut. I included some explanations for the instruments pictured because I'm worried the drawings would otherwise be incomprehensible lmao
In case you can't read my handwriting: Doodle 1: Cider is saying "DANDY NO" and underneath it says *horrible theremin screaming* Doodle 2: the title says THORamin aka singing Tesla coil, and Otto is saying "Okay Cider please step a little closer to the instrument"
I like weird instruments so I assign them to fictional characters whenever it feels realistic to do so. The theremin is one of the world's first electric instruments (patented in 1928) and is played by moving one's hands around the two antennas, which are proximity sensors - vertical controls pitch and horizontal controls volume. Sound-wise, it's kind of like playing a synthesizer by hand? Also the hand gestures that are made when controlling pitch are.. interesting. (That's more or less what Cider is doing, it took an embarrassing amount of attempts to get that hand to look good enough so I just left it hhh)
Re: extra doodle 1 Touching the vertical antenna makes an unpleasant high-pitched noise (you're not meant to touch it at all while playing, just move your hands around like an electric wizard or something)
Re: extra doodle 2 "Thoramin" is another name for the singing Tesla coil, and a play on theremin and Thor (hence why it's here). It's a Tesla coil that's been modified to be a plasma speaker. I find these funny because people on YouTube always seem to be playing them in random suburbs. Just imagine looking out the window at your neighbor's yard and seeing a lightning storm set to Megalovania. Realistically Otto probably wouldn't have one (too loud, draws attention to the player) but for the purposes of The Funny™ he does now.
Something small I don't have anywhere else to bring up so I shall talk about it here: I started my Chipspeech Twitter archive project by just going through the tab on each account that says "Tweets" but it turns out that there are more tweets under the "Replies" tab that actually contain lore. So I am actually nowhere near done with this hhhhh I hate Twitter. I mean I'm still going to document everything because I want the story to be as intact as possible (including the small bits of character trivia that often show up in the replies tweets) but I am. not happy about it. I do not entirely understand the decision to put character information in the replies to fan tweets.. I mean things shared there are never really all that important, but I like weird small story details so I don't want to lose them if Twitter ever actually fully goes down. Also I am going to have to go back and put everything in chronological order (in terms of hours/minutes, everything currently is just organized by date) which means more time on Twitter. I traded efficiency for simplicity of each step in this process, which I guess was good for not becoming overwhelmed by the scale of things but it's dragging out a lot longer than I had initially anticipated. I start college in late August so ideally that's my hard deadline for this, which should absolutely be reachable but I'm still annoyed that it's taking this long in the first place hhhhhhh
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wonderfullyalone · 4 years
okay okay let’s see if i can get all my thoughts out in one post:
1. we got 61 minutes of our lady 🥺 i missed him so much
2. hearing juno narrate was so good hhh i miss hearing his thoughts. he’s grown and changed so much his thought are so much more nuanced? and he gives more consideration to things rather than rushing in to the worst possible conclusion
3. juno being absolutely in love w nureyev gave me the serotonin i so badly needed. they’re so cute i love their flirting hhh
4. also nureyev creating a whole notebook and quest just to get juno out of bed and talking to ppl??? that’s literally the sweetest thing ever??? best boyfriend peter nureyev
5. speaking of labels it was extremely funny how kabert just dodged juno calling himself nureyev’s “boyfriend/girlfriend/partner”
6. also juno talking about diamond 👀👀 that was Interesting
7. back to some sense of chronological order juno and vespa actually getting along!!!! or at least talking without being at each other’s throats!!!! and some genuine heartfelt conversation mixed in there too!!!!!!
8. also what the Fuck is up w this thing in junos blood?? i couldn’t catch it well but he’s got something?? i wonder if it’ll be relevant
9. also !!!!! buddy and vespa and nureyev conversation !!!!!!! but when he thought they said his real name hhhhh
10. what’s the instrument nureyev plays?? is that the instrument he’s picked up when he broke his leg??
11. everything about juno and rita was so good i missed their interactions 🥺 they love each other so much 🥺🥺🥺
12. juno affirming he wouldn’t be going anywhere without rita felt like a personal christmas gift
13. the real character reveal all along was that jet is the funniest person on this ship
14. the way each character provides support and car in their own way?? is so good???
15. the way juno talked about nureyev and not needing to explain himself when he’s w him 🥺🥺🥺
15. buddy’s whole “it’s not about making the shot it’s about challenging yourself to try” HHHHHH
16. also backtrack nureyev not wanting juno in his room hmm it’s not like juno hasn’t seen that mess before so. why.
17. juno’s “i felt like i was releasing a breath i was holding in the past 24 hours.” yeah.
18. while we’re at it juno’s “when i’m with him all my pieces fit just right”
19. juno’s “i want to know everything about him and i want him to know everything about me”
20. juno’s “love is something i’m making”
21. he’s so in love w nureyev hhhhhh
22. back to the plot. jets speech was so beautiful aaaaah
23. buddy and vespa. vespa and buddy. their vows were so sweet they love each other so much
24. i knew the minute agent g said “bring the director in” i knew it was sasha. asshole.
25. my thought process literally was “hey asshole. fuck y- oh wait you’re good? never- OH FUCK YOU”
26. hey sasha what’s it like to turn into the person you never wanted to?? huh????
27. i can’t fucking believe you stunned your childhood best friend what the fuck??? what the fuck?????
28. juno didn’t even get to ask nureyev who his first love was or get his prize damn girl you couldn’t have waited???
29. also nureyev’s first love - plot relevant?
30. what was he gonna say to juno before he walked out the room in the morning. stop doing this kabert.
31. lmao if nureyev has already stolen and given away the radicals they are in deep trouble dhfhfjk
32. theyre after one radical and it’s not the curemother prime so. which. they’ve been after them since shadows on the ship so that’s either the map, the key, or the blade. the key is unlikely since they have no way of knowing that m’tendre gave them that. the map or the blade is possible? maybe the blade? which nureyev conveniently lost last episode? oops
33. i can’t believe she actually stunned her childhood best friend. i am hoping she’s planning something more than she’s letting on bc christ.
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wumblr · 4 years
now, you're probably wondering what i'm gonna need all this speed for. after all, i've been jogging in place under this highway overpass for 12 hours. but to answer that, we need to talk about the standard model of particle physics in terms of super mario 64, and if you thought my other tangents were complicated, just you wait. okay: 
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particles can only decay into products of equal or less energy. this is why “those damned vector bosons” were so hard to find -- W and Z boson interactions are very rare unless you are able to generate enough energy to start from a (more massive) top quark. SM64 doesn’t seem to have mass-energy equivalence, but neither does our universe at tangible scales, so if you assume the powerups from earlier installations in the series are simply objects that instantaneously give mario enough energy to become next-generation matter, then you could say that finding the vector bosons was a feat of sheer skill approximately equivalent to completing “watch for rolling rocks” in 0.5x a presses, since within the verisimilitude of the mario universe it would be like accelerating mario to the point that he became a level 3 fire-flower mario without ever eating any powerups (in order to observe vector boson decay):
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(as a sidenote, since fire power is not accessible to mario in SM64, one must assume -- because this was perhaps the beginning of dr. egadd’s meddling in parallel universes, ultimately culminating in a handy and portable paintbrush that allows bowser jr. to revise an entire probabilistic distribution of timelines in super mario sunshine -- chronologically SM64 must precede the original SMB, which implies that somehow bowser’s infernal machinations caused the mario universe to lose an entire spatial dimension and/or travel to the past relative to our universe, which is thoroughly beyond the scope of this essay)
thus mario in the PU grid can be thought of as permissible particle excitations in their respective fields, and QPU-alignment can be thought of as appropriate routes to the particle interactions you would like to observe:
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yes, this would seem to imply that many particle collisions generated at the large hadron collider and immediately discarded by the event filtering system may have been capable of containing interesting interactions or novel physics, but it likely would have been in overly complex edge cases that involved diverging from the most efficient QPU-alignment, and returning to it, before generating the uncommon particle interactions under observation: 
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”but that can be difficult if you’re not near out of bounds” -- or, stated another way, unsual particle interactions may have resulted from a chain of QPU-misaligned and individually uncommon interactions, each on the tail of their own individual probability distributions:
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it’s necessary of course to note that one particle can have one or more decay products, so it’s perhaps more helpful to specifically identify mario as a quark and not an electron, with the fireballs he carries being a more appropriate analogy for electrons (and neutrinos). if we assume mario can decay into a mario/wario pair of equal or lower energy -- propagating, transforming, subdividing, and recombining across the PU grid -- thus we can derive 1) matter/antimatter asymmetry and 2) baryon/lepton number conservation, which can both be thought of as simply protagonist bias: 1) any character can transform into another, but there must always be more marios than warios or else it would be a wario game, and there cannot be an exactly equal number of marios and warios without significant localized asymmetries or else they would all annihilate each other and nothing would be happening, which we know not to be the case, and 2) all characters interact with multiple types of fireball, but they cannot decay into them, nor can fireballs decay into characters:
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of course, really each generation of matter has its respective type of fireball, and even aside from character transmutation, mario can also change the color of his clothes without changing his identity, as well as some other stuff (i.e. yoshi, the force carrying boson of electromagnetism; the 8 goombas of the strong force, which have color charge; or the mass-governing peach boson) -- but these details don’t much matter much for our purposes:
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in this way you can think of all particle collisions as some combination of marios and antimarios (and luigis and antiluigis) throwing hot and cold fire and antifire at each other and constantly trading identities in some kind of freaky friday writ large, with a virtual horde of goombas and yoshis popping in and out of existence in an attempt to try and mediate the conflict, while peach and bowser govern the parameters of war from their ivory towers. the more astute among you may have also noticed that bowsonic and marionic material can also decay into each other. ha ha, yes! they can, and it is also possible to create a peach boson out of marionic matter, but this was only recently confirmed in 2012. peach may employ an extremely difficult-to-detect type of peach-only fireball for political ends, but it has never been observed (the graviton). now, take “defacto speed” as an analogue for relativistic time dilation:
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hgggq... fuckign..,. loop quantum gravity
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as you can see, hhh the nature of probramming a circuguit in the guantum gomputer, hehh 
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*stumbles while jogging in place and just fucking goes zooming off into a portal to another universe*
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