#these wings are so much more trouble than theyre worth but i really wanna work on them
prestonmonterey · 2 months
hey hey hey as like a general thing does anyone know how to seperate your interests and sense of self from other people so you dont have panic attacks and/or breakdowns every day? ok thank you
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Rhodey & Zira (and Tony)
We have a ton of RPs in the Discord channel. I’m going to do my best in my copious amounts of free time to clean them up and drop them here since this campaign is turning out to be as much of a story as actual in-person gaming!
This one is an older RP that we did that I wasn’t yet able to clean up, but it’s here now.
Tony & Zira’s Chat
Tony & Rhodey’s Chat
Tony & Rhodey Compile a List
The Trouble with Two Tonys
(Read more.)
(There is a small, injured bird on the ground. It seems distressed, and its wing is bent strangely, and Zira is slowly creeping towards it)
(Tony has crept along behind Rhodey and is gesturing to him to just go ahead and that he will stay here and do something else that is not listening in)
(Rhodey was approaching Zira, but pauses uncertainly when he sees the bird she's going for)
(He rolls his eyes at Tony)
(Tony shrugs his shoulders and flaps at Rhodey to continue)
(Rhodey hesitantly starts forward, doing his best not to be quiet, but not startling either)
Rhodey: Hey, Zira, what you doing?
(Her head whips around and she relaxes slightly, realizing it’s just Rhodey)
Zira: I don’t know what to do!
(Tony settles against a tree and pulls out his bag of tools, pretending to do something with them.)
Rhodey: Is the bird hurt? Do you want to help it?
Zira: Yes! I know so little about birds though, and I don’t want to hurt it more.
Rhodey: Would you like help? I don't know much about birds, but I'm okay when it comes to patching injuries.
Zira: I’m certified in fixing people, not birds. I’m assuming we'd need to set the wing, and make sure this bird is somewhere safe and warm while it recovers, but I’m worried that that might scare it to death. I saw a bird die after someone picked I up. I don’t know what killed it, the fear or the fact that she snapped its neck. I don’t wanna be like her.
(Rhodey moves over to Zira and kneels next to her and the bird) 
Rhodey: Whoa, easy, Zira, take a deep breath; it's alright. We can help it.
(Zira hunches over and shifts a bit away, but still near the bird)
Zira: We can?
Rhodey: Yeah, here: let me try something.
Zira: :o?
(Rhodey reaches out slowly to the distressed bird and, upon brushing its wing, uses Lay on Hands to heal it)
(The bird peeps in surprise as its wing pops back into shape. It lies there for a few moments, then shakes itself and flaps the wing to test it. It hops a few steps forward, then flies off)
Zira: :O!! You’re a healer!
Rhodey: I can do a little, yeah.
Zira: That’s amazing! What spell was that? Is there a specific source you draw your power from or is it innate? And you could assist me in caring for fake Tony! He’s a bird, too, and I would hate to hurt him.
(Tony is still messing around with his tools, listening in on the conversation while pretending not to. He smiles at hearing Zira call Bob "Fake Tony")
Rhodey: That was called Lay on Hands. I don't think it's a spell exactly-- It comes from being a paladin. I draw power from my goddess, the Lawbearer. And I'm always happy to help people. It's what I like best.
Zira: The lawbearer, that’s amazing. Is she like the archetypal lawful good enforcer of the pantheon? I’m guessing she’s probably one of the more major players. And I think I like helping, too. (she smiles kind of uncertainly)
Rhodey: Yeah, Erathis-- sorry, that's her name-- is about the good of civilization and community. She... well. (he rubs his neck nervously) She, and the friend who introduced me to her... they saved me.
Rhodey: And that's great, Zira, helping can be really rewarding.
Zira: They were right to save you. You seem to have a lot of useful skills. (she pauses, uncertain) ...But that’s not what... matters? Because people derive worth from...something I can’t seem to get a hold of.
Rhodey: (he smiles) Thank you, Zira, I like to think that I can be useful, but I get what you mean. People... Everyone has different things that they value.
Zira: And they deserve presents and kindness even if they aren’t useful or earned it (she pulls out a piece of chocolate and holds it out to Rhodey)
Rhodey: Yes, everyone is worth kindness. (He startles a bit, then smiles at her) Oh, uh, thank you, Zira. (He accepts it)
Zira: And, uh, I’m really glad you didn’t kill that bird. I, uh, I was very weak when Asher snapped the other one’s neck and displayed. Emotions. That simply hinder. Which I should not have done.
Rhodey: (blinks at her, looking up from the present) Oh, that's... I'm sorry Zira, that can't have been pleasant to watch
Rhodey: What? Emotion... Zira… Emotions are beautiful. They can hurt so much, but they're beautiful too
Zira: They don’t seem like it. Theyre weak points and they hurt so much. Even if you feel good for a little while it never lasts. It never lasts.
Rhodey: I know, they can. And it can definitely seem like that... Uh. Would you be willing to sit down with me for a bit?
Zira: I... Sure
(Rhodey leads them over to a log a little ways away)
(Zira follows, a bit wary)
(Once they sit down) Rhodey (slightly nervous): Would it be right to say that you've lost someone you care about?
Zira: I did not lose them. I left them. The fault was entirely mine
Rhodey: (gives her a considering look) Were you in danger?
Zira: Danger is a constant. And at the moment, I should have been fine. There was no great fight or threats at that moment. I just. Couldn't...stay there.
Rhodey: I'm not gonna pry, but It sounds like it wasn't a happy place, and that leaving made you safer, right? At least, you're safer now?
Zira: I don’t know. If my betrayal is discovered, which it doubtlessly has been, I will be hunted and brought in, dead or alive.
Rhodey: (looks very concerned and hiding anger at these unknown people) Well, I can say with great certainty that these people you've found now? Me, Tony, the others? We're gonna help you.
Zira: I’m not sure if you can, but it’s very kind of you to offer, and I apologize for dragging you into this.
Rhodey: (sighs, and runs a hand over his hair) I'm bad at this. Look, I'm just going to share something, if that's all right.
Zira: They won’t hurt you if you don’t interfere. What is it?
Rhodey: Ok. So, DJ and Tony know this bit. I used to be a soldier. And, well, it wasn't the most pleasant, but we managed to help people and I liked that bit of the job
Zira: I could have been considered a soldier as well. But we never helped people.
Rhodey: Well, we certainly did some things I hated and I never want to do again, but we were mostly...seeking out people who hurt others.But, anyway, I had a friend. He, well, he was the one who introduced me to Erathis. A few years before my contract with the army was up, we got in over our heads. I had to duck out with a few others to get reinforcements, and by the time we got back... Well.
Rhodey: What I'm trying to say...is I understand what it's like to lose someone? No. No.. Still not good at this.
Zira: But you came back. You are not a traitor, you are not weak.
Rhodey: Once I was strong enough. I didn't come back right away--- I got help
Zira: I am going to say something very bad. I don’t want to go back. I don’t want to help them. Meri is the only one there with a chance of being good and they broke her. I’m sorry.
Rhodey: Well, to be frank here, I volunteered to be a soldier, to put my life on the line. I get the feeling fighting is the last thing you want to do-- you like helping people, right? Maybe, like with that bird, healing?
Zira: I want to help. I want to help more than anything.
Rhodey: There are so many ways you can help people. So many ways. And every single one is valid. I hope to learn a more powerful healing spell soon. Maybe... we could learn it together?
Zira: I don’t know how I can help anyone like this. I ran and I’m still running. I stitched Meri back together but I couldn’t fix her. I can only provide a hollow imitation of what is meant to be. I feel you would be a great healer. You have been brave, and good.
Rhodey: I think a lot of us in this group are running. That...doesn't make it bad. You can see a lot of interesting things while you're running. And I think you would be a great healer too. Zira, you are very kind. You may not know everything about the way the world works, but you want to help. You wanted to help that bird. That... that kindness is the most important thing for a healer.
Zira: I...guess. They always called it weakness.
Rhodey: Have you found them to be wrong about other things?
Zira: I received a...sign, that many of the things they did were bad, and wrong, but I’m still untangling the depths to which that reaches.
Rhodey: That's fair. Can you believe me if I say kindness is a strength? It takes strength to maintain it despite the world, and it takes strength to give it despite your fears.
Zira: I want to. That seems better than anything I've learned. Except for maybe presents and candy. Those are pretty great
Rhodey: Chocolate is awesome, isn't it?
Zira: It IS! Tony gave me SO MUCH and I LOVE IT!
Rhodey: (smiles, glances back at Tony) Yeah?
(Tony is deliberately not looking at them, but he's listening.)
Rhodey: That's really great.
Zira: It really is.
Rhodey: (holds up piece Zira gave him) Thanks for this, by the way.
Zira: People get presents for being people, not for doing anything, which is kinda weird. Lots of things are weird.
Rhodey: A lot of the best things are weird, just like people.
Zira: Like most bugs. And candy. And the idea the kindness is strength.
Rhodey: I'm not fond of bugs, but I can get behind those other ones.
Zira: But I think I like weird things. They seem a lot nicer than what i learned. Like you! Creda was training to be a paladin, but she wasn’t very nice.
Rhodey: If you ever want to talk about weird stuff, I'd love to listen. I'm not great with the talking but I love listening. I'm glad you like me; I like you, Zira
Zira: :D Everyone is so nice here.
Rhodey: We do our best, I think.
Zira: Creda hated listening so it’s weird that you like it but it makes sense because there is always variety within a group but it’s still new and I think I like you, too. And you’re friends with Tony and he doesn’t seem like he’d be friends with someone bad.
Rhodey: Tony does have pretty good taste.
Zira: Especially in candy :D
Rhodey: Even if the people he likes occasionally blow stuff up on accident or stick their feet in their mouths.
Zira: Oh my gosh.
Rhodey: Yeah-- definitely in candy.
Zira: Guess what he told me??
Rhodey: What?
Rhodey: (chokes on his own breath, and holds in a chuckle) Did he, now? I don't think I knew that.
Zira: He DID and said that dj would deny it but I really want to think it’s true because that is hilarious.
Rhodey: Honestly, anything could be true with those two, and at this point I've given up trying to figure out what's what.
Zira: There are so many secrets waiting to be found out here. That is very exciting.
Rhodey: Do you like puzzles and mysteries?
Zira: Like I know that you’re avoiding talking at length about what you did as a soldier because you’re ashamed and Tony is running from something just like me, and Bob definitely has a reason for the name changes that goes beyond any sort of physical damage. And luna is hiding something but I can’t figure out what. But I will. Thats what I’m good at.
Rhodey: You're pretty astute when it comes to reading people, aren't you?
Zira: I’ve always been good at information gathering. And people are the greatest mystery of them all. So I have to collect a lot of data to crack the secret.
Rhodey: Oh, boy, aren't they. People are messy and complicated
Zira: Yeah. I’m working on it, though. But we should probably go divvy up shifts for tonight.
Rhodey: Good idea. Thank you for talking with me, Zira, and let me know if you decide you want to learn some healing with me. It'd be nice to have a healing buddy
Zira: Healing buddies!
Rhodey: Yeah. (He smiles) Healing buddies
(Zira beams at Rhodey, gets up, and almost skips away)
(And as she passes Tony)
Zira: Hi, Tony!
(Tony drops tools)
Tony: Ah-
Zira: You should work on your subtlety a little more perhaps! It was very easy to tell you were there.
(Rhodey cackles to himself on the log)
Tony: ...ha? Sure.
Zira: It’s okay, though! We all start somewhere!
Zira: :D
Tony: ...That we do. I'm gonna...go over there. (gestures to Rhodey)
(Rhodey is still laughing his ass off)
Tony: You have a good time, though?
Zira: Of course! You, too!
(Tony waves to Zira, picks up his tools, and then goes to Rhodey.)
Tony: Shut up
Rhodey: Never (through laughter) that was great.
Tony: Ha ha, laugh it up.
Rhodey: Oh, I will (eventually settles himself) I will.
(Tony shoves at Rhodey, sits down on log)
Tony: So.
Rhodey: So.
Tony: That happened. You did good.
Rhodey: Ha, I don't know about that. I really put my foot in it a few times.
Tony: I probably did, too. It's not easy.
Rhodey: We haven't known her long, but it still really hurts to see her in pain-- emotional pain in this case, I guess. I wish I could help more.
Tony: Sometimes...waiting's all you can do. Waiting and pointing out the small things. She has to take those steps herself. We can just give her a small map
Rhodey: Yeah. And at least I can listen. I'm quite good at that.
Tony: That you are, that you are, buddy. You are very good at the strong and silent type.
Rhodey: Uh, thanks, Tony.
Tony: :3
Rhodey: Alright, enough of all that. We should go be useful with camp.
Tony: We should. And, uh...any ideas on last names? Or should we just sneak in a list into her pack.
Rhodey: Shoot. I forgot about that. A list might be a good idea.
Tony: Let's both come up with something.
Rhodey: Pool our resources.
Tony: Should we sign it? Because if she just finds a weird list of names in her bag...
Rhodey: I mean, that's a good point, but maybe she'll like the mystery of figuring out who gave her it?
Tony: ...point. Let's just make it super obvious it's from friends
Rhodey: Good plan
Tony: I'll write it down; you give me a list of names. I'll copy someone's handwriting...
Rhodey: (smiles and shakes his head) All right. I'll get to thinking and let you know when I have something.
Tony: You do that.
(Tony stares into forest)
Tony: ...I can't believe how messed up some people are.
(Rhodey claps Tony on the back) 
Rhodey: Well, i don't know. Maybe that's just the way of the world. Maybe everyone's messed up and we just can't see it
Tony: ...It shouldn't be.
Rhodey: Yeah. We can all do our best to make it a better place.
Tony: (turns to Rhodey, grinning brightly) Exactly. All we can do. And maybe one day it'll get better.
Rhodey: Yes, exactly. (stands up and brushes clothes off) Alright now, we really need to go help everyone else.
Tony: Yeah, yeah. Let's go do it, bird whisperer.
(Rhodey punches his shoulder) 
Rhodey: Well, I certainly didn't quibble half of last night with our resident bird.
Tony: Quibble? Quibble? There was no quibbling involved! It was a very serious discussion on names!
Rhodey: (starts walking off and calls over his shoulder) Definitely a quibble!
Tony: Not a quibble!
(Rhodey's totally doing this just to rub Tony wrong)
(Tony knows Rhodey is riling him up.)
(Tony continues muttering under his breath, gathering up his tools.)
Tony: Tony, Tony, Tony.  It was my name first. And I should definitely get better at stealth...
(Rhodey laughs to self and goes to help with the fire and food or whatever.
(Tony goes off with a sheet of paper and his tools.)
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