#these are lovely that sayaka is going to live in my brain forever oh my god
cobaltusami · 3 years
bleh! Finally It's finished! This took so fricking long to write- But It was a lot of fun. It reminded me of when I was a kid and would play heroes and villains with my friends. I could have fleshed out the ending t word scenes more but I was afraid It would be too long because I could literally go on forever. Besides, I think there's going to be more installments to this with more focus on a single villain instead of multiple ones. That's my plan anyway!
Word count: 4467
Characters: Ler!Hiro, Switch!Chihiro, Lee!Leon, Switch!Taka(briefly), Lee!Mondo(briefly), Lee!Makoto(briefly), Ler!Hina(briefly), Ler!Sayaka(briefly), Sakura, Celeste, Byakuya
The air In the school was heavier today than usual, and the atmosphere was filled with negative energy. Everyone seemed to be affected by It, being less cheerful and more agitated than usual.
Even people like Makoto weren’t impervious to it’s lingering effects. Apparently he and Byakuya had gotten into an argument in the dining hall in front of the other students.
Hiro hadn’t witnessed any of It, having slept In this morning. He was just on his way to join his classmates when he spotted Chihiro exiting the hall. He waved to them but they seemingly didn’t notice. “Hey Chihiro!” He greeted cheerfully in spite of the looming negativity.
That’s when he noticed It.
Chihiro looked up at him with tears in their eyes, stuttering and trying to greet him back. They gave up on their failed attempt after a moment.
“Chi? What’s wrong buddy?” He asked, concerned as he approached the smaller student.
Chihiro shook their head and went running past him, most likely to the solitude of their room.
Hiro was about to go after them but heard yelling coming from the dining hall, he sighed. So that’s why Chihiro was so upset. He took a calming breath and entered the room.
“You fuckin dumbasses! Will you stop fighting!? You scared Chihiro!” Mondo yelled at the two students in question.
“It’s not my fault! He started it!” Makoto pointed a finger accusingly at the affluent progeny.
Byakuya opened his mouth to say something but Taka interjected first. “I don’t care who started the yelling, I am giving you both an order to STOP YELLING!” He snapped.
“Jeez, The hell did I just walk In on?” Hiro muttered under his breath, still going unnoticed by his classmates. He lingered In the doorway for another moment before deciding to turn around and go after Chihiro.
“Chihiro? You In there?” He asked through the door after not getting a response from ringing the doorbell. “It’s me, Hiro.”
There was some shuffling from inside the room for a moment before silence, As if they were hesitating on whether to let him in or not.
“If you don’t wanna open the door, I’ll just sit here and wait until you’re ready.” He said reassuringly, Leaning against the wall next to the door.
Leon approached the Clairvoyant, coming from the direction of the dining hall. He nodded a greeting to the taller student and knocked on the door in a short random tune. “Yo, Chi. It’s Leon. I’m here too.” He announced.
Hiro smiled at the red head and sat down on the floor, Leon followed his lead and sat on the other side of the door. “Mondo was gonna come check on you too, But he didn’t wanna scare you because he’s pretty mad right now.” The Aspiring rockstar said.
“What were those two fighting about anyways?” Hiro asked.
Leon sighed and rolled his eyes. “Stupid shit. Byakuya’s being…”
“I was gonna say a total dick, But yeah.” Leon snickered. “Anyway, He was being a dick and came in insulting us. Mondo started to get mad but Makoto’s the one who got In his face. And Chi tried to diffuse the situation but Byakuya…”
“Lemme guess, He said something really mean didn’t he?”
“Yeah.” Leon replied with a soft sigh.
The door unlocked and slowly opened, revealing a shaking and tearful Chihiro. “H-He said… No o-one asked me, a-and n-no one wanted m-me there. He-He said… He...” They shook their head and backed up into the room, leaving the door open for the two students.
Hiro was the first to spring up and go Inside the room, pulling the programmer Into a hug. Leon was only a few seconds behind him. He closed the door as he entered the room, hearing the yelling picking back up in the dining hall.
He sat down on the foot of the bed quietly, trying not to outwardly show how angry he was for how his friend was treated.
“It’s okay Chi…” Hiro said softly to the crying student.
After a few minutes they pulled back from Hiro, wiping their eyes with their sleeves. “He said… That no one likes m-me...” they choked out.
“Hey! That’s not true! Since when did Byakuya have a good take on anything?” Hiro retorted, picking the programmer up and setting them on the bed next to Leon. “We all love you!”
Chihiro sniffled, Looking up at Hiro with hopeful eyes. “R-Really?”
Hiro crouched down so he was at eye level with them. “Really!” he smiled, ruffling their hair.
“Yeah, That prick doesn’t speak for us! You should know that by now.” Leon added.
Chihiro wiped their face with their sleeves again, tears still leaking down their cheeks.
“That doesn’t mean It doesn’t still hurt to hear things like that.” Hiro interjected. “It’s okay to be sad.”
Chihiro nodded wordlessly.
Hiro looked at Leon silently, trying to come up with a way to cheer the programmer up. The rockstar offered a small shrug as a response.
He racked his brain for a minute before coming up with an idea, He grinned and stood back up to full height. “I got It!”
Chihiro jumped at the sudden exclamation. “W-What?”
The eldest student grabbed the sleeves of the jacket draped over his shoulders and tied them in a knot around his neck, mimicking a superhero’s cape. “I think It’s about time I revealed my secret identity to you!”
Chihiro and Leon exchanged confused looks. “W-What Is he talking about?”
“You’re asking me as If I know?” Leon retorted.
“Well, My name Is still Hiro… But I’m actually a superhero! Ooh! Superhiro If you will!” Hiro grinned, making a superhero pose.
“Oh booooo! That was horrible man!”
Chihiro, to both the mens surprise, giggled at this. “W-What’s your power?”
“I sense when people are feeling down. My superpower Is…” Hiro suddenly scooped up the programmer, cradling them in his arms. “Cheer up tickles!”
He lightly began tickling Chihiro’s sides and belly, causing them to squeal and erupt into bright giggles. “Hehehehe! Hiro! stooop!” they giggled, playfully pushing at his hand.
“Sorry buddy, No can do! I can’t stop until you’ve been effectively cheered up.” Hiro grinned, pinching at their side.
Chihiro’s giggles soon turned into happy laughter as they squirmed.
“Squirm all you want, You can’t escape!” Hiro sang teasingly, spidering his fingers along their ribs. “Another power of mine Is keeping sad friends trapped while I tickle them happy again!”
They laughed harder and gently pushed at his hand. “Okahahahay! H-Hiro plehehehease! I’m hahahappy!”
“Are you sure? Because Superhiro doesn’t like being lied to.” He chuckled.
“I-Ihihihihi’m sure!” they tittered.
“Alright,” He paused, withdrawing his hand. “One more thing though!”
Hiro readjusted his hold on the still slightly giggling programmer, now holding them bridal style instead of holding them with one arm. He lifted them higher into the air closer to his face, and blew a long raspberry against their belly.
They shrieked and pushed at Hiro’s head, dissolving into fits of loud laughter in his grip.
After blowing a second one, he relented, laying Chihiro down on their bed as they recovered from their fit. “You feel better now kiddo?” He smiled as he untied his jacket sleeves.
Chihiro nodded, still giggling breathlessly. “Yehes… Thank you H-Hiro…”
As Hiro held his jacket In his hands, about to drape it back over his shoulders, an idea struck him. Maybe there was a way to help with the negativity problem…
“I have an idea.” He hummed, throwing the article of clothing over one shoulder as he knelt down on the floor. He leaned against the foot of the bed facing the other two students. “I think I might be able to fix everyone’s bad moods.”
“R-Really? How?” Chihiro asked, their face lighting up as they sat up.
“Don’t tell me…” Leon sighed. Already seeing where this was going.
“Maybe Superhiro should go pay the grumpy students a visit.” he winked, confirming Leon’s suspicions.
Chihiro giggled. “I think so too!”
“I’m not sure that’s gonna work, I mean, There’s no changing Byakuya’s mood from what I’ve seen.” Leon mumbled.
“You know,” Hiro started, seemingly ignoring Leon’s reasoning. “I’m gonna need a sidekick If I’m gonna take down all these evildoers…”
“H-Hey! Are you even listening to me??”
The answer Is no. Not that anyone should be shocked that Hiro isn’t listening to reason.
“What do you say, Chi? Wanna help me get the negative meanies?” He asked.
Chihiro’s eyes widened with excitement, a big smile overtaking their features. “S-Sure!” they beamed.
Leon sighed, throwing his hands up as he was continuously ignored. “Why do I even bother?”
Chihiro bounced up off the bed excitedly and retrieved another sweater from their closet, draping It over their shoulders and tying it at the sleeves just as Hiro had earlier. “I’m ready!”
Hiro laughed at the unusual behavior from the normally meek programmer. “Now you need a super name…”
“Hmm… How about The Decoder?”
“If that’s what you want, that’s fine with me!” He smiled.
Chihiro nodded, giggling happily as Hiro stood and tied his jacket into a cape again. “Well then, Decoder! For our first assignment…”
Hiro spun around on his heels, facing Leon now. “We must defeat the Red Rocker!” He declared, mimicking a superhero voice.
“Th-The Red Rocker?” Leon parroted, feeling a wave of happiness flood him at being recognized as a rockstar. Though that was short lived once what he said sank In. “W-Wait! Nonononono!”
Leon shot up and went running for the door but Hiro was right after him, hooking his arms around his waist and carrying him back over to the bed with ease. “Not so fast, Evil doer!”
“Hiro! I swear to god, If youhuhuhuhuhu-- Hahahahahaha!” Leon burst out laughing as he felt Hiro’s hands descend upon his sides.
“Okay Decoder, Help me vanquish this evil doer!” He grinned. “Through my super vision, I can tell his feet are pretty ticklish.”
“Dohohohon’t you dahahahare!” Leon laughed, struggling in his grasp. “I wihihill burn your cohohohomic collection you neheheherd!”
“No you won’t.” Hiro laughed, squeezing his hips.
Leon shrieked, throwing his head back laughing. “SHIHIHIHIHIT! HIHIHIRO STAHAHAP!”
“Hey, That’s Superhiro to you, Villain!” Hiro grinned, massaging his thumbs in circles against the dips of his hips.
Chihiro pulled off his shoes and socks and started lightly wiggling their fingers all over his right foot. “Yeah, Don’t disrespect Superhiro!” they giggled.
Leon tried to kick Chihiro’s hands away, but couldn’t thanks to Hiro sitting on his legs. All he could do was wiggle his feet in vain and laugh. “HEHEHE HIRO! CH-CHIHI! NOT THEHEHEHERE!”
Between his feet and his hips he couldn’t decide which spot was worse for him.
Hiro snickered, speeding up. “We’ll only stop If you give up being a criminal and come to our side!”
“I think what he means Is, Help us and we’ll let you go…” Chihiro explained.
“THEHEHERE’S NO WAHAHAY IN HEHEHELL I’M HELPING YOU!” Leon laughed, sending the best glare he could to Hiro.
‘Superhiro’ smirked and rolled his eyes, reaching back with one hand and targeting his left foot, specifically his arch, a spot he knew would make the redhead convulse with unapologetically loud laughter. “You sure about that?”
Leon screeched, his body jolting sharply at the sensation. “FUHUHUHUHAHAHAHAHACK!” He swore, trying to wiggle his foot away from Hiro’s skilled fingers.
Chihiro took notice of the reaction and mimicked what Hiro was doing, making Leon’s laughter turn silent.
“Are you going to give In now, Red Rocker?” Chihiro smiled, their question was met with frantic nods from the baseball star.
“Are you suuuuuure?” Hiro teased, Still torturing the poor redhead.
“IHIHIHIM SUHUHUHURE!” He choked out, tears welling up in his eyes from laughing too hard.
Hiro relented and signaled for Chihiro to stop as well. Chihiro giggled and stood up. “Who’s our next target, Superhiro?”
Hiro stood up too, humming thoughtfully as he considered their options. “Got any Ideas, Red Rocker?” He asked with a playful smile.
“Oh, I have a few ideas alright…” Leon panted, glaring tiredly at the older man.
“Watch It… Unless you wanna go for round two.” He wiggled his fingers threateningly at the rockstar who flinched and hugged his knees to his chest as he sat up.
“U-Uh… Makoto?” Leon suggested, shrugging his shoulders a bit.
Hiro looked at Chihiro, whose eyes seemed to light up at the mention. “Alright, The Lucky Charm It Is.”
“Th-The lucky charm…?”
“Duh, Everyone has a super name.” Hiro snickered, handing Leon his shoes and socks back. “C’mon Red Rocker, pull yourself together.”
After that, they headed back to the dining hall to retrieve Makoto, but he was nowhere to be found. It looks like the altercation had broken itself up and most of the students had left the hall.
“LifeGuard! Where did The Lucky Charm go?”
“What are you three doing?” Celeste asked, confused.
“Who needs a lifeguard?? And why??” Aoi asked.
“They’re playing super hero.” Leon explained. “He’s talking about Makoto.”
“I’m assuming he’s referring to Hina when he says LifeGuard?” Sakura asked, to which Hiro nodded.
“Ooh! I want a super name!” Sayaka giggled excitedly.
“Hmm… How about… The Platinum Siren?”
“Oooh! I like It!”
“Um… right.” Hina smiled in exasperation, rubbing the back of her head. “Anyway, Makoto went back to his room so try checking there?”
“Thank you, LifeGuard!” Hiro said In a superhero voice. “Come, Decoder and Red Rocker. Let us go apprehend the criminal!”
He turned and left the room, Chihiro following closely behind, Leon sighed and hesitated. Why did he get involved in this silly game again?
He followed not so enthusiastically behind the two joyous students as they hurried down the hall, their jackets flying behind them like actual capes from how fast they were running.
Chihiro rang the doorbell while Hiro and Leon hid on either side of the door against the wall so that Makoto wouldn’t immediately spot them.
After a few minutes Makoto opened the door. “Chihiro, Hey… Are you okay?”
“Mhm. I’m doing much better now.” They smiled up at the lucky student.
“Good… I’m sorry about earlier, Byakuya was way out of line with what he-- ACK! H-Hey!” He yelped in surprise as Hiro suddenly came into view and scooped him up, carrying him inside his own room and dropping him on the bed as the other two followed and closed the door behind them. “What the hell!?”
“Evil doer, Your fight earlier with Byakuya upset The Decoder so I’m here to help them exact revenge!”
Makoto blinked, absolutely lost as to what was going on. His eyes flickered to Leon, who seemed uninterested. “What is he going on about now?”
“They’re playing a game.” Leon explained in a deadpan manner. “They’re superheroes and you and Byakuya are the villains.”
“Oh.” Makoto couldn’t help but smile a little at how happy Chihiro seemed, It seemed like they both were having a lot of fun… Who was he to ruin it for them? “Well, Foolish heroes. I won’t be thwarted by the likes of both of you!”
Makoto leapt off the bed and made a break for the door.
“He’s getting away Superhiro!” Chihiro gasped.
“Stop him, Red Rocker!”
“Why do I gotta do It?”
“The Red Rocker Is no match for me!” Makoto grinned, grabbing Leon as he sprinted out the door. “In fact, I’ll take him with me!”
He gave his best evil laugh as he pulled the door shut and went running with Leon down the hall.
He pulled Leon Into the Gym with him and doubled over to catch his breath. “Man, I need to start working out…” He wheezed.
Leon leaned against the wall, also catching his breath. “Y-Yeah, I’m not really used to running anymore either.”
“It’s really nice of you to play along with them.” Makoto smiled, standing up straight again.
“Y-Yeah well… I didn’t have much choice. They kind of forced me Into It.” Leon blushed, recalling how he got into this mess to begin with. “It was nice of you to go along with it without being coerced.”
“I can tell they’re having fun, I didn’t wanna ruin it.” He replied. “So, let me get things straight… You’re the Red Rocker, He’s Superhiro, Chihiro Is The Decoder… Who am I?”
“Hiro called you The Lucky Charm, I think he was thinking of cereal.” Leon chuckled.
“The… Lucky charm? Ehh, Not exactly the worst name I’ve heard…” Makoto smiled and shook his head. “Is anyone else playing along villain wise?”
“Nope. Me, You and Byakuya were the only villains. Apparently Hina and Sayaka are heroes.”
Makoto smiled mischievously. “Let’s go recruit some baddies then, Red Rocker.”
“Aye Aye, Captain.” Leon smirked in response.
The two set out on their sneaky mission to rope their friends into the silly game, they managed to avoid Chihiro and Hiro quite easily, surprisingly to the both of them.
“You want me to do what?” Mondo asked, blinking in utter confusion.
“Join in on our game as a villain.” Makoto repeated.
“Why the fuck would I do that?”
“For Chihiro.” Leon replied. “Hiro started this goofy superhero game to cheer them up after this morning’s blow up. It’s working so far.”
“We need some backup, Because by now Hiro’s probably convinced Sayaka and Hina to join in-- Maybe more.”
Mondo sighed. “Alright. But only because It’s for Chihiro.”
“Let’s go get Taka onboard too.” Leon grinned.
They went off In search of said student, But they were too late. Somehow Hiro and Chihiro had convinced the strict student to join in on their game as a hero.
So they went back to the dining hall to see If Hina would join them instead but didn’t find either of the girls there.
Though they did find Sakura and Celeste drinking tea.
“Where’s Hina and Sayaka?” Makoto asked curiously.
“They went running off with Hiro and Chihiro, saying something about apprehending the villains?” Celeste recalled. “I’m assuming they meant you three.”
“Yeah.” Leon confirmed.
“Celeste? You wanna--”
“Hey Sakura,” Mondo leaned against the back of her chair, whispering something to her. She made a confused face, asking him if he was sure, expecting him to change his mind. But he doubled down, asking her again.
“I do not wish to be involved in this chaotic game of yours.” Celeste smiled, taking a sip of her tea.
Sakura sighed. “If you’re absolutely sure you want me to…”
Makoto and Leon exchanged confused looks. “What?”
“Hell yeah I do, Sakura’s gonna join us.” Mondo grinned as she stood up.
“Alright Sakura!” Makoto beamed at the unsure Martial artist. They went back to her room (Makoto cheesily referred to It as their ‘lair’, Sakura politely asked him not to call her room that again.), since the heroes would be less likely to find them there, and they devised a plan.
“Hmm, They appear to be really good at hiding.” Taka frowned.
“You can say that again.” Hina said after checking a closet.
Hiro hummed thoughtfully as he went over every spot they’d checked. “Maybe they’re hiding in a bedroom?”
“Oh heroes~ This Is a school announcement,” Leon’s voice bounced off of the walls, He had set up his amps In the main area outside the dining hall and spoke through a microphone. “We villains are gonna kick your asses!” He smirked.
“Where’s that coming from?” Sayaka asked.
“Sounds like It’s coming from the commons.” Chihiro answered. “Let’s go!”
The four took off running towards the commons area but only found Leon’s amps with no sign of the rockstar around.
“They’re totally messing with us.” Hina huffed.
“Yeah-- Hey, Where’d Taka go??” Hiro realized they lost the red eyed student and scanned around looking for him.
Little did they know, Mondo had been hiding around the corner and nabbed him when they were heading to the commons, The Biker dragged him back to their ‘lair’. “M-Mondo! How could you betray me bro!? We could’ve been heroes together!” He frowned as Mondo taped his hands with bandage wrap.
“Oh, I’m not Mondo. My name Is The Crazy Diamond.” He winked, Taka seemed unimpressed.
“Seriously? Your gang name? That’s sort of lame…”
“Yeah? Well what’s your super name?”
Taka smiled defiantly at the ‘villain.’ “My name Is The Hall Monitor, Villain!”
Mondo was going to diss on his name, But Taka seemed proud of It and he looked like he was enjoying this game too, So he let it go.
“Alright Hall Monitor.” Makoto started his villainous monologue. “Here’s what’s going to happen… We’re going to capture every one of you lousy heroes and torture you. Once you’re out of your minds, There will be no heroes left to stop us!”
“You won’t be able to catch all of us! I assure you of that!” Taka said confidently, though his confidence wavered once he looked around the room. “W-Wait a minute… Where am I?”
“Oh, This? You’re in our secret lair.” Leon smirked.
“But Sakura asked us to stop calling It that so… You’re In her room.” Makoto added.
Taka flinched in surprise. “W-What?! She’s a villain!?”
“That’s right, Kyoudai…” Mondo hummed evilly. “And the others have no idea.”
“You dastardly fiends! How could you do this!?”
“Quite easily, Actually.” Mondo smiled, jabbing his fingers into Taka’s sides. “Just think, all you guys had to do was ask her nicely and she probably would have joined your side.”
Taka shrieked and convulsed with laughter, trying to squirm away from Mondo’s wiggling fingers. “Nohohoho! Mondo! Stahahahap tihihickling me!”
“Sorry bro, There’s no Mondo here.” Mondo chuckled darkly.
“Thihihihis isn’t fahahahahair! I cahahahan’t move!” He complained.
“Since when have villains played fair~?”
While this carried on in their lair, Sakura had grouped up with the other heroes under the guise of helping them. She suggested that Hiro and Chihiro check the boys locker room while the girls would check over the commons area again. Chihiro and Hiro didn’t suspect a thing so they did as suggested.
“That’s really weird, It’s like they vanished Into thin air...” Sayaka pondered.
“They’ve gotta be hiding in either the boys locker room or a bedroom, We’ve checked everywhere else.” Hina said, turning to her best friend. “I think we should start checking rooms, Where should we start?”
Sakura pretended to think about It. “They could be In any room, Even one not belonging to them.”
“What would be the point of that?” Hina asked, walking towards the dorm rooms with the two girls.
“To throw us off, We should check any open room.” she said, smiling in amusement as Hina nodded In agreement, They began checking for unlocked rooms when they heard Taka shouting.
“HINA! SAYAKA! DON’T TRUST--” He was abruptly cut off, Most likely by someone covering his mouth.
“Taka??” Hina listened carefully for his voice again but heard nothing.
“I think It came from down the hall…” Sayaka said as they hurried down the hall towards Sakura’s room, finding the door was slightly open but It was dark inside so they couldn’t tell If anyone was In there or not.
Hina pushed the door open and crept In, feeling along the walls for a light switch. “Taka? Are you in here?” She whispered cautiously.
She finally found the light switch and hit It, finding Taka on the bed with Makoto covering his mouth. “Heya, LifeGuard.��� He grinned.
Hina whipped around hearing shuffling behind her, not really to her surprise but definitely to the shock of the villains, Sakura had Mondo pinned to the floor with a knee in his back and his arms above his head against the floor.
Sayaka had also pinned Leon down.
“W-What?! No way! You betrayed us!?” Makoto gasped.
“Sorry, Makoto.” She smiled. “They had already asked me to join the heroes.”
Hina grinned victoriously as she tackled Makoto onto the bed, pinning him easily. “It was a good strategy, But did you really think Sakura was going to betray me? Seriously?”
“Sakura, I swear to god… When I get out of this hold, You’re soooo gonna get It.” Mondo growled, sending a glare over his shoulder.
“You don’t fight girls.” She reminded him cockily.
“DECODER! SUPERHIRO! WE’RE IN HERE!” Sayaka called upon hearing their voices down the hall, They came running in and looked on in surprise at the scene before them.
“Wow! You girls kick serious butt.” Chihiro giggled.
Hiro went over to Taka and undid the bandage wrap around his wrists. “You okay, Hall Monitor?” He asked.
“Y-Yeah, Crazy Diamond over there was tickling me.” he huffed.
Hiro looked over at Mondo and grinned. “Is that so? Well, You should return the favor.”
Sakura nodded at her cue, removing her knee and flipping him over onto his back. She pinned his arms above his head firmly, there was no way he was getting out of her hold.
“This Is such bullshit.” Mondo sighed in defeat. “Sakura, I promise you as a man, I’m gonna get you back for this.”
“Goodluck.” She smiled in amusement, Her tone borderline teasing. “I’m stronger than you.”
Before Mondo could further threaten the Martial artist, Taka pounced, digging his fingers into every ticklish spot he could find, Making the Biker shriek with laughter.
“It’s okay LifeGuard, We got Lucky Charm. Go help Siren remind Red Rocker why It’s a bad idea to conspire against us.” Hiro smirked as Leon yelped.
“You got It, Boss.” Hina giggled, Hopping off the bed giddily, approaching the struggling Leon.
“Nononono-- NAHAHAHAHA!”
Makoto tried to escape but Hiro caught him in his arms and pinned him down. “Nice try! You gave us a lot of trouble today, Lucky Charm.”
“W-Wait, H-Hiro, C’mon… You don’t have to--” Makoto squeaked as he felt fingers wiggling against his ribs, He looked over to see Chihiro smiling mischievously as they tickled him. “Hehehehey! Ahahahahaha! Don’t tihihihickle me!”
“You were one of the main villains who was being super negative earlier, So yes, We do have to do this.” Hiro sighed dramatically, using one hand to tickle Makoto’s belly while the other still held him down.
“WAHAHAHAIT! WHAHAHAT ABOUT BYAKUYAHAHAHA!?” Makoto laughed, trying to squirm his stomach out of reach.
“Oh, Don’t worry. We’ll get him too.” Hiro smirked. “But not before we completely wreck you.”
This went on for a while, Mondo was pretty pissed at them when he could think clearly again, But seeing the happy looks on Chihiro and Taka’s face's calmed him down immediately.
After that, The negativity that plagued the school seemed to evaporate. Everyone was in much higher spirits.
It seemed like one thing was for sure, when everything was upsetting and everyone was feeling down, they could count on a Superhiro to save the day and lift everyone’s spirits.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
Ayyy porcelain anon here! THH girls (including Junko and Mukuro pls) +Chihiro who accidentally kill their s/o pls bc angst brain go brr-
hehehe my angst brain go brr too--
I honestly couldn’t figure out anything for Sakura (bc I can’t see her killing anyone at all hnggg) so you get the other ladies!
Watching her “Ultimate Punishment�� take place hurt to see..
Despite everything she’s done....you just couldn’t stop loving her.
You and Makoto even convinced her not to die! But she refused to listen to either of you.
At the final part of the execution, she was just waiting for the trash compactor to slam down onto her.
She could escape anytime, but...she waited with a smile on her face, a hand in the air, and Monokuma in her lap.
You wanted to give her chance to live...a chance to change her ways, even! If anyone deserved that..it was her.
So you ran to the end of the conveyor belt, pushing her out of the way just as she goes under the machine (which, oddly enough, stopped for some time).
For a moment, you see Junko’s shocked face, and you could only smile at her-
Before the compactor crushes you instantly.
As she stares at the blood pooling out...her teary eyes turn to dark swirls as she laughs softly.
This was suppose to be her punishment to relish in, not yours.
How cruel....one of her own devices killed you as you looked straight into her eyes: not with despair like other victims....but with hope.
Even in your final moments, you held onto to that stupid four-lettered word.
In her disguise (which she told you about beforehand), she provoked Monokuma as part of her plan with her sister.
You tried getting her away from him, but to no avail.
And when he called upon the Spears of Gungnir..you used all your strength to finally push her off the bear-
Right as you were impaled by the large spears from all sides.
“No..[y/n]...why did you do that..?”
Suddenly, to everyone’s confusion, “Junko’s” voice wasn’t high-pitched and annoying; instead it was quiet and full of distraught.
You just looked at your soldier gf with a bloody smile, only managing to say “Mukur-”
Before the spears retracted, ripping out of your flesh as you collapse into a pool of blood.
The despair Mukuro felt in that moment was too much....
Not only was Junko going to betray her, but...you gave your life for hers.
Had she just listened to you....you’d still be standing here.
It’s all her fault.
You found her walking back to her room with a kitchen knife and a bleak expression.
In concern, you followed her, holding the door open when she tried closing it behind her.
“Sayaka? Why..do you have that knife? You’re not planning to..do something with it, are you?”
“[Y/n]..i-it’s not what it looks like!” She insists, though it’s clear she’s panicking.
She doesn’t let it go when you ask, so you try wrestling it from her grasp, demanding to know her intentions.
But all she does is panic more--you weren’t suppose to find out about this! She had a plan and now it’s-
However, the struggle comes to a sudden end when there’s a pained gasp from you.
Sayaka opens her eyes, horrified to see the knife..now in your chest, the handle still in her shaking hands.
‘Oh god..no..no, no, no!!!’
Despite the agonizing pain, you look at her with a smile, cupping her tearstained face.
“I-It’s okay...d-don’t...blame yourself. I-I love you..Sayaka...”
But she can only scream as she frantically pulls the knife out, holding your now lifeless body as she sobs, apologizing and begging you to come back to her.
This shouldn’t have happened.
Why you?
It was a classic case of “wrong place at the wrong time”.
You saw Hifumi and Celestia together, though..you noticed something was off with your girlfriend.
She was sneaking up behind the fanfic writer with a hammer...and murderous intent in her eyes.
You didn’t know why she’d target him, but instinct took over in that moment--to protect your friends and stop more meaningless deaths.
So you rush in to push him out of the way...taking the full impact of the hammer.
When Celestia realizes who she hit instead, she drops the weapon in horror.
There was only one final step to complete for her plan....and now it all came crashing down.
She screams at Hifumi to get medical supplies while she kneels beside you, cradling your head.
“Why did you do that, you idiot?!! S-Something so stupid and...!!!”
For the first time ever, you see her crying.
Your heart ached, not only because of that..but also because you realized why she attempted to murder Hifumi...
“All...for a castle..? Well, if you do get out, Celeste...I-I hope...your dream comes true...”
“Awh c’mon! The pool isn’t that bad!”
After much persuasion, you join her for a fun swim.
It’s definitely a lot nicer than you expected. It was the break you needed from the stress of the killing game.
Aoi gets out soon, but you stay in a little while longer.
She encourages you to jump from the diving board, just one time, even though you’re worried that it’s so high up.
“C’mooonnnnn, I’ll give you my share of donuts later if you do!”
Finally, you give in...but little did you know that would be the first and last time you tried the diving board.
When you dove headfirst..you miscalculated how shallow the water really was.
And after the splash, your skull is cracked open.
Aoi immediately sees the blue water turn pink, and screams your name as she dives in to save you.
But by then it was much too late...you were killed instantly.
She pressured you to try the diving board...and because of that...you were gone forever.
Although not directly...she murdered you.
It started as an argument you had with Sho.
She was teasing you about your relationship with Toko, claiming all she cared about was “Master Byakuya” and no one else--not even you.
You tried staying calm...but you could only take so many insults before...
You snapped and tried to wrestle the scissors out of her grasp.
She fought back, though you proved to be strong, too.
But just as you shoved her against the wall....
You were sliced in the neck.
She hits the back of her head upon impact, dazed for a few moments.
When Toko finally comes back, it takes her a second to see the bloodstained scissors at her feet...
Before finally seeing you collapse to the ground, blood gushing from your neck.
She shrieks in horror, frantically covering the wound.
With tears streaming down her face, she yells at you, asking you why you didn’t just run from her
But..she never receives an answer.
Another love of hers.....was claimed by Sho.
“Chihiro? Do you need help getting that dumbbell?”
“Oh no! I got it! I promise!”
You just sigh and decide to go back to reading the magazine, sitting against the shelf’s side as you looked for workout tips.
Meanwhile, Chihiro’s trying his best to grab the dumbbell that was on top of said shelf.
He wanted to prove to you he was strong! And he wouldn’t let his height define him as feminine anymore.
But just as his fingers touched the dumbbell, the shelf begin shaking, causing them to accidentally push it.
It rolled over the edge and fell....right on top of your head.
Directly on top of your head.
When he heard a splattering noise, he looks at you, realizing what he’s done, and breaks down into tears, horrified by the sight before him:
Your body was slumped over, blood streaming down your face and dripping onto the open magazine.
And beside you laid a bloody dumbbell
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Mukuro Ikusaba week day 2 - friends!
It was over, they’d escaped the school… now Mukuro had to decide what to do next. Well, there was the obvious answer - continue as a member of Fenrir. But was that really the right choice? She thought over her interactions with the other students, and made her decision…
Mukuro: That was an amazing performance!
Sayaka: Thank you dear! I’m glad you liked it, it means a lot to get an exclamation mark out of you.
Mukuro: Exclamation mark?
Sayaka: Ah, don’t worry about it.
Mukuro: If you don’t mind me asking, why did you become an idol?
Sayaka: I’ve always admired the girls I saw on TV. I saw them, and how happy they were, and I really wanted to be like them. So, I did! There wasn’t anything special, I just enjoy it.
Mukuro: Ah, that’s understandable. I do envy you a little, you do always seem so happy…
Mukuro: You don’t like baseball?
Leon: It’s not that I don’t like it, I just wanna do something different! I’m definitely gonna be the best punk rock star you’ve ever seen!
Mukuro: I look forward to it… honestly, I can’t imagine giving up my talent.
Leon: Well, I guess it’s different for everyone. I know I could continue with baseball, and I’d be great at it, but I just don’t have the passion for it anymore, ya know?
Mukuro: Yes. It’s terrible when you lose your passion for something you once loved, isn’t it?
Leon: Yeah, it really sucks… dammit, we shouldn’t be getting bogged down like this! Let’s keep it positive, all right!
Mukuro: Y-yeah… that would be good.
Mukuro: Do you ever wonder what happened to your siblings?
Byakuya: No. After being cast out from the Togami family, they’re of no use to me.
Mukuro: Harsh words…
Byakuya: Well I have to be harsh, don’t I? I had to do so much to become heir, and I won’t let any weaknesses take it away from me.
Mukuro: Do you miss them?
Byakuya: I don’t have to answer any of your questions. But if you insist, there are moments when I feel their presence might be nice. They were good people, in personality if not in usefulness.
Mukuro: That’s the nicest thing I’ve heard you say since you got here…
Mukuro: That’s really cute…
Chihiro: You think so? I don’t know, I just wanted a new avatar. I don’t know if a bunny is the right choice though…
Mukuro: Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but they’re my favourite animal. And I guess, you should do what makes you happy?
Chihiro: I guess that’s one way of looking at it. But I didn’t expect you to be a fan of cute things.
Mukuro: I guess, but my entire life doesn’t revolve around the military. And bunnies are so nice, how could anyone not like them?
Chihiro: Yeah! I agree completely! I’ve been told that I’m sort of like one myself.
Mukuro: I can see that. If I was an animal… maybe I’d be a cat.
Mukuro: No matter how hard you try, you’re never going to be able to get those iron plates off.
Mondo: Like hell I’m gonna be trapped in here for another 25 days! I want out! And now!
Mukuro: Hey, you should calm down. It won’t last forever, even if it feels like it.
Mondo: Nothing can… like my gang. I really love them, and I have so much fun with them… but one day we’ll have to split up. I know it’s coming, but it’ll still hurt like hell.
Mukuro: And one day I’ll leave Fenrir for good… I’d never even thought about it.
Mondo: And everyday I spend in here is another day I’m not spending with them! Which is why I need to get out!
Mukuro: Hey hey, you’re going to break something… maybe yourself at this rate…
Mukuro: Oh, hello Toko. I was just reading your book, it’s really good!
Toko: Ugh, don’t say that. It’s obvious you don’t mean it.
Mukuro: Why would I lie about something like this? I’m serious. You’re really talented. I’d love to have a romance like this.
Toko: Like you’d ever understand…
Mukuro: Maybe not, I don’t think I’ve ever truly been in love before… but it really speaks to me, uh, I don’t know how to explain it. I just really see all the couples as so natural.
Toko: You think so? Most people complain the scenarios are too outlandish…
Mukuro: Whether or not that’s true, it’s clear you understand people, and what connects them. Whether it’s love or friendship, I see a lot of myself in them…
Syo: Heya freckles! How’s it going?
Mukuro: Wait, aren’t I meant to be the first to talk in all of these?
Syo: So what? I like to break the mold a little, shake things up a bit! You should try it sometime.
Mukuro: Umm… I really like bunnies? Does that shake things up?
Syo: Hmm, good start. But that’s still falling into the ‘gap moe’ thing… but it’s totally adorable!
Mukuro: Umm… thank you?
Syo: Oh dontcha worry about it! I ain’t gonna kill you, I only kill the people that hurt Toko. Not that stupid ‘I kill people I love’ bs that people seem to claim.
Mukuro: You were the one who claimed it in the first place though…
Mukuro: Aren’t you going to spend your free time with other people?
Ishimaru: Nonsense! I must keep up my studies, even if we’re trapped in this place!
Mukuro: I was hoping I could hang out with you, but you’re obviously busy so-
Ishimaru: Don’t worry, I will let you study with me! I will even tutor you in areas you struggle at!
Mukuro: Thanks. I guess my Japanese could use some work, I have spent a lot of time out of the country.
Ishimaru: Japan is a lovely country. My dream is to be the prime minister one day, I hope you’ll be in the country for that.
Mukuro: I probably will… I’d forgotten how nice it was. When I lived with my father, we weren’t allowed many freedoms, and after that I only ever saw the streets… but I don’t really want to leave now.
Mukuro: Hello. What are you drawing now?
Hifumi: Well, I was requested to draw a doujin of a pair of sisters, separated at a young age. And their heartwarming reunion after one of them becomes famous, and the other recognises them from a poster.
Mukuro: That sort of sounds familiar… who requested this?
Hifumi: A fan who wishes to remain anonymous. And of course I would never wish to break someone’s trust in such a fashion.
Mukuro: Well, it’s either a huge coincidence, or it was Junko.
Hifumi: I can neither confirm nor deny that statement.
Mukuro: Well, either way, it’s nice that she’d think of me like that… I miss the old days…
Mukuro: Here’s your tea my lady, I hope I made it properly this time.
Celeste: Much better dear! Keep it up and you’ll make B rank in no time!
Mukuro: I’m not sure I’ll be able to do that… I’ve never really taken on a role like this before.
Celeste: Well it doesn’t seem that way to me. It seems like you’re good at adapting to new situations. I really admire that in a person.
Mukuro: Uh… thank you. As a soldier I sort of had to adapt to new environments and adversaries, so maybe it’s the same concept.
Celeste: My my, I never thought I’d ever hear tea and combat being compared. I have to say, I’m curious. Would you care to delight me with some tales of battles gone by?
Mukuro: I can… as soon as I think of a good one…
Mukuro: Alright. And how about, uh, bunnies? Surely they can’t be a conspiracy, they’re too cute.
Hagakure: Ah yes, that’s what they want you to think. That’s how they lure you in! They’re all robots, fluffy robots planted by the government. They have hidden microphones and cameras. And when you speak to them, they hear everything…
Mukuro: I don’t know what you say when petting bunnies, but there’s nothing I wouldn’t want the government to hear.
Hagakure: It seems you can resist their brain scan abilities then! I dunno, I always want to pour out my heart to them. Do you not rant about global warming to rabbits?
Mukuro: No? Does anyone?
Hagakure: I do! But enough about that, what other subjects do you want subjected to the cold truth of the illuminati?
Mukuro: Well, how about…
Mukuro: You really are the strongest person in the world. Even after all this time I can’t lay a hand on you.
Sakura: You’ve gotten much closer since the first time we sparred.
Mukuro: Thanks. It must be boring for you, being able to defeat everyone.
Sakura: Not at all. It’s good to keep myself in shape. Besides, I need to keep training, as there’s someone I’ve never been able to defeat.
Mukuro: Really? I hope you manage someday, I’m sure you can do it.
Sakura: I hope so too. It’s my goal in life to truly be the strongest person in the world. Do you have a goal like that?
Mukuro: Not really. Usually I’m just fighting to stay alive. It’s fun I guess, but maybe I could do more...
Mukuro: Are you sure you want me to help you? I’m not the best at cooking anything other than rations.
Aoi: Don’t worry about it! I have no clue what I’m doing either, so it’s gonna be perfect! Anyway, I wanna surprise the others, and you can keep a secret right?
Mukuro: I can. What made you want to make this for the others anyway?
Aoi: Oh, you know, everyone’s always working so hard, and who doesn’t love a hot pot after a long day’s work? And I can sorta remember how mum made it.
Mukuro: I was never able to do something like that… I never even met my mum, I don’t think.
Aoi: Oh… well sorry for bringing it up. Maybe when we’re out of here you can go look for her?
Mukuro: I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try… and maybe it’d be good for Junko as well…
Mukuro: Uh… do you want to take a bath together?
Kyoko: Oh, maybe later. But I mainly brought you here because there are no cameras in here.
Mukuro: Oh. Right, sorry. So what did you want to talk about? Did you find something?
Kyoko: Hmm… not really. I just wanted to have a conversation with you, without being monitored. I don’t mind what we talk about, anything really.
Mukuro: Ah, I’m not good at conversations… uh… what’s your? Do you? Are you?
Kyoko: I still can’t remember my talent, I do use L’oreal, and yes, I’m bi.
Mukuro: You figured out what I was going to say from just that? That’s really impressive…
Mukuro: Hey, what are you going to do after all this is over?
Makoto: I’m not sure. Honestly, compared to the rest of you, I don’t have that much a future, do I?
Mukuro: Don’t say that. You definitely have a future, I can see you making millions as an inspirational speaker.
Makoto: Haha, maybe… so are you gonna go back to Fenrir?
Mukuro: Well, is there anything else I can do? I am the ultimate soldier after all. It would make sense.
Makoto: I guess… but hey, you don’t have to decide your future now if you don’t want to. Do what you want! And make sure you’re happy!
Mukuro: Mmm… you really are hopeful, aren’t you? Thank you.
Mukuro: Hello.
Junko: Ah, Muki! It’s so good to see you! Are you ready for the makeover of your life, cause you’re gonna love it! I’m tellin’ ya, the guys will be flocking around!
Mukuro: Thanks but that’s not-
Junko: The gals too, if that’s what you’re into!
Mukuro: Thanks… oh, I was talking to Hifumi and-
Junko: Oh he told you about that? Bummer, I was hoping it would be a surprise… but yeah, here it is, our manga. I was kinda hoping it would be… uh… a way to try and make a better new impression? I mean, when we first met at this school it was in chaos, and we didn’t really get the reunion I wanted, so this was sort of my ideal way?
Mukuro: Thank you, it really means a lot. You were a little intimidating when I saw you here, but you’re the best sister that I could ever ask for.
Mukuro looked at the others, at her sister, and realised that she couldn’t leave this behind. She could find something other than Fenrir. And she’d be able to spend more time with her friends. Makoto, Kyoko, Sayaka, it’d be fine, wouldn’t it? And maybe she could even find a goal. That would be nice… it was funny, if she hadn’t been kidnapped she wouldn’t have come to this conclusion… but now she’d found it, she wouldn’t go back.
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