~Of Runaways~
Professor Snape had not long been closed up in his personal quarters when a summons came through the low burning fire in his grate. It was long past curfew, and he’d been content in the fact that he could stay holed up and read now that his young wards were safe in their dorms. No hall monitoring. No late night detentions. Just the soft solitude of rustling pages and a fine glass of Superior Red; a gift from the Malfoy’s personal wine cellar.
With a disappointed huff, he snapped his book shut and pushed up from his chair. The summons indicated that his presence was requested in the staff room, so he snatched up his cloak and departed right away. Best to get whatever it was over with. Maybe he could salvage the rest of his evening if it was a quick meeting.
Several faculty members had already congregated within the stony walls by the time Snape had clicked the door closed behind him. Professor McGonagall stood in the center of the collective people, wringing her hands over her tartan nightgown.
“Minerva?” Snape prompted.
“Oh, Severus. There’s a student missing. A spat in the Common Room is all anyone is willing to admit, but I think she’s run off.” McGonagall fretted, conjuring an image of the missing American transfer student.
Professor Dumbledore was quick to dole out searching duties, and it fell to Snape to search the Forbidden Forest, taking one half as Hagrid combed through the other. Who could say how long it would take to find the girl?
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timeforturbo-blog · 9 years
.:Kingdom Hearts AU:. the-world-of-elise + timeforturbo
Heartless were waaaaaaay more annoying than the dummies he was used to hacking at. Turbo, or Remix, as he liked to be called was on his very first field mission, using a real Keyblade (his own real Keyblade!) on a strange world. As much as he wanted to go an explore, he had a quota to fill, his master had tasked him with the mission to eliminate 300 Heartless.
Should be an easy enough mission, for a beginner at least. When he had a little more training he’d be sent to look for the Heart of this world so he could seal it and prevent more Heartless from coming. Right now he just needed to prove he could stay alive on a mission.
245... 246...247...
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Hunt for Energon [CLOSED with the-world-of-elise]
Starscream grumbled to himself as he romaed the landscape, looking under piles of rubble and in crevices. He was already starting to run low on energon and if he wanted an empire, than he needed the resources to bring in followers...
As he grumbled under his breath, he didn’t notice someone approaching him...
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chainsxwsmile · 9 years
Tilting her head, Elise scanned the shark and sat at the edge of the dock; something many people say was too close to a Great White. "You're rather big, even for a great white Bruce."
The shark in question glanced over his own body, tilting his head to gaze down his streamlined self. “Heh, well, I guess ye’re right on that one,” he chuckled. 
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"Hey Rob, can you do magic as in elemental magic?" She had a feeling Rob could perform magic since he knew everything about the daggers; which have sadly taken a back seat in Elise's life with how busy its been.
“...actually... yes, yes I can.”
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“...were you hoping for a demonstration, help with something else, or were you just curious?”
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Most Professors found it nettlesome to be settled with after hour patrols, but Snape found it particularly satisfying to hunt down students who had a penchant for breaking their curfew. His footfalls were light. His attire blended well with the darkened hallways. It was rare that anyone would see him coming in time to make a run for it, and even if they did, the man was faster than he looked. This evening he had need to be particularly watchful, as it was a full moon, and this held potential dangers for many reasons. Snape framed himself in a soft rectangle of moonlight cast into one of the west corridors to look at his timepiece without casting lumos to attract attention.
Hm. Nearly half eleven in the evening. By now he’d usually caught someone. Ah well. His shift wouldn’t be over until two. There was still plenty of time. He’d never had an evening completely barren of night walkers.
Almost as if on cue, his sharp ears detected a shuffle of movement nearby. Just around the corner, in fact. A small sneer of triumph curl his lips as he rounded on the person.
“A little late for stroll~”  
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entxrtainer-blog · 9 years
continued from [x]
Impressive. Agile. Resourceful.
Yes, he this one had a chance this time.
RGB sprung along her same path in favor of accepting the hand, brushing his jacket off and snapping his fingers as he walked along the roof.
The cane whizzed back to him, and he caught it without a second glance, throwing it over his shoulder.
“Excellent job.” He noted, strolling towards the chimney. “My turn?” He poked the cane through the smoke, shaping it into something.
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The voice made Elise jump as she backed away for a moment and studied the other. “S-Sorry…I thought this place was empty…or abandoned…What is this place?”
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“...Ouch.  It doesn’t look that bad, does it?”
He shook his head, putting a hand up to wordlessly pass on hearing the answer to that question, and regained his composure.
“You’re in the Devil’s Nest; My bar.  You’re telling me just wander around  abandoned buildings?  You know how  dangerous that is?”
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ycuwill · 9 years
“What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?”
the-world-of-elise { x }:
“To be honest I have no id-” Then Elise stopped at the sight of the other and grew a wide smile. “You’re Scarlet Witch!”
Wanda wasn’t used to being recognized, and she froze. She wasn’t Pietro, who would have accepted the recognition with a quiet grace. No, Wanda always felt uncomfortable receiving recognition for being a superhero as she didn’t really feel like one. She plastered a smile on her face too late for the younger girl not to have noticed. “Yes, that’s me.” And whoever had come up with her nickname should stick to their day job whatever it was, Wanda thought it was terrible. “I’m the Scarlet Witch.”
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goldenxeyed-archive · 9 years
“They say that midnight is when the dead come out to walk.”
It had intended to come out as a joke, but he’d just realized how serious he had sounded the moment he’d completed the sentence. Hiding a grimace, Ravel turned to the other and tilted his head.
“Not that it should, uh, worry you. The dead only disturb those who stare, probably.”
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jean-number9 · 9 years
the-world-of-elise Starter
“Now, watch closely, Elise.” Jean said, patting the little girls’s head fondly. “And stand back.”  
Jean turned her head back to the monster before her. It was only a simple yoma, but even a creature like this could bring pain to humans. At the moment they had no reason to kill it. Jean hadn’t gotten a mission in this part of the woods, but all the same... She drew her sword just as the yoma started to pounce. Twisting her arm by two rotations, Jean lifted her arm and quickly stuck the creature in the chest and let her arm go. 
The yoma fell on the ground, a hole in it’s chest, and while it was injured, Jean cut off its head swiftly. This was done in under 2 minutes. Jean turned back to the Little girl, and nodded her head.
“Are you okay?”
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korosxnsei-blog · 9 years
“Hm. I see... Eh?! 5 letter word, hint is ‘a food at parties’. Well if that isn’t a vague hint then I don’t know what is!”
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Loss. Memory. Childhood
[The thought of losing someone, anyone, is something Hriob has a hard time accepting… and fears greatly. However, with other things, he is a stoic and accepting individual what takes other forms of loss, such as time wasted, pain endured, and other setbacks, in stride. In his own Utilitarian way of thinking, expecting perfection is a fallacy in any regard, and shouldering the bad in life is the only way to not only appreciate the good, but to get it in the first place… while this sort of mentality has led him to extremes of self-isolation and overexertion many times in the past when it comes to working on his skills and abilities, the results are still hard to argue with.
Memory is a finicky thing with Hriob… currently, he could be said to have an eidactic, or nearly photographic memory when he applies himself, not only in regards to what he sees, but what he hears and what his sixth sense for aura sensing tells him. He has been known not only to identify spells and individuals based on their auras alone, but to deconstruct and learn spells simply by remembering how they ‘looked’ to him, and track people by the auras he ‘remembers’ them giving off… However, he still has moments of tunnel-vision where he forgets minor details that can throw off the end result of any given task or responsibility he is dealing with, and due to Post-traumatic stress he still cannot remember 90% of his own childhood…
As for his Childhood itself, Hriob’s was… scary. He took sanctuary with his adoptive mother Lyth off and on, learning much from her and growing a taste for quality baked goods during that time, but also learning how to fight and brawl like his life depended on it from her as well… which ultimately served him well. Most of his childhood beyond that was spent in various forests, usually under attack from woodland creatures natural and supernatural alike, Goblins most prominently.]
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eccentric-ensemble · 9 years
“Excuse me...
Wake up...
I SAY...
...Would you like to be a hero?”
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A looming figure stood within the small roads for the famous wizard alley. He looked the part in his clothing but his head would make him standout as it was a dragon skull. He was waiting for someone; or looking.
It was not unusual to find the Professor sweeping his way along over the cobbled roadways of Diagon Alley. He often found himself making orders in person for the various lessons he prepared for the students at Hogwarts. With the holidays at their conclusion, the wizarding school would soon be thick with activity, and the last thing he wanted to do was run short of supplies as term resumed.
The appearance of an unusual character with a dragon skull topping his shoulders gathered quite a bit of alarmed attention. Snape himself found the character peculiar, but wasn’t about to approach him just for the hell of it. He averted his eyes and glanced down at his list of inventory.
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