violetnaps · 1 month
worst part of writing resolve is i need to reread bleach now
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
KMS LOUDLY the mega folder w all of warrior cats got taken down ti seems. family giy death pose
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axellis-archv-2 · 2 years
luchino valentines card i could kill him?
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kodesun · 11 months
*shuffles through cards as I look at you*
are they pokemon cards or tcg cards
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ask-l1nk · 4 months
They click a button on their watch
Alright I'm ready if anything goes to shit with.... thevery creepy lion we saw leave the stage...
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Yeah I’ll just stand over here in case anything happens.
-L1nk feels something breathing down their neck.-
Please tell me it’s just a fan behind me?
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MY OLD ASS (2024)
Starring Maisy Stella, Aubrey Plaza, Percy Hynes White, Maddie Ziegler, Kerrice Brooks, Maria Dizzia, Seth Isaac Johnson, Carter Trozzolo, Al Goulem and Alexandria Rivera.
Screenplay by Megan Park.
Directed by Megan Park.
Distributed by Amazon MGM Studios. 89 minutes. Rated R.
Despite having one of the worst titles of the year – perhaps thevery worst one – My Old Ass turns out to be a sweet and charming coming-of-age film with a slight supernatural bent.
The film’s high concept – that a teen girl named Elliott (Maisy Stella) is smoking mushrooms with friends in the woods and somehow comes into contact with her 39-year-old self (Aubrey Plaza) and ends up being able to continue to communicate with her future self and learn about what is coming for her life, for better or worse – is a fascinating and intriguing idea. Yet, at the same time, this plot thread is mostly dropped for long periods of the film, and honestly, it’s not missed all that much.
This seems like a strange statement to make because Aubrey Plaza is terrific as adult Elliott and every time that she is on screen the film perks up. Still, I could see a variation of this story without the whole idea of the older Elliott, and it probably still would work out pretty well.
Elliott is a high school senior, comfortable in her lesbianism, who lives in a gorgeous farm by a lake in the wilds of Canada. She hangs out with her friends and girlfriend and can’t wait to go off to Toronto for college and leave her small town behind.
During the mushrooms episode, adult Elliott tells her a certain amount about what will happen to her and how her life will turn out. She also has one specific piece of advice for her younger self – to stay away from a boy named Chad. Of course, she meets him soon after that, and to her surprise, Elliott – who had never even considered that she may be bi or even straight – finds herself having feelings for him. This puts her in an awkward position, she has been warned away from this guy but finds herself drawn to him.
In the meantime, other parts of her world start to fall apart when she finds that her father is planning to sell the family farm. While Elliott felt that she was desperate to leave the place behind, she never imagined that it wouldn’t still be there for her if she ever wanted or needed to return. This puts strain on her relationships with her father, mother and brothers.
To make things worse, suddenly she is unable to contact her older self to talk it all over and get advice about what she could and should do with her life. So, she tries haltingly to figure it all out for herself.
My Old Ass turns out to be a sweet and charming look at growing up, surprisingly funny and heartfelt. It’s definitely worth giving a chance, despite its title.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2024 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: September 12, 2024.
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xatsperesso · 9 months
i think kamu would come to them and offer her as 'good will' hyping up her thevery skills and stuff and when iruma acepts they bring in a large dog cage or shows her 'skills' by putting stickers on everyone
Oh That. That is Fucked Up
And i imagine Iruma would be Horrified that the Person, the Human being he accepted to be part of his family is being delivered to him in a Dog Cage like a fucking animal
And I think Iruma sees Kamu as a nice guy, but the swcond he sees Clara being treated like that, fuck making connections this guy is going down
And you know Opera would gladly be the person doing that(or maybe azz after his arc is done, or maybe that's what changes his mind about iruma?), and Kalego will nag and lecture and complain at Iruma all the way till they reach the house, but that's all he's gonna do. But stop Opera? Now why would he waste time doing that? And the young boss ordered, he's not gonna disobey his young boss's direct orders
And Clara, I think she'll be confused and skittish and will not trust iruma One Bit, but she'd still hang onto him because he got rid of the cage and he seems nice. So she'll wait until he changes, until he shows his horns and stops being nice and treats her badly, maybe even worse than the ones before him
It'll take some time for her to realize that oh, that won't happen. Iruma is nice, and he'll stay nice. Iruma cares, and he won't stop caring. Iruma sees her as a part of his family, and that won't change
And once she realizes that this is her life, that she has a home, that she has Iruma, and that that won't change? She's not letting go, and god help anyone who dares to hurt her Iruma-chi
(I didn't really understand the last part, the showing her skills by putting stickers on people. And I assumed that we're talking about the mafia au? I hope you meant the mafia au)
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gayspock · 1 month
you know thevery day self involved spiral rant etc etc here it comes. i odntknow. billionand one fucking messages of reinforcement that just dont help because none ever apply, all ever make me feel worse; most are usually insanely patronising as a result or just rub it in how littlethere is to live for cuz if therewas just one fucking thing mabye it wouldnt be like this. whatever and a bit.
i jsut feel so fucking emtpy. i dont fucking care about any of it. i dont know. at least somepeople have something they careabout. im alone. i dont know what to do. i dont have any interests. theres nothing ilike doing. theres nothing imgood at. even if idid try to survive what do ifucking spend my time doing. itjust all feels like a miserable fucking slog . nothings worth it. i feel fucking sick withmyslef all the time. i keep trying to find things. i just fucking tire myself out and get miserabel no matter the approach. i dont fucking know.
i think about dating apps andabout meeting new people. its likeidontknow how to talk about it any more. i feel so embarrassed. like itsnot just loneliness because im alone. but ialso know realisticlaly theres nothing for me to try and talkto people about . just basic questins like how do you spend your time. i dontfucking know. i just spend it trying to make it all fucking go away and i hate it. the onlyway i can fucking cope half the time is just trying to not think about it and thats the only fucking thing there is and idont rememberwhere any of the days have gone and ive spent so manyyears at this point in fucking limbo and i fucking resentevery second of it.
and theresalways fucking something. likesome corny fucker and im sorry for being mean but i cant fucking. ugh. like just let go~ just make ugly art~ just do things imPEErFeCtLy~andfeel it~ ^_^ ,. like dude i dont fucking feel anything ijsut fucking space out i cant connect with anyofit its like onehand in front of the fucking oteher i try to go out i reallyfucking do i try to dothings i fucking feel myself justmiserable there and just wanting to go homewhere no one can see me again ebcause ihate it and thatslike the fucking shameful thing its alwyas the like
yeah. yeah nobodylikes you because theres nothing to you. youre a fucking blank and emptyfucking husk of a person. why cant you just grow up and develop into something. i dontfucking know. i fucking hate all of it. im fucking miserable. im just fucking miserable and i thinkthats all i can be . and itsnot nice . its not nice. itsalways jsut sthut up stop being fucking miserable be better . likeyoudont think i treid that . i jsut burn out. i feel so fucking phony adn fake and sick iwth myself and i tfeel like everyone else can tell. i dontknow. i fuckinng wish i hadany fucking modicrum of fucking passion or lvoe or whatveer the fuck inmy body but i think im just a negative fucking space and its jsut draining and i hate living and its like i wish i coudl bepropeely like toxic or there as soemthing genuinely fucking rancid and its jsut fucking seepsinto everything and i cant conenct with anyhting and i jsut
you know like itsreally embarrassing and dumb actually like how areyou so uncultured howhave you not read this seen this watched this done thais hadthis whatveerhtis i force it down my throat somethingsomething try to bea fucking human for once i feel like im crying all the fucking time lets pretend i gaffff for some approvalthat never comesbecause i cant feel itmyself no matterhow hard i trryyyyy but what but what god i dontknow i fucking
its likestupid shit likeart. god i fucking hated drawing i fucking hated writing i fucking hated singing when iw as younger i fucking hated school i fucking hate sports i fucking hate spending time withpeople i fucking hate being alone i fucking hate eveyrthing every time ifucking do anything i just want to smash it up because i hate it i wish i fucking didnt i jsut fucking hate every fucking singel second of being fucking alive what is theretolive for why wouldyou want that why wuld you fucking bother and the only fucking solution peopleowuld ever suggest is. dont hate it. just dont. but thatshwat i do. i cantmake it stop i cant make it stop ifeel like im fucking running on fumes and fuckingjust forcing it so hard and everyones like HAHAHAHAAHAH JSUR FORCE IT! FORCE IT FO RUS! IT'LL HAPPEN EVENTUALLY!! YOU HAVENT DONE IT WNOUGH! YOU GAVENT FUCKING TRIED HARDENOUGH!!! and itdoesnt matteryoure alone and crying and fucking hateit even more in the end because its too fuckignhard to keep oding it and i cant i fucking cant care i cant fucking car eany more you do nothing but fucking zone out youexist in your own littlefucking world and try not to exist and nobodu would ever want that you dont want that is anyone crazzzzyyyyy i dont know why im alive i dont know why im alive so much i feel like itsjust never worth it its never been worht it imjsut desperate and uckign begging it for to notjust be this FUCKKK BROOOO LOL
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artsy-book · 1 year
it's the coffee guy! ^-^
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i loved drawing sean again and i feel like this turned out so well!! and i feel the need to say that i used a photo of crumb for the pose refrence because crumb takes some of the best pictures for fun poses :D
anyway, another version AND the original jacksepticeye art under the cut
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so fun fact, that first drawing of jack is from Jan. 15, 2017. i can vividly remember making it and having to change the numbers when i was done because the sub count changed XD but his is one of thevery first drawings i ever did with people and it also was when i had access to pintrest and played with fun fonts rather than just writting. i think its so cool that i have this saved still cause it's so cool to look back and both see the progression in my art and to also see how i have changed over the years from that point in time in my life
anyways if you want, check out my speedpaint here ^-^
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tribow · 1 year
y'all don't understand the euphoria of fighting against a long hill on rollerblades and then at thevery top, you turn around and go flying back down.
The pain and suffering that comes with every push almost immediately losing momentum gets rewarded by soaring downhill at speeds rivaling a car.
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becoming-not-became · 1 month
I am blindno not ofeye but I of kidding myself giving too much attention while looking the other way a corrupt blindness one of needthat cloaks everything even common sense how could Inot see thevery thing infront of me because darling eyes have no ears in which to hear the lies
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mynamesjameslynx1412 · 4 months
PSA: nobody gives a fuck that your motor is loud and expensive
The sound scares dogs and hurts people with PTSD and sensory issues, and I know you don't give a fuck about that because you're a heartless freak
And I know you don't give a fuck about me calling you a heartless freak but next time you're in the shower just remember that at theVERY LEAST 12% of the US population thinks that you are a complete DICK.
And that's just the people who suffer because of it, think about how much bigger that number would be if we counted the amount of people who were simply annoyed by it.
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eefus-beebum · 11 months
I have discovered that I have a fear of large open empty spaces. If you put me in like, the middle of an empty airplane hangar, like one of the ones with the curved rooves, i would actually curl into a ball and cry because i was so freaked out by the sheer amount of empty space around me. if i can see wall to wall just how empty and void of anything other than myself a room is, im not staying in that room. even worse, a massive enclosed space thats dark, but like, the walls are so far away i cant see them? fuck that, if you find me in one of those rooms that isnt me. that's an evil clone of me that built his base in theVery Dark Very Large DEATH Room complete with the Walls That Aren't Visible In The Dark assfuckery dlc.
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brucedinsman · 1 year
C.H. Spurgeon - All of Grace
What an abyss is the grace of God! Who can measure itsbreadth? Who can fathom its depth? Like all the rest of thedivine attributes, it is infinite. God is full of love, for “God islove.” God is full of goodness; the very name “God” is shortfor “good.” Unbounded goodness and love enter into thevery essence of the Godhead. It is because “his mercyendureth for ever” that men are not destroyed;…
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doomsday-architect · 1 year
This is the most important presidential election in American History!!!
Yeah, to each party to hold onto or gain POLITICAL POWER!!!
C'mon, guys/gals.......
Think up another "CATCH PHRASE".
This one's getting long in the tooth.
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sewingandsnacking · 2 years
RULES: bold for usually, italics for sometimes {SOURCE}
HAPPINESS. being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laughter lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual. gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping.
SADNESS. tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing (rare but if you’ve seen it, ohh you have seen it). hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare. monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
ANGER. furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action (from others and/or himself). keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger.
FEAR. wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline. face draining of colour. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading.
EXHAUSTION. constantly yawning. slurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine”. shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
tagged by: @the-composer, who encouraged THEVERY and CRIME
tagging: Engage in some thievery and crime
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