#they also have game nights with ryou every now n then
anonymouscreampuff · 2 years
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im very ill so have a messy sketch of ✨themb✨
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kaaytea · 4 years
hi :’’) i love ur blog so much!!!! can i request some random fluffy headcanons/lil scenarios of what a relationship with haruichi, ryou, and miyuki would be like? maybe childhood friend for miyuki only? ;v; i just feel like hes the type to go after his childhood friend lol
Falling for a childhood friend
⤷Includes: Ryousuke, Haruichi, Miyuki
Warnings: brief mentions of death, lil bit angsty
A/n: Hello lovely! It makes me so happy to hear you're enjoying the blog 🤧 I've already done dating hcs for both Ryou and Haruichi so I decided to include them in the falling for childhood friend req, I hope you don't mind! Also I don't know what happened with Miyooks, I threw in his mom as a small detail but then it turned slightly angsty
Please, Ryou has been introducing you as his s/o since he was 8 years old
You lived across the street from the Kominatos and being the same age as Ryou your parents set up play dates frequently when you were younger
Initially Ryou would tease you alot by tugging on your hair and occasionally shoving you
But when other kids on the street started to bully you and push you around like he did, Ryou defended you with his life
Only he was allowed to bully you 😤
One day he just casually asked you out while lying on the grass in his backyard
You were kids so you didn't fully understand relationships
You liked Ryou, he protected you and was kind so that was enough reasoning for you to accept
You were "dating" the last few years of elementary school
When you started junior high you were a bit confused on if your relationship was actually serious because it began from an innocent question on Ryousuke's part
Was he actually seriously considering you his s/o? Or was this just a silly thing the two of you had kept going for too long?
When you asked him this he looked at you like you'd grown two heads
"I asked you out didn't I?"
"Yes but we were barely 8 at the time. You couldn't have actually been serious."
"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't serious. My feelings for you haven't changed, if anything I'm probably more in love with you now then I was then."
To prove his point he kissed you on the lips for the first time
(and then he made fun of how flustered you looked)
When Ryou told you he was going to Seidou you were heart broken. You were already confirmed to attend a local highschool meaning he'd be in a completely different city from you for the next three years
The last thing Ryousuke wanted was to break up with you. You were probably the only person he had met that he considered as important as his family, it'd be even more painful for the both of you if he broke off your relationship before leaving
You eventually settled on calling each other every night to talk and then Video chat every other Saturday
Ryousuke would sneak off during dinner to avoid his teammates eavesdropping on your conversations
He ended up missing you alot more than he thought he would so he looks forward to your nightly calls all day
He's extremely happy whenever you take the train to Tokyo to watch one of his games
After the game he always meets up with you and sneaks away from the team so you could watch the next game together
He also looks for a secluded area to just hug you for 5 minutes straight because wOW did he miss being able to hold you!
Haruichi was so close with Ryou when they were younger and spent most of his free time following him around so the two of you most likely met at school
Haruichi wasn't the best at putting himself out there to make friends in elementary school. He was a bit too timid to approach anyone so he usually kept to himself or sat with his teacher when the class was given free time
Until one day you just sat down next to him and started talking
He was too shy to tell you to go away and he'd be lying if he said he didn't like having a friend to be with, so he let you pull him over to a different table to draw together
By the end of that day the two of you were inseparable
Haruichi was honestly sO excited to have a friend that wasn't one of Ryou's! Sweet boy went home and told his mom all about you
Fast forward to junior high and you're still best friends
It's actually during junior high that the two of you somehow get even closer as Ryou left to attend Seidou leaving Haruichi alone back home in Kanagawa
The two of you spent almost every free moment you had together and Haruichi started to find a different sort of comfort around you
He doesn't even know what triggered it, he just suddenly realized how cute you looked and ever since then his chest would get all tight and he'd have the constant feeling of butterflies in his stomach when around you
Ironically everyone thought the two of you were already a couple, including his parents who once asked how his date with you was to which he had to stutter out an explanation with a bright red face
In your finale year of junior high, Haruichi decided he had to confess at some point. The uncertainty of where he'd be going for highschool was hanging over him like a nasty rain cloud, and with how he was leaning more and more towards running off to Tokyo each day, he knew he couldn't just leave without telling you how he felt
So one day while the two of you were studying in his room he just couldn't hold it in anymore and told you everything
You immediately told him that you were harboring the same feelings he was and encouraged him to go peruse baseball at Seidou
It felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders when you said that. He pulled you into a tight hug and hid his face in you shoulder as he muttered out thank yous
The day Haruichi left for Seidou you could tell he was torn between being disappointed about leaving you and being excited to open a new door of possibilities at the prestigious school
You sent him off with a kiss on the cheek promising to come visit sometime
What Haruichi didn't know is that your "visit" would be happening way sooner than he thought
A few months prior you had sent an application to Seidou and remarkably you were accepted!
Haruichi was significantly gloomy on the first day of classes. For the first time in over 10 years you wouldn't be sitting in the desk in front of his. He didn't think he'd feel so lonely this quickly, but here he was staring out the window desperately wishing you were here to ramble on about a videogame or what your mom had packed in your bento
The look on his face was priceless when you walked into his classroom and pulled a chair up to his desk like you'd usually do
"W-what are you doing here?!"
"I go to school here silly! Anyways, I started a show last night that we HAVE to watch together!"
Unsurprisingly the two of you were still attached at the hip while at Seidou
Although, Ryou seemed to find great pleasure in teasing the both of you now that you were in his proximity. He always took the time to send you knowing smiles or bops on the head when he passed the both of you in the halls
You lived relatively close to Miyuki but knew him more so due to the fact that your father worked at his dad's steel mill
When Miyuki's mom was still around she was always offering to watch you while you parents worked, so the two of you were kind of forced to become friends from your constant presence at his house
Those early days of friendship were spent in the kitchen with Miyuki gushing about baseball, pointing out cool plays and explaining the game to you while his mother cooked you both lunch
He'd also drag you and his mother to a park near by so the two of you could play catch together
(his mom would often have to remind him that sometimes you didn't want to play catch and to let you decide what the two of you should do)
When his mom died you slowly saw the effect it had on him
Miyuki lost the cheerful innocence he carried when he'd explain baseball games in his homes small kitchen. He became a little more closed off; a little less bright
There were days you would stop by to check in on him only to find Kazuya curled up on his bed clutching a scarf his mother had made him to his chest
He didn't cry, not once. Instead your friend became an empty vessel, a shell of what he formally was
Slowly his old cheery attitude would shine occasionally when making jokes or teasing you, a small crack in the calculative demeanor he kept up
Those small appearances of light-hearted behavior were your only reassurance he was still the same little boy you initially knew
Since his mothers death you took it upon yourself to be that little spark of light that seemed to have dimmed inside him
You pulled him to the park to play catch, encouraged him to continue being a catcher, you even helped manage your schools team so you could keep him company
You also became accustomed to carrying band-aids with you. Miyuki was a small kid for his age and had a habit of pissing off his upperclassmen which never ended well
When it came time to choose highschools Miyuki made it clear that you didn't have to follow him to Seidou to keep him company
He was going for baseball, making friends wasn't his top priority anyways
In the end you still went to Seidou with him (which secretly he was very grateful for, he felt better knowing you'd be there for him and vice versa)
I feel like Miyuki would unknowingly have had a crush on you for years but never realized it. He just played it off as you being his childhood friend
you knew him better than he knew himself so of course he'd feel this comforting love towards you!
Boy is his world turned upside down when Kuramochi asks him how long the two of you have been dating
He'd never considered seeing you in a romantic light but now the thoughts of holding you to his chest or kissing your nose WONT. LEAVE.
He becomes very awkward and goes through a mini crisis everytime he sees you
This would go on for a few weeks but everything seemed to peak after the summer tournament
You'd just gotten back with the rest of the managers and immediately went off to find Miyuki
He was in the dinning hall already watching their game against Inashiro when you found him. It was pretty late so the hall was empty asides from the two of you
When you walked over to him he just silently pulled you down to sit on his lap, propping his chin on your shoulder so he could continue reviewing the game. In return you ran your fingers through his hair
Kazuya would never admit he was upset with how the game turned out, but you could tell he was torn up from the outcome
Everything about this moment seemed to make his feelings boil over. He moved his head from your shoulder and stared you down
"I'm in love with you"
"About time you admitted it, dumbass!"
He pinched your side in retaliation, laughing as you slapped his hand away
And then he kissed you ♥️
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nekumiko · 4 years
Fandom: Daiya no Ace
Genre: Romance
Rated: T
Words: 9, 024
Series: Colors
Summary:  She’s fascinated with his hair. Just his hair. But Ryousuke finds it invasive, and of course he won’t let her off that easily.
Chapter Seven: Jealousy (but not just Ryousuke’s)
If there is one thing you must know about Kominato Ryousuke, it's that he cherishes his family. Ever since his first year in Seidou - the first time he’s lived away from them - he’s been using the phone installed at the back of the dorms every once in a while to call his parents. But he'd only ask about life back home and about his brother (now, though, Ryousuke is the one who updates them about Haruichi). When he is asked about his day, he would answer, but would keep it brief. And unless he would talk about the schedule of their official games, he never initiates a topic about himself. 
Except for tonight, even if he’s not enthusiastic about the reaction he’d get.
"I must be keeping you from practicing,” his mother says from the other line. “Just always take care of each other, okay?  'Kaasan and 'Tousan miss you and Haruichi a lot!"
"Okay." Then, with a practiced, casual tone, Ryousuke adds, "By the way, I've got a girlfriend now."
His mother gasps. "What?” Ryousuke swears she could hear her smile as she repeats, “A girlfriend?"
He then moves the receiver away from his ear to save himself from his mother’s squeals. 
"Ryou-chan has a girlfriend now!" she practically sings. "I’m so proud!”
“My eldest son is really so manly~”
“Please stop.”
“I can't wait to tell 'Tousan! Why is he taking so long in the shower?"
"I'm sure he and all our neighbors have already heard you." He smirks. "Okay, that's all. Good night, ‘Kaasan."
"What? So soon? But you can't just drop big news like that and leave!"
"But weren't you saying goodbye earlier?"
Ryousuke chuckles. "I'll tell you more about her next time. I have to do a few more swings before bed." 
"Hmph. Fine. Good night."
"Yeah, good night." Ryousuke hangs up with a relieved sigh. At least that’s out of the way. 
It's only been a week and a half since he asked Aya out, but letting his parents know about her doesn’t sound so bad. Besides, it’s an important life update, isn’t it? 
A smile creeps up on his face once again. The fuzzy feeling in his chest whenever he thinks about Aya resurfaces. He takes a deep breath to keep it from overwhelming him, yet the smile remains. Okay. Now, we practice. He then turns around to go back to the indoor gym.
Haruichi stands there, dazed.
Ryousuke immediately sets his mouth back to a thin line. "Haruichi."
A silent moment passes. 
And then Ryousuke clears his throat. "You should've taken the phone from me. 'Kaasan was so heartbroken because you never call."
"Eh?" Haruichi startles at the change of subject. "I-I was about to, though…" he trails off, awkwardly crossing his arms in front of him.
Easily recognizing Haruichi's stance, Ryousuke relaxes his shoulders and puts his hands in his pockets with a defeated sigh. He would not let this go anyway.
"Is it true?" the younger Kominato finally asks, his cheeks turning pink. "Th-that Aniki has a girlfriend?"
Ryousuke stares at his brother silently for a few seconds, before smirking and stepping closer to him. Then he karate-chops the top of Haruichi's head. "Eavesdropper."
"I didn't mean to!" Haruichi, with his hands soothing the top of his head, turns in his spot as Ryousuke walks away. "I really was just about to use the phone!"
Ryousuke playfully waves his brother off, but before he rounds the corner, he stops and looks back. And with the slyest tone he could muster, he says, "Don't get a girlfriend just because I have one now, though."
"What?" Haruichi's blush turns a deeper shade. "Of course I won't!"
"Haruichi!" A girl struggling with three canned drinks and her school bag catches up to the pink-haired first-year the next day.
Haruichi bows in greeting. "Good morning… uh, Aya-san."
Aya finally reaches his side, a look of confusion on her face. "Hmm? What's with the hesitation?"
"Okay…” Aya shifts her belongings to hold up a yellow can. “Hey, are you up for lemon soda? I got lucky in the vending machine today. But I already got drinks for Kazuya and me, so…"
With an uneasy smile, Haruichi takes the free drink (that's more on forced into his hand). "Thank you, um, Aya-san."
The girl raises an eyebrow in suspicion and slight worry as they start walking.
Haruichi's discomfort matches the color of the lemon beverage's can.
Does he want to talk about something? Or did I do something wrong?
Haruichi clears his throat just then. "Um, this is very sudden, but what would you like me to call you now? I've been thinking of 'Neesan,' or if I should match it with Aniki's and call you 'Aneki.'"
Her eyes widen. "This is a surprise." Then she turns away to continue in a rehearsed, calm tone, "But what does your brother have to do with this?"
"Huh? I just heard that he has a girlfriend now."
That makes Aya stop in her tracks, bewilderedly staring at the boy's profile. 
Haruichi pauses as well to look back at her. "Aya-san?"
She glances around. Okay, no one seems to have heard. She then pulls him to the side (as best as she could with all the items in her hands). "You've heard. Like from rumors, or from Ry- Kominato-san himself? Has he been telling people?"
"I, uh, just overheard his phone call to our parents last night."
"Your parents?" Aya exclaims. She looks down at her feet and mutters, "He's already gone that far?"
"Is something wrong?"
"Huh?” Aya looks back up at him and laughs nervously. “Nothing! I mean, who cares if he tells everyone about his girlfriend?"
Haruichi gasps, and then his shoulders noticeably sag. "So it's not you?"
The sight makes Aya's heart crack. "W-what makes me the first one you'd think of, anyway?"
He shrugs. "Well, a lot of things. Aside from the seniors, you're the person who's around him the most."
Oh. Of course. He has a Ryousuke radar. How could I forget?
"You also talk about and act as if you've known him for a long time." The signature pink finally dusts his cheeks. "D-do you remember the first time we met at the train station? When you mistook me for him… I mean, I think friends - or more than friends - greet each other like that when they meet up, right?" 
Haruichi, I tripped at that time.
"Ah, and you also said Aniki isn't really as harsh as he puts himself out to be. That must mean you've grown close enough to notice that."
I just followed Ryou around a little too much…
"And you draw him a lot, too."
Aya blinks. "Wow, so even Haruichi thinks my drawings are declarations of love."
Haruichi only gives her a sad smile. "Well, I'm very sorry for mistaking you for—"
Aya cuts him off with a giggle. No one can really get past this guy when it comes to his brother. She manages to hold an index finger up to her lips. "Ssssh. Just keep it down, Haruichi."
He then almost blinds her with a smile brighter than the sunshine piercing through the school windows. "Wow. So I’m right?”
Aya nods.
Haruichi chuckles. “That's a relief. I uh, kinda don't want anyone else to be my older sister."
"Older… sister…" Aya repeats, inwardly gasping as she remembers why they are having this conversation in the first place.
"So… about my question…"
"Uh, well, it's up to you!  'Neesan' is sweet, but 'Aneki' is cool. It all depends on how you see me as an… older sister."
Haruichi's smile grows wider as he nods, oblivious to her racing thoughts. "Okay, I'll think about it. See you later!"
Aya watches the boy run excitedly to his class, his pink hair matching the blush on her cheeks. Of course Haruichi would think like that. If your sibling gets a significant other, you'd have to treat them like your own sibling too, right? She chuckles helplessly to herself. These brothers act fast…
"Your Kominato is right here, not over there," a voice suddenly speaks in her ear.
Aya gasps, feeling her heart on her throat. She turns to see the only other pink-haired student smirking down at her.
"What? Being called 'oneesan' sounds so appealing to you?"
“…How did you know that’s what we’re talking about?”
“I just figured he’d ask that, now that he knows.”
They also know each other too well. She straightens up to compose herself. And then she eyes him suspiciously. She wouldn't be surprised if Ryousuke had been going around telling everyone about their relationship. After all, he is the embodiment of his seemingly-favorite color – the color of jealousy. Oh. What if he likes yellow exactly because of that? "Aside from your brother, have you already told anyone in school about… us?"
Ryousuke slightly frowns in confusion. "No."
Her jaw drops open. "But you told your parents already?"
"I don't see anything wrong with that," Ryousuke nonchalantly replies with a shrug.
"But… but it's too early! And it's usually the other way around! Your friends first before your parents."
"And where did you even get that idea? From shoujo manga?"
She pouts. "You should've at least let me know first."
Ryousuke smiles apologetically. "Alright, I'm sorry. But what's done is done. My mom was actually very happy about it. She would’ve suggested I introduce you to her already if I didn’t cut the call early."
“She would do that?”
“I wouldn’t put it past her. But we don’t have to go back to Kanagawa until after Nationals, right? So don’t think about that for now.” He then takes her school bag from her. "Here, I'll walk you to class."
"Oi, Ryousuke!" Isashiki Jun jogs up to the boy, with Masuko trailing behind him. But his grin vanishes when he spots Aya. He then turns to his friend with a reprimanding scowl. "Hey now, aren't you too old to go this far?"
"I know you two are always at odds with each other, but if you're going to get physical now, it's time to stop."
"Uga!" Masuko says in agreement.
"What the heck are you talking about?" Ryousuke asks, growing irritated.
Aya looks back and forth between them, and then at the second- and third-years whispering and giving her and Ryousuke odd looks as they pass by. Are people still under the impression that we'd fight whenever we meet? Aya internally smirks. That's good, then. "I appreciate the concern, Isashiki-san, Masuko-san," she says as she pries her bag from Ryousuke's hand. "But Kominato-san isn't bullying me! He's just turning over a new leaf and attempting a rare act of kindness."
"What?" Ryousuke now turns to her in disbelief.
And that's when Aya realizes she’d just made a grave mistake. She gulps, and then manages to smile. "Anyway, thank you for the offer, Kominato-san!" She bows quickly before backing up towards the nearby stairs. "But I can manage this! I-I'll get going now!" She then dashes up the steps and into 2-B's room.
"About time the princess arrived~" Miyuki grabs his energy drink from her hands when she approaches.
As usual, Kuramochi has been sitting at her desk to talk to Miyuki, so he stands up to give Aya her rightful space. But not without sparing the panting girl a curious look. "Have you been running? There's still plenty of time before the first class."
She slumps in her seat. "Oh, he is going to kill me."
"Who? Ryou-san?"
Aya groans. “Yes.”
Kuramochi grins teasingly. "But haven't you two been lovey-dovey lately? Because you're apparently his girlfriend now?"
"I'm serious, Kuramochi."
The boy loses his smile. "Oh, you really are. What happened?"
Miyuki, on the other hand, laughs as he opens his canned drink. "Congratulations, Aya!" She pats her back quite harshly. "You're his girlfriend, though, so maybe he'd go easy on you."
"Hey, Miyuki!" Kuramochi warns as the brunette drinks. "This isn't the time!"
Miyuki then almost spits out his drink and makes a disgusted face. He taps the girl's shoulder with the can. "Oi, Aya. This has gotten warm now."
Aya grits her teeth and grabs the can. "I am never buying you a drink again, Bakazuya."
 Someone knocks on the Art Club's door later that day.
The third-year club president opens it. "Kominato-kun?" She looks behind her before subtly blocking Ryousuke's view of the room. "What brings you here?"
"I came for Aya. Is she still in there?"
"Did he just call her by first name?" another member runs up to the door with a huge grin on her face.
The club president ignores her and instead eyes Ryousuke suspiciously. "Makoto-chan? Why are you looking for her? What did she do this time?"
"I'm supposed to pick her up and walk her home."
Collective gasps are heard from inside the usually quiet room.
"I knew it!" someone shouts. "You really are a thing!"
"Oh?" Ryousuke tries to look behind the (taller) girl still blocking the door. "So she hasn't told even the club she hides in." Even if she’s the one who said I should’ve told my friends first.
"She's pretty secretive," the club president says, shrugging.
"I guess that's why she chose this club." Ryousuke gives an innocent smile. "If, for some reason, I’m not allowed to enter, then can you just get her for me?"
She laughs. "Nah, come on in. I guess she should be punished for keeping such juicy news from us." She then steps aside to open the door wider, revealing the back of the room.
The art club has apparently been using the back wall as a place to hang up their members’ framed artworks. And the first thing Ryousuke notices is Aya's famous drawing of his double play from a game one year ago, hung in the middle of it all. And in every row, more drawings of him almost outnumber the other club members’ work.
"She's over here!"
Ryousuke turns around to see a member waving at him from the center of the room.
The tables and chairs have been pushed aside to create a large space, where the club members are hunched over an unfinished banner. And there she is, the only passed out person on the floor.
"Senpai!" A first-year sitting beside Aya pokes her cheek. "It's time to pay for your sins."
Aya merely flicks the hand away and stays asleep. With the amount of commotion around her, it has to be considered amazing.
Ryousuke almost smiles fondly. He kneels beside her to gently shake her shoulder.
It’s only then that she opens her eyes. A small, confused frown mars her peaceful expression. "Ryou?"
Ignoring the sudden skip in his heartbeat, Ryousuke carefully pulls her up by the arm. "What are you doing down there? Are you that sleep-deprived?"
Aya successfully sits up with his help, but her eyes close again and she falls forward, holding onto his arm and laying her head on his shoulder.
It is important to note that Ryousuke is willing himself not to pull her closer, nor to even blush.  
She yawns as she replies, "I'm doing the good luck banner for Nationals. I'm supposed to be an assistant like the rest of the juniors, but the seniors assigned me to lead the project because of my apparent attachment to the team. Don't you think that's unfair? I just accepted a new batch of commissions the other day!"
Still trying to keep his calm, he smirks. "This side of you is adorable, Aya, but I don't think you should be saying all that in front of them."
"Them?" Aya repeats. She opens her eyes again and lifts her head to see the club members watching. Aya then immediately moves away. "W-what are you doing here, Kominato-san?"
She barely witnesses Ryousuke's smile turn upside down before two club members squeal and jump on her.
 "You don't need to be so stressed," Ryousuke says as they walk out of the school doors, her bag in his hand. 
"I just complained about my seniors in front of their faces. How can I not be stressed?"
"Ah, so that's what you're worried about."
Aya looks at him. "What else is there?"
"Are you being bullied, Aya? I already know that you like to draw me, but I'd think they're making fun of you by framing and hanging all those up."
"I-I just like to draw you…" Aya gasps. "Oh no, you saw all that too." She whines as she covers her face with her hands. Her voice muffled, she continues, "Now you know how much I like you."
Ryousuke's face immediately warms up. "Wha-"
"You're going to call me a stalker again," Aya adds in a softer and more worried tone, her hands moving to now only cover her red cheeks. Yet she stays oblivious to the boy's reaction.
Secretly sighing in relief, Ryousuke clears his throat to compose himself. "No, I won't. I promised I wouldn't call you that anymore, didn't I?" And then he starts walking again. "Because I do know we've agreed to go by first names."
Aya drops her hands and stares at him.
The afternoon sunlight hits his toned back, bathing him in the color of betrayal. Noticing she hasn't caught up, he pauses to look over his shoulder. "Hey, come on."
Aya hurries to his side, fidgeting with the hem of her blouse. A yellow card. It's only been more than a week and I already caused a yellow card.
They continue walking in silence. The quiet street with only a few people passing by amplifies her unease.
"Hey," Ryousuke finally says, "sorry, that's out of line. Maybe you just aren't used to it yet. So it's okay. I won't force you."
"Is it really okay? I think it was really rude of me to just… drop you."
"Well… yeah."
Aya wrings her hands together. "I'm sorry too."
"It’s kind of my fault, too. I guess I am going about this too fast."
"Hmm, it's not exactly that. It did surprise me, but I think it's sweet that you and even Haruichi are already thinking of me as family."
"Then what's up?"
"I think I just… want to stay low-key? You saw how my clubmates reacted. I don't want everyone else suddenly cooing at me and at the development in our relationship."
Ryousuke looks back down at her. "So that's why."
Aya nods, smiling nervously up at him.
That makes him smile reassuringly. "Okay. I can live with that." 
"Thank you."
He then smirks. "Besides, you'll be the first one to slip up anyway."
Aya groans. "Oh, I already kind of did with Kazuya and Mochi, and now they won't let me live it down."
"Who is that?"
"Uh, your partner in the field? Seidou's shortstop, Kuramochi? Oh my god, does no one else call him that?"
"Hehh?" he says in his characteristic teasing tone even as he turns away from her. "A nickname." His hand starts to ball into a fist. "To think you insist on being formal with me but have nicknames for other guys."
Aya giggles before grabbing his hand, pulling them both to a stop. "Ryou."
“Now you call me that?”
Aya opens his fist to intertwine her smaller hand into his. And then she brings their joined hands to her lips to lightly kiss each of his knuckles.
Ryousuke freezes, his own lips parting open.
"Don't be jealous, please? Just think of it like this. Since we're laying low for a while, I'll call you 'Ryou' when it's just the two of us." She steps closer to him to look into his eyes. "Isn't that more intimate?"
He gulps and looks away. "Just drop his nickname."
"Permanently? But he's one of my best friends."
Ryousuke sighs, looking back down at her. "Then at least when you talk about him to me." Not like you should even be, though.
"Okay." She stands up on her toes to kiss his cheek. "Are we good now?"
Ryousuke feels like his soul had flown out of his body. He takes a deep breath to calm down, and then touches his forehead with hers. “You know, you missed.”
Aya pushes back from him with a laugh. “And you know what? I’m finally here!” She takes her bag from him and walks backwards to her apartment building's entrance. “Thanks for walking me home again, Ryou. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He could only chuckle in reply. The afternoon sunlight now falls on the side of his face, but this time, it makes him glow with joy.
"Ryousuke!" Isashiki's voice rings through the team's own mess hall the next day at breakfast.
"So loud in the morning," the pink-haired teen mutters, taking his seat at the seniors' usual table.
"You disappeared again after practice. Don't tell me you were out with your girlfriend!"
He picks his chopsticks up. "I was."
The place falls silent. A tray even falls to the floor.
"Th-that joke's old!" Jun replies. "It won't work on me anymore!"
He swallows his first bite. "Oh? But I'm not kidding this time."
Heads turn to the next best source of information: Kominato Haruichi.
The poor boy startles and looks to his brother for help. "A-Aniki…"
Ryousuke chuckles. "She wants to stay low-key, though. Maybe you're scaring her off, Jun?"
"Shut up! I won't believe it until I see it!"
He shrugs. "Suit yourself."
From the other table, Kuramochi asks, "But Ryou-san, won't your favorite artist get jealous?"
'Mochi.' Ryousuke had expected he'd be annoyed when he sees his underclassman, but now he realizes the nickname's a bit funny. He gives a strained smile to stifle a laugh. "Why would she be jealous of herself?"
"Who?" Jun asks.
"Just shut up." Ryousuke resumes eating, but continues to watch Aya's classmates from his peripheral.
Kuramochi laughs heartily as he nudges the bespectacled catcher sitting beside him. 
Miyuki loses his smile.
 Jealousy, Aya discovers, comes unexpectedly in different kinds.
She had heard that dating someone from the baseball team is hard because he'd have almost no time for you. And that being in a relationship with someone from a different grade often leads to clashes in schedule.
Now, Aya has to deal with both.
They can’t meet after morning practices. The boys have to freshen up before proceeding to morning classes, so the best interaction she and Ryousuke would have are discreet smiles whenever he would spot her watching outside the field. 
They can’t meet during lunch breaks. Recently, Miyuki has been ordering from her more often, and because that’s the only time she could sit down and talk with her cousin now, she stays and eats with him.
And during weekends, it’s either they are both studying for finals or Ryousuke has extra practice.
Aya would always have to wait for afternoon practice to end. It’s either she could be found sketching on a bench outside the practice field, or in her club room every other day when the art club is scheduled to meet. Then, they would take a detour to non-crowded streets on the way to Aya's apartment building, just to avoid getting seen by anyone from school as they hold hands or simply walk closer than normal friends would.
This has gone on for two weeks.
We’re nearing a month into this relationship now. Aya presses closer to Field A’s fence. I did say I want him to focus on Nationals, but now… She heaves a deep sigh to temporarily get rid of her thoughts and refocus on the morning practice. 
At the moment, Haruichi is on a roll in a batting cage while his older brother watches.
The competition for the jersey numbers is still fierce, especially with the second baseman brothers. Haruichi's progressive skills make him a likely candidate for the roster. But as long as Ryousuke is in the team, Haruichi couldn’t play unless Ryousuke gets subbed out. And would Ryousuke even allow that?  
But looking at her boyfriend's back, Aya could sense a faint yellow aura. The color of caution, of warning signs. Even if he hides it well, she knows Ryousuke is threatened by his prodigy brother.
Alas, Ryousuke picks up his bat to head towards another batting cage. But not without stopping in his tracks to look straight at Aya.
Again. He knows I've been here all this time. This has been happening more often now.
Ryousuke then breaks into a grin.
It's like… a sunflower drawn to his sun. Feeling her cheeks warm up, Aya smiles back and gives a shy wave.
Ryousuke nods as a silent morning greeting before continuing on his way.
Time may be Aya's enemy right now, but she has to admit that these limited moments they share, no matter how small, leaves her glowing with happiness that's as bright as the summer days. 
The next day, the students receive the results of their final exams.
“As expected!” Aya almost shoves her graded papers in Miyuki’s face. “You can never score higher than me. So I still won’t make your lunch for free!”
Miyuki sighs defeatedly. “Aren’t creative people supposed to be creative only?”
Aya gasps. “Then sporty people should only be sporty too!” She smirks. “Then again, you suck at other sports besides baseball, so I can’t really call you a sports guy.”
“Shut up.”
“I’m surprised, Aya,” Kuramochi says with a teasing grin. He distributes among their trio the lunchboxes Aya had made for them. “Having a boyfriend aside from being busy with your commissions still doesn’t stop you?”
Aya suddenly turns back to her desk to put her papers back. She mutters, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah, Kuramochi,” Miyuki says quietly, opening his lunchbox. “She doesn’t know what you’re talking about.”
Kuramochi scoffs. “Maybe if you let her go on lunch dates every once in a while…”
Aya freezes and looks up at her cousin.
Miyuki gives their friend a deadpan stare.
“Wow, Kazuya,” Aya says. She smiles mischievously. “So that’s what this is all about.”
He turns to his food and picks up his chopsticks. “No. I just wanted to have good meals this season.”
“Sure you do~”
He looks up at her. “What am I keeping you here for, Aya? You don’t have someone else to meet during lunch, do you? You said you don’t have a boyfriend, right?”
Kuramochi nudges his arm. “Hey.”
Aya blinks. “R-right. Yeah. I don’t have one.” She lightly hits Kuramochi’s arm. “Stop making issues.”
Kuramochi rolls his eyes. “You two really are a family.”
 “You got the no. 4 jersey!”
“And I got the highest test results in our class!”
“Really? Congrats.”
“And Haruichi got included in the roster! What’s his jersey number?”
Aya squeals. “This is really a good day!” And then she sighs. “Except for Kazuya being too weird again.”
Ryousuke stifles his own sigh. “Really? I haven’t heard about this yet.”
She purses her lips. “Did you tell him something?”
“No. We don’t really talk outside of practice.”
“It’s just… whenever Mo-" she clears her throat as Ryousuke lightly scoffs, "whenever Kuramochi would start teasing me about having a boyfriend, Kazuya would suddenly get annoyed. He’s not even subtle about it, which means he must be really pissed. And I don’t understand because he used to always tease me about you! But now that we’re actually a couple…"
Ryousuke hums in thought. “I didn’t take him to be the overprotective type.”
“Overprotective?” Aya frowns. “But he already knows you, so what is there to be fussy about? Would you be the same if Haruichi gets into a relationship?” 
"I wonder. But it's not like that's on his mind right now, though."
"Yeah, because you could totally tell." And then she stops walking. “Wait, is this a new detour? I think this is the opposite way from my apartment.”
“Yeah, it is. I’m not taking you home yet.” 
Aya gasps in fake horror. “Is this what Kazuya is protecting me from?”
Ryousuke chuckles before taking her hand as they round the corner. “If he doesn’t want you to be happy, then I guess it is.” 
They stop in front of a café Aya had once mentioned wanting to visit. 
Now, Aya gasps in actual shock. “Ryou…”
“It’s a weekday so I don’t want us to be out late, but we’ve been together for one month now. I at least want to celebrate that.”
She tears her gaze away from the establishment and up towards Ryousuke. “You remembered.”
“Of course I would.” He tucks a stray hair behind her ear. “Especially since you’ve been really pouty these past few days. Are you sure you still want to keep this a secret? Because this prevents you from spending all your free time with me, so now you’re missing me too much.”
Aya feels her cheeks warm up, though she’s not sure if it’s out of embarrassment for being too obvious, or because she suddenly finds that cockiness… attractive.
He gestures with his head towards the door. “Shall we?”
Aya nods. “O-okay.”
As Ryousuke leads them inside, only one thought crosses his mind. Now, please stop talking about other guys when we’re together.
 Today is the last day of school for students without club activities this summer. It is also the day after Seidou had triumphed over Maimon West in their first qualifying match.
The sun shines bright through the windows, seemingly giving spotlight to the third-year starters - Yuuki Tetsuya, Masuko Tooru, Isashiki Jun, and Kominato Ryousuke - as they walk through the hallways. Their fellow third-years crowd around them, congratulating them and promising to watch the next games.
Aya smiles proudly. Aside from the resounding cheers from upstairs, she had also spotted freshmen cheerleaders peeking into Class 1-B earlier, most likely spying on the two of the three first-year players yesterday. 
This game had not only showcased Seidou’s powerful batting lineup, but also officially debuted the first-year players - Furuya Satoru, Sawamura Eijun, and of course, Kominato Haruichi. 
If they get fangirls, that would mean more commission requests, right? 
But then she reaches a classroom that apparently has another kind of commotion.
Kuramochi is once again shouting at Miyuki's face as he holds the catcher by the collar, while Miyuki only laughs off everything the enraged boy says.
"They're fighting again?” a female classmate asks. “But they're always together."
"They don't have any friends," another replies.
"They have Makoto-san, though," a third classmate adds, following it with a giggle.
"I can hear you, you know," Aya says from the doorway.
"Oh!" the same classmate exclaims, and then smiles sheepishly. "Good morning, Makoto-san! Do you think you could break them up again?"
Aya sighs. This is certainly a sad reputation. She marches up to the two. "Hey, Mochi! I see you’re still overflowing with adrenaline from yesterday’s game."
The boys look at her in sync.
"But I need to take my seat now, so please…?"
"Tch." Kuramochi's frown stays, but he lets go and walks away without another word.
"What is it this time?" Aya asks, hanging her bag on the hook at her desk. 
"It's nothing," Miyuki answers with a chuckle, fixing his uniform.
Aya sits down sideways and props an arm on her backrest to keep slightly facing him. "Sure it is. Good thing you have me, the saving grace of this trio of loners."
"I don't know, Aya." Miyuki props his chin on his hand as he leans forward on his desk. "Are you sure you're still one?"
Aya raises a brow. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Miyuki heaves a big sigh and sits back on his chair. "You're really gonna keep that act up, huh?"
“Oh, Kazuya. You’re just like me. You're in denial.” 
“Of what?”
“Of being jealous of someone taking your cousin’s time away from you. Not like there’s much to begin with, though.”
“So you’re basically admitting.”
Aya shrugs. “No point in lying to you now, so you might as well come clean too.” She smirks.
Just then, the bell rings. The students start to move back to their desks.
Miyuki smirks back at her. “Whaaat? I can’t hear you over the bell!”
Aya rolls her eyes before sitting properly, just as the teacher enters the room.
 Seidou plays against Murata East the next day, and it ends as another called game after Captain Yuuki hits a homerun.
Outside, Aya waits among the crowd to catch a glimpse of the team exiting the stadium.
“Miyuki-kun~!” a group of girls calls out when the famous catcher comes into view.
Aya does her best not to cringe. She understands why he has so many fangirls, but it just feels weird to hear people gush over someone she knows not just by looks, but as a person - insecurities, quirks, habits that may not be easily understood by others.
Is this what Kazuya feels now when he thinks about me and Ryou?   
The coach walks over to the team to give them instructions before they watch the next game.
But since Aya did not buy tickets for that, she has to leave ahead of them. As soon as she starts to walk away, her phone vibrates, so she stops to pull it out of her uniform skirt's pocket.
It’s our second game already and I still don’t hear you calling out for me? Isn’t Aya supposed to be my biggest fan?
She looks back at the team to see Ryousuke staring at her from afar with an obvious smirk. She types back: Am I supposed to? It’s enough that I came to watch!
Ryousuke chuckles when he sees the message, and then looks back up to wave goodbye to her. 
Of course, some of his teammates see that. But before they could spot her and connect the dots, Aya turns around and speed-walks toward the bus that would take her back to the school.
 With classes finally out of the way, Aya now has more time to watch practices. But even if Seidou had two practice days before their match against Akikawa Academy, Aya could only watch on the second day, because the media had hounded Field A the day before to cover Seidou first.
However, instead of practicing, everyone is lining up in front of the coach. 
Aya walks closer to the fence.
“To prepare for the game tomorrow,” Coach Kataoka says, “we’re wrapping up practice.”
Aya almost drops her sketchbook. So much for waking up early.
The coach finishes his instructions and dismisses the boys.
Aya remains standing there, her eyes trailing her boyfriend who is picking up his equipment from the dugout. Should I ask Ryou to eat lunch with me? But what if he has plans?
Ryousuke goes back out in the field, but stops a few ways away from his friends. “Haruichi.” 
She gasps. Did he just…?
“Join me when I hit off the tee later,” Ryousuke continues.
The younger Kominato gasps. 
Even his friends - Masuko, Yuuki, Isashiki, and Kuramochi - stop talking among themselves to watch them.
“Are you sure I’m good enough?” Haruichi asks.
Ryousuke chuckles. “What are you saying? You can hit, too. So, later!”
Now, if Ryousuke's friends are fondly dumbfounded, Aya squeals and jumps in giddiness. Now this makes it worth waking up early.
 “You finally talked to him!” 
“To who?”
“To Haruichi!”
“Of course I talk to him. He’s my brother.”
Aya nudges his arm. “You know what I mean! You talked to him in front of the others! It’s so cute.”
“Shut up.” Ryousuke takes another bite of his lunch.
Aya giggles. “I really like this shy side of yours, Ryou. It's so adorable.”
Ryousuke almost coughs up a lung. 
“Whoa, are you okay?”
“Stop attacking me like that!” He coughs harder.
Aya hands him his water bottle, biting her lip to avoid laughing.
“You always do this," he says when he calms down. "Maybe you need to pay for it.”
“This better not be…”
Ryousuke smirks. “Cheer for me tomorrow.”
“Aren't you inspired by me? I apparently overcame my hypothetical shyness to talk to Haruichi in front of the team.”
"Nope." Aya purses her lips, and then instantly brightens up. “But I do know how to pay you back.”
“And how…” Ryousuke trails off as Aya suddenly moves closer to him.
She raises a hand to cup one side of his face. She leans in, making sure to lock eyes with him. Her thumb brushes his lower lip slowly... until she wipes off a stray rice grain. And then she merely pecks his cheek before moving away so fast. 
Ryousuke’s mouth now hangs open.
“You had something on your face. I didn’t want you to go back to the field with it.”
“Why do you keep missing?” Ryousuke whispers, turning away to hide a smile.
 Unlike in practice games, more and more people are now finding time in their summer schedule to attend the increasingly intense official games.
Bottom of the first inning, one out. With Kuramochi failing to get on base, Ryousuke steps up for his first at-bat against Akikawa’s clockwork pitcher, Shunshin You.
Unlike in practice games, Ryousuke's fangirls are now also here. Closer to Aya. Sitting around Aya.
She has always been aware of them, and it definitely isn’t her first time to hear them cheer him on. But why does it make her feel unpleasant now? Besides, it’s the team’s third game already, and Ryousuke has been playing very well. It’s understandable that he would gain more support.
Yet a little spark in her stomach starts up and threatens to grow.
"If you're so annoyed with it," her art club senior, who had come to watch the game too, leans on her shoulder to whisper, "why don't you just publicly lay your claim on him?"
Aya keeps her eyes on the field. "That's pretty vulgar, senpai." She clears her throat. "And I don't know what you're talking about."
"You're not his only fan, Makoto-chan. He's amazing, and girls in our batch have always known that." The third-year lightly pinches Aya's cheek to make the younger girl look at her. "You can't blame them for calling him appropriately." 
Aya swats her hand away and sighs. "I'm going to get bullied for it."
"No way. You're the only masochist to develop romantic feelings for him."
Her senior laughs. "Just go greet him outside. Today would be the best time, because we're finally out of our school uniforms. And nothing says 'cute girlfriend' than your look today."
Aya consciously touches her hair before looking down at her sleeveless yellow dress. Because the weather has reached 30° today, she had styled her hair into a braided ponytail and picked out the lightest dress she could find in her closet, not taking into account its knee-length frilly skirt. She shakes her head. "I just think it's unnecessary and childish…" she mutters, turning back to the game.
Ryousuke uses his signature strategy: rack up fouls to tire out the pitcher. The eighth pitch is thrown high, so Ryousuke does not swing anymore. Because surely it would be called a ball, which would give him a free pass to first base.
Except it isn't.
"Strike!" the umpire shouts just as the pink-haired batter steps forward.
“What?” Aya exclaims. "But how?"
"I think the umpire's impressed with the pitcher," her senior answers. "He does keep throwing into the catcher's mitt."
"No…" Aya frowns. "Is that why they call him 'clockwork?'"
Ryousuke remains standing there, disbelief clear in his stance.
“Hey, Makoto-chan.” Her senior pokes Aya's arm. “Is he seriously thinking of fighting the umpire?”
She gulps. “I – he can’t be, right?”
Alas, Ryousuke straightens up and walks back to the dugout.
To beat Akikawa's clockwork pitcher, Kuramochi's speed and Ryousuke's strategic batting would be keys to put pressure on him. But now it had failed right on the first try. And that unlucky streak only continues.
Isashiki got on base, and Yuuki was able to hit the baseball far. Their left fielder desperately goes after it, only to fall flat on his face… but the ball lands straight into his glove.
A miracle. Aya slumps her shoulders. If Akikawa continues to make lucky plays like this...
At the bottom of the third inning, the batting lineup goes back up to Kuramochi. But because Shunshin is also great at fielding, he prevents Kuramochi from even stepping on first base.
And now, Ryousuke is back in the batter's box. He does not swing at the first pitch, but…
"Again?" Aya almost shouts. "But that was so close to outside!"
Shunshin throws the next pitch.
And apparently, it's a breaking ball that pushes Ryousuke to swing and hit the baseball… straight back to the pitcher. A deciding out to end the third inning.
Once again, Ryousuke remains standing in place. He now glares at Shunshin, who stares him back down.
“Makoto-chan,” her senior says, “your boyfriend’s seriously pissed today.”
Aya crosses her arms. “Well, who wouldn’t be? That clockwork pitcher has gotten the umpire on his side! Ryou can’t even bully him now!”
The third-year raises her eyebrow in amusement. "Wow, I guess that makes you compatible."
The gloom finally lifts at the fourth inning when Coach Kataoka switches Furuya with the southpaw first-year, Sawamura (though it had still caused quite a scene when Furuya refused to give him the ball at first), because his presence ignites a fire in the team. After he gets the last out of the inning, Seidou starts the fifth with the cleanup batters, where Miyuki takes Isashiki and Yuuki home and finally ties the game. Defense has become sharper too because he is pitching with confidence.
But the batting lineup goes back to Kuramochi, and he strikes out. Ryousuke hits the baseball, but it goes straight to a fielder's glove once more, ending the fifth inning.
“Mochi… Ryou… what’s happening?” Aya bites her nails in worry.
The game then enters a standstill as both teams keep failing to score a run that would break the tie. That is, until the bottom of the seventh inning.
"Seidou High School has called for a substitution," the announcer says.
Aya gasps as she spots the new jersey number in the on-deck circle.
"Replacing Number 8, Sakai-kun: pinch hitter, Kominato Haruichi-kun!"
Aya immediately stands in her seat and shouts, “Let’s go, Haruichi!”
Her senior pulls her to sit back down. “How could you be so enthusiastic over your boyfriend’s brother than for your boyfriend himself?”
“Are you kidding me? Ryou is most likely as proud as I am right now!” She points to the younger Kominato taking his position. “Just watch.”
The thing with Haruichi is that pitchers tend to get haughty when they see a small boy using a wooden bat and stepping over the plate. What they don't know is that they are walking right into the bait.
Like today, for example. To attempt to intimidate him, Shunshin throws an inside pitch to Haruichi’s knees.
And like usual, Haruichi steps in just as the ball is released. And then he expertly hits it far towards left field. Taking advantage of the fielders’ bewilderment, Haruichi reaches first base and raises his arm for a fist pump as a blush overtakes his cheeks.
Cue Haruichi’s fangirls screaming over it. Including a certain brunette.
Sawamura, who has a history of not hitting any pitch at all, loudly steps into the field next. But he silently and professionally bunts to advance Haruichi to second base. And the crowd gets amusingly amazed.
“Wow! Perfect!”
“Why is he only good at bunts?”
“Nice one, Bunt Master!”
And now, Kuramochi is back in the batter's box.
The atmosphere grows tense as the Seidou bleachers and dugout cheer him on.
Aya fidgets with her hands as she mutters, "Fourth chance, Mochi. Please don't get shut down again."
Shunshin throws the first pitch, and Kuramochi smashes it to the right. Without wasting any time, he uses his cheetah legs to take him to first base.
The Akikawa fielder snatches the ball from the ground and gets ready to throw to first base. But Akikawa has run out of miracle plays.
"Oh, his hand slipped!"
"Akikawa made an error!"
And Kuramochi steps on the white bag.
“Finally, Mochi!” Aya shouts along with the wild crowd. She then clutches her senior's arm. "We're on a roll! We totally shook Akikawa up!"
Her senior chuckles. "Yeah, and now—"
"And now Ryou's up to bat!" Aya interrupts with a giggle before looking back at the field, her eyes zooming in to her boyfriend.
Just then, even without a lead, Kuramochi takes off again. Haruichi runs too, and Seidou takes second and third base.
Aya suddenly pauses, her eyes flitting from Ryousuke standing readily in the batter's box to Haruichi crouching on third. She gasps. "Oh my god!"
"Yeah," her senior says, "Kuramochi's taking revenge!" 
"The brothers!"
"The brothers are playing in the same field! In an official game!" Aya inches forward right then, drowning out her senior’s response as she focuses back on the field.
As soon as Shunshin moves to pitch, Kuramochi starts to run again, and Ryousuke changes his grip on his bat for a squeeze play.
In that split second, the Clockwork pitcher throws the baseball outside the strike zone.
But at this point, Ryousuke has been backed into a corner by Shunshin and the umpire enough. He would not give this up now. In his race against the catcher to get to the ball first, Ryousuke lands on his side, but successfully taps the ball away from home plate. And in an instant, he is up and running towards first base.
And Haruichi is right behind him to score a run for Seidou!
The ball rolls toward the mound, and Shunshin quickly picks it up. He throws it to first base to stop the older Kominato, not noticing Kuramochi already on third base and sneakily racing towards home plate.
But it's too late. The ball is in the air just as Akikawa desperately shouts over each other.
The first baseman catches the ball and throws it to home just as Kuramochi slides in.
"Safe!" the umpire shouts.
The crowd goes wild.
"Wow, two runs!"
"That's some super fast sliding!"
"His speed is like cheating!"
Aya, meanwhile, covers her mouth as if she could be heard among the crowd. Because her heart continues to beat so fast as her eyes continue to follow Ryousuke still advancing in the field.
The first baseman recovers from the shock to call out to their catcher still holding the ball.
But Ryousuke already reaches second base. 
"Nice run!"
“Nice run, Ryou!” Aya screams along in celebration, small tears of joy at the corners of her eyes. 
The Kominato brothers and Kuramochi combo starts an onslaught. Since then, Seidou continues to shut Akikawa down, scoring 3 more runs in the inning. Kawakami gets sent out to close the last two innings, and he does not allow Akikawa any more runs. 
With a score of 7-2, Seidou advances to the quarterfinal.
 The sun is shining brighter now, bathing the field with more light and warmth as the day approaches noon. It boosts Aya's happiness as she walks out of the bleachers along with the rest of the crowd.
"Oh, I still can't stop thinking about earlier!" a girl walking in front of Aya says, nudging her companion.
For some reason, this catches Aya's attention. She recognizes the two girls as Seidou students.
"Do you mean the seventh inning?" the other girl asks with a big grin.
Say no.
The two friends squeal together. "Ryousuke-kun!"
And just like that, the spark in Aya's stomach reappears.
The girl in front continues, "The little brother and Kuramochi may have scored those runs, but they wouldn't have done it without him!"
The spark grows and spreads throughout her whole body, warming her up. She steps out of the stadium and meets the bright sunlight, but she knows it's not just the reason her eyes are stinging.
Ryousuke wears it like a brand.
Kazuya's aura spikes up in it quite often now.
And it's what she's currently coated in.
Jealousy because of people, as Aya had found out from those two, is the kind that is most irrational and all-consuming.
The kind of jealousy she never thought she would experience.
The sudden shake on her shoulder makes Aya jump.
"Are you okay?" her senior asks. "I've been talking to you for a while now."
"Are we going back to the bus or do you want to wait for the team to come out?"
Refocusing on her surroundings, Aya sees Miyuki's fangirls right outside the stadium. They are getting ready to shout his name in an attempt to get his attention. To lay their claim…
"Woah, Makoto-chan!" her senior exclaims.
Aya drags her to the front of the crowd, right next to the noisy bunch.
"So I guess this answers my question. But why here?"
"I uh, want to see him right away…"
Just then, the names of the coach and the players ring out above the cheers and applause. 
The first set of players are exiting the stadium. Among them is Ryousuke, glowing with joy because of the victory. He is walking in between his friends, and as usual, is discreetly searching the crowd for her.
This is it. Aya's heart pounds. He would see me right away and I have to—
"MIYUKI-KUN!" One of the fangirls suddenly blocks her from view as their group starts to call out and wave frantically.
"Seriously?" Aya frowns as she watches Ryousuke pass by obliviously.
Her senior giggles. "Guess you don't have to try hard in hiding today… hey, where are you going?"
Aya weaves carefully, but with urgency, through the cheering crowd. Being short makes it hard for people to notice her – it’s  good for moving about, but it puts her at risk of getting elbowed in the face. Alas, she finds a free space in front again. 
Ryousuke finally spots her. He gives her a small smile before passing her by.
She suddenly hears giggles behind her, so she looks over her shoulder to find the two girls from earlier, as well as some schoolmates, looking at the players. This would be good. Aya takes a deep breath and calls out as loud as she could, "Ryou!"
The pink-haired third-year whirls around in shock.
Masuko, Isashiki, and even Yuuki who are walking with him also stop and turn, their eyes settling on the short brunette.
"Aya?" Ryousuke says cautiously.
She smiles brightly and waves.
His confused expression instantly turns into a happy grin. He then hurries back towards her. 
His friends stand still in shock, especially the usually loud Isashiki who now stares with his jaw hanging open. Meanwhile, their teammates coming up from behind them give Ryousuke a curious look. 
He finally stops in front of her. "Hey, Aya."
Seeing his excited smile, and the way he does not care at all about the people around them just to get to her, almost makes her swoon forward. She holds onto the long sleeve of his undershirt for balance. "I… I watched the game," she almost whispers.
Ryousuke chuckles. "Yes, I can see that."
She grins. "And I want to congratulate you! You were so amazing back there, especially when you caused the runs in the seventh inning!"
He chuckles again, now with a hint of embarrassment. "Don't say it like that. They got on base and I followed through."
"But still, you were very cool."
His grin grows wider. "Thank you, Aya." Then he drops his voice so that only the two of them can hear. "And it is a bit refreshing to be with you like this in public."
"Well…” She steps closer, enough to smell the mix of his natural scent and after-game sweat. She takes both of his hands in hers. "Maybe I don't want to keep it a secret anymore?"
"It's because she got jealous," someone suddenly comments beside her, breaking the moment.
They step away from each other, but do not drop their linked hands.
Recognizing Aya's club senior, Ryousuke asks, "What?"
"You've got fangirls, Kominato-kun."
Aya tugs at his hands to make him look back at her. "No, that's not it! Don't listen to her!"
"Of course, Aya!" Ryousuke lets go of one of her hands to pat her head. "I would only believe my girlfriend."
Her mouth hangs open.
Ryousuke now smirks, as if asking, Isn't that what you want to prove to them? "Anyway, I'll see you later. We have to watch the next game."
"Oh, right! Sorry."
"Don't mind that." He squeezes her hand. "This made my day better."
When Ryousuke finally reaches the bus, his fellow third-year teammates who are waiting for him outside greet him with teasing punches on the shoulder and pats on the back. Even Captain Yuuki gives him a thumbs-up sign. And Isashiki shouts in mock outrage when Ryousuke says something to him.
"Makoto-san, you're scary."
"I didn't know you had it in you!"
Aya turns around.
Ryousuke's fangirls are smiling at her.
"Congratulations! Though, everyone saw it coming."
"Yeah, it would have sucked if you two didn't end up together."
"And you two were not very good at hiding it, either!"
Aya is reeling from all the comments, but only manages to respond to the last one. "We aren't?"
Her senior pats her back. "What did I tell you?"
Aya sighs in relief. "Yeah, that felt good.” Her eyes then widen in realization, and she hides her face in her hands. "And embarrassing! I can't believe I just did that!" 
The fangirls coo at her, and her senior had to lead her to the bus that would take them back to Seidou.
On their way, Aya finally recovers enough to glance at the team's bus… just in time to see Miyuki watching her with a non-amused expression.
 Previous: Ryousuke and Aya
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jay-fabe7712 · 7 years
the invisible woman
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Summary: location - weirdly dark club + supernatural element - demonic gathering + situation - making a deal with someone you shouldn’t have + quote - “i wonder if you taste as good as your fear smells.”
A/N: So, this is my contribution to the eleventh day of the 31 Little Wrestling Fics challenge! (Barely on time, mind you.) I have mixed feelings about how it turned out, but I’m super happy I got a chance to participate.
Also, I’d like to give a special shoutout to @fan-fiction-galore. Even though I’ve known her for about a month, the little interactions we’ve had has been a joy and I wish her all the best on her new journey!
When I looked into the eyes of Minoru Suzuki for the first time, fear was the furthest thing from my mind.
I would describe the feeling more along the lines of awe or wonder.
His eyes were wide at first, darting around to find his next victim. The next body to brutalize in an exorcism of his own frustrations. His smile spread slow as molasses and the glistening of his incisor through parted lips was barely visible before his gaze settled on me.
But all I could focus on were his eyes. Not the dark brown of the iris or the murderous intent they held, but how they were looking directly at me. Not past me. Not over my head. Not in my general direction. His gaze was locked tight with mine and I had his full attention. And it might sound a little preposterous, but no one had ever looked at me like that. And shit, if they ever had it was so long ago that it didn’t matter.
Because if there was one thing I was good at, it was being invisible. Which is why being a production assistant for New Japan Pro Wrestling was the perfect job for me. In fact, I liked the anonymity of it. Fading into the background and watching all the action unfold.
At least, I thought I did.
You see, people always looked past me. They forgot I was there. They forgot I existed. So even if Suzuki wanted to murder me in cold blood in front of a live audience, I couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that someone had seen through the invisibility cloak that seemed to shroud all of my daily interactions.
Then, I blinked and he was right in front of me. So close I could feel his heavy breaths jostling my eyelashes with each exhale. I could feel the heat radiating off of his body. I could see individual beads of sweat wind their way down his temple.
But again, I was distracted by his eyes. I could see them clouding with thought at the short, squatty being that was staring back at him. Wide-eyed and ripe for the killing.
The moment was broken when he let out a noise somewhere between a scoff and a grunt before turning abruptly on his heel and heading toward the back.
My eyes followed him until he was out of my line of vision; he never looked back. His stablemates, Desperado and Taichi, kept shooting glances my way as they trailed after him. Deperado’s mask gave away very little but his eyes were piercing and his arms were crossed tightly across his chest. Taichi smoothed his hair back and grinned so wide I almost looked away.
I felt a nudge to my shoulder and it was as if someone had just drenched me in cold water. I hadn’t even realized that I had spaced out until that moment. Suddenly, the din of the crowd warred against my eardrums, the bright lights illuminating the ring hurt my eyes and I clutched at my cardigan to stop my trembling even though it wasn’t cold at all.
"Are you okay?" My co-worker Ryou asked me.
"Yeah," I said, glancing up at him. But his eyes weren’t on me. Of course they weren’t. He was staring after Taichi and Desperado and I watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard.
"Man, those guys," He shook his head. "Minoru especially. Always terrorizing the staff."
Believe it or not, it wasn’t until that moment that I realized I should be afraid. The most brutal wrestler on NJPW’s roster had quite literally breathed down my neck and I had barely batted an eye.
Fear started to unfurl in my stomach like a spider stretching its legs. I hope I hadn’t made myself even more of a target.
"Look who it is!"
I recognized Taka Michinoku’s game-show-host voice anywhere. "It’s the rope wrangler who stood toe-to-toe with the boss."
He shook his head with a lopsided smile. "Can’t fucking believe it."
He elbowed Kanemaru by his side who simply quirked a brow and studied me.
“I’d watch my back if I were you,” Taka continued. “The boss seemed pretty pissed last week.”
“Might even come to getcha.” Kanemaru was close enough for me to smell the alcohol on his breath and I took several steps back.
The two men traded glances and chuckled, obviously thinking I was scared. And frankly, I wished I was. I wished I had the common sense enough to be trembling in fear at the thought of Minoru Suzuki having some kind of vendetta against me. But what I felt was hopeful. Hoping that I could be under that laser-focused gaze of his again. Hoping to be seen.
In fact, the searching looks Taka and Kanemaru were giving me already transported me back to that day ringside. To no longer being invisible.
But before I could entertain the thought any further, I clutched the clipboard in my hand tight to my chest and muttered, “I’ve got work to do.” Then, I proceeded to scurry as far away from these men as I could possibly get.
Unfortunately, that did little to change what was already set in motion.
“And working ringside we’ve got-”
“I’ll do it!” I blurted, garnering several sideways glances from my co-workers.
“Who…” Our supervisor Ken looked around, skimming over my face several times before finally resting his gaze on my general area. “Naomi?”
Huh. Surprised he even remembered my name.
He cleared his throat. “I was going to say that Atsuko will be working ringside with-”
“Why don’t you let me do it?” I cut in again. More stares. “Atsuko doesn’t mind if I take her place, do you Atsu?”
The brown-haired woman sputtered a moment. “Uh, no. Sure, I don’t mind.”
“That settles it then, huh?”
By this time, everyone’s eyes were on me but they turned collectively to see Ken’s reaction.
I thought I saw a vein pop out in his forehead, but he responded with a stiff nod and said, “I guess it does.”
Once he was done with announcements, everyone dispersed to begin preparing for tonight’s show.
“Naomi!” Ken called to me as soon as most everyone else was gone. “Let me talk to you for a minute.”
“Sure.” I responded, even though he didn’t exactly ask me a question.
“What the hell was that?”
“What the hell was what?” I fired back.
Yep, that was definitely the vein in his forehead popping out. “You questioning my authority.”
“I was making a suggestion.” I responded, feeling my own anger spike. “A pretty logical one, I think.”
“How so?”
“Atsuko is too slow to assist with the camera cords. Someone always ends up tripping and she’s gonna block the camera at least five times during the-”
“Regardless, that’s my decision to make.”
“-show.” I finished my previous sentence in lieu of an actual response.
“Whatever you were doing, it better not happen again. Understood?”
“Mm-hm.” I could feel the anger radiating off him and if looks could kill, I would probably be dead.
But I didn’t care. In fact, the heady mixture had me feeling a strange sense of satisfaction. I didn’t know who this guy thought he was anyway.
Working in the behind-the-scenes production of NJPW actually had a pretty quick turnaround. Some people came in just to rub elbows with their favorite wrestlers and got a reality check real quick. Some people came in just to get a paycheck but ended up realizing how hard the work actually was. And some people just quit. I had been here for two years while Ken had only been here six months and already he was in a managerial position while I was in the exact same spot.
It was about time I got some respect. --- That night I couldn’t take my eyes off of them.
Every single bit of the vile chaos that ensued in their match, I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.
Kanemaru spraying his opponents faces with alcohol until the entirety of ringside stank of whiskey. Taichi driving the handle of the bell hammer into eye sockets and twisting it with glee. Minoru leaning casually into submissions as his victims screamed bloody murder at the pain of their wrenching muscles.
I had always garnered a strange sense of comfort from being around the carnage of pro wrestling. The dull thud of bodies hitting the canvas was so calming that I would sometimes queue up NJPW World on nights I had trouble sleeping.
But this was different.
I had never actually taken pleasure in people getting hurt. In fact, I’d always considered it my least favorite part of my job. Besides Ken, of course.
But now, as I watched the men of Suzuki-gun gather around the broken bodies and raise their pointer fingers up high, I was hit with a more unsettling realization.
I not only liked the violence. I wanted to be a part of it. --- There were a lot of moments in my life worthy of a great deal of shame, but this was probably one of the higher items on the list.
I followed them.
I overheard them talking about some club or the other they planned on visiting that night and…I decided I would show up. I would say this was strange behavior for me but quite frankly, strange behavior had become the norm for me lately.
The man at the door didn’t stop at me. In fact, he barely even looked at me.
I wasn’t a frequenter of the club scene, but I was pretty sure the man at the door didn’t fit the bill of what I would consider a “bouncer”.
He was average height with a shaved head, decked out in a navy blue sweater and similarly colored dress pants. Honestly, the most intimidating thing about him was the fact he was wearing sunglasses at about ten minutes until midnight. I paused at the door, clutching my wallet in my hand. When he didn’t react to my presence, I rifled through my wallet to find my ID and held it out to him.
“Are you just going to stand there or are you going to go in?” He didn’t move from his stationary position; he didn’t crane his head or lift up his glasses to examine my card, he barely even moved his lips when he spoke.
“Wha- Don’t you need to see my ID?”
“Guess you’re just going to stand there, then.”
I stared at him, speechless for a few seconds but he remained unresponsive. He was kinda starting to creep me out. Especially those damn glasses.
No matter how hard I stared, I couldn’t make out his eyes behind them. Just two sheens of depthless black. The longer I stared at them, the more confused I felt. I blinked and shook my head, breaking his unsettling gaze, which grew even more unsettling when I realized even though the building in front of me vibrated with music and voices, no one else was out front. There was no line, no smokers, no drunkards, no one.
Not wanting to dwell on the feeling, I brushed past the man and splayed my hand onto the door but he did nothing to stop me.
“Ow!” I exclaimed as I bumped hard into something (or someone) as soon as I stepped inside.
Unfortunately I couldn’t find the obstruction – I couldn’t really find anything the damn place was so dark. I stood still for a few moments waiting for my vision to adjust to the light. I was able to make out shapes and eventually objects. No wonder I had bumped into something, I had walked right into a wall. The front door led right into a hallway that extended to the left and right but the only thing in front of me was wall. I looked down either side of the hallway. I decided to go left.
During my entire trek, I didn’t run into a single person. Which was weird because the deeper I went into the place, the stronger the pulsing music and indiscernible voices grew.
I was considering going back the way I came when I heard the familiar sound of a deep, crisp voice.
Taka Michinoku.
“…is such a fucking prick now. I liked him better when he was Mr. Goody Two Shoes.”
Up ahead, thin cracks of dim light formed the shape of a door.
“Yeah, you can’t even really have fun with him anymore.” Taichi. “He’s either spitting on you or staring at you with those dead eyes.”
I pressed closer.
“Well, he knew what he wanted and he didn’t care what he had to do to get it.” That sounded like Suzuki.
“Come on, it’s a waste! All that just for the fans to give a shit about him.” Taichi scoffed. “Ridiculous.”
“You’re just saying that because they don’t give a shit about you.” Taka quipped. Laughter filled the room.
“Some people will do anything just for anyone to give a shit.” Minoru responded. That brought on silence.
Then, I thought I could hear their voices starting up again but lower this time. I pressed so hard to the door it felt like I was melding with the wood.
Suddenly, the door yanked open and I nearly fell into the room, to which Kanemaru responded by graciously moving out of the way to let me do just that.
“Look at that.” Taka chuckled. “Standing at attention. Just like you said, boss.”
“Mm-hm.” Minoru hummed, remaining seated for a moment longer before rising to take a few slow steps toward me.
“A- Are you going to kill me?”
“You guessed it.” Taichi smirked.
“I wonder if you taste as good as your fear smells.” Iizuka added.
My stomach dropped but the men in the room laughed collectively.
“Shut up.” Minoru growled out, but humor tugged at edges of his tone. Nonetheless, the men grew silent.
“We’re not in the business of killing-”
Taka cleared his throat.
“-at the moment.” Minoru finished. “We’re in the business of making deals.”
“Don’t act dumb,” His eyes darkened. “It doesn’t suit you.”
I averted my gaze.
“I know you were listening long enough and hard enough today, and yesterday, and last week,” My eyes widened as he accurately listed off the days I had been snooping about them. “To piece together the basics of what’s going on here.”
“What are you?”
He scoffed and nodded his head. “Thought so. Unfortunately that one is above your paygrade. Next question.”
“How does this deal thing work?”
“That depends. What do you want?”
“What do you mean?”
If I didn’t know any better, I would say the smirk he gave me was almost pitying.
“People like you always want something,” He shook his head and laughed. “As soon as I saw you, I knew you did. Only a person with nothing to lose would look evil in the eyes with curiosity. After all,” He gestured to the dimly lit room. “You even came chasing after it.”
I blinked at the playful way he just called himself evil.
“But I’m still not quite sure what you want. So what is it?”
A pause. “I want to be one of you.” The words surprised even me.
In the corner of my eye I saw Desperado scoot forward in his seat, looking ready to jump up any second. The rest of the men in the room remained still.
Then, Suzuki threw his head back and laughed.
“I-I know you’re not human. I’m not sure what you are but…I want in.”
Minoru took a step forward. “Oh really?”
“Yeah really.”
He scratched his chin and shrugged. “Okay.”
“Okay?” I studied him. “It’s that easy?”
“I didn’t say that.” He shook his head. “I need you to bring me someone first.”
“Bring you something?”
He smirked and it made my stomach feel sour.
“So do you want to go?” I smiled, hoping it made my offer seem more genuine.
“Let me get this straight,” Ken began, eyeing me in a way that made my neck grow hot with anger.  “You.”
He pointed at me.
“Want to go out,”
Another unnecessarily dramatic pause.
“To a club,”
I nodded, wishing he would get to the point already.
“With me.”
“Yeaahh.” I said slowly. “You in?”
“You know this is unexpected and actually,” His eyes narrowed. “Borderline unprofessional.”
I fiddled with my fingers, wondering if I had just majorly fucked up. I mean, it was clear the guy already didn’t like me. Did I really think I could just ask him out and we’d become best-
“I like it!”
“I said I like it. Guess you finally realized all that strong, silent shit isn’t going to get you anywhere around here.” He hooked an arm around my shoulders and I tried to hide the shiver that accompanied the contact. “You know, I was worried about I’d have to fire you eventually after you mouthed off in front of everybody last week.”
It took everything in me not to elbow him in the gut so he’d get his lanky arm off of my shoulder.
“But it looks like I won’t have to.” He grinned. “How about nine o’clock?”
But he was on his way before I could get another word out.
“Damn idiot.” I mumbled turning around…and bumping right into someone else in the process.
"Oh! Um, sorry." I said, righting myself quickly.
Desperado hadn't stumbled at all and his only response was staring back at me with stark white irises.
After a few seconds, I asked, a little irritation in my voice, "Can I help you?"
He glanced over my shoulder at Ken who was still making his way down the hall.
"Is it him?"
"Is what him?"
Desperado crossed his arms over his chest and cocked his head in the Ken's direction.
"You know what I mean. Is it him?"
I averted my eyes. "Maybe." My stomach dropped. "What? Do you think - Is he not the right choice?"
Desperado's eyes narrowed. "No, he's actually perfect. The guys hate him and the boss has talked about ripping off his arm off on several occasions. Actually, they hate almost all of the staff here except…" He blinked at me and shook his head. "Is that really all you're concerned about right now?"
"What? Does he want more?"
Desperado regarded me for a few seconds, black-painted fingernails idly twirling the cross around his neck. "I thought maybe you..." He clenched the rosary in a fist. "I guess not."
He turned as if he was about to walk away and I stopped him.
"Wait, you thought what?"
"Doesn't matter. I was wrong." He kept walking.
I groaned. "Aren't you going to answer my question?"
"Yeah." He threw me a haphazard glance. "The boss always wants more."
“What was up with that guy at the door?”
“I don’t know.” I muttered, sick of Ken’s never-ending flow of chatter.
“I mean, what kind of douchebag wears sunglasses at night?”
“He’s always been that way.” I said, trying to the resist the urge to comment on the irony of him calling someone else a douchebag.
“Why is it so dark in here?” He complained. “I know we didn’t have to pay but they could at least have some lights in-”
“Do you ever stop talking?”
Ken and I both jumped at the voice and whirled around to find Taichi leaning against the wall we had just walked past.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“Nope. Don’t think he does.” And now Kanemaru was standing a few feet in front of us.
“Naomi? What the hell is this?”
Taichi ran a hand through his hair before pushing himself of the wall and towards us. “I think it’s about time we shut you up.”
“Oh, I see.” Ken said, glancing between the two men. “You brought me here to have your creepy friends rough me up because of that shit at work.”
The two men grabbed on to each one of Ken’s shoulders and steered him back down the hallway. “You’re going to regret this!”
“Will you shut up?” Taichi shook him hard and he grew quiet.
I barely had the chance to entertain the thought of what they might do to him when a dark chuckle made me jump again. My reaction just made Suzuki laugh more.
“Geez. Do you guys make any noise when you walk or what?”
“I see you brought your boss.”
“So that’s it?”
Suzuki’s brow raised.
“That’s how the deal works?”
He laughed once more, but this time my stomach got that sour feeling again.
“Eh. That’s only half of it.”
“What?” I said, getting a bit pissed. “What more do you need?”
A heavy hand rested on my shoulder and I knew without looking that it was Iizuka.
“You.” --- The screeches from the audience announced Suzuki-gun's presence before the announcer ever could.
Desperado and Kanemaru were already halfway down the ramp, unconcerned with the melee taking place behind them.
Iizuka was terrorizing spectators as usual, but it was a little more alarming because it seemed as if no one was restraining him. That was until the man's head was jerked back just as he was an inch away from biting off a chunk of an older woman's nose.
A short woman with chin-length black hair bleached blonde at the ends wound his leash around her hand and yanked him again until he was out of the crowd and headed down the ramp.
Ryou looked on with the rest of the audience in wonder at this seemingly new addition to the terrifying stable.
As the four stablemates made their way into the ring, Ryou could've sworn there was something familiar about the woman touting the leash with an air of stony haughtiness.
And when her eyes scanned over ringside, stopping on him with a wicked smirk before disregarding him just as quickly, he felt almost sure he knew her from somewhere.
But no, he was sure that if a woman that striking and intimidating had ever been in his presence, he would remember.
He tried not to gawk at the woman while she was ringside, observing the action with a strangely serene expression. He had to much to do to spend too much time on it anyway. After all, being promoted to the position of supervisor had its perks, but it was a hefty job to handle.
No wonder Ken left.
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umisabaku · 8 years
OMG I SAW YOUR PHOTO FIC AND I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!! I want to see how the Miracles will react when they find out (which will probably happen sooner than later). I get the feeling that this will end with the Miracles with their own group photo in their own set of t-shirts as insisted by the Miracle Boyfriends Club lololol
Kuroko finds the shirt when he does the laundry.
He looks at the shirt for longer than he should, becauseKagami walks in and finds him like that. “Kuroko, do you—ack!” Kagami moveswith the instincts of a seasoned athlete and grabs the shirt out of Kuroko’shands before Kuroko can pull back.
“Kagami-kun, you are so shameless, I had no idea,” Kurokosays passively.
“It’s not what you think! It’s not mine!”
“It belongs to someone else who is dating a Miracle, then?”Kuroko inquires, politely.
“I mean it’s,” Kagami flushes, “OK, it’s mine, but itwas all Takao’s fault. He made it.”
“I see,” Kuroko says. He tries to picture Kagami in theshirt (and finds that he actually really wants to see Kagami in theshirt), “That color would not go well with your hair at all.”
“I know, shut up.” Kagami scrunches up the shirt into a balland refuses to meet his gaze. “I wanted a black one.”
Which, Kuroko notes, is not the same thing as notwanting to wear the shirt at all. A flush of warmth spreads through his body,and Kuroko is pretty sure he can convince Kagami to wear the shirt for himafter all.
Kise finds the shirt on accident, when he’s rifling throughKasamatsu’s dresser. (He’s run out of clothes, and he really hates doing laundryand loves wearing Kasamatsu’s clothes, so really, it only makes sense tocombine these two things by picking through Kasamatsu’s shirts).
It’s in the very back of the bottom drawer, shoved into thecorner, and when Kise finds it he makes an inhaling, gasping, squealing noisethat must sound very alarming because Kasamatsu comes storming in, “Oi, Kise,what’s wrong—oh, crap.”
“Senpai,” Kise breathes, “Please put this on, please,please.”
“Not even in your wildest fantasy,” Kasamatsu says.
“This is definitely going in my fantasies,” Kiseagrees. “Please, wear it just once, I will do anything, anything,if you put this on. Any demeaning, most depraved thing you might want, I willdo it.”
And to Kise’s surprise, Kasamatsu actually pauses and thinksit over. Kise thinks he might actually die from a combination of happinessand lack of oxygen.
Kasamatsu snatches the shirt from Kise’s hands while he’sdistracted.
“Senpai,” Kise pouts.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Kasamatsu says. “The next time Ineed you to do something.”
“Wha—what’d you say?”
But Kasamatsu has already left, his ears faintly red.
Takao plans very strategically for the reveal. He waits fora time when his mom and sister will be out of the house (they’re at MM Land,with Dr. Kishitani and Naoko, making it absolutely perfect because there’s nochance Midorima’s family will be around either) and then he invites Midorimaover for dinner.
Takao has a game he likes to play, it’s called, “MakeShin-chan Blush Increasingly Deeper Shades of Red at Every Opportunity.” Theredder Midorima gets, the more points Takao awards himself in this game. He’swinning, so far.
This night, starts with him opening the door wearing anapron. “Shin-chan, you made it!”
“What are you wearing?” Midorima sputters, already faintly red.
Takao grins, “Do you want dinner, a bath, or me?”
Midorima turns around to leave.
“Wait, wait! Come back, I was only kidding,” Takao says,pulling Midorima into the house. “Come on, I actually made dinner!”
“Fool,” Midorima says, redder than before.
Now that he’s in the house, with the door safely closedbehind him, Takao goes in for the kill and takes off the apron.
“What—what is that?”
“This old thing?” Takao says, gesturing to his green shirt.“Do you like it? I made it myself.”
“Take that off right now,” Midorima says.
“Ooh, Shin-chan, so bold,” Takao grins, moving to take offhis shirt.
“That’s not what I meant.”
This is new levels of red on Midorima, and Takao counts thisnight as a huge success.
Himuro always wears his shirt. Pretty much whenever they’renot required to be in uniform. Murasakibara doesn’t even really bat an eye.
“Dude, I am not going out with you when you’re wearing thatshirt,” Fukuisays.
“Hm?” Himuro says.
“God, you two are so embarrassing. I am not going to themovies when you’re wearing a matching shirt to your matching boyfriend.Especially since you guys can’t keep your hands off each other.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Himuro saysinnocently.
“You’re sitting in his lap right now,” Fukui whines.
“Well, we’re not out yet,” Himuro says.
“We’ve been out with you before, it doesn’t stop you,” Liusays. “Change your shirt, Himuro.”
“But I look good in purple, don’t you think?”
“Murochin does look good in purple,” Murasakibara agrees.
“We’re leaving you here,” Fukui says.
Furihata loves his shirt, but he doesn’t know when he can wearit. He is not brave enough to wear it in public, and he would get no end ofgrief from Kyo if he wore it around the house.
But because he wants to wear the shirt, even when heisn’t necessarily brave enough to show it off to public, he decides to wear itas an undershirt when he’s out to see Akashi.That way, he has the satisfaction of wearing it without anyone else knowing,which does provide a fair amount of satisfaction.
“Furihata,” Akashisays, in the croon of his that’s a mixture of a purr and a command and alsomakes Furihata shiver with all kinds of thoughts about the kind of situationthey’d be in where Akashicould use that voice. “Are you wearing what I think you’re wearing?”
“Wh-what?” Furihata laughs nervously. “What are you talkingabout?”
“I’ve heard about the shirts from Murasakibara, Kise and avery reluctant Midorima. Is that yours?”
Furihata knows he’s blushing. He forgets sometimes that theMiracles do talk to one another. “…Maybe.”
“Please, let me see it?”
Oh god, Furihata really needs to develop some sort ofimmunity to Akashiwhen he sounds like that, because it is not good for his health. Akashi asking foranything is a particular weakness of his. Furihata peels off his top shirt, andis pretty sure he must be matching the red shirt that everyone can now see.
“How lovely,” Akashisays, sounding incredibly smug. “That’s a good color for you, Furi.”
“You mean you all have one?” Momoi exclaims. “That’sno fair, I want one! A pink one!”
“You’re a Miracle,” Takao points out. “You’re not qualifiedto be in our club.”
“I want one for Dai-chan!” Momoi insists.
“I’m not wearing a pink shirt,” Aomine says.
She sniffs. “Then I’ll see if Ryou-kun wants one.”
“No, you won’t!”
“Hmm, good point, Aomine is, technically, a MiracleBoyfriend,” Takao says, gleefully.
“I’m not joining your stupid club,” Aomine says.
“We don’t want you in our club, so you can’t join,” Kagamisays.
“Shut up, Kagami, don’t tell me what to do!”
“Aomine-kun would not look good in pink,” Kuroko saysinnocently.
“Fuck you, Tetsu, I would look awesome in pink.”
“Done and done, then,” Takao says. “I’ll make you one by thenext meeting.”
A/N: Thanks, anon-friend! I’ve been wanting to write thisstory. Special thanks to @shortwhiteafrican whose comment on Archive about theMiracles reactions was so spot on I had to write it (that was you, right,friend? Sorry if it’s not.) Anyway, I am starting the new year with someDesignation: Miracle, so thanks, friends!!
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kaaytea · 4 years
welllllll.... if you say so ☺️😅☃️
how bout some Christmas dates with our best boys, the Kominato bros!! 🙆🏻‍♀️
and maybe... Nori too since we both love him too UwU
take your time though ok bby? Christmas is still a month awayy and ily, dont overwork yourself plsss 💛
~ryou🗑 anon
Oh ryou anon.... you really just voluntarily asked me to write my 3 babies 🥲 thank you for this my dear. Also, mwah! I love you too 😤💖
Christmas dates pt.4!!
⤷Includes: Ryousuke, Haruichi, Kawakami
I feel like Ryo would like Christmas because it's time he's spends with his family
He's got a lot of fond memories associated to Christmas of him and Haruichi when they were younger
But I think he'd truly start enjoying the holiday more with his significant other
If you had to take a guess at what Ryousuke's favorite thing about Christmas was you'd honestly guess decorating
Specifically because he's seemed to have secretly put mistletoe in evERy room of your apartment
You didn't even know where he got all of it?! Nevermind when he got to time to put it all up, where the hElL do you get that much mistletoe?!
It's like his weird version of that elf on the shelf thing. You wake up and scan each room looking for the damned decoration trying to map them out for the day
And Ryo just sits there smirking at you while drinking his coffee.....it's a bit scary how much power he holds
It's like walking in a mine field. One wrong step and Ryosuke swoops in, kisses you, smiles, then walks out of the room
I mean kissing him all the time wasn't a problem but him just aPpeAriNg out of thin air has spooked you a few times which adds to his amusement
So Ryo has made up this elaborate game and has kissed you over 100 times in the past week, you decided it's time for a little pay back
And what better way than using his own game against him >:)
You woke up earlier than Ryo and staged your plan
You sat innocently in the counter top swinging your legs back and forth when he walked in
"what are you doing up so early?"
"I didn't sleep very well last night so I just decided to get up"
You felt a little bad because he gave you a concerned look, but you had a plan and you were going to stick to it!
Ryo went over and opened the cabinet that had all of your mugs and glasses
This is when you hopped down and stood in front of him with the same sly smile he always gave you
He knew instantly what was going on
He looked up and found the small sprig of mistletoe you had taped to the inside of the cabinet
He laughed slightly at the situation and rested his hands on your hips
"Haa...my protege is outsmarting me"
"Maybe I've always been smarter than you, Kominato"
"Enjoy this moment because it won't happen again"
He got you back during Christmas dinner at his parents house
Same boat as Ryo
Likes Christmas because of the memories he has tied to it
Loves being able to make new memories with you!!
It had become a tradition for you and Haruichi to put up the Christmas tree on the last day of November
That way you'd be officially starting the holiday season with all your decorations up and already surrounded by the holiday vibes~
You were currently pulling out the boxes you kept the ornaments in while Haru set up the tree
Carefully, you walked back into the main room with both boxes and placed them down on the coffee table
You looked over at Haruichi who was pulling out two bundles of Christmas lights
"Do we want to use the colored lights or the normal ones?"
"hmm, let's do colored this year"
"I was hoping you'd pick the colored, I was kinda sad we didn't use them last year"
While Haruichi tackled the lights, you opened the two boxes in front of you. You gently looked through the box to check for any ornaments that might have broken; thankfully none of them had
The ornaments you had were all very random. Ornaments in the shape of food, movie and video game characters, ornaments paying homage to old pets, a few were ones your parents had passed down to you, and of course there were some baseball ones :)
You and Haruichi had agreed early in that you liked the look of a more mix-matched tree rather than a themed one
Your tree was a hodgepodge of your personalities, interests, and chock-full of memories
With the lights on the tree and the ornaments out it was time to start decorating!
It was mostly quiet as you both hung the ornaments on the tree, the atmosphere was very soft and light
The two of you were now curled up on the couch, tucked under a blanket basking in the only source of light in the room: the tree
You looked over your shoulder and were instantly enthralled by Haruichi's eyes. The multicolored lights from the tree reflected in them, giving the appearance of fireworks glittering in his eyes
Haruichi returned your stares with a soft smile and rosy cheeks before looking back at the tree
"For some reason I feel like it's missing something.."
"yeah you're right"
He's another person who loves Christmas music
I mean Nori loves music in general but Christmas music is special because you can only listen to it for a select period of time
Likes very domestic Christmas activities
To sum it up he likes indoor activities where he can hug the living day lights out of you and wear fluffy socks :))
Nori was meeting up with Shirasu for lunch so it was the perfect time to wrap his present >:)
(you got him a record player)
You were sitting in the middle of the living room surrounded by different papers and bows trying to decide what color scheme to go with for the wrappings
You decided on a light blue paper with lil penguins on it and a silver bow to top it off 🥺
The box was only half wrapped when Nori walked into the apartment, poor thing gave you a heart attack as you rUshed to cover his present
wHy was he home?! He only left 15 minutes ago, theres no way you can grab lunch with a friend that fast
"I'm assuming that's a present for me"
"yEs it is so turn around while I finish wrapping it. Why are you back so early anyway? You said you'd be gone for a few hours."
"We decided to reschedule, apparently the snows supposed to get heavier and we didn't want to get stuck out in a storm"
After Swifty wrapping Nori's present and, confirming he was allowed to turn around, the pitcher joined you on the floor
His knees brushed up against yours as he quietly situated himself in the spot next to you
You expected him to just sit with you but instead he reached over to the small pile of presents still waiting to be wrapped (they were small things the both of you had gotten for his family members)
Nori got right to work in wrapping the present. He was very careful with everything he did, taking the time to mix and match paper and bows and making precise folds when wrapping the box
Knowing Nori enjoys having music on, you took out your phone and put on some Christmas tunes
The little smile on his face could end wars, he's absolutely adorable when in his element just humming along to the jazzy Christmas song :')
The both of you worked to get all the gifts wrapped, goofily singing along to the playlist you had on resulting in giggles here and there
Somehow you ended up on Nori's lap after you finished your little gift wrapping party. The moment was peaceful, the two of you just holding on to each other enjoying the feeling of being together
There was a red bow sitting next to Nori on the floor that caught your eye, it was just begging for you to put it on his head
"What are you doing (y/n)?"
"Don't you usually save the best gift for last, Norifumi?"
Kawakami Norifumi.exe has stopped working, please stand by while we attempt to fix the problem
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