seraphimoth · 7 years
Tag game :O
It’s been a while! I’ve been tagged by @briwhosaysni :)
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag some followers you’d like to get to know better!
Name: Emma Nickname: Emileeeen~! Height: 5′3″ Orientation: straight Nationality + ethnicity: White, American Favorite fruit: Watermelon Favorite Season: Summer Favorite book: Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas Favorite flower: Hmmm how about all of them Favorite scent: Fresh brownies Favorite Color: Purple Favorite animal: Cats and penguins Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate, but I love tea too Average hours of sleep: 7 Cats or dogs: Cats Number of blankets you sleep with: 2, sometimes 3 Dream trip: Going to space, but honestly I’d love to travel anywhere Blog created: About a year ago I think?
I’ll tag @medusarocker, @dr-awkward221b, @theveiledlodger67, @loveseat-chan, and @jaimethedunk!
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seraphimoth · 7 years
Tag Game!
It’s been a while! I’ve been tagged by @briwhosaysni, a super cool person!
Rules: You can only say guilty or innocent.You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you or asks you. 
Asked someone to marry you? innocent Kissed one of your friends? innocent Danced on a table in a bar or tavern? innocent Ever told a lie? guilty Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have? guilty Ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? innocent Ever kissed someone of the same sex? innocent Kissed a picture? guilty Slept in until 5pm? innocent Fallen asleep at work or school? innocent Held a snake? guilty Been suspended from school? innocent Stolen something? innocent Done something you regret? guilty Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? innocent Caught a snowflake on your tongue? guilty Kissed in the rain? innocent Sat on a roof top? innocent Sang in the shower? guilty Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? innocent Slept naked? innocent Made a boyfriend/girlfriend/datemate cry? innocent Been in a band? innocent Shot a gun? guilty Donated blood? innocent Eaten alligator meat? innocent Eaten cheesecake? guilty Still love someone you shouldn’t? innocent Have/had a tattoo? innocent Been too honest? guilty Ruined a surprise? guilty Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you can’t walk after? innocent Erased someone in your friends list? innocent Dressed in a man’s clothes? guilty Dressed in a woman’s clothes? guilty Joined a pageant? innocent Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? guilty Still have communication with your ex? innocent Cheated on someone? innocent Got totally drunk one night when you had an important exam the next morning? innocent A total stranger treated you by paying your fare? innocent Got so angry that you cried? guilty Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? innocent Actually murdered someone? innocent Thought about mass murder? innocent Actually committed a mass murder? innocent Rode in a stranger’s vehicle? innocent Stalked someone? innocent Had a girlfriend? innocent Had a boyfriend? innocent Totally drunk during a holiday? innocent
Bri, you and I have a lot of the same stuff! I’ll tag @dudeletmebe, @dr-awkward221b, @theveiledlodger67, @guns-and-baguettes, and @jaimethedunk. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, and anyone else can do it if they feel like it! It was pretty fun :)
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seraphimoth · 6 years
Tagged by @eternallyodd!!! (sorry i just saw that you tagged me lol)
1. Name: Emma!
2. Nicknames: Emmaline
3. Orientation: Female bisexual (surprise Caylin!)
4. Nationality: ‘Murican
5. Favorite Fruit: Apples or plums idk. Fruit is just good in general
6. Favorite Season: Summer bc no school!!
7. Favorite Flower: hm.. idk. I don’t really know many kinds of flowers but I like ‘em all cuz they’re colorful and smell so good ^^
8. Favorite Scent: Lemon I think
9. Favorite Color: Purple!!!
10. Favorite Animal: mmm dragons are cool but also wolves and penguins
11. Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?: They’re all good but I guess hot chocolate because it’s faster to dump instant swiss miss in some hot water than make tea so I usually do that, but tea is great when I take the time to make it
12. Average Hours of Sleep: 6-8, depends
13. Cat or Dog Person: again, both are beautiful babies but gotta go with cats
14. Favorite Fictional Character: I really like Cecil from WTNV, 707 from Mystic Messenger, and Michael from Be More Chill. I’m sure I’m forgetting a ton more I could list tho
15. Number of Blankets: One or two
16. Dream Trip: Space
17. Blog Created: July 2015
18. How Many Followers?: 260
19. Random Fact: My url is “piebananasandjam” because I was in my superwholock phase when I made it and I don’t know how to change my url and at this point I don’t even care lmao
I’ll tag @medusarocker​, @jaimethedunk, @dr-awkward221b, and @theveiledlodger67! Of course don’t feel like you have to do it :P
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