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I walked into indigo today simply because I was in a shopping mood. I was wandering around the sale section when I came across a book called 'Peace in His Presence'. I flipped through quickly and decided it was something I could get some use out of. I finished my wandering around after picking up a ridiculous amount of 'sale' items and checked out. After some other shopping stops I drove home and from the time I got in my car and when I arrived home all I could think about was my anxiety and how it controls me; or at least how I believe that it has control over me. My therapist tells me it doesn't control me however I struggle to believe that. I took all my bags inside and I sit down on my bed and start going through all my uneccessary purchases for the evening. I pull out 'Peace in His Presence' and open it up. The page I opened up to happened to be this one here in the picture. "Anxiety wraps you up in yourself. Trapping you in your own thoughts. When you look to me and whisper my name, you break free and receive my help. I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me]." - Philippians 4:13 At first I thought, "Wow, what a coincidence!". Then as I read it over a couple times I said to myself, "No Hunter. Not a coincidence. This was a God moment and this page was exactly what God wanted me to read." I often complain about how I never hear God speak to me anymore. I forget that I don't physically have to hear Him to receive messages of love, peace, and mercy. It actually happens to be right in front of me the majority of the time and I'm just not seeing it. So I suppose ideally, I want to strive to be open to God's work in all things and in all ways. To learn to see God everywhere and not just in a physical word or sentence. This right here gives me strength and reminds me that I am in control. #blind #worksoflove #anxiety #TheWordofGodspeaks
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