#when he was a kitten and slept on my neck
merryfortune · 1 year
i wanna make a list of all my favourite buster memories but i keep crying
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fluffylino · 6 months
you show minho and hyunjin that they don't need their husbands.
(literally got this idea while showering.)
(boypussy les go and threesome?)
-contains mature themes
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"you feel hurt, don't you. doesn't my baby deserve so much better"
hyunjin is leaning into your hand thats cradling his face. his eyes are glassy and filled with so much love. he nods slowly.
"you work so hard, take care of channie and do most of the work at home...and what do you get in return" you state.
its obvious. hyunjin's husband is cheating.
"lets forget about him, yeah" your hands are on his hips. making him grind down on you.
"f-feels good" he mumbles, blinking his tears away. hips rolling in circles on your strap.
"i know baby. how long has it been?" you ask, noticing how his breathing was already becoming heavier.
"three years" and you feel your heart break.
three years without any relief. no touching. no pleasing. no source of pleasure. and hyunjin is crying again. shoulders shaking.
you thrust up hard. hitting that spot inside that has him doubling over himself.
"ahhh-hhm" mouth forming an 'o' shape. fingers balling the fabric of your shirt.
"princesses deserves to be fucked like royalty"
you say, bringing your hand up to wipe the tears on his cheeks. moving lower to thumb as his sensitive nubs.
its asked so innocently. you're ready to give him the world. more than ready to knock out his husband. the next statement being high pitched whines.
"yeah baby..yeah" your voice cracking at how truly pretty hyunjin was. bouncing on your dick. shoulder length hair moving around. his arms hooked around your neck.
so you slip your hand down. pressing it to his swollen clit. and he keens.
squirming when you rub at him in a way that makes his orgasm speed up.
"please, c-can i? please p-please mmh-" he's begging. holding out till you give him your permission.
what a good boy, you thought. you wanted to make him yours. and he wanted to be yours.
"cream all over doll"
and he's cumming. melting into you. no longer able to hold himself up. you help him ride it out. not pulling out. instead letting him stick close to you.
"w-want you as my...wife" he mumbles, lifting his head up. moaning when you cup his face.
kissing him with an intensity that makes his heart race. 
"stop being a fucking brat" minho yells harshly. getting up to walk towards the other. hyunjin throws the book on the floor, standing up.
"you probably slept with jisung" he says. poking a finger at minho.
"Never. and you. you kept flirting with seungmin" 
snapping you out of your thoughts. you take off your headphones. realising that if you hadn't at that moment, the two of them would have started to fight physically.
"go fuck yourself!" is what hyunjin shouts back, storming into another room.
maybe it was a bad idea to bring them both here. to your apartment.
"yeah ill fuck you instead" and that sends a sinful thought in your mind.
what if.
just what if. sex was the solution.
to bring them closer. to make them forget about their husbands. instead make them grow closer.
and realise.
"minho please" you ask, straddling him to keep him from running away. he refuses to look you in the eye. "hyunjin is going through a lot right now-"
"so am i. its always hyunjin this hyunjin that. what about me"
"listen to me." your tone is firm. one thing you hate is getting cut off midway while talking. and minho shuts up. because he knows.
"eat him out" in any other situation you'd be laughing at his expression. he looked like one of those bewildered kittens. his immediate response is a no. and there is a couple minutes of silence before.
"w-why?" he asks. but you don't feel like explaining. so you ask him to trust you fully on this.
when you walk into the room. hyunjin is sulking in the pillows. face completely hidden.
"aah" minho huffs out, as hyunjin bucks his hips at his teasing. tongue laving into his warm cunt.
filthy lewd sounds filling your ears. you stand behind minho. sliding your fingers into him. taking him by surprise.
"bet your husbands were never this good"
its a casual statement. but the reaction it gives you is enough. the realisation setting in. the compromising positions. the fact that they were doing this.
"the two of you are beautiful. just tainted by this horrible world"
minho whines when you take your digits out. and hyunjin starts tearing up again. 
you're ready to comfort him but minho is quicker. moving away to clamber over him. holding his shaky hand.
"don't cry doll shhh" gently pushing his hair away from his face.
hyunjin is taken aback by the sudden kind gesture.
minho and him were always a bit...awkward. and there was always this lingering tension between them.
And when they found you. it had strengthened. you had made them realise they were loved. they deserved to be loved. they loved you. and you loved them. regardless of everything they were going through.
and maybe you end up fucking hyunjin in doggy style.
overstimulating his tight little pussy while he's gasping and struggling to eat out his beloved minho.
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moonstruckme · 7 months
Omg doctor!remus sounds like such a great bf!! I need him 😭 could you please write a full story (I can’t think of the name so I’m going with story) on it please? You’re writing is top notch honestly 🫶🫶 I absolutely love ittt
Thanks my lovely!
part 1 | part 2
Doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
When you get out of bed Remus is already in the kitchen, the smell of coffee and eggs wafting to meet you down the hallway. Normally you wake with your stomach already rumbling and the prospect of a ready-made breakfast from your sweet boyfriend would make you salivate, but this morning you can’t seem to locate your appetite. Must be due to the big dinner you had last night; the dahl James had sent Remus home with had been enough to feed a family, but the two of you had scarfed it all down nonetheless. 
“You slept in this morning,” Remus observes when he hears you come into the kitchen.
You snort, leaning against the counter to watch him work. “Yeah, a whole extra ten minutes.” 
“Hey, that’s a lot for you,” he replies teasingly, but it’s true. You’re almost always up before Remus’ alarm goes off, the sunrise enough to rouse you while Remus turns into his pillow, moaning and groaning. “You must have been sleeping hard. You were mouth breathing all night.” 
You know; you’d woken with a sore throat and drool crusted on one side of your chin. “You’re such a princess,” you tell him, sniffing harshly in an attempt to clear your nasal passages. They must have gotten clogged from you not breathing through them all night. “I can’t believe my mouth breathing wakes you up when I have to sleep through your snores every night.” 
“You love my snores, they’re like a kitten’s purr,” Remus contests lightly. He flips an egg, looking at you a little more closely as you lean hard against the counter, eyes still droopy and aching with exhaustion. You can’t seem to shake the sleep from you this morning. “You doing alright, sweetheart? You look a bit flushed.” 
“Hm?” you blink at him, having become transfixed upon the sizzling egg in the pan. “Yeah, m’just tired. How’re you, honey?” 
Remus’ stare narrows. “I’m good, but you’re redirecting.” He flips the egg onto a plate, turning to give you his full attention. “C’mere, darling. Let me have a look at you.” 
You sigh, a tad dramatic and your boyfriend’s smile indicates he knows it, but cross the kitchen to stand in front of him. Remus grips your hips in long-fingered hands, hoisting you onto the counter and positioning himself between your legs before you can protest.
You roll your eyes as he brings his knuckles to your forehead. His brows cinch, and he moves to cup the back of your neck, absentmindedly smoothing the baby hairs at your nape. “Mm, thought so,�� he hums. “You’re running a bit hot, my love.” 
You make a low whining sound. “Seriously? I have to get ready for work in, like, ten minutes.” 
“Don’t worry about that, there’ll be no work for you today.” Remus gives your thigh a little pat. “Stay put while I get the thermometer.” 
You lean your head back against the cabinets, closing your eyes against the worsening ache in your temples. “This is overkill,” you call after him. “I don’t feel bad enough to call out of work.” 
“This,” Remus says, and you can hear the bathroom drawer opening and shutting, “is called getting ahead of it, dove.” You open your eyes as he comes back into the room, too late to avoid him seeing the lethargy in your features. A tiny divot appears between his brows. “I’m glad you don’t feel too poorly yet, but pushing through will only give it time to get worse,” he murmurs, cupping your face in one hand as he settles the thermometer in your opposite ear. His thumb strokes at your jaw while you wait for the beep. 
When it does go off, Remus pulls it away with a frown. “Alright, I guess we’re both staying home today.” 
“What?” you move to hop down from the counter, but Remus stops you with a hand on your shoulder, turning the thermometer so you can see it. 
“You’re on the high end of thirty eight, sweetheart. I’m not leaving you here by yourself when it could still get worse.” His touch slides up to your face again, thumbing sympathetically at the overwarm skin of your cheek. “What symptoms are you feeling?” 
“Please don’t call out of work because of me,” you insist. “I’ll take it easy, I promise. You have appointments, Rem.” 
“Not very many today, and Sheila can take some of those,” he says patiently. “What are your symptoms, honey?”
You try not to look too sullen, but now that Remus is hellbent on taking care of you, it’s difficult not to acknowledge the achy, feverish feeling you’ve carried out of bed with you. “My nose is stuffed up,” you admit, and Remus nods like he knows that already, “and my throat kind of hurts.” 
Remus hums sympathetically, rubbing at your leg. “Anything else? Nausea, muscle pain, headache?”
“Headache,” you confirm quietly. 
“Mhm.” His fingers probe gently at the lymph nodes around your neck and jaw. You do your best to stay still for him. “Did you have your flu jab?” 
You’re quiet, and Remus drops his hands, giving you a despondent look. 
“Dove. How many times did I remind you to go?” 
“It was never convenient!” You protest, growing sheepish under his accusatory gaze. “And I never usually get the flu anyways.” 
He makes an incredulous sound. “I seem to recall you saying the same thing last year.” 
“That was a cold,” you insist. 
“Right.” He rolls his eyes at you, but the squeeze he gives your knee indicates he’s not irredeemably upset with you, even if you are in trouble. “When you get your medical degree, you can try arguing that one.” He turns away from you, opening the fridge. “Until then, I want you to drink this—” he passes you a bottle of water “—and then go get in bed.” 
You grin. “Remus Lupin, if you wanted me in bed so badly, you didn’t have to come up with this whole charade to get me there.” 
Remus has learnt well how to hide a smile from spending so much time with James and Sirius, yet you swear you detect the faintest twitch of his lips as he rolls his eyes at you. “Glad to see your wit’s still intact somewhere in that slow-roasting brain of yours,” he comments. 
“You can’t set up one like that and expect me not to knock it down.” You shrug with a sniffle. He gives the water bottle in your hand a pointed look, and you open it, taking an exaggerated sip. “Thanks for taking care of me,” you say in a more genuine tone. 
Remus visibly softens, leaning forward to kiss your cheek. “That’s what I do,” he replies.
“I really brought your work home, huh?” 
“It’s not work, honey.” He closes his eyes, brushing another kiss against your forehead. “Not when it’s you.” 
You wonder if a heart can break your ribs from swelling too large. Maybe you’ll ask him sometime.
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xxblairexxss · 9 months
Fluffy child
Pairing : Charles Leclerc x reader
Theme : Fluff
Word count : 2.1k
A/N : Not really sure about this one. Sorry if it’s not up to your expectation, anon!
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"Baby, I need to go now!"
"Wait!" You yelled back and picked up your fluffy son in your arms before making your way to your boyfriend, who was all prepared to leave with his small luggage. "Teddy said bye!”
He cackled as you waved the fluffy hand while the cat was looking very unamused as he was forced to wear the shirt. "Where did you get that?”
It was a toddler size Ferrari shirt with the number 16 at the back that you ordered months ago. "From a random website! Isn’t it cute? He liked it!” You squealed and kissed Teddy’s cheek.
"I don’t think he likes it, baby. Look at the face. He’s definitely giving you a side eye.” You laughed at your boyfriend’s horrible attempt to copy the expression. "I need to go now. I love you."
"There you go.” Teddy rolled down on the floor as you crouched to place him down before wrapping your arms around Charles’ neck as he kissed you on the cheek. "I’ll miss you!"
"I’ll miss you more. Teddy, don’t get used to my absence; it’ll only be 4 days."
"Yeah, definitely. I mean—" Charles’ attentiveness to the conversation snapped when his phone rang. A smile instantly lit up his face when he saw the heart emoji at the end of the contact’s name. He usually got a few pictures of Teddy, your cat, every day, more if he was away. There were more pictures of the cat himself than your pictures in his phone by now.
Scooting the chair a little further away from Lando and Alex, he swiped the answer button and brought the phone to his ear, anticipating your voice. "Hey, baby!"
"Charles, he's gone…"
He frowned, unable to catch the words. Your voice was shaking, and there were a lot of voices where he was currently. "Sorry, baby. I didn’t hear you. What was that?"
"Teddy’s gone…" 
He heard you sniffle and choppy breathing, making his hand itching to hold you in his arms right now.
"Charles, where are you going?” Lando called out after seeing the Ferrari driver stand up abruptly.
"My room." That was all he said as he left the table and made his way to the driver’s room, away from anyone else so he could hear you clearly.
Teddyy was a kitten you found outside a library back when you were a student. He came to the family at an early stage of the relationship. Charles always preferred a dog, but you managed to change his mind, or maybe he was forced to change his mind because wherever you were, Teddy would be by your side. Even in bed. So he never really got to say no to the fluff of cloud. He was very vocal and proud of being a dad as well. In fact, people would always ask him about Teddy more than himself whenever he bumped into the fans. It surely felt like Teddy was slowly taking over the spotlight.
You woke up yesterday morning and headed to the kitchen to do your daily routine, which was to feed your child. There should be a mini-race between you and him about who got to reach the kitchen first, and he would have blasted out his vocal chords to alarm the whole apartment that he required food right there and then, but yesterday was different. He was just lying down on his bed, looking so weak that you had to bring him to the emergency vet. You stayed at the vet for hours up until he got surgery, alone and unable to ring Charles due to the time difference. It was 2 hours after the surgery that the vet told you he passed away due to the stress that the surgery caused. You were told he suffered from a disease that could be infected by a virus that was hard to detect, and it wasn’t your fault, but it definitely felt like it. You haven’t slept; you couldn’t look at his blue-coloured glass bowl without crying, and you needed Charles.
He didn’t say anything throughout the video call, which lasted for at least an hour. You were filling him up with everything that happened with your puffy eyes, messy hair bun with your knitted cardigan, and looking like a divorced housewife who couldn’t move on from their cheater husband.
"I’m all good now. A little sad," You sniffed and wiped the tears with your oversized sweatshirt sleeve that was a little darker in colour from being used as a replacement for a tissue. "but I’m good."
Charles smiled, his heart swelling from seeing the way you tried to play it off just so he wouldn’t have to worry too much. “Are you sure you are okay, angel? I can stay on the phone longer. They don’t need me until 3, at least.” His gaze went to the top left of his phone screen. It was 2:57 PM.
"No, it’s okay." You brought the phone closer and managed a smile after seeing the way he looked at you. "Good luck."
"I love you, precious. I’ll probably arrive by midnight. You don’t have to wait for me, alright?"
You rubbed your eyes, nodding to his question before waving as he ended the call. The brown, printed blanket was back clinging to your body as you turned yourself into a cocoon and scrolled through pictures of Teddy while F1TV was airing on your television with just a few hours to go before the race.
Everything had to make the loudest sound when he needed to be quiet. The sound of his shoe against the floor, which was usually silent as the grave, had to be the loudest ever at this hour. The sound of something shuffling against the floor made him whip his head as fast as he could towards the hallway, as soon as he closed the door.
The shuffling sound came faster and louder as he made his way deeper into the dark hallway and stumbled back as you threw yourself against him. Too fast that he didn’t catch a glimpse of your body coming.
“F—you scared me.” He breathed out, and his arm went around your petite frame. He didn’t turn on the light because you often fell asleep on the couch, and he would hate himself for waking you up, but every sound in the dark would be connected to a burglar. He would have thrown a kick if he hadn’t caught the lavender scent from your body wash as you crashed into him earlier. "I thought you were asleep."
"I was waiting for you." 
The thumping sound filled the silence as he let go of the bag he was holding with his other hand as he held you when you started crying in his arms. "Baby…"
It felt like you had drained out every salty liquid you had left because you were dehydrated after soaking Charles’ black shirt with your tears. You were flushed red when he cackled at you as you apologised for the mess.
"You should change out of this." He jerked back as you tugged on the shirt.
"Don’t be silly. Baby, stop trying to strip me. This is an assault."
You tugged on it again. "Go and change! It probably has my snot on it."
"Okay, and?"
"It’s disgusting!" 
"Just tell me if you want to see my body. There’s no need to make up an excuse.” You rolled your eyes and left the kitchen while Charles waited for the linguine noodles to cook.
"Is it done?”
You looked adorable with the puffy eyes and his hoodie, which seemed to be twice the size of your body, but Charles refused to say it out loud because you would turn down the compliment as if he were making fun of you. "It’s done, but it’s mine.” He had eaten earlier on the plane, but he didn’t have to ask to know you hadn’t eaten anything. He knew you from the back of his hand. He also knew you wouldn’t say no to your favourite food, butter pasta, so even when you told him you weren’t hungry, he still ended up cooking the food just because he wanted you to eat.
"Can I have a bite?” You wished he didn’t hear your stomach grumble.
Your phone was placed on your lap as he feed you a mouthful so as you leaned in, and he caught a glance of a recent picture of you and Teddy on your screen. He hadn’t really gotten to ask why or what happened because it didn’t seem like you were ready for it. All he knew was that you had to bring him to the emergency room because he wasn’t responding well, and that was it. "Baby, what happened?"
"It was my fault.” You sighed, frustrated with yourself, as you pressed the bottom part of your palm against your eyes to stop the tears.
Charles placed his hand on your waist, and you felt him keep stroking his thumb against it while you tried to gather your emotions. "I should have known something was wrong when he didn’t really want to eat his food two days ago, but I thought it was because of the new brand of food that I recently bought. I’m such a bad mom."
He took the plate away before drawing you into his arms. "You were the best owner any cat could ask for, baby. There are some things that are beyond our control. It wasn’t your fault. We even bought him for a monthly checkup. We did everything we could. You weren’t neglecting him just because you couldn’t detect his sickness early. He was looking fine even before I left."
"I miss him so much..." 
"I know, precious. I know." The screen of your phone lights up again from a light touch of your clothes. "How about you show me pictures of him that I haven’t seen?"
"Won’t it be boring?” You wiped your tears with your sleeves again as you went to your photo album and scrolled through thousands of pictures and videos of him throughout the year. "Have you seen this one?"
"Which one?" He pulled you closer as you laid on his chest.
"This one." You chuckled and clicked on the play button. "It was when I bought a new mouse toy for him, and he was so excited that he fell off the bed from chasing it."
He was listening to you attentively until you asked to go to sleep. Truth be told, he hadn’t slept at all, even on the plane on his way back to fight the jet lag. He nearly fell asleep standing while he was waiting for the block of butter to melt against the pan, but it was worth it to joke around, to lighten up the mood, to lend you his shoulder, ears, and shirt to soak your tears with because as he stepped into the house, he knew he had a responsibility as your boyfriend. Sleep could wait; he would be happy to watch the same video of Teddy just from different angles a hundred times if that was what made you smile.
Charles squinted his eyes as he caught you walking back to the car with a paper bag of fruits on your left hand and something fluffy on your right. The door to the shotgun seat was opened as you got in, and the fluffy thing you were holding meowed.
He had a lot of questions, but he didn’t know where to start. He thought you said you wanted to drop by the supermarket real quick to get some fruits, and he just had to wait in the car. What was supposed to be 20 minutes turned out to be longer than that. He even had to call you to ask why you were taking so long and if you needed his help, to which you said no, and now you brought in a fluffy, moving animal as if it were part of the fruits.
"Baby, what…did you buy?“
"Oh!" You let go of the kitten and took out the small packets of everything inside the paper bag. "I bought strawberries! Blueberries and some bananas. I also got some marshmallows!”
"And what is that?” Charles arched his brow, eyes on the kitten on your lap.
"Which one?" You tilted your head.
“Oh! It’s a kitten!” You beamed.
"Ah, it’s a kitten! I wouldn’t have guessed. Y/N, did you think you could sneak in a kitten in the car and I wouldn’t find out about it?” He was so lost for words that he ended up chuckling.
"I found Boo on the side of the street!” You picked the kitten up and booped on the nose.
"Who is Boo? It has a name already?" 
"Can we take her, please? Please, please! I can’t just leave her on the street. She was hungry too!” You cradled the kitten against your chest and tried not to make any eye contact with your boyfriend so that he would just accept his fate and drive home. “Look at the face! She reminds me of Teddy!”
"Well, she has a name already. Let’s just go home, Boo."
✧.* general tag list! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando @ohthemisssery @ru-kru @tastebaldwin @f1obessed @love4lando @shinrjj @ietss @leclerc13 @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart @xcinnamongirl @boiohboii @formula1mount @judespoision @alwaysclassyeagle @scenesofobx @mrsmaybank13 @vildetry06 @harriesgolden
If your usernames were crossed, meaning I can’t tag you! Let me know if you would like to be removed or to be added to the tag list! Or if I missed anyone!
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withlove-angel · 9 months
⚠️Warnings: slightly smut?, pet names
Favorite lunch
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It was a sunny day, no clowd could be seen in the sky... the straw hat's crew already give up, no one could dare to enter the room of the green hair swordsman... well... almost no one...
Of course they leave the task to wake Zoro to luch (as he didn't wake up for breakfast) to y/n that somehow didn't get hurt when woke him up from his precious naps
The girl carefully enter his room, walking towards him as she slightly shake him
"Zoro, wake up" y/n say soft. She giggles at the poorly attemp of looking through the bright light of the swordsman.
He grows as he opens a little his eyes, his horse voice due the time he slept "What's the time?"
"Lunch time" she answer quietly, a smile on her face as she is almost drowning at the image infront of her.
"Yeah, yeah... tell the waiter to make something quick. I wanna get back to my nap." He turn around again, letting the poor girl with the view of his muscular back
"Babe" she shakes him gently again using the nickname she only uses when they are alone "the luch is alredy ready"
She couldn't see, but a small smirk formed on his face when he heard the nickname "I heard ya the first time." He rubs his face, getting up groggily "What time did you wake me? I wanted to nap for a bit longer..."
For the first time he opened his eyes and looked at his secret girlfriend. Y/n had her happy smile on, god he loves this girl so much... Of couse he won't tell anyone this... "everyone's already on the kitchen..."
"Yeah, yeah... I'm coming... Let me stretch a bit..." Zoro stretches and yawns. His muscles are visible with his t-shirt despite the loose fit. Y/n blushes a bit and looks at the floor "kitten, are you allright? You seem... distracted."
"What? I..." her blush got worse as she look away, at the wall this time "nothing"
He chuckles, walking closer to her, gently lifts her chin "C'mon. No need to be coy... What's on your mind?"
Her doe eyes widen at his touch, his forcing her to look up "just... you" she answer quietly almost like a whisper
"And yet you couldn't look me in the eyes?" his voice is calm and comforting, a slight grin on his face
She look away again, her face looking like a little tomato "dont tease me, you just woke up"
Zoro laugh slightly as he lifts her up and pins her down on his desk, making her wrap her legs around his hips as he press both bodies together "well...I'm about to eat something better than lunch" He leans down to kiss her neck, y/n letting off a small yelp, that only made Zoro grip on her waist tight.
"Z-zoro" she whines "t-they are waiting for us" she sutter as her hands travel to his neck and back
"I'm in no hurry. This pirate's got his treasure in his hands" He leans in again, this time going for her mouth "and i will make sure to enjoy it"
Thanks for reading, if you like please ♡, will mean a lot to me
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 17 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley keeps making up little excuses to see you every day, not wanting his winning streak to end just yet. And when Everett is the one benefitting from these plans, it just makes you want your boyfriend even more. But when Frank embarrasses you in front of Bradley, you feel like the winning streak is coming to an end. 
Warnings: Smut, fluff, angst and swearing
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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The fact that you didn't have to wait even an entire day to see Bradley after he slept over made you feel so good. But the amount of work you managed to get through was laughable, even for a Monday, because you couldn't stop thinking about him. When you picked Everett up from school and drove to the ballfield, both of you were buzzing with excitement. 
"Coach Bradley makes good pancakes," Everett said. "Not to be rude, but they are better than the ones you make."
You took a deep breath and glanced at him in the rearview mirror as you pulled into the parking lot. "Ev, are you sure you're okay with Bradley spending more time with us? Like maybe being at our house for dinners and breakfasts?"
"Yeah! He's going to help me with baseball stuff and math homework."
He was going to stick around. You made him work for his apology, because you were scared, but he was sincere. It struck you that Bradley was already so much more dependable and loving than Danny had ever been, and that made your heart ache for Everett. Maybe you should reconsider your current arrangement with your ex.
Bradley was jogging up to meet you as you parked next to his Bronco, and he was opening your door and leaning in to kiss you before you turned the engine off. 
"I missed you, Kitten," he whispered before his lips met yours, and he ran his fingers along the chain of your necklace. You looked up at him and smiled as Everett scrambled out of the backseat, and soon he was standing beside Bradley, right next to your door. 
"Did you have a good day at school?" Bradley asked him, turning Everett's hat backwards so they matched. 
"It was kind of dumb compared to the Phillies game."
Bradley nodded very seriously at him. "Most things are."
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
You laughed. They were like twins in their interests and love of baseball. "Let's go get your cleats on, Ev." But to your surprise, Bradley did up Everett's shoes on the bleachers, then sent him over to Bob, and then kissed you. Right in front of everyone. A long, lingering kiss, after which he whispered in your ear how much he loved having a sleepover with you. 
And then he was gone, and the matching scowls on the faces of Sandra and Tara had you giddy.
"Holy hell," Molly gasped, walking up behind you. "When I didn't hear from you last night, I figured that was a good thing."
You hugged your sister and kissed her cheek and whispered. "I have a boyfriend." She smiled at you and took your hand. Then you sat together and watched both of the coaches while you cheered for Everett.
When Bradley walked you and Everett to your car, he caught sight of Molly and Bob making out in the parking lot. He figured another family pizza night would be in his future. And he wanted nothing more than to be making out with you, but there would be time for that later. 
"Thanks for packing me a lunch today," he whispered, pushing you up against your car door after Everett was buckled in. He pictured the brown paper bag with Coach written on one side with a bunch of hearts. 
"Oh, did you like that?" 
"All the guys were so jealous," he said with a smirk, pinning your hips in place with his big hands. "They had to eat cafeteria food, and nobody drew hearts for them."
Your laughter as he kissed your neck made him smile. "I'll pack you a lunch whenever you sleep over."
"You're never gonna get rid of me," he whispered, sucking on the spot just below your ear. The idea of not seeing you and Everett tomorrow had him inviting you to visit him on base right away. "If you want to bring Everett to North Island after you pick him up from school tomorrow, I'd love to show you guys off."
You laughed as you opened your car door. "Don't you mean show off your jet?"
"No. Show you off."
You ran your hand along his abs, caressing him through his sweaty shirt. Bradley kissed you one more time as you climbed in. 
"So you'll come?" he asked, leaning down as you buckled your seatbelt. 
You smirked and turned toward Everett. "Bradley invited us to visit the Naval base tomorrow after school. Wanna go?"
His eyes went wide as he bounced in his seat. "Yes! I've wanted to go since Career Day! All my friends think I'm the coolest because I invited the best adult!"
Bradley laughed and said, "I'll see you both tomorrow."
When he arrived on base on Tuesday and told everyone that you and Everett were going to visit that afternoon, Nat started freaking out. 
"What does this mean, Rooster?" she asked, looking at him with hopeful eyes. 
"It means Hangman managed to help my unfuck everything up after he fucked it up."
Jake smirked. "I am sorry. But you shouldn't let me around your cute girlfriend. That goes for you too, Bob."
"So you're both officially dating the sisters?" Nat asked with a grin.
"Yes," Bradley and Bob said in unison, and Bradley noticed how flushed Bob's cheeks were. 
Jake snorted. "Sounds like a porno. Are you two gonna switch hit?" he asked, and Nat elbowed him so hard in the ribs, Bradley thought he heard something snap. 
"What?" Bob asked innocently. "What does that mean?"
"It means Jake is a pig and he's about to shut the fuck up for the rest of the day," Nat said loudly while Bradley shook his head.
"Seriously, can you keep your mouth shut in front of her this time? And her son? The last thing I need is you teaching him something filthy."
Jake winced and rubbed his side while he drawled, "You don't want me rubbing off on your stepson?"
Eight weeks ago, the idea of anything even close to a stepson in Bradley's life would have been laughable. But now, the thought didn't bother him at all. He was actually warming up to it more and more. 
"No. I do not. Keep your mouth shut."
The security protocols to get onto the base at Top Gun were extensive. You had to wait while someone with a dog searched your car, and someone else checked underneath it with mirrors. Everett practically vibrated in his booster seat when he saw the security dog, but you told him over and over again that he wasn't allowed to touch a working dog. 
But when you finally pulled into the visitor's parking area, Bradley was standing on the curb with Bob, waiting for you. And they were both wearing their flight suits. You were staring, you knew you were, but the way that thing fit Bradley was a real treat. And when he opened your door for you and pulled you right into his arms, you kissed him immediately. 
"Hi, Kitten," he whispered, his voice as deep as it was when he was tangled up in bed with you, and you forgot for a second why you were here. "Ready for a quick tour?"
"Yeah," you told him, while you followed Bob and Everett inside to a hangar filled with jets and equipment. You listened to Bradley and Bob explain what everything was, and you watched Bob help Everett climb up into one of the cockpits.
"Okay, okay!" Everett called out as you took his picture. "This is as cool as the Phillies game!" Obviously this was just going to add fuel to his fire; Everett already thought Bradley was the coolest adult in existence, but now you'd never hear the end of it. 
"If you think that's fun," Bradley told him, scooping Everett up for a piggy back ride, "just wait until you get to sit in my Super Hornet."
"Does it have your name on the side?" he asked in awe.
"We looked up some information online," you told Bradley and Bob. "And now he's a little obsessed with how they paint the pilot's and weapon systems officer's name and call sign on the side."
And then you stopped talking, because as soon as you exited out the far side of the hangar, you were confronted by a row of absolutely massive jets all lined up in a precise row. 
"Whoa!" Everett shouted from his perch on Bradley's back. "That one's yours!"
You looked where Everett was pointing and saw the jet with LT BRADLEY BRADSHAW "ROOSTER" emblazoned on the side. And Bradley's friend Nat was sitting in the cockpit waving down at everyone. You watched your son wave to her with a smile on his face. 
"Hi, Everett!" she called down. "Check it out! We gave you your own call sign!"
You and Everett watched as she unrolled a huge sheet of paper with Everett's name followed by "GRAND SLAM" written on it, and let it cover Bradley's name.
"Oh my goodness!" you gasped, smiling while Everett cheered. 
"I have a call sign!"
"Do you like it?" Bob asked. "You hit the ball so hard at practice, we thought it was fitting." 
"It's so cool," Everett told him, still wide eyed as Bradley carried him over to the jet. You stood next to Bob and watched Bradley help Everett climb up the ladder, and then Nat helped him into the cockpit with her.
"I've never seen him this happy before," you said, shaking your head and taking another picture. 
Bob laughed and adjusted his glasses. "I've never seen Bradley this happy before."
Your smile grew as you listened to Bradley and Nat explain all of the controls. "Well, I've never seen Molly as happy as she is now."
The endearing touch of pink that tinted Bob's cheeks had you positively certain that your sister had this man wrapped around her fingers. "Molly is..." He swallowed hard. "Well... your sister..." he started. "Yeah. I'm happy, too."
"If everyone is happy, we should try to keep it that way," you told him, and that's when you noticed Jake strolling over. 
He nodded at you while Bob shot him a warning look. "You better be nice to Team Mom," he warned. 
But Jake just held up his hands as you turned away from him to glance up at Bradley, Nat and Everett. "I want to apologize," Jake drawled, and you looked at him with a smirk. "I spoke out of turn last time I saw you, and I'm sorry. Clearly that man is into moms," he said, jerking his thumb in Bradley's direction. 
You snorted. "Apology accepted."
Bradley eventually helped Everett down the ladder with the promise of visiting the popcorn machine in the lounge. When you grabbed Bradley's hand and pulled him closer, you whispered, "I wouldn't be upset if you wanted to stop by my place for a bit after Ev is in bed later."
The look on Bradley's face let you know that he knew exactly what you had in mind. 
Bradley had been in your house for about thirty seconds when you worked the zipper down the front of his flight suit and sunk to the floor in front of him.
"Oh, fuck," he groaned, shrugging out of the sleeves as you pulled his cock out of his underwear and wrapped your lips around him. You were still all made up from work and the visit to base, but you'd changed into sweatpants and a sports bra. Bradley reached down to rub your peaked nipples through the thin fabric while your red lips gilded expertly over his length. "Jesus, Kitten."
You just hummed and looked up at him as your tongue swirled in a delicious circle that had him taking a deep breath. You bobbed your mouth along, your eyes locked on his, watching him come undone for you. Hands on his thighs, you occasionally teased his balls with your fingernails. And when he got a little rough with his hands at the back of your head, you just moaned around him, letting him hit the back of your throat. 
But Bradley almost passed out when he growled, "I'm so close." Because you popped him out of your mouth and pumped your hand along his length while you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out for him. The sight of his cum painting your lips, tongue and cheeks white had him thrusting into your hand. A sound halfway between a laugh and a surprised gasp escaped his lips as you looked up at him, a drop of his cum falling from your lip onto your tongue. 
And then you were sucking on the tip of his softening dick like a lollipop, and Bradley's eyes drifted closed. "It's not my birthday. I didn't get promoted. Today was just a Tuesday, but that felt like an extra special treat."
"How do you know every blowjob I give you won't be just like that one?" you asked with a smile as Bradley swiped his cum from your cheek with two fingers. 
You sucked them into your mouth while he moaned. "Kitten."
Once you had licked up every last drop, Bradley pulled you to your feet and kissed you. "It was kind of an extra special treat," you told him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "For today. And the Phillies game, too. Every time you're sincerely sweet to Everett, it makes me insanely horny for you, Bradley."
"I love that kid," he replied as he nipped along your lips. "And I love you, too."
Bradley wanted to sleep over, but it was late, and Wednesday was his early morning. But he followed you up to your bathroom, and watched you take off your makeup and brush your teeth. And then he tucked you in bed with a kiss to your forehead. "I will sleep over a different night," he promised, and then he paused in your doorway as you looked at him, all snuggled in your plush bedding. "Okay if I go check on Ev?"
"Yes," you whispered, looking at him like you were ready to climb out of bed and suck him off again. Bradley could get used to this. Surprise blowjobs and packed lunches and baseball in the park. You and Ev.
When he quietly walked down the hallway and peeked inside Everett's bedroom, he watched his small, strong body rise and fall with each breath. He glanced around and then smiled when he saw that you or Everett hand hung up the banner with Everett's call sign. It was just a big roll of paper. If Everett really liked having an honorary call sign, Bradley would get him something that said Grand Slam on it for him. 
Before Bradley left, he walked back into your bedroom where you were nearly asleep. He kissed you while you smiled against his lips. "Good night," he whispered but you grabbed his hand when he turned to leave. 
"I left something on the kitchen counter for you. It's in an envelope."
"What is it?" he asked. 
You held his eye contact for a beat before you said, "A house key."
Bradley's heart skipped a beat, and when he finally managed to make his way downstairs, he grabbed the envelope that said Coach in your handwriting. Then he locked up behind himself when he left.
You had given Bradley a key to your house after you'd been dating him for a matter of days. Probably barely forty eight hours. But when you got to work on Wednesday morning, Bradley texted you a picture of his keyring resting in his palm, and there was your house key, shining in the sunlight. And then you stopped caring that it seemed quick.
When your stomach started growling, you realized it was after lunchtime, and before you could even process what that meant, there was a knock on your office door. And then Frank was in your personal space. 
"I didn't see you before. Did you skip lunch?" he asked, watching your every movement as you stood up behind your desk and straightened out your lace top underneath your blazer. 
"I'm not hungry," you lied. "Is there something I can help you with, Frank?" 
He shrugged and sat on the edge of your desk. "I just miss you. I thought I would go pick up a sandwich or something if you wanted me to. I would be happy to."
Your stomach growled loudly at the mere mention of a sandwich, completely giving you away. But then you heard another blessed knock on your door, and you loudly told whomever it was to come in. 
"Bradley!" you exclaimed when you saw your boyfriend standing there eyeing up Frank as you rushed around your desk to get to him. "What are you doing here?" you asked softly. He wrapped his right arm around your waist while he held a bag and a bouquet of flowers in his left hand. 
"I missed you, Kitten," he replied. "I wanted to keep my streak going. I'm up to four days in a row of seeing you now."
You were about to kiss him when Frank cleared his throat loudly. You turned to look at the confused expression on his face, but Bradley didn't budge at all. Instead Bradley pressed his lips to your neck and teased you while you awkwardly considered Frank. 
"Uh, Frank... this is Bradley," you said on a breathy sigh. 
"Her boyfriend," Bradley added, finally releasing your neck and heading for Frank. "Fred, was it?" he asked as they shook hands, and Frank sputtered for a moment before correcting him. 
"Are you her kid's coach?" Frank asked, eyeing Bradley's solid form warily. 
"Yeah," he replied. "I'm Everett's tee ball coach."
"Huh," Frank grunted before he turned to look at you. "Didn't think you'd be into a jock."
You smiled and said, "He's a Naval aviator, actually. Didn't you notice the uniform?"
Frank skimmed his gaze briefly over Bradley before strolling over to you and saying, "Why don't you let me take you out for lunch? I know you're hungry."
"Frank. No," you said, shaking your head. "No. I don't want to get lunch with you. I've been telling you no for a while."
Bradley laughed from his spot at your desk. "I'm pretty sure she already ditched you for me weeks ago, Fred. Just leave her alone, man."
"I had sex with her on that desk," Frank blurted out loudly, and you could feel the embarrassment wash over your skin. You could barely look at Bradley. He knew you'd been with Frank, but you didn't want him thinking about Frank when he pictured you sitting at your desk. 
"Probably the best two minutes of your life, huh Fred?" he asked casually, closing the distance to you and scooping you up. You squeaked as you braced one hand against his service pins while you wrapped the other around his neck. He just smiled at you as he said, "Now get the fuck out. And close the door behind you."
You saw Frank's back retreating through the door as Bradley deposited you in your desk chair and opened the bag he had brought. You audibly moaned as you saw a sandwich, some pretzels and a bottle of iced tea appear on your desk. 
"I thought you might be hungry," he said as you took a huge bite out of the sandwich and nodded. "And I wanted to bring you these flowers."
You swallowed your food and told him, "Tulips are my favorite!"
"I know," he said, kissing your forehead. "I made Bob text Molly to find out. I'll remember from now on, Kitten. But I need to get back to work."
You popped up and hugged him, took a breath and whispered, "You know what Frank said? About my desk?" 
"Yeah," Bradley replied quietly, rubbing his hand up inside your blazer. 
"That was the time I was thinking about you. I couldn't stop thinking about you."
Bradley's smile was smug, and now you felt less embarrassed. 
"Next time, I'll stop by for a longer visit," he promised.
After practice on Thursday, Bradley settled into a seat at the same pizza place again, but this time Nat was there too. He was a little sweaty and dirty, but so were Bob and Everett, and you didn't hesitate to let Bradley touch you. 
"Hi," you whispered with a smile as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. Bradley watched you turn away from him to continue your conversation with Nat while Everett played tic-tac-toe on the paper tablecloth with Bob. Molly was writing Everett's name in big bubble letters from him to color in, and the waitress was dropping off a pitcher of beer and some apple juice. 
When your warm palm came to rest on Bradley's thigh just above his knee, he exhaled a deep breath and let himself appreciate how good it felt to have a little family again. Thankfully he'd had Nat around for a long time, but having Bob gave him another person he knew he could trust. And Molly was a spitfire, but now he was starting to appreciate the way your sister always stood up for you and Everett. 
As the enormous pizza was dropped off, Bradley started to cut a slice in half to make it easier for Everett to eat. You watched his every movement as everyone else started to grab slices and pour more drinks. 
"What?" he asked you softly as your eyes followed the plate that he handed to Everett. "You want me to cut your pizza up too, Kitten?" he asked teasingly. 
But you just leaned in and kissed him until Molly had to pretend like she was gagging on her food. 
Coach just wanted to show them off! And Frank, you loser, she doesn't want you! She upgraded! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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fallenangelkitten · 11 months
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Synopsis: Henry has known of your desires and has assured you’re safe to act of them. Maybe you finally will.
Warnings: somnophilia, consensual non consensual, daddy kink
Notes: I used to be fallenangelbb here on the Henry Cavill side of tumblr but deleted my account and have regretted it ever since. So here I am reposting my work :)
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My breathing faltered as I looked over at him. Henry’s hair had grown long, and his brows furrowed in his sleep. I bit down on my lip to keep the moan from slipping out of my lips as I squeezed my legs together.
He had taken the time to reassure me over and over again. To tell me that my fantasies were okay. That he would love for me to act on them. I never had.
Maybe tonight would change that.
I let my eyes trail along his exposed chest and toned stomach; he always slept bare, only the blankets and our touch for warmth. I noticed the raise of fabric along his hips, the light outline of him under the cover.
My mouth began to water.
I let my leg that rested overtop of his shift higher. I moved an arm to either side of his broad chest to support myself as I climbed onto him. His already dampened tip slid into me with ease. I felt his hips buck beneath me, causing my head to tilt back and a hushed moan to escape.
I kept my eyes on him as I slowly lifted and eased back against him. His brows furrowed and relaxed, hand repeatedly clenching the sheets beside him. I kept my pace slow to not startle him awake, but I could see his eyes shifting beneath their lids and his muscles tensing.
As I arched my back and rocked against him, a strong hand grasped my hip. My eyes flashed down to meet his.
“Good morning,” I grinned at him while my eyes rolled back.
The hand on my hip tightened.
Before I could even register his other arm snaking around my waist, Henry had me flipped onto the mattress. I squealed as he towered over me, one of those beautiful curls dangling across his forehead.
His hand flew to my mouth, making my eyes form into saucers.
“I think you’ve had your fun, kitten,” he growled. “My turn to play.”
There was nothing sweet or loving about the way he all consumed me. The way he never took his hand off of my mouth. The way the force of his hips against mine was nearly painful.
But I saw that glimmer in his eyes.
He pulled me so close to him that I could feel his breath tickle my nose. “Do you like it when I fuck you like this?” He snarled.
I was almost relieved that his hand shielded the cries I so desperately wanted to release.
“You’re such a little brat for trying to fuck Daddy in his sleep.”
He nipped at my neck and collar bone. His pace seemed to only quicken as his nails dug into my hip. Every thrust jarred my body, making me whimper into his palm.
“Is my little kitten sorry?” His head tilted to the side as one of his brows rose.
His hips never faltered.
I nodded as much as he allowed me to.
The smirk that teased on his lips alone could have sent me over the edge.
“Then cum for Daddy.”
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
I love all the dark obsessive possessive drivers but there is a real lack for my favorite bad boy nando, give me womanizer Fernando homewrecker age gap something. He just drives me crazy!
A/N: Um, yes are you kidding me I'll totally write this Bad boy Nando? Gimme it all the time
Warnings: Hints of cheating, I don't write cheating but just said you did that was it, mentions of smut
Oh god, what have you done?
Nothing in your life would ever prepare you for waking up next to someone that isn't your boyfriend. No, you're waking up next to Fernando fucking Alonso.
Slipping out of bed, you try so hard not to wake him up. Succeeding you throw on your jeans and shirt forgetting to put on your shoes, just carrying them out.
How could you do that?
With Fernando none the less, you hated that fucker. He was a no good, womanizing piece of shit dickbag and you slept with him? Jesus you'd need to douse yourself in bleach.
Yet, he gave you 4 mind-blowing orgasms one after another. Still shaking in your knees from them as you rush away from his hotel room.
"Boo." You jump out of your skin, feeling hands under your shirt and the smokey aftershave in your nose. "Fuck, don't touch me." You snap meeting the warm chestnut eyes of Fernando.
Chuckling he pulls you back in, no one able to see the two of you. Trying to fight him off, you stop when he places his knee right against your crouch, applying pressure.
"Stop, you like to act like you don't love me touching you. Yet you're the one who kept begging for more, touch me more, screamed my name that night. But that's beside the point, are you avoiding me?" He asks, smirking as he knew the answer.
"Of course I am." You seethe, cursing your body for betraying you. "Aww really? Why? I've been good." He teases placing a kiss on your neck you thrash again, but he was far stronger than you.
"You'll tell him." You admit, you loved your boyfriend and sleeping with Fernando was a horrible mistake. A mistake you hated you'd make again. Fernando leans sideways and sees your goody toeshoes boyfriend laughing with friends.
"Really? Him? Come on kitten, you need a man. You need me. I know what makes you scream, does he?" He asks pulling away he slides a card into the back pocket of your jeans, giving your ass a tight squeeze. "If you truly love him, and he knows how to please you. Don't use this card." He whispers slipping away.
"Dickbag." You whisper hating that you were going to use that card
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catsteeth · 17 days
Saw that u're taking requests for something short and sweet .
I wanna see Sandor gift y/n a kitten to show his love for her 🥹
Warmth In The Night🕯️
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Sandor x Reader CW: SFW, Fluffy fluff fluff, Fem Reader, hardly spell checked srry A/N: Of course!! Its short and sweet as requested. I hope you like it!
You were in a light sleep. You never slept too deeply when your husband was out. He preferred to hunt at night so he could watch over you as you cleaned the linens in the river and hang them on the line. He always made an excuse that he couldn’t leave until you were conveniently safely locked in your house that he built with his own hands for you. Since the war had ended you and Sandor lived quietly on a small farm.
You were awoken from your light sleep by a small and warm paw tapping at your nose. Squinting your sleepy eyes trying to focus on the fluffy brown kitten that licked at your nose. “what’s this?” You asked in a groan as you examined the small creature through sleepy eyes. 
“A dragon…” Sandor said sarcastically as he sat on your side of the bed, the weight making the bed slant slightly, waking you up even more. 
“why is there a kitten on our bed?” You asked rubbing your tired eyes before widening them as you looked at the small soft brown kitten crawl
He sat on the edge of the bed by your side, “found it.” He huffed as he pulled his foot out of his other boot, you looked at him with a raised eyebrow. You knew that was a lie. He didn’t just find a kitten in the middle of winter. “You don’t want it I'll take it back-” He said reaching for the kitten that pawed at your sleepy nose once more.
You scooped up the small creature and pulled her close into her bosom. “I didn’t say that!” You whined at him, still too sleepy to yell properly. He hid a chuckle as you pet the small warm, purring creature that drifted into sleep in your arms. You sat up holding her close, “Did you get this for me?” You smirked at him, he raised his eyebrow at you and looked away, “you did didn’t you,” You teased, crawling towards him on your knees, “sweet man-“ You whispered into his cheek as you kissed it.
“shut up about it-“ He softly hissed at you, you rested your chin on his shoulder smiling up at him.
“my sweet, sweet man,” You kissed his cheek again and again softening his stone hard demeanor. 
He turned to face you, looking at you with soft and adoring eyes. Pleased with your smile. “don’t breathe a word of it to anyone.” He half heartedly growled at you 
“Never,” You kissed his lips, he held your chin between his thumb and knuckle, kissing you deeper before you pulled away. “but you know many men give their wives gifts.” You said with a soft smile running your fingers along the soft fur of the kittens head. 
“Hmph” He huffed, “lots of cunts.” He said taking his last boot off and turning to you once more, “You like it?” he asked genuinely  in a low and deep tone.
“I do, I love it.” You kissed him before holding up the purring kitten to him,  “Go on now give her a kiss,” you teased 
“Fuck off-“ He said rolling his eyes and standing to remove his winter leathers. You giggled at his annoyance with you. 
You sank back into your warm bed, wrapping your arms around your new kitten, still debating on a name to call it.
Soon enough your husband joined you in your bed. His weight in the bed made it impossible for you not to fall into his body. He was warm and inviting so you didn’t care. 
“Husband?” you whispered as you felt his strong chest press against your back. His strong hands caress your stomach and thighs. 
“Hm?” You could feel the rumble in his chest as he responded to you.
“Thank you, my Love.” You said oh so sweetly as he leaned down and kissed your neck, biting it just a little as he gripped your belly just a little tighter, “Ah! Sandor!” you squealed and giggled.
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nivtee · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ BOTHERED. shinso hitoshi
shinso hitoshi x gn!reader
pinning ! flirting ! suggestive themes ! reader wears a skirt for the first time !
hitoshi is a thighs man. and fuck, you get him with that skirt.
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― hitoshi whose never told you but he loves your thighs
― he knows you've never slept with anyone, and even if he has, he's not going to pressure you or start that conversation with you.
― it happens in school, both of you in your third year. you're in different classes so you only see eachother at lunch. usually, he'd walk you from the dorms but he had a training session with aizawa early and couldn't see you.
― and then he sees you.
― then he sees what you're wearing.
― he's literally breathless??? holy fuck?? the skirt you're wearing is a part of the uniform, but you'd only worn pants from when you started school till today, apparently.
― its hiked up around your waist, flowing down till it sits just covering the edge of your butt.
― he cannot look away for the life of him oh my god someone get this man some water he's so fucking thirsty for you.
― he doesn't say anything until he's walking you back to the dorms and he shoved you against the door to the building, knee between your legs and his hands gripping your hips.
― "fuck, kitten, can't think straight when you're all dressed up" and he's kissing down your neck so feverishly you think you have a cold.
― his hands are wandering and there;s hickeys on your neck and then you finally drag him inside and you have to wear your pants the next day because of the hickeys covering your thighs.
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multific · 1 year
I Noticed
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Vincent de Gramont x Reader
Warnings: Mention of injury and violence, John Wick 4 spoilers
Summary: Being his sugar baby was one thing, but being in love with him was completely different.
A/N: This is a continuation of a headcanon I posted recently. Enjoy!
You couldn't believe it.
You could only look at him and now you noticed it more and more. His actions were a lot softer than in the beginning.
You recalled him spending hours at the bar, flirting with you or just looking at you, as if you were his prey, and you truly thought you were. 
But now, as you watched him wearing nothing but his boxers, he slowly walked over to the bed, he was looking at his phone, scrolling as he hummed, satisfied with what he was seeing.
Before he looked up you laid down and turned on your side, your back to him.
You lay in silence as he joined you in bed.
You heard him put his phone on the nightstand as he turned the lights off.
He soon joined you in the big bad and as if it was so natural, put his arm around you, with his palm against your stomach he pulled you towards him.
His arm stayed as you felt his hot breath hit your neck.
"Good night." he whispered with that beautiful accent as he got more relaxed and soon, fell asleep.
But you couldn't. Your mind kept racing and you didn't know anymore what to think.
You could recall when he wanted you to move in with him, in the beginning, you had your own room, you still do, but only your clothes are there.
Almost eight months ago, he asked you to join his room as he wanted you close for 'When he needed you'. But even sex wasn't as big of a part of your relationship anymore as it used to be.
And even during sex, he became more gentle. While he used to be rather rough and demanding, now he was more gentle and soft.
Was he getting tired of you?
No, with his sadistic ways, you would be either dead or long gone.
If he wanted you gone, you would be gone. And yet, here he was holding you close to his chest as he slept.
Now, you noticed the small things. You recalled the small things.
Maybe and just maybe Mrs Ghandram wasn't lying. Maybe but just maybe Vincent was in love with you.
You nearly laughed out loud.
No fucking way.
Vincent? Vincent de Gramont? In love? With you?
Probably he just got used to having you around, or the fact that he was employed to kill John Wick kept his mind busy. 
Yes. It was possibly John Wick.
"No! PLEASE!" You ran in front of Vincent as John held the gun, pointing at his head. "Don't kill him."
"Step away." said John. "MOVE!" he yelled but you didn't, you just shielded Vincent.
"You can't kill him. I'm pregnant." you could tell John was taken aback by your statement. Of course, you were lying but you were willing to if it meant saving Vincent's life. John moved the gun again, motioning for you to move but you didn't. "You wouldn't kill a pregnant woman, would you?"
"I will kill him."
"No, you won't. Judging by your wounds you should slowly lose consciousness, Mr Baba Yaga." just as you said that John's hand started to shake. "You are free. Go now." you said as John collapsed in front of you. You grabbed the gun and threw it away. 
"Look at that. My Kitten is actually pretty smart." you quickly turned around to look at him. He was bleeding from various wounds and you could tell he too, was about to faint, but thankfully not die.
The next time he woke up he was in a hospital room. A room he was probably too familiar with. 
You sat right next to him in an armchair, reading a book. 
"Kitten." he said with a quiet voice as he reached out to you, you moved closer, placing your hand in his. "Smart little girl you are. Telling him you were pregnant so he would bleed out. You saved me."
"I did what your two hunks of meat couldn't do." you said simply before you turned back to your book.
"What are you reading?"
"Harry Potter." he groaned, knowing how much you liked the books and the movies. "You should rest, Vincent, you need to heal."
"When did you stop calling me Daddy?"
"Three months ago, you never noticed?"
"But you notice everything."
"I noticed that you were in love with me." your head snapped at him as you locked eyes. "But you never noticed that I was in love for longer."
He fell first, but you fell harder.
"You should still rest." his hand squeezed yours.
"You have no idea how much power you hold, do you? I would burn the entire world down for you. I would go on a bigger rampage than the Baba Yaga himself, just for you to smile at me."
"Why are you saying this?"
"Because when you put yourself in between me and a gun, a gun that was held by John Wick, I wanted to push you away. I needed you safe. I rather die than have you killed."
"I saw your men dead, and while I do know you are trained, I couldn't... I needed to save you."
"You saved me a year and a half ago, mon amour." you wanted to laugh if it wasn't for the serious look in his eyes. 
"Tell me please that you are lying. Tell me that this is one of your cruel plays. I can still forget it, I can still let go of the hope. Please, do not play with me like this."
"I'm not playing, Princess. I am very serious. I do love you. Did you really not notice?"
"No. It was difficult, trying to push my feelings down and hide them from you while trying not to feel guilty and bad about everything." 
"You hid it very badly. Your eyes said it all. At first, I thought you liked my money, but then I found out you don't even spend it. You gave a lot to charities. To the dog shelter and the kid's hospital."
"Yeah, I thought they needed it more than I do."
"So, you never wanted my money, then it got me thinking, were you in it for the sex? Or were you just a spy to creep on me? But no. It was a shock but one evening, when I was in my office and you came in with... muffins... fucking muffins. I realized that you truly care for me. Really good muffins by the way." you smiled. "There she is. The smile I would kill for. Never stop smiling."
"Never stop giving me a reason to smile." he lifted your arm to his lips and he kissed the back of it.
"Kitten, I hope now you realize just how much you mean to me."
"I think, I always knew, deep down I must have, but I couldn't hope. The chance of you playing with me or that I was just simply stupid was too big, I couldn't risk that." you noticed how he flinched at the word stupid.
"The woman who plays the Baba Yaga himself is not stupid. Mon amour, I hope you know I stopped looking at you as my sugar baby for a long time now. You have to know that I am truthful." looking into his eyes, you could tell he wasn't lying.
"I know and we will talk about this after you heal, Vincent. Sleep please. I'll be right here." his hand squeezed yours one last time before he allowed himself to fall asleep. 
You watched him sleep for a couple minutes.
"Stop staring." he said without opening his eyes. 
"I'm not!"
"Don't lie to me, Kitten." 
He slightly moved, now both of his hands holding yours as he fell asleep. You smiled before you returned to your book.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  
Taglist: @khaleesihavilliard @l4venderia @theuncommoncorner​ @28cnn​​
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jeonsbabygirlsworld · 9 months
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SUMMARY: your morning was awesome with jungkook but as you are on the end of your day it turns a 360.
PAIRINGS: weed dealer jk X reader
WARNINGS : They both smoke weed , unprotected sex, oral (m) ,hickeys loads , jk likes when it’s messy, reader spits in his mouth , jk has a dick piercing . Changkyun and minhyun are mentioned .
A/N: I couldn’t stop myself from writing this vogue jungkook is the best thing ever 😭 Also sorry for the end hehe 😬. Please like, reblog and comment your feedback’s mean so much to me 😌♥️ENJOY SWEET PIES 🥰
You’ve been awake for a few minutes now it’s 7 a.m. in the morning, and you thought of brushing and going back to bed again for some cuddling with jungkook. He slept there naked just in his Calvin Klein boxers.
Coming back to the bed to climb on top of him pecking his lips and groaning jungkook waves you off. You smirk and start to grind on his morning wood “ What do you want y/n? It’s still seven Hun” he says groggily waking up. “I want you kook, can I ?” His hands came to palm your ass to help you grind him but you took them away from you , “Sure then go ahead”.
You softly made moaning noises when you leaned down to kiss his lips “open you mouth kook wanna spit” you said already gathering some of your saliva in your mouth , opening his mouth he let you do it. Jungkook’s hands were already between you both palming your pussy over your panties. “ go ahead rub yourself on my fingers, baby” Jungkook mumbled, moving your panties to side jungkook hissed when he felt your core already wet with your slick “your so fucking wet baby” humming you continued grinding and kissing and sucking some hickeys on his neck.
Adjusting his body a bit jungkook slides up reaching over the nightstand to grab on the rolled-up weed. Removing his boxers , Jungkook has his foreskin pierced, the site of his cock pierced made you moan “fuck kook every-time I see this piercing makes me feel things” jungkook chuckled while you played with his piercing “suck me now yeah baby, gonna smoke while you suck me” Jungkook added already lighting it up. “ yeah kook I’ll make you feel good”. You started with the firstly his heavy balls when he groaned “Yeah go, baby, spit on it, baby” Curses left his mouth.
Jungkook always had a sensitive spot for getting his balls sucked you sucked him hallowing your cheeks around one of his balls and making a sucking sound while palming his hard cock “ mph…..Jagi, gonna cum untouched” he warns “ go on kook cum on my face” now going back to suck his cock and kitten licking his red swollen tip and teasing his piercing ,gagging till your nose was pressed against his pelvis. While jungkook was still chasing his high and with you gagging around him. There was someone about to ring the doorbell ruining his orgasm.
“Fuck who the hell is here at 7 AM” Jungkook groaned telling you he will be back in a few.
Wearing his boxers the ringing of the bell pissed him off a drunk Changkyun appears when he opens the door “ Why the fuck are you here early morning?” Jungkook hissed seeing his state “ Get me the costly weed jungkook I somehow fucked up” Changkyun says standing with the support of your door wall.
“ yeah, wait a second dose minhyun needs one too?” Jungkook says already getting one for Changkyun “Yeah give me one I’ll pass him the other one” Changkyun brings his wallet passing jungkook the money. “Thank you, bro, I hope this shit helps me”Waving him off jungkook closes the door. Taking the money he kept it your wallet .
He saw you already teasing your pussy while palming your breasts tugging on your nipple and moaning his name “Shall we continue where we left Jagi?” Jungkook says jumping on top of you “hell yeah kook” chuckling when he kisses and pulls on your lower lip and grinds on your panty-clad pussy “ mm fuck y/n, I’m gonna smack the fuck out of Changkyun when we next meet” Jungkook said complaining “ it’s fine I figured he must have fucked up that’s why he was here early at 7 “. Jungkook gets back on his knees removing his boxers getting his half-used rool and lighting it again “Pass me that kook” Humming he passes it to you and continues to remove your panties.
Teasing his cock with precum dripping from the red swollen tip he teased your pussy lips “Are you gonna be a good girl?”jungkook asks you slowly teasing his tip inside your pussy “Just relax baby I’ll make you feel good” reassuring you he eased his tip inside you while you finished the roll tossing it in the ashtray “ fuck kook…feels full” you moaned your hands coming to leave scratches on his back, biting his moans back he let outs a grunt when you clench around him “ That’s good baby, keep doing it, gets so tight when you clench baby” he slows his pace just to hear the sound of your wet pussy “ Fast kook gonna come” you whimpered “so messy baby” thrusting fast jungkook asks you to hold on for him “be good Jagi …. Hold it gonna cum too” tears rushing down your face” can’t kook need to cum now” you said “I told you to stay quiet Jagi” Jungkook groaned , headboards now banging the wall behind your bed “ cum baby cum did so good for me” you both cum undone panting heavily jungkook kisses your lips “ did great baby” leaving some hickeys on your neck and softly kissing each of them , chuckling he slowly backs away when you thought you were done jungkook moves down towards you cum leaking pussy,” made a mess baby”, slowly pushing them back inside “ didn’t wanna mess up the sheets baby” Keeping from making noises you nodded at the overstimulation, he slowly removes his fingers and licked them clean .
It’s late in the afternoon when you go to buy some ingredients for dinner Jungkook insisted on making today “jungkook I’ll be heading outside now” you said already wearing your boots when you hear the doorbell opening the door you gasp when you see the sight in front of you.
“Miss we are here to check if there’s any weed or drugs” they said already getting into your house. While the officers continue to search up your house Jungkook is standing there bewildered .
The officers now go to both of your bedroom , That’s when you both look at each other.
We fucked up .
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13as07 · 4 months
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Object #3
(Akatsuki Smut)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to mick347]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 4,558
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Still no explanation, better luck next time. This is horrible, my apologies
Characters include: Hidan, Kisame, Itachi
Sadism (Hair pulling, death threat, biting, choking)
Nicknames/Name Calling: Angel, Sacrifice, Whore, Guppy, Kitten/Kitty, Object, Sweet Girl
Knife/Blood Play (sacrificial use of blood, cut marks, blood used as lube, licking)
Domination (different levels)
Exhibitionism (public sex)
Improper use of the sharingan (not like that, dirty minds)
Breeding Kink
     "My little Angel!" Hidan's voice calls out, clawing me back out of my lazy sleepy state. One of these days I'll get to have a peaceful nap. Not today though.
     "Just ignore him," Deidara whispers into my skin, tightening his hold around me as he attempts to bury his head further into my neck.
     "Angel!" Hidan calls again, slamming the bedroom door open. "There you are my angel from Jashin," he coos, making quick work towards the bed.
     "Go away," Deidara bitches, tugging me closer as if that'll stop Hidan.
     It doesn't. Hidan's hands wrap around my arms, tugging me from Deidara's hold. "It's time to pray, Angel. We don't want to upset Jashin."
     "Wait your turn, Jashin dick rider," Deidara continues, trying to grab me back from the older member.
��    "You've had her long enough," Hidan starts, placing me on his torso. "Besides, we pray to Jashin every day at six. It's almost six, it's time to pray." The younger member cuts his losses, blowing me a kiss and waving before he slumps back over in bed.
     "My pretty Angel," Hidan continues to praise, hands wondering my body as he carries me down the hallway. "Our God would have been angry if you slept through prayer time."
     "Your god," I correct, resting my head on his shoulder to enjoy the last few moments of peace I have.
     "Our God," Hidan barks, yanking my head up by my hair. His tongue clicks a few times, fingers still stiff as they cling to the roots of my hair. "We'll have to ask for your forgiveness. I don't want Jashin taking you back. If he must then it shall be, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't tempt him too."
     Hidan is the only member I think is truly insane. Everyone else is somewhat sane, but from the constant Jashin talk and the weird rituals I'm stuck doing for this 'God', I'm pretty sure Hidan just doesn't have any marbles left. If he had any, to begin with.
     "Alright, Angel," he hums out, releasing my hair to the door to his bedroom. Since the psycho is as close to immortal as possible, Hidan doesn't need to sleep, which leaves his room as a huge shrine to this Jashin entity. "You sit, and pray, and look pretty," he orders, placing me on the ground.
     A triangle trapped in a circle has been drawn out in black paint along the ground, with me slap-dab in the middle, like usual. At each point of the triangle is a bowl, one with dirt, one with water, and one that has a stick of incense burning in it.
     Candles line the circle, candles that Hidan is slowly collecting. My eyes trail after him, watching as he makes his way back to me. "Hello my little sacrifice," he coos, settling the candles down.
     Once they're lined up, Jashin symbol up, Hidan grabs my arms, pulling me towards him. He tugs a knife from his pocket, littering kisses over my wrists as he traces the symbols in the candle, deepening them and removing the wax that seeped into them yesterday.
     "Sit still, Angel," he orders, using his robe to wipe the wax off the knife. Hidan's eyes are dark as he grabs for my arms again, the tip of his knife gently dipping into my skin. Blood trickles out when my skin gives in, only making the psycho’s eyes darker.
     "That hurts," I hiss, trying to tug my arm back.
     "The pain will be minuscule compared to the blessings Jashin will offer you," Hidan answers, his focus on filling the candle carvings with the blood leaking from me. "All he asks for is your loyalty."
     I bite my tongue, keeping the disagreements stuck in my throat. "See? Minuscule," he mutters, setting down the last coated candle. Hidan's tongue slides out, crawling over my wrists, licking up the unneeded blood. His usual olive skin starts to shift, coating him in a dark black with his usual decorative white lines. "My pretty, perfect sacrifice."
     Once the praise is out, I'm left alone in the middle of the ritual circle. The dark room is filled with the soft flames of the candles, Hidan lighting them as he lays them back out. The dark reds of the room are brightened from the new light, but still barely counteract all the black of the space.
     Hands wrap around me from behind, tugging at my shirt. "Hidan," I whisper, squirming in his hold.
"Sit still," he huffs, his hold tightening as he shimmies my shirt off. "Well that’s disgusting," he grumbles, fingertips digging into the still sore wounds caused by Deidara. "That will not do," Hidan continues to grumble to himself. "Jashin will not be pleased."
My skin burns from the constant pressure to the cut marks, and back arches to try and escape the pain. "Please stop touching them," I whimper, tears already prickling my eyes.
"Jashin will not be happy," he repeats, shoving me forward so I fall on all fours. "We got to get rid of that... horrendous attempt at ownership. Jashin owns us, not that dumbass." As the word 'dumbass' spills out, Hidan traces Deidara's careful carving of his name. "We will fix it, stay put."
Hidan disappears, leaving me to ache from the leftover effect of his curious fingertips. Nagato was right, I need a break from the needy and rough Akatsuki members.
"I'm back." The short sentence is followed by my back erupting in pain again. Hidan chips away at Deidara's carvings, making new waves of pain slide out alongside new rivers of my blood.
"Please stop," I whimper, my arms already threatening to give out from the pain blooming down them. My blood coats down my sides, pooling under me. The life liquid is warm but sticky as it coats me.
"If you weren't disrespecting Jashin I wouldn't have to do this. But no, you're an object of service to the Akatsuki instead." Hidan's knife has dropped down to the bird cut into my back, the blade rough like the words of his hateful lecture. He chips at it as well, destroying the artwork left from my time with Deidara.
"See? That's so much better," Hidan says, kisses and his tongue sliding over the open gushing wounds. "Now let us pray." Clothing shifts behind me, his dick pressed to my thigh before my skirt is flipped up. "You need to ask for forgiveness," he adds, fingers dipping into my wounds again, scooping up some of the blood.
I let out a hiss from the pain, my mind scrambling to find a not sarcastic plea for forgiveness. "Jashin," I mutter, my breath heavy as Hidan's blood-coated fingers dip into me. "Please forgive me."
"That is a lousy prayer of forgiveness. Jashin should kill you for that mockery," Hidan grumbles, his fingers pumping slowly. "Maybe I should kill you for him."
"Please don't," I whimper, heart beating and pussy clenching from the mix of the threat and the stretching of my pussy.
"Why shouldn't I? You're mocking our God. Not to mention how much of a whore you've been today. Your cunt is all stretched out and used. You're not an object of choice for sacrificing. Jashin would be disappointed."
"I'm sorry," I whisper, mind going foggy from blood loss and lust. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'm sorry. Please. Jashin, please?" The name slips out solely on accident, my thoughts getting difficult to keep straight.
Despite it being an accident, Hidan doesn't seem to notice. Quite the opposite. Kisses litter my back again, hands hooked around my hips, shoving me down. My arms and chest clash to the ground, ass still in the air as he shifts around. "Maybe I am wrong," he mutters, sinking his dick into me. "Maybe Jashin sent my Angel to me so I could show you his greatness."
Highly unlikely, but I don't have the strength nor the mental stability at the moment to fight him on it. "Keep praying, Angel. Let Jashin know what you wish for in return for your loyalty."
"A faster pace would be nice," I mutter, managing to piss off Hidan again.
His hand shoots forward, gripping my hair and snapping me upright. "You my dear Angel," he husks out, giving in to my request. "You are going to suffer at Jashin's hands if you keep acting up."
My spine tingles as my blood trickles down my back, shifting from the previous trails down my sides. "I'm sorry. That... that wasn't... please forgive me, Jashin." The words come out sluggish, my mind growing foggier by the second.
Hidan hums in approval, his teeth digging into my shoulder. He rips at the skin, tearing it with his mouth and making more wounds and fresh blood coat my body. "Hidan? Please? I can't," I whisper, my sight starting to go spotty with dark marks.
"You're fine," he mumbles, tilting my head in the other direction before he continues tearing at my shoulders. "Just be silent. Be a pretty sight for Jashin as I pray."
I do as I'm told, falling silent and enjoying Hidan's thrusts. They're sloppy with no rhythm as he prays. Mumbles for prosperity, wealth, and continual immortality spill from him as he uses me.
By the time he's done praying, I can barely keep my eyes open. "Don't go dying on me, Angel," he grumbles, releasing his grip on my hair. I fall forward, face buried into the ground again. Hiden doesn't seem to care though. His hands cling to my back, and dig into my wounds, forcing my blood to spill out faster.
"Thank Jashin." I try to do as I'm told, slurred unfinished words coming out instead. "Maybe I should sacrifice you. Leave you here to bleed to death when I'm done with you. At least then you'd be of some use to our God."
"Tha... thank... you... Jashin," I mutter, letting my eyelids win our battle. I can feel Hidan's smile as he licks the blood off my back, his tongue squirming against my skin as he continues thrusting into me.
I'm slowly shifted forward with each thrust, my pussy tingling in mellowed pain compared to the constant attack on my spine. If I wasn't so fuzzy-minded, I know my insides would be screaming from the lack of preparation and constant rough pumps into me.
Hidan's thrusts fall back to a patternless pace, his dick twitching in me as he starts another prayer. "Thank you, Jashin," he husks, stalling in me. He cums in me, his semen leaking out and mixing with my spilled blood on the ground. "Thank you. Thank you, my Lord. Thank you Jashin," Hidan mutters on repeat, his head resting between my shoulders as his hands continue to dig into my wounds.
The feeling of his weight pressing into me and his hot breath coating my skin only makes it harder not to slip into unconsciousness. Just as I'm about to give in, Hidan jerks me backward, shaking me out of it. "Let's patch you up, Angel. I can't have Jashin's favorite sacrifice dying quite yet."
"Ya... okay," I mutter, leaning back and resting against his chest. As my eyes sink shut again, the soft shifting of black soaking off of Hidan is the last thing I see.
"You'll be okay, Angel. Jashin will take care of you," he whispers into my ear, my limbs feeling light as my body is lifted.
"It's okay, you're okay," Pain says, the words coming out harsh from his inability to be gentle. "You're fine." It sounds pissy like Nagato is over my whines, but from his carefully placed hands and the way they cling to me, I know he's attempting to be gentle. "The water will help."
I know he's right, I know the water will help with the inflammation of my back, but the pond is so cold that it almost hurts more. Whines and whimpers of pain spill from me as Nagato slowly lowers me into the pond. The water coats me, stinging for a minute or two before I adjust and the pain starts to numb.
"See? You're fine," he mutters, settling on the bank as close to me as he can. His eyes trailing my muscles as they relax in the water, face as stone and unemotional as ever. "Stop being so whiney."
"You're one to talk," I mutter, settling my eyes closed.
"Don't do that," he hisses, leaning forward to grip the chain still hanging around my neck. "Look at me." I do as I'm told, eyes fluttering open to look at the attention-starved man. Pain's face scrunches up, hand drops his hold on me. "Don't... don't do that," he repeats, tone softer this time.
"Pain?" A voice calls out, tugging Nagato's sight away from me. I keep my sights set on him, knowing I'm not able to take the fit he'll throw if I piss him off again. "Konan was asking for you," Kisame continues, the shark-themed man falling into view as he approaches the pond.
"What does she want?" Pain asks, eyes fluttering back to me. The purple swirls of them seem tenser than usual as if I'll disappear if he blinks too slowly.
"I don't know," Kisame grumbles, his eyes flickering between me and the scenery. "Something about Hidan complaining about chains or something."
Nagato exhales through his nose, eyes repeatedly blinking as he looks at me. I have no clue what happened after prayer time with Hidan, but from the lack of the masochist, and me waking up in the med-bay, I assumed Pain wasn't too happy with Hidan. Or that Hidan would still be alive if he was mortal.
"Watch her while I'm away," Pain orders, eyes scanning over me.
"Yes, Sir," the shark man continues to grumble, eyes flickering over me again.
Pain reaches forward, his hand hovering for a second before he pats my head. "Relax. Behave." I nod yes, staring back at him. "I will be back."
"Okay." Pain walks away, continually looking over his shoulder at me.
     "You're bleeding," Kisame mutters, his eyes scanning the water once Nagato is inside the house.
     The watered-down red color of my blood coats a bit of the pond surface, a lot less than before but still present. "Ya, I know. Diedara and Hidan were... a little too much today," I mutter, sinking lower into the water so it settles above my shoulders. "Hence the ice bath."
     Kisame grumbles at my answer, his attention shifting away from me. I paddle around the pond, watching as he shifts out of his mission gear. "What are you doing?" I ask, working my way back to the edge of the water.
     "I'm going to get in with you. You haven't been of use to 'e yet today," he answers, tugging his shirt off.
My eyes jump over his green-tinted skin, taking in the way his muscles are stretched over the stone of his frame. Kisame is a big man, easily towering over almost everyone in the Akatsuki. My sights jump down, continuing to watch him strip. His penis matches the rest of his body, big, long, and a lot to take.
     Once he's nude, I back up so the shark man can slip into the water. He makes it wave as he sinks in. "Come here, Guppy," he husks out, hands wrapping around my arms, and tugging me forward.
     I'm settled against his chest before Kisame sinks, settling on one of the submerged rocks. "You weren't kidding," he says, fingers gentle as they skirt over my back. One of his hands jumps up, tilting my head so he can look at my bruised cheek better. "Is that from Hidan too?"
     "No, that's from Kakuzu," I murmur, shifting on Kisame's lap.
     His head dips down, pressing kisses into my neck, littering the gained bite marks and hickies with softness. "Stop squirming, Guppy," Kisame's calm voice says, the hand not running across my back shooting up to cling to my throat.
     "Sorry," I murmur, letting my eyes flutter shut. I soak in the gentleness of the giant under me, enjoying the way his lips coo and calm my wounds.
     "Sit up," he mutters, using his hold on my neck to lift me off his lap. Kisame shifts us around, settling me on the rock as he squirms out from under me. Kisses continue down my front, littering my breasts as his hands toy with my thighs. Fingers crawl up my legs chased by teeth sinking into my boob. Kisame's sharp teeth quickly make their way through me, coating me with the familiar stickiness of blood.
     "Kisame," I hiss, my hands shooting forward to grip his hair. "That hurts."
     "I know, Guppy. You're doing so well," he praises, his voice husky as his fingertips dip into my pussy. "You'll survive," he hums out, head tilting the other direction. Teeth sink into my other boob, new blood trickling out and being chased by Kisame's tongue.
     He continues kneading my titties with his teeth as his fingers pump in and out of me. Aches erupts from my chest as pleasure erupts from my cunt, the familiar mix of the two filling my body.
     Kisame tugs himself from my boobs, tearing more skin as he lifts his head. His teeth are coated in the red of my blood, the liquid slowly dribbling down his chin as it escapes his mouth. "Sit still and be good," he mutters, covering my face with blood-tinted kisses.
     Once the praise is out, Kisame sinks under the water, his fingers clumsy leaving me before being replaced by his tongue. My knees jerk, clasping around his head. His head tips back out of the water a bit, warning eyes shooting the order at me again before he dips back between my legs.
Kisame's tongue flicks at my clit a few times before sliding down to penetrate me. My hands tighten on his hair, knotting the dark locks around my fingers. My focus is split between not moving and the pleasure tingling in my pussy.
The poking and prodding doesn't last long though. When he's satisfied with my prep, I'm scooped back up and switched back to his lap. I'm settled on his tip, the head of his dick toying my hole as Kisame sits back down. "Are you going to be good at take all of me?"
No. I know I can't. His dick is massive, just like the rest of him. "Yes, Kisame."
He smiles at my answer, pointy teeth beaming as he looks down at me. "That's a good Guppy. Be a pretty object for me to use."
The praises are followed by me slowly lowering on Kisame's dick, the head bullying its way through me. I'm stretched, muscles strained the further I sink onto him. By the time I've settled on his lap again, my breaths come out as hisses.
"Easy Guppy," Kisame coos, a finger falling to rub circles on my clit. His hands keep pace with each other, the circles on my clit matching the pace he forces my hip into.
Kisame's thrusts almost hurt as I'm dropped back down his length, the head of his dick still bullying my pussy into compliance to take him. His head falls back to my boobs, teeth sinking in to tear more skin, and his tongue sliding over the new bite marks to lick up the spilled blood.
My hips ache and my chest is more torn than intact skin by the time Kisame stills in me. "Look at that, Guppy," he coos, hand sliding up to cling to my throat again. "I can see myself," he teases, forcing me to look down as his free hand presses against my stomach
He's right. The faint outline of Kisame's dick is present on my lower stomach. The imprint twitches as he cums deep in me. The mix of his warmth and the evident proof of him in me makes me clench around him, only encouraging Kisame's semen to spill out. "What a good, Guppy," he coos again, littering my face in more blood-tinted kisses.
     "Princess?" Pain's voice echoes from the porch, making Kisame pale.
     "Well, I'm a goner," he mutters, quickly yanking me off of him.
I can feel eyes on me, the heat path of them jumping around my bare back. "You look terrible, Kitten," comes Itachi's soft noise, his equally soft paces filling the med-bay.
"I know," I whisper, the words getting jumbled up by the pillow my face is buried into.
After being torn from the pond, Pain settled me in the medical room again. Half-assed promises to be back soon and for a soothing night spilling from him as he rushed to go 'ran an errand' with Konan. In his rush, Nagato didn't give me any pain meds and I'd rather deal with the aches than another safety lecture from him if I chose to find medicine myself.
"Poor Kitty," Itachi coos, fingertips gentle as he runs them over my bandages. "Are you alright?"
My answer is followed by pale arms wrapping around me, gently shifting me so I'm sitting up. He slips onto the bed behind me, hooking my legs over his as I face away from him. "We can fix that, Kitten," Itachi murmurs, hands sliding under my bandages to pull them off.
"Your fingers hurt," I whine, back arching away from his touches.
"I know, I know, it's okay, Kitty," he continues to coo, a hand jumping up to tilt my head backward. The red of his sharingans snags in my sights, filling my mind with the glow of them. My mind goes fuzzy, the forced light in my mind shifts to softer colors. The pastel blues, yellows, and pinks swirl in my head, causing my pains to seep away.
"Better?" Itachi's voice rings out, the soft pitter-patter of fingers shifting a gentle sizzle across my body.
"Better," I mumble, leaning back to rest my head on his shoulder. "I don't know what you're doing though."
"It's a genjutsu."
"A what?"
"It's control of your senses. I'm controlling your sense of touch, so you can't feel your pain but can feel everything else, so your muscles will calm," Itachi softly explains, hands losing their sizzling feeling but still dancing over my body as his lips brush against my neck. "And I'm controlling your sight so you can see something calming and can't see your injuries."
"Why?" I whisper, his fingers sliding over my legs making it hard to focus.
"It'll help you calm down too. I can't enjoy you if you can't enjoy yourself." The words are hushed, buried into my skin by the kisses continually pressed into me.
Itachi's fingertips ghost through my folds, nimble fingers searching for my clit. "Though," he continues, kisses trailing across my jaw as the controlled images in my head start to filter away. "I would like you to watch."
As the scenery of the room filters back into my sight, his fingertips toy with me. They toy with my hole, massaging it in the same way my clit is rubbed. "Watch Kitten," he says, nuzzling my neck to encourage my head down.
I do what is asked of me, dropping my head down to take in the sight of my skirt balled up my legs and Itachi gently working me. My compliance is rewarded with his fingers thrusting into me. He continues to toy with me, testing curls and paces. "Tach," I moan, my orgasm quickly building up.
"Kitten?" He whispers into my war, nibbling on my earlobe. The gentle coo breaks the band in my stomach, coating Itachi's hand and the medical bed in my cum. "That's a pretty Kitty, ya?" He continues to coo, slipping out from behind me.
Itachi rounds the bed, settling on the floor, kneeling between my legs. His arms wrap under my legs, tugging me closer to the edge before he dips down. His hands slide up from the movement, hooking on my hips as my knees rest on his shoulders. "Keep mewling for me, Kitten," he mumbles, his hot breath coating my mess.
His tongue slides out, focused on cleaning my folds before it skirts over my clit. Once again I do as I'm told, not because of willingness though. Itachi's tongue stays busy, licking circles into my clit and thrusting into my cunt to tongue fuck me. The lack of a cool-down quickly pulls another orgasm from me, this time coating Itachi's face.
His head pops up from between my legs, sharingans glow as a soft smile coats his lips. Kisses lead Itachi's trail up my body, hands sliding down to cup my knees and lock them around his waist.
"Itachi," I whine when his bulge presses into me.
"Oh, I know, Kitty. You're so sensitive aren't you?" He gently mocks, kisses coating my lips as he works himself out of his pants. "You'll be okay. After all, this is what you're for right? A pretty object for me to use. I've been nice to you, haven't I? Be nice back, Kitty."
The soft mockery is followed by Itachi toying with me again, the glow of his eyes watching as I squirm from his tip teasing my hole. His eyes flicker around, catching every one of my movements. His smile is still soft as he sinks into me, eyes running a mile a minute to catch every micro-movement my body makes.
Itachi's pace is slow and gentle, just like everything else he's done today. The clan killer doesn't live up to his reputation, especially in moments like this. His hands are like feathers, costing my body like he's trying to burn the feeling of my skin into them. His mouth does the same to my lips.
My body sizzles on nerves, the constant stimulation almost being too much. "Pretty Kitty," he coos, his thrusts picking up their speed. "My pretty Kitty that's going to have my pretty litter."
Itachi's words make my spine tingle, causing my hips to thrust up. That seems to do it for the masochist, his thrusts jerking before his body is pressed into mine. "Kitty, Kitty, Kitty," he mutters against me, his nose buried into my cheek. The line of praise is paired with me being filled, not even the thought of pulling out rolling around Itachi's head as his semen fills my cunt.
"Princess?" Nagato's voice echoes in the hallway, causing Itachi's head to rise.
"He's on top of it tonight," Tachi mumbles, tucking himself away and tugging my skirt back into place.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask, my focus on scanning my body. My deeper wounds have vanished curtsy of the man in front of me, leaving the simpler ones, my hickies, and bite marks.
"Last I knew Hidan was hanging in a tree," Itachi confuses, hand clinging to the back of my neck as he kisses my forehead. "That, and Kisame is in a bit of trouble."
"Oh," I whisper, eyes flickering to the door as the sound of Pain's footsteps creep closer.
"Goodnight, Kitten," he whispers, pecking my lips before vanishing. I don't know how Itachi does that and I'm not sure I want to know.
"Princess?" Pain grumbles again, pushing the door open. "How are you feeling?"
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huffelpuff210 · 2 months
Taken care of Part 3 Soft Dark Steve Rogers x Soft Dark Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Warnings: Forced relationship, Controlling behavior, Forced Marriage, Non Con, mentions of loss of a child, mentions of depression, Dark Themes, age gap,
You lay in the bed, sandwiched between both men as they slept, Both had an arm draped over you, 
After they were finished Cumming inside of you multiple times, bending you in all sorts of positions, You cried, You cried so hard, Not sure what was happening, why this was happening, they were your friends, why were they doing this to you? 
You look over your shoulder to See Bucky fast asleep, and in front of you Steve is also asleep, 
You slowly peel Steve’s arm off of you, he doesn’t move, You Peel Bucky’s off of you he is fast asleep, 
You crawl out of bed slowly and quietly trying not to make any sudden movements, 
You are naked so you grab a pair of running shorts, and a tank top, not bothering grabbing any underwear, You knew right now was your best chance, 
You had no family, but you had a few friends you could hide out with until you could skip town, 
You had no idea how your life had made this sudden turn, how could any of this had happened? 
You quietly grab your car keys from the table near the door, looking back they are both fast asleep, You slip on your flat’s making your way to the front door, opening it quietly, and shutting it, the crickets chirping, as you close the door. This is the first time you have been outside in three months, 
You take a deep breath, sprinting for your car fumbling with your keys to unlock the door, when suddenly you are pushed against the car by the back of your neck, 
“Where the hell do you think your going?” You hear Bucky’s gruff voice against your ear, 
“Away from the two of you!” You yell as your lip starts quivering, 
“Oh doll there is no escaping us.” he says 
“You are ours now,” He says 
You feel the tears falling down your cheeks, 
“Why are you doing this?” You ask, 
“I thought you were my friends.” You says 
“Oh kitten we are.” Bucky says against your cheek, 
“But you need us to take care of you.” You hear Steve, 
“I mean look at you, In shorts and a tank top in thirty degree weather.” Steve says 
“P-Please let me go, I won’t tell anyone.” You say 
“Of course not, you are our girl, and soon to be wife.” Bucky says 
“There is no way I will be your wife! Besides no one will conduct a three party wedding!” You yell
Both Steve and Bucky chuckle, 
“You won’t have to worry about that doll, We are Captain America and Winter Solider, all we have to do is say the word.” Steve says 
You let out a breath, they were right who were you to fight against them, 
“So why don’t we all go inside and talk.” Steve says 
You nod slowly knowing you had  no chance against the two soliders. 
You sat on the couch as The two super soliders stared down at you, You felt as if you were in the principles office, 
You jumped when you felt Bucky’s metal hand on your thigh, 
“First off I guess we should start by saying we’re sorry,” Steve says as he stares down at you , You look at him a little baffled, 
“We should have done this sooner before you hooked up with that loser.” Steve says 
“We should have told you how we felt about you sooner.” Bucky says as he rubs your thigh with his hand which causes goosebumps 
“Why are you doing this?” You asked looking down at the floor, 
“Because we love you kitten, and we want to take care of you.” Bucky says 
“We know that this place is small and passing that room is painful so we decided to get started on moving you in at our place.” Steve begins, 
You finally look up, 
“But-” You began to argue, But Steve presses one of his fingers to your lips, 
“That wasn’t a request.” He says smiling down at you, 
“Once you get settled we will begin on the plans.” Bucky says kissing the side of your neck, 
“P-Plans?” You asked 
“Getting married, Can’t have our girl living with us and not be married.” Steve says kneeling in between your legs,
You shake your head no, 
“N-No, I can’t.” You say,
“You can and will, Don’t you understand doll we love you and we would hate to use force to make you comply.” Steve says glaring at you, 
“Sure you have no family but plenty of friends, I would hate for them to have some sort of accident.” Steve says 
Your eyes widen, How could you forget, Steve and Bucky knew everything about you, who your friends were, where you liked to go, You told them everything, before any of this ever happened, And they hung on to every word, and you didn’t realize how deep their obsession really was up until this point that is, 
“Now, will you be a good girl and do as we say kitten?” Bucky asked
Your lip quivered realizing you were backed into a corner, and you had no way out and no one to save you, 
You simply swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded, agreeing to their insane idea, 
“That’s our good girl,” Steve says 
He pulls out a ring from his pocket, It was a beautiful rose gold ring, the diamond was in the shape of a tear drop, and on each side of the ring had their initials,
Steve grabbed your wrist, slipping on the ring, on your left ring finger, 
“Fits perfectly.” Bucky hums 
You really couldn’t believe this was happening, they were your friends what had happened, 
“Why don’t I make us something to eat.” Steve says standing up making his way to the kitchen while you sat on the couch completely stunned
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
You get me so high (smut) (Warren lipka x fem reader)
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Summary: you and Warren have been best friends since forever and at one frat party it becomes more
Warnings: smut, oral (m & f receiving) p in v sex, and getting high
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
You hated frat parties with a passion it wasn't the loud music or the alcohol and drug use that people did you dabbled in it too it's the people especially the frat boys, only reason why you were here is because your best friend Warren lipka begged you to go with him since Spencer was studying for an exam the next morning.
"Wanna get high?" He asked pointing to the door leaving us to the backgarden of the frat house, "please can we" you giggled following Warren outside, he pulled out a joint from his pocket lighting the end taking a drag before passing it to you.
Taking a drag feeling the weed hit you a little, your eyes staring ahead watching some frat boys doing dumb shit, "god I hate frat boys" you said passing the spliff back to Warren, "I thought you were into them" he joked nudging your shoulder, you grimced at the thought of you being with a frat boy.
"God no Warren they're worst than children in kindergarden" you said the look of disgust wavering your face, "I'm only joking we all know your into stoners" he teased making you blush, you were into one stoner in particular the one beside you.
"Shut up you" you chuckled now nudging his arm, the friendship you and Warren had was complicated he is your best friend, and when you got a bit too drunk or too high you would hook up, he was the first and only person you slept with he even was your first kiss back in high school.
Now a little bit high from the spliff you and Warren went back inside for a drink, "here" he smiled handing you the red solo cup you thanked him taking a sip, his eyes on you as you drank the liquid.
"What" you asked in a nervous chuckle Warren shook his head "nothing" you rolled your eyes as he shrugged you off, after a few more drink you were tipsy as well as high you and Warren danced at first goofy but then you started to grind against him.
His hands on your hips as you swayed your body with his, not caring who saw, Warren's hot breath againt your neck sending you in world of your own, "wanna go somewhere more private?" He asked you nodded as he took your hand guiding you throw the crowds of body's.
It took about three rooms to find one empty hurrying inside locking the door behind you, only to be pinned tight against the cold wood, making you gasp.
Warren's lips attacking yours hungrily one hand on your waist the other pressed againt the door, "you look so fkn hot tonight" he groaned as you palmed him through his jeans.
He took you to the bed pushing you down on it, you letting out a giggle at his eagerness, "I'm going to fuck you so good" he hummed peeling his polo shirt off, you sat up assisting him on unbuckling his belt, letting his cock spring free, you hand giving him a few tugs.
Warren gathered your hair into a makeshift ponytail as you licked along his shaft, giving kitten licks to the tip, Warren let out a moan as you took him with your mouth, bobbing your head along his length, hollowing your feels, taking all of him.
"Fuck y/n you suck my cock so good" he groaned his hips bucking up making him go deeper in your mouth, you looked up at him the sighed almost making you cum then and there, his face scrunched up with the pleasure you were giving him.
You felt his cock twitching inside your mouth taking him deeper in your mouth essentially deepthroating him, silvers of drool running down your lips coating his cock, "fuck" Warren hissed as he came in your mouth milking out every drop before pulling away.
"Swallow it" he ordered his hand under your chin wiping away the drool mix with his release on your chin, you swallowed the saltiness driving Warren wild, he peeled off your flowy navy dress from your figure leaving you in your matching navy lace underwear.
His fingers dipping into the hem of your panties tugging the fabric off your legs and on to the floor, you sat up discarding your bra on the floor leaving you both completely bare, Warren's lips traveling from your lips, to your neck, your chest, placing wet kisses on the skin of your thighs.
Sucking on your clit his tongue kitten licked your sweet bundle of nerves holding your legs so they couldn't close, your soft sighs, moans and whimpers was all that could be heard "fuck warren" you gasped as he inserted a finger in your velvet walls pumping them in and out.
"Fuck just like that I'm close" you moaned feeling him hit that spot making see stars, Warren sped up the pace of his fingers not missing a best with his tongue sending you over the edge, "fuck fuck fuck" you almost screamed as your release coated Warren's fingers and tongue.
He licked up every drop of your arousal moaning at how you tasted, "so good" he hummed sucking the last of your juices on his fingers, "fuck Warren that was-" You couldn't help but giggle at what happened something you always did.
"I'm not finished" he said crawling up the bed so he was face to face with you, your lips connecting, you could taste yourself on his tongue, you moaned feeling Warren bottom out inside you, still savouring your kiss he started moving slowly against your silk pulsing walls.
"Your so tight baby" he groaned thrusting into you, your nails running through his dark hair tugging on the locks making him thrust faster and harder, "fuck" you moaned as his cock brushed that spot guaranteed to send you over the edge.
"Like that don't stop" you managed to say Warren wrapped your leg around his waist making him go deeper inside you, "I'm close" you sighed your body jolted in rhythm of Warren's thrusts.
"Me too cum with me" he grunted his thrust sped up until they became sloppy tipping you over the edge releasing over his cock "I love you" he moaned as he came with you.
You didn't say anything to out of it from your orgasm to replay to what he said, Warren collapsed ontop of you panting, 'did he just say he loves me it's definitely in a best friend way- but you don't exactly fuck your best friend' you thought collecting yourself.
"You okay?" He asked noticing you were miles away concern over his face, "Yeah I'm fine just what did you say there?" You asked wanting clarification of what he said, "I love you- its nothing something in the moment I know you don't feel the same-" he rambled wirh his head looking the wall not making eye contact with you before you cut him off.
"I do" you said looking into his eyes Warren's eyes now on you, "you do?" Now he was the one needing clarification, "yes Warren I don't get why you think I don't become I do, I've known you my whole life fuck you even took my virginity" you giggled Warren let a smile play on his lips, cupping your cheek kissing your lips.
"Be my girlfriend" he asked his hand still on your cheek his thumb grazing over your cheekbone, you couldn't help but blush and smile "yes Warren I'll be your girlfriend"
"I love you y/n y/l/n" he smiled
"I love you too Warren lipka"
"Finally got your stoner boyfriend now" he joked nudging your shoulder, "shut up" you laughed getting up from the bed.
"OPEN THE DOOR" someone shouted making you and Warren laugh putting your clothes back on and go back to partying
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Ella being fascinated with the idea that baby Narfi is in her mom’s tummy because she doesn’t quite understand but she loves it nonetheless & talks to the tummy all the time
Tummy Talkin'
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Ella feat. Loki x Y/N
Summary: Ella discovers how much fun it is, to talk to her little sibling in your tummy.
Warnings: fluuuff! pregnancy things, short talks of nightmares, Loki being the best dad ever
Word Count: 1,5k
a/n: @aagn360 thank you so much for requesting this! 🥰 It was so much fun to write! 🥰 Also, I loved bringing the lullaby back! 😁
Baby Fever Crew: Tagging y'all in the comments!
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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"So, uh... My little sibling is in there, mommy?" Ella asked you, pointing at the small bump which was yours and Loki's second baby. It was sleeping time for the little girl, and you had just tucked her in - well... Halfway. She was rather sitting in her bed than laying.
Today was your turn with reading a story to her, and Ella seemingly jumped at the chance, since you had just started to show properly now.
You nodded; ran a hand through her wild black curls. "Yes, princess. Your little sibling is inside there." She literally stared at your belly; utterly fascinated. "How did she get inside your tummy?" Ella asked then; convinced that her baby sibling was going to be a girl. You smiled at the question, shaking your head. "This is just how it is. Human nature, sweetie. Just like with animals. Remember, when Tara's cat became a mommy of super sweet kittens? They were in her tummy as well." That didn't answer your daughter's question. Well, at least not precisely, but... She was still a child, and probably a bit too young for the whole truth.
Ella nodded, but frowned. "But... Mommy... What about birds? Their babies are in eggs." Welp... Good point, you thought. "That's right, Ella. It's because they aren't mammals - but you are going to learn that in school someday." To your luck, the little girl was satisfied with that answer. "Okay... I can't wait to learn it!" You smiled and leaned down to press a lingering kiss on her forehead.
"Sweetheart, it's time for your bedtime story now. It's getting late... Go, get comfy." Ella just smiled and nodded, before she laid down and got comfortable. You smiled again, pulled the covers tightly over her body; tucking her properly in. You reached for the book on her nightstand - a fairytale book, and opened it. "Now... Where were we?" You flipped through the pages, until you found the bookmark on the page where Loki had stopped yesterday. "Ah! I see..." You cleared your throat and began to read.
Ella slept in quite quickly. Only about fifteen minutes later, you tiptoed out of her room and down the hallway, to join Loki on the sofa in the living room.
"She asleep?" You nodded and plopped down on the sofa - straight into your husband's arms. "Mhm. Out like a light." Loki smiled softly - as you could see from the corner of your eyes, and pressed a kiss against your temple. "Good."
He pulled you tighter against him; cuddling you closer. "What would you wish to do with the rest of this beautiful evening, my queen?" He whispered close to your ear, causing a pleasant shiver to run down your spine. "Not much, actually. Can... Can you just cuddle me, please?"
Loki's expression went soft - which you were unable to see. "Of course, my love. Come here." The god pulled you once again closer - if that was even possible. While one arm held you securely pinned against his chest, the other arm sneaked around your hips; palm landing on your tiny baby bump. His thumb traced soft circles into the clothed skin. "Everything alright in there?" Loki asked in a low voice, with his face buried in your hair and neck. He always asked. At least once a day. Even though he knew, that you actually couldn't quite tell. One thing was certain, though... Loki couldn't wait to be able to really feel the child, which was growing in the safety of your womb.
"I'd say yes, babe." He took a deep breath, "Good. That's reassuring to know." and inhaled your scent. "I'm going to fully trust your motherly instincts in this one." You turned your head, in order to smile at him. "Me too." Your lips found his then; kissing him softly. It was a bit of an awkward angle, but that didn't stop neither you, nor Loki.
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About two hours later - it was already close to midnight; the two of you were laying in bed. Loki was reading a book and you were on your phone, playing Candy Crush. It was a cosy, quiet atmosphere you and also Loki visibly enjoyed. Not for long, though... You didn't even make it to finish five levels, when you heard small footsteps outside the door of the bedroom, trying to be as quiet as possible. Ella? Why was she awake? You hadn't the time to think of it further, when a gentle knock sounded against the wooden door.
"Mommy? Daddy?" Her quiet, but audibly quivering voice caught both, you and Loki's attention. "Come in, sweetheart!" You immediately called, after sharing a slightly concerned gaze with your husband. The door opened slowly; only to reveal your shaking, little girl, clutching her blankie in her hands. Her eyes were a bit red and puffy and a tear was rolling down the apple of her cheek.
"What happened, princess?" Loki asked alarmed, putting aside his book. "Why are you crying?" Ella wiped the tear away. "Had a nightmare... Can I... Can I, uh, sleep with you?" Your expression softened. "Aw oh no, I'm sorry, sweetie. Of course, you can sleep with us." Loki nodded, "Absolutely." and already scooted over to create more space for your daughter. A small smile spread on the girl's face. She closed the door and quickly hurried over to join you and her father. But instead of laying in between the two of you, she immediately cuddled against Loki; letting herself engulfed by his strong arms. Daddy's girl, you thought with a smile. It is how it is.
Loki peppered her head with soft kisses, all the while just holding her; giving her the feeling of safety and protection. "Can you remember what it was about, princess?" Ella shook her head. "Nu.Uh." "That's good. It can't bother you further then."
A few more shed tears later, Ella had calmed down again and was way more relaxed - although couldn't sleep. Loki had an idea, though. "Shall I sing you the lullaby you always loved as a baby?" "Oh, I think that's a great idea, what do you think, sweetheart?" You agreed, smiling at your family. You had placed your phone aside by now as well. "Uh.Huh. You can try, daddy." Loki nodded. "Alright then. Let's see, if it is still able to lull you to sleep." The god cleared his throat and began to sing...
"Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser. Når hun synger, hun synger 'kom hjem'. Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser. Når hun synger, hun synger 'kom hjem'. I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene, over isbreer tar jeg meg frem." Ella pulled the blanket she shared with her dad closer, while Loki continued the lullaby he knew so well.
"I eplehagen står møyen den vene og synger, 'Når kommer du hjem?'. Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser. Når hun synger, hun synger 'kom hjem'. Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser. Når hun synger, hun synger 'kom hjem'." He ended the song with a soft hum. With a smile, he ascertained that he was indeed successful. His lullaby had lulled someone to sleep - but not his daughter. Ella was still wide awake; was way too fascinated by the song. You had fallen asleep.
"Daddy, that was-" Loki interrupted the little with a finger on his lips, signalling her to be quiet. Ella didn't understand first, but then Loki nodded towards you. The girl turned and saw. "Ohh, mommy's asleep," she whispered, then giggled. "Your lullaby helped!" A low, quiet chuckle rumbled through the god's chest. "Indeed, princess... But unfortunately, not you. You should've been the one to drift off to dreamland, but well... I'm not complaining. Mommy needs the rest." Ella shuffled closer to you. "Because of the baby?" Loki nodded. "Mhm, exactly."
The girl's eyes were settled on your sleeping frame. You were still laying on your side, facing your husband and daughter. Your breathing deep and even. The blanket ended around your hips; leaving your upper body to the pleasantly cool air of the bedroom. Your sleep t-shirt had somehow, someway slipped up on the way; exposing your stomach. Therefore, that you laid on your side, with your hands tucked underneath your head; the small baby bump was clearly visible.
"Do you think my sibling can hear us, daddy?" Loki smiled. "Oh, I am sure of it. Try it. Go say hi." Ella squeaked up quietly, but excitedly and scooted even closer to you. She then turned, laid on her tummy. Her face now mere inches away from your stomach. Loki couldn't help but giggle, before he turned as well; joining his daughter; feet dangling over the edge of the bed.
"Hi baby," Ella whispered to your bump, "I'm your big sister. Can you hear me?" and pressed her ear against the swell of your stomach. "And?" Asked Loki curiously. The little girl's eyes widened. "Mhm! The baby says hello!" Loki smiled as well, playing of course along. "Really? Hello, baby!" Ella giggled. "Baby says hi daddy!"
Ella and Loki kept on talking to the baby, until the little girl fell asleep. Loki then maneuvered her in between you and him, and went to sleep as well.
From that day on, Ella talked to your baby bump almost on a daily basis. She loved to do it - and you thought it was just the sweetest thing ever.
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