#these shoes were limited edition and tbh I need the money and would like to make a bit of profit
galariangengar · 8 months
I listed these limited edition legend of zelda vans I’ve had for awhile (but only worn a couple times and in very good condition) on depop and while a lot of people have been liking them, I’ve had 2 people not keeping their promise of buying them. First person was gonna have their boyfriend buy them and asked me to hold them for her for 2 weeks. Then I contacted her about them and she had a family emergency; I decided to be nice and gave her one more week till her payday to buy them, and she didn’t. Another person has been reaching out to me about wanting to buy them if the first person fell through. I gave them until today to talk to me to negotiate a price and buy them, and they’ve ghosted me all weekend 🙃
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biacostas-blog1 · 5 years
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what’s shackin bacon i’m tink or leo whichever floats your boat, this is my lil bean bia some of the inspo on her blog is for the traveler so pls don’t mind me as i edit some things around to fit her new label the beauty guru if you wanna plot feel free to hit me up here or on discord ( leothelion#0738 ) if you’re a shy coconut smash that heart and i’ll come to you. 
( bia costas, demigirl, she/they, 24, ines silva, the beauty guru ) 
the basic backstory 
the costas family comes from portugal, they’ve been invested in oil and politics since the countries independence. her mother was a beauty queen turned stay at home mom and her father runs the business, the two first met on the day they got married so they may not have been madly in love but bia still has fond memories of her time with her parents
bia actually doesn’t have any memories of portugal because in 1970 her family was run out of the country ( basically it came out to the public that her family wasn’t just providing oil they were also making weapons for the FRELIMO - which is the group essentially fighting for Mozambique to gain their independence ) though they still have money invested in the country and her father will go back from time to time, he didn’t think it was safe to raise their family there 
so growing up she went to school in the netherlands and spent a lot of time traveling with her family, her mother would take her on trips to new places every time she came back with good grades on her report card and that’s where she says her love of travel started. 
however the two bonded over more than just travel her mother put her in her first pageant when she was only 6 months old and until she was 19 she was competing. she loved the competition of pageants and really enjoyed getting to try new skills, learn new routines and meeting all of the girls, she even wound up competing in the mrs universe pageant where she was second runner up 
as soon as she finished the pageant her mother was talking about next year and tbh bia just lost it, she’d been trying to explain to her mom that she wanted to take a break from the pageant world but it was her mom’s dream to be mrs. world but she never made it quite that far and all she wanted was for bia to finish the job but it was driving her lk crazy so she quit doing pageants and decided to take her trust fund and dip 
she spent a year in paris, designing clothing, hanging out with the locals and taking very aesthetically pleasing instagram photos which very quickly grew her a following. people kept asking her if she’d ever make a youtube and the idea of it wasn’t that far off, she loved going live and hanging out with her instagram followers and youtube just felt like an extension of that 
tbh the only reason she made her first video though was because of a bet, her cousin bet her 10k that she couldn’t get 2k subs in less than a month. being the competitive lil bean she is, she took that bet and by the end of her first month on the platform had 10k 
as much as she enjoys making videos, part of her is a little thrown off by the whole thing because it’s people who are obsessed with how she looks who assume that she’s just an air headed pageant girl 
lk reminds of of jeffree starr in that you either looovve her or you hate her content there’s not much in between 
personality wise
sag sun, libra moon, cancer rising aka a whole hot fucking mess 
bia is passionate to a fucking fault, she has such a bleeding heart that she tends to stick up for everyone ever which leads her to a bit of trouble here and there 
she’s gotten arrested in foreign countries multiple times for shooting off at the mouth, she usually has her money and influence to get her out of a tight squeeze but her parents are constantly begging her to chill 
she was raised muslim but stopped practicing around age 15 
on the internet she’s an open book, she doesn’t mind when people dig up her beauty queen pics or ask her what she’s mixed with the only thing that’s a hard limit is her family she actually waited almost 2 years to finally put her family on her channel bc she was so anxious about people saying rude things about them 
but in person she’s a bit more closed off, she’s not the biggest fan of really talking about her personal life ( her family, her thoughts and feelings nah ) but she’s still really really bubbly and outgoing, she can very beautifully mask her i’m really uncomfortable right now by giving you just enough of an answer and then pivoting to make the convo about you or telling a story that’s related but not really 
she’s sUCH a soft goober it’s awful, she’s been known to just hand out money to children selling things on the streets and she’ll randomly cash app her subscribers money because she’s just like wAT DO I NEED ALL THIS FOR? I COULDN’T SPEND A BILLION DOLLARS IF I TRRRIIIEEED
she’s not the type to rub her wealth in your face, she’s that person who will buy a 30 dollar dress from target and then pair it with a 3,000 dollar pair of shoes because ‘i’ve gotta be subtle but still flashy’ 
she loooovves animals, she currently has a mastif she’s in love with his name is kurtus hemingway 9/10 of her videos include her cooing over a pup on the street 
she’s lk a reformed party girl?? after she stopped doing pageants she lk went WILDT because she could and boy can i tell ya my girl made up for all of the lost time though now it’s pretty rare for her to be sloshed. she’ll still have a drink from time to time but she’s much more in control of herself than before
wants to be a good role model for ppl but also has nooo idea how to do that so she’s got a few apology vids for being insensitive or stupid >.< 
a few wcs
someone who wasn’t v close with bia but one day they needed to get away for a while so bia invited them on a trip, the two spent weeks together hanging out, getting drunk and exploring brazil together 
someone who bia is always trying to convince to do a collab with her but always come up with a reason not to do it 
the person everyone ships bia with but the two have ZERO romantic feels for each other but from time to time they’ll do something click baity like act like they’re gonna kiss for the thumbnail but cut the video before the kiss happens 
roommate?? tbh bia could live alone but she’s really paranoid about being on her own so she has a roommate 
someone who has a dog/cat/pet of some sort that bia is OBSESSED with, this is optional but i think it’d be lk funny if she doesn’t really like the person that much but she puts up with them bc she loves their animal  
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rorykillmore · 6 years
what kind of gifts would your roster like receiving? what do they like giving?
a good ask in time for the holidays,
lucille likes books, rare or first edition books especially, though i imagine on denny she’d also appreciate people getting her old music records or something as a kind of extension of that. she just. likes old things. and she likes things that are kind of pretty and a bit dark at the same time. if all else failed you could get her like, some kind of insect themed pendant or something, because she likes insects,
as for what she gives other people, it probably depends on the person, but her gifts probably tend to have a sort of... timeless unusual quality to them. she finds very unusual but strangely fitting things for the people she knows well
siobhan is kind of ??? about gift-giving, so she’d probably be startled into liking just about anything someone got her as long as it was someone she actually liked (a limited category,). she probably has a growing affinity for like, southwestern style decorations and jewelry and like, handmade stuff like that, so you’d probably be able to impress her with that.
i feel like she is a TERRIBLE gift giver though. she’s probably a gift card person because “here go spend some money on something you actually want” is more her style, and she’s generally not very personal. thankfully the exceptions are people like red, and siobhan could probably find like a pretty feathery charm or something a raptor could rare, or else just offer to take her out to do something she likes, like hunting.
sara is not really picky, she’s pretty appreciative of like, anyone going out of their way to get her something as long as they’re not too insistent about it being for some very personal occasion like her birthday or something. she likes jewelry, but especially rings, which she likes to kinda collect and vary with her day to day outfits. and she. admittedly likes weapons. like you could get her a cool bo staff or a pretty set of throwing knives and she’d be happy. but she’s also a sucker for like... gifts with a lot of personal meaning behind them, even if they’re very simple.
as for what she gives out, she’s actually a really good gift giver! she has a talent not only for reading people well, but being pretty conscious and articulate about their strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, so at least once she’s comfortable in a dynamic she usually has a pretty good idea of what to give someone. she’s oddly the kind of person you’d go to if you needed advice on what kind of present to get for someone else.
dolores likes stuff she can keep as mementos. so like, picture frames, distinctive jewelry, unusual hair ornaments, that sort of thing. on denny she might also appreciate any kind of gift that ties into a unique experience she hasn’t had, like tickets to a show or something. but beyond that i don’t think she really has strong set opinions about what kind of gifts she prefers, because she doesn’t have a lot of experience with that. oh but! an easy go-to is horse care stuff, because she’ll love you if you love her horse,
i think the gifts she gives out probably run in a similar vein of being very... personal and tied to some memory a lot of the time. but she also has a strong eye for aesthetics; she’s good at picking out clothes or accessories that someone would not only look good in, but that say something about their personality. and i think she also just likes... kind of abstract gifts, like just doing something for someone that she knows they’ll appreciate, or doing something special to show her affection.
sophie-anne is the most extra person imaginable, in all senses. if you wanna impress her, you have to pick something flashy. she likes expensive things or just really unique or unusual oddities. shiny, pretty stuff or designer clothes or something that will hold her attention for its novelty or rarity. she also has a lowkey appreciation for vintage stuff and antiques because, you know, she’s 500 years old,
her gifts to other people tend to be pretty... impersonal, like a lot of the time sophie isn’t going to be the person who gives you something special and meaningful. but on the other hand, she WILL spend a lot of money on you, because she has plenty to spare, so there’s that! if she has an occasion to give someone she’s fond of a present she probably just spoils them tbh
camille is honestly a difficult person to shop for, so i’m sorry to anyone who wants to try. she doesn’t really... want for a lot and isn’t really used to the whole gift exchange thing. i don’t know. you can’t even really buy her clothes -- or like, i guess you could, but she only wears stuff that covers a lot and most people don’t know why that’s such a rigid rule with her. idk. most people would probably just give up and give her a gift card or something, unless they were really determined to put more effort into it, but they’d have an uphill battle because camille is... so closed off, i don’t even know if she knows what she appreciates from other people
she doesn’t particularly consider herself a good gift giver either, and often finds herself a little bit of a loss when searching for something for a particular person. but as per usual, she doesn’t give herself enough credit, because the ideas she comes up with or the things she picks out can be a little... sardonic, sure, but also sometimes unexpectedly sweet
sly has an appreciation for fine art, good wine, pretty museum-stolen artifacts... you know!
nah typically if he wants something of that nature, he’ll just steal it. from his friends, tbh he’ll appreciate it if you even just buy him like, a book or a video game or something that says you were thinking about him. or just take him out to eat or something. he’s a pretty chill guy. if you’re looking for something REALLY special, anything with like... some family history behind it or something would say a lot to him, all things considered, because kind of sharing his own family legacy is how he reaches out to people he trusts the most
also when it comes to giving gifts he’s. kind of a disaster. like don’t get me wrong, he loves getting nice things for the people he cares about! you know. really nice things. one of a kind, stolen things. that thing you said you wished you had enough money for months ago that is now suddenly, mysteriously missing from the shop it came from. just don’t ask him for the receipt!
cordelia... honestly you can win cordelia over by just getting her flowers (although check the meaning of the flowers you get her first, because she’s the kind of person who knows them). or, barring that, some kind of supplies for her greenhouse or something. she also likes scented candles, and special charms, and vaguely witch-y stuff like that. and earrings are her favorite kind of jewelry. honestly she’s pretty easy to get gifts for, compared to some of my roster.
when she’s looking for gifts for other people she generally takes a kind of... practical but thoughtful approach. like she’ll get someone something she knows they can use, or something she knows based in prior experience that they enjoy. she also has a bit of a habit of making her own gifts, which - when you’re a witch - is honestly pretty valuable, because we’re talking protection charms and stuff like that.
if you’re looking to get susie a gift try: human sacrifice, ritualistic dance, etc.
just kidding! except only kind of,
susie grew up in a mennonite community, and her family in particular were like, borderline puritanical, so she doesn’t really... have a lot of material possessions, and she’s not used to placing a lot of value in them. plus she’s now rediscovered her true identity as a goddess who pre-dates christianity, so just, how do you shop for that!,
but i think both because she is and isn’t used to people doting on her (does this make sense? she’s a goddess who is accustomed to shows of devotion and that kind of thing, and also a girl who’s hardly experienced that in her mortal life) she’s quite charmed by shows of affection and loyalty and extravagance from people, so any kind of gift or gesture that communicates that. or you could just get her new dance shoes,
i don’t even know how she’d approach shopping for other people. technically she can cheat and discern the things they desire most, but does it really count when you do THAT? actually honestly... susie’s idea of gift-giving can be a bit abstract and potentially like, the wrong side of extreme. it might not be worth her deciding to bestow a miracle on you, depending
and my cats don’t really get the concept of exchanging gifts, so,
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