duchessfraldarius · 7 years
i was wondering if you'd be willing to share your Rogue head canons? :> He's my favorite and I really like the idea of the one you mentioned earlier
ahaha ;; of course! Some of the headcanon’s kinda coincide with @theshadowdragonslayer‘s cause Ash was a huge inspiration to me when I roleplayed @future-rogue
I won’t really stretch it out in detail because i’m lazy af but if there is one in particular you want me to give more details on I’ll be glad to if you ask. This is a pretty lengthy list, just a warning ;;
1. Rogue knows plenty about plants and herbs and their effects on the body. Even though his memory was altered to believe that Skiadrum died of sickness, as a child Rogue thought if he knew more about medicines, Skiadrum wouldn’t have died plus figured it might be a good thing to know in case he got sick (since little bby Rogue did travel by himself before finding Gajeel and Phantom Lord)
2. Since Rogue was an orphan, he lived on the streets for a while. And with no money he was forced to steal to survive since he really couldn’t live on just wild plants alone.
3. Rogue, like Natsu and Wendy, found the exceed egg that Frosch hatched from. Thus he’s known Frosch her whole life. However when he found Phantom Lord, he made Frosch stay away from the guild because he was afraid she would get hurt there since not all of the guild members were friendly.
4. While he looked up to Gajeel, he was actually closer to Juvia. 
5. Juvia was actually the one who taught Rogue how to sew. Rogue made Frosch’s first frog suit thanks to Juvia.
6. Rogue went by Raios until the disbandment of Phantom Lord.
7. Rogue met Sting by chance when they were 9. They both happened to be headed in the same direction but we stuck in one town because of a storm. The two of them actually got along well as kids, mostly because they both found each other strangely extremely familiar but they were 100% sure at the time that they had never met. Sting already had Lector at the time.
8. Because the two of them got along so well, they decided it would be a wiser move to just stick with each other. The travels wouldn’t be so lonely and it would be safer with two dragon slayers. When they traveled they always shared a bed as getting rooms with two beds was much more expensive and they didn’t mind sharing space. They shared their bed until they were 14.
9. Eventually they heard rumors of a guild that only accepts the best and they made their way to join it. They joined Sabertooth when they were 13. There they officially formed “Team Twin Dragon Slayers”
10. Rogue didn’t take notice to any romantic feelings he might have had towards Sting until someone within the guild joked about it and how the two of them were always together. But he didn’t want to make things weird between them so he never brought it up.
11. When Yukino had first joined, she was the first person since he joined that had tried to make friends within the guild which was probably what brought his attention to her. While they weren’t extremely close at first, they did meet outside of guild duties and Rogue found her a close friend and confidant. Plus Frosch really liked Yukino.
12. When Rogue was a kid, he made a makeshift grave for Skiadrum in an isolated area in the mountains. Every July 7th, Rogue would go visit the grave. It would always be a 3 day trip. One day for travel there, one day spent there, and another day back to the guild. When he made Sabertooth his home, he would leave Frosch with Sting those 3 days.
13. Rogue always had frequent nightmares. When he was younger it was always of cruel dragons and silhouettes of people that would always die. Which were his real human parents but at the time he didn’t know that. As he got old, his nightmares changed to losing the people who were actually close to him, then when the grand magic games with Fairy Tail came around it was about his shadow and losing control to his shadow.
14. With Rogue’s nightmares, when morning comes he either a.) find himself in Sting’s bed or b.) finds Sting in his bed. When Sting has a nightmare, the same things happens. This habit followed them into adulthood.
15. When Rogue lost Frosch, he was overprotective of Lector. He didn’t want to have Sting go through the same thing as he did and in a way, he was using Lector as a way to cope.
16. Rogue is self conscious of his body which is why he’s always wears clothes from head to toe.
17. Rogue hates being touched unless it’s by Frosch, Sting or Lector. He especially hates his scars being touched.
*****Future Rogue Head Canons from here*****
18. After Future Rogue killed Sting, his relationship with most of the guild was very strained. Yukino, Rufus, and Orga had still accepted him with open arms but even they were wary of this new Rogue. Lector, while confused and hurt, knew Sting wouldn’t want him to hate Rogue, but Lector couldn’t easily forgive Rogue. Minerva was the only one who didn’t have a strained relationship with him simply because she understood the power darkness brings and the darkness of heart. She’s been there. So she knew just what Rogue was going through.
19. When Lucy had died at some point and Yukino was given care of her golden keys. Rogue had convinced her, Rufus, Orga, and Minerva of his plan to go into the past to defeat Acnologia. They’d first have to go back 400+ years into the past when dragon still existed to get dragons help to defeat Acnologia. Rufus, Orga, and Lector died by Acnologia before they could make it to the past.
20. When Rogue, Yukino, and Minerva went into the past, Rogue learned Dragon manipulation magic. When they battled the Acnologia of the past, he learned that dragon manipulation didn’t work on Acnologia and in the process lost Minerva.
21. Rogue and Yukino ended up meeting a young Anna Heartfilia and informed her of the situation to which she explained the best place in time to fight in Acnologia would be the years after July 7, X777.
And this is where my laziness is kicking in since I’ve already made it to 21 short head canons/head canoned time line. I wish I could say I was finished but I have a divergence in my head canon from this point about where Yukino dies and Rogue’s true intentions by bringing the dragons to the future. But I could honestly go all day about Rogue because I love this loser too.
Thank you for asking me this question though!! I actually had fun with it though I’m like 1000% sure you didn’t expect it to be this long either ;; oops.
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fairy-tail-lounge · 5 years
I did a thing. Go follow TheShadowGawd on Twitter! Hope you all like it!
#RogueCheney #FairyTail #Sabertooth #TwinDragons #TheShadowDragonSlayer #BestDragonSlayer
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You wouldn’t kick an exceed with a flower would you, Rogue?
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imperattore · 8 years
Rogue Cheney
Drop your Muse’s name in my inbox and I’ll reveal my Muse’s opinion of them…
Most admirable quality: His magic abilities could be interesting.Most attractive physical feature: None.Most annoying habit: His dependence on others.Something they would like to do with them: Use him as a tool aganist his guild.
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firefxiry-blog · 8 years
(  Send me a ➴ for my muse to say a pickup line to yours | Accepting )
Natsu leaned over on the bar of Sabertooth, where Rogue was sitting with Frosch. He rested his cheek in his hand and looked over at the Shadow Mage.
“If you’re feeling down, can I feel you up?” 
And then Natsu winked.
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imperattore · 8 years
theshadowdragonslayer respondeu a sua foto:@fairyseeker LOOK AT THIS.
Me too! But I’m almost certain this is true, but even if it isn’t, I’m so fucking happy ksjsksjsksjs
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AU - The Past
The winds bring him back to the place where he was met mages for the first time. He don’t have a reasons to comeback here, he just want to sightseeing. Thinking back, he made friends with members of Sabertooth. Back then, Sting Eucliffe helped him to claim back The Scarlet Eyes of Kuruta clan. Now that he make his way to this place again, he really wants to meet him once more. Just to make sure he is alright, and still alive. He standing in the door of the Guild, make sure that he really need to do this or not. I shouldn’t bothered him with my problem, right? he thought. “......” Just when he decided to leave, there’s someone walked towards him. Kurapika blinked, he ever met this man too before. But he need some times to remember his name. “You’re...”
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“.....Rogue, am i wrong?”
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ofwiiind-a · 9 years
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