non-cannon · 1 year
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Today's quote from theSkimm's Daily Skimm. Nobody wants this. Why is this real? make it stop
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whalechief · 1 year
anyone got recs for chill calm morning articles? id say 'news subscriptions' or 'daily email's but I dont necessarily want strictly news bc its just so stressful but I want that nice morning reader y'know?
anyway if u know of any, esp email based, id love to look into them 🥹
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hoziercriespower · 3 months
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Hozier's Q&A Video by theskimm on TikTok
❝ What a voice. Holy shit. ❞
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k-wame · 13 days
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Josh O’Connor 'The Crown' Press | Text with theSkimms
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lifemod17 · 3 months
It was so nice knowing you guys, unfortunately this ended me
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I'm so dead I'm actually posting this from the great beyond. Don't forget me guys. Be sure to leave pretty flowers on my grave tyvm.
Source: @ theskimm on TikTok
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#me and my husband (he has a disorganized attachment style) TOOK ME TF OUT i am wheezing but also. truly, same.
HE MENTIONED IT IN AN INTERVIEW !! i can’t find it but it was also by theskimm. we love a man who knows what type of emotionally repressed he is 🫶
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livelyvivian · 1 year
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1989taylorsversion · 2 years
TheSkimm knew what they were doing with today's subject line
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
I subscribe to three outlets, the WaPo, NYT and theSkimm (sometimes I just need my news in a more easily to digest form) and with the exception of the WaPo, the other two seem so anti-monarchy. Eyeroll. I need something more neutral to read. Does NPR have a newsletter?
NPR is the only traditional new media that I listen to, but I haven't tuned into it since Thursday. Their website has plenty of coverage it seems.
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ujjinatd · 5 months
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Navegando por los altibajos de los medios con los cofundadores de theSkimm Bienvenid... https://ujjina.com/navegando-por-los-altibajos-de-los-medios-con-los-cofundadores-de-theskimm/?feed_id=512353&_unique_id=65b9da439e6e4
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speedyposts · 5 months
Navigating media’s ups and downs with theSkimm co-founders
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Satya Nadella & Sam Altman: Dawn of the AI Wars | The Circuit with Emily Chang
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This week Becca flew solo with Carly Zakin and Danielle Weisberg, the co-founders and co-CEOs of theSkimm, a digital media company delivering news through newsletter targeted at millennial women. Zakin and Weisberg talked about what market gap they wanted theSkimm to fill. They also talked about:
Riding the bumpy rollarcoaster of the digital media landscape over the past decade.
What it was like pitching a milenial women-focused product to male VCs.
Why they decided to be co-CEOs and why they think the strategy works for them.
Subscribe to Found to hear more stories from founders each week.
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Satya Nadella & Sam Altman: Dawn of the AI Wars | The Circuit with Emily Chang
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eclectic-insights · 5 months
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Navigating media’s ups and downs with theSkimm co-founders http://dlvr.it/T25bm4
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hoziercriespower · 3 months
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❝ How do you feel about being TikTok's boyfriend? ❞
Hozier's Q&A Video by theskimm on TikTok
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sarahboyerdigiexpert · 6 months
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Mastering the Art of Content Marketing: Diverse Examples of Impactful Strategies for Modern Businesses
Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. It's not just about selling products or services; it's about providing value to your audience through content that engages, informs, or entertains them. This article explores successful Content Marketing Examples to inspire and guide your strategies.
I. Blogging: The Backbone of Content Strategy
Blogging as a Tool for SEO and Thought Leadership
Blogging remains a fundamental aspect of content marketing. It's an effective way to improve search engine optimization (SEO) and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry. For example, HubSpot's blog offers a wealth of information on inbound marketing, providing value to their audience while enhancing their SEO efforts.
II. Infographics: Simplifying Complex Information
Making Data Digestible and Shareable
Infographics are powerful tools for making complex data easily understood and visually appealing. They are also highly shareable, which increases their reach. A notable example is the 'Anatomy of a Perfect Website' by Kissmetrics, which breaks down the elements of a successful website design in an easy-to-digest format.
III. Podcasts: The Rising Star of Content Marketing
Engaging Audiences through Conversational Content
Podcasts have seen a surge in popularity, offering a personal way to reach audiences. Companies like Shopify use podcasts to discuss e-commerce trends and strategies, providing value to their listeners while subtly promoting their platforms.
IV. Video Content: Engaging Audiences Visually
Harnessing the Power of Visual Storytelling
Video content can be incredibly effective, especially when it tells a compelling story. Blendtec's 'Will it Blend?' series is a perfect example. These entertaining videos demonstrate the power of their blenders unconventionally and engagingly, significantly boosting brand awareness.
V. Social Media: Building Communities and Engagement
Connecting with Audiences on a Personal Level
Social media platforms are ideal for connecting with audiences and building communities. Airbnb's Instagram account, for instance, showcases beautiful properties and travel experiences, inspiring their followers and encouraging them to explore new destinations.
VI. E-books and Whitepapers: Providing In-Depth Knowledge
Educating Audiences with Comprehensive Resources
E-books and whitepapers are excellent for providing more in-depth information. Salesforce excels in this area, offering a range of e-books that cover various aspects of customer relationship management, helping to educate their audience and establish authority in their field.
VII. Email Newsletters: Keeping Your Audience Updated
Personalizing Communication with Subscribers
Email newsletters are a direct way to keep in touch with your audience. TheSkimm's daily newsletter is a great example of delivering news concisely and engagingly, making it a part of their subscribers' daily routine.
VIII. User-Generated Content: Leveraging Customer Creativity
Fostering Community and Authenticity
User-generated content can enhance authenticity and foster a sense of community. GoPro's use of customer-submitted videos showcases their product's capabilities and creates a platform for their customers to share their adventures.
The Future of Content Marketing
Content marketing continues to evolve, with new platforms and formats emerging regularly. The key to successful content marketing lies in understanding your audience and providing them with content that adds value to their lives. Whether through informative blogs, engaging videos, or interactive social media posts, the goal is to create content that resonates with your audience and builds lasting relationships. Remember, content marketing is not a one-size-fits-all approach; it requires creativity, adaptation, and a deep understanding of your target market.
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Say Buh-Bye to Debt With Tips From a Financial Advisor - theSkimm || #FindAFinancialAdvisor News Link Courtesy of Free Financial and Financial Risk Consultation with Akamai Wealth Management for all Hawaii Residents Whether You're Retiring or Searching for More Income Text or Call 808.464.5292
ICYMI: http://dlvr.it/StTG13
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greedbun · 1 year
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Taken from TheSkimm
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