hippiewildflower · 2 years
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thenailtech · 5 years
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#bloodsweatsndtears you Berta #getyours.. Wallace taught me.. #thevietnamese #raisedme Ain’t #nochopshop it is about #order.. #getyourlife but next #orderofbusiness so @nailswaggofmemphis 👈 @1nursecynt 👈 @nailsbymiamiashley 👈 I gotta shout out my #nailsister #locsister #nailinfluencer#DothanAlabama #bgdn #nailart #naildbyjeje #cleancuticles #jejefied #bntc2 #nails Then me being #nosey are you a #theklassyandcute1excluxives go see @klassyncute1 #vanitytrapp #aqueenschoice #nailsbyjeje #beautybynesha https://www.instagram.com/p/BzK9fpCBfMV/?igshid=gxunnio77nhr
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ngaigeneration · 8 years
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When I first got back to studying another degree as a semi-oldie I thought I'd be so alone and have to mingle like a creep with the 'youngins'. But now it's a year on and I'm so glad I've found myself a whole group of creeps to be creepy with 😂. I jest of course. Seriously thanks to this bunch of misfits or otherwise I'd been tearing my hair out in every class! #ngaigeneration #life #friends #classmates #leisure #dinner #thevietnamese #nursingstudent #studentnurse #grateful #blessed #thatshowyoudoigtagsright #someonebroketheirchairhehhe
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Det autentiske vietnamesiske køkken betragtes som et af de sundeste i hele verden, oveni at det selvfølgelig er både lækkert og æstetisk. Vil du opleve en vietnamesisk, kulinarisk oplevelse, der er mere end bare klassisk, asiatisk buffet? Så står teamet hos The Vietnamese klar til at byde dig velkommen i vores vietnamesiske spisested i centrum af København. Vores team består af tre dygtige kokke, med hvert deres speciale. Sammen kombinerer de den vietnamesiske madkultur med den danske, med et spændende og velsmagende resultat. The Vietnamese’ mål er udelukkende at bruge friske, økologiske råvarer til at lave lækker vietnamesisk mad i København. Vi er din indgang til det traditionsrige vietnamesiske køkken - til tilgængelige priser. Vi lægger stor vægt på at serveringen på tallerkenen, så den afspejler den detaljerige vietnamesiske kultur. Vores store lokaler er inspireret af den farverighed og sprælskhed, som det vietnamesiske folk er kendt for. Vi har adresse i København K, nærmere bestemt Store Kongensgade 91. Har du spørgsmål til vores menu eller muligheden for vietnamesisk catering så kontakt os på telefon +45 25709191 eller mail [email protected]. Vi glæder os til at bespise dig med lækker vietnamesisk mad i København. http://thevietnamese.dk/
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brightquang · 5 years
The Justice is symbolized by the constitution if it has not enforced perfectly, it is puppet law, says Bright Quang.H. J. RES. 2 For 28 Amendment
August 19, 2019
From: Bright Quang
217  5th Ave # 8
Redwood  City, CA 94063
www.brightquang.com [brightquang.com]
www.brightquang.net [brightquang.net]
Cell-phone: (650) 278–9542
To: Honorable House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Office of the Democratic Leader H-204, USCapitol Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225–0100
Honorable Jerrold Nadler
Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary
2132 Rayburn  Building  Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225–5635 Website: https://nadler.house.gov/ [nadler.house.gov]
Honorable Adam Smith Chairman of the House Committee onArmed Services
2216 Rayburn House Office Building,
Washington, D.C. 20515| P: (202) 225–4151 | F: (202) 225–9077
To: Honorable Eliot L. Engel
Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs
2170 Rayburn  House Office Building  Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225–5021 Fax: (202) 225–5393
Dear Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and all,
Exact provides a comprehensive best of an American citizenrespecting the United States Constitution, a meaningful prisoner of conscienceof Vietnam War’s most in losing human dignity. Premised on the belief thatsubstantive, petition American citizen can be powerful catalysts for formalprinciple of justice to pursue its saying, “All Men are created equal”¹ Itscommission is to equip adequate of erudition laws of super values in order tosuitable citizen of our super nation; and then, our American citizens willnever violate America Constitution or to be criminals along the spectrum of ourjustice has declared about Human Rights involvement’s Universal Declaration ofhuman rights. The risk of our justice should be able to destroy all of thesuper values of our Great America. When its best citizen will be seemedneglected by your Constitution, your American law, and your American court; andtherefore, his exact evidence is with an honest, experiences and trust to takeconcrete steps towards becoming self-sufficient, self-fulfilled on a petitionfor proposal for hearing to Honorable House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to HonorableJerrold Nadler- Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary, to HonorableAdam Smith- Chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services, and to HonorableEliot L. Engel — Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. As aresult, he bases on to exactly proving an Acts of H. Res 309- Recognizing the44 th anniversary of the Fall of Saigon on April 10, 1975, in prove 28 U.S. C §1346 — June 25, 1948 — the United States as defendant- Federal Tort Claims Act1 House.gov, 28 U.S.C.§ 1346 b, and 50 U.S.C.§ 4105 Prisoner of War- June 24,1970, and 50 U.S. C.§ 4101 (a)(b)© Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of theUnited States; July 3, 1948, or so-called Title is 22., Transfer of ForeignClaims Settlement Commission of the United States to the Department ofJustice., and — 42 U.S. Code § 12101- Findings and purpose for proposalhearing.
Exactly analyze that why did the Government of the UnitedStates of America, at this time, has taken advantage of communism that wasinvading for the Republic of Vietnam — and therefore, the Government of Americahas strongly conquered all of the hearts of the Republic of Vietnam by thosethe United States Treaties to be the international Agreements, statutorily, andprotocols of international relations fool us? Let’s fight anti-communism duringthe United States Treaty just signed with the Republicof Vietnam on December 23, 1950, whichwas to be the International Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Vietnamand the Government of the United  States of America. When the United Statessolemnly declared on the whole worldwide that America did not only endorse thesovereignty of the Republic of Vietnam but also approved self-determination ofthe Southern people by the United States Congress- in fact, which is 22 U.S.C.§§ 1571_1604. P.L 329, 81st Congresses — 63 Stat- 714- December 23, 1950, bothconquered all of the hearts of the Southern people who fight anti-communism andthe US Department of Just who was Robert Kennedy came to Saigon in Vietnam declared and said, “Vietnammust-win communism.” But, why did the US Department of justice throw hissettlement case to the garbage?
Add to this, President Ngo Dinh Diem who had doubted the United States’ sincerity during he was secretlyneutrally negotiated with Leader Ho Chi Minh by an Indian leader that would behelped for both leaders of Vietnamthrough diplomatic relations. Next, for that reason, the Central IntelligenceAgency “CIA” of the United States of Americahas not wanted Vietnamto be a neutral nation. Furthermore, the Central Intelligence Agency “CIA” ofthe United States of Americahas not wanted Vietnamto be a neutral nation. When the Central Intelligence Agency has dethroned BaoDai King, the Government of the United States of America has torn shred GenevaConference Agreement for Vietnam, which was the Geneva Conference on July 20,1954, that did not only the United States Treaty with the Republic of Vietnambut also directed approved the sovereignty of the Republic of Vietnam. As aresult, the Government of the United States of America has had a new proposal for Ngo Dinh Dien whoreturned back to Vietnam in1954 by the Government of the United  States of America had secretly been helpingfor Leader Ngo Dinh Diem. Equally, President Ngo Dinh Diem would not want todirectly support the assistant of the American military by in South Vietnam,but he would welcome to the economic, the aid supporting, the defenseequipment, and American Advisory expertise because of the Vietnamesetraditional people could not welcome any foreign militarist who came to Vietnamthat’s the objective truth of the Vietnamese people who did not only hate allof the foreign invaders but also had animosities, foreign militarist, to cometo Vietnam. Moreover, China has been invading Vietnam for the forty thousandyears when it has seized controlled to rule Vietnam for one thousand years toup-to-date and the next to one hundred years of the colonial French invadedVietnam- neither the French invader had never had built any universities inVietnam nor built and the high-technology schools in Vietnam. Therefore,President Ngo Dinh Diem’s doctrine must defeat communism by the own goal of theVietnamese people. Also, the Government of the United States of America has notconsidered to Diem theory when the masterminds of the Government of the UnitedStates of America did not only direct ruled the Republic of Vietnam by theeconomics, the defense affairs, and administrative America but also controlledruled all of the battlefields to fight anti-communism. In addition, theGovernment of the United States of America has ordered to assassinate PresidentNgo Dinh Diem within some of the reasons, first, the Government of the UnitedStates of America has taken advantage of the Vietnamese Buddhist has beenanimosity for the Catholic in the French invader Age, so the Government of theUnited States of America has secretly reopened mobilized the Vietnamese Buddhistto the fighting anti-Catholic when almost of Vietnamese Buddhist monks weresecretly trained anti- Capitalism of the French invader by the Vietnamesecommunist regime, so all of the Vietnamese Buddhist monks must join the partymembership, Vietnamese communists or the so-called is the national Buddhistbusiness. Next, why did the Government of the United States of America mustdestroy the strategic hamlet system of president Ngo Dinh Diem because ofPresident Ngo Dinh Diem had been successful for fighting anti-communist spiesand guerillas that they were secretly propaganda anti- Americanism? In themeantime of Geneva conference taken place, Leader Ho Chi Minh has had orderedhis soldiers that his soldiers had the right authorities and were freely gottenmarriage with all of the Southern women without had conditions when GenevaConference just begum negotiation on July 20, 1954, because of Ho Chi Minh washopeful for southern children of the Northern soldiers who will be the NorthernSoldiers in the future-whether they should have become the Northern military orrevolution guerilla. Finally, the coup of the Central Intelligence AgencyAmerica has secretly taken place after the American military has come to fullthe Republic of Vietnam when the American Advisories had control from thecentral government to the local governments they entirely ruled the Republic ofVietnam during President Ngo Dinh Diem’s regime seemed to be a puppetgovernment. Therefore, the coup had taken place to assassinate Ngo Dinh Diem.Furthermore, the CIA was secretly helped for the Vietnamese communists by thecoup in 1963 because of all of the local governments did not understand aboutthe coup when the coup has murdered so many of the Southern patriots thatseemed the Northern soldiers who were unable to do it. Therefore, all of thelocal governments were self-left their check-points and the military-posts whenthe Vietnamese communist spies and guerilla did not lose any bullets andbleeding, but it was successful on the battlefields. Even fortune, theGovernment of the United States of Americawas busily sending so many American militaries to South Vietnam within the proxy war of Americastrategy. However, the proxy war in America was mistaken when the war-convention strategy did not defeat the war guerilla strategist. For example,General Westmorland was a famous heroic World War Two, but when he came to theVietnam War. He was a generally lost battle. Ironically, when Saigon is fallenon April 30, 1975, General Westmorland has apologized for the Republic of Vietnam Army,he said, “On behalf of the United States Armed Forces, I would like toapologize to the veterans of the South Vietnamese Armed Forces for abandoningyou guys.” In condition, when one guerilla — sniper shot some of the Americansoldiers, he secretly went down his tunnel system or escaped in the oldestforest or oldest mountain. Since that, the American military did not only haveso many bombs down the places of a guerilla-sniper. Also, the American bombsand cannons killed so many innocent people like My_Lai assassinated by theAmerican military.
Finally, why didn’t Mutual Defense Assistance Program onDecember 23, 1950 –the Geneva Conference on July 20, 1954, and the Paris PeaceAccords enforce peace in the Republic of Vietnam when thesebelonged to the United States Treaties and to be the international Agreements?Those the United States Treaties to be the international Agreements were signedfor the peace with the Republic of Vietnam to belongstatutorily 28 U.S.C § 1502- Treaty cases.
After many years of petitioning for his human dignity insome low courts in the state of California in order to recapture his honor,human dignity and a treasure of arts and literature in which were lost by a hatof label mental case, which was put on his head by Department of MotorVehicles. But his right case was denied; it returned his statement of the caseby the lower courts and U.S. Supreme Court. Significantly, he, therefore, is aproposal for Hearing for the right enforces of the American law in the VietnamWar of prisoner of war. He is as an initial impression since he has taken apatriotic oath loyalist for the patriotic United States of America, therespected to American Constitution, and the protected the American law a fullproposal for his proposed startup, Exact.
Bright Quang, he, ex- Lieutenant Police of the Republic ofVietnam, would exactly like to submit a proposal for hearing to the UnitedStates Congress in order to petition for the Vietnam War of the prisoner of warbenefits, of his ex-business, and his intellectual property. Those arecompletely destroyed by the Vietnam War and the mental case of the Governmentof the United States.For the reason that the exact evidence of the United States Constitution, ofthe American law, and of the American court system are been contradicting eachother in order to build the Vietnam War without having compensation — andtherefore, the outcome of the American contradiction, of the Americanprejudices, and of the American discrimination has exactly been taken place forRepublic of Vietnam, for the Southern people for the Southern officers, and forhis body and his family, which are entirely taken place by the Government ofthe United States of America policy. The exact proofs of the Vietnam War to whydo the United States Constitution contradict in the Vietnam War when theAmerican leader at the head of the United States Constitution has ordered toassassinate a President Republic of Vietnam who is Ngo Dinh Diem, to why All ofthe super values of solemn proudest of honorable face of the Government of theUnited States of America had cast into Mutual Defense Assistance IndochinaAgreement on December 23, 1950, Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities inViet-Nam on July 20, 1954, and the Paris Peace Accords in January 27, 1973, forthe Vietnam Peace, but all of them were torn shred by the Government of theUnited States of America? Next to why did the American law prejudice withinAmerican justice in the Vietnam War of the prisoner of war? And finally to whydid the American court discriminate within the United States Congress enactingfor the statutory and the statutes in the Vietnam War of the prisoner of war?Therefore, the big mountain can be altered and the large river can be driedout, but, American justice will not be changed in all.
Exact shreds of evidence point out to the United StatesConstitution contradicts oneself in the Vietnam War. The that the Republic ofVietnam and the United States of America are partnerships with each other whichis why the Government of the United States of America has assassinated thePresident The Republic of Vietnam — after assassination president Ngo DinhDiem, President Kennedy was self-confessed oneself. In the meanwhile, theGovernment of the Republic of Vietnam and had no had terrorized to the United States of Americasovereignty. Even so good, the United States Constitution could not enact anystatutory or statutes that let the American leaders assassinate a ForeignPresident likes President Ngo Dinh Diem. In case, the situation of the Republicof Vietnam is safety without had any big violent battles — However, when theAmerican assassination’s President Ngo Dinh Diem, South Vietnam, more localgovernments, is falling for the Vietnamese communist spies hand — just because,the Southern Army could not understand about the situation of Republic ofVietnam will be standing where. Therefore, the Southern people run aftercommunists when they dropped off with the Republicof Vietnam because the United States has contradicted strategy with theRepublic of Vietnam.
Next, the First Amendment to the United StatesConstitution that the American citizens are rightly petitioning theirGovernment if their Government of the United States of America could notcarry out the exact Constitution or so-called is not enforced the law. Even sogood, the Native Americans have the right user to the First Amendment in orderto petition, but his immigration in the United States of America; he wasdenied by a secret American court. He, just because, has exactly beenpetitioning for his true imprisoned benefits insurance, because of theGovernment of the United  States of America has violated American Actswithin the Vietnam War in oneself. For example, the Government of the United States of America did not only respect tothe Republic of Vietnam sovereignty but alsoassassinated President Ngo Dinh Diem, which was unlawfulness in the protocolsof International Relations. Finally, when he would exactly like to carry outthe Fourteenth Amendment — in fact, the Fourteenth Amendment, amendment (1868)to the Constitution of the United States that granted citizenship and equalcivil and legal rights to African Americans and slaves who had been emancipatedafter the Civil War, including them under the umbrella phrase ‘all persons bornor naturalized in the United States.’ This is why he does not only slave modernwar of the United States of America of the Vietnam War, when, but also he isdenied his civil settlement because he is not Native American. Ironically, whenhe has exactly been claiming for the imprisoned benefit insurance or so-calledis the Prisoner of War, he is secretly threatened by the American powerfulwithout had any person issuing a public. When it has put a mental case on hishead without had good reason logic, his civil settlement of intellectualproperty and prisoner of war were was throwing in the garbage by U.S. AttorneyGeneral of Department of Justice Jeff Session on July 2, 2018. During hissettlement claims is a not political action or a violent crime which is why theU.S. Department of Justice did not tackle his settlement case within the UnitedStates Constitution- Therefore, what does he somehow understand about to Ruleof law or rule by the law of the government of the United States Constitutionbecause Distort justice is as a national traitor? Take the case of Vietnamesepresident and American president, they together adore for one God, together eatholy cake, and together drink holy water — their policy is together capitalismwhich is why the American president assassinated a Vietnamese president. Next,The Government of the United States of Americais own sovereignty that looked like the same as the Government of the Republic of Vietnam. Why does the United StatesCongress have to enact the statutory in order to invade the Republic ofVietnam — and then, the Government of the United States of America has sold theRepublic of Vietnam to communism? In contrast, if the Government of the Republic of Vietnamhas seized the United States of America,it must be sold to Americato other nations. So, how would the United States Congress think about thiscase? Finally, what if the Army of the Republic of Vietnamforced all of the American Military who ought to surrender the Army of Mexicoand to send entire American soldiers to jail — How did the United StatesCongress think about this case? In condition, the Government of Mexico does notonly nationalize all of the American properties and manpower but also forced theAmerican children to be homeless. What did the United States Congress thinkabout this case? That is why, the United States Congress did not compensate anypennies to Vietnamese-American prisoner of war of the United States during, he has been serviced forthe core of interests of the United  States of America let him become to modernslavery war for the Native Americans?
Especially, no one prisoner of war of the world mademodern slavery war for its second mother of Native Americans as, like BrightQuang, he has shamefully been doing modern slavery war in the United States ofAmerica. Because of his benefit of refugees has no corresponded withillegal — immigration lives in America,they came to Americain order to seek new economics. But he came to America;he was forced by the proxy war of America. In the meanwhile, BrightQuang, he did not only lose in all by the American unfairness policy but alsoprejudiced law in the Vietnam War again. He has come to America because American law has prejudiced the Republic of Vietnam — during,the Republic of Vietnampolicy is the same as the Government of the United States of America policy.Why did America ally badlytreat its partnership’s Republic of Vietnam when theUnited States Congress has enacted for Foreign Assistance Act for Vietnam War?Where are the human rights of Americans living where? How should display themorality of the American culture where? Perhaps, American ethics expressed forgood allied on the battlefield of the Vietnam War. Also, American dignity issignificantly impressed with the Vietnamese American prisoner of war.Therefore, the United States Congress is highly proud of American lawprejudices in the Vietnam War.
Next, exact living proof of the American law, that’s theAmerican law prejudices national origin of the Vietnam War of the prisoner ofwar. Significantly, litigation of the civil settlement has taken place in theUnited States of America-land when the masterminds of the Vietnam War who haveself — confessed wrongful actions oneself. As like President Nixon and theKissinger Advisory has had to confess and saying of the Nixon, “No one will beleft behind.” After the Nixon had threatened to behead President- Republic ofVietnam Nguyen Van Thieu if he could not approve the Paris Peace Accords onJanuary 27, 1973, and the Kissinger Advisory self-confessed oneself and said, “Vietnamfailures we did to ourselves.” And Kissinger has quotes, “The Vietnam Warrequired us to emphasize the national interest rather than abstract principles.What President Nixon and I tried to do was unnatural. And that is why we didn’tmake it.” Since the humiliation of President Bush’s son has had humiliated toSouthern Vietnam and said, “South  Vietnam did not fight for their freedomwhich is why they did not have it today.” Before that the Vietnam War could nottake place, President Kennedy had signed a secret order to assassinate Ngo DinhDiem — In the meanwhile, the United States of America did not only destroy allof natural resources and environments but also had freely murdered so much ofVietnamese innocent people by the modern weapons and means of wars withoutcompensated injured to follow with International Treaty of the Paris PeaceAccords and as like Prisoners of war. For example, his father who was an honestpeasant without had politics, but he was competently died by the Americanstatutory without compensated. In meanwhile, President Ngo Dinh Diem has hadorders to build the strategic hamlet in order to prohibit a few Vietnamesecommunist spies and the guerrillas when they were secretly mobilizing thepeople who must give ear to communism. If not, the Communist spies havebeheaded the innocent peasant. For example, one night was the darkest of theraining when a Vietnamese communist spy who arrested a peasant because of thisthe peasant did not give any medicine and foodstuff to communist terrorism orthe so-called is Revolution.
Second, the Vietnamese communist spy has buried alive thispeasant and left a note and said, “This is a governmental puppet who followedGreat Power of a Super America.” Therefore, the peasants feared for the Vietnamesecommunist terrorism. As a result, the Southern people based on the strategichamlets, which was protecting for all of the peasants during, the localmilitias were often protecting the peasants. Suddenly, the government of theUnited States of America had ordered to an American ambassador ‘s HenryCabot-Lodge, to see this:” On November 1963, President Ngô Đình Diệm of SouthVietnam was deposed by a group of Army of the Republic of Vietnam officers whodisagreed with his handling of both the Buddhist crisis and the Viet Congthreat to the the regime, because of the Vietnamese Generals treason’s coupshad obeyed to the Kennedy administration that had been ordering of the coupplanning, but Cable 243 from the United States Department of State to U.S.Ambassador to South Vietnam Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., stated that it was U.S.policy not to try to stop it. Lucien Conein, the Central Intelligence Agency’sliaison between the U.S. Embassy and the coup planners told them that the U.S. would notintervene to stop it. Conein also provided funds to the Vietnamese coupleaders.
How would you realize for the American law in which to beprejudiced with the Republic of Vietnam in the Vietnam War of the United States of America-during,you enacted the laws? In fact, H.R. 7885 Public law — 88–205, — SEC. 407. Nodepartment, the agency, officer, or employee of the United States shall, underthe the authority of this Act, exercise any direction, supervision, or controlover, or impose any requirements or conditions with respect to, the personnel,curriculum, methods of instruction, or administration of any educationalinstitution. Approved December 16, 1963, 11 a.m which is why the American lawhas prejudiced the Republic of Vietnam? Where wouldthe American bill to the Vietnam War go? Such as “Expressed as the sense ofCongress that the institution of full investment guaranty programs with allrecipient countries would be regarded as a significant measure of self-help bysuch as countries improving the climate for private investment both domesticand foreign. Also expressed as the sense of Congress that aid should beextended to or withheld from the Government of South Vietnam in the discretionof the President, to further the objectives of victory in the war againstcommunism and the return to their homeland of Americans involved in thatstruggle.” Ironically, when had the American law had promised to help for theGovernment of the Republic of Vietnam to which hadgone where — and why do you swallow your American law oneself?
He, an exact explanation of the American court system, isdiscrimination with a Vietnamese-American pensioner of war. How would have the American Courtsystem discriminated against a Vietnamese American prisoner of war at thistime? Because of the American Court System, whether not only does seemed noaware of unmitigated punishment for offenders but also it ought to base on forthe American modern atomic weapons and long-range missiles in order to distortthe American justice — during some American erudition has created formalprinciple of justice that’s people ought to be treated fairly with respect torelevantly similar (or relevantly traits). In contrast, His exact foundation isthe claim that rationality and knowledge rest on a firm foundation ofself — evident truths says Bright Quang. In meanwhile, the American Court system is proud of theGreat American power when the American court system is to be arrogant oneself.Because it gives ear to Kissinger who has quotes, “its wave after wave ofplanes. You see, they can’t see the B-52 and they dropped a million pounds ofbombs … I bet you we will have had more planes over there in one day thanJohnson had in a month … each plane can carry about 10 times the load of WorldWar II plane could carry.” Therefore, the American Courts live on the fat ofthe land when they have never had aware of the innocent weaker humans who werecompletely killed by American weapons. When their stomachs have not had anyfood, their bodies were torn shred by the American bombing. In case, hischildren, his wife, and he were the burden of suffering of the Government ofthe United States of America’swar game of the Vietnam War. If an American judge were a Vietnamese prisoner ofwar, what does the judge think about the Vietnam War of the United States of America?Firmly, an American judge did not only give the sentence of a barbarous war butalso had to regret the Vietnam War why did Americabuild war up in Vietnam?That is the cause of a good-hearten of the ethical conscience of a judge of theUnited States of Americacontrolling the whole world. That’s why the American judge discriminates with aprisoner of conscience, in view of the fact that he has entirely been servicingadequate for a core of interests of his America. Why has he haddiscriminated by his second mother of American judge in the American law? Exactevidence of how did the Republic of Vietnam, the Southern people, and Southern officers;have violated crimes what to the United States of America and theAmerican people, what happened? In the meantime, the American people have beeninvesting in the enrichment and discovering to Mars and Venus during thegovernment of the United  States of America has seized the entireproperty and business of Southern officers to sell to communism. As a result,the Government of the United States of America has been enacted the statutoryand statutes in order to push the Southern Officers to jails of the Vietnamesecommunist regime when Socialism Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) did nothave any protocol of international relations with the Government of the UnitedStates of America and the Republic of Vietnam.
In the meanwhile, the Government of the United States of Americadoes not only push the American citizens who must respect the United StatesConstitution but also the all American citizens must be patriotic. In contrast,the Government of the United States of Americadid not give the Southern people who are right of nations to self-determinationas like Lieutenant Police of the Republic of Vietnam who is, BrightQuang, completely lost in all by the American policy.
Ironically, American children were freely going to manyschools in order to study when American children are easy in good circumstances.In contrast, when his children of a Vietnamese-American prisoner of war werehomeless, their stomachs have no food, when, his children were in the high-landof South Vietnamor so-called is new economics — there did no had school and medicines. Life ofso much bitter, his wife must escape from the new economics of the highland toone’s mother’s village when she must bring her young children to her parents inHue City because her house at Quangngai city was nationalized on April 30,1975, by the Vietnamese Communist regime already. However, there did not giveher children to enroll in any elementary school because their father who is thegovernmental lackey of Americapuppet. By reason of the future is her children, she must sell off her weddingearring affairs and married ring lets her bribe school record for Vietnamesecommunist local government, let’s give her children for enrolling in elementaryschool. Until he was released from a concentration camp in Dalat (LamdongProvince) by the Vietnamese communist regime after a half and the six yearswere in jail, but the local government of the Vietnamese communist regime hadbeen overseen him all day and night. In the meanwhile, his property andbusiness in Quangngai Province was entirelynationalized from April 30, 1975, by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Why didhe become white hands? What does he somehow help his children and wife at thistime? Those bad things have never had recorded in the Foreign Assistance Actsin 1963 and Paris Peace Accords on January 27, 1973 — since the government ofthe United States of America had no approved and no enacted those worst things.Why did the life of Southern officers of the partnership of the Government ofthe United States of Americahave under the attack of the Vietnamese communist enemy for beginning on April30, 1975? How would the American  Court think about him to be a war victim of theGovernment of the United  States of America, but they discriminateagainst a Vietnamese American prisoner of war? Where does American justice letwhere? Talk by book, after six months of his petition; have gone by, he has toreceipt a letter from the U.S Department of Justice on August 2, 2011. When hehas made an appointment for Foreign Settlement within Title 22- Transfer of ForeignClaims Settlement Commission of the United States to the Department of Justiceis within 22 U.S. C. § 1622d.- Appointment and compensation of officers andemployees of Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States;allowances and benefits; utilization of other Federal facilities (Pub. L.96–209, title I, § 104, Mar. 14, 1980, 94 Stat. 97.) So, the Solicitor Generalof the United States of Department of Justice has ordered him to first at thelocal of the low courts and after that appeal to U.S. Supreme Court. Incontrast, the American Courtsystem does think about American law, which looks like water off a duck’s backthat’s like a Vietnamese American prisoner of war is the same as the wild duckon the American fields. That’s why he dares petition for the benefit ofprisoner of war to a great America because of the United States of America haswithout had rule of law, but it’s ruled by law. How is the American Court studying for American law?The justice of a great nation is symbolized by the United States Constitutionif it does not enforce, it is treason when the American law of the proxy war ofAmericaof the Vietnam War is enacted by the United States Congress. Suddenly,Department of Motor Vehicles in Redwood City andin San Francisco, they put a label after hepetitions for prisoner of war of the United States of America of theVietnam War. Because of 42 U.S.C. § 12101- Findings and purpose (Pub. L. 101–336, § 2, July 26, 1990, 104Stat. 328; Pub. L. 110–325, § 3, Sept. 25, 2008, 122 Stat. 3554) which does notonly destroy his life but also obstructed justice, when, his litigation forcivil settlement of prisoner of war for him becomes to falter in worry. Justbecause of the art of the struggle for the American Justice, his Civil Settlementcase seemed strongly interfered with by secret spy’s hands. In the meanwhile,he could not dare appear everywhere statewide or worldwide in order to exhibithis pieces of artwork and to organize for book-signings for publishing but alsowas jobless when his family does need him since he is the main support offamily. That is why a prisoner of war lives in a modern social American, he,just unfair, treated by his second mother of American when his job is the sameas Native Americans without had violent crimes and no violated traffic laws. Incondition, he does not dare social relations with any neighborhoods — justbecause it is a mental case let his neighborhoods would call for the policewhen the police came that they may kill him without had performed law. From2009 to up-today, his life looks like a long suspended sentence without had alittle dream. How would the civilization American offer to his dream when he isa Vietnamese American prisoner of war?
It follows that the Vietnamese American prisoner of warlooks like as an enslave trade of modern American society — because ofprehistoric America is African slavery traders, today is changed by war powerof America let’s change from African slave traders to modern enslave trader bythe Government of America as like the Vietnam War. It is not without interestwhat. Rather than punished it let’s teach it a lesson of American culture andeducation. As the life of a Vietnamese American refugee must deeply sink todirty mud of social Americans for the long run. Why has the American Governmentbrought them home from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam? As a result, hissettlement case did not have any Association Bars, lawyers, and Law-firmcompanies for helping him. Even though he has been made appointed to meet a fewattorneys, Firm Law companies, and public counselors, but they also deniedmeeting him. In the end, he has decided self- help in studied American lawone’s self.
In proving, no American courts must be ordering fordecision case when a low court had written a marked signal in which is zero anda perfectly straight that means no anti-appeal. Therefore, when it has beenappealing for District The court in San Francisco, there always returned hisstatement of the case for three times. Next, he has submitted his statement ofthe case to the US Department of Justice on July 2, 2018, but there was thrownhis statement of the case to the garbage. Why did they not there respond to anywords to its citizens? In the end, he would like to appeal to the US SupremeCourt, US Department of Justice, and Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) onMarch 18, 2019, so there, just because, Supreme Court, was reviewed for hissettlement case — however, there told him to return to appeal in the state ofthe California Court, but it did not transfer his statement of the case to theUS Department of Justice to follow with the American law ordered. Especially,when he was made an appointment for the US Department of Justice, it hasordered him to need low courts and to appeal to the US Supreme Court let’sreview for the Vietnam War.
According to a common Vietnamese American citizen orso-called is a Vietnamese American prisoner of war of the United States ofAmerica when his life has been so much burden of suffering for nearly half acentury of the war game of the United States of America. In fact, his father’slife was killed and bankrupted by the war game of America. Coming to his life ismaking the modern slavery war for his second mother of American. How would haveyou compared for his life and a normal Native American life would have not youwhen you enacted the law of proxy war for Vietnam War? In the meanwhile, hisfather is an honest poor peasant who had no crime for the American people andthe United States of America.Why did not only you sow so much wretched to our life but also you maltreatedhim? When he has good been serviced for war game of yours, but, he ismaltreatment of prisoner of war of the proxy war of America. If on playing yard of wargame is equal, since the weak man is under the attack of the powerful, but itis equality because he had been hired to service for war games by the USCongress or the so-called is the proxy war. But the sovereignty of the Republicof Vietnam had not had belonged to America sovereignty when the United StatesCongress did not only approve the sovereign Republic of Vietnam but alsoendorsed self-determination of the Southern people. Why did the Republic of Vietnamhave under the attack of America?
Exact self-evident truths, you, the American Constitution,the American Congress and the American law have solemnly been endorsedimprovement for Vietnam War. In the same way, the American president hasdeclared and said, “ Also expressed as the sense of Congress that aid should beextended to or withheld from the Government of South Vietnam in the discretionof the President, to further the objectives of victory in the war againstcommunism and the return to their homeland of Americans involved in thatstruggle. “
SEC. 406 There are hereby authorized to be appropriatedfor the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, and for each fiscal year thereafter,such sums as may be necessary for the cost of administering the provisions ofthis Act FEDERAL CONTROL NOT AUTHORIZED
SEC. 407 No department, agency, officer, or employee ofthe USshall, under the authority of this Act, exercise any direction, supervision, orcontrol over, or impose any requirements or conditions with respect to, thepersonnel, curriculum, methods of instruction, or administration of anyeducational institution. Approved Dec. 16, 1963, 11 a.m” if the United StatesCongress did not only interfere inside the internal Republic of Vietnam butalso fooled the Southern officers by the proxy war fought anti-communism, ourlife should be perfect more than now. Meanwhile, the US Attorney General RobertKennedy who had come to the Republic of Vietnam and declared, “The Vietnam Warmust-win communism” but that is why today, Had the US Attorney General JeffSession had thrown his statement of the case to the garbage and the USDepartment of Justice- Attorney General Will Barr did not carry out hissettlement case of prisoner of war?
Exactly, would have you had remembered for 22 U.S.C. § §1571–1604, would haven’t you? Or would has the United States Congress hadremembering to 22 U.S.C. § § 1571–1604. Public law 329, pt. I, § 101, formerly§ 102, September 4, 1961…because of this bill that you have had endorsed forthe Republic of Vietnam sovereignty already — for that reason, all of hisbusiness and his property, and his prisoner of war benefits are belongs to theGovernment of the United States of America’s compensation. Furthermore, you,the United States Congress had enacted for 28 US Code § 1346 — the UnitedStates as defendant | US Code | US Law June 25, 1948, ch. 646, 62 Stat. 933;Apr. 25, 1949, ch. 92, § 2(a), 63 Stat. 62; May 24, 1949, ch. 139, § 80(a),(b), 63 Stat. 101; Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 655, § 50(b)…
In conclusion, he would like to ask why did the proxy warof the Government of the United States of America take place in the Republic ofVietnam, but no proxy war has taken place in Korea, or Germany or China becauseof these nations situation look like the situation of the Republic of Vietnam?Because of these nations is high modern civilization than the Republic of Vietnam, theintellectual standard of the Vietnamese people was low less than these nationalcivilizations. Therefore, the Government of the United States of America has chosen the Republicof Vietnam in order to test the proxywar of America.Exactly, for the first time, the United States Treaty was signed with the Republic of Vietnamon December 23, 1950, let Americabuild-up believe with a small nation when the intellectual standard of theVietnamese people is stupid more than the American people. In fact, why didn’tthe Government of the United States of America carry out the Geneva Conferenceon July 20, 1954, for whole Vietnam, but what did the Government of the UnitedStates of America dethrone Bao Dai King without had the main reason let Americasubmit practical proposals in respect for Leader Ngo Dinh Diem when he hasgotten back to his country by America policy? And why didn’t the Government ofthe United States of America have used Leader Ngo Dinh Diem of the proxy war ofthe Government of the United States of America for the long run, PresidentKennedy had ordered to assassinate him without had ordered by the United StatesConstitution and Congressional? What caused the problem of the coup has takenplace in the Republic of Vietnam and why did the United States Congress quicklyenact statutorily to which was H.R. 5490, H.R. 7885, and 22 US Code§ 2151,formerly § 102, September 4, 1961, to lets America send so much of Americanmilitary to the Republic of Vietnam- when the American citizens had come tofull of South Vietnam, the American citizens did not only control from thecentral government to the local government of the Republic of Vietnam but alsoruled entirely national economic, national defense, and administration systemof the Republic of Vietnam- during, the Government of the Republic of Vietnamlooked like a frog who lived into the mouth of furious crocodile when the somany matters of the Republic of Vietnam must ask for the American Advisors tohave ordered.
Indeed, the United States Congress has approved that didnot only respect the sovereignty of the Republic of Vietnam but also highlyesteemed self-determination of the Vietnamese people which is why the Americancitizens were overflowing in the Republic of Vietnam that the American Advisorscontrolled from the central government to the local government of the Republicof Vietnam wherever the Southern officials must beg marching orders for theoperating to seek and to kill the Vietnamese communist soldiers by some AmericanAdvisors, if the American Advisors did not agree, the American Advisors couldnot support any means of tactical operation there enemy is freely operating.For example, in early 1975, Bright Quang, he was a district a police chief inSohna District on highland in the west QuangNgai Province-in this time, he saw a Vietnamese communist military car group in which isrunning from North Vietnamto South Vietnamon the Ho Chi Minh rut road. So he quickly reports this matter to the AmericanAdvisor and his Quang Ngai command chief — after some days have gone by theAmerican Advisor command, Quang Ngai command, and Danang command that theyvisite his district office when they are listening for his reportingorientation. For them have nodded in listening to the enemy situation, theyhave gone in return to Danang City. In condition, theAmerican Advisor leader have orders to change both cannon older 105 mm and totake back both new cannon155 mm to Danang home, but, in turn, the older cannon105 mm which only have the ten bullets when the American Advisor command wouldnot allow shooting to any North military on Ho Chi Minh freeway. In between, onthe next days, the American Advisor and Quang Ngai command have ordered him tocut and ran out of SonHa District without had to condition. When we cut and runout of there, that’s without had any guerillas or the North militarist takecommand of our local government. The situation becomes too chaotic when thepeople request to get on army-airplane, but the first priority is us and theSouthern soldiers and the next are civilians. As a consequence of the above, wehave the return Quang Ngai City of the refugee — camp, so the newsreels areopposite to each other when some newsreels of the American consulate haverevealed by the cut of from the nineteenth parallel, which belongs to the NorthGovernment- therefore, the chaotic situation becomes so much of into disorder,the local governments of the Republic of Vietnam are nothing in power. When noNorth military and guerrillas seized to the throne — even though, the localgovernments have no ruled and controlled by the Republic of Vietnam.As a result, the masterminds of the Government of the United States of Americaof the proxy war of the Vietnam war have had self been confessed for wrongfulactions oneself in the Vietnam War already. Therefore, he’d like to submit hisproposal for hearing and the statement of the case to the United StatesCongress of the speaker House, Chairman of Justice Committee, and Chairman ofForeign Affairs Committee, and Chairman of the House Committee on ArmedServices in order to need help in the tackle for his case. Because of exactly,the first in the United States, the Department of Justice did not only push himinto political actions and criminal section but also thrown his settlement caseto garbage after the Department of Justice had been ordered to petition fromthe American court system to the United States Supreme Court for the long runwhen the US Department of Justice has known his settlement case belonged to 28U.S. Code § 1502- Treaty cases that belong to the United States CongressRepresentatives ought to decide on his case.
Respectfully Yours
H. J. RES. 2
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United Statesrelating to contributions and expenditures intended to affect elections.
1 ‘‘ARTICLE —  2 ‘‘SECTION 1. To advance democratic self-government 3and political equality, and to protect the integrity of gov- 4ernment and the electoral process, Congress and the 5States may regulate and set reasonable limits on the rais- 6ing and spending of money by candidates and others to 7influence elections. 8‘‘SECTION 2. Congress and the States shall have 9power to implement and enforce this article by appropriate 10legislation, and may distinguish between natural persons 11and corporations or other artificial entities created by law, 12including by prohibiting such entities from spending 13money to influence elections. 14‘‘SECTION 3. Nothing in this article shall be con- 15strued to grant Congress or the States the power to 16abridge the freedom of the press.’’.
This Amendment meets our criteria for an effective and viable amendmentproposal:
– Vindicates rights for human beings overprivileges for corporations and special interests
– Ensures fair and free elections for allAmericans
– Secures the right of all Americans to equalparticipation and representation
– Has cross-partisan support in Congress
You can download the PDF of the full text here [americanpromise.net]. There are also several otheramendment proposals that have been introduced in Congress [united4thepeople.org], with varyingdegrees of support.
UnitedFor The People [united4thepeople.org]
United For The People
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hoanvu-2016-us · 5 years
Nhiều tác giả
(truy cập từ https://thongluan-rdp.org/di-n-dan/item/14244-rsf-gi-i-t-do-bao-chi-2019-t-ng-cho-ph-m-doan-trang)
Việt Nam: blogger Phạm Đoan Trang được giải tự do báo chí của RSF
Thụy My, RFI, 13/09/2019
Tối qua 12/09/2019 tổ chức Phóng viên không biên giới (RSF) có trụ sở tại Paris đã trao giải Tự do báo chí 2019 cho ba nhà báo nữ, trong đó có blogger Phạm Đoan Trang ở Việt Nam.
                        Blogger Phạm Đoan Trang, giải thưởng "Tác động" của Phóng viên không biên giới năm 2019.RSF
 Giải thưởng này lần đầu tiên được trao tại Berlin, ở nhà hát Deutches theater, với sự hiện diện của nhiều khách mời quan trọng như thị trưởng Berlin (Michael Müller), tổng biên tập The Guardian (Alan Rusbridger) và một số nhà báo từng đoạt giải.
Phạm Đoan Trang được tặng giải "Tác động", dành cho các nhà báo đã giúp cải thiện cụ thể sự tự do, độc lập và đa chiều của nghề báo hoặc đánh động ý thức về vấn đề này. Bà đã thành lập Luật khoa tạp chí trên mạng và tham gia biên tập trang web Thevietnamese, giúp độc giả hiểu thêm về luật pháp để bảo vệ quyền lợi của mình, chống lại sự độc đoán.
Bà Đoan Trang cũng là tác giả của nhiều cuốn sách, trong đó có một tác phẩm cổ vũ quyền của cộng đồng LGBT (người đồng tính, chuyển giới). Blogger này từng bị đánh đập nhiều lần, và bị giam giữ tùy tiện nhiều ngày trong năm 2018.
Giải "Can đảm" được trao cho nhà báo Saudi Arabia Eman Al Nafjan, người sáng lập trang web SaudiWomen.me và là tác giả nhiều bài viết trên báo chí quốc tế, đấu tranh cho quyền lợi phụ nữ Saudi Arabia. Bà bắt tháng 5/2018 và hiện nay đang trong tình trạng bị quản thúc, có nguy cơ lãnh án đến 20 năm tù.
Giải "Độc lập" dành cho nhà báo Caroline Muscat ở Malta. Sau khi nhà báo điều tra Daphne Caruana Galizia bị ám sát, bà Muscat tiếp tục tố cáo nhiều vụ tham nhũng liên quan đến các quan chức Malta.
Được thành lập năm 1992, các giải thưởng của Phóng viên không biên giới ngoài giá trị danh dự còn được kèm theo số tiền tượng trưng là 2.500 euro. Trong quá khứ, RSF đã từng trao giải cho một số nhân vật như Lưu Hiểu Ba (Liu Xiaobo), sau này trở thành khôi nguyên Nobel.
Trên Facebook cá nhân, blogger Phạm Đoan Trang đã đăng một video clip (có phụ đề tiếng Việt) gởi đến tham gia buổi lễ trao giải do không đến dự được, đồng thời gởi lời cám ơn đến những độc giả lâu nay của bà.
Thụy My
(nguồn: RFI, 13/09/2019)
Nhà báo 'không lề' Phạm Đoan Trang được giải Tự do báo chí 2019 (BBC, 13/09/2019)
Nhà báo tự do Phạm Đoan Trang được trao giải Tự do báo chí năm 2019 của tổ chức Phóng viên không biên giới, hạng mục Ảnh hưởng.
Được thực hiện từ 27 năm qua, giải thưởng Tự do báo chí nhằm vinh danh những người không chịu im lặng, "bất chấp các hoàn cảnh khắc nghiệt nhất" và "những đe dọa tới tính mạng, thân thể", thông cáo của tổ chức Phóng viên không biên giới viết.
Bà Phạm Đoan Trang của Việt Nam là một trong ba phụ nữ đoạt giải Tự do báo chí của RSF 2019. Hai người kia là Caroline Muscat từ Malta và Eman Al Nafjan từ Saudi Arabia.
Lễ công bố và trao giải diễn ra tối ngày 12/9 tại Berlin.
Phát biểu tại buổi lễ, thị trưởng Berlin Michael Müller nói rằng tự do báo chí, bên cạnh quyền tự do biểu đạt và quyền biểu tình, đóng vai trò rất quan trọng, "giúp cho xã hội minh bạch, giúp kiểm soát quyền lực và các hoạt động xã hội".
Trong số những người từng được giải có nhà bất đồng chính kiến người Trung quốc, cũng là người được giải Nobel Hòa bình hồi 2010, ông Lưu Hiểu Ba, nay đã qua đời.
Thị trưởng Berlin Michael Müller phát biểu tại lễ trao giải
 Từ Hà Nội, nhà báo Phạm Đoan Trang trả lời phỏng vấn của BBC sau khi biết tin từ Berlin.
Phạm Đoan Trang: Biết mình được trao giải thưởng Tự do báo chí ở hạng mục Ảnh hưởng, tôi rất vui mừng. Điều đó có nghĩa là tổ chức Phóng viên không biên giới đánh giá các tác phẩm của tôi đã có những ảnh hưởng nhất định đối với cộng đồng người đọc Việt Nam.
Tôi vô cùng cảm ơn độc giả. Cảm giác chính của tôi lúc này là muốn tri ân những người đã đọc tác phẩm của tôi, cả ở trong nước và hải ngoại. Tôi tin rằng không phải ngẫu nhiên mà tổ chức Phóng viên không biên giới biết đến các tác phẩm của tôi.
BBC: Lễ công bố và trao giải năm nay diễn ra ở Berlin. Bà đã không tới dự tuy được mời. Vì sao vậy?
Phạm Đoan Trang: Để đi Berlin, trong các bước làm thủ tục xuất cảnh chắc chắn tôi sẽ phải làm việc với bộ công an trước. Không thiếu các trường hợp các nhà hoạt động ở Việt Nam đã có visa xuất cảnh của nước ngoài rồi, mua vé máy bay rồi, nhưng ra đến sân bay thì bị công an giữ lại, không cho đi.
Tôi biết trước là tôi sẽ rơi vào tình trạng như vậy. Chưa kể nếu có thể xuất cảnh được, thì lúc quay về, làm thủ tục nhập cảnh cũng sẽ bị giữ lại, sẽ phải trải qua các cuộc đối thoại không dễ chịu gì với bên an ninh.
Tôi biết họ sẽ đặt điều kiện, và tôi cũng biết trước là tôi sẽ không chấp nhận các điều kiện đó.
Cho nên tôi quyết định không đi, để khỏi phải trải qua những cuộc đối thoại không dễ chịu đó.
Đại diện cho bà Phạm Đoan Trang tới dự lễ trao giải ở Berlin là nhà báo tự do Trịnh Hữu Long
 BBC: Tuy giải tự do báo chí đã được trao từ gần 30 năm nay, nhưng được biết bà là người Việt Nam đầu tiên được trao giải với tư cách là phóng viên chuyên nghiệp. Điều này liệu có ảnh hưởng, tác động gì tới hoạt động của bà và các nhà báo tự do tại Việt Nam trong tương lai không?
Phạm Đoan Trang: Tôi không muốn đưa ra dự đoán về tương lai, nhưng tôi hy vọng là giải thưởng này sẽ có giá trị tích cực không chỉ cho riêng cá nhân tôi mà còn cho cả cộng đồng đấu tranh và hoạt động dân chủ, cộng đồng những người làm báo tự do, các blogger, các công dân mạng ở Việt Nam, những người dám sử dụng mạng xã hội để nói lên chính kiến của mình, những người luôn là nạn nhân trực tiếp của sự hà hiếp, đàn áp, khủng bố của công an.
Hàng ngàn blogger đã liên tục bị "để ý", mà chỉ riêng trong hai năm qua đã có hàng trăm người phải đi tù vì những việc liên quan tới livestream trên Facebook.
Tôi mong muốn giải thưởng này của mình, như sứ mệnh của tổ chức Phóng viên không biên giới đặt ra, sẽ đem đến sự an ủi đối với các nhà báo ở những nước vẫn còn độc tài, để những nhà báo đó cảm thấy rằng họ không cô đơn, họ luôn được hỗ trợ, được ủng hộ, được khuyến khích, được động viên, được biết rằng công việc của họ không phải là vô nghĩa, không ai biết đến.
Tôi mong là trong tương lai gần, ở Việt Nam tiếp tục có thêm nhiều người mạnh dạn lên tiếng, nói lên quan điểm, chính kiến của mình trong các vấn đề chính trị xã hội.
Đặc biệt, tôi rất mong đợi sẽ có sự xuất hiện của thêm nhiều cây viết, nhiều nhà báo tự do, nhà báo độc lập, các blogger có nghề viết chuyên nghiệp, kể cả các nhà báo 'lề phải', tham gia vào công cuộc vận động dân chủ hóa xã hội thông qua con đường truyền thông.
BBC: Bà khởi đầu nghề báo ở vị trí mà như bà gọi là nhà báo 'lề phải' trước khi chuyển sang vị trí nhà báo tự do. Bà thấy sự khác biệt lớn nhất giữa vai trò của mình khi cầm bút viết với tư cách một người thuộc hệ thống báo chí chính thống với khi cầm bút viết ở vị trí thuộc lề khác là gì?
Phạm Đoan Trang: Tôi đã làm ở báo chính thống, mà như chúng ta thường gọi là báo nhà nước, hay báo quốc doanh trong thời gian khá dài. Tôi làm từ năm 2000 cho đến tận 2013.
Trong 13 năm đó, tôi làm liên tục cho VnExpress, VietnamNet, báo Pháp luật thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, truyền hình VTC, và các nơi khác, khoảng gần 10 cơ quan báo chí khác nhau.
Tôi cũng làm công tác xuất bản nữa. Bởi vậy, tôi nghĩ là tôi khá hiểu về nghề báo ở Việt Nam dưới sự kiểm duyệt của ban tuyên giáo đảng cộng sản.
Từ khi chuyển sang trở thành một nhà báo tự do, hay như chúng tôi gọi mình là nhà báo 'không lề', tôi thấy có rất nhiều khác biệt.
Các cuốn sách của bà Phạm Đoan Trang chủ yếu đến với độc giả trong nước
 Tôi cũng nhận ra là có nhiều điều từ xưa tới nay chúng ta vẫn hiểu nhầm.
Điều khác biệt đương nhiên nhất là bị đàn áp nhiều hơn.
Các nhà báo tự do bị đàn áp bằng mọi biện pháp, từ tinh vi cho đến thô thiển nhất. Không gian tự do cho nhà báo 'không lề' ít hơn nhiều so với các nhà báo đi theo định hướng.
Một sự khác biệt lớn nữa mà mọi người thường hiểu nhầm, hoặc có thể nói là quan niệm sai lầm từ trước tới nay. Đó là mọi người nghĩ nhà báo tự do sẽ không có ảnh hưởng bằng nhà báo chính thống. Những bài viết của nhà báo tự do thì không ai đọc, hoặc chỉ có số người đọc không đáng kể. Đó là quan niệm phổ biến, và đặc biệt phổ biến trong giới làm báo chính thống và trong giới công an.
Tôi biết rằng rất nhiều đồng nghiệp của tôi ở trong các tờ báo chính thống đặt câu hỏi vì sao lại phải bẻ bút đi làm 'phản động', sao không đi làm cho tờ báo nào đó mà lại đi làm tự do, bài viết viết ra như vậy liệu đến được với mấy người?
Trong lúc nếu đưa mình vào trong một tờ báo đi theo định hướng của đảng, nhà nước, chúng ta vẫn có cơ hội để bài viết được lên báo, được nhiều người đọc, tạo ảnh hưởng lớn hơn, thậm chí có thể ảnh hưởng đến chính sách, thông qua việc các quan chức nhà nước đọc được bài báo của mình và họ sẽ thay đổi chính sách, thay đổi suy nghĩ v.v…
Họ cho rằng ảnh hưởng của báo chí chính thống vẫn mạnh hơn báo chí ngoài lề.
 Tôi cho rằng đó là quan niệm sai, và càng ngày tôi càng thấy quan niệm đó sai hơn.
Chúng ta thấy rằng các blogger, các facebooker chưa bao giờ được nhà nước thừa nhận, chẳng hạn như Người Buôn Gió, lại có sức ảnh hưởng vô cùng to lớn.
Việc xuất bản cũng vậy. Khi tôi bắt tay vào xuất bản 'ngoài luồng', tức là không phải với các nhà xuất bản được cấp giấy phép chính thức của nhà nước, tôi nhận ra rằng lượng người đọc của hệ 'ngoài luồng' nhiều đến bất ngờ.
Tôi tin là số lượng người đọc của nhà xuất bản Tự do, một nhà xuất bản 'ngoài luồng' như thế, đông hơn số lượng người đọc của nhà xuất bản chính trị quốc gia, tức là nhà xuất bản sự thật ngày trước.
So sánh ra thì số lượng bản in nhiều hơn, số lượng độc giả nhiều hơn, sức ảnh hưởng nhiều hơn, mức độ tương tác với độc giả nhiều hơn nhiều.
Chúng tôi có những người chuyển sách của nhà xuất bản Tự do, cụ thể là sách của tôi, tới cho độc giả, thì có những độc giả đã ôm lấy người chuyển sách mà khóc, nói, "cảm ơn các anh các chị đã dũng cảm để chúng tôi có được những cuốn sách này".
Tất nhiên, cũng có rủi ro là bị công an 'bẫy', nhưng chúng tôi cảm nhận được tình cảm thực sự yêu quý mà các độc giả dành cho mình.
Cho nên có thể nói sự khác biệt dễ nhận thấy là mức độ ảnh hưởng giữa bên 'ngoài luồng' và bên chính thống, mức độ tình cảm của độc giả dành cho mỗi bên.
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