#these posts. are so fun. and i always stay up way too late makin em
druidshollow · 1 year
who's the iterator with the shelter symbol on their head? 👀
*whips around and evil grins at the camera* TIME FOR A CANOPY POST
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sheltering canopy | #862, gen 3 | she/her
(im gonna be talking about off string canopy mostly because she doesn't really do anything yet in the canon adjacent story!!! all the like. personal info and stuff is consistent tho)
of course. as always. since this is canopy's first time around. fast facts.
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sheltering canopy is part of the far north group, a local group adjacent to corners!
far north consisted (in order of construction) of eleven rivers, untold odyssey, one wish for all, four falling phrases, and finally sheltering canopy. when rivers' first admin went to the void sea and was eventually replaced with flowers, flowers proposed and helped construct the twins and separated the far north group into two groups.
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odyssey was made group senior overseeing wish and canopy, and phrases was made senior overseeing rivers and the twins.
shortly after the mass ascension, wish caught the rot, and some time after that the Gift was released and odyssey received dev status. unfortunately wish's rot was too extreme so they couldn't save her, but odyssey was able to reach canopy and make her a mobile puppet so they could travel south together!
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they are heading south because *static sounds here* (there is something that LOTS of iterators are travelling towards, havent decided if its like. a commune or new society or something but whatever i decide is where these guys are heading). unfortunately, the only way south from far north is through the great north divide (a large mountain range), which is perilous and frigid. keeping warm is hard and securing water is even harder. rivers and phrases climbed the range and went above (pink path), where canopy and odyssey (cyan path) moved through a ravine called the west chasm (more water and warmth than going above, but also lots more carnivores)
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the divide is a difficult journey but once youve reached the other side, the real threat rears its head. across the mountains from the far north group is the civilizing divide group, a group consisting of 13 iterators, most notably their senior and older sister, adamant dune.
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i think we all know who dune is by now, lmao canopy and odyssey almost reached the other side of dune's territory without even understanding the danger they were in, but the group caught up with them last moment. by the time canopy and odyssey reach this point, phrases and rivers have already long escaped and dune had thrown hollow space out. she was especially dangerous at this point, angry and grieving and now without her voice of reason.
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a mystery group (who i currently know very very little about) jumps in at the last moment and saves odyssey, leaving canopy behind having seen her injuries and knowing there's no coming back from a killing blow like that.
but canopy miraculously survives the wound dune inflicts on her, and instead of just trying again, dune takes canopy in to her group in exchange for canopy to help them retrieve cells. they tell canopy that they murdered odyssey.
dune in no way treats canopy like family like she does the rest of her group. she makes canopy help with murder and has little to no regard for her wellbeing or feelings. canopy collapses in on herself amongst the violence shes being made to commit and the cruelty she's facing. she becomes quiet, introspective and numb. it reminds dune of hollow space, which just makes her disdain for canopy stronger.
i sketched this freaky comic of dune making canopy murder someone, you can see it if u promise not to look at the arms for more than 0.5 seconds lmao
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she goes by the name shelter with dune and co.
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ok its 12:30 pm on a work night and i gotta wake up at 6 so thats all from me for now. ill save her and odyssey's reunion for another time!!! the payoff is huge you guys have no idea but i promise they end up together again
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sad-sweet-cowboah · 4 years
Summary: You’re strong independent woman who keeps to yourself. That however doesn’t stop a certain outlaw from burrowing into your heart. He visits often enough, but a few months pass before he comes back. With him at your will, you have a little bit of fun.
Warnings: Smut, D/S undertones, ropeplay
AN: This was straight up inspired by @mrskrazy ‘s most recent Arthur drawing, because she is an absolute gem and I love horny cowboahs.
Two months.
Two long months had passed since you last peered into those bright blue eyes. Since you’ve heard his gruff voice. Since you’ve felt his warmth encompass you. His large rough hands holding yours. His breath ghosting across your face when his lips made contact with yours.
Two long months since you’ve last seen the man known as Arthur Morgan.
He never went more than two weeks without seeing you. The longest he’d pushed it was a month. It was no secret he was an outlaw, living life on his toes and law almost breathing down his neck. He told you when your feelings toward one another became apparent. You knew quite well that at any given moment he could be shot dead or captured.
As each day passed, your heart grew heavier with that very real possibility. You said you wouldn’t fall too heavily for him, but damn you and your own wants. Falling in love with Arthur was as easy as breathing.
Regardless of his lifestyle, he treated you much better than any man ever did. It’s why you never chose to marry, much to the displeasure of society. You lived on a small homestead tucked away from civilization, only coming into towns when you needed what the land couldn’t provide. You grew and hunted your own food, fought every intruder tooth and nail for what you had. Your initial meeting with Arthur was no different. You were out hunting one day when you noticed an unfamiliar horse on the edge of your property, and the door to your house wide open.
You were no fool. You grabbed your rifle and quietly stepped in, following the creaking and rustling until you found him rummaging through your wardrobe. You held the barrel up to his head. To your surprise he didn’t try to fight. He instead surrendered and turned around, his eyes wide and on you.
He towered over you and could easily outmuscle you, but he kept himself submissive. With your weapon still up, you ushered him out and watched him ride away on his horse. It was certainly the first time you didn’t have to shed blood to defend your home, and a small blessing.
But then you ran into him a week later, finding him hunting in the same area you were about to. Your first instinct was that he would try to rob you, but he surprised you. He thanked you for not killing him that day, which somehow eased your apprehension. You inquired as to why he didn’t try to fight back, and he answered with he knew when he was outmatched. His comment instilled a sense of pride in you, and your curiosity grew. Any other person would have ether attempted defense or worse. Why was he different?
Soon you began to see his face more. A rare occasion when you brought yourself to town to indulge in some alcohol. He was already there and tipsy, which allowed his lips to become pliable. You learned his name, enjoyed his sense of humor and his ability to hold a good conversation even more. When you left that evening, he seemed to stay in your mind more than you’d care to admit.
It only went downhill from there. Arthur Morgan had captured your heart, and he was no longer the polite man who tried to burgle you.
He always visited you in a timely manner, staying a few days before leaving and promising he’d return soon.
You could still remember the way he held you on the last day, his strong arms pulling you to his chest as he placed a kiss on the crown of your head. His smell surrounded you, a pleasant medley of forest pine and earth, with a slight hint of tobacco and gunpowder. It lingered in your bed for days after he left only to fade with time, and you would give anything just to smell it again.
You sighed heavily, pausing in gathering some vegetables from your garden to lean against the fence post. A swell of emotion overtook you as you turned your eyes to the blue sky ahead. He’s been gone too far long. You had to assume the worst by now, yet somehow it didn’t feel right. You couldn’t just accept the fact he was almost positively dead. Denial however was dangerous to your heart.
You shook your head and gathered what you had already to head toward your well for washing. It was no use to dwell on something that was doomed from the start. You were always meant to be alone in the world, without a person to tie you down. Having relations was a useless feat, lest you endured heartbreak.
You reached the well and began to pump, though the water wasn’t the only liquid flowing. Tears stung your eyes and you drew in a shuddering breath, trying to keep yourself under control.
“Stop it.” You hissed to yourself. “Stop crying over useless men.”
You froze on the spot. That voice. So quick that you might’ve even imagined it. It however called to you clear as day. Your mind had to be playing tricks. But you turned around anyway, your grief transforming to utter shock when you laid eyes on the being standing just a few feet away.
His lips stretched into a smile when his eyes met yours. “Hey, darlin’.” He greeted.
You couldn’t say anything, you hadn’t even conjured up any words. The vegetables lay abandoned on the ground as you bounded forward, closing the gap between you in a short second, leaping into his arms.
You buried your face into his shoulder, letting him overwhelm your senses. He hugged you so tightly, his warmth soothing against the cool air. He whispered your name, his voice low and rough and comforting. More tears formed in your eyes, your heart hammering in your chest with happiness and relief.
A long moment passed before you lifted your head up, leaning back to look at him just as his grip loosened slightly. His hands reached up to catch the tears falling, wiping them away while the smile remained.
“These for me?” he asked quietly.
You sniffed, shaking your head and chuckling. “No, ‘course not. It’s for the other outlaw in my life.”
He chuckled as well, moving his hands to rest on your waist. “Guess I’ll have to kill ‘em for makin’ my lady cry.”
“Not before I tell him off for being late.” You joked, gazing at his face fully. Beneath the brim of his hat betrayed a look of exhaustion, though attempting to hide it behind his smiles. It struck a chord in you, wondering what exactly he’d been through. However, your eyes landed on those beautiful lips of his. You reached up and pulled the hat off, your other hand snaking around his neck to pull him in for a deep kiss.
Arthur’s exhaustion grew more apparent as the day continued. You learned that his gang had experienced a particularly rough patch that led him to take on much more work than necessary. Death, failed plans, and constant running had worn him to the bone. He apologized profusely for not coming sooner, but you just shook your head and responded that you couldn’t blame him for any of it.
You provided him with a meal that he scarfed down. He then passed out on your bed soon after, and it was just early evening. Arthur was always much stronger than he gave himself credit for, and this was the first time you’d seen him so fatigued. He looked so peaceful and almost dead the way he sprawled out on the mattress.
He hadn’t moved when you turned in a few hours later. You were careful to ease into the bed next to him, hoping not to arouse him when you lay down. He remained still as a statue, until you were nodding off. His body shifted to wrap his arm around your waist and pulled you in tightly.
You woke early the next morning nearly forgetting he was there until you’d realized he still had you against him. You carefully peeled yourself from his grasp, only disturbing him slightly while he expressed a small groan and rolled over. You wanted to lay with him for hours, but there was always work to be done on your little plot of land.
A little while had passed of you doing chores. Chickens and goats were fed, fresh water refilled the troughs and taken into the house. You were just moving a bale of hay from the barn when Arthur exited the cabin, his gaze sweeping around until landing on you. He trotted over and fell in step with you as you carried it over to the small pasture where your horse and his waited peacefully, their ears pricked and their excited nickers sounding when they spotted you.
“Coulda woken me up, woulda helped ya Y/N.” he spoke.
“Nah, I can handle it myself,” you responded while dropping the bale and pulling your knife out to cut away its confinements. “Besides, you looked like you needed at least a week’s worth of rest.”
Despite your initial refusal, he bent down to grab a few hay flakes, tossing them over the fence with ease. You peered over at him, noting the shadows beneath his eyes had almost completely vanished. He turned to look at you. “Overnight did me good, as you can see.” He pointed out with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes. “You know I never needed a man’s help, right?” you reminded him.
“’Course I do,” he answered, reaching forward to gently hold your hips. He pulled you closer, your torso flush with his as his eyes stared softly. “It’s jus’ an excuse to spend more time with ya. I have a lotta catchin’ up to do.”
You smiled at his charm, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Yes you do, cowboy,” You giggled, granting him a quick peck on his lips before reaching to gently flick the tip of his nose. “That’s for making me worry.”
Arthur winced from the contact and laughed, stepping back to quickly rub his nose. “Love you too, sweetheart."
You only shot him another smile as you headed back toward the barn, and he followed like a puppy. With the animals fed, the only thing left to do was to straighten up the inside of the barn. You’d neglected cleaning it for the past few weeks. A powerful storm swept through the area and stirred up quite a mess. The floor was littered with old hay and feed sacks, as well as some materials strewn about.
You sighed heavily. You were reluctant to even complete it, but it had to be done regardless. “Gotta get this cleaned, then we’ll settle and have some breakfast, okay?” you said to him.
He nodded in response. “Sounds good.”
And so you began to work. A normally slow process shortened with Arthur’s help. He took over the heavier duties while you resigned yourself to sweeping the hay out and replacing smaller items. A half-hour passed before it was clean, or at least clean for a barn. You straightened up and clapped the dust off your hands before wiping them on your jeans, sighing in relief. Arthur finished placing some wooden planks against the wall before coming back to your side.
“Think we did pretty good.” He commented, his hand reaching to rest on your lower back.
You leaned to his embrace, resting your shoulder against his chest. “Yeah we did,” You sighed, peering up at him. “Thank you.”
He offered a soft smile. “Now what was that ‘bout me bein’ useless?” he recalled, noting your moment from yesterday.
You turned to face him completely. “Think you were hearing things, Morgan.” You said, though mirroring his smile.
“Ah I don’t think so,” he replied, pulling you closer to him. “Think I’ve earned an apology.”
“Do you now?” you challenged while raising an eyebrow. “After making me wait for you for two months?”
“’M here now, ain’t I?” his voice vibrated with a chuckle, moving a hand to rest on your cheek. “Better later than never.”
You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes as he moved to tangle his fingers within your hair. With gentle pressure he pulled your head closer, lips connecting to elicit a tender kiss. He held you to him with his free arm, his grip tightening. Your arms wrapped around his neck automatically, your own fingers toying with his sandy locks.
He pulled back slightly to look at you, lips parted as he took a deep breath. “God damn did I miss you, Y/N.” he sighed out.
“Me too,” you murmured to him. “I… honestly thought you were dead.”
“Ain’t dead yet,” he replied. “Ain’t gonna leave ya that long ever again neither.”
“That better be a promise, Morgan. Or else you’ll catch some hell,” You lightly threatened. “You’re already on thin ice.”
“Then what can I do to make it up?” he asked you, catching the small amused smirk that played at his lips.
You hummed to him in response, sliding one hand from the back of his neck to the front, trailing your fingertip along his exposed skin. Your other hand guided him back to you for a new, much deeper kiss. You traced his collarbone before dipping further, nimbly unbuttoning each button, easing each apart to reveal his union suit underneath. All the while his tongue was exploring your mouth.
Once completely undone you tugged the loosened fabric from his pants and pushed it to the side, him helping you by shrugging it off along with his suspenders. You worked on those buttons next, though much slower than before. One by one the buttons fell open, exposing his wonderful torso to you.
Just as you pulled the top half off, he immediately reached to do the same with your clothes – only to step back out of his grip. He stared at you in confusion, his mouth forming in the beginnings of a question.
But you had an idea. “Now now, Arthur. Do you think I’d let you undress me just like that?” you softly interrupted with a teasing tone. Your eyes slowly raked across his figure. Bare from the waist up and standing in the morning sun, it almost made him appear like a deity. One for you to ravage at your will.
Your body called to him, yearned for him. Having gone so long without his touch, without his warmth, without him being inside of you. Of course you couldn’t truly blame him for having to focus on his gang, it was his life after all. But the thought of teasing and punishing him set a new fire in you that could only be quenched in one way.
“Why can’t I?” he spoke quietly.
“You know why.” You swiftly answer, stepping to the side and grabbing a coil of rope from atop a crate. A smirk formed on your face as his only further twisted in bewilderment and slight apprehension.
“You ain’t gonna hogtie me, are ya?” he asked.
“No, but I have a different idea.” You explained as you moved further into the barn, glancing up to peer at the support beams. You tossed one end of the rope up and over, tugging the ends until they were even – and happy to find they were the perfect length. You turn back toward him. “Come here.”
He peered at you with faint unease – he was nervous about what you planned to do, but he trusted you regardless. He slowly made his way over to you.
“Sit here.” You pointed.
He appeared as if he wanted to ask why, but kept silent. You crouched down and took his wrists, raising his hands to your lips to kiss them with small reassurance. He seemed to visibly ease a little, and you raised his arms to the rope ends. You wrapped them around his wrists with a snug fit. Once he was secure you stepped back to admire your handiwork, the large and powerful outlaw now appearing almost like a prisoner to you.
He met your gaze with bright and curious eyes.
“Are you comfortable, Arthur?” you ask him.
He wriggled in place, tugging at his restraints. “It ain’t uncomfortable, am I a hostage now?”
“No, you’re always free to come and go as you please,” you say. “But it’s mighty bold of you to think you could touch me so easily.”
He blinked at you. “What do you mean?”
“You know how many lonely nights I spent wishing I had your company?” you continue, reaching to place your hand upon your chest. Your fingers began to ease the buttons of your shirt apart, slowly revealing the chemise underneath. You soon shrugged it off and made quick work of the restraints on your pants. Though you didn’t tug them down, you instead slid your hand beneath the denim to appease your growing heat.
He was watching you intently, his eyes widening as you touched yourself. You were already beginning to dampen the sheer fabric of your bloomers, and you pressed against the bundle of nerves. You bit your lip and smirked at him. “Can’t say I ain’t used to my own hand and wayward thoughts nowadays.”
His chest heaved with a sharp intake of air. His eyes flitted to between your legs for a split second before coming back to your face. “I…I felt that way too, darlin’. Missed feelin’ your softness.”
“I know,” you mumbled, closing your eyes as you further teased yourself through the thin cotton barrier. “I’ll admit I sometimes thought of you thinking of me…you all hard and riled up with no release…all because of me.”
You opened your eyes again. There was a look of faint strain on his face, his fingers flexing slightly.
“Too many nights like that…” he mumbled.
“I agree, too many.” You said, your voice sharp. You pulled your hand from your jeans and allowed them to fall from your hips. The cool air breezed through your underclothing like nothing, but you paid no mind to it as you kicked your pants away. Stepping closer to him, you planted your hands on your hips. “So much frustration knowing I couldn’t have what I wanted all along.”
“Then why prolong it, sweetheart?” he questioned, keeping his voice even.
“Didn’t say I was.” You smirked, bending down to keep level with his gaze. Your hand caressed his cheek, sliding down his neck and chest. You followed his midline down, tracing your fingers along the ridges of his abdomen. You halted at the waistband of his pants, loosening them easily and inching them down. With each inch his lower half was revealed, your eyes caught the somewhat prominent bulge underneath his union suit. You of course took care to avoid even grazing it as you tugged his jeans right off. He lifted his hips to help you, awkwardly bending his body without use of his arms.
The eagerness on his face was plain. He however wasn’t aware of the thoughts flowing through your mind. You straightened up and stepped backward, tugging at the drawstring of your bloomers. The sheer fabric loosened instantly and fell to your feet. Your top was next, peeling it off slowly and sensually in front of him. Your clothing lay forgotten at your feet as you presented yourself completely uncovered. A cool breeze blew through the barn, stirring locks of your hair and bringing a chill to your exposed skin.
His expression changed. A subtle transition to one of desire, the carnal glint reflecting in his eyes. He audibly swallowed and his legs spread slightly, prompting you to look downward again. The bulge was significantly bigger, the thick fabric of his union suit constricting him. You smiled smugly and ran your hands along your body, circling your hardened nipples and smoothing against your lower curls.
“You wanna know how I did it, Arthur?” you asked in a purposely breathy voice. “How I was able to get myself off from imagining you?” you continued as your hands roved over your body. “I thought of your voice…saying my name, calling me beautiful…”
You tilted your head back and closed your eyes, allowing your pleasure to build while you touched yourself. Your legs opened to expose yourself even more, making him watch as your fingertips teased the little hood of flesh nestled below. A soft sigh passed your lips. “Your hands all over me, your lips teasing me. My body feeling so ready for you.”
“Darlin’.” You heard Arthur groan. You opened your eyes to see he was at full mast beneath his suit. His eyes were bright with a growing desperation.
“You take your time with me, I’m writhing in your hands…” you continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “But all the while I have you in my hand, and I can hear you groaning my name…” you slid a finger in and bit your lip, teasing your entrance. “God, your body is amazing…”
You now lock your sights directly onto him, enjoying how tortured he appeared. His body shuddered, hips twitching. “Y/N…” he sighed. “Please, I wanna –”
“And then you push into me, all nice and slow like you do.” You cut him off, pumping your finger in and out before adding a second. “I’m underneath you, enjoying the sight above me. Your skin to mine, your eyes to mine. Listening to your voice break as you moan…”
Arthur’s breath hitched, and he mumbled out a swear. The support beam above him creaked as he pulled at his bindings. “Sw – sweetheart,” He stammered. “C’mon, don’t do this to me.”
“But you know how it ends,” you respond. “Because you always make sure I finish first…” you quicken your hand, breathing heavily as you begin to barrel toward your peak. “Because you love to see how my face looks.”
“I-I do,” he groaned. “You look s-so damn beautiful.”
“Like this?” you asked, whining as you increased your pace further. With another moment passed your peak hit. Your body trembled and your jaw fell open. You tilted your head back once again, a low moan sliding from your throat. “Fuck, Arthur…” you added, sighing as you pulled your fingers out, now coated with your fresh juices. “See what I can do alone?”
Arthur took a stuttering breath. “But you ain’t alone right now.” He softly argued.
“Right now, but I was left to my own devices for a while,” you replied, standing in between his legs to drop to your knees. You held your fingers up to him, glistening in the beam of sun from behind you. “See how wet I can get just by my thoughts? Seems like I could do better without your actual touch.”
There was a flash in his eyes. A dangerous, heated flash that nearly sent a shiver down his spine. “You know that ain’t true.” He growled, his voice deep.
“Do I?” you simply responded, trailing your damp fingers down his naked chest again. Your eyes followed your trail to your target. The tent of his suit had a small darkened spot at the very top, evidence of how far his own arousal had grown. You peeled away his confinements, allowing his length to spring free. “I’ve always been independent regardless, as you know.” You added, wrapping your hand gently around him.
He twitched underneath you, almost thrusting his hips forward in vain for more friction. “’Course I know,” he huffed, his voice cracking slightly to your touch. “Never said you wasn’t.”
“Then why should I indulge you, Morgan?” you ask, moving your hand up and down, memorizing every inch.
His head tilted back as he sucked in air. “Because – shit, Y/N….” he sighed. “Spent ‘nough time apart from one another…”
“What else?” you prodded him, quickening your hand.
“Ah –” he moaned. “I love ya, n’ I missed ya.”
“Hm…” you hummed, rubbing your thumb along the head, dragging his precum along the sensitive skin. You watched his eyes flutter. “Anything else?”
He focused his gaze on you, an incredulous stare crossing his face. “That ain’t enough?”
“Not quite,” You teased, your other hand reaching to gently run your nails across his chest and abdomen. “Even if I was able to pleasure myself, there were still many…many…lonely nights.”
His body shuddered from your touch, stimulated by each sensation pleasantly. “I woulda visited sooner if I had the chance,” he said. “Y-you know that.”
“Of course, that don’t account for my bed being empty though…” you sighed, rubbing your thumb in a circular motion against the swollen flesh. His breath turned shallow. “Maybe this is good enough, hm? Since I imagine this is all you did too.”
“N-no,” he whined. “Y/N…I wanna be inside you.”
You smile at him, releasing him so you could scoot up, moving your legs to straddle him. You leaned against his torso, his skin hot against yours. His cock sat between you two, nestled against your stomachs. You leaned in close to whisper in his ear, “How bad do you want it, honey?”
As you leaned back, you caught the utter raw desire and helplessness etched on his face. You’d never seen him in such a state, but damn did you enjoy every second of it. His mouth parted in a breathless plea. “I want you. More’n anything else.”
You smirked at him, reaching between the two of you to grip him again, pumping your hand in a lazy manner. “Think you’ve been good enough for it?”
“Yes, god – yes,” He sighed, his face slightly twisting as you granted him more pleasure. “Y/N, please!”
His pleading was like music to your ears. It was just enough for you to finally cave in. You leaned back and brought yourself up on your knees, keeping hold of his length as you guided it toward your center. The smooth and rock-solid flesh split through your folds easily, and you sunk down on him.
Arthur was impatient. He thrust up, meeting you halfway to bury himself to the hilt. He let out a sigh of relief, though his arms strained against the rope. He wanted to hold you and fuck you, but you were in control.
And so you met his gaze once again, placing your hands on his cheeks as you rolled your hips. The absolute pleasure that radiated from being filled by him was unlike any other. Your hands and thoughts could only do so much in place of the actual thing.
He groaned deeply, a thankful look crossing his face. Though he kept his eyes to you, his eyelids were fluttering the more you moved on him. Easing him into a sweet kiss, you hastened your hips, riding him a little harder. He kept in sync with your movements, thrusting when he could. Every muscle in his body steeled with tension. You knew if he slipped out of those ropes, there would be nothing holding him back from unleashing his pent up frustration onto you.
That didn’t stop him from abusing you when he could, nipping at your lip and growling like a starved dog. He uttered multiple swears under his breath, tangled in with your name. You raked your fingers through his hair, moaning against his mouth and uttering sinful whispers to him. His mouth latched onto the crook of your neck, marking every inch of flesh he could reach.
“Shit, Y/N.” he grunted against your skin. “Fuck…you feel so damn good.”
Your arms wrapped around his torso, welting the thick skin on his back and drawing out another groan from him. His muscles flexed from the inability to do much else, wanting to be free.
“I wanna…pin you down so bad…” he continued, biting into your shoulder.
You nearly flinched from his teeth, though you giggled. “I’m in charge, Morgan.” You reminded him, grinding your hips in an undulating manner. Your second release was beginning its ascent. One hand slid down, toying with yourself to heighten the waves rolling through you. What started as a slow climb instantly started to barrel upwards. You sang out a moan, calling out his name while the tendrils of a fresh orgasm curled through your body. Every inch of your being shuddered while it washed through your body.
You brought your attention back to him. His eyes and face reflected amazement while he watched your pleasure take hold of you. “God damn,” he breathed. “Always so beautiful like that.”
Smiling at him, you drew him in for another kiss. He responded eagerly, eliciting his gruff moans into your mouth. You pulled back slightly to murmur, “Now give me your release.”
Before he could respond, you adjusted yourself slightly for a better angle. Bringing yourself up on your knees once again, you began to bounce on him. Your inner walls engulfed his entire length over and over.
He swore out loud, wriggling underneath you in failed attempts to match your movement. You watched as the muscles and veins strained hard in his arms, outlined by his pale sweaty skin. The rope creaked loudly as he tried to pull himself free. His breath escaped in short puffs, heated and wet against your face. “Y/N –” he choked out, his eyes squeezing shut when he couldn’t finish his sentence.
You egged him on, leaning in to whisper sweetly in his ear. You encouraged him to let go, complimenting on how handsome he looked underneath you.
And he broke completely with your doing.
His breath caught, your name sliding off his tongue with a guttural groan. His hips stilled beneath you with the arrival of his release. He bucked once with a shallow, fleeting movement in effort to milk himself into you. His chest and stomach heaved against your torso. Setting yourself upright to gaze at his face, noting the look of fatigued satisfaction written all over it. His blue eyes met yours and he beamed at you.
“Fuck,” he breathed. “That was different.”
You offered him a loving smile, reaching to push back locks of his hair dampened with sweat. “I’m happy you enjoyed it as much as I did.” You giggled.
“You’re full o’ surprises, sweetheart,” he murmured, pulling himself closer to kiss you. “Now lemme outta these things, I wanna hold ya.”
While it was oh so tempting to keep him there, you knew better. You brought yourself to your feet, your legs trembling beneath you as you did. With quick movements his wrists fell free of his restraints. His arms fell to his sides and almost immediately you felt his finger slide through your slit.
“Arthur!” you gasped, your body twitching in response.
“Jus’ lookin’ at the aftermath,” he responded innocently, chuckling as he did. “You’re drippin’, I made a mess.”
You hummed, bringing yourself back down to him. His arms wrapped around you instantly. “Not that I’m complaining.” You sighed, nuzzling yourself underneath his chin.
He chuckled again, pressing his lips to your head. “Now was that the breakfast you promised?” he jokingly asked, tracing his fingertips along your back.
As if your body was in tune, your stomach growled rather loudly. However your muscles were sore, and you needed a little bit of time to recover before you even thought of getting back up. “Just might be.” you answered.
“Then what ‘bout lunch n’ dinner?” he continued.
You peered up at him, mirroring his smirk with one of your own. “Whatever I say, Morgan.”
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bucket-girl · 5 years
Chapter 2-1 Personal Info logs
In chapter 2, it’s possible to buy the personal info of Nao, Reko, Gin and Q-Taro with tokens, but it’s easy to miss. Reloading saves and redoing minigames is a hassle so I wrote them down for convenience. Most of them are in the form of conversing with AIs, I’ve put Sara’s lines in italics. Text under cut.
Gin > History ...History? What should I talk about, woof? "Hm... Just an introduction would make me happy." Gin Ibushi from Heiwa Elementary Class 6-3! I'm 12 years old, meow! I take care of the animals, meow!! "Is school fun for you?" Hmm... It's not that fun 'cause of some guys I don't like, meow. But it's fun to meet friends, woof! We play games together, meooow! "Do you wear that outfit to school, too?" Nah, because people get mad. It's only when I'm at home, woof! ...It's kinda easier to talk when I wear this, meow. But I can't wear it to school, so I get uneasy, woof. So people at school tell me I'm obedient, woof! But that's wrong... meow... My aspirations are to live with animals all the time, meow! "Heehee... What kinds of animals?" I'm way into gators right now, meow! They're cute, wooooof!
> Physical Info I'm 138 centimeters and 35.5 kilograms, meow! That's 4 foot 6 inches and 78 pounds, woof! And I grew 2 centimeters at my last checkup, meow! "Your growth spurt and voice change must be coming up soon." Obviously, meow! I'm gonna be bigger than you, big sis Sara! "Ahaha, I'm sure you'll look really cool. I've got high hopes for you." Yeah! I'll sweep you off your feet, meow! Be grateful, woof! "Okay, let's make it a promise." Got it, meow! A promise for when I outgrow you, woof!
> Relatives My family's a double-income household, meow! I don't have siblings, so... It's lonely when I'm there by myself, meow... My mom's super nice even when she's exhausted, woof. No matter how late she gets home, she always makes dinner... And no matter how much I tell her not to overwork herself... "Do you like your mom?" I love her, meow! I'm worried how she's even busier lately, woof... "What about your dad?" I don't like some things... but I like him, meow. But I super hate when he's a drunkard who causes trouble, meow! It's embarrassing, woof! And he's always getting yelled at by mom and apologizing, so it's like he's got no dignity, woof. I don't wanna be that kind of pathetic grown-up, meooow! ...But I'm sure I won't, meow. 'Cause I'm not blood-related to dad, woof. "Huh...?" I heard he married mom when I was 2, meow! So that genetics stuff won't make me turn out like him, woof! "Is that so...?" Well, it's not like I hate dad, woof. It's true, meow!
> Death Game info I dunno, meow... It's scary, woof... What's dying feel like, meow...? "I... don't know either." I don't wanna never meet mom and dad again, meow... Big sis Sara... are you scared too, meow? "...Yeah, I am." "...Really scared..." .......... I'll definitely protect you, meow! Come see me anytime, woof! "Heehee... Thanks..."
> What he holds dear What I hold dear...? That's hard, meowww. Hm... It's gotta be mom and dad, meow! I'd be sad if they went away, woof! Ah! And the Mew-chan cushion I'm always with! They're super precious to me, meow! We're always together, so I forgot, meow! Sorry, Mew-chaaan! Woof... "Mew-chan is family to you too, huh?" That's right, meow! I got seriously mad when dad was gonna throw them away, meow! Unforgivable, woof! Get me a new one?! No way, meow!! You're a dummy, woof! I'm getting furious just remembering, woof! Mom should yell at him again, meowww!
Q-Taro > History I was raised up in an orphanage that's just a mite bit weird. Had people from all sortsa countries. I got a lotta dialects and stuff mixed in me... 'Course, they sent me to compulsory education up 'til high school. Can't thank the place enough. An' now, I'm a pro baseball player. ...Kiddos at the orphanage root for me, too. I wanna hurry up and show 'em... That even guys in situations like ours can get on a mound and have the stadium roarin'... Well, point is, I got no history yet. I'm about to be makin' some radiant records! Better get yer autographs early, Sara!
> Physical Info 6 foot 4 inches! 230 pounds! And lemme tell ya, it's all muscle, not fat! My position's pitcher, but I got confidence in my batting, base-running, and fielding! But my greatest weapon's my head. Gotta be smart to be a first-class athlete. "Is that how it is?" 'Course, I'm reflecting on the time I tore apart those puzzle rings by force, but...
> Relatives .......... "Is it hard to discuss?" Nah... there's just nothing to discuss. 'Cause I've never seen my birth parents' faces. Only place I knew was the orphanage. That's why... the people there were my moms and dads. Doesn't matter our blood relation. But, well... I do get thinkin' sometimes. What kinda people was I born to, and what kinda genetics do I got...? I started baseball jus' for fun, but... I've thought how if I pitch as a first-string pro... maybe my birth parents'll be watchin'. "...Do you want to meet them?" If we could talk and laugh it up, that'd be the best. All at ease, like "I'm havin' a great life"...
> Death Game info Huh, you're doin' this Death Game, right...? Knowin' me, I doubt I got even the slightest notion of dyin'. Hell, to a second-stringer, baseball's a Death Game with my life as a player on the line! But to do some self-analysis... I wonder if maybe I'll try an' win within the rules of the game... In the saga of a sports player, ya tend to forget about breakin' the rules. Maybe somebody like you, young and not knowin' fear, is more suited to findin' a path to survival. "...Is that so..." ...Sorry to make it sound like it ain't my business. I mean look, I'm an AI, y'know?
> What he holds dear Hold dear, huh... The caretakers at the orphanage, the kiddos... Of course, baseball, and... Myself... probably. I ain't gonna sugarcoat it. I don't wanna die, and I don't want the people I like to die. So I don't like to kick people... But if I gotta, I got the resolve. But I hate the kinda asshole who's got that as their first thought! ...Sorry for gettin' all fired up. Shouldn't have said that all cocky-like when you're involved in it... Don't you mind me.
Reko > History Err... I'mma super cool, 23-year-old singer-songwriter... Something like that? I've liked music since I was a kid. Classical, folk, heavy metal... I listened to all of it. Think around grade school, I found myself starting to compose and write lyrics. My instincts moved my body. That was a fun time... People praised me, and my parents were just plain happy... Once they started calling me a gifted kid... Then there started being more noise. Old bastards in the music industry wanting money... My pops craving the limelight... Before I knew it, I was making music that my heart wasn't in. In middle school, I rebelled. I was a rocker! I made tons of songs nobody even wanted! But even then, noise swarmed around me. Man, even my spirit had to give in. From high school on, all the spice was gone... Didn't even have anger... My activity dried up. I had tons of chances to be famous. But I smashed 'em all. I was totally just the industry's problem child. Everybody kept their distance from me. Once I couldn't even gather members, I borrowed Alice to make a band... Hahaha. Then two and a half years ago... He caused that incident... ... Well, at any rate, I am who I am now 'cause of that shitty past. Learn something from that, Sara?
> Physical Info 5 foot 7, 121 pounds. Pretty proud of my reflexes! And I can remember choreography in a snap, so... My memory's bangin'! Well... I'm not great at baseball and stuff... Hell, maybe I'm not great at anything that's got nothing to do with music. "By the way, what are your measurements?" N-No reason to tell you that, right?
> Relatives Family... Well, uh... ...I like my mom. Though she's a little weird. She's affectionate... and I cause her lots of trouble. Yeah, I gotta show my appreciation more. My old man... Well, he's a good guy... But let's say he gives in to temptation. He's not the most true to his convictions. I hated him for the longest time... But he's woken up now, and gone back to his plain and simple personality. After them is... Alice, huh. He's... what should I say? Why'd he do something like that...? A while after he got arrested... I left music Ahh... I just remembered. At the time, I wrote in my diary, which is rare... I wrote that music, the thing I'd poured my soul into all this time... suddenly felt like a cold series of notes... this inorganic thing. I wondered, was this how music sounded to people who didn't care about it...? ......... I always thought I didn't care about my brother, and never listened to him, but... Truth is... Maybe I was a little jealous of my normal brother. And acted that way out of spite. ... ...You shouldn't ever murder somebody...
> Death Game info Why do I gotta go through this shit...? Do we have anything in common...? I haven't got a clue...
> What she holds dear Believe it or not... I think family's important, right? I wanna show appreciation to my parents. But like, right now... The original me is being put through this Death Game, yeah? If she dies, she can't do... anything. So when you think of it like that, what's important's my own life, ain't it? "...What about your instruments?" Instruments...? "When I first met Reko... I heard she treasured her bongos." Bongos...? Well, sure. I'm playing bongos in my new band, but...
Nao Unlike the others, Nao's personal info comes as documents you can read wherever. > History Egasaki Elementary School ... Graduated Egasaki Middle School ... Graduated Third Kurotsuki Private High School ... Graduated Takesasa Private College of Art ... Currently 1st year Middle-class, born and raised by a very ordinary family. School grades below average. Focused on art starting in high school, and now seems interested in pursuing only that. Looks up to an art club advisor she met in high school, staying deeply intimate with him even post-graduation. Often seen going to the man's atelier. Doesn't appear to have many friends, but has a long association with most she does have, so it's suspected she values relationships. Also, refrains from going out at night, generally staying at home even on days off. No information known on what men she associates with.
> Physical info Nao Egokoro Age: 19 Gender: Female Height: 162cm (5'4") Weight: 55kg (121lb) Has little experience in sports and the like, limited to P.E. classes in compulsory education. Even so, her reflexes are poor. Perhaps due to her inclination toward art, she has very good eyesight. Her ability to remember a scene for a long time or recognize the individual flaps of a bird's wings is within reason, yet superb. Since much of this comes from practice, about the only thing that can be called a born talent, it is thought, is her passionate love for art. No other notable characteristics, although she has a large bust. (Sara will remark that the last line is harassment and tear it out)
> Relatives Born to a middle-class, extremely average family. Both parents are in good health. Having good relations with them, her situation is common yet happy. The father has been an office worker for 20 years. The mother has carried various jobs. No siblings. The father is under his wife's thumb. When they fight, it appears Nao Egokoro often defends her father to resolve the conflict.
> Death Game info Safely cleared the First Trial. Survived the first Main Game. Greatly affected mentally by death of her teacher. Took off with teacher's head and ran amok. This could be taken as mental weakness, but endurance of great shock could make her that much more mentally sturdy going forward.
> What she holds dear Most likely, Nao Egokoro treasures the artworks she has created, and brushes et al. received from her high school teacher. Due to minimal desire for money, she does not seem the type to want expensive things.
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redvelvetreel · 6 years
Red Velvet Reel 3.2: Bother-in-law
                                            [Fic Directory]
Pairing: [Married] Spicyhoney (Underfell Papyrus x Underswap Papyrus)
Characters: Edge (Underfell Papyrus) & Stretch (Underswap Papyrus) & Red (Underfell Sans) & Blue (Underswap Sans)
Summary: Stretch and Blue have a heart to heart. Then Edge and blue have a heart to heart. There’s some progress, but...
Contains: Mpreg/Skelepreg! Domestic Fluff! Pancake(s) again! Mentions of violence! Sibling fights & fluff! Some swearing! Misunderstandings, overreactions, and fights that slowly get resolved!
Rating: Teen and up! (I guess? I don’t know ;;;;)
Note: Thank you for your support, always! <3
“Of course not,” now Blue was patting Stretch’s back, shifting so he was sitting on the floor next to his brother instead, “If you’re happy and this is something you both want, then I think it’s wonderful.  I’m happy for both of you, and I approve one hundred percent.” Stretch nodded, and they lapsed into companionable silence. Stretch spoke up suddenly, “He didn’t want to tell Red either. So I don’t think it’s you- or just you, anyway. Maybe it is just a case of the nerves.” “Well, this is kind of nerve-wracking,” Blue agreed, “And Edge and Red are still getting used to the way we do things in this universe. As much as they try to pretend everything is fine, I think they still have a hard time getting out of that ‘Fell’ mindset. I can’t imagine having a child in that horrible place is easy, and Edge is probably unconsciously thinking along those lines.” “You think so?” Stretch pulled his knees up to his chest, hugging his legs as he rested his head against Blue’s shoulder. Blue rubbed his back, starting to nod before shrugging instead. “Well, I don’t know for sure, but based on the way Red acts at home sometimes...” Blue sighed, looking annoyed. ”He hoards food under his bed, and he has the schedules for all the neighbors memorized. When one of them switches it up, he gets incredibly anxious and aggressive. It’s gotten a lot better over time, but he still has his bad days. I don’t think he’s ever completely comfortable or relaxed.” “Edge too.” Blue looked at him meaningfully, still rubbing his back in big circles, “I... sometimes I worry that it’s not that he’s adjusted and doing better. He’s just getting better at hiding it. But this is too depressing. This was supposed to be a fun and happy day, you know? So...”
Stretch looked around the room for inspiration, trying to think of a new topic. Nothing stood out much- ever since Red moved out, it was a pretty simple guest room. “Say,” he sat up, remembering snatches of an old conversation, “Didn’t you claim this arrangement with Red was only temporary? That he could stay with you until he found someplace else? It’s been like a year, bro. Housing market that bad?” Blue laughed, “Well! Since you moved out, I have an extra room I don’t use. It’s economically wise to continue rooming together. Red’s jokes are vulgar and he swears like a sailor but... it’s not too bad. And I don’t think he’s ready to tackle living in a completely different universe on his own. We are technically family now, after all, so I couldn’t send him off in good conscience. Not without knowing he’d be ok on his own, you know?” Stretch hummed pensively, “He certainly doesn’t seem to be eager to leave, either.” “I think…” Blue mused, “It’s because we’re fulfilling each other’s needs.” Stretch’s eyes became comically wide, shaking Blue, hard, “All of them?! Are you two-?? No way! Noooooo waaaay!! Opposites attract, eh?” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively despite not having any. Blue’s entire face flushed bright blue in mortification, shoving his brother away as he jumped up to his feet. He started pacing restlessly, “No! Ew! Not like that! NEVER like that! EVER! Gross, euggggh- I think I might actually be sick-“ “Wait, wait-“ Stretch scrambled for the trash can on the other side of the room, flopping on the bed and holding it out. “Use this! Edge has gotten really unpredictable morning sickness lately, so we’ve got one of these in every room now!” Blue took the trash can, shook out the few pieces of trash onto the floor, and promptly put it over Stretch’s head. His brother seemed surprised, but didn’t remove it. Stretch rested his chin on his fist, looking like a ridiculous pinup model. “You’re so dumb.” Blue still ended up laughing. “Sorry,” Stretch’s voice had an echo-like quality, “I shouldn’t have teased. I know it’s not like that…. right?” “We’re more like two empty-nesters who miss the chaos and bustle of before. I... it’s... very quiet without you, Papy,” Blue admitted quietly, looking at Stretch with a melancholy smile he knew he couldn’t see, “I never thought I’d say this, but I kind of miss your messes. It’s absolutely not the same with Red, but... It’s nice to have someone to look after again, as infuriating as he can be. It gives me something to do. “I’m really excited about Pancake! I can’t wait to teach them how to make their eyelights form different shapes! Uncle Blue will always be up for babysitting! I can’t wait to meet them!” Stretch took the bucket off of his head, but Blue’s smile was sunny and excited, “Oh, oh, but before that, you have to let me know when you two need some help around here! I know how Edge likes to keep house, and I know you aren’t going to do it, you lazybones! He’s managing fine now, but! We’ll see how long that lasts!” Stretch had a feeling there was more to this story, but he didn’t want to push too hard either. Before he could make up his mind, Blue stood up and dusted off his pants, gesturing towards the hallway. “Thank you, Papy! I feel a lot better. Nothing like a good talk with your super cool little brother to sort out these pesky feelings, eh?” “I wouldn’t know, I don’t have a little brother,” Stretch deadpanned, standing up and putting the trashcan back on the floor, “But I can confirm its 100% effective with magnificent big brothers too.” He winked. Blue shook his head fondly, “You goofball. Let’s get back to the kitchen and make sure everything and everyone is still in one piece. I need to apologize to Edge.” Stretch sighed, walking through the small pile of trash still on the floor as he followed his brother into the hallway. He kept a questioning gaze on Blue’s back, stopping just outside the doorway leading into the kitchen, saying quietly, “Edge too. He was- he needs to apologize too.” Blue stopped, looking over his shoulder quizzically, “It’s ok. He’s kind of dealing with a lot right now, and he just lashed out because he thought he was being attacked. I should have been clearer. He and Red have very strong personalities, too. I get it-“ “No,” Stretch took the lead now, putting a hand on Blue’s shoulder and guiding him into the kitchen. “They’re both assholes and they know it. Edge can’t keep doing this. Not to you.” He cleared his throat, calling out loudly, “Hey, Edge-“ Edge was sitting on the floor by the trashcan, head pillowed on his arms, while Red was at the kitchen sink... brushing his teeth? Stretch immediately sank to his knees next to his husband, lightly rubbing his back and murmuring encouragement. Blue walked over to Red, staring at the half empty bottle of mouthwash in consternation. “Usually vulgar language is punished with soap, not toothpaste,” Blue raised his browbones, “What did you say?!” “Nothin’!” Red spoke through a mouthful of toothpaste, spitting into the kitchen sink with a defensive shrug. “We arguin’ like we do, belch in his face, an’ he’s runnin’ fer the bathroom like it’s goddamn Gyftmas mornin’!” “Ew, gross!” Blue looked disgusted. “That’s enough to make anyone sick!” “Ain’t nothin’ new, been doin’ that since his bratty bone days- he’s immune! But then he’s handin’ me all this stuff sayin’ my breath’s makin’ him sick. Think he’s bein’ an ass ‘til he nearly upchucks on my shoes!” Red muttered something under his breath, downing the rest of the mouth wash and gargling loudly, wiping his mouth with a grimace. “A’ight, ya fuckin’ diva- that better?” For all the bravado and venom, he looked anxious, scowling at Edge and playing with the zipper on his coat. Red flinched when Blue put a gentle hand on his shoulder, glaring at him suspiciously. Blue spoke softly, as though to a frightened animal, “It’s probably all the mustard you’ve eaten. It’s pretty strong, and uh-“ Blue paused, trying to think of the most sensitive way of phrasing it, “Edge is...more...... um?” “Yeah!” Stretch smiled brightly, keeping one arm around Edge’s shoulders and looking at Blue gratefully, “Pancake’s suddenly taking up a huge part of your magic, so you body needs to adjust in a lot of ways to compensate- one of those ways appears to be a sensitivity to mustard! Seems like Pancake doesn’t like it very much.” Edge finally looked up, and despite an obvious pallor to his bones, grinned,  “Truly, my child.” Blue wasn’t sure it really worked that way, but if it made Edge feel better, then... Stretch helped Edge to his feet, guiding him over the closest chair. He was starting to look much better, and Red relaxed significantly. He kept his post by the sink warily, however, reluctant to get too close. Stretch seemed to feel sorry for Red, going over to lean against the counter with him. “Here, drink this- slowly, in sips,” Edge looked back, surprised, when Blue brought him a glass of water, accepting it with an unplaceable emotion. He ran his finger along the rim of the glass a few times, not looking up even when Red cleared his throat loudly. “Boss.” Edge shifted, pointedly looking away before turning to look Blue in the eye. “I’m... sorry.” Edge opened and shut his mouth as though he wanted to say something else. Blue waited patiently for him to continue, but Red started moving his hand impatiently, “Why? C’mon, use ‘em big boy words.” Edge scowled, crossing his arms and looking sullen. That was actually kind of cute. Blue hoped his poker face was more convincing than it felt. “It was... bad... to lash out,” Edge sounded awkward and unsure, looking to Stretch in an obvious plea for assistance. Stretch only smiled and made a little heart with his hands. “I... expected and was prepared to be berated and questioned,” Edge glared pointedly at Red, who just rolled his eyes. “I just didn’t think it’d come from you.” Edge sunk further into his chair in obvious embarrassment, but he didn’t look as put out as before. “Berated?” Blue sighed heavily. “Can we talk? Honestly?” The kitchen suddenly felt too quiet. Stretch and Red couldn’t seem to decide what to do, looking between themselves and everything else with palpable unease. Edge regarded him carefully, as though looking for an ulterior motive. Blue shifted impatiently, clearing his throat as he tried again, “Talk. You know, without all of this posturing?” “Only if you drop the niceties and fake politeness.” Blue wanted to be offended at the implication, but nodded, “I’ll do my best.” Edge tilted his head towards the opposite end of the table, waiting until Blue sat down. He put his hands out on the table, fingers splayed to make his lack of a weapon obvious, “Then so shall I.” Blue tried to get his thoughts in order, tenting his hands as he regarded the skeleton sitting across from him carefully. Edge stared back, expression neutral but clearly waiting for him to start. Well, no helping it- they’d have to meet each other halfway. Blue sighed, putting his palms on the table, facing up. “Ballsy,” Red sounded impressed. “Should we go?” Stretch rubbed at his neck, “We can watch soccer or something, right?” “Sure,” Red played with his zipper, “That the one ya kick or throw? Love sportsball shit. So fuckin’ sporty.” Blue saw Edge’s mouth quirk slightly before he smoothed his expression, still watching him calmly. “If you’d like,” Blue finally said when it was clear Edge wasn’t going to say anything, giving his brother a small smile, “We’ll call you if we need you.” “Ok,” Stretch put a hand on Blue’s skull affectionately, sharing a look with Edge before leaving. Red trailed after, sticking his tongue out, “Gentle-like, yeah?” Edge narrowed his eyes but said nothing, glowering at an unfortunate shaker of salt before neutralizing his expression and staring right back at Blue. “Do you hate me?!” Blue finally blurted out, leaning on the table, “Do you just not like me as a person? Is it related to Papy or-“ “I don’t hate you,” Edge cut in, “Overall, I don’t dislike you, either. However, you can be meddlesome, inadvertently encourage Stretch’s worse habits, and disingenuous-“ “Disingenuous?!” Blue tried very hard not to let any of that bother him- he had asked for honesty after all, “When have I ever lied to you?!” “From the moment Stretch first introduced me as his lover,” Edge kept his tone civil and calm, although there was an underlying frustration, “You have tried to act welcoming and be supportive of his unconventional choice, which I can understand and do appreciate, truly- but you don’t trust me. I don’t understand why you try to act like you do. I would consider that disingenuous, but perhaps here it’s just ‘polite.’” “It’s not that I don’t trust you, Edge! It’s just that Papy’s my little brother, and he has a tendency to think with his heart instead of his head. You can’t blame me for being a little overprotective. I just want to make sure-“ “I don’t know what you want from me,” Edge sounded weary, “You ask for honesty, but don’t listen to it. I did not want to alter this status quo- you did.” “Ok, ok,” Blue rubbed at his skull, willing away all his frustration, “I get what you’re saying- and you’re right. I guess I don’t really trust you-“ “Understandable,” Edge cut in quickly, “ I come from an environment where violence  is the culture, and I have an LV and EXP that testify to my capabilities. I could easily kill your brother,  either on purpose or on accident, and there isn’t anything you could do to stop me. You might not even know for several days, and I could be long gone by the time you discover-“ “If this is a bid to increase my trust in you,” Blue’s voice was hard, giving Edge a piercing look that he felt in his very soul. As though Blue could see all of his sins, an unpleasant shudder involuntarily ran down his spine. “It’s not working. Stop it. Now.” Edge slammed his fist down on the table, startling Blue enough to break his concentration and end the suffocating feeling, “I have always had the ability and capability to kill your brother. From the day I met him to this very moment, this has never changed. The only thing that has changed is your explicit awareness of the situation. You can’t know my intentions, but I would have assumed my actions have made them exceedingly clear.” Blue smiled a little sadly, looking at Edge as if seeing him in a new light, “I understand. I guess my actions have given you the wrong impression up to this point.” Edge sighed, “I wouldn’t be in this position,” He gestured at his stomach, then at Blue, “Or this one if I did not want to be in them. Intent is at the core of everything a monster does. Intent is a monster’s soul.” “I’m sorry. I never… realized. But I think your missing a key piece! Intent and actions are important, but so are justifications and explanations! ” Blue nodded in self-assurance, “You told me this because you want me to understand you better! You think the benefits outweigh the costs.” Edge shifted uncomfortably, “I... suppose.” “So where do we go from here?” Blue leaned back in his chair, looking at Edge inquisitively, “We both care about Papy in our own different ways, and it’s safe to say we both want what’s best for him and to see him happy.” Edge nodded, hesitantly, clearing his throat, “He... thinks very highly of you, so...” “You too!” Blue beamed at him, “I don’t think we should get along just for his sake, though- now that I think about it, we don’t really know each other very well, do we? It’s actually super embarrassing that I don’t know so many basic things about my own brother-in-law! So, let’s start over on the same page.” Blue hopped down from his chair, holding out his hand, “We know each other- my name is Sans, but you call me Blue! My favorite color is red, my favorite food is Mac and Cheese, and my favorite shape is the star!” Edge stared at the offered hand, shaking his head incredulously but taking it in a firm shake, “Edge. Red. Not pancakes. I don’t know.” “Ah, Papy’s gotten excited over Pancake and keeps making them, huh?” Blue snickered, giving Edge a sympathetic look, “He’s always had these food phases. He had a dinosaur oatmeal phase in high school where that was all he ate for like 3 solid months. I’m not sure how he can still stand the stuff, because that incident left me scarred and I didn’t even eat it!” Edge laughed, really laughed, and Blue realized it was the first time he heard that sound. It was really nice. “Um, hey,” Blue sighed, worrying his bandana, “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings earlier. I was just…  really surprised. Completely blindsided.” Edge looked at him oddly, “If I held grudges against family, Red would be dust.” Family, huh? Blue brightened immediately, resting his chin on his hands, “I just had no idea! How long have you two been considering kids?” “Ah…” Edge looked away, drumming his fingers on the table almost nervously, “I have been upfront since our engagement about my... expectations for the future. Even so, Pancake- I mean, the baby was... unplanned.” Blue nodded encouragingly, “Unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome?” “On my end,” Edge hesitated, looking over Blue’s head at the doorway and the faint murmur of the tv coming from the living room. He leaned forward, asking very quietly, “Is this... something... he’s always wanted... too?” “Hmm,” Blue didn’t know Edge could look so insecure, eyeing the doorway as though Stretch and Red would barrel in at any moment. As much as he was wracking his brain, however, nothing stuck out to him. “Not that I can remember. Sorry.” Something in his soul clenched painfully as Edge leaned back in his chair, feigning indifference but unconsciously resting his hand on the imperceptible swell of magic. “I see. Well, no matter-“ “But!” Blue jumped up on the chair, leaning as far across the table he could to grasp Edge’s other hand resting on the table. Edge seemed startled, reflexively snatching his hand back and scooting his chair back hard enough to cause the table to shake. Blue managed to keep his balance, barely, and gave Edge a reassuring fist pump instead, continuing with vigor, “That doesn’t mean it’s not something he wants now! He didn’t talk about marriage when he was younger, and look at him now! Very happy! Plans change anyway! If there’s one thing I know about Papy, really well, it’s that he will let you know if he really, really doesn’t want to do something. Ask him to pick up his socks.” Edge grimaced. “Exactly! I think, at this point, you know him better than I do, anyway! So trust your heart- but more importantly, trust him!” “What do you...” Edge trailed off. “You’re jealous!” Edge sat up ramrod straight, sockets widening in realization. [Part 1]   [Here!]  [Part 3]
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