sims3legacytypestuff · 4 months
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sims3legacytypestuff · 4 months
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Yet to make her debut on the music scene Kenya's debut album has been finished, everything from visuals and concepts are complete, all that's left is to get back into the public eye, her team has told her she needs to re-establish herself as a household name before they'd even entertain the idea of dropping the first single, her dad had put way too mush into this rebrand for her image to fuck it up before it starts.
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What better way to stir up some attention than to create controversies around town...
Whilst Kenya was out causing a stir around her identity a few members of her team decided to leak the real reason why Kenya had mysteriously disappeared for the past year... A small story about The Secret Life of Kenya Kordei dropped on the front page of TMZ and oh boy did it bring Kenya's name back into people mouths, the public had just enough information to start speculating rumours but nobody but her team knew the real story, even Kenya questioned what was real and fake.
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sims3legacytypestuff · 8 months
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With her new career direction decided for her and an album in the works it was time for Kenya to get herself out there once again and build hype for her new surprise project! Spending the last year of her life essentially locked away whilst her father and team 'rebuilt' her 'failed' career the absolute LAST thing Kenya was wanting to be was a singer, she wasn't a singer she was a model, she didn't know how to write music or perform but somehow she was in a contract, stuck in a contract.
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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Being in the studio recording was part of the process, but Kenya needed to get back out into the world again, so much had changed in the past ten months and Kenay couldn't risk being out of the loop any longer. Her father sent her to the restaurant with her label marketing execs the plan her re-entry to the spotlight. Only this time she'd be modelling her voice.
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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With Kenya out of the hospital Jaycen wasted no time in getting her back to work, he'd had to hide her away for ten months pouring his money down the drain keeping the world updated on a fake illness Kenya supposedly had. He needed her in the studio, he needed her to have a career he could control in an industry he understood, but more importantly he needed that baby out of the equation, she couldn't come back into Kenya's life too soon but if he had any say in it Kenya would never see her daughter ever again. He saw the distraction a baby was to Kenya's mother Lola and he wasn't about to watch it happen again, especially to his bank account. During her pregnancy Kenya refused to tell anybody who the father was, she didn't quite know why she didn't want anybody to know she just felt better keeping it a secret. This made it much harder for Jaycen to find the dad but as soon as he did Kenya's daughter Gabrielle was sent away to live with him under strict no contact rules. For the first year at least.
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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After her waters broke in the early hours Kenya was quickly and quietly escorted from her home to hospital to have her baby, with her father taking control over his daughter he had planned a C-section. Kenya was told 'it's a done decision' and she didn't get a choice in the matter. At 08:19am Kenya gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, but before she got to hold her baby they were both whisked away to separate rooms in the hospital. Kenya went back into theatre for additional surgeries and her baby was taken away with no mention where...
Seven weeks later and it finally came time to leave the hospital and go back home, Kenya still hadn't seen her baby, she had no idea if she had had a boy or girl, what they weighed, how they looked or if they were even alive, every time she asked any questions about her baby that she knew she had she was met with the same reply. 'Kenya. You'll be able to meet your daughter once you've finished your projects, the most important thing right now isn't you or how you feel. That can wait. Your career can't, especially if you're left in control of it.'
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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Pregnancy... That's why she was feeling nauseous. Kenya was pregnant with Mithun Khan's baby.
When her father Jaycen found out he demanded that she aborted the baby claiming that she was too young to be a mom, that she was wasting his time, taking him for granted, putting all the money he'd spent on her career to waste!
It's probably a good time to provide some insight to Jaycen as a person, a father and why he's back in Kenya's life all of a sudden... When Kenya was young Jaycen was never around, he didn't even acknowledge he had a daughter until she was ten when he sent his assistant round to wish her a happy birthday. Before Kenya was born Jaycen use to manage her mother Lola, he helped her build her career from rising start to mega star but when he found out she was pregnant he demanded that she had an abortion but Lola refused, he threatened to destroy her career and that he did, his only mistake was his involvement in Lola's career. Whilst tearing Lola to the ground he caused major damage to his own reputation, so when it came to signing future clients (including Kenya) he made sure he had control over their everything... The only reason he agreed to build Kenya's career was to boost his own bank account and he couldn't do that if Kenya was out of action caring for a baby. It was in his best interest to have full control over Kenya and his first course of action was getting her away from this stupid modelling idea and into something that's actually going to benefit. Then that baby is next...
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
With the release of her debut single 'Roses' right round the corner Jaycen Hendrix's daughter Kenya was seen leaving the studio looking much paler than usual. In fact she looked a state, like she had just been dragged across the pavement by her feet. It was later confirmed that Kenya had been rushed into hospital due to a mystery illness, nothing more is known on the situation as it currently stands but her fans have crowded outside her window to show support for a speedy recovery.
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When Kenya left the studio she felt awful, luckily she made it home before she threw up but this sickness felt odd, she'd been nauseous before many times but this time it felt different...
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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A New Beginning! Now Jaycen was in control of Kenya's new career path he had some changes he wanted to make to his client. He made it clear to Kenya that she needed to make alterations the her look and behaviour if she wanted to be the next big thing, it would require hard wok and she'd have to prove to him that she was worth managing.
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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After get her foot in the door-way of fame, it was time for Kenya to start directing her career the way she wanted to go. Ever since se was young she wanted to be a performer, a singer that sings and dances in front of the masses. Now she had some money and following behind her she got back in contact with her father Jaycen for industry guidance. Since Jaycen was a well established mogul in the industry he had a good understanding and strong ability when it came to swinging things his own way. Kenya though this would be beneficial for launching her music career and it was but when she signed herself to being managed by her dad it quickly became clear that Jaycen didn't have Kenya's interests at heart...
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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A little bit of adult fun in the shower, that's all it was. For most it's over when it's over but for Kenya the decision she made that day would follow her for years to come...
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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As a newly certified B-Lister celebrity, Kenya is really turning up the heat when it comes to propelling her level of fame, small scandals are always good for attention, it may not attract the best kind of attention but you can guarantee that the tabloids will be all over Kenya's new fling with married man Mithun Kahn in roughly 3.5 hours. The pap that captured these shots are in for a BIG payday!
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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With her recent promotion finalised Kenya headed to the Fall Festival to let off some steam and have some fun in her career heavy, work filled world.
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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The first day as a Promotional Model, working her way through the ranks is hard work but slowly it's all starting to pay off!
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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Happy Holidays!
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sims3legacytypestuff · 11 months
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A pageant girly at heart Kenya always wanted to be a model but she needs to get herself noticed before she can hit the main runways. Hoping to be one of the Victoria Secret Angels Kenya is getting back into modelling professionally by working the local beauty pageant over 18's category.
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