#they WILL argue about which chowder is superior
dragonfruitsoup · 8 months
i need everyone to take a hot second and think about rookie hero fatgum who spends two years working in boston and makes it his Identity.
of course he chooses a port city when he gets back to japan. it reminds him of home ('tai, you were there two yea-.' 'HOME!!!!')
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stan-denbrough · 5 years
the chaotic power that a gen z losers club would have…your mind
Okay so I definitely did not invent any of these chaotic tropes, I’m like the 4000th person to get on board the gen z losers au train, and full disclosure I’m a millennial, but I’m just saying they’d literally run through the streets at night screeching because a legendary pokemon was hatching (I don’t fucking know how pokemon go works) nearby.
Eddie gets prescribed Adderall, and Richie says “you know that’s meth right?” and then they all break open the capsules and snort them, and like? My brain isn’t even big enough to conceive of how that even ends. 
Bev doesn’t smoke, she vapes. Every time someone asks her what flavor it is she, without looking up from whatever she’s doing, says “corn chowder.” 
Bill dabs every time he gets stuck on a sentence stuttering before he starts over. He got sent to detention because he kept dabbing in the middle of an English presentation. 
Richie is a fortnite streamer and Stan constantly stream snipes him and makes Richie cry on camera. But no one knows it’s actually Stan.
Ben has Baby Shark as his ringtone and literally no one calls him anymore. He clears rooms when his mom calls him. 
Mike is addicted to saying memes. When he turns in a test, he sets the paper down on the teacher’s desk and whispers “vibe check,” when he throws his trash away he shouts “yeet!” Side note he and Stan argue for hours about the proper past tense of yeet. Mike thinks it’s yeeted Stan insists it’s yote, and then Ben pipes up to say “Well then what’s the past participle??” When there’s a pop quiz Mike blurts out “It’s rotten work!” and the teacher shoots back “Not to me, not if it’s you.” Mike whispers to Richie in history when they’re learning about Napoleon “hhnngg I’m trying to establish the continental system but I’m dummy thicc and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting the 5th coalition quick we gotta invade Russia” and they both get detention. You get the idea. And yes Mike goes to public school when he’s gen z! Honestly I could write a novel about how chaotic gen z Mike is!
Eddie has a tiktok. I don’t even need to add anything to that!
Stan pretends to be normal but he’s instigating 90% of this chaos for the Drama. He’s that kid who harasses people with fat yoshi. He leaves flyers all over the school for a fake debate team event called “Himbo vs twink, which is the superior manifestation of modern masculinity?” Like, actually I don’t have to write anything. Gen z Stan is just Wyatt. Except a little more neurotic and he still only wears shirts with buttons.
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