#these are mainly redraw of older shit I did
scoliosisgoblin · 11 months
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getting back to drawing his fucker
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new-tella-us · 6 months
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Soooo decided to redraw James cause why not? Didn’t change much, though I did add a pattern to his sweater.
For shits and giggles, I’ll include a fun fact. While tackling James’ character, I had the idea of him being a little emotionally repressed. Growing up with Istorae (who I headcanon as being a bit cold) and the Demon Lord has made James not comfortable with showing his true emotions. He mainly got rewarded for cold logic or cruel, violent behavior. However while, as a whole, his emotions are naturally dampened; he purposefully guards three emotions, anger, greed, and lust. In his mind, those emotions are what led to his father becoming the monster he is today so James doesn’t allow himself to express any of those emotions to their fullest potential if at all. It’s gotten to an unhealthy degree of fear that he masks under sternness.
Also, the necklace he’s wearing is a family heirloom on his mother’s side. She gave it to him when he came of age.
Final fun fact, the aesthetics I chose for James were dark academia and a little bit of boy next door. Basically “Well educated, slightly older man” vibes.
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chococustard · 4 years
i'm gonna be brave and not send this anonymously and also sorry in advance because this is VERY long 😅
hiiiii!!! i just got through (i'm pretty sure) the ENTIRE lovechild au tag and oh my g o s h do i LOVE IT. i rarely like abo aus but this????? amazing!!!
your character design is BRILLIANT and i absolutely a d o r e your art style, it's so freaking pretty!!!! everyone's BEAUTIFUL. also, i just can't get over just how freaking beautiful you draw girls???? like, the way you draw boys is great too, they're so, so, so, SO pretty, but the GIRLS, I- wow. just wow.
i especially noticed that when i got to your drawing of Eri, she's MARVELOUS. SO PRETTY!!!! Yukari is absolutely beautiful too. i also really like how you draw Shouto and Eijirou.
i've already mentioned character design and before i meant it visually, but like, personality-wise, your character design is great too! i love how you portray the original bnha characters and the kids you've created are excellent! none of the personalities seem repetitive or forced or something and the portrayal is very good in my opinion.
Ochako as a mother is hilarious lol. some of those little comics with her and Tenma, and Tenya too, made me laugh really hard, haha.
Kyou and Yu are PRECIOUS.
there's something i'm really curious about though, but you can completely ignore this next bit if you want to, i'm just throwing out an idea lol. in that one post with Toshi there's a boy in Chihiro's class who can see ghosts thanks to his quirk. i wonder what would happen if you continued with that and it somehow became known to the tododeku fam that he can see Toshi? like, idk, one day tododeku pick up Chihiro at school and, as they're standing together getting ready to leave, the boy, as kids are wont to do sometimes, just asks why there's a ghost of an older boy hanging out around her so much or something??? i don't think you've said that that's canon in your au, but, like i said, i'm curious. and also, idk, i imagine that would come out pretty angsty.
(idk, i just need more Toshi content, i know he technically doesn't even exist, but i LOVE him)
also, whenever i look at your art of Toshi, i kinda get a Dabi-esque vibe from him, mainly mannerism-wise??? like, the coat you draw him in so often or the poses, they just really remind me of Touya????
speaking of Dabi, Homura is a sweetie. i love her design.
that thing with the morning glories is so sweet and heartbreaking once you know their meaning, oh my gosh.
and one last thing!! what is up with Takami Kaguya??? as far as i'm aware you've only drawn her once so far, i think. i love her design and i know she was apparently never born, but i'm so curious about her! will we ever see anything of the backstory behind her?
so yeah, i am a BIG fan of both your artstyle and this au now. have a nice day!
//breaths hold on im overwhelmed first of all i didnt know tumblr ask can have this many characters now holy shit ive been on here for too long
i need to redraw eri tho at least give her a new design WITH A SCARF LIKE HER DADDY//SHOT
I drew toshi in a coat one time but tbh yeah he kinda was influenced by touya from fics it stuck and it just fit lol
regarding the ghost boy (lol) yes he’s not canon, and shouto and deku doesn’t really pick them up from elementary school, cause, well, gotta keep the girls’ identity hush hush. BUT, however, YU does go home with her sometimes if she doesn’t have afternoon classes/chi doesn’t go play with her friends
imagine the kid, asking the big sister, “hey your sister’s being haunted by some guy” and she just
“oh yeah that’s our brother”
won’t that be fucked up//SHOT
meanwhile kaguya is from an au where hawks is an omega and he and dabi has a kid and also kept homura lol. she was a joke that went to far like everything i ever did in my life//SHOT
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doodlingleluke · 7 years
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a bit later I usually am with these, but here’s what I’ve been up to in 2017. While I feel like my improvement isn’t as obvious as ith as been in previous years, I still feel like this was a really good art year for me. I actually did a lot of pieces that I really liked and actually still like months later! that is a completely new sensation for me! I feel like I’m really getting to where I want to be with my art, so hopefully this will continue in 2018. 
for the first time I feel like commenting on my choices for this thing, mostly cause I just want to but also in case someone wants to know how I feel about my own art. but because theres a lot of drawings here that’ll continue under the cut 
wow I use red and pink/purple hues way more than I thought. anyways. 
january -  this year I wanted to get better at doing at least somewhat interesting backgrounds (even if it just means a simple colour) and experimenting more with different textures and styles, and I still think this tenten was a good start. I had been wanting to draw something like this with her for ages and I’m glad I finally was able to pull it off.
february - february didn’t really have any drawings that stood out to me, but this month I started drawing a lot more “casual” trek stuff, as in stuff that doesn’t need to have a punchline. I see a lot of problems with it now, but I really liked this seven when I first drew it. 
march - again, not a month where I found anything particularly good, but it was the month when I got into night in the woods (still a big fan of it) and this was honestly the best of the nitw art I did. 
 april - I am pretty sure the demon kankuro was a redraw of an older, shittier demon kankuro I can’t be bothered to find. Its a bit messy and his facial features are off, but I still think theres some nice details and colours. At this point I had also started to use a bit of after effects (the blur around the edges). the 80s ino is part of a konoha girls in vintage clothes thing that admittedly isn’t all that good looking, but it was a lot of fun and probably my favourite outfit drawing. 
may - I spent most of this month doing art memes inbetween exams and dying, but this random kankuro somehow found its way in. yeah its not spectacular or anything but it kinda happened on a whim and its not a style of colouring I use very often. I don’t remember what brush I used but I love how it looks. pardon my french but I’m pleased with how this turned out. 
june - I moved this month so I’m surprised I had time to draw at all. this sad nog represents my inner turmoil and stress at the time. probably. anyways, I feel like this was the first time I was able to cartoonify a ferengi somewhat successfully. I also finally started toning down my exessive highlighting.
july - I spent most of july stuck in the mountains with no internet, yet somehow I still managed to draw a bunch of shit I still really like. The magical girl temari was the first time I tried to do a combination of solid and blended shading. I’ve had issues with my shading for a long time and I think this was a step in the right direction. It was mainly inspired by how much I liked the solid shading of the other one, which is also the only good drawing I’ve ever done of that oc. 
august  - what the fuck how did I draw so many things I like in august. For the deanna I just suddenly got the idea to try something art nouveau, and while its not perfect I’m still happy with the result. The hair took forever but I’m still in love with it, and I’ve been incorporating some of those elements into my art ever since. The temari REALLY benefited from solid shading instead of me drowning it in exessive layers of purple like I usually do when I shade. idk what to say, I love it and I genuinely think its one of the coolest things I’ve ever drawn. for the top one I wanted to do something original and different from my usual stuff. The background is a bit messy but I still like the overall result and it has inspired me to draw more casual stuff that doesn’t necessarily need to be posted here. 
september -  no contest here, the konoha witch series took a lot of time, but I’m still happy with the result.Well for some of them at least. Ino is hands down my favourite and I think its obvious that shes the one I put the most thought and effort into (even though it started with a random sketch of tenten). Apparently I have some kind of bias towards pink and purple, which might explain why I think Ino just ended up with the nicest looking colours out of all the girls. 
october - I didn’t have time to do a big halloween piece this year, but this wirt was still pretty halloween-y. the colours turned out better than I expected, especially the shading on his face. The background doesn’t really make sense, but I think it looks nice so ya know, whatever. This was also the first time I watched over the garden wall so this also has some sentimental value I guess. 
november - Huevember month! which meant a lot to choose from! the kira I did on the last day of november is honestly my favourite out of all the huevember drawings I did. I don’t do a lot of drawings with the light source in the back, but I think it really worked here. idk I just think the colours and the style look really neat. It feels weird being so positive about my art hah but I don’t have anything I dislike about this one. I do have a few problems with the temari, but I just really like the colours, and I like that I did something interesting with the colours for once in my life. The tilly is in all honesty not a fave of mine, I actually kind of dislike it BUT it did get featured on after trek so I feel like it was a significant part of my ~art year~ 
december - I’ve had a lot on my mind this month, so sadly I’ve been really inactive here. The elf temari isn’t really all that special, but then again I don’t think its directly bad and I think the colours turned out better than what they usually do when I try shading my lineless art. The other one is a redraw of a drawing I did back in may, and while I (as always) have some problems with it I do think its a big improvement over the old one (which is so ugly that I was genuinely surprised to find that it was drawn...this year). 
thank you if you bothered to read all of this! I know this was completely pointless but at the same time I’ve found that artists often hav completely different opinions on their art than others do so there might possibly be something a little bit interesting here. just a tiny bit. 
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