#these were perfect thank u! kinda combined the two for u . sorta
milflewis · 8 months
idk if i am understanding the prompt of title correctly but i will submit: 1) valewis + "travel song" or 2) dantteri + "people are fragile things"
Lewis hums something quiet and slow on their walk back to the Shatterdome. It reverberates through the Drift and settles around Valtteri’s shoulders.
He catches the edges of a memory spent handing Sebastian the wrong tools on purpose as the blond man swears at him, laughing, German music playing low on the radio behind them.
It took Valtteri a very long while to get used to how easy it is to drift with Lewis.
He always felt like a Titan — even before Nico died and he dragged their Jaeger back to shore alone. Something mythic and unstoppable. There was a certainty to Lewis Hamilton that sometimes felt like the stuff stories are made of.
Valtteri has never done particularly well at the thought of not measuring up. Worse when their pre-Drift potentially was so high.
Lewis feels tired. He always feel tired. His mind is calm and cool like a lake, and Valtteri lets himself sink into it.
"What's it like being in Lewis’s head?"
He signs off on his action report. "Boring, like you said."
"We both know that's a lie. I only said it to get a rise out of him." Daniel drums his heels against the desk, a rattling repeating pattern meant to burrow under the skin. "You forget I've known him before Nico died and he became all Solemn and Serious and Grieving Widow."
Valtteri considers that as he finishes the rest of the paperwork. His eyes ache faintly. "What was he like?"
Daniel takes the pile and sets it aside. "Don't you know?"
"I don't," he says, although he catches glimpses of it on occasion, in the way Lewis moves or how his mouth shapes certain words, the lingering traces of youth, of anger, of secretly believing you would never die. Sometimes, in the middle of a fight, when they are being pushed back, when debris is falling and there is barely any time to think, Lewis’s mouth curls and snarls, sharp and vicious and feral, and Valtteri can feel it in his gut, and he thinks that's you; that's what you've always been.
"And here I thought we'd moved past you lying to me." Daniel drums another beat against the desk, staccato and just off tempo enough to set Valtteri's teeth on edge. "He was a little shit. Still had the same smart mouth — him and Sebastian used to get up to so much trouble. Almost as much as what I’ve heard him and Nico did. He laughed more. All dream — that Lewis was.”
"And then Spain happened," Valtteri says.
"Life happened," Daniel corrects, and Valtteri doesn’t bother hiding his eye roll. "We all have our Spains."
Daniel takes the opportunity to sling his leg over Valtteri's lap, and Valtteri absently rubs his thumb over the knob of Daniel's ankle.
"Fuck off," Valtteri says, but he doesn’t mean it. Hasn’t meant it with Daniel for a while now. Valtteri presses his knuckles into the ball of Daniel's foot, keeping a firm hold on his ankle so he can't jerk away. "Is this going to be a problem for you?"
"Depends on whether you’re going to show this to Lewis or not.”
"He sees everything." He digs his knuckles in harder. "But he doesn’t poke around. I think he was embarrassed to see us kissing the last time we drifted."
"That's Lewis all over," Daniel says fondly. "Will flirt with anyone and anything if he thinks it will give him an advantage but is terrible with genuine feelings."
"Speak from experience?" he says. He doesn’t know what to do with this thing in his chest. He swallows.
"We were too young to be serious." Daniel’s gaze is steady and unflinching, as if Valtteri is a reporter or donor for Daniel to spin around and around and around, every hinge and crack and vulnerability mapped and laid bare for Daniel to do with as he pleased.
He shoves Daniel’s foot off his lap and stands so fast the edges of his vision darken. He needs sleep. He needs his fucking head back.
"Does this bother you?" Valtteri asks, hating himself for it. "Lewis being in my head?"
Daniel doesn't even have the decency to be surprised by the question. Valtteri hates him. "No, not in the way you mean."
"And how do I mean it?"
"You want to know if I'm upset that I will never know you like Lewis knows you."
He flinches. "Are you?"
"No. What you and Lewis have is not something I would ever want or ask for."
"I didn't ask for it. There is a war and they said jump,” he snaps, the fury so close to the surface that he is afraid his ribs will snap and it will come boiling out, and god help anyone caught in its path. "I don't want it."
He will not be able to hide this from Lewis when they drift next. He hasn’t been able to hide it from him in the first place.
Guilt coats the inside of his mouth, thick and sour. He swallows and swallows and swallows.
He tries to breathe.
"Hey," Daniel says, so close that Valtteri jerks back in surprise. "You all right?"
"Fine," he says, coming to the belated, and embarrassed, realization that Daniel has likely been speaking the entire time. "Got distracted. Sorry."
"Did you just apologise? Has Lewis lobotomised you?"
"That's not funny," he snaps, too quick and too sharp to play it off as a joke. He draws another breath, the sound of it rattling in his empty head.
"He hasn't done anything to me. He leaves shit alone, like I said."
"Have you lobotomised him?" Daniel says instead of what Valtteri is expecting, which is asking if Valtteri wants Lewis to do something to him.
"Not yet," he says, which only seems to worry Daniel more.
Slowly, as if Valtteri is a rookie on his first deployment and Daniel doesn’t want to spook him, Daniel drags fingertips up his jaw and over his cheek. His thumb traces the scar over his lip.
Holding himself still and quiet, Valtteri didn't protest when Daniel cups his face or when he touches their heads together, or when he says, soft and revenant, "You're a fucking disaster."
He laughs and kisses Daniel.
"You don't want in my head?" he asks.
"Yes," says Daniel. "You're a private man, Valtteri, and a hard one to read. I never know what you're thinking at any given moment."
"I will not say sorry - if that is what you are looking for."
"I'm not looking for anything," Daniel says, and Valtteri doesn't need a line to his head to read the sincerity there. "I won't take your privacy from you. When you do decide to share something with me, even if it's just your opinion on my life choices, it's because you chose to trust me, and I wouldn't give that up, not for anything."
"If it would end this war?"
He means it as a joke, but Daniel, who acts as if he takes nothing seriously, does not take it as one.
"No," he says, as if he had put great thought into it, "not even if it meant that."
"Shut up."
"Yes, sir," Daniel grins, pressing a kiss to Valtteri's neck before undoing his own pants zipper and, with a frankly ridiculous shimmy and hop, kicks them off. He isn't wearing underwear.
"Stop trying to distract me."
"I know you're lying because you once told me, and I quote, you liked me better when I'm naked."
"I would have to be a dick to say that."
Lewis stays smiling as the reporter asks his question, smug as ten fucking cats.
Valtteri’s stare sits heavy on his face. The reporter swallows thickly, eyes darting away.
“Well?” He asks again. “Do you think the fact that you yourself have said that you can be too stubborn led to the rift in your and Nico’s partnership, and therefore his death?”
Lewis’s eyes are distant.
At least, they didn’t ask about Michael again, Valtteri thinks. Or Fernando.
“Can I take this one?” Valtteri asks. The reporter frowns at him but Valtteri is looking at Lewis.
Lewis blinks at him. His eyelashes are ridiculously long. They’ve just come from drifting — having taken out a three alarm Kaiju, worn and tired and spilling over into each other’s heads.
Valtteri loathes sharing his mind with another person more than nearly everything else in the world, for all that he tries to keep that boxed away from Lewis. It is times like this that he almost doesn’t mind it.
Lewis raises an eyebrow at him, quietly amused.
Never let them see, Valtteri remembers his dad telling him, hands bruise tight on his shoulders — except — no. Not his dad. They are Anthony’s hands, and that’s the grey yellow tint that Lewis has on all his childhood memories.
Valtteri turns to the reporter. His dark hair is long around his ears and he is looking at Valtteri with thinly veiled contempt.
“Go fuck yourself,” Valtteri tells him calmly, and Lewis laughs, startled.
Valtteri feels his surprise skittering down his spine, followed quickly with smothered childlike delight.
Lewis’s face is soft for hours after. His mind even more so. He smiles to himself throughout the twenty-five minute dressing down General Wolff gives Valtteri.
"What's your favourite kind of ice cream?" Lewis asks as they make their way to the gym. It is stupid early and the corridors are empty and dark.
Lewis does this sometimes. Asking Valtteri questions about himself that he could just pick out of Valtteri's head as he wishes. It is more endearing than Valtteri likes.
He stomaches it only because he thinks Lewis is doing it more for his sake than for Valtteri's. Lewis, Valtteri had been pleased to find out, is only selfless up until a point. A relatively small one, all things considered.
"Mint," Valtteri answers.
Lewis pulls a face at him as he pushes the gym door open. There are deep circles under his eyes, like someone dug in their thumbs and pressed. "That's so gross, man. Why don't you just eat toothpaste?"
Valtteri laughs before realising it. It's loud in the quietly still room. The sound echoes off the bare metal walls.
"My second favourite is pistachio," he says, and Lewis sticks his tongue out in disgust, obvious even in the dark as he throws him a bamboo stick.
Valtteri clears his throat. "Did you tamper with the sim, Tsunoda?"
"Of course not, sir," Tsunoda says, offended. "That would be -"
"Against regulations?" Gasly says.
"- cheating. I don't cheat."
When Tsunoda tries to turn that offended look on Gasly, Gasly just tugs Tsunoda back where he wants him, which is close enough for Gasly to prop his chin on the top of Tsunoda’s head. Tsunoda, like with most things where Gasly is concerned, bears it with minimal complaint.
An ache opens under Valtteri’s breastbone. It has been a little over two weeks since he has last seen Lewis. Longer since they’ve drifted. They had been taken out of the rotation after Valtteri got injured, and sent across the world on Charm-The-Rich-Into-Giving-Their-Money-Even-Though-Don’t-They-Know-The-World-Is-Fucked-And-They’re-Living-In-It-Too missions and rented out to different Shatterdomes for pep talks and training seminars.
It has been the longest they’ve been apart since they were first paired up. Maybe Valtteri shouldn’t be surprised to be missing him but he is.
He hasn’t had someone to miss in a long time.
He’s even more surprised to find himself missing Daniel.
In the end, it’s just Lewis and Valtteri and the big wide yawn of the bottom of the sea.
“You are living,” Lewis tells him, mouth grim, and Valtteri tells him to fuck off and to stop telling him what to do.
Lewis laughs, which is as partly what Valtteri was going for, and doesn’t say it again, which is the other thing Valtteri was aiming for.
Valtteri wakes up coughing with Lewis beating on his chest. “Ow,” he says. He thinks Lewis might’ve broken a rib.
“I told you you’d live, man,” Lewis tells him, hands wet and cold on his cheeks, because he’s an asshole.
“I hate you,” Valtteri says, throat sore with sea water. He stares up at the cloudless sky. He can faintly hear the thrum of a MEDEVAC-HELO in the distance.
“Uhuh,” Lewis says, and he’s grinning. Even drenched and bleeding and backlit by the sun, he is beautiful. It’s fucked up, Valtteri decides.
“My ribs are sore,” Valtteri tells him.
“I told you to get out before I blew the bomb,” Lewis replies, unsympathetic. His fingers are gentle in Valtteri’s hair, and he drags his body behind Valtteri’s so they’re further in the ejection pod, propped up against his back, weight off his ribs.
Sebastian looks decades older when they step onto the tarmac of the Shatterdome, half stumbling out of the helicopter. Lewis walks towards him. His eyes are wet. It hits Valtteri in the stomach like a gunshot. "Hey."
Sebastian takes a step forward too. His next word is spoken so softly that Valtteri can only read his lips.
Lewis just shakes his head slightly and makes a sound that might be a laugh. “I really did want to make that promise to you.”
His shoulders shrug like he wants to hold out his arms.
And then Sebastian is running towards him, colliding into his chest and throwing his arms around his neck and burying his face against his shoulder. Lewis wraps one arm around his back and presses the other hand to the back of his head.
Lewis is crying into his hair and Sebastian’s crying, too, weeping against him with such force that Valtteri would think his heart was breaking if he didn't know the opposite to be true.
He feels a hand slide into his and he squeezes it tightly. Daniel squeezes back and looks at him with a watery smile. His face is a little blurry and it's only then that Valtteri realises he has tears in his eyes too.
“Lewis broke my ribs,” Valtteri tells him, and then kisses Daniel’s laugh off his mouth.
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A single dad and a single librarian au
ok it’s almost 10 pm but i got this
actually it 10
basically tsuki and yams don’t know each other
like yea tsuki is a single dad
his wife ditched him or something
poor dude
left him with yachi who’s like in second grade maybe first
pure child
anyways tsuki gots to work pretty hard and sometimes late at night
bc his ex wife was a bitch and took a shit ton of money
maybe not a shit ton but a good amount 
so bc he doesn’t really trusts babysiters tsuki signs yachi for this afterschool reading thing the librarian has
it’s really only once a week but on those days tsuk can work overtime
more money
so one day yachi comes home and she’s like “!!! the librarian was amazing and he let me borrow so many books!!”
anyways yachi just becomes a huge fan of the librarian
everyday tsuki hears librarian this and librarian that
from what he knows the librarian is male, pretty young, has freckles and lets yachi play connect the dots with them, and makes great story time voices
so tsuki goes to pick yachi up one day and
she’s not with the kids in the yard where you pick them up?
so of course tsuki is worried
yachi means the world to him
and he’s like “yachi? yachi where are you?”
and some kid is like “oh she’s still in the library”
and tsuki’s like thank goodness
and he goes and yachi’s there trying to pick out a book
and tsuki’s like “yachi wyd”
and he hears a “oh hello! yachi your father is here”
and dAMN
the librarian is stuNNING
so they introduce themselves right
and yachi pickes out some book and they say goodbye
but after that
tsuki goes to talk to yamaguchi
adult talk ya know
now they’re friends! from talking and they both generally like the same things
ya know now they’re friends
they talk to each other via text n shit
that good stuff
one day they’re talking while yachi si picking out another book (indecisive as shit same yachi)
tsuki is like “i gotta find a babysitter,,,, they’re having some thing where i can earn more money if i work overtime on a day,,”
and yam’s like “oh i can do that! i finish my librarian work (do they have more work idk) at home or here anyways”
so look at that!
a babysitter tsuki can trust!
but yam’s is so pure and yachi loves yams vv much
so that’s planned for next week
but in between yachi comes home with a drawing she’s proud of
what a pure bean
and she’s like “daddy!! (i stg if any of u make daddy jokes i’ll scold u and then join u bc i make daddy jokes with everything ;)) look what i drew!!”
then tsuki’s bout to say “oh good job sweetie” but
it’s a drawing of tsuki and yams holding hands with a rainbow (;))))))) and a heart above them
and yachi’s like “ur face is red when u talk to mr. yamaguchi sometimes... and you talk to him a lot!!”
“i told my friends and they say you probably like him!! do you??”
and tsuki’s like
“yachi why”
but he just pets her head and says it’s a pretty drawing
so then she hangs up the drawing on the fridge bc that’s what you do
so baby sitting day comes!
and then yams babysits and he sees the drawing and he’s like “yachi,,, what’s this?”
and yachi says the same thing
and yams oh the small bean he gets all red
and stutters
bc it’s obvious yam’s likes tsukki ;)
and yachi gets all excited omg just imagine it
young yachi get really excited!!
cute bean
then tsuki comes home n shit
so you know, tsuki is about to pay yams bc that’s what u do with babysitters
but yam’s like “nono it’s alright”
but tsuki is kinda ?? but i need to pay?
but yams waves it away and says “i enjoy hanging with yachi. besides it’s fine, my job pays me enough”
but tsuki shoves some money in yam’s hands bc he won’t accept this
but guess what!!
tsuki’s job sees potiential,,,,, and tsuki needs money,,,
so they give him more shit to do
as a test or whatever to see if he’s good enough to promote
idk i’ve never had a job like that
so that means more overtime,,,,
and yams babysits ya know?
and it’s all good
but one day like some friday
tsuki is just chilling
bc he finished his work n shit
and he gets a text from yams and it says
“ohjesus tsukki please help i’m pretty sure i heard gunshots in my neighborhood???”
and tsukki’s like “whAT PACK YOUR SHIT I’M COMING FOR YOU”
yam’s sends back like “ok hurry i’m p sure the people who shot them are breaking in to people’s houses”
and tsuki’s kinda ???? where do u live???
so he gets the address and straps yachi in and bOLts there
and turns out yams lives on like the border of a bad neighborhood
got them thugs
bc idk america doesn’t have strict gun laws so
guns for everyone !!
also the black market ya know
so yams packed some clothes, money, his electronic shit
basically valuables and basic stuff he needs
so he crashed at tsukki’s!
and tsukki’s like “i got a mat bed thing for you,, we don’t really have a guest bedroom”
bc his house is kinda small
2 room, 1 bathroom, kitchen and dining room is combined, living room is vv small
bc a big house wouldn’t be practical for a 1 kid family was what tsukki thought when he and his ex wife were buying a house
she wanted a big house but tsuki's like “no”
so yam’s like you’re too kind
yam’s is also looking for another apartment btw
somewhere farther and safer
and tsuki wakes up and yam’s is cooking apparently
yams is a good cook let’s all agree on this
and so yams made som scrambled eggs and pancakes!!
idk what ppl eat for breakfast
he made some for yachi and tsuki
and it’s really good
yams offers to go get groceries 
and he ends up doing it even tho tsuki’s like “nah it’s fine”
basically yams is crashing but also acts like a vv nice mum
this continues bc everyone in the bad neighbor became vv scared and left
apprently they knew bc there was a rumor
but yams didn’t hear
so they left
and now some apartments are kinda full
SO tsukki knows he’s def liking yams
he falls hard like
what a man yams is perfect
like his heart just starts pounding sleeping in the same room as him,,,,
and one day the mat is taken by yachi
yachi’s like “i need it for my stuff animals they have a very big party today!!”
and she won’t budge to give it back
so tsuki offers to sleep on the couch while yams sleeps in his bed
but yams kinda says the opposite
so at this point they pretty close
by pretty close i mean vv close
so they sorta say “the bed is big enough for two people,,,, how bout we share”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
they don't bang tho
ok back to the thing
so i haven't covered the weekdays
basically yams takes yachi to school bc his little car was being borrowed by a friend
so there’s 2 cars
so stuki goes to work and yams takes yachi to school yea
and so it’s a pretty good system
but it’s a friday again
and they’re sleeping and yachi’s shouts bc the stuff animal party is lit
and tsukki’s about to get up but yams gets up before him and says sleepily “i’ll go, get some sleep”
and tsukki’s sorta
“why does this sound like we’re married”
“i mea that’s a good idea”
“us married”
“wait kei what are you thinking sTOP”
and yams comes back and crawls back in the bed
so the day continues and someone’s at the door?
so tsukki opens it and surprise!
it’s his ex-wife
the first thing tsukki says is “pay child support”
but she comes in and is like “i came to check in,,,,” but she just here to brag about her and her fiance or something
but she sees yams and is like “oh a boyfriend?”
“can u get out”
“invite me to the wedding”
anyways she bragged but also said she’ll pay child support 
and she leaves
what a bitch
basically some time passes, yams gets an apartment of his own
but you know, they’re practically in love let’s be real
they also are kinda,, touchy,,,
like they enjoy hugs and some hand holding
but as friends!!1!
maybe  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
but anyways yachi becomes a therapist for tsukkiand yachi just sorta says
she’s like “daddy when are you dating mr yamaguchi”
and tsukki’s sorta “!!! idk how to ask”
well he did
not really
it was more like yams came over to hang
and they were playing with yachi
like one big family they could be
and yachi just sorta says “mr yamaguchi my daddy likes you very much!! please date him he’s very nervous”
and both of them are !!???!?
tsukki is very embarrassed and doesn’t know what to say??
and yam’s like “,,,,,do u wanna date?”
fuck yea tsukki says in his head
but he can’t cuss in front of his kid no way
so now it’s official!
and they’re vv happy
all this happened when yachi got into 3rd grade
and they’re dating all the way to yachi in 6th grade ish
they’re so in love
they stay up foREVER talking
tsukki litterally will drop everything he’s doing to go check on yam’s if he’s sick
yamaguchi makes the cutest shit ever and constantly comes over
and tsukki doesn’t mindman they love each other so much
and yachi is sorta like “hell yea hooked em up you go yachi”
so in 7th they’re like “lets make it official?? let’s get married!!”
they buy cute rings
don’t have gems they’re a little simple at first glance
its like a mix of gold and silver band
like imagine the rings victor and yuri have
and imagine it’s ying yang ish but gold and silver
like one side is gold and the other is silve but it mixes together when they meet
and in the gold side there’s silver stars!!
ok this band isn’t that thick but you can see vv small stars
in the silver there’s gold moons!!
like imagine this but with everything i said
wait ok that’s one kind of rings they can get OR
they get this but tsukki’s has the gold ring with a silver star instead of the gem and yam’s is a silver ring with a gold moon 
goals ;)
the wedding is more like eloping bc they don’t want something big
so they get it official, they rent out some resturant to eat eat and party!
but then yams ditched his apartment and moved in
and now they aint single! bc they married each other
and tsukki did get that promotion! and he doesn’t have to work overtime now since yams also has a j:)
and yachi calls em both dad bc theyre her dad now
they’re just vv happy :)
~mod ao
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